maslies Way Willamette Quintet 48 To 27 Score - " y " i .darkey S Verdict Over CHristoeF Wallops Pacific Badgers By SLUGFEST Ml BY BOSTON BOY 20,000 Fans Boo Decision S After Seeing Akron Vet Make Game Fight LOTTY HENNESSEY PLACED ONE, TWO . . ;.. .. . - -MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. New York, Jan. 15. AP) Jack Sharker. Boston hearywelght, smashed out a braising decision over KO Chrlstner. rugged Akron veteran. In a stirring ten round battle here tonight. 3Vlth bis Miami Beach engage ment vith Young Strlbllng at atSke, Sharker. 'ought In slashing fashion to oucorulse the hurley rubber worker. : A crowd of al most 20,000 saw the slugfest, al though there were no knock downs, one or the other reeled in - almost erery round in the wild swinging fray. The crowd, all In sympathy with Christner's gam stand booea tne decision lusuiy, " bound S- Sharkey earn aat esutioasty aad mat i Christner's bnil-Iika rash with a left hook t to the. law. Tbcr wrestled into the mid i westerner's corner and ripped wild tor ! rent! of gloves to each other's heads i and bodies. The crowd roared ss Christ ( ar iluamtd the Boston heavyweight across the ring and (erred Bin to taa do . tensive with a tare body attack. Cbrlst ; aer ripped a right to Sharkey's chin' that ' aent the Boston tar iuo taster retreat. ; Jack stopped ia bis own corner to slug it I ont on even terms with KO. Sharkey ' ripaedt fear left hooks to Christner a body, grunting loudly with each; just before the i bell. 1 - .... X.OO&D S Sharkey boxed cautiously. Then buried a tight into Christner's body that made i the Akroaite clinch. Christner danced Jarring right off the sailor's chin but ' Sharkey whaled his body with heary left hooka. Corismer a lack of aoxini i polish beeaxne apparent aa Sharker naile him repeatedly with left jabs and books to the bead and body. KO. Straggled in close where be hammered sharp rights bow and then to Sharkey's head they were in a ciiaen at tae bell. f If f u' I y 1 '' V f ' V fjiT X ' f 4 " ' y f 'L a?ssISiasnam Jil TO GRIZZLIES Montana Quint Wins Over , Webfoots by Margin of Just One Counter AOUITO 3 Sharkey boied indolently as be essUy . ' parried Chriftner't leads. KO ripped a right to the Boston battler's chin that 'brought Jack back to work again. Tak ins adrantaxe of every false move, fihmr- : key pnmpodr left hooka and countered to t Christner a body. Christner blinked and : I then, nearly floored Sharkey with right band smash to the chin. Before Jack -' eoald recover KO ripped in another that knocked the hair down over Sharkey' a eyec, enarsey tongat Back bitterly and was ontscoriag Christner at the bell. Boxnro 4 Sharkey tara into the slightly bsld er worker with e, heavy left smash y to the body. Ho threw aside csntioa and ; alnggod with Christner It i wiidi males an tae ropoa. As they earn away Christ i star knoekefl a fall ribhf swing on Shar- key s temple fcnt Jak belted him a conn tor- to the body. The crowd roared as ; Hnarkey stood la the center of the ring, i bobbing and wearing away from a dosen ' wr swings to the head. They were 1; , A-neh at the bell. v. moTnrs s Christner felr into a elioeh and elnbbed . Sharkey' head with short rights. H , aHeo) Jaek eoming away with another ; i rignt to tae chin. Knraged by the right i hand paaehea that bonneed off bis Jaw, ' i P'k'T ripped Into Christner with both ! band. KO slagged back with both t i hands until Sharkey held, blinking tinder the paaUkssont. Sharkey's Judgment of distance was poor and it missed fre ejaently as Christner bnllodi him into a - corner and sasaehed the Boetoalan lustily with both bands. A right to the chin dased Sharkey and b was holding on grimly at the bell. 1 BOtnn e Sharker' seconds dosed bim with , emailing salu and he cam oat cautiously, evsCing Christner's right aa KO missed a right and kft upper eat that shook clocasy swing. Skarkey stepped' in with . KO to tk heals. Sharkey pasted home another right and had Thristner groggy after two whistling right nppercuts. Groggy bat dangerous. Christner belted 1 Tek la the face with a stinging richt. Bearkey measared bins coolly and bnried bod a loft hook deep la Christner's Christner rashed into steady body panl i ujiu ue doii rang. 2: KOT7KD 7 - Fighting a earerul eoanter battle. Shar key made Christner lead and then ripped J George Lott, left, of Chicago, and John Hennessey, right, of In dianapolis, have been chosen first and second, respectively, in the 1928 singlet ranking of the 'Western Lawn Tennis association, for the second consecutive year, and were placed No. 1 again in the men's doubles. Both" -were members of the United States Davis cup team last year as well as national doubles champions. Enoch Bagshaw to Remain As Coach, Says President SEATTLE. Jan. 25 (AP) Enoch Bagshaw will remain as head football coach of the Uni versity of Washington until his contract expires three years hence. President M. Lyle Spencer ruled both hands to the body. Christner lay back so Sharkey drove in with a booming left hook to the ribs. Christner, green bat game, poshed Sharkey info-tho ropes and nailed him acain with two right drivea to the head. Sharkey fought back Ilka a cornered lunsle cat. Clawing at Christner's body and lifting his richt with thudding smashes to the head. Christner landed that jarring right again at the bell. SOUND S Tired from the fierce psce and missing frequently, both were content to clinch and punch with one free hand. left hand steadily Into Christner'a body punch with one free band. as taey milled around the ring Sharkey dug his and bruised KO'a chin with short rights. One left started a stream of blood from Christner's nose, first apparent damage of the slug fest. Standing clear they traded foil right hand shots to the eiha bat neither wavered. Christner was very tired at the hall. KOXTirD 9 Sharker, strange mixture of caution aad aavageaess. loafed until Christner planked a long right on hie chin. Then the Boston (aQor slagged KO's head and body in merciless fashion and sent Christ ner' reeling under volleys of smashes to tha head. KO held oa. apparently very tired and his bloodsmeared face rimaeed aa Sharkey buried left hooks to the body t . . . II . . igain ai tne oeu. .However, vnriainer ended that Jarring right, and Sharkey was hurt for a moment. BOTJaTD 10 Sharkey, with a goodly margin ahead. played safe clinching frequently to whale at iwnstner a oo&y. u pinnea jack .gainst the ropes and -clubbed at his ides. When Christner's iron sidea failed under Sharker's pounding. Jack ripped a right appereut to tha head. KO fought back with all he bad left but his left was a rather weak body cuffing. Shar key, smiling confidently and ready now to take all kind of chances, brought left and right swings all the way from his sides in sn effort to floor the Akronite. Christner wss dases hot still trying at th bell. tonight. The only appeal left to itudents who oppose the coach is x court of law. Dr. Spencer's decision was reach ed after a week of conferences following an ouster of Bagshaw by the student board of control and the refusal of the faculty ath letic committee to approve the dis missal. Immediately before the an nouncement of his verdict, the president had been in prolonged sessions with the faculty athletic committee. Bagshaw and the coach's attorney. The president abated that the discussion be closed and appealed to the students to return to their immediate duties for which they are attending the university. His opinion differed with that of a great many of the alumni as well as students on the campus con. cerning the question of govern ment being involved, although-the question has lost some of its im portance during the last few days. Student leaders at the univers ity were non-committal -on the next move, if any, which will be followed. To a great many the president's 7 decision was consid ered final. Some, however, predict. ed that the fight would be carried on into the courts in an effort to relieve or dismiss Bagshaw. Smith Troy, who has been directing the fight against the coach, could not be reached as he left the city this afternoon. DUNDEE OUTCLASSED BOSTON, Jan. 25. (AP) Al Mello, Lowell welterweight, out- punched Joe Dundee, world's wel terweight champion, her tonight in a furious non-title ten round battle. Dundee came in inside the welterweight limit, but -Mello was overweight. MISSOULA, Mont.. Jan. 25. (AP) Montana climbed ont of the cellar position which It hat shared with Oregon in the raqnic coast basketball conference when it took a 29 to 28 decision from the Webfoots here tonight. Hair line margins marked the thriller throughout with Ridings and Chlnske, Oregon and Montana for wards, duelling for a lead in the second half.' A mixed Grizxly string estab lished a brief lb to 7 lead at the close of the first half. Ridings, started gunning in the second canto and the Webfoots moved Into a 16 to IS command. Chln ske brought Montana's count up and then the lead switched fre quently. 1 With four minutes to play Ore gon was ahead 28 to 28. -Wendt, Griizly captain and guard, - con verted a foul. Then Chlnske heaved from the side with the winning margin. Sixty seconds remaining. Bally, guard, had chance to tie the score from the gift line but failed. Ray Lewis of Butte flashed de fensively for Montana. The summary: Striblmg is Montana . O F PF J. Lewis, P 0 1 8 Brown, F 1 1 - 3 Rule, C 8 1 0 Graham, O 1 1 2 R. Lewis, G ,.0 2 2 Rohloffs, F . . ...... 2 1 0 Chlnske, F . . V 8 1 1 Wendt, G 0 1 1 Totals 10 9 12 Oregon G F PF Ridings. F , ...5 4 4 Epps, F 0 0 1 Milligan. O 3 1 1 Bally, G 1 1 0 McCormick. G 2 0 3 Edwards, C . 0 0 2 Hughes, F 0 0 1 Totals 11 6 12. Referee: Morris of Seattle. Um pire, Kuns of Seattle. 1 us H en wins HI FILLS CITY DALLAS, Ore.. Jan. 25. (Spe cial) The Dallas high school baa ketball team defeated Falls City high 16 to IK in a hard fought game here tonight. The Jason Lee team from Salem won 33 to 5 from the Polecats, a Junior team in the high school here. .Summary of high school game: Dallas Griff la (2) . Vaughn LeFors (4) . Uglow (4) . Kliever (3) Brown (2) falls City F (4) Grant F..(4) Griswold C- Speerstra G Paul . G (3) Howell Referee, Chappie King. Jaaon Lee R. Miller (15) ..F. Bonney (8) . Watson C. Miller (7) Smith Douris (2) ... Lewis Heseman Polecats McCann F..(6) Fourette .... C Morrison ...G.... .Guthrie ...G Dunn ....S. Querine ....S Cleaver Easy Winner From Smith NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 25. (AP)--WV L. (Toung) Strlbllng won his fight here tonight with Ralph Smith of California, on a technical knockout in the third round when the referee stopped the bout. Strlbllng weighed 184; Smith 222. The fight was such a debacle for the big western giant who towered- a head above the flashy Georgia contender for the" heavy weight crown vacated by Gene) Tunney that the referee inter fered to award the technical de cision to Strlbllng. Smkh was knocked down three times in the first round, once in the second and once in the third before the fight was stopped, t. When the massive Callfornlan stood up In his corner before the fight started the fans gased ap prehensively at pounds and at his six feet five and one half inches In height. Strlbllng, who weighed 184, looked like a dwarf beside his opponent. In only a few seconds of the first round Strlbllng had Smith on his knees and then for the re mainder of the period it was a case of up again, down again for the Callfornlan. HUSKIES BEAT GON I T E INTERSTATE LEAGUE PLAN STILL WAITS A second meeting to consider formation of a new Oregon-Wash ington baseball league will be held at Longview Sunday, February 3. according to word received Friday by Leo "Frisco" Edwards, man ager of the Salem Senators. Clubs Invited to have represen tation at the meeting Include Sa lem, St. Helens, Astoria, Monta villa and Nlcolal of Portland, and Kelso and Longview, Wash. Of these seven clubs, one will be dropped or else an eighth club will be Invited in, according to present indications. Officers of the Lumber league which functioned in southwest Washington, are taking the lead In forming the new league. Notice of the meeting February 8 was received from John H. Morrison, secretary of the Lumber league. Judge Kirby, president of that lea gue, will preside. University of Washington Wins Second Game of Season by 35-24 8EATTLE, Jan. 25. (AP) The University of Washington walked away with its second con ference game of the season, sraoth ering Oregon State college 35 to 24 here tonight. The Husky hoopsters Jumped lnto jt 9 to 2 lead in the first five minutes. All of the shots during that period were from long range and only twice did the ball ran fo drop into the basket. The Hus kies likewise dropped their first five penalty tries. In an effort to stem the purple tide, numerous substitutions were thrown into the O. S. C. lineup and the position of the players was frequently .changed. But the Oregonlans never proved "danger ous. They were outplayed in ev ery department of the game, es pecially in shooting ability. ' The lineup: Washington (33) G Snider F ...r 4 Jaloff F ., 3 McClary, C 0 Bolstad G - 2 Frosh Trim Medford by 27-22 Count SCALES LEADS I U. SCORING PARRISH DEFEATS ST. PAUL 4S TO IB The Parrish Junior high school basketball team won 46 to 18 from St. Paul high on the Par rish gymnasium floor Friday niaht. Parrish started with a rush and had scored .33 points at half time, after whlchthe team's Dace was diminished by the In. troductlon of numerous substi tutes.. Satchler was the local team's scoring star. Summary: St. Paul . . F. .8 Vanderwill Berenson G Swanson C .. Totals O. 8. C. Ballard F . Torson F Whltlock C Wascher G Patterson G Callahan G . O'Bryan C .. 8 1 13 G 4 1 0 J. 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 PF 1 3 1 0 2 2 Team Recovers Form Exhib ited Prior to Recent At tacks of Influenza FITGENE. Ore.. Jan. 25. (AP)J The TTniversltv of Oregon fresh men basketball team defeated the Medford hiah school oulnt 27 10 22 here tonight, the contest marg in the third victory for the year-J lings over Medford this season. It waa a close rame. the score FOREST- GROVE, Jan. 25 heinr tied six times In the first (Special) The Willamette uni- three quarters. A spurt" in: theversity basketball team regained third period put the freshmen Its pre-influenca form tonight and into, the lead which decided tneiwaiaea awar irom the Pacific Badgers, winnina 48 to 21 in th Pacific gymnasium here tonight. Scales, speedy Willamette for ward, was tha Chining light of the game, scoring 20 points for his team, mostly on shots from the sideline. Cardinal and Houk also helped add to the Bearcats' impos ing total. For once, however. Cardinal score. ES GAMES .S. ARE HARD FOUGHT, .... e..--- i,ilwa8 outjumped about half of the The Evangelical Sunday school lM . nniwnrtkA w r,.,. K.oV.tKoll Hofeatari th "J '"iv". """ " the opposing center Christian quintet 30 to 14, South " Salem Friends won from Leslie 18 to 15, and First M. E. defeat. fl Calvary Baptist 33 to 24 on the Y. M. C. A. floor Friday night. 9 F 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 9 PF 1 2 4 2 2 0 2 .Totals .9 6 13 WEST LII BEITS 20-1 W B Parrish Periine 3 . . . Harrison 9 . . Bow den 2 . . . Satchler 15. Sanf ord 9 . . . Kelly 2..... Slater 4 .... Beaver 2 . . . , 0 . . G . . 2 O . 8 ..8 .8 6 Blasser Sprouges Berehorst , . . 2 Ross WOODBURN, Jan. 25. (Spe cial) The West Linn high school basketball team defeated Wood- burn high 20 to 17 here tonight. With Decker, West Linn center, running wild In the scoring role, the visitors piled up a 14 to 7 lead In the first half. Woodhurn high changed its style of defense in the second half and held Decker to but one field goal, but could not quite over come west Linn s lead aitnougn the local team outplayed its oppon ents in the last two periods. Summary: West Linn Woodburn Hollerneier (2) F. .. (6) Mochel Wallace (2) F...., Presthus Decker (12) ....C (9) Nelson Cranor (2) G Schooler Nixon (2) G Gribble Randall S (2) Nchl S Chapell Summaries; - Evangelical Todd (16)i. . . . . F. Bewley (3) . , . . ,F. Remington C. Maves (9) G. Flesher (1) . . Eastrldge 8 Htlflker S. Many Subs Sent In The. score at half time was 25 to 13 for Willamette. Coach "Spec" , Keene, sent In a number of substitutes in the second half. Christian I The Willamette freshmen u- . .(1) Cooley feated the Pacific supervar8it-3 7 I . . Garrett to t. ..(12) Heisi Summary of varsity game: .(1) Walker Ulllamett Pat irio G...... Garret Litchfield (5) Scales (20) .". Leelle C. French (12) Lindfoot (2) . . Douglass Baker Otjen (1 )..... 8. S. Frleutls F. . (4) Haworth G. .G. . . 8.(3) R. 8) ..CiU3) F F Cardinal (8) ..Cii fedbetter lt (4) :S F (8) Huth KVaddell (1) ....S .C.(3)B: Randall lingebretsen ....S Wright Uibson S Harmon Balderee S Randall I Uaratera a ..(7) Mills (2) Miller Dreezen Walker Pollock First Methodist White (15) Moore ( 6 ) . . . . . LePew Winslow ( 4 ) . . . Mosher Calvary Baptist F1...U1) Roth , F- . . . Jenks C.-t.(fli Elgin G.t (8) Simpson .G : Foster Leaske S... .(1) Simpson Vivette 8 Soott Braveagle S Neal Z. Meachem S Grant Referee, Glenn Gregg, of Salem. Gallagher (7) . . S CHINA DEFEATS III QUINT. Salem Markets FRANKLIN Frssk rralts (Wholesals notations) Apples. I. and f. Jonathans .,. ...1.25 DeHeioos 1.TSO8.90 CHEMAWA. Jan. 25. (SDe .BpitssaWc , 1.00 cial) C o m p 1 e te ly outclassing illrV'J!Z. tneir opponents in every depart- ibadsoss, is. ment of the game, the Chemawa I l'J'" Indians defeated Franklin high bX'iuho..? i2 ' Vh school 37-13 on the, basketball I Cone's Pitted, ease flnor hr tnnie-ht fiporr for-1 Grapefruit, Aris. casa ward, starred for the redskins I cmb hZ7'n.Tr":4.iT f 'io with 17 points. Pettys, center, waH-mons. OaL ...o 1.25 08 .S.7S . .IS .4.7S -..4.60 Seattle Defeats Buckaroo Team SEATTLE. Jan. 25. (AP) With a wild hockey game that saw 30 time penalties and more than 8100 in fines. The Seattle Eski mos climbed into Becond -place ir the Pacific Coast League by a 3 to 1 victory over Portland her tonight. Portland and Vlctorir drop into the cellar, one point be low the Eskimos. Big Sister By Les Fdrgrave r? , , ,. 7n i i i r i fy L ujmv oooov I I oc I rP i4 ! P-p-fuoT It's vTDO HOT I I (zJT ( TZTTTTZ 1 vsvl voove cor t Y S I hoth-gkn y ano n-n-jouj -ms jy j ' LfiC Fy S r dr jj jl rrisHi - ' Goofey Movies - '- - ByNeher Wfy VPA I l HOPE THTS tS OOQ UX?f oiy WE VE SPENT OOO wST CENlT OK) POACTIClrJG TME J AJC " tr- COHV..;...qT I -J WX VM f WrdOOO TOOAV IS THB OAV OTTO J jl STUNTS SO ttlEVE SOT TO UAMO.rTVE OO0.. GOtCv; K 1 9 tOMATS J - WA rkcast ikrix VMl NO.I TBY' OOT OOft ISi 3 WJisw ottO JOvUJ HOBay-WE OUGHt "TO 0e OM f I tOOkCTTrl V HAPPBNJEO" J'f 0:'fcT MUVIt m "T high point man for the Portland I0' NaTals iggiCBttHuu wiin live cuumcrs iu his credit. Summary: Chemawa (87) Franklin (13) Prettyman (9)..F (2) Clark George (17) ....F.. (3) Bartmess Curley (3) C (5)" Pettys VIeachem :. G Klllets 'eratrovlch 6....G-- (2) Krumri I28's 176's ISO's 200's 2ia's 253's 288's 844's General Markets POETUUCD GRAIN rORTLAXD. Ore.. Jan. 25. (AP) Cash srain: Wheat Bis Bend blnostem art white SI. S3: soft white, f 1. 2 1 ; I Carrots, restern white fl.21; bard wiater ;i.l7H; northern spriog, 1 1.17 4; west ern red. $1.181,. Oats, No. 2 38 lb., white, $38.00; bar ley. No. 2 45 lb. B. W., $36.00; rorn. o. 8 eastern yellow, shipment 841.50; Millrna, standard $31.00. Tsaetablea Waolasale Qnotations) Artichokes, dos Pumpkins, lb. . . Celery Hearts, dos. bunches California, crate , Spinach. Calif, ib. ?uash Banana ' ' Qaldea Delk-ione , Danish, .. ; Hubbard. Ik. Marblehead local, sack. lb. California, crate ; Caenmbers, hot house, doi. Caaliliower; Calif, erate . . . . bunched vefetablea, per aes. carrots Beets Turnips unions i HAT FORTLAND. Ors, Jsa. 5. (APV- Hay Bavins; prices: Eastern Oreron timothy, $21.60$22; Do. valley, $1? it 17.50; alfalfa. $32.60(S$28: cIotbt 17a $17.60; oat hay $18$18.50; straw, $8.00 ton; sellins prices $2 ton snore. Radisbss Potstoes 1 skims, Qtmp, Km. I Local Barbanks , ' ,, Yak-. Geau No. 9 1.50 1.10 .....1.10 (Continued from page 5.) Klamath Falls .1.85 Sweet Potatoes . 08 Garlic, lb. ; .35 Peppers, Florida, crcen, lb. 40 Tomatoes, Mexican tag. - 9.75 Local hothouse : 3.60 6.25 Onioas No. l's No. i t Boil inc. local 7 8.00 a 75 f. - I MGO5H....WE0E WMK: 1 wbuu ? iC Q -iUJ -'Vfel sraN r HO HO. HA MA!! ! EjJ UTE8TOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Jaa. 15. (AP) at tie and caWes steady: Teeeiats cat tle 26. Steers (1110-1800 lbs.), rood $11.00 tll.60: Do $950-11 10 lbs.), rood $11.00 ffl$ll.l': Do. t BOO and nnl. modinm 110.00(2 S10.5O: Do. nann tS.ISCJk I Lettuce. Calif. lO.oo. Heifers (850 lbs. down), rood! imperial aney, erate 59.75(6 $10.25: Do . commoa 88.00(8) I reeent 9.75; cows, good $8.50$$9.00 1 Do.l (Retail uo(atloas); rows, good 8.7S(a $9.35 : Do I .ail meal, 25 Iba. common to medium $ 7.00 (ft $ 7.60 ; Do.lDairy feed, toa low cutter $4.60 Ci 7.00. Bulls (yearlinaslBcratch. toa . excluded), good, beefs $7. 60 $8. 00; Do. Corn, whole, ton cotter to medium $fl.75(S$7.50. CaWes Cracked and ground (500 lbs. dowa), medium to ehoiee $9.00 Milt run, ton $11.00; Do. nil to common $70 'iraa, ton . (9.00. Vealers. milk-feL rood in chair Kara mash ... il3.0014.25: Wo. medium 11.50(3 1 .With milk lS.OOt Do call to common $8.5fll3$11.50. Horc ateadv: reeeinta SOrt all Art . HeaTy weirht 250-350 lbs.). meinm ?.U?,ard to choice $8.00$B.60; medium weight I alea""D tzuu-zau ids. medium to choice $8.75 tfffv.ou; ugnt weight, (160-200 nedium 1 15 -48.00 60 00 44.75 48.75 $4.00 . 84 00 60.00 55.U6 Begs (Buying Pries) .82 .28 Vegetables .. : a-f . - lbs). i to choice 810.00 O $10.85: lihll i,'f!?ML'" W ; ; lights. (180-160 lb..), medium to choice. irlTniZL " m o r . , i . - . . .1 .. , eiaugmer pirs g-n..h ,w. smooth $ 7.00 $8.00; l1AbA eno.' Uabbsrd squasTwt. r.oj, irwirr anu siocaer piga 1 7 O- ISO I Onions, lb l:h 'dAm ch?lc. f8oooo- parsnips. ibrr;:zzzzir: chided i. aboTa,ot.tlons.) " ' ' Irhh.V. li IVsJ'S. J RadishVs. dos. buaehas lam $12,003 $14.60: Do. (all I , . 'f" .f?J.l' call to common $li.00$ia.00; Ysar: " " "vooiirr" ""a wetaers (iso lbs. dowa), mediums te-L ".:-." (Burial Price) $10.O0$l$.00. Ewes. (1)0 lbsTrHeaias D7'VlM).ehairdia ,IPR11:AXD- ..r- ' t-(AP) I u mw m mt eaati. aa ts CWt.. aeilTered Vortlmnd. 1 m.. ... I butter fat, statioa. 45e; traek, 48ei 4e hrered at Partlaad 48 4S . I Poultrr f BnTinr nriMil! IHm lu ..miw in' w, ae ; nraia aen a, I $H to u lbs. J Is j light, aader $H 18e- springs $4; daeka,l$e30a; ani;i, imm, lit. l, S3S. .. T)a. . n . . . .. . "'"w-f" tnai! as. i graae I; isacy Uams, $ ; 1.00 .80 1.50 1.25 1 35 I 15 03 SOO .80 $.00 . .40 .1.0$ -22 4 1 . PORTLAND. Ore- - Jan." tS .fl Dairy sichsnge. set pricks: Batter: ex tras 44: standards v 44 1 nrimo firsts 4SH; firsU 42. Eggs; sxtra S: firsts $3; meeiaas cstraa $0; medium firsts. Galeae : Oral' - CHICAGO. Jsa. 25. f APl-Wu-- tprasd - cstraaaa M and simultaneous scute aeed of snow earering for domestic wlatar wheat pushed grain prices .apwsrd strongly today dasplta seUing to realise hMU . J - 1 .it .v- . : . mm u fnm vim was reader, aad aora and uta hash i aboTa tha (easoa'v prayioas tip-top quo- Wheat vaiaas closed firm ' al 7-B it I $ aet adrsae. Cora finiahMl mtram Roaatara, aid Cartena Prtata Eatterfat BatUrfas (Wkalasale) 17 .161.18 .22 12 .07 t PrtsU Cartons Battac j ' (BataU) ...47 ...46 ...4$ .49 ..48 - Orate r etMswaa sa snkavla.s. , u t- ih ffa vargi . Wheat, wssteka rad, a a. Soft whits Oats, gray ba, Waits. . J....'JZZ . Barley tea - wool aaa asoaau - "..'...:!.' (Buying prices) Fall clip aad lambs Uehair aad kids ........ LlTastoca . (BuTina Prices) Cowa ,V Steers, top ... VaaL srood ' Balis, goad. . ,n noga, top . Heary - Saw Spring Lambs .,, , , Wethers ... , - Ewes, top ... .1.08H .1.09 .-.68 ....80 r$00 ,....$5 ..61.61 oa.o8 10 ioo.ii " .08 0 04 Drssssd Msats (Baying Price) logs, top . up . ...1 4 '. - - ( ' s 11-4 la 1 a-Se ap sad. aats shewing H O a-$ ta . 7-$e . gaia, -. .-