1 t I 1 i Spciety Luncheon 1 Given i Honoring Miss Lord Mrs. T. A. Llresley was lunch eon host 55 In honor of Miss Eliz abeth Lord Wednesday afternoon at her home on Lincoln street. Covers were laid for Miss Eliza beth Lord, Miss Edith Schruyver. Miss Winifred Byrd, Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. Fred Thlelson, Mrs. William Butghardt, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. O. F. John- son. Miss Mabel Robertson, Miss .; Elizabeth Putnum, Miss Sarah - Lansing, and Mrs. T. A. Livesiey The dining table was centered with pale pink carnations. About the rooms were pink hyacinths . and larlstlna In profusion. The larlstina came from the LiTesiey garden and bore some tiny blue blossoms which aroused the en enthusiasm of the guests. The -afternoon was spent with music and conversation. Pretty Luncheon Given For Capitol Club Mrs. Milton Meyers was hostess at an attractive bridge luncheon for the members of the Capitol clirb and a few additional guests Wednesday afternoon at the Elk's club. . Pretty potted tulips and tapers in pastel shades gave a charming spring-time atmosphere for the luncheon which was followed by the afternoon of bridge. Mrs. W. Carlton Smith won the high score of the afternoon. The group Included the addi tional guests Mrs. Dan Fry It., Mrs. H. W. Meyers, Mrs. Milton Stciner and Mrs. E. N. Gillingham and the members, Mrs. E. L, Baker. Mrs. O. C. Locke. Mrs. H. H. 6llnger, Mrs.. George Rodgers, -Mrs. R. . E. Eee Stelner, Mrs. George Rose, Mrs. W. M. Jones, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, and the hostess, Mrs. Meyers. Annual Get Together For Dakota Club The midwinter gathering whleh has been celebrated by the Dako ta elnb for the last three years will be held in the dining room of the First Presbyterian church on Lincoln's birthday, February 22 A covered dish luncheon will be one of the main features of the evening. There will be a short but very pleasing program with Senator Norblad, president of the senate for this legislative session, as the mat nspeaker of the evening. The officers of the Dakota club are president, J. L. Hall, vice president. M. B. Stegner, and Mrs. W. J. Llnfoot, secretary-treasurer. Salem Heights Wom an's Club Meets Friday The Salem Heights Woman's club will meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the community club house. The leader for the after noon will be Mrs. Nellie Baldwin. The guest speaker will be Mrs. William McGllchriat, JrJ who will speak on "Experiences in India." Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist will give some vocal solos. ' . Hostesses for the occasion will be Mrs. Floy Hulsey, Mrs. N. Mc- "3ure. and Miss Lydia Hunt. Colorado Guests 7 at McElvain Home Mr. and Mrs. E. A. MeElvain have had as their guests Mn and Mrs. Stanley Garshe of Pueblo. Colorado. They came as special guests of Mrs. M. M. Cottew. an aunt of Mrs. Garshe, who makes her borne with Mr. and Mrs. Mc Elvain. Mr. and Mrs. Garshe were en. tertained extensively while vi.it ing here-some of the outstanding affairs being dinner parties at the nomes or Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cot- tew. The Colorado visitors left Tues day for Pueblo by way of San francisco, and Los Angeles. Miss Maude Covington, city 11- . nranan. speaking before the Writ er's section of the Salem Arts League, reviewed. a number of the me American ana continental books of verse Tuesday evening at a meeting of the group In the seclal room of the city library . Tuesday evening. Among the books reviewed were Sylvia Townsend Warner's "Tims Importuned." Elisabeth Holltster Frost's fXast Lyrist,' "The Gobbler of God," Percy MacKayc; and "The Tower," W B. Yates. Following the reviews the group enjoyed a general discussion on books and the marketing of stor lee. Through the! suggestion coming from the Institutions department of the Salem Woman's club, the Elsinore theatre entertained the children of the Deaf and Dumb . school Wednesday, afternoon as the first of a series of matinees at 'which the Elcinore will be host to the children of the' various state . Institutions aboet Salem. : The Elk's will give another one of tlx i rfamous dances Saturday evening at the Elk's Temple. This dance' is to bra guest dance. Any , one coming unaccompanied br an Elk will need a ticket which mar be obtained from any member of the dance committee, Jl. J. Ram- sejer. I Blsisden or Jack - Cher rlngton, and they may also be oy- talned at the; Elk's club. Mrs. W? C Dyer.who was call d tff California by : the- sudden .illness- of ber mother Mrs. Clay born Taylor,' will be returning to .Salem ; Saturday accompanied by her mother. Mrs. Taylor, although not weJL is much Improved- News and Club i Olive M. Doak, The Cat's Insurance l'"';r L pi This Persian kitten, Swami, lj worth 125,000, at least that is the ram for which his mistress, Miss Helen Wehrle, has insured him. This photo was taken akitty and his mistress sailed for "Europe. Card Party Given Grants Pass Visitor Mrs. Roy Burton entertained at a card party for Mrs. James T. Chlnnock of Grants Pass In her home on Union street Tuesday evening. Representative and Mrs. Chln nock and their daughter Norma will, be here for the duration of the legislative session. Honors for high score of the evening went to Mrs. W. D. Clarke and Mrs. Wilson Darby. The guest group Included the honor guest, Mrs. Chlnnock, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs. Erie Butler, Mrs. Harry J. Weidmer, Mrs. T. M. Creech, Mrs. Wilson Darby, Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Walter Spauld- Ing, Mrs. H. A. Cornoyer, Mrs J Grant Bonnell, Mrs. Tom Gallow ay, Mrs. William M. Hamilton and the hostess, Mrs. Burton. Girl Reserve Leaders Advertise Y. 'Drive A group of Girl Reserve advis ors are doing their bit to an nounce the coming Y. W. C. A. financial drive by singing this week before the various clubs at their noon hour meetings. Wednesday the, girls sang be. fore the Rotary club, today they sing .before the Realtors and the Ad club, and tomorrow they sing before the Lions. The group includes Miss Flor ence Power, Miss Muriel White.. Miss Elolse White, and Miss Doris Clarke, accompanied by Miss Ros alind Van Winkle. mi-'1 . -m-r r "fes By Lulu Hunt Peters MIX flutfior of Dier and HeaUh ndDicc or ChitdrtsrV THE ancient and middle ages Ancient Health Rules 1 . . I tic rue wiiu i(jiurautx and snperstitutlons, but we find that Borne of their rules for the maintenance of health did con tain the truth md eo are just is aplicable to lay as in those 'flays. Really, .ne irum aoeB live. on. I am remind ed of this while reading a book yon the - medical .school at Sa- resort, estab- 1 1.V m.M . T n 1 the tenth UIU Hunt Pcrtii jiM century. Many great personages went to Salerno, among, them William of Normandy, afterwards Conqueror of England. The famous code of the school was written in rhymed Latin, probably for the guidance of William. I'll give you some excerpts of eome of the verses as they have been translated. Notice the attention given to Dyet (diet). "The Salerne Schoole doth by these' lines Impart All health to England's King. and doth advise From care his head to keepe, from wrath his heart, Drlnke not much wine, sup light, and soone arise, When heate is gone;, long sitting breedeth smart: And after-noone still waking keene your eyes. When moved you find your selfe to Natures Needs. Forbears them, not, for that much danger breeds. Use three Physicians still;' first ' . Doctor Quiet. Next Doctor Merry-man, and Doctor Dyet." l -! "To keepe good dyet, yon should - . never -feed . .Until you flnde yonr stemaeke - cleane and Wold -. f ' Of former eaten meate, for they ..... . . ' -:... "i ' -go oreea Repletion, and will cause you : soone be cloyed,.- i-v..-:. . None, other- rule bat 7 appetite jhoul Y!odomw.a.V : " .t should need. , . ,"' - ; "Good dyet Is a perfect way of (7M 5 i - - cnring: .- , t Society Editor ss Social Calendar Thursday Women's Missionary soci- ety of the First United Pres- byterian church meets at 1:30 o'clock. Women's benefit association card party at Fraternal Tem-- pie postponed. Board -meeting, D. A. R. at Y. W. C. A. rooms, 2:30 o'clock. United Artisans, Fraternal Temple, 8 o'clock, social eve- nlng , for members and . friends. Friday .Women's Alliance of Uniiar- tan , church, Emerson room, 2:30. Patriotic memorial ser- vice. West Side Circle Jason Lee church, Mrs. Richard Erick- son. Each bring a guest. Standard Bearer dinner for W. F. M. S. at First M.'E. church. - Woman's Alliance of the Unitarian church meets at 2:3 o'clock in Emerson room. Hal Hibbard. U. S. W. V. monthly business meeting, 2 o'clock. White Shrine of Jerusalem gnests of Oregon Shrine No. 1, Portland. Reservations call 1979R or 167 Saturday Elks' club i dance, . guest night. First Methodist church. cooked food sale. Southern Pacific ticket office. ' D. A. R., I Elks club, 2 o'clock. Yomarco Club Alters Meeting Plans The Yomarco club was to have met February 12 with Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson but changes have made It necessary to change the meeting date to February 5, Tuesday evening! of next week. The party planned Is to be very interesting. It will be a costume party In which each member is to come dressed to represent some historical character. A guessing contest will be held later ln the evening and score kept for the person Identifying the largest number of historical characters represented. The committee for arrangements are Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mrs. B. E. Sisson, Mrs. A. T. Wool- pert, and Mrs. Harry Swafford. D. A. R. Changes Place of Meeting The Daughters of the American Revolution were to have been the guests of Mrs. Carl Stelw'er for the Saturday meeting but plans have changed end the meeting is now to be at the Elk's Temple at 2 o clock Saturday afternoon. A special meeting of the board has been called to meet this af ternoon at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Board members are urged to be present. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert spent sev eral days of last week In Portland as the guest of Miss Florence Cartwrlght. While in Portland Mrs. Gilbert saw the Gilbert Sul livan production of Gondaller of which she speaks highly. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney entertained at dinner Tuesday night for Professor and Mrs. Ce cil R. Monk, Professor and Mrs Frank Learner and Dr. J. D. Mc- Cormick. And worthy much regard and health assuring. A King that cannot rule him In his dyet, Will hardly rule his Realm in peace and Quiet." Winter Itch Itchy? Seema as though you would have to take some wire brushes and dig the very skin of fa you? Perhaps yon have what Is known as the winter Itch. We have many complaints of that now.. The tech. nical name for this winter itch is Pruritis Hiemalisr The word pur ltis used alone means itching without apparent cause. (However there la a cause for any disagree able sensation in the body). We know that general disorders, gas trointestinal disturbances and the unbalanced diet can cause Inflam matory conditions In the skin as well as other organs, so if you are a sufferer of winter Itch or any other disorder, you should have a physical examination. Winter Itch is usually noticed in climates where there are wide changes in temperature. Do you wear woolen underwear? That seems to be very Irritating to some skins. If it does afflict you, .then wear linen or silk next to the' skin and put the woolens over this, if necessary. If your skin is dry (dry skins are most apt to ; be itchy) drink liberal amounts of water and rub some . glycerine .solution all over the body." (One-fourth glycerine and three-fourths plain or rose water is a good; proportion for most). Some find relief by apply. Ing a saturated solution of boric Acid. Others find that, general baths with baking soda, about 10 ounces to the ordinary tubful of water, are helpful; and strange to tell Just the opposite type of bath, an acidulated one. with an ounce of hydrochloric acid to the ordin ary tubful of water, helps others. Editor' yt0 : Dr. Peters cannot ', 'dlasne. nor give personal advioe. ' 1 - Teur euetttoas. If of aracral Inter, i 4 ' est. will be answered in th coU limn. In turn. Requests for articles nuit be aeeotnpanied by a Lilly z rlf-4drMd. tamped envelope end S cor.te la cola (or each article. -to oovor eoot of priattn aad naad. lias. For tbe pamphlet en roduo y'. 10 and satoJ-X. IS cent In coin, W1U fully salt -adSreeead, stamped ; envelope, mast eaeleeed. Ad- . draw Dr.. Peters, la ear of this Affa irs Willamette Profs Entertained At Dinner Prof, and Mrs. Roy Keene were hosts to a group of the younger members of the Willamette Uni versity faculty at an attractive dinner recently in their home on Lefelle street. Covers were laid for Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke. Prof, and Mrs. Cecil Monk, Prof, and Mrs. Frank Laemer, Prof, and Mrs. Gerald Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McCully, Miss Helen Curry. Miss Winifred McGill. Miss Ixis Latimer, Miss Leila Johnson. Dean Olive M. Dahl, Miss Ruth McKir ron and Dr. Henry C. KohlerJ Prof. Roy N. Locklnour. This was the first of a num ber of dinners with which Prof. and Mrs Keene plan to entertain the faculty. Bridge Affair Given Wednesday Afternoon A delightful 'bridge luncheon was given by Mrs. Curtis Cross at her home on Fairmount Hill Wed nesday afternoon. Covers for 12 were laid at a perfectly appointed 1 o'clock luncheon table. Following the luncheon bridge occupied the afternoon. Mrs. Harry Hawkins won firstz prise and Mrs. Karl Becke wori"second high score. Guests for the arternoon were Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. Roy Keene, Mrs. W. L. Phillips. Mrs John Carson, Mrs. Karl Becke. Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. Paul Hen drlcks. Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry, Mrs. Roy Simmons, and Mrs. Er- cel Kay. - o o e Bridge Luncheon Event of Wednesday Mrs. J. W. Meyers and Mrs. J. H. Laidlaw entertained their bridge club In the Meyers horn Wednesday afternoon with an at tractive bridge affair. After the afternoon of bridge the hostesses served a late lunch eon to the guest group which in cluded Mrs. Earle Small. Mrs. H. G. Rosebaum, Mrs. Verne Mac Intyre, Mrs. J. W. Lillie. Mrs. Har old Hart, Mrs. G. L. Forge, Mrs. H. W. Davis, and Mrs. J. II. Cal lagban. O O 0 Willamette Shrine To Be Portland iGuests Oregon Shrine No. 1 have in vited Wlllanv&tte Shriine, Whltf ShYIne of Jerusalem to attend thr ceremonial and official inspection by the worthy high priestess Sat urday, February 2. A banquet will be served in the evening before the ceremonial takes place. It is expected that many of the members of the Sa lem order will be in attendance. Those who wish reservation in the special transportation which is being chartered for the occa sion will phone 1979 R. or 167 for such reservations. The Willing Workers class of the First" Christian church met with Mrs. C. R. Lester at her home on South Capitol street for a business meeting and election of officers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. O. A. MacDowell was elected to be the new president. The other officers elected were: Mrs. L. H. Dunn, rice president: Mrs. Mable Flint, secretary, and Mrs. Willis Schleifner, treasurer Household Hints V MM9. MARY MORTON- MENU HINT Breakfast Sliced Oranges Cooked Cereal Bacon Toast Coffee Luncheon Liver and Tomato Sauce . . Baked Potatoes Buttered Carrot Celery Jellv Peaches 1 Tea Cnnkloa Dinner Breaded Pork Chona Mashed oPtatoes Baked Annloc Head Lettuce with 1000 Island Dressing Cranberry Pie Coffee A new way of cookinr liver is Included In today's reclDea. Don't forget to use liver frequently in me menu, as it Is good for the whole family. The recipes are for two. - - Today's Recipes Liver with Tomato Sauce Drench liver in flour, put in fry- ink samei. salt and nenner wnen Drown take out of avmat take one. tablespoon of flour! small onion cut fine, one rreen pepper and brown together. Take stewed tomatoes, one can, strain, put Juice in with browned onion and pepper, put liver- In this sauce and let simmer alowlr for at least one hour. Delicious and nourishing. Baked Apples-Cut apples In halves, core, place each half In baking dish, put sugar, cinnamon, butter on each half. Place a marshmellow with raisin on ton of each half or chooned nuts, and raisins. Put one-half in baking dish. Bake In oven un til apples are baked. . !. Thousand Island Dressing (New) One-half cup tomato sauce, one-fourth cun mayon naise, one egg cooked hard.- chop ped fine, one green peoner. chon- pea. line, six sturred olives, chop ped fine, one small sweet sickle. chopped fine,, one teaspoon lemon !uice,oneiourth teaspoon rait. Mix Ingredients,' chill and put oV er head lettuce cutJn halves. SoKffeeUona . .. P Keeping Out Drafts T Take a : piece " of cretonne or tny firm ' material - one-quarter- srd wide and as long as the door 's wide, sew 'it up, leaving one-end TARGETS . 4 PICTURE without words? Almost for this is the universal experience of young girlhood, the time when she must place herself against the target of Love to await the dart that determines her dee-tiny. She can allow herself to be struck by the first of the arrows from Cupid's quiver, or she can delay the event, enjoying the pleas ure of the qccasion. And it is she, not Cupid, who chooses the arrow that wounds. By her woman's intellignece she directs his aim against her. Her proper attitude on this occasion te to face the marksman Peters Adventures OH, FOR A ROAD LEADING SOMEWHERE' 0' F all the silly performanc es I have ever seen," mut tered Peter. "These Tur keys look as If they had lost tJeir wits bobbing their heads and twisting their necks, and getting all ready to fly and then -walking around in circles. "Hopping up in the air, too. like a lot of grasshoppers! hy. Iaogt ors' Q9CU SVQ9 vV tliere isn't one who appears to ;ood sense. among them all have a grain of "Gobbler has forgotten every single thing I told him and he is just as bad as the others can't make up his mind any more than can they. I am tired of listening to this babble! I am going to slip off Gobbler's back and go my own way." open, fill it with sawdust by using fruit Jar funnel. Do not fill it too full so you can pack it down -O fit the corners. Place over ;rack between door and floor to keep out draft. L To women who suffer from nausea." or so-called "morning sickness," this simple measure is proving a blessing. Most nurses know it and it is advised by lead ing specialists. Prepare a small quantity of finely cracked ice about a wine glassful. Pour over it a teaspoon fnl of Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Sip slowly until the mixture is gone or you are entirely relieved. It Is seldom necessary to repeat the dose to end sick stomach or any Inclination to vomit. - Its snti-aeld properties enable Phillips Milk of Magnesia to give Immediate relief in heartburn, sour stomach, gas. Its mild, but effective laxative, action assures regular bowel movement, used as a mouthwash It helps prevent acid erosion and tooth decay during ex- pectancy. . . ; ; . ' . . -. With every bottle of Fbltllpj Milk Magnesia, come In 11 di rections for its ; many uses. AH drag stores have the 25c and 36c sizes, i Demand the . genuine, ' en dorsed by"doctdrs - fort over- 80 years. ":x'? " ' .-f f Milk of Magnesia, has been the 17. 8. Registered Trade Mark of the Cha's. H. Phillips Chemical iCo. and Its predecessor Chvs.".Xi rhlllips, since 1875. adv. wn EARN USES OF MAGNESIA . . BY VPS FLOCtKCE SMITH VtMCCNT The boy wanted to get out of sight before the Turkeys discov ered he had gone. "I don't believe the silly things can think of but one thing at a time," said Peter, aloud, "and this deciding which way they will go Is all they can manage. Cer tainly the Wild Birds will never miss me, and I daresay Gobbler will have forgotten all about me by the time the argument is over. But if one of them should catch sight of me stealing away, well that would be different. They might wish to know where I was going nnd why. and it may be that they would not think I was very polite to leave them without saying goodby." So Peter hurripd. on as fast a he could go. and soon he cam to a turn that hid the Turkeys from his sight, but not before lookinp back over his shoulder he had made sure that none of them was following him. No! The silly birds were hopping and bobbin; about Just as undecided as ever! But when he had gotten this fai away, Peter came to a stop ani looked around him. "Now let me see." said he. thoughtfully. "Which 'direction shall I take? I am afraid I would SORE -S H ROA h Relief guaranteed with one awallowof THOX1NE s i"J95oto JLJ) SanFrancisco "Silver Gray" through Stage leaves here daily Arrive San Francisco 2:08 pjn. next day. .15 SanFrancisco Low fare good only on All-Coach train. Reclin ing chairs, all-day lunch car, also diner with moderate prices. 50 lbs. free baggage. Leaves here Arrives San Francisco 9:50 sjn. next day. DO to Los Angeles For Los Angeles, Coach train makes connection at Port ' Cosra, QL, with the fast "San Joaquin" which ar rives Los Angeles evening of the same day. Only one night on train. , m Telephone SO or 41 (IS e) gaily and with full confidence of her own ability to make a choic Somewhere In the quiver lies the arrow with her life lover's nan engraved upon It. She must be clever enough to know when Re drawn and when the bow is snapped. She makes herself even more attractive for the test. Her gi ish figure and laughing eyes make her a tempting morsel as s) stands against the target, the wind breaking fresh on her partc-.i lipo. But she must not tarry there long, for others await their tut ;. never make the other side if I tried to swim across this 6tream. And goodness knows how long, it is! I might walk along this bank for days without coming to a bridge. rethink 111 " Peter stopped suddenly, he laughed. "I am doing the very same thing that I scolded Gobblerfor." cried he. "Well I am not going to think any longer. I am going to do something and do it quick. At least iii the woods I shall find 'hade, and If I keep on walking I am sure to come out on the other side and very likely once out I will find a road that leads some where. Then I shall feel satis fied. I am not used to wandering around In the wilds, and 1 lose my ALWAYS KEEPS IT ON HAND Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helps Her5o Much riiisTurgl)i Pa. "I wa just com pletcly run-down. I had tired, heavy, fhigpiMi feelings ana l could not rat. I was losing in weipht. I read so much about Lydia E. rink ham's Vegptable Compound and what a pood med icine it is, that I started taking it. I have taken eight bottles of Lvdia K. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and about the same in tablet form. This is one medicine a woman should have in the house all the time. I am improv ing every day and I sure am able to eat. I am willing to a newer any let ters askinjr a.ltout the Vegetable Com ound." Mrs. Eij.a Richards, 21 Chautauqua St., N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Lih: .ht ttr linn mmrk a stln, thti Sitl- mark is tb itgn 1 1MMIII1 lt mrwflart ytm Mitt See Our -Window showroocne. CTuttntimtna 1 i J ' ' r wiHunnuuii:nimai;aiiiUiiUiiiiiiiiwiMimuiiUiuiuuimiyiwtnmnmuuiJuuuuBu 467! Court : . - Tel 114i . Bj Laird bearings.' The Small BroV n Next : 'Stump' -Rubs-Away i TO EAT WITHOUT BECOMING FAT Avoid Too Much of Any FocA and Too Little Exercise, Say Authorities Some people seem to think that all t"ey need to do to reduce is to stop eating sugar. That isn't trii' As a matter of fact, as a promine " nudical authority says, "Lvery fo I that has any food value at all fattening if taken in large enour quantities." "Reducing weight," ) e goes on to say, "means to eat les . keeping the diet balanced and at tractive." Medical authorities are alariwd at the national "craze for redi ing." "The experience of centurii has shown," says a celebrated do tor. "that a poorly nourished becomes much more quickly subjfir to such disorders as anemia, tuber miosis, tne common cold, or variois types of infection, than dees or properly upholstered. . . . The crata Toe thinness is an attempt to modify the process of nature." ' How much more wise and sane it s to eat moderately of all food rather than omit the one ingrediert hat adds so much to the enjoymer t f eating. Sweetness is nature's ideal flavor. And no other food is io pure or so cheap as sugar. Eat lcnty of such healthful foods as ercals, apple sauce, grapefruit &Tkl resh and canned fruits and vesc ables of all .kinds sweetened to aste..1 Sweetening makes it easy to at the healthful foods regularly tnd daily. -Don't overeat, but re wmber it is dangerous to undereat. he sugar way is the happy way. The Sugar Institute. adr. They'll want to stay Home SEE that your living room bar enough really cory chairs deep, soft cushioned chairs luxuriously comfortable and every maenber of the family will reach tbe opinion spontaneously that noma is the pleasanteat place there is. Plenty of upholstered furniture give the living room an air of friendly homines. Mind and body are soothed by the rich quiet colors and utter comfort. An hoar in this restful atmosphere and . you feel ready for anything that does not re quire you to move too far from your cosy corner. Our selection of sofa a. chairs and suites Si particularly attractive this season. Many beauti ful designs of the finest workmanship are repre sented, and mohair velvet and other ncholatenr materials have navar bawta handsomer. Wa cor- jf dially invite you to inspect the display in out 7