The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    The New Oregon statesman. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, January St, 1929
Local) News Briefs
To Haines E. F. Fosnot
'Wn weaneeaay on a business trip
te Haines, Baker county, Oregon.
Rdport Folk Here Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Lovelace of Reedsport
axe guests at the New Salem.
Knykendall Here- Robert B.
Kvykendall of Klamath Falls Is in
the city to look on at events at
the state capltol.
junavlll reople la City Mr.
and Mrs. B. N. Speer were in Sa
lem from Aumsyille Wednesday.
doe to Corvallls -Mrs. W. F.
Appelman. 486 North X4th street,
left Wednesday for Corrallis.
where she will spend several days
visiting her sister.
on to Coffers -MrJ and Mrs.
John J. CofXey,' 1020 Tile road.
.ure the parents of a babyon. born
t 6:30 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing at the Salem general hospital.
JUivorce Asked Sarah Osborn
filed suit for divorce here Wed
nesday, alleging that her husband,
Tbouxa Osborn, deserted her De
cember 20, 1923, a. few months
after lie married her. They were
married (n Salem April 5, 1923.
Kttnkhorn to Address Student-
J. E. Blinkhorn. dairy and food
Inspector with the county health
demonstration, will address the
upper grades of the Jefferson
school at 1:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon on -"Bacteria in Milk."
flaee at Fair view Dr. Vernon
A. Douglas will address the Home
Nursing class to be conducted at
Falrview Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock on "Sanitation." Miss Mar
garet Mf Alpine, R. N., is instructor
of the class.
Fox Breeder Here Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Jensen of Tacoma were
over-night visitors In Salem, plan-
nine to leave early this Thursday
morning for California. He owns
a large silver fox farm, located
on the mountain highway a short
distance south of Tacoma.
Pester Sent Bark Stanley Fos
ter, who was Involved with others
la the theft of an automobile here
eeently, was returned to the state
- . . x m . 1
- raising scnooi ironi me xuaripa
eoanty Jail Wednesday, it was an-
oosaeed at the county sheriff'
Mrs. Kay Back Mrs. I. Kay re
turned Tuesday night to her home
kere after spending several days in
Portland on business. Three stores
are operated by the Kay family in
tddltlon to a manufacturing plant.
The stores are located In Salem.
Eugene and Marshfield while the
plaat Is In Portland.
KerortL Stored Away A large
quantity of claims and warrants,
extending from 1916 to 1920.
were removed from the vault of
the county clerk's vjfflce and tak
; en te a room on the upper floor
of the county court house Wed
nesday. It was explained that the
vault is becoming extremely
crowded and efforts are betng
made to obtain more room. ;
Nnreing Class to Meet The sec
ond aection of the Home Nursing
class conducted here by the conn,
ty child health demonstration, will
te held in the senior high school
y kiUlding Thursday afternoon from
V'te S o'clock. Miss Martha Har
tlson. R. N.. in charge. Dr. Vernon
a. Douglas will give an address on
GmO Petition Filed Two
market road petitions were filed
with the Marion county court here
Wednesday. One of these, signed
by one of the longest lists of
names on record, asks establish
ment of a market road between
Wookburn and Hubbard, a dis
tance of four miles. The other
petition seeks a market road be
tween Hazel Green church and the
Ishaja place, a distance of one and
three-quarters miles.
fn ---y Engineer Coming J.
M. Reddy of Topeka. Kansas, will
arrive in Salem before the first of
the month to take over the duties
of sanitary engineer with the Ma
rion county child health demon
stration. Mr. Reddy will succeed
C. C. Payton. who resigned early
fa January to accept a post In Cal
ifornia. Mr. Reddy has been with
the Kansas state board of health.
Divorce. Requested Suit for di
ver was filed In circuit court
here Wednesday by Anna Melxner
tlaat William Melxner on the
grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatment. She alleges that he
told her he was "steppingout" on
her and that he mistreated her In
other respects until she was
Xrd to leave him December 8 of
last yr. They were married Oc
tober 7, 1920. In Salem.
Jail I-oonis for. 'Yates A peti
tion accompanied by affidavit was
filed in circuit court here Wed
nesday by the former Rosemary
Dryedale, now Mrs. Rosemary
Teglaad. asking that Louis Yates
h- returned to coun:y Jail for
having refused to contribute to
the support of her child. Yates
was convicted In circuit court here
lat year of being the fatherof the
child. At the time of the trial
the defense alleged that Teglami
waa the father or the child.' Sub
sequently she married Te;land.
Both she and Tegland are rest,
'denta of Mount Angel. Yates
lives In Silverton.
Heart Balm Allowed Judg
ment against Jewel Steele, em
ploye in the state highway com
mission, was allowed in the sum
. of IJSOO when a Jury returned
V'te erdlct In circuit court here
ifidnssday In the action brought
by Ida Madsen for the alienation
of her husbrnd's affections. The
plaintiff declared that the defen
dant and by artifice and scheming
succeeded In breaking up the
Madssa'homo and turning. the af
feetteaa of the husband. Arthur
Hansen. ' toward herself. ; Miss
Stanla did not pat la any appear.
ansa, either la person "or by at
torney, and tho plaintiff presented
bar evidence without any opposi
tion. Ifisa Steele's tllinr Ii (a he
Stt&Taad, It has been Indicated.
Mr. Powers Here W. L. Pow
ers, traveling agent for the Chi
cago. Burlington and Qulncy rail
road, was attending to business
matters In this city Wednesday.
Clinic at Mt. Angel Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas of the county child
health demonstration will conduct
a toxin-antitoxin clinic at Mt. An
gel Thursday afternoon.
Leave For California Mrs.
F. V.t Brown, 173 South Cottage
street, left Wednesday for Marys,
vllle, Calif. where she will visit
with her son.
Railroad Man Here C. J. Bar
ry with the New York Central
railroad offices in Portland, was a
business visitor to (he city Wed
nesday) making a fraternal call
at the local S. P. offices.
Railroad Representative Here
J. T. Wallace, representative
with Portland headquarters for
the Chicago Northwestern rail
way, was a Salem business visitor
Mr. Coffe has Flu E. J. Cof
fey, district manager for the Mu
tual Benefit Health and Accident
association. is confined to his
home at 1457 D street with an at
tack of the influenza.
Russell in Portland J. O. Rus
sell, with the office of the Mutual
Life Insurance company of New
York. left Wednesday for a busi
ness trip to Portland. He will re
turn this Thursday noon.
Finishing Nearly Done Inter
ior finishing of the new store
home of Kafoury Bros." on North
L&berty street Is nearly done and
worn on lue uie nuui ut inviiuic
is well under way. The building
is owned by W. H. Steusloff.
Marr To Address Realtors
L. D. Marr, sanitary engineer with
headquarters in the Masonic
building, will address the Salem
Realty Board on "Sanitation" at
the weekly luncheon meeting at
the Marion hotel this Thursday
Leaving For South Mr. and
Mrs. Will Taylor will leave Thurs
day for L03 Angeles where they
will spend a month visiting. They
will be accompanied by their son
Sam. Another son is city engin
eer for Los Angeles.
Insurance Agency Moves The
Willamette insurance agency, of
which G. T. Wadsworth is presi
dent, has moved its offices from
the third floor of the Masonic
building to room 215 on the sec
ond floor. J. A. Jelderks and
William Bllven are also associated
with the company.
Called Off A performance at
the state penitentiary planned for
Wednesday by the Elsinore the
atre was cancelled because some
illness exists there and it was not
deemed wise to have the men
called to a general assembly. Miss
Sally O'Nell, star with the Fan-chon-Marco
show here this week.
was to have been featured In the
Book IJUs Ready Book lists
for the Salem school students
were distributed -Wednesday af
ternoon to the school from the of
fice of the city school superin
tendent. They will be given to
pupils when they report for their
semester grades Fflday after
noon, and pupils are expected to
have their books ready to begin
the new semester's work Monday
morning. In addition to changes
already announced, there will be
tome change in the music texts,
including: Congdon music prim
er will be discontinued in the 2A
and Introductory Music used in
that grade as well as in the 2B.
Introductory Music will also be
used In the third grade, Instead of
Progressive Music Reader, f book
one. K 1 emeu tar y Music, new last
emester, will be used in the
'ourth grade. Progressive Music
Reader, book tow, will be used In
'he 5B with enough second hand
.-oples to be available that new
books will not have to be pur
chased, as this book will not be
used here next year. Intermedi
ate Music will be eliminated In
the sixth grade, and book three
of Progressive Music reader
FiirnJtiig. Upholsterer
And repairing Giese.Powsrs
Furniture Co.
Dollar Dinner
Bvery night :S0 to t at the
Marion hotel.
Eat at O'Leary's
Where good food Is served.
Old Time Dance
Crystal Garden every Wed. and
Sat. night. -Klks
Sat. Feb. 2. Elks may bring
a guest.
Guaranteed Shed Dry Wood
Coal. Prompt Service. Tel. 13.
If. A. I,oveall of the Model
Beauty Parlor has returned and
is accepting appointments.
Auction Sale
Friday, Feb. 1, 1:30 p. m. 12
rooms of furniture, also office fur
niture and typewriter. 391 North
Cottage. Mrs. L. C. Davis, owner.
F. N-. Woodry, auctioneer.
Midyear Graduates of High
Schools planning to enter col
lege next fall, would find it to
their material advantage to spend
a few months taking an intensive
course in shorthand and typing
at the Capital Business College.
Call, let us show you some of the
advantages of such a course.
Extradition Writ
For Lepley Given
. Governor Patterson Wednesday
honored papers authorizing the
extradition of L. S. Lepley. wanted
In Arkansas on charge of forgery
and grand larcenv. LenUv wm ar
rested here a week ago. His wife
and two children live In Salem.
Yamhill Senator Objects to
High Salaried Clerks
on Committees
The first clash with relation to
employment of clerks In the sen
ate developed: Wednesday when
Senator Butt objected to the
adoption of a resolution author
izing the employment of a chief
clerk of the insurance committee
of (he senate and house at a sal
ary of J6 per day.
"I am convinced that me in
surance committee does not need
the services of a clerk at this
time," said Senator Butt. "From
investigation of the records I
have discovered that clerks have
been employed fr committees
which have only two bills before
them for consideration. These
clerks receive from $5 to 10 a
day. M
"I have been accused of being a
crank and playing to the galler
ies, but I want; to say that there
are more people In the galleries
than In thes legislature."
Klepper Conies To Rescue
Senator Klepper, chairman of
the senate committee on Insur
ance, declared that a large num
ber ef bills dealing with Insurance
had been introduced, and that
the committee would not be able
to function efficiently without a
clerk. !
"Some of you1 fellows yell about
spending $4 or $5 for a clerk,"
said Senator : klepper, "but you
will go before the ways and
means committee and then come
down here and vote for an appro
priation of a million dollars."
Dissenting votes were cast by
Senators Brown, Butt. Carsner.
Dunn of Jackson. Elliott, Hall
Schulmerlch and Strayer.
A house bill Introduced by Rep
resentative Catkin and others
providing for the repeal of a sec
tion of the Oregon laws relating
to election contests, was referred
to the senate committee on judici
ary when placed on third reading.
Upton Blocks ote
Senator Upton objected to re
peal of the section until it had re
eeived further consideration.
"I am of the opinion," said
Senator Upton, "that Representa
tive Carkln and other members of
the repeals committee have not
riven some of the repeals bills
careful consideration. Two years
ago we repealed several sections,
which are to be reenacted at thU
legislative session."
Senator Corbett's bill author
izing an appropriation of Si 00.
000 of state funds with which to
match federal aid in the construc
tion of a memorial building at
Champoeg park was reported fav
orably by .the senate committee or
public buildings and Institutions
The bill was referred to the ways
and means committee for further
consideration. The money la not
to be expended unless the federal
government authorizes a matched
appropriation of 3125,000.
The senate postponed Indefin
itely house bill 47. by Carkln and
others providing for the repeal
or a section relating to military
training In the public schools. The
senate military: commtltee report
ed adversely on the bill. '
A house joint memorial intro
duced by Representative Burdlck
urging congress to support legis
lation looking to the construction
of the Deschutes irrigation pro
ject In Central Oregon, was
Among the Important bills in
troduced in the senate Wednes
day was one by Senator Bailey of
Lane county relieving counties of
cooperation In the construction of
state highways.
Rural mail carriers would be
exempted from payment of the
state gasoline tax under a bill In
troduced by Senator Upton.
Among the bills passed by the
senate Wednesday were the fol-
H. B. 130, by Carkln Repeal
of obselete section of Oregon
laws relating to correspondence
H. B. 11, by! Carkln et al Re
peal of obsolete' Bection relating
to employment of official court
reporter in fifth judicial district.
H. B. 10, by Carkin et al Re
peal ef obselete section relating
to operation of courts of the fifth
judicial district.
H. B. 1, by Carkln, et al Re
peal of section relating to return
of summons.
H. B. 116, by Carkin, et al
Relating to livestock running at
large in Malheur county.
The proposed new banking
coda, which contains more than
30 amendments to the present
banking laws, was received in
the senate.
The federal government owns
much of the land and resources
of the state of Oregon, and since
the products of this land are in
direct competition with the prod
ucts of privately owned land.
some means should be devised
whereby the state would be allow
ed to tax these lands and re
sources, j
This Is the; belief of Represen
tatives Anderson,' Carkin and
Hamilton, who have prepared a
joint memorial -calling on the
United States government to make
such taxation i possible.' or In Hsu
thereof, to allow some other eqult
lble adjustment. . ';
Timber lands make up the most j
of, It Is saM. although
other lands under lease may also
be Included, j The approximate
value -of the lands Involved or the
amount of taxes that might be
realized is not stated la the mem-
orut-rt; -i-vf v; ' -A -iV';'Jf"f" f .
- Some revenue to -the state Is
now realized In the form of re
turns on salt of timber from gov
ernment 'lands, but the farmers
of this, bill believe that a mueh
larger earn should ha forthcoming;
for general nnexte of tire state.
West Salem News
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gosser and
their two children Frank and Del
bert. and Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Smalley of Salem, were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Gosser on KIngwood
avenue, Sunday.
Mrs. W. L. Cass of Eola was the
honored guest at a shower given
by Mrs. W. R. Peterson on Wed
nesday afternoon, at her home on
Second avenue. Tea was served
at four. Mrs. Clifford Tongeland
and Miss Ruby Perry assisted the
hostess. The ladles were entertain
ed by several radlngs given by
Miss Trea May. The guests were
Mrs. lFora Davis. Mrs. F. O. Need
ham, Mrs. Helen Tongeland, Mrs.
Roy Vincent, and daughter Jean,
Mrs. T. J. Shlpler and daughter
Ruth, Mrs. T. F. Capps, Mrs. E.
Williams. Mrs. Noah Kessel. Mrs.
Clara Gehrke. Mrs. Guy Wearer.
Mrs. C. E. Green and her two
daughters Treesa and May, Mrs. A.
H. Smith and children. Mrs. H. F.
Perry and daughter Ruby, and
Mrs. W. L. Cass the honored guest.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Meakins and
E. J. Smock of Eugene, motored
down last Thursday and were over
night guests at the home of their
relatives the D. C. Seherns on
Edgewater street. They returned
to Eugene Friday afternoon.
of state ma
Politics and a defense against
the alleged reputation of the state
s a poverty stricken Institution
and commonwealth were Injected
nto the Wednesday noon meeting
of the Salem Rotary club by Sen
ator Jay Upton of Bend, once can
didate for governor and. on this
occasion, "pinch hitting" for Sen
ator Isaac Staples as a club speak
er. Politics was advanced when the
senator declared that gubernator
ial leadership is requisite to a so
lution of the problems of state
government. This leadership, he
Inferred, Is not present and the
legislature Is virtually powerless
until It appears. Governor Patter
son, who Is a member of the Ro
tary club, was not present at the
meeting Wednesday.
The declaration that Oregon is
not poverty stricken was carried
out by the senator In the assertion
that only the administrative
branch of state government is Im
poverished, while many other
branches prosper splendidly. The
state as a whole reports a larger
per capita wealth than some 40
other states, he said.
James N. Smith. 1255 North
5th street. 73. died Tuesday eve-
nine at a local hospital. Survived
by one sister. Miss Martha Smith
with whom he made his home.
ind three brothers. Dr. J. N.
Smith of Salem; Dr. J. C. Smith
3f Grants Pass; and Charles S.
Smith of Oakland, Calif. Funer
l services at Oakvllle church.
iear Corvallls, Thursday, January
11. at 2 p. m.. under direction of
ligdon & Son. Interment In
Oakville cemetery.
Wilbur McNalr. 72. died Tues
day afternoon at the home five
miles east on the Frultland road.
3urvlved by his wife. Mrs. Mary
K. McNalr, one son, F. L. Mc
Nalr, of Aberdeen, Wash., four
grandchildren and two great
grandchildren. Funeral services
it 10:30 o'clock Thursday morn-
ng from Rlgdon's mortuary par
lors, the Rev. P. W. Eriksen offi
ciating. Remains wil be taken
o Portland for cremation.
Mary Elizabeth Newton. 82, wl
low of Charles Newton, died
Thursday morning at the family
home In the Rosedale district.
Survived by two daughters, Mrs.
Fred Cone of Salem, Mrs. Hast
ings H. Hart of White Plains, N.
V., and one son. John R. Newton
of Klrkland, Wash.,: also 10
grandchildren and 14 great
grandchildren. Funeral services
Thursday, January 31, 1 p. m..
from Rlgdon Mortuary. Conclud
ing services in Canby cemetery.
Mary J. Shaw. 76. died In this
eity January 30. Remains will
be shipped to Idaho at a later
date under direction of Rlgdon
and Son.
Vault Entombment
rv vs a 10
nUneral f
John J: Roltle :
415 Statn St.-
Expert Shoe Fitter
Phone 417-W
Mrs. Pete Stevens of Quinaby
passed away Wednesday, January
31 at her home. Mrs. Stevens has
been confined to her bed for the
past two years. She leaves a hus
band and two daughters, Mrs. Joe
MInton of San Francisco, Mrs.
Harry Balds of Salem and a bro
ther Mr. Jav Stevens of West Sa
lem and 'four grandchildren. The
funeral will be held Fridav after
noon at two-thirty at Quinaby.
Mrs. F. O. Need ham and Mrs.
Arthur Sprout were dinner anesta
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C.
N. Hathaway.
Miss Jenie Campbell of Portland
arrived In Salem Sunday. January
27.1 Miss Campbell Is supervisor
field worker for the primary chll-
drens organization of the Latter
Day Saints church. Their north
west headquarters are tn Portland".
Miss Campbell was a visitor at the
home of Mrs. Dale Lemon, while
attending to her work In West
Capt. F. O. and Mrs. Jacobson
of Newport were week-end visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
A measure calling for an n
nual appropriation of $7,500 for
five-ears for a crime survey of
the state of Oregon, to be con
ducted under the auspices of the
University of Oregon, will be In
troduced Into the house of rep
resentatlves today by the bouse
judiciary committee, It was de
cided at a meeting of this com
mittee held Wednesday afternoon
The survey will be made with
a view to a better understanding
of the administration of criminal
justice and the care and treatment
of delinquent classes, the bill
Those conducting' the survey
are to ascertain and make known
the factors responsible for crime
conditions, .to study methods of
treatment, to Include a complla
tlon, analysis and survey of crim
inal records of the state, the work
of the supreme court of trial
courts juries, prosecutors, police
and coroners, methods effective
for the treatment and rehabllita
tlon of the convict and survey of
special types of offenses and of
Appearing before the Judiciary
committee on behalf of the meas
ure was Dr. P. A. Parsons, dean
of the school of sociology of the
University of Oregon, Judge
Walter Evans of Multnomah coun
ty. Judge James T. Brand, Stan
ley Meyers, ' district attorney of
Multnomah county. William P.
Davis, president of the state bar
association and Chief of Police
lenkins of Portland. The survey
has already been indorsed by the
state bar association which ap
pointed a special committee to
study it, the state sheriffs' asso
ciation, and various other organ
Milk Regulation
Bill Is Proposed
By State Officer
J. D. Mickle, state dairy and
Cood commissioner, la preparing a
bill for introduction during the
legislative session regulating the
marketing of milk. Te bill will
apply only to persons who sell to
consumers and not to those who
upply creameries and other sim
ilar establishments.
The proposed law will require
maintenance of milk houses and
sterilization of milk bottles and
other equipment used In the pro
duction and sale of milk.
It Is possible that owners of one
or two cows will be exempted from
the provisions of the bill.
1 cminse V
f BvRttCTEvfenii I
"The Seven Words that
Will Smash the League
of Nations."
Now Is the Time to
Plant Your
3 thousand Mazzard
seedling cherry trees, 4
to 6 ft.
Sales Yard East Side
w u . of Armory
Over 90 yr r. la IhmIoVm :
. PHONE 330 -'
HOME Tel. 177S.M ;
Measure Giving Officials Ac
cess' to Railroad Pass
Lies Approved
Repeal bills continued to pour
out of the house Wednesday morn
ing. During the short session no
debates of consequence were
heard, and little interest was
shown In most of the measures.
Two bills. H. B. 173, and H. B.
144 were wlthdrawn.ybne. H. B.
il, was Indefinite? postponed
and another H. B. 185, was laid
on. the table. Two senate Joint
memorials asking for higher taritfiyjdtng for a flat rocreese of $1000
on filberts and on poultry prodfjf year In the salaries of circuit
ucts were adopted.
Bills were passed as follows:
H. B. 14. repealing sections
1021 to 1023 relating to district
H. B. 25, repealing section
2850, relating to appropriation
for Industrial school purposes.
H. B. 31. repealing sections 3231
to 3234. relating to coupty seats.
H. B. 63, repealing sections
9713 to 0717, relating to armories.
H. B. 77, repealing sections
1990 and 1991, relating to tres
pass. H. B. 99. repealing chapter 163,
relating to transfer- of funds.
H. B. 100, repealing chapter
24 6, relating to Oregon building
at California exposition.
H. B. 14 a, repealing certain
sections relative to notice and as
sessment of damages in location
and re-location of roads.
H. B. 243. amending aection 1.
chapter 241, passed in 1927. -
H. B. 244, to amend section
5870, providing that railroads
keep pass lists open for public
service commissioner Inspection.
Senate joint memorials passed
S. J. M. 4, providing for the re
vision and increase of tariff rates
on filbert nuts.
S. J. M. 6, providing for in
crease of tariff rates on poultry
and poultry products.
House bills withdrawn were:
H. B. 173, abolishing the elec
tive method of selecting certain
boards and commissions and pro
viding for an appointive system.
H. B. 144, providing for an an
nual audit by state board of con
trol of state department accounts.
Indefinite postponement was
the fate of II. B. 87, repealing sec
tion 3633, relating to clerks fees.
H. B. 185, authorizing con
struction of a court house In Jack
son county out of funds paid coun
ty by U. S. government.
Cities in Oregon that maintain
their own municipal utilities can
breathe easier now, since House
Bill, 252. which would have re
moved municipally o-ned prop
erty from the exemption from tax
ation list was withdrawn by Rep
resentatlves Russell and Tonip
kins Wednesday.
No reasons were cited for the
withdrawal of the bills, but it 1
known that the cities concerned
were busily organizing to combat
the measure should it ever have
been reported out of commltte
Several cities of the state would
be affected by the legislation, and
many millions of dollars of valua
tion would have been put on the
assessment books of the variou-
counties. Estimates of receipts
from this source along varied
from $125,000 per year to as high
as $600,000.
We buy junk of all kinds.
We want your old iron,
rags, paper and every
thing that you don't
want. We call for it and
pay you cash.
Salem Junk Co.
820 N. Com'!' St. Tel. 402
4 departures daily at this
big saving. World's greatest
motor coach system assures
safety, . comfort, . lowest "
fares. All cars pleasantly
Other Low Rates
OAKLAND $18.50
SAX niKGO 22.80 -'
-... Psyl' ssster ktl -Ceart
aaa SUra at. .
rekae -. . . ,
V ..... i v : ' y
is 1
At Eugene, one of the cities af
fected.' the municipal water and
electric ' concern is now at work
on a new power plant on the Me
Kenzle which is costing several
millions. Recently this city also
made Improvements to its water
facilities. Other cities have also
made Improvements and Invest
ments,' and these have been based
on returns which would be too low
for operation if they were to be
taxed. It Is said. Higher rates
In every ease would have been the
result If the bill had passed, many
Lawyers In Togas
Agree on Bill to
Raise Court Pay
Lawyer members of the legis
lature held a conference Wednes
day and agreed to draft a bill pro-
judges. Judges outside of Mult
nomah county now receive $4000
a year.
Under the proposed law circuit
judges in Multnomah county
would receive $5000 a year from
the state together with $1500
from Multnomah county. The ag
gregate salary of these circuit
Judges would be $6510 a year.
In counties of .the second class
the circuit Judges would receive
LSS000 a year from the state and
91000 a year from tne counties.
In counties of the third class
the Judges would receive $500 a
year from the counties in addi
tion to the $5000 received from
the state.
The classification of counties,
outside of Multnomah, will be
worked out by the sponsors of the
proposed bill before it is intro
Barber License
Bill Introduced
In Lower House
Rarhers and barbershops of
Oregon will henceforth be licensed
by the state board of examiners,
rather than Just operating under
their supervision. If a bill Intro
duced Wednesday In the house by
Lonergan of Multnomah county Is
made into law.
The measure also provides for
licensing apprentices and barbers
as well as their shops. A. new
schedule Of fees, varying from $4
for two chair shops to a maximum
of $15 for shops with more than
15 chairs is proposed. The fee
schedule 'would be as follows:
Two chairs, $4; four chairs, $6;
six chairs. $8; eight chairs, $10;
10 chairs. $12; $1 additional for
each chair over 10, with 1 maxi
mum charge of $15.
A brand span clean linen towel
for each customer Is also made a
part of fhe proposed statute. The
bill also defines Just what sort of
tonsorial work is classified as
Have a few tons of oat hay
containing a small amount
of fern that we are making
a special low price on. j
$15.00 PER TOk
F. O. B. our warehouse.
slightly higher in less than
ton lots
Have a Dairy Feed that we
! are selling for
Per sack
70 lbs. each. A good mixture
and a good buy at the price.
Try a sack or so and see the
Phone 160 261 State St.
Just the thing for Cleaning
SATIN and all other fabrics.
Price 25c, 50c and $1
Mfg. and sold by
Drag Store
The Original Yellow Front
and Candy Special Store
of Salem
1S5 !x. Coral. St. Phone 197
Penslar Agency ,
Clearance Prices on
Electric Fixtures
TJoff Iictt EEccttoSc CEicp
Market Building, Marlon and
: - ; j
Mpasiire Presenter! Sain" t
Strike Directly at
Logan and Bryan
The situation whjch has i bee'
smoldering in the state since 10
tragic Overbeck ft Cooke atfai
In Portland is about to burst lnt
flames, with the measure which I
Is expected will be introduced to
day In the house of 'represent
tlves by Ffank Lonergan of Mulu
nomah. f . -.
The measure strikes directly
Logan ft Bryan, a New York con
ern which was Involved In tat
Overbeck ft Cooke affair. It pro
vides for the appointing ofn at
torney in fact in the state of Ore
gon for any person, not residing
in the state, and for any firm tr
co-partnership of which no mem
ber resides In this state on whoa:
service of writs, process or sum
mons may be had In suits, action
or proceedings against such per
son. firm or co-partnership.'
The bill will further provide
that no person, firm or co-part
nershlp as mentioned shall trans
act any business In this state m
maintain any action, suit or pro
ceedings in its courts while ne
glecting, falling or refusing to ap
point or maintain in this stato
such attorney in fact for sucj
Regulation Provided
It also provides for a substitut
ed service of such writs, process
or summons when no service ow
such principal or attorney in fact
may be had. :'
Summed up, the bill Is as fol
lows: "It shall be the duty of
every person, firm or co-partnership
in this act mentioned to
maintain some qualified person aa
aforesaid to act in this state as
attorney in fact as herein provid
ed, and In default thereof, such
person, firm or co-partnership
shall not be entitled to transact
any business in this state no!
maintain any action, suit or pro
ceedings In Its courts."
The bill Is expected to arouse a
great deal of interest upon its In
troduction today, should It be
tossed Into the hopper.
We have n 1027 Pontine
Coach In fine rood It Ion, well
equipped and looks like new
for S330.00.
That arrwk ItalM
Finest Torlc reading lenses fit
ted to your eyes at the-above
We also Insure your glasses
against breakage. the only
firm In Salem extending thla
splendid FREE Service. Exam
ination, too.
110 N. Commercial St.
"At the Sign of the Spez"
WltkMt ovtrmtlqjL r laaa f
SJt Ornh Bit.
12 Rooms of
' Friday, February 1st "
1 :30 p. m.
391 N. Cottage .
v.- ...
Furniture, beds, springs,
mattresses, rugs, linoleum,
dressers, and everything
that goes to furnish a 1
room home. Office furniture
and typewriter. r
Mrs. I C. Davis, Owner
F. N. Woodry
Salem's Old Reliable
' ' Auctioneer .In Charge
Phone 511
Coramericai TeL 512