The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, February 6, 19S9
Y. W. C. A. Report
Given at Noon
Some one hundred women ga
thered for luncheon in the dining
room of the Young Men's Chris
tian association Tuesday at 12
o'clock. Six long tables spread In
spotless white and artistically dec
orated with candles, ferns, and
daffodils gare the long room a
festive air, and the enthusiastic
hum of women's roices gave the
luncheon a rery businesslike tone.
Mrs. W. E. Kirk presided and
Introduced the speakers. Mrs. V.
J. inkiewits lead the singing ac
companied at the piano by Mrs.
George Moorehead. Mrs. Ed Ross
lead the devotions speaking in a
most Inspiring manner of the work
of the campaign. The speaker for
the luncheon was Dr. Martin
Ferry who was introduced by Mrs.
W. E. JCirk.
Dr. Ferry expressed the thought
that . enthusiasm which comes
from an idea is not lasting, that
It is much like grandstand playing
but the enthusiasm which comes
from a deep-rooted conviction of
the right is the enthusiasm which
counts. He went on to say that the
enthusiasm which lead the cam
paign workers to be making an
effort to raise money to care for
the needs of women and girls of
Salem who might need care was
the sort of enthusiasm which could
take a few "damp rags" of re
buffs and not be crushed. Dr.
Ferry said "If the Y. W. C. A.
he?ps one single woman or girl
and saves her from disaster dur
ing one year it is worth its place
in the community." He then gave
a remarkable piece of Y. W. C. A.
service which had quietly been
done during the last few weeks in
one case of his particular knowl
edge. Following his talk the team re
ports were given as follows: Mrs.
E. T. Barnes, team No. 1. 1251:
Mr. B. E. Carrier, team N'o. 2.
$794: Mrs. F. E. Erixson. team
No. 3. $98; Mrs. Sheldon SacKet
(5 members working) $30; Miss
Dorothy Steusloff, 23 subscribers.
M3: Ttfrs. C. A. Swope. $367;
Dr. Fanny Brown, team 10, $201.
50: Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff. team 11.
Assisting with eerving Tuesday
were Mrs. Dan J. Fry. Jr.." Mrs.
Harry Hawkins. Mrs. YV. Connell
Dyer. Mrs. Prince Byrd. Mrs. Dav
id Wright, and Mrs. Glenn Niles.
Mrs. J. H. X.auterman and Mrs. E.
C. Van Sryke had charge of plan
ning the food.
Barbara Frietchie
To Entertain
Barbara Frietchie Tent No. 2
auxiliary to the Daughters of Vet-f-ans
will entertain February 12
at an elaborate tea to which all
numbers of woman's patriotic or
ders of Salem and all the wives
cf 'egisrators are invited.
Especially beautiful decorations
a-e being planned, special music
will be offered and each detail
is being worked out with finish.
The tea wjll be given in the Wom
an's clubhouse on North Cottage
St. Paul's Guild will be the
ruest of Mrs. Russell Catlln and
Mrs. Frank Spear at the home of
Mrs. Spear on Cremeketa street.
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. The afternoon will be
mostly spent In business and in
preparation plans for the Easter
rale which will follow close on
lent. 1
Herbert Buffiux. author an.'
composer, will be a guest at thf
Olad Tidings mission. 343 V Cour:
street, for this week. "The meet
ing will begin at 8 o'clock.
Peter s Adventures
""VH, dear; oh. dear, I never
II thought about my babies'
tell-tale eyes'." declared
Mrs. Grouse, in distress. "Now I
thall never feel that they are safe
again. And 1 thought that I had
taught those youngsters of mine
to hid themselves so cleverly."
"So they do. Their suits are Just
the shade of the leaves, the trunks
and the roots, and unless one was
ro small as I am I do not believe
. they would ever guess their hiding
places!" Pstar tried to calm Mo
ther Grouse's fear. "I am not
.much taller than you are, Mother
Grouse, and ao the. ground is not
far away' from me, and,- besides,
you must remember that Red
Equlrrel gar me the hint."
VI do remember, and a mean
trick It wai," Molded Mother
Grouse. "I shall get even with him
uuv vi ucn nuv umjm, idbi boo ii
I don't. Wait until that saucy
r-r : i
ivmv " umm nvrou m.j Wk low ut
bis choice nuts. I will spy upon his
hiding place and eat them all up
.. while, he ont gathering more.
There is nothing that will make
4i!m angrier, Red Squirrel thinks
News and Club
Olive M. Doak,
Salem . Garden Club
Hear Frank
H. Jones
i -
The Salem Garderj club' met Monday at the Woman's
club house for an unusually interesting meeting, made so by
Frank High Jones of Portland, who through lecture and lan
tpm alidpa transformed the evening into a travel de luxe
from the "Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes" to southern Ore
gon and Rainier National park.
Mr. Jones. 'once a erocer with photography as a hobby
has now become a full-time photographer with expert color
work in photography as a hobby. His work in photograpny
attracted the attention of the National Geographic society
and resulted in
resulted in his being
asked to accompany a group
of 25 men sent out in 1919 by
the Geographic society into
the "Valley of Ten Thousand
Smokes" situated in the north
of Alaska above Kodiac.
In this valley he made most
astounding pictures of the myster
ious activities of volcanic action.
Mt. Katmai. he told bis audience,
was situated at the head of the
Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes."
valley near the 6ize of the Hood
River valley. This mountain at one
time was much in appearance as
Mt. Hood is now, but a terrific
explosion occurred with such vio
lence that the whole upper part
was literally blown to dust and
blown so forcibly that at a din
tance of 140 miles a 20 inch layer
of dust-was deposited and the
fumes were so terrific that brass
fittings on ships 400 miles at sea
were tarnished.
Pictures Bhowed the "Valley of
Ten Thousand Smoke" with what
seemed to be Just that many
smokes but which In truth, Mr.
.Tones assured his audience, were
fumeroles of steam and gaseous
fumes of many kinds among them
being the poisonous carbon mon
oxide; some of the gasses were so
atronr as to eat out glass test
! tubes in which they had been con
tained for exl&Mnatlon.
From Alaska Mr. Jones (In pic
ture) rambled on down to Port
land where he showed the Garden
club gardens that made thoughts
of spring and warm earth bud and
bloom in spite of the snow out
side. rFrom Portland he showed in
succession southern Oregon, the
Willamette valley and Mt. Hood.
and Rainier National park.
All of these pictures were in
such natural and realistic color
that it Beemed almost impossible
that they were pictures and not
the real object. Thee color pic
tures, Mr. Jones explained were
made by three processes, any one
of which reauire time exposure.
correct atmosDheric conditions and
plenty of patience but are such a
joy to work with that the results
more than pay for the trouble.
Most of Mr. Jones' pictures were
taken while he was on vacations
and he advised his audience that
it was one of the most satisfactory
hobby horses which one might
choose to ride.
Mr. Jones made mention several
times of the splendid work which
R. C. Paulus of Salem is doing.
He also mentioned the fact that
the National Geographic for Sep
tember. 1921 ha'd a complete ac
count of the Alankan trip which
he 6howed in picture Monday
night. ,
The Knights and I-ady Macca
bees will meef Saturday night at
Miller's hall instead of Friday
night as is Its usual order. The
occasion for this is the district
meeting of Willamette rallsy
which is scheduled for Saturday
night. At this time there will be
-epresentatlves from Portland
Tefferson. Albany, and Mill City
to meet in Salem with the Knights
and Ladlrs here
things that he can find to Btuff it
with than of anything else In the
"I am glad you think that there
Is not much danger of the great
Two-Legs finding the babies, boy.
That does comfort me a little, al
though I shall never feel quite bo
pure of their safety as I have.
However, there is no use in bor.
rowing trouble."
"Not a bit in the world," said
ithe boy. "Don't think about mis
fortune and it will probably never
"orae to you. But you haven't an
swered a question I asked you a
long time ago. Do you trust me
"Yes," r.nswered Mother Grouse,
lowly. "Maybe I ought not to.
ut I do."
The boy was about to say some
hlng when Mother Grouse held
up her claw for silence.
"Ssh." said she. "I promised
"ou that you should see my babies
tnd T will keep my word. But you
must remain perfectly still don't
ay a word don't move or they
will not come out of hiding even I
vhen I call.
They are such scary little thlngn
nd besides ever since they have
been hatched I have kept telling
'hem to take to cover the very
naoment they see anything stirring
-nd to stay there until it has gone
by and the leaves that the strang
er may hare stirred up hare set
tied down again. Stand . back of
that oak. where they will not see
you, until I tell them to come out.
Jitter I; have explained to- them
who you are everything will be
ill right,"
"Don't you worry, Mother
Grouse, I will walk off now, just
is though I waa going away, and
I will hide behind that oak tree
and be Just as still aa a mouse
until you gire the word to come
out. -
"My coat doe? not match the
bark of the trunk as well as your
babies clothes match the leaves
and rootg among which they tuck
themselves away, but .I'll bet you
that I can keep almost as quiet as
they can. Anyhow. I am going to
try. ' Peter epoke in a whisper,
and Mother Grouse nodded her
Society Editors:
Woman's Missionary soci
ety. 2:30 o'clock, church
"parlors of First Christian
Executive board of Presby
terian church women, Mrs. E.
E. Slegmund, Garden Road,
2:30 o'clock. 1
Ladies Aid. Knight Memor.
ial church, business meeting,
Mrs. Joseph Schindler, 170 S.
13th. 2 o'clock.
St. Vincent de Paul parish
house, card party. 8 o'clock.
Altar society, St. Vincent
de Paul parish house, 2 o
'clock. St. Paul's Guild. Mrs. Rus
sell Catlin and Mrs. Frank
Spear, 1309 Chemeketa St.,
2:30 o'clork.
Guild dance, St. Paul's
church, Castillian hall.
"Candida." Shaw play at
Waller Hall, Willamette uni
versity. Thursday
Beta Chi mothers, regular
meeting, sorority house, 2:30
Carnation club. Fraternal
U. S. Grant Circle, No. 5.
Ladles of the G. A. R. meet at
2 o'clock in the armory.
P. E. O. chapter O.. Mrs.
W. W. Moore. 2:30. Mrs.
Floyd Payne Joint hostess.
High school debate, high
school auditorium, 8:00-
Ladies Aid society of Relief
corps. Mrs. La Bare, 2:00
Montana club to meet at
Parish hall between Church
and High on Chemeketa cov
ered dish dinner, program.
Knights of Pythias, special
meeting, Feb. 5 at 8 o'clock
in Fraternal temple.
Barbara Frietchie Tent No.
2. 8:00 o'clock. Woman's
Inter-sorority ; open house
at W. U.
Knights and Lady Macca
bees, Miller's Hall, 8 o'clock.
District meeting.
Quiet Wedding will be
Event of Afternoon
Miss Ruth Sherwin will become
the bride of Dr. Frank Mlhnos of
Portland this afternoon at 4:30
o'clock in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sherwin on
Bellevue avenue.
Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman of
Portland will officiate at the quiet
ceremony before a small group of
the friends and relatives of the
young couple. Miss Sherwin will
be attended by Miss Dorothy Mets
ker of Portland, who is a sorority
sister of the bride and Mr. Mlhnos
will be attended by Mr. Horace
Coshow. also of Portland.
Miss Sherwin was a student at
O. 8. C. and is a member of the
Alpha Omicron Pi eorority.
Immediately following the cere
mony, the young couple will leave-
for a short wedding trip after
which they wll1 make their home
n Portland where Mr. Mlhnos Is
practising dentistry.
l i so mi ii i ill l p
The U. S. A. is only a
few minutes wide
The Bell System is ever busy
rcuuimg uic wiuin oi Amer
ica and the distance between
cities. For examnle. in the lar
(five years 350 major improve
ments, as well as thousands of
others whose segregate im-s
porta ncc mounts high, have
been mada in telephone cen
tral office equipment.
Improved operating prac
tices have eliminated the ne
cessity of your "hanging up"
and being called back in 95
per cent of toll and long;'
distance calls, adding new;
speed and ease to out of town ;
The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company
00 Polity - Out System - Universal Service V
Shaw's "Candida
Waller Hall
Tonight the Theta Alpha Phi
players will present for the sec
ond time their sparkling interpre
tation of Bernard Shaw's "Can
dida," the plot which so many
Salem folk who appreciate the
subtler things of the theatre have
been praising. The curtains will
part at 8 o'clock tonight in Wal
ler hall on the university campus
under the sponsorship of the ap
plied education department of the
Salem Woman's club.
Charles Kaufman with his
somewhat blatant though shame
faced humor and" top-notch cock
ney accent takes the full advan
tage of his lines to ring don the
house with whole-hearted ap
proval of his outstanding worth
as a comedian. From his frequent
appearances with university dra
matic groups Salem audiences
have already learned to look for
laughter. His is the part of the
ridiculous and lovable father of
Candida. He has a great pro
pensity for climbing in the world
of affairs, chiefly financial.
Nothing could be funnier than his
increasing stupefication at being
seriously Informed of the madness
of one. after anotherof his daugh
ter's very respectable manse
The neurotic poet, played by
Eric Anderson, with his madcap
love for the sweet womanliness of
Candida, as played by Helen
Stiles, and all the raving half
truths he states about love and
life and all, cannot but fascniate
those who enjoy reading modern
literature the kind that leaves
one half delighted and half
shocked with its new interpreta
tion ol tne things most of us
prosaic folk take so much for
Shaw upsets all the traditional
characteriations and tricks of the
profession and does it with all
the cunning that has won him the
hgih ' place he holds among the
contemporary dramatlcists of to
day. Frank Alfred is fine in his por
trayal of the modern minister of
the gospel with generous views
of labour and socialist movements
who Is bo called upon for making
addresses that he has become a
veritable talking machine. So,
also, are the characterizations
and tricks of the profession and
doe's it with all the cunning that
has won him the high place he
holds among the contemporary
dramatlcists of today.
Frank Alfred is fine In his por
trayal of the modern minister of
of gospel with generous views of
labour and socialist movements
who is so called upon for making
addresses that he has become a
veritable talking machine. So.
also, are the characterizations of
the young rector , by Michael
Fitzpatrick and the Istenographer,
by Mary Riddell.
Student Body of W. U.
Will Have Pep Dinner
An interesting innovation 1 r.
Willamette University campus af
fairs will take place tonight in thr
form of a student body dinner a.
the First Presbyterian church as a
rally feature prior to the Willamette-
Whitman basket-ball game.
Preparations are being made foi
the attendance of more. than 200
members of the student body.
A versatile and interesting pro
gram of toasts and events of col
legiate interest with Dean Hewitt
as toastmaster and the yell king
Lawrence WInslow, and the son?
queen, Frances McGllvra in charg
are expected to draw the large
crowd of students.
President Carl Gregg Doney
Coach Roy Keene, the basketbal'
squad, the W club men, and all
the faculty will be present.
The cuffs of the new, long, pull
over gloves are elaborately em
calling. You hold the wire and
the operator docs the rest.
Since New Year's Day,' -1927,
the average time for
completing ajl out of town
calls has been cut 35 per cent
and at the same time the per
cent of error has been further
materially reduced.
There is no standing still in
tjie Bell System. Better and
better telephone service st the
lowest cost is the goal. Present
improvements constantly go- "
ing into effect are but the foun
dation for the future's greater,
Bridge Afiairs
Make Society
A group of attractive bridge
events marked yesterday as one
of interesting activity in the social
circles of Salem. .
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Craig were
hosts In the evening to a group of
the young married set at their
tome on Fairmbunt hill.
The guest group included Mr.
nd Mrs. Bert Ford, Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Becke, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Gosser, Mr. and Mrs. Asel
Eoff, Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Back
Urand. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quisen
berry, Dr. and Mrs. Milton Steiner,
Mrs. Alfred McCllntock, and
Frank Chapman.
Mrs. John J. Roberts, entertain
ed in her home at a pretty valen
tine bridge-luncheon for 16.
Awards for high scoreB for an af
ternoon of bridge went to Mrs.
Fred Lamport and Mrs. Hollis
Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr..
and Mrs. Ervln F. Smith were
charming hostesses at a large
bridge tea in the McGilchrist home
on North Summer street. Score
prizes of the afternoon were
awarded to Mrs. Harold Hughes
and Mrs. W. f. Needham.
Mrs. H. E. Wraln entertained
her bridge group and a number
of additional guests with a lunch
eon at the Elk's club. The addi
tional guests included Mrs. E. W.
Peterson, Mrs. G. W. Laflar, and
Mrs. P. J. Meany. Mrs. Meaney
received the prize for high score.
Saturday Program
Of Woman's Club
Professor Arthur L. Peck, head
of the department of landscape
architecture at O. S. C. will speak
on "Gardening" at Salem Wom
an's club Saturday afternoon pro
gram. The program Is being ar
ranged by Mrs. Harry Hawkins
end her committee of tho American
Home department of the Woman's
tlub through the aid of Miss Jes
sie McComb of the home extension
department at O. S. C.
Preceding the address of the af
ternoon by Professor Peck who
will speak at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Gor
don McGilchrist will sing a group
of Scotch songs for which Wil
Mam McGilchrist, Sr., will accom
pany her at the piano. Following
he address Mrs. McGilchrist will
sing again.
The American Home depart
ment, with Mrs. F. G. Bowersox
is chairman, includes the follow
ing members: Mrs. Theodore
Barr, Mrs. W. .W. Baum; Mrs.
lohn Brophy. Mrs. Harry Haw
tins, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. John
Orr, Mrs. A. M. Reeves, Mrs. Guy
. Smith. Mrs. George R. Vehrs.
Mrs. Harley White and Mrs. H. R.
Surprise Dinner
For Anniversary Day
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. H. Fisher
nave passed the 60 year mark of
heir married life; in celebration
of this notable record children,
grandchildren and great grand
children surprised them at their
;ome on Broadway strget Sunday.
Food was brought already to serve,
the long dining table was siwead
marking covers for ten, and cen
tered with a lovely potted plant.
Guests for the occasion werr
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wiltsey, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Ward. Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Fisher and small daughter,
Mary Jean, and Mrs. Margaret
Quail. In the afternoon Glen Wilt
sey, a grandson, and his wife and
on Buddy, a great grandson of
the Fishers, came in.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were mar-o
Here's the
Dual-Use Davenport
you want
SO GRACEFUL, so comfortable, so very
beautiful you'd never dream It held a
bed. It's a Diltwell, the most practical bed
davenport on the market. No mattress re
quired. A veil ventilated compartment for
ample bedding right in the davenport. Youll
be amazed at Its comfort and the ease with
which it is transformed from davenport to
bed and back again. Let us show you.
Diltwell Dual-Ush Dav
enports in a variety of
coverings and finishes
re reasonably priced at
Terms to
ried In 1869, January 28. Mr. Fish
er is a native of England, having
been born in Clenchwarton, 1846.
He came to Adrian, Michigan in
1867 where he met and married
the present Mrs. Fisher. Mrs.
Fisher was born in New York in
1852. They spent much of their
life in Michigan and Nebraska but
for 26 years they have been res
idents of Oregon.
They have seven children, the
late Dr. E. E. Fisher of Salem,
Mrs. F. C. Wiltsey. Mrs. E. J.
Ward, and W. W. Fisher all of Sa
lem, and W. F. Fisher and Mrs.
A. M. Hittle of Onawa, IDwa, and
Mrs. F. G. Arthur, Los Angeles.
Legion Auxiliary
Plan for Convention
The women of the Auillary to
the American Legion meet Tues
day night for an interesting and
important regular meeting.
Plans were made for the com
ing state convention of the Ameri
can Legion which is to be held in
Salem In August. Several com
mittee heads were appointed
among which were Mrs. Walter
Zozel, entertainment committee,
Mrs. Allan Cleavland, dintng room
committee. Mrs. Paul Burris.
housing committee, and Mrs. D.
J. Bowe, publicity.
Dr. Estella Ford Warner ad
dressed the club at the end of its
business meeting taking as her
subject certain outstanding ac
complishments of the Marlon
county health bureau during the
last five years. The topics of
especial note were the decline in
contagious diseases in the county
and th splendid results which
had been obtained In the care of
expectant mothers and Infants.
Dr. Warner, who was a medical
officer on the Y. W. C. A. staff
in Russia during the World war
also spoke concerning her experi
ences there, mentioning in par
ticular the work done with the
Russian refugee girls, and giving
a very spmpathetic insight Into
the Russian people.
The meeting closed with com
munity singing and refreshments.
Household Hints!
Break faM
Grapefruit Halves
Old-fashioned Oat Meal with Bran
Flakes and Top Milk with Cream
i Crlepy Bacon and Toast
Squaw Corn Cabbage Salad
Whole Wheat Bread and Butter
Lamb Chops Baked Potatoes
Spinach Celery
Hard Rolls and Butter
Currant Jelly
Baked Custard with Cream
Three adults are fed by the
menu submitted. For the custards
three eggs, one. pint of milk,, a ta
blespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt
and half a teaspoon of vanilla will
suffice. Bake In a pan of hot
water until set.
Today's Iteclp
Squaw Corn Cut Into cubes
six slices lean bacon and one me
rlium onion. Fry together a gold
en brown. If bacon is fat pour off
part of fat leaving about two ta
blespoons in pkillet. Into this
pour one can corn and cook well.
It is then ready to serve, and with
salad makes a luncheon dish for
When is a bargain not a bar
gain? When we do not need the
article we buy, is the correct an
swer. Modern homes are too
small to fill with things we do
not absolutely need.
The clever shopper makes a list
f her actual needs, personal and
a wonderful
value, tool
By Lulu Hunt Peters MIX
t 'Diet and HeettrTand'Diet or Child
A Sincere Appreciation of My Diet
"I am writing to compliment
you on your wonderful diet and
also to ask your advice on certain
things that I would like to know.
Your diet has
done wonders
for me In the
short time that
I have used it.
I started diet
ing last Mon
day and lost
seven pounds
In four days. I
I do not find
your diet hard
to live up to, as
most diets are.
I suppose you
. r m ic wuuurnng
wi(refMW7 how old I am,
and to what extent my obesity
goes. I am only 16 years old. and
prior to starting your diet I
weighed 147 pounds. I am 5 feet
2Vt inches tall. I have tried many
diets, but could not stand any of
them for more than three weeks.
Now, thanks to your diet, I feel
10 times better. I know of a wo
man who has been using your diet
and who recommends it very
highly. So your diet has accom
plished the result that you want
ed it to.
"I would like to know a few
things: Do you think I will re
duce a pound and one-half a week
on 1,200 calories a dav? la tho
caloric value of chocolate-flavored
malted milk very high? I don't
care very much for plain milk,
but In this form I can take it
easily. If on one day I exceed ray
caloric limit, can I make up for
it the next day by eating less?
Thanks, Jack. I suppose you
went on the liquid or semi-liouid
diet for the four rtav nr irn
- - ' ' ' I,
would not have lost so much. You
should not lost more than nnp
ind one-half pounds from now on
for you will slim some by grow-
ng iaiier.
YOU h a VP in e-rnorimanf n
What VOlir dallv ralnrlo n.Tn.k..
. . v . . v.-. it uuiiitri
must be. I think you should be
household, before visiting the
shops. She goes (straight to her
goal and gets the necessities on
her list. Then she looks about and
goes adventuring. If before mak
ing her list she sees advertised
"white sales" that promise a sav
ing in household linens, it may
pay to investigate before buying
at the regular counters. But do
-o with the eyes open. Bargains
may be treacherous.
Jabots and ties are favored fea
tures of the new spring blouses.
V a?S l
Salem Woman's Club Presents
Theta Alpha Phi
Bernard Shaw's Noted Play
Wednesday, February 6th
Waller Hall 8:15 O'clock 60 cents
Shoe for Women
and theprice brings a smile
to your purse!'
What More Can You Ask?
Tune In on Enna Jettlck Froggj& KQTC7;45 I. M.
Ertxjr Sunday Erening
able to reduce from one to one
and one-half pounds a week on
1,200 calorlea perhaps more, for
you are young and should be ac
tive. Malted milk averages from 500
to 600 calories, depending on how
much of the following ingredients
you use: Milk, 160 C. a glass;
malted milk powder, 3 level table
spoonfuls, 100 C; thick syrups,
11 tablespoons, 100 C; an egg, if
you use one. 75 C; Ice cream, 1
small ball. 100 C. You see it
would be better for you to learn
to like plain-milk or butermilk.
The ordinary person ' should
have at least two glasses of milk
a day. but as you have not yet
attained your full growth, .you
should have three glasses a day,
or Its equivalent in soups, sauces,
cheese, etc.
You need a rnnd tevihnnk r
uieucs. jacs.. That will give you
the coloric values of the different
foods you mention. Our article
on Balanced Diet gives a list.
"I have a regular bowel move
ment and good health, but I have
much ga in the lower bowel and
cannot prevent its escape This Is
very embarrassing. Can u help
me out?
You may have some inflamma
tory condition and your diet is
probably wrong, R. Have you-had
a physical check-up lately?
If you will do the exercises out
lined in our articles on the Atonic
Abdominal Wall, called the Tum
my Ten exercises, especially those
in which you lie flat on your back
and brhrg your legs up over your
head, this will expel the gas, as
well as tone up the Intestinal and
other orgais. You may have to
do this two or three times during
the day. The bending and touch
ing the floor exercises will also
help you. Better also send for
oht article on the Balanced Diet.
Editor't Kote : Dr. Pctr cannot
dlag-nose, nor gfv personal advice.
Your quertlona. If of renera.1 Inter.
et. will be answered In t col
umn. In turn. Request for articles
must be accompanied by a fully
scif-addreesed. stamped envelope
and 2 cents In eoln for each article,
to cover cort of print In and handling-.
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ing and gralTrfng. 1 cents In coin,
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