The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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    The New
Funeral Services for Alfred
Ives Held at Woodburn
' On Wednesday
woodburn. Jan. 25. (Spe
cial Aiirea ives, for many years
a resident of this city, and 'last
llTing charter member of Wood
uurn iuuKe o. iu, A. F. and A
M.. was buried in Belle Possi cem.
etery Wednesday.
runerai services were held In
the Hall chapel under auspices of
me Masons with the Rev. D. J
Gillanders of Monitor officiating
At the cemetery Masonic services
were In charge of Worshipful Mas
ter, Elburn P. Sims. Pallbearers
were T. C. Poorman. Charles Hal-
verson, Hugh Boyle, W. J. and R
H. Scott.
Was 73 Tears Old
Mr. Ires died last Thursday at
tne age of 73 years, in Svenson,
Oregon, near Astoria.
He was born in London. Eng
land, February 2, 1855. At the age
of 12 he came with a brother.
Henry, to the United States, and
began work In a nursery in Port
land and has 6ince lived in Salem
and Sllverton. coming to Wood-
Durn aoout 1888. Here be was
married to. Catherine Urfer, who,
with a son, Frederick Arthur, sur
vives him. In 1904 the family
moved to Irrlgon.vliving there six
years and then -moving to Port
land. Two years ago they moved
to Svenson.
Was Veteran Mason
During his 16 years in Wood
burn, Mr. Ives was foreman of the
J. H. Settlemeier nursery. He was
the oldest living past master and
charter member of the local Ma
sonic lodge and was a past patron
of Evergreen chapter No. 41. Or
der df Eastern Star. He was also
a member of the Woodmen of the
World, Mt. Hood chapter at The
Besides his family he is surviv
ed by two brothers, Henry, of San
Francisco. and Frederick A, of
Portland:' three sisters, Emily A.
Geer of Oakland, California. Kate
Geer of j Portland, Florence Geer
of London. England. Two grand
children also survive.
t rienas surprise
Amel Wolfe
Anniversary Day
BROOKS, Jan. 26. (Special)
A merry surprise party was giv
en recently in honor of Amel
Wolfe's birthday anniversary at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Whitney. Music and games
were enjoyed and refreshments
were served. Those present were
Miss Amanda Schwab, Miss Agnes
Wolfe, Miss Helen Koppes, Miss
Dorothy Barr. Miss Helen Saa
field. Miss Teresa Ficker, Miss Le
na Riggl. William Pros8er, Lewis
Schwab. Henry Wyffels, Joseph
Ficker. Marvel Blanton, Earl
Chastaln, Mrs. James Riggi and
the hostess Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Whitney and baby daughter Eileen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hammock
and son, Robert, of South Bottom
and Rex Jones and daughter, Lois
Jean. of Prinjrle were recent
guests of Mrs. Hammock and Mrs
- Jones' parents. Mr. and Mrs
Clark Aspinwall.
Mius Letta Wallace spent the
week-end as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William Fox, in Salem. Miss
Wallace is Intermediate teacher of
the Brooks school.
Wayne Harding spent the
week-end with his parents near
Oregon City. Mr. Harding is prin-
eioal of the Brooks school.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Loomis and
family have as their guest their
uncle . John Simmons, of Tilla
Guests of 'Miss Marie Dunlavy
nn Monday evening were Miss
Beulah Aspinwall, Miss Lena Rig
gi, Miss Lfra Aspinwall and Amel
Wolfe. The evening was spent
with ' music. .
Bank Injunction
Granted by Polk
Court for Werth
DALLAS, Ore.. Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) County Judge Hawkins has
granted an injunction against the
First National bank of Redmond
and Sheriff T. B. Hooker. The In
junction was sought by T. J.
Werth. who had bought land from
J. C. Cockerham. who was under
obligations to the bank In Red
mond. The bank issued to Cocker
ham a release of lien and Mr.
Werth bought the land in good
faith and has added Improvements.
On December 7, the bank caus
ed a writ of execution to be served
against the. property, thus causing
the sheriff to levy upon the prop;
erty and advertise it for sale
The plaintiff asks the court for
a decree enjoining the sheriff
from selling the property and for
recovery of costs.
Visitors Attend
Big Meeting oi
UALL.AS, jan. T-pejciaij
Marmlon lodge No. 9 met Wed
nesday "night with 45 members
present and a number of distlng-
uished visitors. A short program
was presented and work In the
rank of page was put on. Speech
es were made by the grand chan-
of Grants Pass; -grand keeper of
MAila oa aaala XVllrAV fl 1aas. AH
of Portland, WiUim S. Levens of
Salem. Fred . Johnson supreme
' .r. representative of Portland.-George
. C. Wills of Salem and George Mc
Cowan of Falls City.
OregoiStatesman's Valley News
4 ced i a " rz1 ttw rarr r --
Monmouth Service
Club is Host to
Visiting Solons
MONMOUTH, Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) Monmouth Lions club mem
bers were luncheon hosts Tuesday
to the following legislators, who
are on the educational committee
of the senate; George W. Dunne,
Ashland; Lloyd T. Reynolds, Sa
lem; Edward F. Bailey, Junction
City; H. J. .Elliott. Perrydale; and
C. R. Everhard, La Grande. The
senators made an unofficial visit
to the Oregon Normal school
while in Monmouth and witnessed
a pep rally staged as a prelude to
the Monmouth-Ashland basketball
game Wednesday night.
A program Included violin
numbers by Miss uoyer, with pi
ano accompaniment by Miss Mar
garet Scruggs, both students of
Oregon Normal. The attendance
contest which is being promoted
between Monmouth, Independence
Salem and Stay ton -Lion s clubs,
begins next week. The winning
club will be entertained at a ban
quet provided by the other three
participants. The club with the
lowest attendance mark will also
be required to furnish a program
of entertainment at the banquet.
Monmouth People
Attend Ceremony
For New Bishop
Oregon Normal School, Jan. .25.
(Special) A number of Mon
mouth women, including several
faculty members of the school left
Thursday afternoon for Portland,
to be in attendance Friday morn
ing at the consecration of Dr.
Thomas Jenkins, who has charge
of the Oregon Episcopal diocese
which includes. McMinnville, Mon
mouth and Hillsboro, who become?
bishop of Nevada. Most Rev. John
Gardner Murray, b'shop of Mary
land, will be presiding bishop, and
among other participants will be
Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner,
bishop of Oregon: Rt.Rev. Moul
ton, bishop of Utah; and Rt. Rev.
Louis Childs Sanford, bishop of
San Joaquin, who will present the
sermon of the ceremonial.
Those attending from Mon
mouth: Mrs. Inez Miller, Miss
Bertha Bralnard. Miss Maude Mc
pherson. Miss Kathorine Arbuth-
not, Miss Laura J. Taylor, Mrs.
Ardie Parker, Miss Esther Mason,
Mrs. Addle Robards. Miss Mary
Robards. and Miss Grace Maurie
Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. Jenkins
have made many frlenda in Mon
mouth who will regret their early
departure for Reno. Nevado where
their new home will be.
Report Mrs. Stump
To Be Improving
MONMOUTH. Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) Mrs. Darrel Stump, wno
has been very 111 with influenxa
at Phoenix, Aria., is-much better.
according to word received here
this week. The Stumps went to
Arizona last winter and this win
ter in hones of improving Mrs.
Stump's health. Her friends, here
have been much concerned over
her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Stump went to Phoenix during
the holidays and are spending
some time with their ton and
daughter-in-law there. , .
Homelike Society,
Names New Heads
MONMOUTH.' Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) The Homelike society of
the Evangelical church elected the
following officers Tuesday: presi
dent. : Mrs. J. F. Moreland ; . vice-
president, Mrs. Riley (; Matheny ;
secretary-treasurer. Mrs. G. W,
Baun; - publicity secretary, Mrs. J,
S. Fuller; assistant, Mrs. Math
eny. A social meeting with lunch
eon was a delightful feature of the
g mm - h fj m .J;n m
KJ SjbMS. II svrm corNET wesson TttAY-wiled I Uj
Ev V I'M fjHi uo.tiy OMimt. Ka 3 1X3 $S"
The New
JEFFERSON, Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) Three boys broke out of
the Jail at Albany Thursday morn
ing at 3 o'clock, and Herbert Shel
:on, sheriff of Linn county, was
in town Thursday looking for
' The Woman's club of Jefferson
met at the suburban home of Mrs
Earl Lynes Wednesday afternoon
with 14 members present. After
an interesting program,' refresh
ments were served by the host
esses, Mrs. Lynes and Mrs. D. H
William E. Smith of the firm
jf Smith & Fontaine has returned
from southern California much
.mproved in health.
. An inportant event for the Ma
sonic and Eastern Star lodges is
the annual "homecoming." Din
ner will be served Saturday night.
A fine program will be rendered
An orchestra has been engaged to
furnish music for' dancing in the
lower hall after the program.
The funeral services of Fred
Weddle were held in the Metho
dist church Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev
Edward Terry. Burial was in the
Jefferson cemetery under the su
pervision of E. E. Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bort of
Portland have been spending the
week at the home of Mrs. Fred
Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle attended
the Installation of W. O. W. of
ficers Tuesday evening at Marion,
acting as installing officer.
Midyear Exams at
Hubbard; Nine Are
Exempt From Test
HUBBARD, Jan. 25. (Special)
-The high school gave the mid
year examinations Thursday and
Friday. The following pupils, re
ceiving an average of not less than
90 per cent were exempt from the
final examinations, in all sub
jects: --Mifises Wilma Dick, Emille
Koutny, Dorothy Scboll, Helen
Knight, Jacqueline Dick, Hazel
Ingalls, Marie de Lespinasse, and
Stanley Wolfer and Franklin de
Lespinasse. Many other students
received exemptions in some of
their studies. . -
Monmouth Society
Elects Oiiicers
MONMOUTH, Jan. 26 (Spe
cial) The Dorcas society of the
Christian church held their annual
election of officers Tuesday after
noon as follows: President, Mrs.
B. Eglestonf first vice-president,
Mrs. Minnie Beckley; second vice
president, Mrs. Colby Hammel;
secretary, Mrs. A. C. Powers;
treasurer, Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose.
Committee heads were named and
include: Entertainment, Mrs. Min
nie Mack; publicity. Mrs. Fran
ces Whiteaker; floral, Mrs. F. E.
Chambers; finance, Mrs. Ira C.
Powell; visiting, Mrs. NeHie Yeat.
er; membersnip, Mrs. j esse jonn-
Serve Warm Soup
HUBBARD. Jan. 25. (Special)
The Junior class of the Hubbard
high school has been serving not
soup during the noon hour for the
past week and have met with
success from a - financial stand
point. Many pupils and teachers
patronized the class, which expects
to continue the enterprise and use
the proceeds to buy class rings.
Oregon Statesman.- Salem.Qre'gon, Saturday Morntnfj, Janvkry S6, 1929
Club Women Hold
Meeting; Groups
Actively at Work
TURNER, Jan. 25. (Special)
The ladles Grange work club
met with Mrs. Arthur Edwards
Tuesday. Officers elected for the
coming year were President, Mrs
Avis Bacon; vice president, Mrs.
Anna Farris; secretary, Mrs.
Alice Funston.
Mrs. B. Herrling has returned
home after a lengthy visit with
home folks in eastern Oregon.
Miss Ethel Given spent Tues
day night and Wednesday with
her friend, Mrs. Doris Baker at
High school pupils who were
nonored witn mid-year exemp
tions from examinations, were
Charles Standley, Miss Lillian
Peterson, Kenneth and Willard
Bear, Miss Margaret Robertson
Mervin Pearson.
The Rebekah lodges of Turner
and Aumsville have consolidated
The place of meeting is to be at
The Eastern Star held a big
meeting Wednesday evening.
Dean Sanderson of the Eugene
Bible university and Walter My
era of the same school attended
Christian church services here
last Sunday. Mr. Myers occupied
the pulpit in the mowing.
Mrs. I. H. Small will entertain
the M. E. ladies at a sliver tea
February 1.
The locaL dairy association is
planning for its annual business
meeting program and dinner, for
members and their families on
Saturday, February S.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glllett
and daughter, Marcella, of Port
land visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Bear over Sun
day. Mr. Glllett Is a brother of
Mrs. Bear.
Installation For
Valley Lodges is
Joint Enterprise
MONMOUTH, Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) Model Encampment No. 35
of I. O. O. F. held a joint instal
lation with the Dallas camp Tues
day night. The attendance was
limited, due to bad weather. Claud
Boothby, D. D. G. P., assisted by
Frank B. Kelley. D. D. G. J. W.,
acted as installing officer. Mon
mouth officers are:
C. P.. Homer Dodds; H. P., W.
J. Stockholm; S. W. E. C. Cole;
J. W., L. V. Seeley; scribe, Paul
Tacheron; treasurer, H. H. Brant;
guide, C. J. Stanton; I. S., Adam
Baskin; O. S.. E. M. Llchty; 1W,
Ed' Rogers; 2W, I. W. Goodell;
9W fl R Fmorinn- fl nf P
Jesse V Johnson; G. of -f., J. L.
Mrs. Speight Acts
As Club Hostess
HUBBARD, Jan. 25. (Special)
Mrs. Anna Speight entertained
the Pink and Lavender clnb at
her home Thursday afternoon!
Luncheon was served to the fol
lowing guests: Mesdames Richter.
Jackson Weaver, Zee k, Riley. Cal
vert, Anna. School, Sewell, Bevens.
Overton, Wolfer; - Misses Frances
Weaver. Ruth Calvert, Ruby Crit
tenden, and Mary Gbudy.
Campaign Keeps
Rev. Hardie Busy
SILVERTON. Jan. 25."- (Spe!
cial) The Rev. and Mrs. Hardle
returned to Sllverton Thursday,
after a week's trip through the
valley, in behalf of the Willamette
university, in the Interests of the
endowment campaign. The Har
dies spent most of their time tn
Forest Grove, Hillsboro, and Beav-
MONMOUTH, Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) At a meeting held in the
Community house Tuesday night,
progress was made toward com
pletion of the reorganization of
the local fire department, which
is being ably sponsored by Mon
mouth post of the American Le
gion. Outstanding workers on the
project are Clares C Powell, past
commander of the post, and Q. C.
Christensen, committee chairman
of the Legion.
Mr. Christensen called the meet
ing to order and the following ad
ministrative officers were unanl.
mously elected: president, Guy H.
Doming; vice-president, J. F. San-
tee; and secretary-treasurer, Ches
ter Kurtz. The matter of recom
mendation for a fire chief was
discussed, and the decision was
left to the city council. A consti
tution and by-laws committee in
cluded: Clares C. Powell. O. C.
Christensen and H. W. Morlan.
The Rev. L. L. Daily acted as
clerk pro-tern.
George Wood, fire chief of In
dependence, spoke on fire depart
ment service, the duties of a chief,
care of equipment, and morale of
volunteer workers. He stressed the
benefit of standard equipment, so
that the authority of toe depart
ment members will- command re
spect and interference be , elimi
nated. Mark Graves of Independence
offered a suggestion that a benefit
dance be held at Kentl hall, on
the Salem-Independence highway,
to raise funds jointly for Mon
mouth and Independence. Fred J.
Hill and Charles Atwater were ap
pointed a committee on arrange
ments from Monmouth. A definite
date for the dance will be an
nounced soon. The meeting was
adjourned until January 29, when
it was believed that complete or
ganization of the active fire de
partment members would be ef
fected. Social Club is
Entertained A t
W. Coburn Home
PRINGLE, Ore.. Jan. 25 (Spe
cial) Members of the Pringle
Pleasant Point social club were
entertained at the home of Mrs.
W. M. Coburn of Pringle at an
all day session Thursday. The bus
iness meeting followed a 1 o'clock
luncheon. A "matchmaking" game
offered by the entertainment com
mittee was greatly enjoyed. First
prize was awarded to Mrs. George
Grabenhorst, and other prizes
went to Mr. W. M. Coburn and
Mrs. E. S. Coates.
Club members present for the
day were Mesdames J. W. Keyes,
Harry Wechter, O. L. Seaiey, An
na J.- Robbins, George Adams.
Margaret Seaiey, L. W. Potter, J.
N. Robertson, Charles W. Grab
enhorst, Christine Mumm, Clifford
Jones, Homer Harrison, E. S.
Coates, Frank Clarke, Olive Shaf
fer, V. E. Meeks, W. H. Graben
horst, Rue Drager, John Yates,
George Grabenhorst, E.-- Clarke,
Miss Margaret Jones and hostess.
Mrs. Pascal Tragllo was a special
The club will be entertained
February 7 at the home of Mrs.
J. W. Keyes of Salem at 1840
South High street.
Woodburn School
Girls Hostesses to
Their Mothers
WOODBURN, Jan. 26. (Spe
cial). The girls or the domestic
are and science classes at the high
school were hostesses to their mo
thers at a tea given in the do
mestic room Thursday afternoon.
The following program was pre
sented: reading "If for Girls."
Ruth Kallek; song "Always Rip
ping," first period clothing class;
song "Dietetic" Harmonies," home
management class; reading, "Am
aing Facts About Foods," Marian
Weisenberg, and song "Pajama
Course," sixth period clothing
After the program tea and wa
fers were served by the domesatic
science class.
Howell Youth Has
Hot Weather Data
(Special) Mrs. Sylvia Baughman
received a letter recently from her
son, Melvin. who is with the mar
ines in the Philipines that the
weather was very hot there.
Mrs. C. E. Mcllwain visited Mrs.
Elsie Dunn Wednesday afternoon.
Mark Jones, who is employed at
Dallas, spent Sunday with home
Mr. and Mrs. " Barnes of near
Brooks have moved with their
family into the tenant house on
the C. E. Mcllwain place.
Several from this section have
been attending the three , weeks
revival meetings at the Natarene
church in Salem conducted by the
Rev. Earl Wilde.
C. , E. , Mcllwain and Raymond
Jefferson were Salem business vis
itors Wednesday. ......
Mrs: Finseth, 82,
H onored, at Party
SILVERTON,' Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) -On .Wednesday afternoon;
about" Hfty lrienda of Mra. O. K.
Finseth called at the Finseth home
In honor of Mrs, Finseth's eighty
cecond birthday anniversary. Many
beautiful flowers and gifts were
received by ' Mrs. - Finseth. Mrs.
Finseth's son, Victor, of Minne
sota, who spent ;. the holidays In
lilverton. prolonged his visit here
o be with his mother on her an.
liversary. v
i , - ... . -,
and Correspondents Page
High and Center itreets. D. i. Howe,
ptitor. R. 765 V Cotttce ttreat. Mr.
sad Mrt. Clftyton E., J action, sitnt.
Ke. 967 N. 5th. Bible tcbool 9:4a a.
Morning worship, ' 1 1 a. 'm Aathem, "O
Worihip the Kin" (Witty), 8olo, "The
Kinr'i Hifhway-" (O'Hara). Ethel Ltoyd
Hull. Sermon. - "Seekinr the Old
Patha," pa&tor. Christian Endeavor,
6:80 p. in. Evening eerTiet, 7:30 o clock
K. Cottage and D. etreete. 6. 'VT.
Rntich, minuter; O. Sehonka, aaaiataat
miniiter. Sunday ichool B:4S a. m. Sara
Sthinnan. Bupt. SerTice 11 a. m. The
p error will continue with hla ierie of
ennoni en the 'Twenty-third Piatas."
Evening eerviee at 7:80. Topic, "The
Growth ef Faith," Regular mid-week
prayer eerriee at S o'clock Wedneiday
evening. All aervieee conducted in Ger-
moHuuro friends
- Corner Highland and Church. Paator,
Edgar P. Sime. Ret. 2345 Maple Ave.
Phone 3SSBW. Service 10 a. m. an
i :u p. m. special tervieei. muaie. etc
Saturday 7:80 p. m. and Sunday aerviree
in charge of young people of N. P. E. I.
of Portland. Sunday arbool 10 a. m
Jay Gardner, Supt. Junior C. E., 5:30
p. m. Senior O. E. 6:30.
State and 18th atreet, the Rev. A. L.
Heine, paator. German aerviee at 0:45
a. ra .and English service at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 8:40 . m. Martha
Battfrman, Supt. Luther league devo
tional meeting ajt 7:30 p. m. Religious
school Saturday at 9 a. m.
Corner of Marion and Liberty streets
Robert L. Payne, minister. Fred Broer.
Sunday school Supt. and director of mu
sic. Louise Flndley, organist. Sunday
school 9:45 with five departments. Morn
ing preaching service 11 o'clock. Sermon
topic, "Working Together for Good" and
sermonette for children. Three Baptist
young people's unions meeting at 6:30
p. m. Eevning preaching service '7 :30.
Sermon topic: "The Immortality of the
8ouL" Special gospel music, at both ser
vices by the choir. The ordinance of
baptiun will be administered at the
evening service. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening 7:80.
Corner Court and High streets. (Grand
heatre Bldg.) W. Earl Cochran, pastor.
Bible school at 9:45. W. T. Jenks. Supt.
Preaching services at 10:50 and 7:30.
B. T. P. U. (Intermediate and Senior)
ai o:.iw. suneri or morning sermon.
me BiDie, w herein It Differs From
other Books" and in the evening the
pastor well use the theme. "Some Abso
lute Certainties." 8pecial musie by the
choma choir.
Corner Hazel and Academy. Sunday
school io a. m. Preachina services al
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Brother D. 8.
Turner will preach in the morning and
Brother C. D. Saucy in the evening
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at
7:30. Tonng people's meeting Friday
evening, 7:80. Special meetings bepiii
rVbruary 8,
Nineteenth and Ferry streets. H. C.
Stover, minister. The church school
meetf at 10 a. m. C. C. Harris. Supt.
SILVERTON, Jan. 26. (Spe
cial) The south half of district
No. 2 of the American Legion post
held its annual convention in the
Sllverton armory Wednesday, Jan
uary 23.
Visiting 6tate officials included
State Commander Dan Fisher; Dr.
Carter, manager of the veterans
hospital, Portland; Norman Engle,
manager of the habitation com
mittee; J. Valant of the 6tate com
mission, and Carl Moser, state ad
jutant. Following an address of wel
come by Mayor L. C. Eastman,
alks were given by Douglas Mc
Kay of Salem post, E. C. Dunn of
Dallas post, Henry Rusclen of
Stayton, Sid George, of Corvallis,
representative of district No. 3,
Eugene; Charles H. Jones, district
committeeman from Forest Grove,
J. Valant and Carl Moser.
After the afternoon business
session, the Ladies' Auxiliary
erved a five course banquet for
the members and delegates. The
Ladies' Auxiliary also sponsored
l dance in the evening. The north
half of District No. 2 held a con
vention on Thursday in Newberg.
Portland Funeral
Calls Silverton
Friends to City
(Special) Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Denzel went to Portland the first
of the week to attend the funeral
of their son, Irving M. who died
in a Portland hospital Monday,
January 21. He was burled Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mildred Egan was absent from
high school Tuesday on account of
a cold.
Mrs. L. B., Haberly returned
Sunday from a week-end visit in
A large number of friends from
this section attended the funeral
of Mrs. Samantha Bowers, held
Tuesday afternoon at the Jack and
Eckman chapel in Sllverton.
Roger Comstock, 'who Is taking
part in the student body play to
be given by the Silverton high
school February 8 and 9, is spend.
Ing the week In town with his
grandmother, to attend practice.
i , ; -
Marquam Home is
Scene for Party ;
60 Guests Attend
ILVERTON. Jan. 25. (Spe
cial) A number of Silverton
friends and relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. Die Jacobson were present at
a surprise house warming party
given for them In tlvair new Tanch
Hiome near Marquam Wednesday
night. Over sixty guests were pre
sent, coin Ing from various towns
in the valley. Including Salem, S1L
verton. Monitor, Canby. Marquam,
Molalla. Aurora, Portland, Eu&enc
and Cottage Grove. ,
Among those" from - Sllverton
were Mr. and Mrs." Roy Morley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jack, Mr. and
Mrs. . Cat Schlador, Miss ' Alma
jDorniutc woisn at 11. "I.iitie But
H ise will be the sermon snbiect. Mu
sic by the young men's quartet. At 7:30
the choir will present a religions drama
"Dust of the Road." Also a home scene
with costumes and music appropriate to
toe eariy seventies. Music by ladies
quartet. Eeneitta Edwards. Caryol Bra
den. Olive Barnard and Harriet Adams,
ana lonald J. Allison, organist.'
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W
6. Lienksemper, pastor. Sunday school
at 9:45. F. i. Itruse. supt. nglisb ser
rices at 10:30. Subject, "Spiritual Wor
ship. German services at 11:15. bub
jeet, "The Office, and Work of Christ."
Will hold services at Fraternal Tern
pie this Sunday evening Jan. 27 at 7 :80
o'clock. Rev. I.nella M. La Valley of
Portland will lecture in tance. Public
Coner of Liberty and Center. A. P
Larton, pastor. Bible school at 0:45.
L. L. Thornton, Snpt. Here yon will find
congenial surroundings and classes' for
all ages. Worship at 11 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Preparedness." Christian Endeavor
at S:30. Topic, "How Can Wa Serve
ira World Through Our Church." Wor
ship at 7:30. Subject ."Distinguishing
Marks of True Keugron." After three
weeks' abrence from the pulpit on ac
count of the fin we will be glad to meet
the membera and friends next -Sunday.
rou may not know it but the first steps
toward real happiness are the church
Fifteenth and Mill street. Patrik X.
Dahlin, pastor. Morning worship 11
o'clock. Prof. W. H. Hertzog of Kimball
School of Theology will be the sneaker
on "The Supreme Task of the Church."
Church school 9:45. Miss hither Enck
son. Supt. A newly organized department
for the children under nine years of age
has been formed. This will make tre
teaching much more effective and make
, more attractive program for the little
hitdren. Epworth league 8:30 w. m.
The tcpic for i&rusion is "The Problem
We Face.". This is the beginning of a
discussion on Race Problems. Intermed
diate Epworth league: The first meetins
of the intermediates to organize a league
and plan for future discussions will be
held with Mits Esther Enckson- aa ad
visor. The meeting will be held in the
hurch parlor at 6:80. Evening service.
7:30. Mrs. Alta M. Gentry will speak
n "The Way of Life."
665 Ferry street. Sunday school (
9:45, Walter W. Wells, Supt. Preaching
service at 11 o clock. Special masir.
Subject of the morning message: "Before
and After Pentecost." Young people's
service at 6:30. Mrs. Amos Wells, the
:iewly elected presi-d-ent, will be the lead
r. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30.
I vocal duet, "Bo You Live Where od
Answers Prayers t" will be sung by Mrs.
iinbert Wagers and Miss ETivina raw.
Subject of the evening: "Be Ye Recon
ciled to God." Prayer meeting on Tues
day night. Bible study and prayer on
Friday night. You are incited to all of
these services. J. G. Minton, pastor. Res.
1340 -V. Cottage street. Phone 1876W.
One block south of Center on 19th.
D. Smith, pastor. Ret, 1249 S. Com
mercial. Phone 2040. Sunday school
9:45 in the morning. Frank Litwiller,
Supt. in charge. "The Sunday School
with a Heart." The large children's
choir will siBg. Morning worship and
sermon 11. Subject Water Baptism,
A'hat Saith the Lord 1 " Mixed quartet
vrill sing, "Walking in the Beautiful
Light of God Haldor Lillenas what does
the Eible say about baptigmf As to the
time, the mode, etc. We will have a
baptismal service in the afternoon at 3
'clock. At the First Christian church
High and Center streets. This will be
i verv special service. The Rev. Louisr
Pinnell will sing a solo. There will be
other special music. Young people's
meting in the evening at 6:30 at the
N'azarene church. Miss Thea Sampson
president, in charge. Evening evange
listic service at 7:30. Happy song and
(raise service, inyde Hotter will sing a
solo. Sermon subject, "At the Battle's
3 I3'2 ( ourt street. Pastor, C. S. John
on. Res. 481 Union. Asst. pastor.. Mrs
0. S. Johnson. Services 3 and 8. Week'
lay services Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
rday evenings.
Corner State and Church. Pastor. F. C
Taylor. Res. 636 State. Phone. 974. Di
rector religious education, Margaret K.
Sutherland. Phone 872. Services 11 a. m.
nd 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: Morning.
"The Layman in Action" or "Putting
ihe Pull in the Pulpit." Evening. "Simon.
4urnamed Peter. Special music. Prof.
T. 8. Roberts at the organ, playinr "Pre
Indium in A" by Batiste and "Chanson
Ballade" by Hoffman. Solo, "The Tmm
et Shall Sound." (Sasitt). sung by Earl
Kennel!. Anthem, "Wake Up, My
tlory," by Rodgert. Church school 9:45
i. m. Classes for all ages. Epworth
eague: University chapter topic, "Com
mon Mistakes in t.vervdar Iiving.
eacer, Margaret Schreiber. First church
chapter topic, "The Problem Wa Face."
Leader Konald Hewitt. Junior High
hapter topic, "The Religions of China."
Junior church 11 .a m. Message, "Foun
dations. ' Leader Harry Mosher.
Mission between 12th and University.
Pastor. Rev. A. S. Henderson. Ret. 1155
Mission. Phone 1903W. Sunday school
10 a. m. Supt. Mrs. Alice M. Henderson.
Young Peoples' meetings: Sundsy 6:30
m., leader. Jamec Seboa. Tome. How
Can We Serce the World Through Our
inurenf frayer meeting Wednescay 7
p. m. Mrs. Vaivin Hiday, leader.
West Salem. Corner Girth avenue and
Third street. M. A. Groves, pastor. Res.
175 Edsewater St. Phone 1341R. Ser
vices: fcundsy school 10 a. m. Lester De-
Lapp, superintendent. . Classes for , all
ges. t ome and help build the Sunday
school In your home community. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock. Rev. Ralph Joel
Benton will preach. Text Isaiah 45:22.
Mr. Barbara England will aing aceom-
Louise Rice, world famous mpholotiat.
can poaitivcry restd your talents, virtues
and faults m the drawings, words and
what nots that you cribble when "lost
jjthotxghtr. .
Bend yc4irsOTbounc or signature
r saaatysia. ocloMtbcpictiaroos'tho Mikado
pd. cat fm a a bo of Mikado pan.Jia. assw
tea coats. Addreaa Loulaa Rico, cava of
yblixX ScribhlitiPS
Calvary Baptist Church
N( Grand Opera House,' Cor. Court & High Streets)
B. S. 9:45 a. m. Classes for aU ages.- W. T. Jenks, Supt.
.. Preaching 10:50 am. and 7:30 p. in.
B. Yj P. U.'a 6:30 p. m. WELCOME TOrNO PEOPLE.
f Popular Song Test in P. M. Chorus Choir, w
Friday Eve., Feb. 8th. The Biblical Drama, 'THE TENT
DWELLERS.". will be presented- ;
, W. EARL COCHRAN, Pastor ,
panied by Mias Jewell Cbristensoa.i Mra.
Arnold's class of young people will a Is
sing. Junior league 11 a. m. Mart Se-
bern. Supt. Intermediate league 6:80.
Senior league 6:30. Tha yoocg "people
of she Pratum Mennonite church will
meet with our yuong people for thia '
meeting. F.rvine Sin:oions ia tha leader.
A reusing good time is expected. Eve
ning Servica 7:30 p. m. Subject: "A
Modern's lacs of Repentance" by tha
pastor. Mr. Raymond will aing "On
Sweetly Holema Thought."
(Methodist Episcopal) j
South Commercial and Myers streets.
S. Dariow Johnson, pastor. 848 E. Myer
street, phone 2764.. Morning worship ill.
o'clock. Anthem, "The Everlasting
Hills" (Wilaoa). Sermon. "The Bibl
and Life." Happy evening hour 7:30
"Beside Still Waters." by Misa Ruth
with gospel singing by everyone, a sole,
Hasehon, mnt a sermon by tha pastor on -"Who
Goes There!" Sunday school at
9:45. A. C. Bohrnstedt, Supt.. will gWe
tha second of a aeries of talks to tha
older department oa "Tha Church and
Christian Living." Asbury league -( high
school) in Leslie hall at :(, leader.
Dariow Johnson, Leslie league, (older
young folk) at aams hoar in Live Wire
room, loader Alfred French. TVpie fa
both groups 'Tha Problem Wa Faca."
Intermediate league in social reom at
6:80 with an interesting program for
junior, bighf. Junior cwarch league ia
Leslie hall at 11 a. m. Sermon story by
tha associate pastor, Ormal Triek.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Tha
Rev. Martin F. Ferrer, minister. Church
school at 10 a. m. tiradad instruction.
Devotional servieea at II a. m. Sab jeet
of the sermon, "Tha Autobiography of
God." Mra. Martin Ferrey will sing
'How Beautiful Upon the Mountains.
Misa Eleanor Wagataff will play a, violin
?oio, "The Melody la w. Mrs. w. A.
Denton at tha organ.
Corner 13th and Ferrer streets. Sun
day school 1:45 Sunday. Preaching aer
viee at 3:00. Mrs. E. V. Jannlson will
reach the afternoon sermon, "Falling
ihort." Earl V. Jenaison. pastor, witl
preach at the evening meeting at 7:80
on "The Right Time for a Man to Say
So' to God. ' Both preach tha fall gos
pel and teach the whole Bible. Interest
ing yonng people a meeting every Sat
urday night. Tuesday fellowship meet-
ng and Thursday Hi bin studf from tha
book, of Romans. Everyone welcome to
each of these meetings. Phoaa 2080M.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center streets. The Rev. P. W. Erih-
en, pastor. 'The World Fields Whits
nto the Harvest. This subject will bo
liscussed by the pastor in hia morning
ermon at 11. At 7:80 p. m. "Tha
fudges of Israel" after the death of
Josbus, in Pictures Through the Bible.
fhe Sunday school at 9:45. Graded class
es for all ages. Max Gehlhar, Supt. K,
l. Arpn
nold fcr
C. Arpke in charge of adult division. Ar-
reuger, 1. 1'. Bible clasa and Mra.
(.'. M. Byrd, Supt. of primary department.
Luther laegue at 6:30. Devotional meet-
ngs. Special music Sunday morning by
he choir and Sunday evening by tha
church chorus and the ladies quartet.
Center and Liberty. 9:45, Sunday
hool. F. E. Neer. Supt. 1 1, morning
vorship. Subject, "Sowing the Seed.
f:30, "The Search for Happiness, " il
lustrated by a niovinr picture of the
ame title. At the morning worship the
tuartet will sing "Watchman What of
he Night and Mr. Glaisyer will sing
i solo, "Ninety-first Psalm." At tha
veniug service the- quartet will sing,
Softly the Silent Night." Charles E.
vVard, minister.
Corner of Oh em ek eta and N. 17th.
Pastor, t-. K. Erikine. Res. 268 N. 17th.
;t.. r.hone 1008W. Service 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: Tha snorti
ng sermon will be the second of the ser
ies on 'The Seconc Coming of Our
Lord," the theme of which will be "Re
sults and Signs of His Return to Earth."
evening sermon, "Taking the Kingdom
jy Violence. Sunday school 10 a. ns.
). R. Strauabaugh, Supt. Christian En-.
Jeavor 6:30. Leader, Mrs. Ethel Straua
augh. Mid-week prayer aervica Tours
lay evening at 8 o'clock. .-
Sixteenth and A streets (block north "
Jld People's Home). H. W. Gross, pas
or. English services at 9:45. Gern.aa.
it 11. Sunday school in English at 9:00.
dibla study 6:30 p. aa. ,
"Truth" will he the subject of tha
lesson-sermon in First Church of Christ,
Scientist, which is a branch of Tha
Mother Church, The First Oiurch of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston:, Mass. Ser-,
vies are hetd on Sunday mornings at 1
clock and in the evening a tS o'clock.
Sunday School convenes at 9:45 fr tha
ilder lasses and at 11 for the younger
asses. The reading room it maintained
it 406 Masonic Temple where the Bibio
ind alt authorised Christian Seleses lis
rature may be read, borrowed or Bur-'
chased. All are cordially invited to attend
u services and to use tha reading rooai.
Corner Market and N. Winter streets.
Sunday school 9:45. liar bort Haasea,
3upt. Preaching by tha pastor, II a.m.
"The Bible Standard of Moral." Bp-'
:ial singing by the men's quartet. Young:
-eople'a meeting at 6:80 d. m.. with
Emory Goode as leader. Soap aervica,
7:30. Prearhinp S o'clock. Prayer sneet-
ng Thursday 7; 80 p. m. Tho public will
ind a welcome to these services. W. N.
ffee, paator. 1
Corner of Winter and Chemeketa
streets. Rev. Norman K. Tally 1. U..
tastor. Church school 0:30 a. ns. Class
es for all ages; competent teaehara. Morn
ing worship 11 o clock. Rev. W. J.
Locke, missionary from China, will sneak.
Anthem, "Lord of Love," (Hall), C, E.
societies meet at 6:30 p. m. Thia ave-
umg the. -Intermediate Society avchangoa
leaders with Jason Lea. Evening wor
ihip 7 :30 o'clock. Sermon, "Eager to
Melieve the Best," ur. Tully. V. W.
Reid will aing. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening 7 :80. This week lr. Tollr
will begin tna study of the Prophecy of
Isaiah. You are invited to-all these ser
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