The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' ' ' ' ' " ' I " ''
'-- The contagions, goodt
tared kick la Cargill .ear.
toon la renowned. A dally,
editorial pae feature la the
Generally fair and cold to-'
day; Moderate : northwest
wind. Max. temperature
Tuesday 40; Mia. S3;
Traces of snow; River 1.0.
W r.. C.- If.. E 17 A From the First. States-
i uvii 'ivuya uit uu rear jiuui stive
nmta. March 21. 161.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, January 23, 1929
Long Tuba Under
English Channel
President Coolidge Signs Pact Renouncing War
Again Considered
75,000 Persons Greet Next
President; iDrum Corps
and Bands Play .
Numerous Officials and Dig
nitaries Call and Pay
Their Respects
MIAMI BEACH, Fla.. Jan. 22.
(AP) President-Elect Hoover
and Mrs. Hoover were accorded
an -ovation by 75,000 Floridans
and visitors who packed the
streets to greet them today dur
ing a brief public appearance aft
er their arrival from Washington.
A tumultuous greeting was giv
en the president-elect and his
party as their automobiles moved
through the. thronged streets of
Miami and Miami Beach to the
estate of J. C. Penney on Belle
Isle, where Mr. Hoover will make
his pre-lnaugural home.
The roar of 75,000 throats was
added to the din of a dozen bands
and drum and bugle corps sta
tioned at points along the route
the president-elect's party fol
lowed to the Penney estate, while
overhead airplane motors droned
an incessant, roar punctuated with
the sharp detonations of aerial
bombs and the throaty blasts of
whistles of steamships and yach-s
in the harbor.
President and Wife
Greeted By Editor
As the president-elect and Mrs.
Hoover left their nine car special
train at the station they were met
by Morton Milford, editor of the
Miami Daily News and a member
cf Governor Carlton's staff, who
extended them an official wel
come to Florida.
He told them of the governor's
regret that he was unable to ex
tend his welcome and greetings in
person, while Mayor E. O. Sewell
of Miami, extended the greetings
from that city and Mayor Louis
Snedigar of Miami Beach gave a
welcome on behalf of that mu
nicipality. llryan's Daughter Also
Welcomes Visiting Party
At the train also were Mrs.
Ruth Bryan Owen, congresswom-an-elect
from the fourth Florida
district, Louis Cates, British con
sul at Miami, and Domingo J. Mil-1
ford, Cuban consul at Key West:
In a procession of 34 official
automobiles, " the" Hoover party
made its progress through Miami's
business section to a receiving
stand erected on Bayshore boule
vard, where during a pause Mayor
Sewell presented Mr. Hoover with
a giant key to Miami.''
Two complete fishing outfits,
ready for use by the presldent
. (Turn to page 10, Please.)
Arguments favoring submission
of a constitutional amendment
providing for consolidation of a
number of state departments, to
the voters were heard Tuesday
night at the first joint meeting of
the house and senate committees
on reorganization.
A saving of 11,000,000 could
be realized through such a consolidation-it
was declared, as well
as an increase In the efficiency of
various governmental depart
ments. Representative Andrews report
ed he had conferred with Govern
or Patterson regarding the reor
ganization program, and. that the
executive was in favor of certain
It was generally agreed by
members of the joint committee
that it would not be possible to
bring about any consolidations at
i this session of the legislature, but
It was -thought that a proposed
: constitutional amendment could
be drafted and submitted for con-
i sideratlon.
r A definite plan of action prob
ably will be worked out by the
committee within the next ten
Press Censorship on Good
Will Trip Laid to Hoover
In Speech by U. S. Senator
(AP) Charges of press censor
ship on Herbert Hoover' recent
tour of South America were
brought to the attention of the
: senate today by Senator Harrison,
; democrat of Mississippi. In a dis
cussion of what he. described, as
: the ; president-elect's "censored
good will" trip. - . .
Senator Harrison said that
George, Barr Baker,-. California
newspaper man and former
chairman of publicity for the , re
publican national party, was the
censor. He submitted a story of
the censorship' charges -appearing
la a recent edition of editor and
pabllshar. ; r :- - v -
. He said that -Mr. Baker had
been mentioned for the cabinet
but la view of the request for two
White House secretaries It was
possible that there had been some
"emif lw" as to whether George
British House of Commons
"Talks. Project; Study to
be Called For
LONDON, Jan. 22. (AP)
The scheme for a tunnel under the
English channel -reached the
house of commons again today.
Stanley Baldwin, prime minister,
announced that a comprehensive
non-party re-examination would
be made into the 60-year-old pro
ject. A tunnel connecting England
with the French coast has been
urged by economists but always
has been opposed by militarr stra
tegists, construction of a zl-mne
bridge also had been discussed.
E. Thurtle,v labor, Shoreditch,
asked for time to discuss the mo
tion and Mr.-Baldwin replied that
in view of the wide public interest
Hn the project the cabinet had con-
ciuaca tne time was ripe for a
comprehensive inquiry. He said
the ministers wished to have the
economic aspect thoroughly ex
amined in order that they might
be weighed with imperial defense
In view of the time required to
carry out the project it would, be
In the public Interest to deal with
the question outside a party at
mosphere, the prime minister con
tinued. Some agreement was nec
essary also whereby the decision
of the government might not he
upset by a succeeding one. He
would like to obtain the cooper
ation of leaders of the other par
ties from the outset of the inquiry
Seventeen Killed When Inter-
urban Car and Auto Bus
Crash Together
BELLEVUE. O., Jan. 22.-
(AP) A blinding ' snowstorm
which engulfed a bus and an elec
tric lnterurban car was blamed
tonight for a crash which claim
ed 17 lives and resulted in in
juries to 5 others.
The collision ocurred when a
bus operated by the Greyhound
company between Toledo &pd
Pittsburgh was struck squarely in
the center by an express electric
car on the Lake shore line ,en
route from Norwalk to B3llevue,
at a double grade crossing a mile
and a half east of here.
Edward Butler, of Cleveland,
driver of the bus, said he pulled
up to a stop at the icy crossing,
looked about but failed to see any
thing. He drove upon the crossing
at the Instant the lnterurban,
traveling about 35 miles an hour,
reached 1L
The lnterurban crashed on top
of the bus, and then fell across
it in a ditch, smashing the ma
chine . Into a mass of twisted
steel and splintered wood, and
pinning nearly all the passengers
Those riding the electric car
frantically began digging into the
wreckage to extricate the dead
and Injured. Passing motorists
made improvised ambulances of
their machines and the four , am
bulances in Bellevue made .re
peated trips.
Alexander Daue
Dies at Age 69
4 '
Alexander Daue. for many years
a resident of Salem, died unexpect
edly at a local hospital late Tues
day night following an illness of
but a few days. He was 19 years
old. The home Is at 1095 Saginaw
Surviving Mr. Daue are his wi
dow, Mrs. Ida M. Daue, on daugh
ter. Mrs. Claire Fulmer of Seattle,
Wash., and five sons, Elmer, Earl,
Desmond and Clifford all of Sal
em and Hubert of Marlon, Oregon.
Funeral arrangements have not
been made, the remains being in
care of the Clough-Huston com.
Akerson or Mr. Baker "was to get
this place." Akerson now Is one
of Mr. Hoover's secretaries. "
"Everybody knows that this
censorship was Imposed, the
Mlsslssipplan declared.
The senator did not go Into de
tails but was given permission to
have ths article -appearing in Ed
itor and Publisher, placed In the
record. Asked by Senator Caraway
democrat, Arkansas; if- the "cen
sor was the same George Barr
Baker,' mentioned . connect loft
with official documents recently
disclosed as stolen from ths Amer
ican embassy r Mexico City.Har-
frison said rthat'a the same George
Barr Baksr. ,
The testimony before ths sen
ate committee -was that Baker was
Instrumental ? In conveying the
documents to ths state department
after they reached this country. -.(Turn
to page 10. Plsaaa.;
Defendant in Sensational
Murder Case Placed in
County Hospital
Special Treatment Urged for
Alleged Slayer; Jaunti
ness All Gone 1
RIVERSIDE. Cal.. Jan. 22.
( AP ) Despondent under the
weight of evidence produced
against him by the state in its
effort to hang him for the mur
ders of Lewis and Nelson Win
slow and an unnamed Mexican lad
and suffering from an affectation
of his eyes and throat. Gordon
Stewart Northeott tonight was in
the care of physicians at the de
tention ward of the Riverside
county hospital.
His physical ailments? dlag-
,,,, hi m "
gitis, will keep him out of the)
court room' for two davs. it was
estimated by Dr. H. L. Ratliff,
eye, ear, nose and throat special
ist who recommended to the court
that the young Canadian be
given hospital treatment.. ! Super
ior Judge George R. Freeman con
tinued- Northcott's trial until
Thursday morning.
Continuation of '
Case Is Granted
Northeott today appeared for
the first time since the opening of
his trial more than three weeks
ago .to give up his fight to escape
the gallows which, since last week
he has been waging single handed
as his own counsel, stumbled Into
court between two deputy sheriffs
today wearing dark glasses and
he kept his eyes tightly closed as
he addressed to Judge Freeman
a plea for continuance. The re
spite granted, he tottered out, his
shoulders ; stooped and all the
Jauntiness which has marked his
usual demeanor in public missing.
Apparently brooding over the
many unexpected links in the
chain . of circumstantial evidence
the prosecution Is attempting to
wind around him, Northeott had
told Sheriff Clem Sweeters and
other custodians at the county Jail
several rambling and only partly
coherent stories of conditions at
his alleged Wineville "murder
Prosecutor Opposed
Compromise Idea
Any move of Northeott to con-
fees again and .enter a plea of
guilty with the hope of effecting
a compromise on life imprison
ment will be combatted by the
state however, chief deputy dis
trict attorney. Earl C. Redwine,
declared today.
The state will demand the death
(Turn to page 10, Please.)
Two echoes of the "four ; river
bills, defeated at the November
election, resounded in the state
house lobby Tuesday when pro
posals for fa complete visceration
of the Oregon water code ap
peared. The measures would re
peal all present laws for appro.
prlation of water and wipe out
the work of years, according to
legislators who analysed them.
One was; written by Ralph Cow
gill, former legislator and : now
employed by the state game com
mission: ' The other came: ap
parently from another source, but
they are identical except In a few
vital spots. " ; . j "
The measures seek to create a
state water commission, composed
of the members of the present
state reclamation commission, and
would authorize the government
to appoint two more members
when he considers It necessary.
All desiring water must secure a
license from this board, which is
supreme, save In matter of law.
No- license would be granted for
a longer period than 50 years.
No rights of the game and fish
commissions are disturbed by the
measures, but tney wouia isae
away the rights of the state board
of health over streams In respect
to matter of contamination.! and
invests them In the water board
All desiring the use of water.
for Irrigation, power or other
purposes, would be required to
apply to the state board. :i The
board would be the sole and final
Judge, when; an j application is
made, whether the; stream 1 best
suited for ! power. I irrigation, re
creation or scenery.
Power Company
Officials Here
To Fight Move
Representailves of ths Califor
nia-Oregon i Power company;, were
hero Tuesday to oppose a resolu
tion asking ths legislators, to me
morialise congress to pass a bill
permitting the United States to bo
sued.' - y r r-
- Bottlers on ths Klamath Irriga
tion district, jwho tare trytnr to
break a contract with the 'power
concern, are responsible for ths
resolution. The board of directors
of ths district also were hero. i
mm- . t-&.
a . r -
1. --v- : .
With much ceremony President Coolidge signs at the White House the Kellogg treaty renouncing
Senator William E. Borah, Senator
Representative McAllister of
Marion County Will Pro
pose Measure
Insistence upon the collection
by the attorney general of money
due the state of Oregon in pay
ment for sand and gravely re.
moved from navigable streams of
the state, is the purpose of a bill
which will be introduced in the
house today by Representative
Lee McAllister of Marion county.
This is a matter upon which nu
merous conferences have been
held between state officials of
Oregon and Washington and rep
resentatives of the companies
which have removed the sand and
gravel; but according to informa
tion in the hands of Representa
tive McAllister, payment has not
been made although at one time
an agreement was tentatively
Large Amounts of
Gravel Removed '- ?k .
Negotiations heretofore have
been .based on an audit which
showed that-the several firms had
removed 2,427563 yards of sand
and gravel up to July, 1927, but
since that time additional amounts
have been removed, Mr. McAllis
ter says, of which theTe is no
audit available but which may
raise. the total to 3,500,000 yards.
adjudged to be worth $350,000.
Payment for material taken
from the Columbia river was to
have been divided equally between
Oregon and .Washington, accord
ing to the agreement entered into
several months ago.
-The bill to be Introduced by
Representative McAllister reads
In part as follows:
Official Audit
Is Referred To
"Whereas, according to an
audit on file with the state land
board it appears that large sums
of money are due the Btate of
(Turn to page 10, Please.)
(By the Associated Press)
The senate aip.,fed a 124,
000,000 appropriation to be
used by the president for pro
hibition enforcement.
The house and ways means
committee turned to the study
of tariff revision of sugar by
product. Senator Harrison, democrat,
Mississippi, charged that press
censorship existed on the Hoo
ver goodwill tour.
' Senator Pine of Oklahoma
was exonerated- by the senate
Indian affairs committee of
charges of conspiracy against
Commissioner Burks of the In
dian bureau.
: Secretary Mellon opposed the
McKellar proposal to place in
come tax refunds under the
board of tax apsals Instead of
ths internal revenue bureau.
Eddy Deplores
Public's Laxity
Oregon la ' between the "devil
and 'ths deep sea. or between
bureaucracy and ths lack on the
part of Its eltisens of Interest In
public matters. Senator. B. Ed
dy of Roseburg told ths members
of the Salem Klwanls elub at tbelr
luncheon Tuesday. The Oregon
system of government tends to de
feat the theory of representative
government, he added.
U, B. Page was appointed chair
man of tne : entertainment com
mittee for the northwest Klwanls
convention which Is to be held
hers August II, If and 10.
Claude A. Swanson, Senator Thomas J. Walsh and Vice President-elect
Seven Ships In Trouble
While Northwest Storm
Offers Serious Threat
Two Vessels Send Out Calls
for Immediate Help;
One Disappears
NEW YORK, Jan. 22. (AP)
With a northwest gale howling
along the ocean, seven ships were
In difficulty of one sort or an
other today, two of them pleading
for immediate assistance, lest they
be submerged in the storm and
th.e silence of another arousing
fears that it already had found
ered. The American tanker Danne
dalke and the Italian freighter
Florida were disabled in tremen
dous seas some 800 miles off the
Virginia Capes and the liners
America and President Harrison
sped to their rescue.
The British freighter Tees-
bridge asked tor Immediate as
sistance from southeast of Cape
Race, yesterday but then her wire
less-was silenced, and though the
British steamers Maine and Cal
casier searched the vicinity all day
no trace of the Teesbridge could
be found.
The combined crews of the
Teesbridge, the Florida and the
Dannedalke number approximate
ly 100 men.
Large Number of
Others In Distress
Other ships that figured in the
22 (AP) Voting of a sixth Im
peachment charge against Henry
S. Johnston, suspended governor;
stories concerning purported activ
ities of Mrs. O. O. Hammonds, his
comely and aggressive confiden
tial secretary, and ghosts of the
attempted impeachment session of
1927, were additions today to the
fevered political brew stirred by
the Oklahoma legislature.
.The six article of Impeachment
was adopted late today by the
house of .representatives, which
yesterday submitted to the senate
five charges it voted last week. It
alleged the Illegal employment by
Governor Johnston of Kirby Frti
patrick, formerly of Ardmore, as
a special attorney for the state
banking department. Th vote was
60 to 3.
The name of Mrs. Hammonds,
who is charged by political ene
mies with wielding great Influence
over the governor's official acts,
figured prominently In hearings of
both house and senate Investiga
ting committees.
A story that she shook her fist
in the governor's face and com
manded him to "be quiet," was re
lated before the senate committee
Investigating reports that $100,
000 was employed to put an end
to the attempted impeachment ses
sion of 1927.
Bill to Retard
Bancorporation .
Growth Floated
A measurs so drastic that It
locked someone to Introduce It
was in circulation at ths stats
house Tuesday. . "; " .- '
It pertained to bancorporatlons
and would prevent them from in
creasing from their current status.
Small banks throughout ths state
srr said to be backing th mea
sure. It would, protect them from
the temptation of celling eut to
(the bancorporatlons which within
tho last six months have purchas
ed many institutions In the stats.
Rumors that soma kind of leg
islation will be Introduced to earb
bancorporatlons are, prevalent at
the cspitol. '-5
0. .-": - , . i .s. I
day's news of distress were the
liner President Garfield still hung
up on a coral reef in the Bahamas
where she grounded two days
ago; the four masted schooner
Kingway which burned to the wa
ter at Broad Cover, Maine, where
It was laid up for the winter, the
Norwegian steamer Terne, which
still was held In ice that may im
prison it all winter although it
had escaped, at least for the time
being, the destruction that threat
ened it yesterday on the rocks of
Friar's head at the entrance to
Margaree, N. S., and the Diesel
trawler Mariner, disabled off Nan
tucket and under tow for Boston.
SOB Calls Come
From 2 Ships At Once
The distress calls from the
Florida and the Dannedalke came
within , a tew minutes of each
(Turn to page ,10, Please.)
Resolution Opposing Tilla
mook District Plan Passed
by Club Here
Over a hundred members of
various sport organizations of the
state, several legislators, members
of the fish and game commissions,
Governor Patterson and State
Treasurer T. B. Kay attended the
j banquet of the Salem Rod and Gun
club at the Marion hotel Tuesday
Expressions from the members
of the legislature and from sports
men present were all favorable to
preservation of game nd natural
resources of th.e state.
Dr. L. D;-Jdleman, president of
the Salem Rod and Gun club pre.
sided at the meeting. Governor
Patterson complimented the club
on the meeting and spoke especial
ly of the fine decorations of wild
life and trophies which were fur.)
nlshed by E. E. Wiggins, local)
taxidermist. M. Kay spoke briefly
and explained how It had become
possible for those present to en
joy venison. The deer, which had
been on a state farm, had become
vicious and bad to be killed.
Among the legislators who
spoke were ' Senators Reynolds,
Kuck. Dunne, Moses. Brown, and
Carster, and Representatives Kub-
11, Goulet, Snell and Goldstein.
All offered their help to the sport
organizations and expressed them
selves as in iavor of game pres
ervation. - Considerable discussion on the
bill which has been introduced by
Representative WInslow from Till
amook took place and a motion
opposing It was passed.
Ben Dorris , member of the
game commission from Eugene,
spoke briefly. He said there seem
ed to be too much harmony In the
John Ebinger, a commercial
fisherman from ' Tillamook ex
plained the other side of the Win
slow bill.
C. A. Lockwood, president of
the state gams commission was
present from Roseburg. He out
lined plans of the organisation for
the coming year. -. .
E. K. Piaseckl, past president
of the stats organisation, spoke In
opposition to tho Winalow bill,
which would give ths county court
authority to regulate the game
laws of that county.- i . ' i
TwoTrains Crash
RENO. Nov.. Jan. HaP
Word was received hsrs tonight
that a Western Pacific passenger
and freight train had collided
head-on near Weso, Nev. Meager
reports stated that the engineer
of one of the trains had bean se
verely Injured. ' : ,
i - J
VV -
i.:v V.; ;:-; I
war. Front row are, left to right:
Charles Curtis.
Joint Ways and Means Com
mittee Sees Chance to
Eliminate Expense
The question of placing the
state labor bnreau on a self sup
porting basis was referred by the
joint ways and means committee
of the legislature Tuesday night
to a sub-committee consisting of
Representatives Angell and Col
lier and Senator Kiddle, who are
to confer with C. H. Gram, state
labor commissioner.
Three proposed bills were sub
mitted at the meeting by Mr.
Gram through which inspection
fees in the amount of 139,000 a
year wduld be raised. It was ar
gued that this revenue would go a
long way toward paying the ex
penses of the labor department.
These bills will be considered by
the' committee along with other
matters affecting the conduct of
the labor bureau.
It also was proposed to draft
bills through . which Inspection
fees would be raised for the sup
port of the state sealer of weights
and measures and the state board
of pilot commissioners. The ways
and means committee expressed a
desire that both of these depart
ments shall be placed on a self
supporting basis.
Another bill was ordered pre
pared providing for the collection
of tuition fees from non-resident
students at the Oregon normal
schools in excess of that charged
resident students.
The committee also proposed a
fee system in connection with the
osnduct of . the state dairy and
food commission, which will help
defray the costs of the depart
ment. Appropriations tentatively ap
proved by the ways and means
committee follow:
Southern Oregon normal
school, 168,534.
Superintendent of public in
struction, $63,216.
State textbook commission,
Oregon Blue Book, $4000.
Oregon historical society, $20,
000. The committee refused to -au
thorise an appropriation of $660
for the state board of higher cur
Vetoes of bills passed at the
1927 legislative session were sus
tained by the ways and means
committee, as follows-:
For the promotion of land set
tlement. $30,000.
Oregon Social Hygiene-society,
Topographical may, $7600.
Premiums for county fair.
For construction of armories.
The committee recommended
approval of an appropriation of
11200 tor Mrs. Gertrude Denny.
This money will be paid out of
the state gams fund. .
Extension of City-Owned
Power Lines for Profit
Approved by State jCourt
.communities throughout Ore
gon which operate their own elec
tric power ! plants are concerned
with the decision handed down
Tuesday i' by the ' state supreme
court, in which that corporation
Is given authority to extend Its
slectrle power lines beyond v the
municipal boundaries and to com
pete with private corporations In
the sale of electrical energy. The
opinion was written by Jostles Me-Brfderv"'rrh'-.
v "-
Tho opinion reversed ths deci
sion Of Judge Walker and Morrow
In a suit brought by the Yamhill
Electric company to enjoin the
city, of McMinnvllle from furnish
ing . electric power and light for
profit to certain localities beyond
tho municipal boundaries.
"Psrmltting cities to sell , light
and sower outside thelrcorporate
limits without a central supervt-
Senator Eddy Introduces'Bill
! to Provide for Prison
Selling or Delivering Liquor
to Minors Would be
, Made Felony
Imprisonment is defined as the
reward for persons who deliver, sell
or give away intoxicating liquor to ,
minors under the provisions of a
bill Introduced In the senate Tues
day by Senaor B. L. Eddy of Doug
lass couny. Penalties demanded
arei terms of from one to four
The bill provides that iustices-
of the peace shall have concurrent
Jurisdiction in these cases. The
present law relating to the sale
of liquor to persons under 21
years of age provides for a fin
of not less than $500 and a jail
sentence of not less than six
Bailey's Resolution
Gets Senate Approval
The senate approved a resolu
tion IntrdOuced by Senator Ed
ward aBiley and 15 other senators
directing the president of the Uni
versity of Oregon and Oregon
State college to prepare and de
liver to the chief clerk of the sen.
ate on or before January 31. 1929,
a list of all resident students en
rolled in the respective institu
tions. The lists allso shall show the
home address of students, parents '"
address, school of preparation
from which they were graduated'
and the present rating of each stu
dent. The information was re."
quested so as to determine tbe
the names of non-resident stu
dents who have failed to pay their
annual tuition.
the administration of the work
mens compensation law was urged
In a resolution Introduced by Sen
ator Joe Dunne.
Resolution Favors
Injured Workmen
"All doubts, questions and un
certainties should be resolved In
favor of the injured workmen and
his dependents, as the case may
be' read the resolution. "It Is
respectfully urged that the com
mission call to Its assistance, la
addition to Its regular . medical
staff, other medical and surgical."'
talent when such doubt and unf.:
tainty prevails." ' v-
A senate joint memorial urging -congress
to revise and increase - '
the tariff on cherries and cherry
products was approved.
A bill Introduced by the Mnlt."
nomah county delegation chang-.
(Turn to page 10, Please.)
Theordore Strom, age about g
years, was found lying dead on tt
floor of his cabin on the .W. B.
Brown farm four miles northeaet.
of Brooks, Tuesday afternoon by A
member of the Brown family,
Strom, who had worked for Mr.
Brown for the past 14 years a4
had occupied a cabin on the farm,
had not been seen around the
farm since Thursday, and boeosn-
lng alarmed at his absence, a
search was Instigated, Tuesday.
Strom's desth was apparently
due to heart failure, according to
Coroner Lloyd T. Rtgdon who was
called, as there was no evidence
of foul play. The door to the cab
in, which Strom" had been in ta
habit of locking, was locked and
it was necessary to break iaU
the house. Strom died . somettsoo
Thursday or Friday, It Is thoum t,
as members of the Brown family
noticed smoke coming from the
chimney of the cabfn Thursday.
When discovered, he had hmem
dead several days."
So tar as is known, Strom had
no relatives. Before coming to the
Brown farm, he lived near TeU.
do, where he had a homestead.
which Is still In his name.
slon of their activities will
to stifle private enterprises,
without saying," read the suj
court opinion. "That such a
ture by the city of MeMinawWs
may have proved financially prof
itable to tho municipal treaaonr
will have a tendency to lad
other munlclpalltlea to at teas
Ilka ventures Is not improbable.
No Restraint on ,v
Extension of Plan v
."What the city of McMinnvUlo
is going or attempting to do, I -Fayette,
North Yamhill, Car.
Dayton and " Willamina may K m
do. We have the possibility f
halt a doten towns competfcnT
with' each other for the busies
of tho surrounding country ltfe
out any central authority to .
fine them within reasonable
lness limits. - r -i-. s-,'
--It is usually very easy to
(Turn to page 10. Please.)
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