The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 07, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Th Nttf owvn Statesman. R Orecron, TA ursday Morning, February 7r 1929
r i
I 1 Local News Briefs
lTlet Sale Too Fast "Send
uT60tj tickets out. Immediately."
-Taat ,wasthe substance ot a call
rrcled Tuesday at the high
behoof from the Indian Training
fevnool at Chemawa. At the high
boi;the query was: "what tick--eta'E
Eventually members of the
' fif of "The Road to Yesterday."
" wfelci? li to be presented Friday
ait's frnjuwered It by sending out
, a s ndred tickets tor the play. At
th,-Cnmawa-Salem high "basket.
l;algame Tuesday night, tickets
-ToT'th play were preaeated at the j
i deevrretty regularly. Of course
' they 'were accepted but U. look the
?: play Managers, sometime Wednes
day te straighten out the difticul-'vty-oa
the seat sale board.
WWH. M. B. to Cosdsct Meet
'r The Woman's Home .Missionary
. a a
taXi? unaer me leaaersmp ui
rrg'.iailnnle Marchand, home mu
tton Secretary, will have charge of
'mid-week prayer services
frnavsday night at the Free Meth-
fdtsttehurch. The Rev. Nortsue.
Japanese worker among the Jap
anese in the Lake, Lablsh settle
ment? will bring a special message
lor" the occasion. --
' 'Way ''Cast Chosen Cast lor
aace for the Goslings." fourth
ne-act play, to be presented at
Me tnlor high" school by the
Snlknoh dramatic society, was
rhonen Wednesday night to in-
nude; Caroyl Braden, David Eyre,
Stanley King, Hazel Johnson, Rob
ert!-: Eyre, Margaret Wilson and
Evelyn Cummlngs. Miss Cecile
McKercher is the eoaeh.,
Tmneketan lasaed The Feb
ruary" issue of The Cbemeketan,
bulletin of the local outdoor so.
' t'.ety bearing that name, is to be
distributed to members today.
Principal Item of Interest in the
- tix'tpage. printed bulletin, is an.
gouncement and details of the skrf
fhd tobaggan trip to be made this
latarday and Sunday to Govern.
lent Camp. J. E. Bilnkhorn is
litor cf The Chemeketan.
Ueyball Team Here--The Mt.
gel volleyball - team praciicea;
th the Salem Y. M. u. a. piay-
n Jhe local floor Wednesday
niht. The team plays in me ais-
trlct tournament In Portland Feb
ruary 14.
4MI Goulding to Silvertou
Mis' Fern A. Goulding, director
jf nursing service with the child
iealtb demonstration, will be in
Silverton today to lecture before
tte high school girls on "Personal
Hygiene." She will also address
group of girls at the Mt. Angel
a adeiny on "Health Education."
Divorce Suit ! Filed Alleging
rhati be struck and kicked her,
threw-soap and towels- at her ad
otherwise treated her in a cruel,
ahd Inhuman manner. Hazel John
son' filed suit for divorce against
Kdar A. Johnson in circuit court
here Wednesday. They were mar.
rted Jnly 2. 1921.
.!-. Hall Improve Slowly Dr.
Jbha O; Hall of the department of
public, speaking at Willamette uni
versity, who was hurt as he alight
Hi from a Southern Pacific rail wach Tuesday night, regaln
. a consciousness late Wednesda
j-ftrnoon. The extent of his ln
tas not been made known
jTT Tried The case of Pough
sftri'ajieeheck was tried before
. tfn u t Judge Kelly here Wednes
1 li Judge Kelly took the place of
- Jsuk McMahan, the suit being in
' eiulTv and involving the forecloe-
?tre of a mortgage. He took the
ra.-x under advisement after final
arguments were completed.
'H'Oding Demonstration "Pigs
iMtkats". coffee canes anu
aooueaare wtu v : .
at Roth's Grocery tnis
weekly representatives of Flsh-
-.-hirtAwr. E. G. Lawrence or run
handling the demonstra
utroDrnctors to Portland A
vuarber of Salem chiropractors are
tntaumg to motor to Portland Sat-
iWar night to attend
.-Acid 1 that city which will
Vb. attended by fellow racUtloners
Mre all parts or tne siavo.
, a fbwialc Dr. John M
PrMlilant' of Klmbal'
3 8rMoi of Tbeology will speak aj
....i i, service in the nrsi
..ILIwMf.f tiireh on Thursday
Im o.h Suit for dl.
e,vsrWrom Helen B. Van Cleave
d In circuit
court here
?C W by Alvah Van Cleave
..Vfcges that she deserted him
T fcwr 15, 19Z7. iney w.
ef!Ttn Stlverton,
November 2.
1913. '
.ration Asked H. L. Burke
rtI divorce proceedlagsegalnst
Sf Rth3Vke n circuit court
htrSwednesday. He alleges that
'teft him durtng March. 112a.
. nitoa never returned. They were
m8rrld November zz.
vrusnstace Foreclosure,, The
VMan Loan and Building com--nv5tegan
foreclosure proceed
i.t Leona Marsh and W
. In circuit court here
. A total of 11033.45 is
t.eTmmmA Jnrv Convene The M
i ien -eeunty grand Jury will meet
t teaasrrreparatory to the FeBrnarv
. Hrcuit court, which will
jfceaia "Monday. This morning's
,.reMnt will begin atMO o'clock.
9MSn Days Slated Circuit
! Jeege-JCelly will hold motion dsy
- Frt a-cd Saturday ef th,s week.
Sikg arguments on motions and
iJtfifnTprs and setting cases..
tijtMWtUns: Cliarsjed-rOrval JKn
- "vmnMt Union street, and w. A.
-Shaffer. 745 South Commercial
. street.: were arrested Tuesday
, -night neharges of speeding. -
larotr ia Dslle-Jebn;K- Holt,
i.jaJiareaeo men; ,as a buai
lsltor to Dallas Wednesday
rl. I. SVtfand
ggfanoai Director vraa la Portland
Residence Destroyed The farm
residence ot E. Morrison, several
miles north of Salem on the Pa
cific highway, was destroyed by
fire Wednesday afternoon. Two
trucks from the Salem ftre de
partment answered an alarm.,' but
the fire had made such headway
by the time they were called, that
the firemen could do llttlebayonl
saving the adjoining buildings, be
ing hampered also by lark of wat
er. The furniture in the house was
nearly all saved. ; " ) ;C . ,.
Iovejoy Spenka Rev. Lather
Lovejey, D. D. ,ssetary f stew
ardship In the beard ot Home
Missions will spaak on "Christian
Stewardship" in- the First Metho
dist church. Salem, next Sunday
morning. Dr. Lovejoy is one of a
team of four general officers of
the Methodist church who are
conducting a series of pastors in
stitutes in the coast cities this
month. Next week fhe pasters ot
the Oregon conference wul assem
ble in Albany for such a meeting.
Mrs. White to Corvallls Mrs.
Nona Whrte. county iuvemile ofn
cer, made a trip to Corvallls Wed
nesday to take two children to tne
W. C. T. U. Children's Farm home
nekr that cltv. Mrs. White re
ports a new cottage has just been
completed at the home and that
th two kiddies she took over
were the first to be placed in it.
Damages Claimed Alleging
that he has sustained damages in
the sum of $429. S3. R. D. Sellers.
Portland traveling salesman, be
gan action for that amount against
U. C. Hutchins In circuit court
here Wednesday. The accident oc
curred November 30. he alleges,
between a car driven by himself
and a light truck belonging to
Nursing Claas to Meet The
second section of the' Red Cross
home nursing claas being spon
sored for Salem women by the
child health demonstration nurs
ing department, will meet at the
high school Thursday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Mlsa Martha Harri
son of the nursing -staff will be
in charger
Clinic at Health Center A
clinic "Will be conducted this after
noon by Dr. Edward Lee -Russell
at the health center on North
High street for the rural nursing
district number four. Miss Mar
garet ' McAlpine will assist Dr.
Portland Team Coming Vol
leyball players from the Portland
Y. M. C. A. will meet the Salem
Y. M. Cr A. teams on the local
floor Wednesday. February 13.
Past games are predicted as the
two teums coming here are among
the best in the northwest.
Ilealtors To Meet The regular
meeting of the Salem realty board
will be held at the Marion hotel
this noon. J. M. Rupert fit the
firm of Anderson and Rupert is
In charge of the program, speak
er for which had not been an
nounced up to Wednesday night.
Placing Plate Glass The plate
glass front for the new Kafoury
Store on north Liberty street is
being placed thU'Veek. Attractive
display windows with a large
plate display case in the front of
the store will make the front one
of the most attractive in the city.
Founders Honored Founderf
Day will be observed by the Co
lumbia branch Women's Foreign
Missionary societies of the Meth
odist. churches of Salem1 and near
by towns In a union meeting In the
Jason Lee Methodist church next
Sunday afternoon. '
Rail Agents to Meet The an
nual dinner of Southern Pacific
agents for this district is being
planned for this month by the die.
trlct freight and passenger office
here. Wednesday evening. Febru
ary 20. has been' tentatively set
as the time for the meeting.
Prisoner Removed Louis
Briggs, who wan- arrested here
Friday en a charge Involving theft
of an autemobile. was taken to
Portland Wednesday. He has been
held in the. county Jail here.
Youth Arrested Edgar King
was brought before Justice of the
Peace Small Wednesday ai
bound over to the Juvenile court
on a charge of speeding. Bis case
will come up in Juvenile court to
To Attend Convention Many
Salem merchants axe planning to
attend the annual convention ef
the Oregon Retailer's association
which coavenes next Monday 'at
Corvallls. The areociation will
have a three-day meeting.
Cases Listed The first two cas
es on the docket to be tried dur.
ting the February term of circuit
court are: Monday. February XI,
a.m.. Sheridan vs. Willlg; Wednes
dayFebruary 13 at 1 p.m., Wed
dle vs. Parrish.
Ctacieua- service sods te the
kokpiislity you enisy ei this
besstifut hotel te down- ,"i
town Sen Frsacwee,- assoag -fj
saoes aad theatres. -vii-
esJ Msii, $2.50 -JL;
Earns F. Pmaaox; Jtmmr: -
I - esssv.SPWiSWi
Socials - Planned Open house
programs for the high school and
oeglnners classes of the Y. M. C.
A. are being, planned. "Girl friends
of boys will be guests for games
in the lobby, gymnasium and pool.
Tavlor Attend Meet The Rev.
Fred C. Taylor, pastor of the First
Methodist , church- .- attended a
meeting of the board of home mis
sions of the Oregon conference in
Portland on Tuesday.
Clinics at Schools Dr. Estell
Brunk, dental director with the
child health demonstration, will
conduct clinics at the Lutheran
and Livingston schools in (his city
Thursday, t '
Goodwin in Portland E. C.
Goodwin,' district manager of the
Mutual Life Insurance company ot
Portland, was a Portland business
visitor Wednesday.
Repairs "Planned George L.
Hansen took out a permit Thnrs
dejr te repair a dwelling oft Z195
South Summer street at a cost ofjhtxhwaT The Buttes are maklnr
Kumlturo Uphots
And repairing
Furniture Co.
Hollar Dlnn
Every night
Marlon hots?.
S:S0 to at the
Hear "The Tent n filers"
At the Grand Opera House Fri
day evening Curtain at 7:45.
Rat at O'Lcary's
Where good food Is aerved.
Desirable 3 Room Front
Apartment; best of furnishings;
hot water heat, phone, garage.
Concrete building, near state-
house. Phone 291J.
Old Time Dance Crystal Garden
Every Wed and Sat. night.
California Wright Players
Five dramatic artists will pre
sent their new drama. "The Tent
Dwellers" In four acts. Grand
theatre, Friday at 7:30 p. m.
Tickets 35c, schopl children 25c.
"But All Your Days Ye Shall
Dwelt In Tents." Hear this 4
act drama Friday evening Grand
Opera House.
A Real Special On Real
Waffle Iron at Gahlsdorf's. 325
Court street.
Thomas Bros. Band, Mellowmoon.
Every Wed. and Sat
Junior Guild Dance
Castillian hall. Wednesday eve.
nlng, February 6.
The $12.50 Kenniore
Westinghouse Waffle Iron, spe
cial at $8.85 at Gahlsdorf's. 325
Court, street.
(rand Opera House-
Friday night a drama in foui
acts by Wright California play
ers 5 artists hear them. Tick
ets, 3 5e, school children 25c.
Save S3.C5 By Jiuying Your
Kenmore Westinghouse Waffle
Iron at Gahladorfs. 325 Court St
High Grade Auction tt
Friday, Feb. 8th 1:30 p. m.
1887 N. Cottage. Universal Elec
trie Range. Overstuffed daven
port, and 2 chairs, Milton Rugs
Walnut bedroom and dining room
furniture. See Ad for particulars
F. N. Woodry. Auctioneer.
Luke Johnson-
Radio Repairing with Vlbbert
and Todd. Telephone 2112"" ox
HavesYllle School-
A play. "The Dutch Detective'
will be given Feb, 15, instead of
February 8.
Big Carnival Danca Mehama
Saturday nlte. Fua for all an:
ail for fun Good music Don.
miss--1 '. - -. ;
The Tent Dwellers i-
A" four act play A dramatlt
treat Friday evening Grand Op
era House.
Lily Christina Craig died Feb
ruary at the home, 355 Bellrlew
street. She was the sister ot Mrs.
Marie Craig LeOall of Salem and
Miss Susie Roberta- Craig of New
Jersey. Funeral services will be
held today at 2:30 p.m. from the
residence, with interment in City
view cemetery. Rlgdon and Son in
charge. -
- Vault Entombment
J S-T.- J W I
- i
West Salem News
Mrs. Ted's Austin's Sunday
school class . of young- people of
the Ford Memorial church enjoyed
a Valenjtlne party and church
hymn- practice at their monthly
meeting which was held recently
In the community hall.
Refreshments were served,
attending the affair were:
The Misses Ellsa Petrosso, Mabel
Thomas. Alice Creasy. Ada Clark
Ruth Englehorn. Lois Smith.
Qladys Clark, Janette . Sebern.
Fern Miller. Wllla Sampson. Ja
cob Fox, Charles Wright. Robert
Clark. Wendell Sebeca. Raymond
Petrosso and. the teacher, Mrs.
L Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Butte
and Don Cameron have moved In
to, the residence of Mrs. Beatrice
Crawford Newcomb on the Dalla?
,'manv imnrovements on the nlacc
Little Juanlta Marie Sebern
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Sebern. has been quite 111, but Is
on the road to recoveryr
Mrs. George Peil of the BlacV
Bird Inn at .Rlckreall, drove tc
West Salem in her new Chevrolet
A "sympathy league" was for
mally organized in the house Wed
nesday, and membership was de
clared open to all representatives
whose bills have been killed by the
'indefjnte postponement" route.
The membership was considerably
swelled during the day, when
some 10 bills were accepted into
the "do not pass" classification
as assigned them by committees.
Some members mad last min
ute efforts to save their "babies."
as bills have been dubbed by Robl-
son of Clatsop, but all effort were
futile when the thumbs ot the
committees were turned down
The bills indefinitely postponed
are as follows:
H. B. 162 by Mr. Metsker To
mend section 3671. Oregon Laws.
Increasing Juror's fee In courts of
H. B. 180, by Mr. Swope Re
lating to county Drisoners work
ing on county roads.
H. B. 262, by Mrs. James H. K.
Soott To amend sections 951 and
951-1, Oregon Laws, as amended
bv chanter 282. General Laws ot
Oregon, 1925, by increasing Juris
diction of Juatice court from $250
H. B. 391. by Mr. Metsker In
creasing the filing fees in small
claims court. - i
H. B. 229. by Mr. Anderson
Regulating working hours for
pharmacists. Read first time Jan
uary 24. 1929. Read second time
nd referred to committee on med
icine, pharmacy and dentistry Jan
uary 25.
H. B. 160. by James H. rc.
Scott To amend section 100b o.
Oregon Laws, regulating the dow
erage of a husband relating to real
estate. -
H. B. 261. by James H. E. Scott
Giving surviving husband or
wife the right to elect within six
months after probate of will whe
ther to take under the will or un
der the law of descent arfd distri
bution. H. B. 51, by Messrs. Carkin and
John J. Rottle
4 IS State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
Finest Toric reading lenses fit
ted to your eyea at the above
figure. .
We also insure your glasses
against breakage the only
firm In Salem extending this
splendid FREB Service. Exam
ination, too.
110 N. Commercial St.
i "At the Sign of the Spex"
Schaefers Herbal
Throat &
Tills Is a Modern, Scientific,
Vegetable Remedy for the re
lief of Conjrha, Colds, Bronchi
tis, More Threat, Croup, Asthma
Hoarseness, Whooping Cough
and Diseases of the Pulmonary
Organs. ;
Contains Chloroform 1 Minim
to the ox.
Thi nisMk it anlik mmy otltar Cvsa
Mixture, It t mmrlr SrU up
tb Coach or Banitirlif ttUn tkt
rr nation by mt aarti Sno.
bat varaisnHttlr rHw. tk au.
trial will eoie y
Not over 6 Alcohol
. Try Our Cold "Tablets for
Cold In Head ,
. . '
? Manufactured and Sold by
V Stiiaef er'sy
?" " DrnsL Store " '
T Tbe Orlajlnal Tel low Front ;
and. Candy Sperial " Stereo ;
- - . of Salem -
1SS TS. Comn. StV: Phone 107
- ' Penslar Agency " -
coupe for it visit with Mrs. E. L.
Stark, who -is a guest of her
laughter, Mrs. Theo Leahr of the
River Bridge grocery.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Baker
pent the. week end in Portland
with. Mrs. Baker's parents. They
returned Sunday evening to their
home in the Robertson's apart'
Dave Evans of Grants Pass was
a week-end visitor at the home of
Mrs. Nannie Griffin on Ktngwood
avenue. Mr. Evans is an old time
friend of Mrs. Griffin's family
Mia Pearl Miller, a teacher at
Mario a. also, was a guest 6f Mrs
Mrs. Wlllard Satchwell of SU-
verton was the guest of Mrs. J. R.
Benton of the Robertson apart
ments on Monday.
Miss' Betty and Ruth Bedford
had as their guests Sunday -Mis
Joy Hills and her brother, Russell
Hills of Oak Grove.
Mrs. R. A. Hunt enjoyed a visit
from her granddaughter. Miss
Ethel Becker of Independence.
Hamilton and Senator J. O. Bailey
To repeal sections 5979 and
980, Oregon Laws, relating to
lale xt railroad equipment.
S. B. 2, by Senator Marks To
lmend section '729. Oregon Laws
-elating to judicial notice.
H. J. R. 4, by Mr. Jamee H.
E. Scott Providing for a change
n time when the term of office of
ienators and representatives are
to begin.
Sam Brown Says
Trailers Are Not
Worth Assessing
Consideration of the measure
for the revision of the automobile
license fee schedule was held Wed
nesday night by the road commit
tees of the house and the senate
roads committee. The schedule
'a based on 100 pound weights,
he cars up to 1700 paying $10 a
year and being graduated there
after on 100 pound jumps. It is
x- horizontal reduction for all
ars. The committee heard argu
ments relative to pneumatic, solid
tnd semi-solid tires and the va-
ious methods of imposing taxes
on trucks and stages.
Senator Sam Brown, in behalf
f his farming constituents spoke
'or "the little old lousy trailers"
ind told the committee to "just
forget them" as the trailers were
lot worth bothering about.
No radical alterations of the
u-hedule outlined in House Bill
280 was offered. It is believed
the bill- will be reported back to
the house with a favorable report
WitfeMt ov ratio a sr !- f ttaa.
S19 Ori. Bl.
High Grade
Friday, Feb. 8th
1:30 P.M.
1887 N. Cottage
2 Blks. N. of Jaaon Iee
Consisting of
1 Universal Electric
Kanae, 1 Overstaffed Mo
hair Davenport a 2 Chairs,
n lovely sahe; 1 Walnut
Bow Foot Bed with; Vanity
. Bench, D. D. Coll Spring
Mattress; 1 Grey Enamel
Bow Foot Bed with Vanity
Bench, Steel Spring V
Mattrees; 1 Queen Anne
Walnnt Extension Table a
a Walnnt Diners with Bine
leather Seau; 1 Electric
Floor Lamp, 1 Walnnt Li
brary Table, 1 Walnut End
Table, 1 U tided Frame Mir
ror, 1 Wilton Rug d'aO and
8 Wilton Rugs sr'xOO". 1
Wall Tapestry, 1 lovely Wal
nnt Mantle Clock, 1 Table
Pad, 1 Metal Smoker's
Stand, 1 Mohair Footstool,
Tabouret te. Fern Stand. Jar
denieres. Vases, Book Ends,
Mantle Picture, other Pic
tures, Candle Sticks A Can
dles, Draperies. Curtains and
Rods, Electric Globes, Vases,
Doll Bed, Bed Lamp, Scarfs,
Cabinet Sewing Machine,
Waffle Iron, Ironing Board,
Fruit, Doll Carriage, Fruit
Jars, Axes, - Rakes, , Hoe,
Waehbenrd Utensils, Dish
es, Etc. ;
' Everything in this sale is
Just like new and up to the
minute in style, and High
Grade Merchandise suitable
for any home. If you want
furniture - don t miss this
sale. '
' Owner ' , ,
; Salem's Old Reliable . ' .
i AncUeneer In Clsnrge
-: Established 1910
The house of representatives
put In a long hard day Wednes
day, but only succeeded In getting
seven house bills and three senate
bills passed. One of these, H. B.
120, relating to common law mar
riages. took up most of the time
and caused a heated debate.
"Measures passed were as fol
lows: H. B. 76. by Messrs. Carkin and
Hamilton and Senator J. O. Bailey
To repeal sections 10317 to 10.
332, Inclusive Oregon laws, relat
ing to assignment for benefit of
H. p. 102, by Messrs. Carkin
and Hamilton and Senator J. O.
Bailey Repealing chapter S19,
general laws of Oregon, 1921, re
lating to tunnel districts.
H. B. 120. by Messrs. Carkin
aniL Hamilton and Senator J. O.
Bailey Repealing chapter 269.
general laws of Oregon, 1925. re
lating to common law marriage.
H. B. 24 6. by Mr. Bronaugh
Providing for an Increase In the
salaries of the industrial accident
II. B. 29 8, by Messrs. Gouley
and Tompkins To amend section
52. chapter 371. general laws of
Oregon, 1921, placing well drilling
machinery under motor vehicle
H. B. 301. by Messrs. Settle
mler and Chlndgren Regulating
shade trees on streets or highways
and appointing tree wardens.
H. B. 346. by Mr. Wilkes To
amend section 3423. Oregon laws,
to clarify the language and con
form with decisions of supreme
S. B. 24, by Senator Kuck To
amend sections 9702 and 9703.
Oregon laws, relating to meeting
places for military organizations.
S. B. 35, by Senator Hall and
Messrs. Norton and Knapp Au
thorizing county courts to keep,
maintain, build, operate or con
tract for furnishing of public fer
ries and authorizing expenditure
of money therefor from county
general road fund.
S. B. 44, by committee on edu
cation To amend section 4950,
Oregon laws, relating to standard
ization of colleges, universities
and normal schools.
The house voted to table H. B.
336. relating to who may vote at
road dsttrict meetings, and put
over until Thursday H. B. 341.
relating to duties of the clerk of
We buy junk of all kinds.
We want your old iron,
rags, paper and every
thing that you don't
want. We call for it and
pay you cash.
Salem Junk
820 X. Commercial St.
Phone 403
. . 'l"'J'i'r ' . ' - ..." - .ST...- , - '
Gommercial Printing Dept.
the state land board. Senate bill
14. relating to Hens on mines, was
re-referred to .the committee on
Accident Board
Salaries Raised
To $4800 a Year
Members of the indnstrlal acci
dent commission are entitled to
an increase in salary ot $1200 per
year, raising them from $3600 to
$4000 per year, it was contended
Wednesday on the floor of the
house, and to back up this conten
tion Representative Bronaugh ot
Multnomah insisted that his house
bill 24C be passed.
After a spirited oration, during
which it was pointed out that this
Increase waa to come from the
commission's funds and would
cost taxpayers nothing, that the
vnrk ha lncraaaed manv fold
since the- establishment of the
commission, and that in the opin
ion nf overvone concerned the men
were worthy of the Increased pay,
the measure passed tne nouse.
Work is now eight times what
it was in 1913. it was stated. The
Increase In pay amounts to but
twelve one-hundredths of one per
cent of the receipts from employ
Single Bill Gets
Niche in Hopper ;
Sets Dairy Tests
Jnst one bill hit the house hop
per Wednesday morning, setting
a new record. The measure.
H. B. 462. Introduced by Repre
sentative Chindgren, provides for
insnertlon of dairy and food pro
ducts? by dairy and food commis
sioner upon a fee Dasis anu ior
disposition of snch fees.
Tak no chance of
freshness for your.
Valentine gift
Davenports $49fl0
With Rev. Cushions fully guaranteed, yalue $76.00
H. F. Woodry & Son
"Rite-Down-Town on No. Commercial St.
Telephone 500
The measure provides , thajf
whenever any person or com pan
shall desire the dairy and food
commissioner shall make an" in
spection, and Issue a certificate
showing the result. A fee sbal
be charged for this to reimburse
the commissioner.
Desire for the measure arise?
from companies in the southern
part of the state, it Is said. Thes
concerns desire inspection, but
under the present law cannot haw
this done by the state officials.
The law it passed will permit such
Reserve Extended
A bill to add a grant ot land to
the Fremont National Forest. Ore
gon, was introduced by Represen
tative Butler, republican, Oregon,
Soft yellows promise to be very
popular in the spring styles. A
yellow tweed coat from Parts Ww
given black kasha lining and black
fox collar and cuffs.
Several Cheap need Fords and
Chevrolet cars both open and
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