The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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    The New OSEGON STATESMAN; S -: . Oregon, Sunday Morning, January to, 1929
a Phi Will
Present ShawV
T i??? who ?nJoy, the, fpoken drama will find a treat. in
! store for them in the'play, 'Candida,"y Bernard Shaw
IVt?.bG 5redy the Willamette chapter of Thete
.pna Flu under the auspices of the American University Wom
en, January 25uat the Oregon theatre. .
n ve pla7 S P163 entertaining for those who wish
it to be, and also a stimulus for those who see beyond the
Burface. "Candidal placid by Helen Stiles, is the study of
a heautiful woman who has found that she can mariage peo
ple by engaging their affections. .Yet some observers' could
see m her serene brow and courageous eyes largeness of mind
and dignity of character. Mr. Morrel, her husbandis per
fectly secure m his love for his wif until o-
ly youth in the person of Eugene Marchbanks tells Morrel of
iiia wvc ior cancuaa. rne
manner - in which . Candida
solves this problem shakes
her husband's self complac
ency and sends Marchbanks
out into the night.
Others in Uhe play rare" Mi6B
Porssyr a secretary; Mr. Burgees.
Candida's father; and: Lexy Mill;
m. young understudy of the rector.
All of,, the players are, expert-.
enceu in aramauc , presentation.
Prank Alfreds as Morrel, has bad
the lead; In Tarkington'a inti
mate Stranger," Ibsen's. I'Mmut
Builder," and "The Importance of
Being Earnest." Helen Stiles has
had major parts in "Come Oat of
the Kitchen," and "All, of a. Sud
den Peggy." Charles Kaufman,
as Mr. Burgess, wiir best be re
membered by the university and
townspeople for his interpretation
D i nn e r Honors
Portland Guests
- One of the numerous attractive
affairs which have marked the be
ginning -Of- the 1929' legislative
session was the- dinner, given by
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks at
their home on Falrmount hill
Wednesday evening.'
Those for j whom covers were
laid, were Rep. and Mrs. Earl' C.
Bronaugh, Jr.. Rep. and -M re. Al
lan Bynon. all of Portland, and
Mr. and Mrs. Frits Slade, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Young, and Mr. an 4
Mrs. Paul Hendricks.
An informal evening of cards
and general discussion followed
the dinner. -
Luncheon at Spa
Honoring Miss Lord
Mrs. John Witbycombe was a
luncheon hostess honoring Miss
Elizabeth Lord Wednesday at 1
'clock at the Spa.
Covers were laid for Miss Edith
Bchmyver, Mrs. B. O. Shucking,
Mrs. Karl Steiwer, Mrs. Ronald
Jones and Mrs. John Withy combe.
- .. " - ' -X 1 JJ
of Bernard Shaw's play" "You
Never CanTell." Mary Rlddell as
Mlss' Prossy, Jrlc Anderson as
Eugene Marchbanks, and Michael
Fltzpatrick as Lexy Mill, have also
had previous work Jn dramatics:
All of the players are freshmen
guests of Theta Alpha Phi, with
the exception of Mr. Alfred and
Mr. Kaufman. - , . t-
-Mrs.;MarJorie Walker and?jr.
Robert M. Gatke, who are direct
ingthe play, have already success
fully ,' presented several plays, td
Salem audiences. ' ' t': ''"-
T i
Bridge Benefit Plans -
Indicate Good Time
The bridge benefit being
planned by the woman's Auxiliary
to the American Cegion which is
to take place at the Legion hall
Over Mlllr'i tstnrtt Timmiav
rhing at 8 o'clock bids fair to be
an event worthy of notice. It Is
being sponsored for the direct
benefit of the rehabilitation and
hospital committee whose treas
ury has been sadly depleted . by
the recent demands of Christmas!
time. . As has been stated before
this committee takes charge of
needy, Legion cases either in hos
pital -oh eixljlan life. The $2.00
a tables which will be charged for
tables in the benefit bridge .will
all go toward such cases as come
up during the year.
Those who have already made
reservations are Mrs. Oscar Olson,
Mrs. Fred C. Gordon, Mrs. Carl
Armstrong. Mrs. Sari Paulson,
Mr. E. H. Ketinerty. M"
-ence Iihlah, Mrs.-I B. Endicott,
Mlas Leon a Kereton, Mrs. lou -
McKay. Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs.
Laban Steeves, Mrs. Reed Row
land. Mrs. David Bennett Hill,
Mrs. A. J. Wheaton. Mrs. Ronald
Jones. Mrs. Walter Zoeel, Mrs.
John Hunter, and Mrs. Elmer
Several prizes will be awarded
Both men and women will be
guests during the evening. A mu
sical program is being arranged.
Those desiring reservations call
Mrs. Jess George who is chair
man of th committee. 1000. or
Mrs. Charles Elry, 320-W. or Mrs
Mike Panek. 2543.
Miss Helen Stiles who lakes-lead in t he
-Theta Alpha Phi' presentation of "Can
dida." '
YiW Committee
On Girls? Work
Charming Affair
Honors Parisian
- Visitor
itnor of
By JLuJlu Hunt "Peters M.D,
of Dicr and Healkh andDcr or Chi
SOMEHOW. Peter had a feelin:
that . there was someone o
9 aomethlnr near, him that
Anrht not to be there something
that the Turkeys wouldn't like if
they knew lt!; And yet wnatT
' Peter couldn't ajve an alarm
without' really seeing something
to, be aUrmed about! .? The Tur
keys "would i think he had; been
dreaming and. they might be mad
at him tor waking them up.
Undecided what to do, Peter
peered cautiously about. " Not a
thing moved. The Turkeys crouch
ed upon the earth as still as
though they had been made ol
wood. But as Peter watched, a
shadow appeared upon the ground
where there had bee nno. shadow
a second before, and the shadow
had great wings that flapped slow
ly up and down.
Again the light of the: Moor,
went. out. Glancing up ' qaickly.
the boy. saw hovering above hini
a huge bird with eyes that glow
ed like sparks of fire. Just for a
second the boy was too frightened
to speak. Then he found his voice.
"JWghost! A ghost! shrieked
Shrill as was his scream, how
ever, it was not his voice that gave
the first alarm. ? Before he had
even-opened his mouth to cry "A
ghost," every Turkey was on the
alert, and with anxious eye and
trembling was watching to see
what the mysterious creature that
hovered so dangerously near them
Sras going to do.
AsleepTthdughlhey bad .been,
their quick ears had ' heard the
rustling of the "ghost" wings,
and in an Instant they were a?
wide awake as though they had
' .ever, bean in Dreamland at all.
The Barnyard Gobbler seemed
o be every bit as terrified as bit
brother of the Wilds, and the boy
eould feel him shaking. Glancing
at his friend, he saw. that Gob
bler's eye never for a second left
off following . the movements . of
that flapping thing above-them.
By th is time Peter was a- bit
ashamed :of his first cry of fear.
He did not . need Turkey to tell
him that It was no ghost at which
he was looking.. .Then his friend
spoke In a hoarse whisper.
"Ghost," murmured he, "I
wish it was a ghost then there
would be nothing for us Turkeys
to be scared about! We could tuck
our heads under our wings and
doze off again.
' "I almost wish I hadn t run
away from borne. There, when
dark came, -I could snuggle close
against the trunk of the old apple
tree and feel safe, because I knew
that Rover would bark and Whitie
would spit. If any stranger came
Into the barnyard. , "
"But here I am, out on the
plains, and that dreadful creature
may dig his talons into me at any
Next: "Horned Owl, Hobgoblin.'
f'V,,, 1
AVhmi Winter ComM
When winter comes, eolde are
not far behind.
Why Is this? Perhaps one reas
on that makes cold more tirp Ta
lent after winter sets in,' is the
over-heating of
the' house, the
dryness of ttib
air due to the
methods of
h a s t f n r (ha
lack of proper
ventilation. An
other Is-1 pro
longed chilling
when not cloth
ed warmly
enough during
sudden change
and still an-
diet la apt to be VUIU MUK7 KTtRW
more unbalanced than In the
summer (more on this later).
These conditions undermine the
resistance, of the mucous mem
branes and the germs that are
always present have favorable
conditions for multiplying.
The technical name for a cold
is acute coryra." and more neo-
ple surfer from it than from any
other aliment, and more anffer
from the complications of colds
than from any other disease.
It is not known 1 there is a def
inite germ that is responsible for
colds (there probably Isn't for all
colds), but there is an acute type
wnien. apparently Is Infectious.
We have all bad the experience ef
catching this bird ourselves, after
coming in contact with a person
acting as a nesf for one. -For this
reason, a person with an acute
cold should cafe himself at home
and go to bed. ('S awful!)
Neglected colds not infreouent-
fy result In the extension of the
inieetion into the bronchial tubes,
and then perhaps to the lung tis
sue Itself, with pneumonia result
ing. One who has frequent colds cer
tainly must realize that there is
something with his. hygienic pro
gram; somewherf-1 j 'deficient :
diet, especially oriel deficient i In
the Titamine A, which is found In
cream, milk, butter, fresh green
vegetables, is a known cause of
the lowered resistance of the mu
cous membranes. Vitamin A is
now being called the anti-infection
vitamin, it seems to have so
much to do with keeping up re
sistance to infections. Another
thing that lowers the resistance
to colds and other things is a diet
too high in acid forming foods th
that the blood alkalinity it slight
ly lowered.
One of the modern treatments
for colds is the alkalinizing
treatments. The patient is put
on a diet mostly of fruits and
vegetable's and milk and nuts (be
cause they leave an alkaline ash
after digestion), and besides this,
is given small doses of bicarbon
ate of soda frequently. This over
comes any acidosis. Liberal
amounts ef water should be taken
at the same time. - ;
A cold water bath and air
baths, the right diet and vigorous
exercise every day, with at least
an hour out of doors, can "hard
en" the system so that colds are
less easily contracted. Those
who cannot take cold baths can
dash cold water on the chest and
When the cold comes on, con
tinue to keep your windows open
they needn't be open so wide as
in 'summer for you must have
liberal supply of fresh air. Keep
warm with extra bed clothing and
don't hesitate to take a hot water
bag or electric pad to bed with
you. The electric pads you must
Miss Carlotta Crowley, head of
the Health Education department
of ' the Salem schools, spoke be
fore the Girls's Work committee
of the Salem Y. W. C. A. on thei
"Project Method for Girl Reserve
Groups" at the regular monthly
meeting of the committee Satur
day afternoon in the Association
dining room. Miss Crowley's dis
cussion bore upon a phase of an
educational program by which the
committee members plan to in
form themselves of -the various
phases of 'the work and "activities
ofgirla as a basis for the future
activities of the Y. W. C. A.
The Lyons club was represented
at the luncheon by C. A. Swope j
as a special guest, as was Mr. !
Swope, who is a new, member of
the committee with Mrs. E. T. j
Barnes for camp arrangements. '
! Among other reports fcignlfi
cant of Y. W. C. A. programs, the
Girl Reserve advisers for the
school groups at Donald. Rich
mond, Garfield, Parrlsh, Washing
ton, MeKinley, Leslie, Highland
and. Senior High mentioned ' a
targe amount .. of ' social' service
work both accomplished and in
Progress. . ; . . .
' - Arrangements " were - made for
he presentation of a Girl Reserve
ceremonial, "Pilgrims of the Star
ry Road" which will be. given at
the Membership . banquet, Janu
ary 28. Girls from three Reserve
groups have been chosen to take
part In this ceremonial Which will
embody the symbolism of their
Mra. C. A. Arpke recently re
turned from a visit with Mr. cftid
Mrs. Frederick Arpke (Remoh
Tryor) at their home in Kent,
Washington, where Mr. Arpke is
principal of the high -school. Mr.
and Mrs. Arpke. who were both
students at Willamette university
In 1925. are being congratulated
on the birth of a daughter, Diana,
born Christmas morning.
hostess at a luncheon at one
Of the most charmine af
fairs that have been given for Mrs.
-y Alien, jr., or Paris who shar
p1 honors with Tt-. r. -l t..
Portland, as honor tuest. The
luncheon was an event of Friday
la the rabnrban - bene of Mra.
Jones oa the Pacific highway.
Mrs. Allen, who has been visit
ing her mother, Mra. A. E. Austin
of Woodbnrn. plana to leave soon
for New. York where she will re
join Mr. Allen for the return trip
to their home In Paris, France.
Exquisite pink rosebuds, effect
ively arranged between pink tap
ers, formed an attractive center
piece at the perfectly appointed
luncheon table, where covers were
laid for the honor gnests, Mrs. Jay
Alien, Jr., and Mrs. Carl Jones
both from Portland, and for Mrs.
Merrill Moo res, and Mrs. Eader.
son Cannon of Portland. Mrs. Ice
land Austin of St. Helens, Mrs. A.
E. Austin of Woodburn, Mrs. John
Witbycombe of Arlington, andlbe.
hostess, Mr. Jones. '
' Mrs. John Withycombe assisted
Mrs. Jones. i
-.j -, . .
The Woman's Alliance spon
sored an attractive luncheon, for ,
the women Of the Unitarian
church Friday afternoon in the
Emerson room. Covers were laid
for 40.
J in jsome
me spots may
evenly and
Local applications of mild anti
septic oily solutions to the nose
and throat, especially when they
first seem dry, may be helpful.
Gargle and spray the throat often
with hot water (and drink a lib
eral amount, too). A teaspoonful
of baking soda and a teaspoonful
of salt to the pint of water will
make the gargle more effective.
Follow this with the oil or glycer
ine. Massage around the outside of,
the. nose, under the ears and Jaws,
with the fingers or an electric vi
brator. This brehignv alaonaw
brator. This brings the blood to
the parts and Is helpful. Bending
exercises are also good. Some
times a hot sweating hath (if
you go to bed Immediately after
and do not get chilled) may be
helpful in the beginning. If the
cold is bad, better go to bed for
a few days. - Rave a paper bag
pinned near and use tissue paper
handkerchiefs and have them
burned. If you cannot do this.
be sure the handkerchiefs are
boiled before they are" handled
MdUt JTiU: Dr. peters eaanet
gaenflae, nor gfre prsoaal a4vte,'
Tear queattoaa, iZ ef aenrmj Id ten.
wlli b anawarel hi th eek
tima. bi turn. Bequests for articles
annvt be aeeeMpaaiea by a fully
eelf-addraeaed. Stamp, lepe
and a eenta tai eota tor each article,
to cover coet ef printing and haneV
ma r in paroehit on rdue
21 S"ino. 10 caU In coin.
fth. folly aelr-addrcMed. tajnDd
tnu ba aiMJa4- J
rs JDr. Petara. In ear mt ti
Teacher and Soloist, j Cello
banjo, mandolin, guitar, Ha
waiian instruments. Special
winter term rates to students.
Nelson Bldg.. Thuf s. & Fri.
. Phone 640 v
Director Salem . Ladles"
Harmony Trio ',
as? S
Pnniftrov & Keene
A T THE stmset of Ufe Ylsloit needs are parucu-
your assurance here. Our oplometnsU reeornize, .
and fulfill every demand of eyes of a?e.
Jewelers and OptometrislaSalen Oregon , t
- Pomeroy & Keene L
Jewelers and Optometrists
.1 .
In g
Announces the Arrival of
New Spring Frocks
Women come by scores to see what The Peggy
Dress Shop offers for $10 and $15. And what sur
prise! Frocks almply captivating! Styles that
might have stepped straight from the pages of the
fashion, magazines! For Juniors, misses and
...- . 4 -
"i Also-
An Assortment
;,' ' To Sell at - '
. . ... -
: i mi f 7 lis
To Protect It From Wear
We lubricate by
power and
guarantee each
t -.4,
We use nothing
but a high grade
oil base grease
41 JIM ' "BUX
Jhe StatiorTith a Clock Phono 4J4
Jaimiuiary Clearance'
Entire Stock
Included in
this Event
lBveeUsmte theee
prtcee, they will
give you a new Me
of values
Blankets, Auto Robes and Spreads
Crib Blanket Choice of pink or blue, all
Cotton Crib Blankets, regular 1 7Q
$2.00 value, now
Large Crib Blankets Well known Esmond
Brand Crib Blankets in bright, &m or
attractive colors, reg. $5, now.. $ftJ9
Part Wool Blanket One assortment of
part wool blankets, very attractive assort
ment of cojors, regular $550, 45
Bed Spreads Rayon Bed Spreads in as
sorted colors, and various sizes, o Q
regular value $4:75, now 5D
Camp Blankets All blankets In dark col
ors, suitable for camping and ' O C
rough usage, reg. $4.7$, now.. 3Xu
An Wool Blankets Extra Heavy Quality
all wool blankets, double sizes only, with
banded borders, regular $11.50, CI?
now ..... . J
All Wool BUnket Solid color, single
thickness all wool blankets for . 7 Of
double beds, regular $9.95, now v OD
Wool Auto Bobee All Wool Auto Robes
with heavy fringes, assorted plaid J 7ff
patterns, reg. $7.50 vahie, now Uel D
Filled with' ZM pounds of new sanitary
.feathers, covered in best quality, tan
color A. C. A.. ticking;;-full 21x27 Inch
size, regular value 6.00lthe pair,' now
1" -I
saiem, urestra
Bv -
340 Court St.
. .... - . .