OPPORTUNITIES: IN WELL-ORGANIZE EASILY i J" r fasaed Daily Except Monday by JEfat Statesman Pablistjing Co. ? Iw. Commercial St Unbr of the ' ' : ASSOCIATED PRESS JA,,oci"ted Pr - exelse'vely raUtlod to- the ue for publication of U bw dispatehee creditee1 to it or ot otherwise credited ia thU paper tad else to tka local sews nuhHahed kerela. Member business oraccs Pasifie Coaat Repreeentativa: if"1..1-, Stypea, lae, 8ecrity BWg- Portland;, Sharon Bid., Ska rraaeiaco; 911 Vieatern Pacific but, l-ee Aageiea. TELEPHONE 500 Tor Ail Department Eatorod at tha Post Offka ia Ha lea. Oregon, a second elaaa matter. " SUBSCRIPTION BATES Mall Subscription Katet, ta Advaace Witaia Orefoa; Daily and Seaway, 1 Mo. SO eonta; S Mo. $1.13- 6 Mo. $8.16; 1 Tear 4,00. Elsewhere 60 tooto per Mo. or $5.00 for 1 year ia advance. Br City Carrier CO eent a month; (5.50 year ia tdveaoe. CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISHrO deeding notice, par line. r. 25c It lino minimum charge) CIsisified Advertising, per lino.-. Classified Advert ising, per liae ttaaea " .. Classified Advertising, per line S timet One month, daily nd Bunder 10c SOc 30c per lino $1.00 CONTRACT CLASSITTED (4 moulha contract) S Usee daily miniuma per month, 4c a line. (10 - redaction fr minimum of 10 line daily.) New First Rational Bank Building Directory . BASKiltM Da Lute Shining Parlr Experts for Ladies and, Gentlemen TURKISH BaTHS, MASSAGE . Office Telephone 2214 Residence Telephone 2823 FOURTH FLOOR pra O'Neill A Phone 626 Burdette. optometrists 401-402-403-404-491 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davis General Dentistry Tel. $1$ Evening by appointment Room 803 TENTH FLOOR Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dentist Telephone 12 Si O : 1001 REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY J ANDERSON 169 8. High dt RUPERT. Rfaltora TeL 1044 W. A. BOND, 122 N. Phone 2974 Cora l St BECKE lit N. High HENDRICKS Tel. 11 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. t0 Grey Bldg. . Phone 7M A. C. BOHRN3TEDT 147 N. Commercial Tel 677 LEO N. CHILDS ISO State St. CO.. Realtors Tel. 1727 F. G. t0 N. Church DELANO Tel. 23 x"- J. LINCOLN t$ S. Church 8L ELLIS Phone m$-J 0. M. EARLE Liberty SC It S. TeL 2241 HOMER D. 74 State FOSTER St. REALTY CO. Tel. 843 W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 134 a Liberty St. " Tel. Ill MELVIN JOHNSON $20 U. 8. Bank Bldg. TeL (11 O. MILLS 831 H State St.' Tel. 17$ W. IS. MOSES 481 Court St. Tel. 2818 GERTRUDE J. Court M. PAGE 484 Tel. 1882 fEBRINE MARSTERS Gray Bldg. TeL 007 RICH L. RE I MANN. Realtor 1$ N. High St. TeL $($ SALEM REALTY CO. State St. Room 7. TeL 412 1004 SOCOLOFSKY tt SON 804-5 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. Tel. 7( SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. U. 8. NafJ. Bank Bldg. Tel 478 3. F. ULRICH Commercial 129 N. Tel. 1354 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. Ill Court St. Tel. 631 U. 8. REALTY CO. 442 State St. TeL 28 F. Stat St L WOOD 841 TeL 794 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE CXHT OF IMPROVING EIGHTEENTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF A' STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF CENTER STREET. Notice Is hereby tlren that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, will at. or about, HZ0 p. m., on the 4th day of February, 1929, or at any subse , fluent meeting of the said Council thereafter. In the council chamber at the city hall ot Salem. Oregon, proceed to assess upon and against ach lot or part thereof or parcel or land liable therefor la Its pro- rjrtionate share of the cost of, mproTlm EIGHTEENTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH LINE Of ."A" 8TREET TO THE NORTH - LINE - OF CENTER STREET, In the City . of Salem. Marios County, Oregoni All persons Interested la the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before the said Council at said time and place and present their objections., if any they hare, to said assessment; and apply to said Council to' equalise their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Coun ' ell this 2lst day of January. 1929. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication, Janu ary 24, 1929. . . Date of final publication, JanaW fcry 2, 1919. J J 4-25-2 1 J -J -J BUSINESS QPP, . MANUFACTURER can yon uao 801 nOraeDOWert I ham nnnp alt a, Atl dug, 2 Urge old turban wheel stead v now water year round on pad high way 15 miles from Salem. 2 ml. from Ri..R- Ideal ,or Fitm. Mfg. Exelsior nun or anything where power or water needed. Alder, a eh, balm, oak-and fir accessible. Modern house nearby. TAYLOR Stayton. Oregon A GOOD home, and rood lnmnu for a rood man and wife, with lis duo tn invest. Address A. B.. care Statesman. FOR SALE Complete small saw mill, planer, and dry kiln. Near coast. Three. million ft. fir timber stum page basis. Might (tin miller nartnor Pluuie '2650 W. or write bx 475. care of .Statesman. NIFTY LITTLE Stocked Grocery, right tn heart of Salem, doing good business, at practically Invoice. Rent $35. Long lease, snap for right party. Investigate. DELANO r 290 N. Church Phone 2810 FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE by. owner. New 7 nri. house, modern throughout. Splendid view. $$500.00. Call 256 W. . I HAVE two parties who have clear improved land. Close to town, modern conveniences who want t. come to Salem to live Both fine dairy prop, osltlons get In touch with me eve nings. L. :". P. GRANT Phone 2492M N 18th GREATEST Trading organization on I the Pacific Coaat. We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every lo )' cation. We can match your exchange (exactly, if you would like to trade (your property today, come In today. I SEE ! S. M. EARLE. Realtor ICS S. Liberty Tel. 2242 LOTS LOTS LOTS $ ITS to $350 $10. per month interest 6. Jf you are interested In purchasing a lot. see u we have a large list to select from. W II. GRABKNHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty St. 5 ACRE fruit tract, good flvo room house, good well and spring, outbuild ings. mi. S. of Salem. Phon-s S6F13 FOR SALE" New five room house, corner lot. east front, old house on back of lot refits for $10. Price $2350 1 L WOOD 341 State Street SPECIAL 15 ACRES of good bottom land with new. buildings, f .acres In young fil berts and walnuts. Only miles from Saletu. A BARGAIN for $3650. WE HAVE some good property in forvallis worth $3500. Will pay cash difference lor home In Ssalem. WE have a good C room house on paved street for $1700 with $100 cash 40 ACRES of good land all in cut. tl vat Ion. has 10 acres of voting cher ries. . 7 miies from Salem. A lit- i- SNAP for $40.00 per acre. SEK Thomaaon witn I.EO X HHILDS CO.. Realtors 330 State Street Phone 1727 FORCED to sell, nearly new four room house. East Salem, paved street. East front, basement and rurnnce. wired for range, oak floor in living room. $23a0. F. L. WOOD 241 State Street MADISON STREET BUNGALOW NEW modern 4 room home, fire place, oak floors, wired for electric rang, garage with cement floor and drive, pared street. A KHiAL dak- GAIN FOR $2850. $101. down, balance! easy terms per month. SEE THIS ONE TODAY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ATTRACTIVE SOUTH SALEM HOME NRtRI.T new modorn 4 room nome well located south, pared street, fire place, oak floors. A REAL PLACE FOR THE PRICE. $1250. $600. down, balance $10. per month to include Int. at 7. phone 515 and let us show you this bargain. REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANt'B. W. M. GRABKSHORST 4fc tJU. 134 South Liberty Street NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF rMPROVTXO JEFFERSON STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF WINTER STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF CAPITOL STREET. Notice i hereby siTen that tbe Common xCouncll of the City of Salem. Oregon, will at. or about. 3:30 p. m.. on the 4th day of February. 1929. or at any subse quent meeting of tbe said Council thereafter. In the Council cham ber of the city hall of Salem, Ore gon, proceed to assess upon and against each lot or part thereof or parcel of land liable therefor in its proportionate share of the cost of Improving JEFFERSON STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF WINTER STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF CAPITOL STREET, In the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon. All persons Interested In the said assessment are hereby noti fied to appear before the said Council at said time and place and present their objections. If any they hare, to said assessment, and applyto said Council to equalize their proportionate share of same. By order of the Common Coun cil this 21st day of January, 1929. MARK POULSEN. City Recorder. Date of first publication, Janu ary 24, 1929. Date of final publication. Janu ary 2fr 1929. J24-25-26 Gas War All Over As Dealers Meet PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 24. (AP) Portland's "gasoline war" faded into obscurity tonight when 390 members of the newly organ ized Portland retail gasoline deal ers protective association carried away new signs advertising fuel at 21 hi cents. The placards were distributed at a mass meeting. Polly and Hep Pals rr SURELY APPfEClATE: m T-YOiSi SAY UOkJ esat . . i ikir iol'v rm - i . . .... J-3- . - .... . u - . . -.t m . r - - sb h .. - i a m i ii 1. FOR SALE Real Estate A ROOD INVESTMENT FINE HOME close In on Church street. In business district. Tou can have a home and an income here. Price $15,000. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 SNAP 8MALL house on N. 1 8th street, near Market, some furniture, (or only $2. 100, easy payments. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 PRICE 21800 Terms like rent Takes either of two clean, trim hoaes. Each has bath, garage, paving. 2 bed rooms. BECKE A HENDRICKS ISO North Hlgh Street FOR SALS Attractive Falrmount Hill Home Built by owner ARTHUR RAIIN Phone 1927 or 483 "FOR SALE S choice building lets close in pared street In COO iock on r. 14U. wilt maxe tow price tor caan can be had separately lr oeslrea. Phone ltao-J or call at 89 N. 14th $$00. THREE room house' on corner tot. 65x$e. street paved. 813a0. THREE room house, good lo cation, paving pd. Easy terms. $1550. FOUR room house on paved St., fine lot, easy terms. $1800. FIVE room house In N. Sa lem tn good condition on paved street. Terms. $2450. NEW English type 4 rooms and large nook, fireplace, garage, on paved street. $200 down.' 83000. FOUR rooms and nook mod ern tn every way, garage, paving pd., and easy terms. $3800. new s room Dungaiow, oas fliKira. fireplace, furnace, garage, pav. ing pd.. 8200 down, $35 per mo. Inter est included. $4000. NEW C room English type home, modern In every way. garage paving pd. 300 down. Less than actual cost of house. 85250. NEW 6 room English type modern in every way including tile drain boards tile floor in bath and all oak floors. $500 down. $5000 private money at 7. MELVIN JOHNSON & A. L DARK 320 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 37. NEW 7 R. fully modern suburban horn on Vt acre. City and country nrivlleces. H. W.. floors inlaid linol eum on bath and kitchen. 4 bedrooms and closets. Electric wiring for every thing. Price out to $4600.00 for quick sale. Phone 1365 J. A BEAUTIFUL fully modern 7 room home on creek In North Salem. This home is th very latest In up to data houses. Valued at $10,500.00 or will trade for home in Portland. A CHOICE Investment. Garage equipments, and lease In Salem's choice location. See It. Price $(500.00. Good terms. 4 ROOM modern bungalow on North Summer st. will trade tor acreage. WE WRITE fire and automobile in surance. See us about your Insurance. J. F. Ulrich Realtor 129 N. Com'l St. Tel. 1354 HIGH STREET real bey A 100 x 100. Now 33500 takes. Not in 1939. On North High street, a block SOUTH of new bridge. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street FOUR rooms and nook, modern. corner lot. paving mostly paid, garage, nice lawn, priced at $3750. ery easy terms. NjJTW 4 rooms and nook, large lot paved street; $2300. TERMS. $i;o. Interest (. 2609 N. Capitol Tel. 2807 HOLLYWOOD REALTY INSURANCE luas -kwitam NEW HOME $3850 Buy like rent a UNION Job throughout with large furnace, fireplace, water, heater, wired ranare. hardwood, large attic, walks. drive, garage, extra large lot Paving PAID, vacant at i7o w. mn. BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 N. High Street HOME WITH FURNACE $24(0 garage, paving ALL paid, a rooms in East Salem, iiav to nanaie. isaiance any reasonable way. 189 N. High Street FOR BALE Good ( R. house, big lot, full of good furniture. Owner going away. Sacrifice price $3500. Terms EXCHANGE $7300 of clear Salem property for farm same value. FOR SALE 25 A. All cultivated. Fair improvements. Room for ( cows $3000. FOR SALE 10 A. mostly cultivated. 2 A. beaverdam. Good Improvements Orchard. $5000. FOR SALE Large dairy ranch, highly Improved, good land, not far out good location. Priced right E. C. HOLLA DAY SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 U. S. Bank Bldg.- Salem. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN home In North Salem ; ( rooms, paved street cement walks, garage. Price $4760. $350 cash. Balance $26 per mo. SEE . W. O. KRUEGER ' -j Realtor 147 N. ComT. Phone 217 SALE OR EXCHANGE 4 ACRES on good road, near Salem. Dark loam soil. 2 a. berries, fruit Good ( room house, with electricity and wat er, system, barn, chicken house, double garage. Price $4500. Exchange for Sa lem res. to $4000. or good stocked and equipped farm around Woodburn. Mon itor or Mt Angel. TRIANOLE KKALTI UUMf AW X 421 Court Street Ground Floor GOOD GARAGE ft machine shop, good location, well equipped, good bus iness, will exenange ror isrm. 6 A. SUBURBAN home, large house arid barn, walnuts, cherries and ber ries, clear, casn aitrerence ror rarm. MEAT MARKET and grocery store, good location, money maker. HIGHLY Improved 6 A. suburban home near Roseburg for residence. WB can match your exchange. . . VERRINB ft MARSTERS 212 Gray Building FOR" SALE Good five room house. basement and built Ins. with furnl ture. all ready to step right In. Large lot szavv. F. L WOOD 841 State Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT 4 room modern borne near btis and store for cash. Box 1146 Statesman. HAS QPME TO ASK PETEf?. XE'il. ik! HIS EXCHANGE Heal Estate 10 ACRES, 10 miles from Salem for $10,000 or would exchange for Ok lahoma or Kansas farm. 7 ROOM modern house in Eugene. $C,S00. W1U exchange for Portland or Salem to same value. S. M. EARLE Realtor lte So. Liberty EXCHANGE FOR SALEM RES IDENCE 15 ACRES, 1 acre In English wal nuts 21 years old, good improvements, electric lights, ' in walnut section of Yamhill county., priced $7500. want Sa lem resideitce not over $4,000. 80COLOFSKT & SON First National Bank Building FOR SALE trade- or rent, good paying restaurant. Box 42$, Corvallla, Oregon. 2 GOOD houses In one of the best electrlo lights, one has four rooms and one has 1 rms., one blk. from beach. $43 ror tne two. uwner wm ex change for Salem home or acreage near here. ( rms and larare corner lot both streets paved, house tn good condition, $3600. will exenange lor acreage ana srood home close to Salem. wiiHriicj riSTTXjutiiM. nasi tor 175 South High Street. ONE NICE new home ton high sight ly lot rooms hardwood floor and fireplace for $5750 or would exchange ror a residence to anout. t. THREE ACRES on Roosevelt hlrh- way with fair Improvements for $3000 will exchange lor Saienr house to $4500. - - S. at. KAK1.K Realtor IS So. Liberty TRADES CAN accept auto or lot as Initial payment n $1650.00 three room home. ... . HAVE 0 acres $(500.00 dairy farm on which can. accept " Salem residence up to 4000.0. A. C JJUHKISSTHiLrr Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'l. St Salem. Oregon ACREAGE 50 ACRE SNAP $6300 FULLY EQUIPPED $6300 All stock, crop in. implements, ixtcaiea 12 miles Salem on paved hurhway. One mile to high school, bus line. Two good horses. 5 head cattle, luo line cnicx- ens, all machinery and ,-toois go to a. cult., 6 a. pasture, good house, 6 rooms fine large barn, practically new. Orchard. This is an ideal place for a dairy or poultry, turkeys. SEE tt and be convinced that it's the best buv In the valley for $6300 with terms. SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4 - A REAL FARM BUY 75 ACRES, 62 cultivated. 13 timber pasture, 13 acres bearing hops, mostly good hop land, good 5 room house, large barn, hog-house, coop, all woven wire fenced. 3 miles from Mt. Angel. for quick sale $13,500. $7000 cash, bal ance 6. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON First National Bank Building BUY NOW THAT acreage tract. Here are a few priced right. Well improved half acre, ( rm. bungalow, water system, bath, electric lights. Price cut from $5500 to $4700. Also U a. new Engliah type bungalow. $3450. A fine 5 acre tract on paved road not far out for $1(00. Terms. A fine 10 acre farm all in crop, ( room house, barn for $4000. Hazel Green district; best In the val ley a fine 10 a. farm, no bldgs. paved road not far out. Good soil for $2500 good terms. TO BUY SELL or rent or trade properties S E E BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4 LOOK AT THIS 90 acres ; only . 6 miles from Albany, 60 cultivated, Dal. creek bottom pasture, plenty of good water for stock year around, good buildings, excellent family orchard, re cently sold for $15,000.00; buy this on terms -that will astonish you .and for less than $16,000.00 on payments $250 -00 per yr. on principal at 6 int.. or will trade for city property and give some terms on balance, this is a good one. Come In and Investigate. H. C. SHIELDS 281 State 8treet Phone 1784 SHEEP OR CATTLE MEN TAKE NOT1CJC 480 ACRES. 21 miles Salem on good road. 2 V miles paved highway, all fenced, woven wires, 100 acres good farm land, $0 acres creek bottom, fine ly watered, enough wood to more than I. VMlm.l a. l( aAA ostrs fair buildings, not Isolated. Price $25 per acre. k caan. no trade. Utiles. IN (J 290 N. Church Phone 2830 SMALL FARM BARGAIN 21 ft A. all In crop, on mkt. road ltt miles from small town. I room house la good condition electricity 1 a, logana. Price 82(00. O. K. DeWITT 1318 Edgewatsr Phone 1(43 SIX acres splendidly located for sub. division. $3(00. (7 ACRES stocked ana equipped. will trade for city property. Price $8500. 62 ACRES : good buildings, good road. 810,600. Good terms. UExtTKUIin. J. M. AU10 484 Court Street HOWELL PRAIRIE ACREAGE. $100 per acre. $600 down. E. B. Fletcher, Gervais. FOR RENT 20 ACRES FOR RENT I ROOM HOUAB. bars 1U. miles H. on Stlvertoa road. Inquire 278 8. High street Matbla. FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM house with bath. Phone 2638W. FOR RENT furnished or unfurnish ed 8 room Court-hdw. floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, garage and laundry. Immediate possession, ruone isi or 624-R. FOR RENT Modern house 830 Modern room flat $80. Both vacant BECKE ft HENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT 2 Furnished and some unfurnished housea Melvln Johnson. Phone C37. FOR RENT Four room new, mod ern house, lurnisnea or unrusnisnea 84, care Statesman. 4 ROOM furnished house, with gar age phone 1330J. FTVB room modern house, bard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, gar age, e uwen street. For Bent THREE ROOM FUR. NI8HED HOUSE. D HOUSE. Bee Homyer See Homy with Krueger. 147 N. Com'l. TeL 117. FOR RENT Houses MODERN 4 room - bungalow and nook extra nice. Basement, furnace, laundry trays garage at l Meyers street Call 60F11. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES 355 S. 14th. good 7 R. $35.00 328 Rural ave, modern 35.00 1175 X. 17th. & rooms 20.00 747 V4 S 12th. 4 Rooms 22.50 1(00 N. Capitol street .. 20.00 (68 S. Capitol, upper flat 25.00 ALSO unfurnished houses and spts. $12.50 $15 $20 up to $45 month. Housea bungalows, some brand new ones for $ 1 00 down. bal. like rent SEE BCHTL OK SEAK3 I'll State Street Room 4 tOit UcM i Apartments NICK furnished apt. 590 Union. Ambassador Apts. 2 Room furnished. One Pullman vacant. Children Welcome 550 N. Summer 1972 FOR RENT Houses and apart ments. F. L. Wood, (41 State. Phone 74. FURNISHED and unfurnished 8 room a pur t men t a Virginia Apart ments. 879 N. liberty. FURNISHED APTS. $$ up. Sleep ing $1.60. garage $2.80. 497 Union. TWO room furnished. (41 N. Liberty. FOR RENT furnished and unfur nished $ room Court-hdw. floors, fire place, built-in Vltchen, garage and laundry. Immediate pas session. Phone 1643 or (24-R. BUNGALOW apt In Palmer Court SEE E. E. ROBERTS, with ANDERSON ft RUPERT, Realtors 169 & High Street Phone 1(44 FURNISHED apartment with gar age, 1 block from State house. 785 Court street FOR RENT three room apartment 750 N. Front Well furnished, gas, elec tric lights. Inquire Oregon Cleaners ft Dyers, 190 S. Commercial street APT. TDR LADY 292 N. Summer. THREE ROOM furnished apart ment ground floor garage. 863 Mill street THREE ROOM furnished apt heat ed, 1209 Court FOR RENT ROOMS ONE double, furnace heated, fur nished room, with private bath. 1599 state street, iol zuibj. LIVE STOCK and i'OUL'iR FOR SALE 20 head of well broke farm horses I to I yrs.. old weight 1 - 200 to 1600 lbs Team of young mules 2 800 lbs. reasonable prices. JJom Sher lock, rear 233 S. Church. FOR SALE 12 head ewe' C. O. Bowman, Scio, R. No. 1. lambs. CUSTOM HATCHING, at $c pei in 1000 lota. Expert service. Book or ders early. Phone 133F2, Lee's Hatch ery, Salem, Oregon. ii i ii i i nr i i n.n.ruLTLHji WANTED Can use another car load of good cows. Jerseys or Guern seys, also several young Gusrnsey bulls. Cattle must be No. 1. Call Sen ator Hotel, room 824, after seven In evenings or before seven In morn ings. Or address me at Hotel Senator, uesne xv. tjinitu. BABY CHICKS Get Tour chicks from a plant that specializes In expert poultry breeding work. Our winnings at poultry shows Indicate the quality of our stock and our ability to produce this quality for you. Secure full Infor mation from our new catalog. Imem- oer is popular varieties. Lioya A. Lee Hatchery ft Poultry Breeding Farm. Route (. boa 116. Salem. Oregon, ' ...... , a-1, 1 . I, ii-1 1 i , i i ii.ri.ii.rij .a WANTED TO BUY 2 car loads of milk cows fresh or about to freshen address 10B, Statesman. WILL BUY. sell or exchange horses mules, harness and wagons. Com Sher lock, rear 333 S. Church. BABY CHICKS White Leghorn. Hanson strain. I have carefully se lected my hens and roosters for breed ing and guarantee strong, healthy chick. $13.00 per rumored. RUBY LAN HAM Route 8, Box (9B Phone 44F11 WANTED Used Cars CA8H psld for Fords Biker Auto. FOR SALE Used Cars STOP that oil Dumtmg and Piston cusp, one-nair tne usual aost tiusran teed 10.000 miles Fltsgerald-Sherwtn Motor Co.. Chemeketa and Liberty. McKays for Used Cars With an OJK. that Counts 1936 Overland "(" Coach $460.00 191( Oakland Coach 496.00 1917 Pontlac Coach 660.00 1917 Pontlao Coupe 650.00 1915 Oakland Coupe 135.00 191( Chevrolet Couoa . 136 0ft 4 u rt, commercial mono 1802 iDouglas McKay f Chevrolet Co. , $36 up for good used cars with 1929 License on them 14 rdaters., tourings and sedans all under .-. $ Early 1924 Oakland sport tour. 85. This car has new battery and rings. Mechanically O. K, Superior Chevrolet Coach 1928 Dodge in good condition $125. Jl50. $185. 1921 Franklin Tour. This car was in the (2500 class when new Our price .-. 8150. oro louring ..$175 1925 Ford Coupe, Ruckstnll and lots of accessories $185 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan il7K 1927 Pontlao Landau Sedan $500. iZf isasn coach regular mkt price 1750 Our prioe . $600. izs buick standard Coupe $1025 Valley Motor Company Remember 1929 License with each car. ---------- - -,-i-i-.-M-ir-oor-rrwuo'uxfiriw. 1928 CHEVROLET cobriolet train 1500 "miles. Like new. Reasonable. Call H. Millard, FOR SALE Used (Cars VALVE grinding specialty. N precision machines, expert workman. 205, discount till Feb. 1(, Fltagerald Sherwln Motor Co.. Liberty at Che- meketa. L'SED CARS At Actual Wholesale Prices Late Models STATE MOTORS INC. Hudson-Essex Distributors High at Chemeksta St Phone 1000, OLDSMOBILE THE FINE CAR MADE FINER OFFERS 1929 License Free with every car purchase $200 or over. Road These Packard 4 Door Sedan $900 Oldsmoblle 2 Door tTedan 575 OldamobHe DeLux Sedan , 650 Hudson coacn : uo Dodge Leather Sedan .. 450 Bulck Glass Inc. Rdstr. 450 Buick. 4 Doer Sedan 425 Overland Glass Inc. Tour. 325 Oldsmoblle 4 Pass. Coupe 300 Overland 2 Door Sedan 278 Oldsmoblle Roadster 275 Late Ford Coupe , 245 Late Ford Sedan 17$ Late Ford Touring . 135 Jewett Glass Inc. Tour. 1(5 Studebaker Touring .'. 150 Oldsmoblle Touring 125 10 Other Cars Both open and closed models Priced from $50 to $100 Capitol Motors, Inc. BIDDY BISHOP OLDSMOBILE THE FINE CAR OF LOW PRICE Open Evenings - Also Sundays 192( BUICK ROADSTER Glass enclosure new paint lots of extras A. l condition. Will sell at Blue Book Price. STATE MOTORS INC. Hudson Essex Distributors I . ..w ... w.M.l. l.l.,lH". '''' in CHEVROLET SIX 1929 convert ible Landeau sedan driven 250 miles. Will take trade and give terms if nec essary. SEE R. F. Kerr at once. 3S8 N. Commercial. Phone 220 or 2010. 1927-PONTIAC DELUX COUPE A. 1 condition, will sell for less than Blue book quotation. STATE MOTORS .INC. Hudson Essex Distributors SPECIALS r THIS WEEK 1927 FORD ROADSTER overhouled, in splendid shape, new IXico paint fin ish, real voiue, 1929 license. $245. 1926 BUICK Standard Sedan, beau tiful car In fine condition, new tires, upholstery excellent shape, 1929 li cense, $890. 1928 NASH Special Six Coach, al most like new, tires and finish will please you. See it today. 1939 license $1045. 192( Oldsmoblle DeLuxe Couoe. or iginal finish, looks like new, lust over hauled and mechanically fine, new tires. 1929 license. (495. Other cars in different makes and models at prices extremely low for the ' character of the merchandise. Ford Touring Nash Light Six Coupe Hupp Touring Star Touring Chrysler Coupe Dodge Touring Maxwell Touring Jewett Touring Chevrolet Touring Nash Special Six Coach Hupp Sedan Now is the time to buy. Good cars. PRICES ESPECIALLY LOW F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 366 North Commercial Tel. 1260 After we eell we servo" 1937-OAKLAND SEDAN original flniah -overhauled and lots of extras will sell for 10f" under Blue Book quo tations. I STATE MOTORS INC. Hudson ft Essex Distributors MONEY TO LOAN BUSINESS property loans SU ner cent Roe. loans monthly payment and straight loans, lowest rates. Met Life Insurance Co.. money for rarm loans. HUDKIN3 ft SAN FORD, Inc. Miller's Store Building. Phone 2219. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates--No Delay 8TATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 702-6 First National Bank Bldi. Phone 467 Salem. Oregon Private Money to Loan ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BiSKT T. FOKU FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Benj. Franklin Savings & Loans Association Home Loans - Advantages: 1. Lowest net cost as low aa two and four tenth percent 2. Available on homes only. 8. Monthly re-payment faster If you wish. 4. Protection In case of sickness. (. ( per cent interest on your sav ings. 6. Refund, at maturity, equal to amount borrowed. F. G. DeLANO J. C. HARLAN 290 North Church Telephone 2830 DO you need money to build or re finance your loan? Payments $10 per month per thousand includes low in terest We can lower your payments WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CQ. Mc-Ky ft Untry (41 Stato St Phone 301 CITY- AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service in all lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. MONEY. LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduex your payment , You keep; the car.. P. A. E IKE ft . Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 121 Salem. Ore. WE have private money for real es tate loans. Straight and installment loans on city property. Farm loans at a plus commission. ANDERSON ft RUPERT Realtor. 1(9 & High St Hfe ASKS tVDO MUCH! MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FA KM LOAN 5. F. U Wood. 241 State Street WANTED Private noiwr for farm ana. We have several aoDlicatlons en hand. Hawkins ft Roberta, lne, 306 Oregon Bldg, P. H. BELL, 219 17. S. Bai k Bldg. Residence and business loans, vet. or 2141-W. U7 FARM LOANS Plenty of money to loan on good farm security. City Loans Wt are loaning Pmdentlal In surance company money en city resi dences and business property at 64 per cent plus a commission, Hawkins at no Dens, xua uregon uui'aing. SALARY and collateral loan. Re payable In weekly or monthly Install ments. UOKHAb J- lMAXMt;a. CUK- PORATION. First Nat'l Bai-K. Tel 1200. - , - WAN TED tilTUAliONS WANTED Position Phone 54 I W. as Janitor. PRACTICAL. NURSE. (2 per day. Phone 15KM. GRADUATE NURSE- -$3.00 a day. Phone K22W. WANTEl Female Help WANTED experienced wornan for Maternity care. $3.00 per day. Phone 1443J. MAID SERVICE WANTED Local grocery firm wants to have applica tions of capable Salem girl for maid service at occalsonal private social af fairs. Application should be "made in writing to Box 73. Statesman, with full information given as to address and telephone number. POSITIONS open for -several ladles pleasant work, full or part timegood pay. SEE Mrs. Henshaw, 208 N. High street. 8 to 11 4 to . PLEASANT WORK Paya unusually well. Car necescary. Men or women, full or nart time. Salem or neighboring cities. Mr. Bradley, Bitch Hotel, 4 to 9 p m. FOtt &ALE -MiSC. FOR SALE German police dog. cheap. Call 1&10 N. Liberty, after p. m. 1928 WHIPPET COUPE sacrifice sale. Call 462 State street, room 7 ft 8. FILBERTS, .walnut fruit and shade trees. Ornamentals. Pearcy Bros. Nur sery. 240 N. Liberty. tbt Court and Chem. ) VIAVI 144 New Bltgh. FOR Si ALE Two good stoves. 44 S. 23rd street heating FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Uicae-Poweia l-'urnlture Store. I'OR APPLES CALL 68F14. WANTED Used pianos. In ex UchailVe on Radios, phonographs, or fur nlture. Ii. L. bttfl Furniture Com pany. FOR SALEM Scavenger service call 167. FEKSONAL POEMS set to music. Mastercraft Song Publishers, Seattle. WAN Til' D MISC. NOTICE If you are leaving and want to sell your furniture for cash, call at 456 Belmont street. WANTED to rent piano. Phone 252 1W. CARD READING. Call 2K57-M. crystal gazing. MASQUERADE costumes and wigs. 22( N. 6th. Phone 1947J. CAPITOL BARGAIN and Junk house 106-146 Center. Tn.. 398. All ktndi of Junk bought and sold: Rags Sacks. Bottles Barrels, Hides. Pelts, Wools. Furs, Tallow, Cascara Bark, Grape Root, Pitch. Peppermint Oil. all kinds or iron ana metat every ttung irom needle to a locomotive. .MISCELLANEOUS TEAM WORK of all kinds and ex cavating. Phone May field 72FS. FURNITURE PACKING for Bhlp menta. Qiese-Powera Furniture Co. LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's brown purse, con taining small change, and a man's white gold ring set with onyx and In itial a . Please return to Statesman office. FOR SALJEJ WOOD FOR DRY sawed Call 127F21. FIR WOOD 4 F. D. Query. ft or Phone 1( In. old fir, $7 cord. Phone .1738. GREEN MAPLE and aah. 4 ft $(.00 a cord. 16 In., big fir delivered at $7.- "GOOD wood at reasonable' prices at Tracy's Fuel yard. Phone 2986 yard at 1035 Edgewater St. West Salem. GOOD DRY WOOD oak and fir. Phone 130F16. Robert Fromm. Ht 7. m. - ----y---uJ-1t-(J-lJt DRY 14 In. old fir 4 ft. fir-oak. ssh and maple. a U HARBAUGH 838 Highland Ave Phone 1990 -""" " S "VUUnjUXrtrtrXn. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co.. 753 Trade. GOOD DRY wood for you -X. A. Larmer. TeL 1898. GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES -, HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELE Pi ION K 6Z WYATT KENNET FUEL CO. 1530 Center. Tel. 1362-M. DRY FIR A OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call on us for prices. We give good meaaure, gooa quality- ana gooa ser vice. Larmer Transfer & Storage ' TeL 930 i i CiCtClTf WOOD at e reeann&hlM nrlM neii easonoa secona growui jtir. Also wen seasoned old fir slab and In side wood. Old fir mill block. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 1542 Fred E. Wells zav sou in unurcn street By Cliff Sierrett GENERAL DIRECTORY 1 AUCTIONEERS if F.N.Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store . 1(10 N Summer St. Phone ill - . COU A. U : STEVENSON, a to-J tioneer, z years xperlenc in thC Urlllamlta vllv f far Ax tjaei ma k tL. rangements see F. A. Doerfler, faftO advisor. First National B-Jik, Salem. Phone or write. A. L. Stevenson. Cer vallis. Oregon. ) H. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell J Rite-Down-Town" Phone 75 20 Years Experlew UATTCtta. ELECTttlClAtf v V. BARTON EX1DK Batteries Starter and generator .work. 302 South High. U. S. L. Service Station . Automotive ElectrU:lans -. , Vick Bros. High St at Trade - TeL-1241 ZS r '"HI 1S1CXCLE KEf AlKJLNU LLOYD ii KAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles and re palling. 367 Court .i cumo-TRAC r oks ?ftt 1 DR. STAPRAN. DIeUUan, Master Master feUeclro-CMrapist 804-11 Ore--' gon Bldg. :fit ChiropraPorl ' ' a. 2104--!. DR. O. U SCOTT. PSC, 256 N. High. TeL 87. Re DRSt. SCOK1ELD. Palmer Ch.ro- practora A-Kay and is. c M. New; tiank Bldg. DOCTORS L. O. ALTAIAN. M. t.. nomeopath- ' Ic Physician, phone 147. 2 It N. Lift- erty St ' HAL1K ELECTRIC CO. - ; ' Electris contracting and repairs. ' Electric fixtures and supplies. :r t.iectric ranges and wasneis. -" Pit. 3 44) N. Front FLOKlSiS FLOWERS FOR '-LL occasions Olsen's. Court ft Hih St.. TeL SOL CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C. F Breithaupt, florist 612 JE-tate Street-.,, Tel. 880. ,1 INSURANCE WM. A. PEKSEY, Agt. rarmer Mu tual insurance, 47 North 20. baieuv Tel. 912-M. WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance Tel. 607. 219 U. & Bank Bldg. ANDERSON ft RUPERT General Insurance 169 S. High TeL 1644 BECKE 189 N. High ft HENDRICKS TeL 1(1 RICH L. RE1MANN General Insurance, Loans 219 N. High St. TeL (U WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Masonic Bldg. TeL 81 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALK.M LAUNDRY ' THE W EIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 26 , 2(3 8. HlgH CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Z'h Tito Laundry of Pure Materials" -.-, Telephone 165 1264 Broadwaj MATTRESSEaT MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co., 3030 Nortia , Capitol. Called for and delivered. AU work guaranteed. TeL 19, . e rj - V . !-(.' "-niaV- MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. Stiff Furniture Company. GEO. C. WILL Pianos, Phono.' graphs, sewing machines, sheet must .'" and piano studies. Repairing phono."' graphs and sewing machines. 433 State-" street. Hal em. -" MUSIC TEACHERS INEZ A. HOLBROOK. Teacher of ""' i 0li it mr ham mill. mmI n-,HAff. -- " rise asapie Ave. rnona lei e J. MODERN PIANO J Frank But-"" ten. Waterman course. Sttdlo 980 NV Cottage. Phone 3 164-J. OSTEOPATHS DR. EDITH V. WITZEL OSTEON ! V PATHIC PHYSICIAN AND HlliUw GEON. Specializes In diseases of wom en and children. Office 418 Oregon Bldg. Phone 778. Res, phone 1151-J. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for houseA r-oratinc tmncfhanclnc ttntlnv decorating, pa per hang lug, tinting, etc. rteiiaDieworKman. PHYSIOTHERAPIST" LLOYD L. HOCKETT Phvaiothe. ' rapist 946 N. 5th at Tel 1869 W. PLUMBING PLUMBING and repairing: reason- l able pricea A. L. Godfrey, phone 495W. j PLUMBING and general repair i work, uraoer isroa. is Bo. uoerty. j a c. ev. PRINTING ? FOR STATIONERY, carda Dam. r phlets, programs books or any kind J of printing, call at the Statesman. Printing Department 211 S. Commer- cial Tel. 600. H REST HOMES CONVALESCENT and rest home, l facing Llthia Park. Ashland, Ore. De- lightful climate and surroundings fofi Invalids and old people, ; . ) RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse, All standard sixes of Radio Tubes EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, Sit Court St. TeL 488. . ST0VE5 STOVE and Steve repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuUt aad repaired. Alfr kinds of woven wire fence, fancy aad -plain, hop baskets and hooks, logaai hooks. Sum) Fence amj Stove Work 250 Court St Back of B'isick'a. ; i Tailors D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and. . TRANSFERS -( - CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 2 1 8 State St TeL 982. Distributing, for-V warding and storage our specialty. Get - ear. ratee. . ir 4 j. - 5 Ait VIOLINS HANDMADE, eld rare. H M. Man dolins and stL gvltara, all strings and i uppiieta- exchanges. Bring me your oid wreok. Repairs. Scientific adjustment - .PINCKNEY - - r f' lltlU. South Commercial ' ! 1 LODGE ROSTER J- : CHEM EK ETA LODGE NO..L X Ot O. r. .Meets every Wednesday even- 1 Ing at 7:30 o'clock j third floor of I. OT O. F. Temple, corner eX Court and Higa treats. -f w -1