INSURED ' .- v Stetesnuut reader do afford to say he is not in. rareoT when be ' can bnyu a travel accident poller for . ' I sn:--- ' " ,BB,'uss " " " " 'A"-,r' " " - "" ; WEATHER . Local snows today,' fol lowed by clearing weather; Korth wind. Max. tempera tare Monday 87; ' Mia. 27 Rlrer 1.6; Cloud jr; Soath wind, v . , jt 1 SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR, NO. 256. . , Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January ttt 1929 ; - PRICE FIVE CENTS m. mm .'. m m mm m . i I . I .- . . - . - - . ..- , - . . . . . , . . . . ..... . - . . w i . Ur of Chaldee$ Scene of Ex cavations Giving Amaz- . - 1 Ing Goid'fTrinkets r 5000-Year-Old C emetery r Being Examined by Mod ern U. S. Scientists PHILADELPHIA; Jan. 21. - (AP) A mammoth death-pit "In which . the bodies of 4 5 victims. sacrificed in accordance with an cient Sutnerlan burial rites, were found amid an amazing wealth of gold, silver and semi-precioua stones, has been discovered in Ur of the Chaldees, home of Abra ham, by the Joint archaeological expedition of the University of Pennsylvania museum and the British museum, it was announced today. The death-pit Is larger than any found heretofore in the 5,000 year-old cemetery at Ur, and al though It has been only partly cleared It already has yielded 34 gold head-dresses, inlaid -pen dants, wreaths and hair-ribbons, many silver ' "combs" and other ornaments,, according to a report from C. Leonard woolley, director the . expedition. , ' TIi roe- Remarkable Harps Are Unearthed Three ham of nnnsnal design. and ft. nair of statues of rams ahich are made of gold, silver. white shell and lapis laxula also were found. These statues were described as "two of the most re markable objects of antiquity that Sumerla has yet produced." In reporting the discovery of thei death-pit, Mr. Woolley saia that the pit should be the intro duction, to an actual tomb ana that the workers now were dig ging down from the modern sur face in the hope of finding a tomb beneath It. "The rim of a very large cop per ressel was the first thing to be ;found," said the report. "An other Vessel . appeared next to it, and then came the black stain of decayed' wood. Very careful clearing here laid bare the" per fect impression of the wheels of a wagon although the wagon-itself had long since disappeared. Skeletons of Two . Donkeys Dlscorered "In front of the impression lay the skeletons of two asses and a groom, and among the bones could be seen the line of silver and la pis laxula beads which had deco rated the reins. It was Just such a wagon 'as ire found In the grave of a king of Ur last season. "After penetrating further we found the skeletons of other ani mals, including sheep, a" collection of copper vases and weapons, and (Turn to page 10, Please.) FAIRBANKS, Alaska. Jan. 21. (AP) What is believed to have been tthe longest and most severe earthquake in the . history of this temblor-ridden section kept residents of Fairbanks in suspense for nearly four hours today. The disturbance started at 12: 30 this morning, -many clocks be ing stopped by the first shock which lasted over a minute and continued until 4:20 o'clock when the last heavy convulsion died out accompanied by heavy earth rum blings. Fourteen distinct x earth shocks were counted during the four hour period. ' The sounds In. the earth added to the alarm and many persons hurried to the streets from their homes and hotels. Nearly all per sons in the city were forced from TiaHSi &?iheir beds by the quakee, which in many .instances rolled beds J bout n their castors, ? v ' -The shocks" seemed to travel Buuinwesi wua iuc gruuuu auw in a slight wave. Damage was confined to some ' broken stocks on store shelves and a few win dows. ' - " Reports from the Alaska College at Nenana said all the residents there rushed out into -the streets during the quakee. Curry and An chorage farther down the Nenana river toward the coast i felt the disturbance to a lesser degree. Irate Dairy Farmers Raid Milk Trains Contents; WAUKEGAN, 111.. Jan. 21., (AP) Militant-, dairy farmers; I waylaid two Boo line trams at Njteriw-Villa station, IS miles west r of here tonight and dumped the -contents of two tanks of milk on to the track. - "- : . - vSlxty cans of milk were taken ' from a late afternoon train bound for Chicagoand at tii 5 p. m., the strikers boarded : a second milk (rain, emptied two tank' ears and tossed out all the milk they found la threo refrigerator ears, i CHICAGO. Jan, (AP) Wanton waste of milk, with the attendant possibility of a ahort- . .. . -. v- , i. ' ' Guard V 4 4ri Bert C Brown, chief of the United : 8tatea secret aerrice bu bureau, of Detroit, has .been assigned to guard President-elect Herbert Hoover during h!s stay in Florida, preceding the inaug uration. LEGION HIS GUEST Leirislators Entertained At First 1929 Gathering of War Vets The opening 1929 meeting of Capital Post No.: 9, American Le sion, held Monday niaht at the ar mory drew several hundred visit ors and members for the regular meeting and smoker which fol lowed. Members of the legislature were guests.' : Dr. Paul I. Carter, manager of U. S. Veterans' hospital at Port land was a guest, giving a short talk on the work of the hospital. Dr. Carter said the hospital is now taking care of 25 ex-service men and told the Legion members that the hospital was always ready, to take care of emergency cases or cases directly traceable to the ser vice. Less urgent cases are cared for as hospital facilities warrant- BHTfflD SMOKER The doctor asserted that veteransJia agningt,,,, during the last two and ex-service men in need of hos pitallcation should first get in con tact with the officers of their lo cal post when seeking hospitalis ation. H. G. Maison, commander of Capitol Post for 1928, was pre sented with the past commanders charm. Representative Lynn Mc- Cready, Wilbur Henderson and Neil Malarkey, and Senator Ed Bailey. Tisitlng legislators, were introduced and presented with spe cial door prizes. Three three-sound fights fea tured the smoksr program, with two of these resulting in draws. Guy Hickman took the only de cision, that from Ed McCormich. Battling weison ana rougnie Coon fought to a draw. Carl Trick and Babe Hlrons furnished the other scrape. Commander McKay announced that the total membership of the local post now stood at 764, with a total oi 1,6 ow expeciea Dy me end of the year. Four Lads Drown When Ice Breaks SEATTLE. Jan. 21. (AP) Thin ice had claimed four lives in Seattle lakes tonight when three boys, who had ventured too far out from shore on the thin cover- in of Green lake, broke through and plungea to tneir aeatns. earl ier today Winston Churchill, 20, messenger boy, was drowned when his motorcycle, on which he was attempting to ride across Mud lake, broke through and hurled him into 20 feet of water. Marshal Foch : Greatly Improved PARIS. Jan. 21. (AP) Doc tors who hare been attending Mar shal Ferdinand Foch, in a state ment given to newspaper corres pondents tonight said their dis tinguished patient was practically out of immediate danger, from the heart attack and kidney trouble which laid him low a week ago today. ! and Destroy Strike Goes On age of the precious fluid, brought residents of Chicago together to day in an effort to end the strike of Ilinols, Wisconsin and Indiana dairymen.. : .:- j-k --n-, After discovery; or kerosene in some of the milk shipped into the city. Inspectors were assigned,, by health commissioner Arnold , Kegal to guard -against . further pollution.' -. : ur Z -- Highway patrolmen were - as signed to' guard receiving plants of the larger producers to. prevent further violence -. to farmers at tempting to deliver milk'. enrthe Lake county circuit court at Wau r (Turn to page W, Please.) ' 7- I';v;"V:,":. "7- JIV L01NG CODE Zones Correspond to Those f Previously. Outlined in Commission's Map Series of Amendments Code Proper Introduced A at Council Meet to Progress toward .: putting Sa lem's new bdildihg code in effect was'. made : at Monday night's meeting , of the city-council when a fire sone ordinance which Is a companion measure to the four previously - enacted, was - passed undeV an emergency clause, and amendments to the main ordin ance comprising the building code itself were introduced. The fire sone ordinance cre ates three rones, boundaries of which correspond to those of the zoning commission sones. Separ ate requirements as to fire pro tection and fire resistant con struction are made 0n each of these zones. Fire sone No. 1 cor responds to use zones 2 and 4 ; fire sone 'No. 2 to use sones 2 and 3 special, and fire zone 3 to use zones 1 and 2 special. Ex ception is made in isolated por (Turn to page 10, Please.) President-Elect Berlins Brief Vacation Period; Fishing is Planned HOOVER SPECIAL en route to Miami. Fla., Jan. 21. (AP) President-elect Hoover traveled southward today through Virgin ia and North Carolina, bound for a morfth's rest in Miami his last chance for a vacation before he enters the White House on March 4 th. He intends to make the most of it too. After his close confinement weeks 1 and the conferences with hundreds of office seekers and ad visers, the prospect of quiet, lone ly days in Florida Keys, fishing for barracuda, sailfish, and other aristocrats or more humble inhab itants of the Gulf Stream, hold the strongest appeal for Mr. Hoover. His most precious baggage Is the deep-tackle which he bought in California before embarking on his South American trip, and a new rod which has been present ed recently to him. ' The president-elect is expected to disappear on a fishing trip of several days duration as soon as he gets through with the first round of Tisitors in bis new home. He may return to Washington about February 25, and he may not appear until the day before his inauguration that is a ques tion which Mr. Hoover has not yet definitely decided. PROMINENT RAILROAD MAN SENT TO PRISON PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 21. (AP) John F. Clement, 69, was sentenced to serve one yeacat Mc Neil Island today when he pleaded guilty to transporting a stolen au tomobile from Kansas City to Al bany, Ore. Clement is said to have been a prominent railroad man In the middlewest at one time. - ADDEDTD GtTY BUI HOOVER SPEEDING OW HIS WAY SOUTH As Americans Know Marshal Foch, Leader of Allies -T ''Vv cvN Irf ' f r H'r ' I t I v 1 I ' (- t - ,l iU ; II i 1 1 v vz - - i I ? ,- u v v u u Glimpses Into the lifo of Perdbaaad Foch, xnarshal of France aad eoinjBader4n-cliief of the Allied armies during the dosina; days heart attach- at his borne la Paris, France. 1 Foch in America Where great crowds bailed hint as he rode in a car with General John J. in-chief. S Foch the rportamaa. A recent snapshot of the veteraa soldier and his wife at the Lengchamps race track fa France. ; 8 The shown astride his steed while commanding during the War with the Germans. 4 As aa orator, the white-haJred, pleasant old war hero is speaking at he recent dedication of the Nice, France, war memorial. 5 In retirement- Resting from his harrowing task of staving country during the war, Foch was ending his days la quiet and peace when illness overtook Lias. - r c rr-. m r riiVUr UUUJ9 UI, IIO rCCT (ntralization of Control Eor Assessnieih T0vi As Starter by Co Rather than dump the entire mass of bills, the property tax re lief commission has recommended into the hopper at once; the roads and highways committees of the senate and house Monday decided to start the big guns booming on equalization and a full time tax commission. With equalization regarded as the fundamental principle of the program, the first bill to be con sidered will be the centralisation of assessment control. Under cen tralized control, the true value and equalization of . property as sessments :- are expected' to ' be found.' But to attain this the state Bruce Dennis of Klamath Falls, former senator, was a spectator at the legislative sessions Monday. . Representative George P. Wins low of Tillamook county reported for duty in the house Monday af ter being absent the' first week of the session on account of illney . Representative J. P. Tates of Gil liam, Sherman rd Wh Vler coun ties was excused Monday on ac count of illness. Paul Ager, former University of Oregon track star, is employed at the capltol by the property tax re lief commission. The Rev. W. C. Kantner, pio neer Congregational minister of Salem, led In prayer at the open ing of the house session Monday morning. Representative A. V. Swift of Baker county, enjoys the reputa tion of being Oregon's most ac complished geographer. It is said FLOOD OF LETTERS PROTEST PROPOSAL Governor Issues Statement Opposing; Plan to Cede Any of State While Idaho is reported to be mapping out Its procedure in the proposal that Oregon cede 3,000 square miles In return for the con struction of a highway to open the Jordan Valley, Governor Patter son and the state legislature Mon day were virtually fjpoded with letters and . telegrams protesting such- 'action. In a letter to the legislature and the Malheur county delegation, George A. Aiken, Ontario,, Ore. newspaper publisher, states that a resolution asking the .appoint ment of a commission composed of Oregon and Idaho citizens to study the proposal and submit Its findings to congress will be In troduced In, Oregon. Governor Patterson, when, in formed a proposal would be in troduced here, Issued a statement opposing any plan of ceding any part of Oregon to Idaho. According to Aiken, the people of Jordan Valley would "Just as soon be over in Idaho. If the people of Malheur county do not object to being switched over to Idaho. Aiken said he sees no rea son why people from other sec tions of Oregon should make a protest. Facts and Gossip ctn j . rrom the rirst iJOCI tlVC : man. March u, mniittees tax commission must be, empower ed to exercise general supervision over the entire" administration. Glaring Inequalities could be cor rected, It Is said, tinder this plan. Group Asked to Meet ; - ; . ' With Wasaingtonlans . It was agreed by ' the senate and house roads committees to In troduce a resolution calling for the. appointment of a committee to meet with a similar committee from 'the -Washington legislature to work out uniformity of admin istration of the motor laws of the two states. : The conference, It was agreed, (Tarn to iJage. 10, Please.) Brief Bits of News and Be lief Gathered Here and There in Legislative Halls. that he Is ' able to name every county In every state In the union, tell the name of the county seat and bound each county by the ad. joining counties. Representative Denton G. Bur dick of Redmond was on the Job In the house Monday with his right arm In a plaster cast, re minder of' the automobile accident in which he was involved Just be fore the legislature opened last week. On the opening day of the ses sion some of the rmerous Job hunters at the capitol mistook Gus Hixson, circulation manager of the New Oregon Statesman, for Bur dick, asked him about his injuries and "struck him" for a job. Gus was busy explaining that he was n't the central Oregon member of the house. He'd have felt flattered if he had known that Burdlck, once upon a time, wa4 voted the handsomest man in the house. WEST APPOINTMENT 2 to 1 Majority Returned In Favor of Man Tainted by Oil Interests WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (AP) -t-Roy. O. West of Chicago, was confirmed today as secretary of the Interior by the senate by an overwhelming rote after three days of discussion of his nomina tion In secret session. The vote waseported as 54 to 27, but there wer.e many conflict ing reports on the actual number of ballots received by West, the range being between 52 and 55. The concensus of those emerging from the smoke filled chamber when the doors finally were op ened was that .54 to 27 was, Jhe result. Only a majority was neces sary. Republican Independents who opposed the nominee because of his prerlous connections with the Samuel Insull Power utility inter ests, made a determined last min ute effort to have the proceed ings. Including the roll call and the committee reports, made "pub lic. But they failed by close vote. Senators Deneen and Glenn, re publicans, who conducted the case for West before the senate, closed the argument today after Senators Blaine of Wisconsin, and Nye, of North Dakota, had made another assault. SENATE CONFIRMS state - imu; Henry S. Johnston Notified He Will be Supported Pending Result Oklahoma . Solons S w e e p : Aside Support for Head - - of Government - OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.. Jan. 21. -(AP) Sweeping aside com paratively L feeble opposition the Oklahoma senate late today sus pended ' from : office Governor Henry S. Johnston, less than a half hour after It had received five articles of impeachment voted last week by the house of repre sentatives, j In the swift moring succession of events, W. J. H611oway, lieu tenant governor, notified ) John ston that he was assuming the duties of the gubernatorial office during the period of suspension, the senate resolved Itself Into court of Impeachment and organ ized for the trial of the governor and' the house Investigating com mittee, which returned the charges, resumed its Inquiry Into the affairs of state departments. Governor Says , He Won't Resist Asserting that although the sus pension had not been carried out in a legal manner, Governor John ston said he would not resist it. It was his contention that the sen ate should not have received the impeachment charges until after it had resolved Itself Into a court and that his suspension by the senate as such had no force. He (Turn to page 10, Please.) Monday ; In Washington (uy the Associated Press) Presldent-Hlect Hoover left Washington for Florida. The senate confirmed Roy O. West as secretary of the inter ior. The house ways and means committee started hearings on sugar tariff revision. The supreme court consented to pass on the validity of pocket vetoes of legislation by the pres ident. An agreement was reached by senate leaders to give prior ity to the cruiser construction bill. The senate campaign funds committee submitted' its report on presidential primary expen ditures. Coal operators concluded their opposition before a senate committee on the bill to regu late bituminous coal Industry. Secretary MeHon told south ern dry leaders that the $25, 000,000 prohibition enforce, ment would break down the government's budget safeguard. William B. Wilson, defeated democrat, filed a report with the senate elections committee al. leglng fraud In 'the election of Senator Vare of Pennsylvania. Mellon Answers Bishop J. Cannon Upon Prohi Issue Secretary of Treasury Gives Reasons for Not Want ing Big Increase .WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. (AP) Emphasising that the fed eral courts are unable to try all the cases prepared under the na tional prohibition law. Secretary Mellon today wrote Bishop James Cannon. Jr., that It would be un wise to place 125,00,000 In the hands of auy executive office to use with "unlimited discretion." to enforce the prohibition law. The secretary's letter was in a reply to a "telegram from Bishop Cannon, Bishop Thomas Nichol son, president of the Anti-Saloon league, and Eugene L. Crawford, secretary of the board of temper ance and social service of the Methodist Episcopal church south. They had urged Secretary Mellon to reconsider his action of declin ing at the present time an addi tional appropriation of $25,000,- 000 for dry law enforcement. System Would Ruin Budget Is Contention Secretary Mellon said that In his opinion it would be unwise to place so much money at the dis posal of any executive official be cause the safeguards which should surround the expenditure of pub lic money could not be provided under such circumstances.' He added that it would tend to break down the safeguards of the bud get system and said it would vio late a fundamental principle of government. The secretary declared he be lieved that more would .. be lost than gained if a fundamental principle was violated for the pur pose of accomplishing immediate ly some improvement in the pro hibition or any other field. He also said that the Harris amend ment would make the money available only for the prohibition bureau and that the customs and coast guard services would need strengthening to accomplish the purpose desired. He added that there are now pending 21,000 prohibition cases in federal courts with no relief in sight. EXPERTS IDENTIFY COURTROOM, Riverside, Cal., Jan. 21. (AP) Gordon Stewart Northcott. accused murderer of three young boys, today heard ex perts identify as human the frag' ments found in an alleged double grave at his Winevllle chicken ranch. The"-2 2-year-old Canadian who more than a week ago dismissed his counsel, and took over the di rection of his own defense, ap peared to contemplate the exhib its of bone, hair, and blood soaked earth in coldly analytical fashion. He displayed no emotion as J. W. Lytle, paleontologist of the Los Angeles museum and, Dr. M. G. Varian, professor of anatomy at the University of Southern Cali fornia, decrared more than a score of fragments to be the hand, foot, ankle and skull bones of "a juve nile human being." Northcott sat at the counsel ta ble scribbling notations and occa sionally interposing calm voiced objections as Rex E. Welsh, Los Angeles city police chemist, testi fied to finding hair taken from the alleged grave of 10-year-old Nelson and 12-year-old Lewis Wlnslow identical . in color and texture with hairs found adherinr to the collar of a coat In the Wins- low home in Pomona. of the World war. stricken by a j Pershing-, American romnwndfr. war lord of all the Allies. Foch was greatly in demand. Here h off defeat said destruction of his GRUESOME CLUES coniTij MOVE STARTED Br COHITTEE Ways and Means Group Eyes Child Welfare and Child Labor Boards Other State Departments Un der Tax Preening Gaze of Legislators The state child welfare ram m - sion and the board of Inspectors -of child labor will be consolldat. ed if a proposal at a meeting nf- the Joint ways and means com. mlttee Monday night Is accepted It was argued that such a consol idation would result In a material saving to the taxpayers. The possible consolidation of the state purchasing agency and the state budget department also was intimated during he meeting. Pending some definite decision in conncetlon with this proposed con solidation the committee delayed action on the appropriations for the state budget commission and the state board of control. The committee also decided in defer action on the appropriation -to cover the traveling expenses and salaries of circuit judges un til such, time as a bill authorizing the employment of additional Judges in Multnomah countv Is disposed of. Additional Judges Might Cut Costs It was the contention of tome - members of the committee that the employment fo one or two additional judges In Multnomah county would make it possible to reduce slightly the appropriation for traveling expenses of the cir cuit judges. The committee appointed to in vestigate the Southern Oregon nor mal school at Ashland, Old Sol diers' Home at Roseburg and trial farm in Douglas county, submit. ted us report. Monday night. . The committee said it found the Ashland normal school In first class condition and recommended the full appropriation of $68,634 for the current blennlum. The committee advised doing away with a number of cottages at the Soldiers' Home as rapidly as pos sible. Appropriations of $760 for the Improvement of these cottages were disapproved by the commit tee. The Soldiers Home has rfe quested an appropriation aggre gating $g8,lll.- - fci, A committee composed of Rep' resentatlres. Rushlight and Weath. erspoon and Senator Collier was appointed to Investigate the con dition of Oregon's' three model farms. These farms are at Rosa. (Turn to page 10. Please.) PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR HEALTH HIT The week's program for the Ma rlon county child health demon stration nursing department, of which Miss Fern A. Goulding is - supervisor, includes several public meetings, as follows: This afternoon at the hea:j center here from S to 6 o'clock the weekly Prenatal and Child Wel fare class will be held under di rection of Miss Ruby Brietxka. R. N. Infants' and mothers clothing will be considered today. Those who have attended the class thus far are finding it of consider able benefit and other! mothers or ex pectant mothers are welcome to 1 attend, no advance registration be- ing necessary. " ; The Red Cross Home Nursing .i class, section one. will meet Jn the j home economics room In the sen- i lor high school building Wednes day afternoon from 3 to S o'clock . with Miss Elisabeth Freemen in ! eharge of instruction. -Section two'.;' of this class will meet In the same : place at the same hour Thursday afternoon, with Miss Harrison la , ' charge. Registration in the Home Nursing classes has been closed. Miss Goulding. will address at ; class at the Mt. Angel . normal ! school upon "Health Education Thursday afternoon, and Friday afternoon she will lecture before : the training 'class at the Salens ., . General hospital. ' , ' Prison Secretary Held for Attempt r To Mulct Woman ' SEATTLE, - Jan. 11. A P) Department of, Justice and federal agents were to night preparing for a sweep ing investigation of condi tions, at the federal peniten tiary on McNeil Island fol lowing the pleading guilty of J. W. Williamson, former secretary, to v Warden Pinch R; Archer, on charges of us ing the mails to defraud here . today; -; - -i- - W:; ; Warden Archer admitted . that prison subordinates as well as prisoners had been quizzed - today - and that ' the . mall fraud case of William son aad narcotic smuggling was within the scope of the .inqulry.';!-;;'.,-" Williamson was accused of posing aa a prisoner and writing, to the man's wife asking for funds. No money was. obtained. . : ; In . ' s-1-