The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    ! C A. JSprague
Earl C. Brownlee
Sheldon F. Sackett
Publish era
Salem, Oregon -
Wednesday :
February 6, 1029
Horse Sense
riTHERE.are two paragraphs going the rounds of the Amer
JL ican press that should be synchronized, or rather cor-
I One referring to statements concerning Abraham Lin
coln in W. E. Woodward'a new book, "Meet General Grant,
in which he says the great emancipator was merely a shrewd
politician, and that he "cared, as little for -the constitution
and its limitations a3 any communist of today ;" in which he
ua ; w1tt witi, tVio tpmner of the American neople
today for hardly anybody
,iously, despite all tne learnea nypoensy anu iiauwut
tions about its sanctity."
The fact is that Lincoln was big enough to use horse
sense in everything; to employ short cuts when they would
work to the general good
like making a state out of a territory somewhat against
the fixed rules of the game. Witness the case of Nevada.
Roosevelt was a "communist" of the same type. He was
1 ... 4- vw VtA tiro XT fnr- tVio Panama canal "over the
dead body," almost, of yelling and gesticulating Colombia
gabfesters, and through tne setting up over ingm yi
nation, Panama, against all the rules, of the international and
national fundamental and other laws made and provided.
History is full of such acts by such "communists with
horse sense. ' '
The contrast of little minds lacking horse sense is given
In the other paragraph. A Kansas City woman is going to
visit England, accompanied by her three year old son. bne
was born abroad, and though her husband is an American
she is classified as a foreigner. She had to get all kinds of
papers through circumlocution offices bound in red tape
idiocy to enable her to, reenter the country. But her infant
son, born on our soil, is an American citizen
So when the two board the liner for England the boy
must go on one gangplank and she was use another!
Mr. Hoover In his campaign promised to straighten out
the idiotic kinks of our immigration laws. There are many.
And many others in our naturalization laws. No principles
need revising; just the fool foibles and falderols need iron
ing out little horse sense instead of inferiority complex in
administrative underlings of small caliber would have saved
this ridiculous episode in which are concerned the Kansas
City woman and her boy.
FT1HE Eugene Register edmes
legislature dv ueieiiumg mat -
ing in a Portland newspaper charging that "our lawmaker?
have strangled the state with debt," and that "no state has r.
L.ii a t v,;rVi mimn nf th electorate but be-
cause of the official spendthrift the need of honest public
servants has not passea..
m.. t.-.., nmrcnanor
lr $48,000,000 in taxes levied
was for state purposes; ana not au vi mc
represented by legislative appropriations by any means
Showing that the tax dollar gives its largest slices to
roads and education, and the people vote these things upon
themselves, "and most of us . . . agree that they are worth
what they cost." . .
The Register might have included the long list of reg
ular state institutions and departments and officials, ex
ecutive, judicial and otherwise, that make up budgets that
must be met. no matter how economical minded the member?
of the legislature may be. The insane asylums, reform
schools, tuberculosis hospitals, mute and blind schools, peni
tentiary, etc., etc., must be maintained.
- What is left that may be included among the items mak
ing up the total sum with which "our lawmakers have strang
led the state with debt" is a very small list, including per
haps too high costs of the legislativesessions, etc. But that
list makes up an extremely thin slice of the total tax dollar. ,
One of the Latest Inventions
ONE new advance in science steps on the heels of another
so fast that it is impossible to keep down to date
For. like the 'old gag about the fool, one is born ever
minute, and we ail have to sleep part 01 me tune.
The latest is a device through which deaf mutes are
literally enabled to hear or at least to "feel" the sound of
their own voices. It was a few days ago tried in a school for
deaf mutes in Canton, Ohio. Through the use of the prin
ciple involved in radio broadcasting 20 people who had nevei
heard anvthing listened to the sound of their own voices.
At first the sounds were unintelligible, but. presently those
sounds became "organized" and simple words were spoken.
Thomas Edison is reconciled to his own partial deafness
" because it saves him from hearing many useless things, but
not every rain is an Edison with his sen sumciency. Anu
Mi- Fisnn onpp had his full sense of hearing, something
VW m-- v -
wViirh has not been riven to
known the isolation of complete deafness; to one who ha
the value of such a device? cannot be measured.
Eaualitv of Opportunity
yv'.IiU .oTvmoltm snwehes
I J. t iuw f o - ,
: j i ",,v;r nnnnrfiinifT " Platft 400 vears be
fore the birth of Christ, dreamed of equality of opportunity
in education. - -. ' -
...Absolute equality of opportunity in, the sense meant
either by Hoover or Plato is an icanan aream
But in the United States we are approaching its reabza
tinti in iho. sonA nf tu dream of the Athenian ohilosopher
for hab! the population of high
-" - :
30 years ago the proportion
rollments have doubled since
in tht United
ishing point; a status that is
nation of sell governing people.
A New Industry
tha Drptrnn Auto CamD association to demon
j strate to the public how valuable an asset is the tourist
who annnnllv invades the west and leaves behind a thick
linn vf rrf1A
; Representatives of this association; guests of the Salem
chamber of commerce Monday, tokt the .business men that
i . rx ; 1 X i -...In. 4-Vt m x It,. roViniT ndlltttrv
tne tourist inuusir; is Ktcdici Liiaxx mo ..v.-w-rf ,
itioo mtn InoV tn this trade as a. source of m-
lliai tyiiuiiuwivc -
come in the same way that any
ing industry is considered a community asset. m
Great news, say we! The auto camp men are pioneers
in educating us to the value of this trade! . As autos go
hither and yon, new customers will'come to each city in the
west and everyone will benefit Tourist trade is a veritable
ace of diamonds, which lies t hand heeding only the organ
ization of auto camp owners' to call it to our attention! .
Jermane s Guess
rpHE associate editor of the Seattle Times In Washington,
JL D. C W. W. Jermane, guesses that Calvin Coolidge will
occupy his mind and his time after, retirement by writing
books and magazine articles f .
tThat he will not enter a law firm or run for senator or
accept any office : - -
Also, that he will apply for and receive the Carnegie
fund pension of $10,000 a year available for all former presi
dents."" j - :? -i -V Kn:x 1 '" .;:" : v--: :-
v That is as good a guess as any; but the Seattle Times
editor is perhaps no better guesser than the average reader
otthis article, and he or she may have his or her own guess
has taken the constitution ser-
to the support of the Oregon
. .
i-onliM thAt of the aDDroximate
in 1927 less than $7,500,000
those born deaf. He has never
Herbert Hoover snoke of the
school age in this country is
. 1 v,
was one in seven ana tne en
States is anDroachimr the van
proverbially the ideal one in a
- - ,
agricultural or manufactur
Something To Fall Back On The Grab
7 - 5 1 Bag j
ypT I, . February &, 1029
, . I : r-r 1
The Way of
the World
Although it is said that the
level of human intelligence is no
higher than It is, and although
jeople In tee mass, as well as indi
viduals, are constantly making
previous mistakes, the fact re
gains that the majority of people
nean to be Just. When a question
s clearly and fairly presented to
he people, and if the proposition
's a sound and proper one, the
fiajorlty of the citizens of this
country or any other civilized
country can be counted on the side
3f Justice. Thousands of citizens
vho do not lack Intelligence, lack
nformation. Given accurate infor
mation, they know how to act.
There is a kind of man with
whom we are all familiar who
lives one yie impression of befnf
leader because he is always full
if new notions. He Is forever sug
gesting that something be done
bout something. He hta a rather
rague Idea about what ought to
Se done but he wants to do it. Or
he desires intensely to get hie
friends Interested in doing tome-
'hlng about it. Sometimes he pass
es for a leader In the community.
Frequently he- mistakes mere
"hange for progress. He gets a
fhrill out of seeing things chang
ed. The fact that they are often
-hanged for the worse doesn't
Tiuch concern him. -
It costs between $5000 and $6.
000 a day to operate one United
States battleship. One can hardly
iear those figures without think
ing of coma of the things that
might be done for $S000 or $6000
day. That amount of money In a
vear would send two thousand
boys and girls to college, giving
each a thousand dollars. '
We haven't come to that fair
day In the history of the world
wlien battleships can be. abandon.
Damage which will run to sever
3d, but it will come.
A humorous speaker In an ad.
dress the other day said that life
on the farm is vastly different
from what It used to-be. The farm,
he said. Is coming to be organized
tfter the fashion of city business.
Instead of the hired man who does
.he milking, we find a "vice pres
'dent In charge of cows." He was
making a funny speech and thoi
ludienre laughed. But he was
-eally coming clos to truth and
riving expression in humorous fa
shion, to a real and reputable Idea.
The farmer who Is going to suc
ed In this increasingly competi.
Ire world Is going to organise his
uslness aa It was never organised
High Pressure Pete
wens. Torn' 6f?trVr; hank -
W6 601V EOfcRV fN6lE-
or peKurs to
( " 1
Who's Who &
Construction ofNicaraguan Canal Advocated
Senator From .Veto Jersey
(Waiter Evans Edge was born at
Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 80. 1784.- Edu
cated tn the public nchoola he began
as a "printer's devil" In fciio employ
ment of a magazine published In At
lantic City, N. J. He became proprie
tor of the Atlantic City Dally Press
and was also identified with banking
and other lines of business, fie server!
as delegate-at-large to the Republloar
national convention in iszw and 19:t.
In 1910 he was a member of the Km-
Jersey assembly and later of the son
ate, of which he was president in
1915. Elected governor of that state in
1917 he resigned In 1920 to accept a
seat In the United States senate to
which he . was re-elected In 1925. lie
served In the Spanish-American war
and his iome Is in Ventnor, N. J. )
WHEN tha Panama canal was
completed and opened to
traffic August 15. 1914.
ittle did the best Informed auth--iHe
realize that It would reach
i 1 1 maximum
capacity in less
than 40 yers.
However, this
is the case.
The business
of the canal
has more than
doubled each
five years and
if this lncreaso
continue; even
in reduced
proportion, the
limit will be
leached almnat
SENATOR EDO IS ;efore the time
acwa.aiy to complete a second
When the United States took
over the construction of the Pan
ama canal from the French, it was
rarely suggested that It woufd ever
become a paying Investment. The
motive that induced the United
States government to complete
this monumental constructive
work was a willingness to contrib
ute to the facilities of water trans
portation with the natural hops
that producers throughout the
United States would thus have
prospective markets opened up
and enlarged. Neither did we dls-
Ye shall do my Judgments, and
kOCD mine nrrllnanecx tn wiv
therein: I am the Lord your God.
Ye shall therefore keep my stat
utes, and my Judgments; which if
a man do. he shall live In them; I
am the Lord- Leviticus, xvili. 4.
before. He la going to study coats
ana tne ways and wherefores of
expense as never before And he
uou m tir: t uoiore Ana He 1
fa going to give analytical study
-u uiuusra xue-iuous 01 production,
J TtfpM &Ker-
dome 50
oot ;
WTNrA cwuv on
.if f
Timely Views
criminate against ships flying oth-
3T flags, as the tolls for using the
canal are the same to all the na
tions of the world.
Present agitation surrounds
the proposal to complete the nec
esssary negotiations with Nlcara-
Tua and other Central American
-epublics having rights in the
natter, together with the neces
sity for a complete engineering
survey to ascertain the practica
bility and advisability of con
structing a Xicar&guan canal.
It is likewise contended that
the capacity of the Panama canal
may be considerably increased if
a third set of locks could be in
stalled. While the proposed Nicaraguan
canal would be over three times
the length of the Panama canal,
nevertheless because much of it
follows the course of existing wat
erways, its actual expense is not
considered prohibitive. As balan
cing the expense, too, would come
the shortening in distance between
the east and west coasts of the
United States by from bne to two
days steamship travel, depending
on the speed of the vessel.
When at one and the same time
we can make a profitable invest
ment and develop clearer under
standings with negihboring repub
lics, the wisdom of the consum
mation of the project cannot be
successfully disputed.
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from The States,
man Our Fathers Read
Feb. 6, 1904
Mrs. Alexander Clark of the
Leonard boarding house organised
a posse of women when a burglar
was surprised in the house and
succeeded In holding him at bay
until other help could be summon
ed. The largest number of postal
deliveries during the month of
January was made on route four,
according to the report of Post
master Hirsch. Just 10,298 pieces
of mail and packages were col
lected in the city and on the routes
In the month, and 61,146 pieces
were delivered.
The Baker Stock company will
present "Charley's Aunt" at the
Orand Opera house this afternoon.
-George Curtis Lee Snyder, bar
itone who has been in Salem for
some time, has accepted a posi-
sum? nwv,. ua "
tion to star with a minstrel troupt
in uoa Angelas.
?BrrAuT5 it
S" ft BCj J -
Who am I? What region am
I about to explore? What means
of transportation am I going to
use? What is my nationality?
What insect is sometimes used
to make red dye?
What is the remarkably rich
rein in which both gold and silver
were found. In Nevada, in the
nineteenth century, called?
What English novelist who
wrote about tha sea was the son
of a Polish revolutionist?
'Now- the Just shall live by
faith: but if any man draw back,
my soul shall have no pleasure in
him." Where is this passage
found in the Bible?
Today In the Past
On this day, in 17 8 3. Massa
chusetts ratified the constitution
of the United States.
Today's Hoi-oscoda
Persons born on this day are
api to rusn into things impulsive
ly. They are proud and fond oi
A Daily Thoueht
"The fool is happy that he
Knows no more." Pope.
Answers to Forecrolnir OiiMtlnn.
1. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen; the
Arctic; the Graf Zeppelin; Nor
2. Cochineal.
8. Comstock Lode
4. Joseph Conrad.
6. Hebrews x, 38.
She Oujcht to Know
"Mother" said the eight-year.
"Yes, dear."
"Mothpr mat. T nclr .
Important question?"
iirrn a
wny. yes, dear. What is It?"
. "Mother ll' mntiiin t
never asked you before."
'TrhOTl .At.n... . . 1 M ....
consult your father about such
m a flora
than he does; you're been married
"Well-er Jimmy, what is it"
and I have separated."
Not Qualified
Mike, the' thug, was cnnxlrta
of robbing an anartmenr. The
Judge, ready to sentence him.
said "Mike, is there &nvthlnr von
wish to say for yourself?"
Yes, there is." answered MfV
in deep thought. "I . object to
being recognized br a man vhn
kept his head under the covers
an the time I was in his room."
"A man prepared has hall
fought the battle." Cervantes.
"It Is not good a sleeping hound
to wake." Chaucer.
"Solitude Is the best nurse of
wisdom." Sterne.
"A honest man's word Is af
good as his bond." Cervantes.
"Injustice In the end produce?
independence." Voltaire.
"Virtue la not left to stand
alone. He who practices It wil
have neighbors." Confucius.
0 IN rKOHT or OMB. FadKV
www tn cone rofHiHCy-
osma oov VBAHOT9
Taxpayers Careless
Washington Correspondent for
Central Press and The Statesman
lionaire Income taxpayers
certainly are careless with
their money.
We small fry, who sweeten the
United States treasury only a few
dollars apiece annually, may make
oar mistakes, too, but It la not
sheer recklessness on our part.
Few except specialists can make
any sense out of tin income tax
blank. We can't afford to hire
specialists. Consequently most of
us give the govrenment the bene
fit of every doubt when we make
oct our statements, in order to
keep out of Jail if possible.
; It does seem as if a concern
which counts its assets up into 10
figures and employs a big staff I
of expert accountants and "high-
priced counsel, to save it from
letting go of a cent more than it
has to, ought to be proof against i
very many enormous accidental
Yet two billions. 614 millions
and 896 thousands of dollars Is a
considerable sum.
Treasury records show that that
amount was tossed" casually into
Uincle Sam's hopper, between 1922
Bits for Bireakff ast
By R. J.
Have you been seen
I Meaning, have you given your
. W. C. A. pledge and made it
The YW canvassers have a hard
ask, and it Is as much yours as
:t is theirs; meaning every Salem
ilstrict resident.
Salem Y free employment office
iad 81 men and 19 women apply
ing for work last week, and se
cured Jobs for 58 of the men and
mly six of the women. Not as bad
us it might be; and spring is in
the offing.
Benton county reoublican man
agers are feeling good over the
act that they had the highest
iercentage of Hoover votes in the
election of last November. It was
19.2 per cent of the total regls-
-ration; Jackson county being sec
ind with 57.8 and Deschutes
:ounty third with 54.9 par cent.
" 'm
Storms in Europe, worst in 50
'ears, shout the newsDaner head
lines. Let us be reconciled to the
attle brief lingering of winter in
he lap of spring here.
"There is no reason why the Co
umbia river (the 'mighty Oregon'
f the Longfellow poem) should
ot be one of the nation's great
est commercial arteries," said the
storia Astorian a few days ago.
s s s
Whereupon the unkindly ed
tor of the Eugene Register hv-
iothetically takes the offending
vstona writer over his knee an-1
id ministers ther following (you
name it) :
'Have you read Longfellow's
Mighty Oregon?' If not get the
Astorian to lend you its copy. It
ught to be good. Probably Long
fellow wrote it at a football tame.
That was In the. year of the big
9v-ind. one advantage about it is
lihat vnll ran ofr (t It wV nma a XXTtl
liam Cullen Brvant In hl "Than.
itopsis' contents himself with son
Gcod as the Coal You Buy
Even though you have the finest furnace that money
can buy, you can hardly expect it to give the best re
sults unless you feed it quality coal.
2005 '
SaSe&an's -IHTeatt
1405 Broadway
wovovH cane, cot Vet- &iiws
and 1928, Inclusive, in excess of
the inebme tax law's require
ments. Uncle Samuel honestly return
ed it, In oneway and another.
It was not all repaid In cash.
Some of it went into the ledger in
the form of credits or deductions
on subsequent taxes. A mere trifle
of 900 and a few odd millions was
refunded In actual dough.
However, Senator Kenneth Mc
Kellar of Tennessee, who was
complaining about these refunds,
spoke of even 900 millions as a
good deal of cash to be forked
back, out of the treasury, with
such a dearth of explanations.
McKellar did not know, at that
time, about the credits and deduc
tions. He knew About the 900 mil
lions, because the treasury has to
come to congress and ask for the
money when it literally makes a
Smash Caunos Hurts
GOLD BEACH. Ore., Feb. 5.
(AP) Mrs. Leslie Bauer of Cres
cent City, and Miss Leatha Millar
of Gold Beach, suffered cuts and
bruises in an automobile smashup
near here Sunday night.
orously declaiming:
"The continuous woods
Where rolls the Oregon, and heara
no sound
Save his own dashlngs.'
"It was the Astorian, you recall
that denounced the other day the
uselessness and wastefulness of
research. And the Astorian was
Jolly well right. Because research
would completely do away with
all such gems as the one from the
Astorian's editorial column quo
ted. And where then should we'
look for our diversion?"
V w
Americanism: A comDlaint that
laws are not enforced; a sublime
ralth that another law or two will
make everything all right
Mussolini must shudder ach
morning when he faces the menial
task of shaving most of the cab
inet members.
It plants are sensitive and can
feel, as that scientist savs. soma
close friend should tell the onion
about listerine. thinks a writer in
an exchange.
Wonder what Mr. Coolidee
thinks of the dry's jubilant asser
tion that righteousness will pre
vail after March 4. Exchange.
Two armv officers attained such
elevation the cold contracted their
controls and they couldn't come
down. A man at the writer's elbow
says he has known elevation to
expand a second lieutenant with
tne same result.
If vou want to know this time
of day, you have only to ring up
central. This Holds now lor the
whole coast. But thev har not vet
adopted a rule ihat will allow you
to ring up and find out where the
tire is when the whistle blows.
That is beyond the power of any
teiepnone equipment ror every
body would want to talk at once.
A furnace is OnLy as
Phone 1855
Aho -