L t .i - J IMTIOll i The New Oregon S ; 1' vn, Salerru Oregon, Thursday Morning, January SI, 1929 Approval of Lower House Expenditures Pending e Before Committee (Continued from page l.) Ing approval. ' The report suggesting the pol icy that both nouses of the legis lature concur In future legislative Investigations was submitted by Representatives Collier mnd Potter and Senator Jones. A committee appointed to con. fer with J. D. Mlckle, state dairy and food commlraioner, reported that a bill was being prepared by Mr. Mlckle which would help to place his department on a self, supporting basis. The bill will pro Tide an annual inspection fee of $10. for restaurants, bakeries and candy factories. Mr. Mlckle s esti mated that these fees would ag gregate 120.000. while the addi tional cost of conducting his de. partment would be $14,000. Another bill suggested by Mr. Mlckle may provide for a license fee in connection with the ins pee Hen of slaughter houses. The ways and means commit. tfeapproved a. bill fixing the reg istration fees of resident students at state normal schools at $10 per quarter. The registration fee for non-resident students was fired at , $20 per quarter. The registration fee for both resident and non-resident students is now $6 per quar ter. Classifications Are Reduced to Three By a rate of 9 to 4 the commit. tee decided to classify all appro priations for state institutions and departments under three heads These will include salaries and wages, capital outlays and general expenses. The classifications of operating expenses and mainten ance will be eliminated. The appropriation of $67,500 recommended by Governor Patter son for the attorney general was reduced to $23,387. The reduction will eliminate a stenographer and part-time assistant requested by the attorney general. The addi tional appropriation tor a full time assistant was allowed. The appropriation of $26,987 recommended by the governor for the child welfare commission was reduced to 23.387. The reduction will eliminate one case worker re quested by the commission. Four members of the committee voted against allowing an appro, priation of $8000 for the depart ment of Americanization. These Included Senators Bell and Stray er and Representatives Collier and Johnson. . . Considerable discussion center ed on the appropriation for the state board of curricula. The ap propriation was refused at a pre vious meeting, but wai revived to- night and approved. Senator Strayer said that if this board was abolished It would be the only one In his recollection as a legislator. Committees appointed to invest igate the Louise Home. Florence Crittenton. .Home. Patton Home for the Friendless, House of Good Shepherd and the Salvation Army White Shield home reported . that all of the Institutions were in good condition. The committee recom mended allowing their budgets in full. Deficiency appropriations autor ized by the committee follow: Penitentiary $18,697.17, Inter- , est on district irrigation bonds $28,812.63, attorney general $451. 6?. legislative expenses $15,289. 5H. transportation of convicts $1. 8 8 7.74. support of homeless and abused children $61,675.53. sup port of wayward girls $11,242.10. salaries and expenses of circuit Judges $4241.56 and purchase of rGregon reports $1662.91. TTnitcd Board of Rcerats Proposed Senator Reynolds suggested one one board of regents for the Uni versity of Oregon and the Oregon State college, but there was no discussion by members of the com mittee. The following . appropriations were approved by the ways and means committee: Governor's office. $335,840; secretary of state. $96,750; state treasurer. $51,380: transportation of insane, $42,630; emergency board $200; attorney general. $62,100; supreme court, $155. 600; supreme court library $20.. 000. Child welfare commission. $23.- 887: board of Inspectors of child labor, $8,095; Industrial welfare commission. $8,100; state board Of conciliation, $550; state board or health. $65,940. State bureau of nursing and child hygiene. $24,500; board of pilot commissioners. $2,400; state sealer of weights and measures. $3,000; Oregon Normal school. Monmouth. $142,494; Southern Oregon Normal, $68,534; state superintendent of schools. $53.. 216; department of Americaniza tion, $8,000; state text book com missioners, $1,300; board of high er curricula, $630. .,- (Continued from page 1.) here in all its glory, but old dob bin still can be found la ' some places, n is indicated by H. B. 294. Introduced Wednesday. This measure provides legislation against letting horses run at large in Lincoln "county. ' - xl. -TJ Armonil nnnt Judge of Deschutes county, was 'Men utn t v i..i.n Wednesday. Mr. DeArmond was in Salem principally on other Business, out he Is Interested In some of the measures nnder con. sioeratlon In the legislature with reference to counties. One of these, a proposal to Include mem- Dera or the county court on the ooara or equalization, was his own plan submitted to the prop- ' -j , iax reuer commission. Mr. DeArmond la opposed to the pro posal to do away with county juuges; not Because he happens to be one as it wonld not affect his own term or salary, but be cause he feel that Juvenile court matters should not be turned over to me circuit courts. INSTITUTE FOR Whether or not H. B. 299. In iroanced b y RenresentatlvA Chlndgren, la to bo considered un- aer horticulture, or lust nlain agriculture will have to be decld- ea today by speaker Hamilton. wnen tne bill comes up for sec una reaaing and assignment to committee. The measure deals with "hen fruit, or in . other words. It relates to the quality, weight, regulation, standardiza tion, classification and labeling of eggs, ir agriculture wins, Mr. Chlndgren will get his own bill to consider, since he is chairman of the agricultural committee, al though since the measure is mere ly a re-enactment of chapter 246, general lawa of 1921. Chairman Laollett of the horticultural com mittee could be trusted with it. Those younger Romoes of the house who have been casting eyes now and. then at the fair I pages of me nouse sat up with a new look of Interest in their eyes when Miss Blanch Llchty, of Eugene, strolled Into the hall Wednesday. Bdt Miss Lichty was merely down on a visit, and after saying neno to friends from her part of the state strolled out again. 1 That the brilliant oratorical outburst of Representative Robi on of Clatsop on the "naughty alneties" was not altogether waste motion was proved Wed nesday when. H. B. 301 was in troduced. It will be remembered that a repeal bill to abolish stat utes relating to hedges along highways Inspired the Clatsop or ator a few days ago, and' nisi siunmg accuuBt oi lanes ana oy- ways Deautifled not by gaudy ads but by nature Itself won over Representative Settlemier to the extent that he now wants "regu lation, maintenance, planting. care and removal of shade trees on any street or highway," and further, his bill provides for the appointment of Vtree wardens' TEACHERS DUE Program Prepared for Meet ing of Pedagogues at Silverton Saturday Program for the teachers' local Institute for the Marlon county schools and to be held In Silver ton at the high school building all day Saturday. February 1$, has been prepared by Robert Goeti, president of the Marion County Teachers association and superin tendent of S'lverton schools. Cop ies of the program are being dis tributed from the office of the county school superintendent. Sae- slona will be held as follows, with all departmental sessions to be round-table discussions: 9:45 Atrd.umam Announce ments. 10:00 Departments High school Room; 3. MIbs Clarissa Brager. chairman. "The impor tance of home economics In the education of the high school girl,' Miss Dorothy Hadley. Junior high school or advanced section room 4. Miss Nina Comstock, chairman. "Correcting difficulties in Arith metie in the seventh and eighth grades." Miss i Eleanor McKenzie Intermediate section, room 5, Miss Margaret Humburg, chairman, Radio Reading. Miss Ruby Pe terson. Primary section room 8 Miss Hannah Olsen. chairman. "A new approach to Reading." Miss Blanche Hubbs. Principals' asso ciation Auditorium. L. , N. Ben nett, president. 11:00 High School Section room 3, Demonstration of the use of. films in high school teaching Warren E. Crabtree. Junior high school or advanced section room "The value of extra-curricular activities in the advanced grades," William H. Dunn. Intermediate section -room 36, Eugene Field building, "Socializing the Social Sciences or Vitalizing the Teach ing of History and Geography,' Miss May Arnold. Primary sec tion room 8, Using a silent read ing seat work pad for Elson Read ers in the Second Grade," Miss Helvle Silver. Principal's associa tion- Auditorium, L.. N. Bennett. President. 1:30 General Assembly Music. Silverton Schools.. 2:00 Address "The Changing Aspects of the Job." Robert Goetz 2:45 Address Selected, Rever end Thomas Hardie, pastor M. E urch of Silverton. Sally O'Neil Is Hard Boiled But Only In Picture v i Hard Boiled? Well, it may be true in the picture but II you ask me Sail O'Neil la far from that in real life, and at the end of the picture she is far from but there that is telling, and you go to the Elsinore today or Friday and you will see for yourself. It is a pity of course if you did not see her in person in Mike's Idea, the Fanehon and Marco pro duction which was at the Elsinore Wednesday night, but do not miss her in her last picture "Hard Boiled." Speaking of Fanehon and Marco productions let It be said that the show which they presented Wed nesday night .was splendid chorus work was the best that 1 have ever seen on a Salem stage, the comedy dancer was a hit, and the Hawaiian solo was both grace ful and spectacular. It was an ex cellent Show. MERE CUBB. WOULD JON BOARDS "Do Pass? Report on Bill to Combine Purchasing and Budget Jobs FORCE USED WU LAWYER EJECTED (Continued from Dage 1.) fore the committee which is to de termine whether impeachment ac tion is to be taken against the sn orter court Justice. Ormsby and ""h Ford, representing Judge by the governing body of any cit J'ardy particularly protested or town. However, each town will -gainst testimony given by Wil- have to find some such love of na ture as Mr. Robison, for the meas ure stipulates that these "tree wardens" serve without pay. In the event that no men of Mr Robison's type are available. It is suggested that the "Knights of the Great Forest" be drafted for the Jobs. Let It rain, snow, or even hail now and Governor Patterson will walk forth unafraid that his cra nium will suffer from the hardest downpour. Wednesday a delega tion, rumored by some to be powerful haberdasher lobby from Tammany Hall, formally' present ed the chief executive with one of the "Iron Derbies" now so popu lar around the state house. In accepting it the governor said Gentlemen, I thank you. Some men do not look well under derby, but I assure you I look well under any kind of cover.' Those making the presentation in eluded the following, all of whom wore the Al Smith rain hats dur ing the ceremonies: Floyd Cook, secretary of the republican state central committee; Ben Dorris. state game commissioner; Fred L. Gifford, past master of initi ation ceremonies; Eajrl Snell, Senator Fred Kiddle, chief high- hatter of the organization; John Kelly, political scribe, and Har vey Wells. METHODISTS III BID UNION OF CHURCHES MML 0 IS (Continued from page 1.) nominations are so . similar that union Is almost inevitable," he 'declared. The announcement followed a day discussion between members Of the Presbyterian department of church cooneratlon and union. Lr beaded by Dr. J. Ross Stevenson, r edlst Episcopal committee on re ; gatlona with other denominations, peaded by Bishop Herbert Welch : or Pittsburgh. . z ' The Presbyterian officials also met with officials, of the United Presbyterian church tor what Dr. . fetevenson declared to be a re ' aumntlon of Informal discussions looking toward an alliance . be tween the two denominations. The United Presbyterian denomination fcas a membership of approximate ly 171,000 and has national head quarters hern. (Continued from, page 1.) miles of market roads are asked for in petitions on file with the county court, the petitions having been nourinr in since last fall. when the previous five year build ing program was completed. Since frequent announcement has been made that no petitions will be received after today. Jan nary 31, it is believed that there are very few property owners in the county who want county roads near their land, and think they have a chance of getting them, who have not placed their petitions ion file. Court house gossip has It that there Is every probability -the majority of 'peti tions will be granted., ! Due to the. illness of; County Judge Siegmund and County Com missioner Porter, some . delay 13 anticipated in. considering the grist of petitions on file. Added to this is the fact that the legis lature la In session and It la un certain whether a successful raid will be made on funds that hith erto have been available to the county court for road building purposes. ; When the roads from Ankeney Hill .and from Halls ferry are ex tended on south - as ' planned at present, Salenrites will have- direct access to the ferries at Indepen dence and at Buena Vista. These are the only two ferries between here and Albany. - 'lam Parker and Arthur Marek, two newspapermen, who quoted Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, mother of the evangelist. Ford termed it as "third degree hearsay." Marek had testified that Mrs. Kennedy said that during the al legecl kidnaping hearings her rftrhtP has "nwmed very wor ried and nervous. 'r urotest a pain 8 1 this dastardly and cowardly sort of tes timony." cried Ormsby. springing to his feet. "It is nothing in the world but hearsay. Mrs. McPher. son is here willingly and ready to corperate. but Ehe is not on trial and if this sort of thing keeps up we will withdraw from this hear, 'ng." Chairman Little said that Mrs. McPherson could be given a chance to contradict th?n testi mony, that the committee wanted to find out what connection, if any. Judge Hardy had with Nthe case. SECOND ROUND IN DEBUTES TONIGHT The second round of debates In the contest for title of the Mid- die Willamette district of the state high school debate league will be held tonight with the Sa lem high, school affirmative team to meet the negative from Al bany at the high school adul- torium here at 8 o'clock. The Salem negative goes to Woodburn to engage that high school's af- iirmative: Subject for all debateaJ bates Involves the armed Inter vention of American troops. In foreign territory in time of peace. Inasmuch as Albany won the district championship last year and climbed to the finals only to lose to Ashland, the debate here tonight will probbaly be the most interesting of the series so far. Both the Albany and Salem teams which feet here have a boy and a girl debater, the visitors having a slight edge on the locals as their team is more seasoned. Complete results on tne iirst debates held two "weeks ago were received Wednesday by Principal J. S. Nelson. Dallas leads the per centage column In group one, composed of the larger schools. with eight points, all possible to make in the tow debates. Al bany won one debate 3 to 0 and the other 2 to 1. giving seven points. Salem Is third with five points, Lebanon four, Woodburn and Corvallis each three and Inde pendence and Silverton each one. In the smaller schools of the district, Newport leads with six Dolnta. Mill Cltv and Stayton each ia" four points and Brownsville has two. Two more series and then a conte3t between group one and two winners will be held before the middle Willamette represent ative is selected. In the event of a tie, t will be decided before the 'finals. Miss Isabel Chllds, graduate of Salem high last June and now a freshman at Willamette, will be n the chair for the debate here. Judges will be members of the State Normal School faculty. A real sensation is expected in the house of representatives today when H. B. 18S. introduced by Mr. Kubll of Multnomah county, la brought In by the Judiciary com mittee with a "do pan; reoort. This Is the measure that seeks to combine the state budget act and the state purchasing act. patting The! them both under a state efficiency .!Jl...l.. . Jl . ... ... . uireciur, wuose u a uea n win om to make up the state budget and buy the state supplies. The bill provides that "the gov ernor shall have direct supervi sion, direction and control of es timates of the requirements, of the various activities of the state, pub lic or private, supported or aided in whole or in part from moneys disbursed through the state treas ury, and shall have, direct super, vision, direction and control of the purchase for the state of Oregon and each and every department, institution, board, commission, of fice and bureau or agency of all supplies, and further provides for the. appointment of a state effi ciency director whose duties It will be to make up and provide a state budget and to purchase supplies. Fund of $30,000 Asked The Kubll bill carries the pro posal for $30,000 for the carrying out of the act during the coming biennium, and It carries an emer gency clause. Complete directions for all workings of the act are given in the measure. Incorporated in the measure are many of the features of H. B. 239. Introduced "by Anderson, Carkin and Hamilton, which by amend ment of the act of. 1927. provide? for the -revision of the budge' after adoption, for the revision of man. aifalrs, books and accounts rela tive to receipts, and expenditures and requiring a system of account ing to be kept as prescribed by the governor. Junior Musicians Please Audience At Benefit Event Much applause was won by the Parrish Junior high band at the concert Wednesday night in the scnooi auditorium. Several hun dred persons attended the concert given to raise a fund to buy in struments for the band. The numerous solos and the cornet sextet received particular response from the audience. A -vocal solo by Helen Benner was one of the features of the program. Those playing solos were Nathan Stein bach, violin; Bert Broer. trombone; Richard Pierce saxo. phono. Prof. O. P. Thayer, direct ed the band. RUTH M'COiELL TO BE IHRIED TODAY STRESSES USE FOR HOSPTA L Dr. IJorse Reviews History and Works of New Sa lem Institution Dr. W. B. Morse addressed mem bers of the Salem Woman's club and interested visitors at the club house Wednesday afternoon con cerning the needs of the Salem general hospital and the value that tnis institution is to tne commun INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 30. (AP) Having announced their Intention to marry tomorrow Miss Ruth McConnell,27 year old music and art student, and Ken neth B. Coulter, 43, - Clifton Springs, N. T. capitalist, whose romance recently gained nation- wide publicity, tonight were be lieved to be at the McConnell home here. The couple obtained a license yesterday but could not be located today. Dimmed lights provided the only greeting for reporters who knocked at the door tonight. One newspaperman declared he glimpsed Coulter, in his wheel chair, watching him from a win dow. Miss McConnell last December fled by train from Rochester. N. to San Francisco, pursued by Or. D. T. Meeker in an airplane, the girl won the race when the physician's airplane was forced down In Nevada. Apparently Or. Meeker had been com ml a- d to follow the young wo- he hospital board is appointed by the practicing physicians, coun. ty. Judge, mayor, president of chamber of commerce, and the or. phans horns board. "This board," Dr. Morse point, ed out. "is doing all It can at pres ent with the means provided. As things are the hospital is paying Kb way with a small sum to go for improvement, but there is little ability to do charity work which is one of the services a hospital should be in a position to offer. Charity will be made possible only through endowments, and so far there has only been 31000 given as an endowment.'.' Dr. Morse said $10,000 was an amount, which, used as an endow ment, would offer 35 pedple a hos pital bed during each year for all time. The policy and management of the Salem general hospital was in terestingly sketched. It was told that the hospital became a stan dard hospital according to the American College of Surgtons in 1928. Staff To Assist "It has been said." said Dr. Morse, "that hospitals are money He pointed out that members of the The reverse is true. If there were no hospitals doctors would make more money." and from here he enumerated the hours of detail, of board meetings, and hospital re gime which must all be done as the brdlnary course of the doctor's hospital duties and without pay. ' He polned out that members of the . community profit most. Lives are saved by efficient treatment, per. . lods of Illness are shortened, and ' families are left free to ro on about their dally tasks while a. sick member Is cared for in a hospital. He also pointed out that as an economic benefit the Salem general hospital gives soma $4,600 into the city as hospital overhead every month. - , Dr. Morse closed by saying that the staff of the Salem general hospital had canvassed itself and was now pledged to place $1,900 Into the hospital fund annually. "Will Salem residents match this loyalty?" asked Dr. Morse. "So far only a trifle over S00 Sa lem residents has contributed to the hospital fund. ; LEON TROTSKY W DE EXILED. REPORT (Continued from page 1.) Trotzky were disclosed to tho Jewish Telegraph Agency here by a leading Soviet official who has arrived in Berlin on a visit from Moscow. He said the decision to exile T"eti!kv from the Soviet union was taken by the Politbureau, the most important branch of the Soviet-' government, after a long discus-. slon. Of the ten members of the " Politbureau, five voted for Trots- ky's banishment, one abstained from voting, and four toted against. The resolution was pro- posed by Joseph Stalin, Trotzky's principal foe. MOSCOW, Jan. SO (AP) The Soviet government has declined thus far to Issue an authoritative statement on the whereabouts of Leon Trotxky. Rumors that the ex iled leader has been banished from Russia spread rapidly through Moscow today. . - S16E MM COUNTY I HONORED CAB NET FORM FOR ST1TE IS OFFERED (Continued from page 1.) shall be in charge of a board of directors to be known as the state ' board of education. AH directors shall be appointed bv the governor in such a manner and under such safeguards as shall oe established by law and shall serve during his pleasure. Appoin tive officers and employes shall be selected on a merit basis. (Continued from page 1.) clared. "And besides," he added. you get a years' supply for a few cents." Mr. Alexander refused to make any comment on such topics as whether the legislature should meet every two years or every four, whether the proposed tax measures should pass, or whether or not tnere snouia De -a law oassed to prohibit snow from fall ing In Salem during sessions ol the two houses. oriendty Strangers arc not strang ers long at The Fielding. A beautiful downtown ho tel with a friendly air of welcome,. Among leading theatres and shops. Room and Bath $2.50-$J.50 Ernest F. Peteksos Managtr Hotel fielding CEARv-at-Mason Satyfrartcisco .FAMOUS I OR COMFO TJ.T a OUR JANUARY (pa Closes at 9 P.M. Saturday EusiiaJirn(5)Kis UP TO Throughput Entire Store (Contract Goods Excepted) Buoy Now alt inhece SavOmigs A small deposit will hold any article for future delivery COME IN AND SE E THE BARGAINS GIESE - POWERS Furniture Company I ' . . It 'm, - - P - " (GW no nw x nrr JThr ' i' 'U 1 1 TTsV I k-K I .X - J I ti JJk uLtuyWiuli hlL TOnSlB(D)E0AE3(EIB. T .re ... 1,011... u , . They won at San Diego; tlwse motor fuels that yoiiy too, can have for your motor - Tlrt;econd; third! Flashing i thefinishlineattheNational Speed boat Baees in December, trim rao ing craft proved again the super lority of Associated products. It gives me great pleasure to testifyjo the excellence af Associ ated Ethtl Gasotjcw said E.K. Tlammond after his MIs West chester 2nd. easily took first place in the 151 en. Im. unlimited class. MWFern Creek 2L"and"Mi.s KemaVtobk second and third places in both heats of the iree-lbr-all hydroplane race, the former with a broken oil line held fat phieo by a mr rhenlc 1 Hero again Aiooo. -atsd Enm Gasouks gavo the son- , talned, powerful thrust which en ores finest motor performance. Associated Gasoline, Too And "Mia Houston 4th.," fow year world's champion, took first place in four successive heats. "As sociated Gasoline has made a warm booster, save E. C Thirwell, her famous pilot. "My boat's motor functioned perfectly. You, too, can have the thrill of perfect motor performance. Drive. In at any red, green and cream eer vice station. F1J up with AssoOat kd Ethtt. Casolcok or Associated Gaaocjboc, Winter Crade,and I ,- t ; (GicainrjE . A IT M4M.Uaaja. cMaf mi thm fcaaui ml Um Upr tots mthmary mmdk m Mm ar mi Om National I hi aac Ww day nmut t mMm.m Hum KPO-Saaj rmiiaiii KGQ-Oatlaa; KFI-Lm Anaalia; KOW rantaaf. KOMO-Saanac KHQ-Spoaaai. A