The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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    -'jft- . - r" Tha yetg OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning,' January to, 1929 - 'ss 7jf ij ' '. '
. I." ' ' 1 ' ' ' " r - 1- - sgasSSgS" -
i Affairs in the Social World and .News of Varied Club Activities
K '. ; : : ' ' Ph snn m.TVF. nOAK Society Editor s-as
Rainbow Order
Holds Impressive
: Installation
hnHE Chadwick chapter As
JL sembly No. 8, order of
the Rainbow for girls held the
formal installation of its of f l
cers for 1929 Saturday eve
ning at the Masonic temple
I r Elective ""off icers installed
" were Maxine Myers, worthy
. f advisor, Estern Worthy, as
V" sociate advisor. Caroyl Bra
J i den, charity, Julia Creech, hope.
Eleanore Wright, faith, Allda Ol-
aoa, recorder, and rrances Mar
tin. traaiurer. AppointlTe offi
" cers installed were chaplain.
. Catherine Laoghridge. drill lead
er. Hazel Johnson, .chorus direct-
or. Virginia Holt, pianist, Jean
Lunsford. inner observed, IOis
i Wilkes, outer observer, Jean East
, ridge, th seven rays, Fae Drls-
coll, red Margaret Bean, yellow,
Margaret Bron, green, Margaret
y: Corey, blue, Dorothy Stafford in
i , dlgo. Virginia Bright, violet; sis
, r tera of choice. Roberta Varley,
, '.'j;' Margaret Purvine, Margaret Dra-
f ger. Eveiyne Ross, Katherine
. Rowe, Katherine Corey,- Edith
J'?'! Clements. Edith Glayser, Ellen
QisAJiemlnway, and Aileen Moore.
" V- The Installing officer waslthe
y- ':t outgoing worthy advisor, Bertha
j.H Baocock. Assisting her was Mar
garet Draeger as installing chap
lain, and Mary Kafoury as in--"iV'i
stalling drill leader. The master
counselbr of the De Molay order,
ir-; Harold : Tomlinson, placed the
fj' crown on the head of theincom.
In5 worthy matron, Maxine Myers.
!;' After the Installation Judge Co-
show, chief Justice of the Oregon.
mad a very impressive speech.
,. and this , was followed by im
."promptu speeches from anyone
who desired to speak for the good
i of the order. .
, After the installation dancing
and refreshments were enjoyed in
fh : iaH Ironm" nf thn tmnli
' ;i',The DeMolays were special guests
ii-for the latter jpart of the evening.
- Plans are being made for one
-rr of the biggest vents of the OrdeT
'"to taka place rebruary 16. -TWs
' will be the anniversary dinner for
the Rainbow in Salem. Those in
charge of the arrangements are
i Virginia Sisson, chairman. Ruth
! Flck, Margaret Draeger, Harriet
i Alden. Margaret Purvine and. Hod-1
i dy Wirtx. The adclal committee
la charge of the program for this
event Is Cynthia ' Delano, chair
man, Phyllis Day, Elisabeth Wat
ers. Fern Harris. Evelyn Ross. El
len Hemlnway, Rathedla Hoffnell,
and Virginia Berger. Those 1
charge of the refreshments are
Wilda Fleenor, chairman Juanita
Powell, Velma May, Juanita
Rowe and Roberta Varley.
Anna Case Recital
Attracts Salem
Monmouth has a peculiar fac
ulty for drawing national talent
that is making costal tours. Friday
school Miss Anna Case, soprano.!
on northwestern tour tinder direc
tion of Sters and Coman, was
hoard In one of the three recitals
that she is giving in the west. The
first she gave In Seattle, the sec
ond in Monmouth, and the third
lu San. Francisco.
The name is so un imposing and
truly American that the audience,
although expectant, must not have
expected the truly great singer
ho. entertained them so gracious.
!y for nearly two houra with such
glorious variations of pure melody.
Her voice at times was like a
double stop on a tnagnificant vio
lin, at other times the volume
swelled out and fairly vibrated
through every inch of the large
auditorium. Not only did she sing
but she was a part of her music,
in "My Pretty Jane" she was as
sweet and demure as the girl who
Inspired the nong. and la the "Sil
ver .Swan," her very expression
of faceand body was tragic and
sad with mortal woe. Then again
tn "The Icicle she was hunxor
oualy tragic bringing real chuck
les to her audience. ,
By her sieging she won the
of a glorious voice, and by her
gractiousness she won Tery gen
uine appreciation of a real person-
alitjr. , ,
- Following is the program which
she sang:
-:-V I
a. O Sleep why does thou leave
me Handel
b. Chan tons les amours de Jean,
Old French air. by Weokerlin
e. Patron das macht cer
' Wind Beach
d. Care Selve Handel
e. Alleluja V. Mozart
I ."f Old English
. Sir Henry Bishop
b. The Courteous Knight -
r arr. by Edmonstowne Duncaa
The Silver Swan
..edited. by Edmund fellows
The Danelng. White .
: d.
Sergeant . . Sir Henry Bishop
' Ari "MI Chlamano Mimi .
from La JBohema Puccini
a. Dawn . . . Pearl Curran
ft - c. The Night Wind, Roland Fancy
l L Happy Bonx. Teresa del Rlego
- . " . Some of Salem people la attend-
- aoce r were Mr., and Mrs. Joseph
S ' a Alberts, llr and Mrs. T fl- ltob-
) I erts. nd Mr. and Mxa Sheldon
i j t Sackett." s :'-k-T
Mrs. Femande 'Hilton gave; as
'. j the speech of -the afternoon
7 most lntsrestlng diseossloa of lire
j French educational system, a top
: ic with which she la particularly
familiar, being : a native : French-
t; iromaa. - '. ' '
' Tha , regular 1 meeting " of the
' , illametts Shrine will be he! J at
; g o'clock Monday evening at the
Masonic temple. , , l .
Y" v-Vl . -f'r;i A 4'".(. ,
' - . ?x -t- ?2"- v r . - - r-V
i V- V s,V j $ i . - fffrti Cr A
r TAJii vt Wv1 - r- N II M?h 7,.'- A
I. ct It v """V ' r ih' $h - h'-:-'
W v' 1 m HJkjgff f h - v-- -vq
Mrs. A. W. Norblad
no re, wife and daughter of Senator Al ;
W. Norblad, president of the Senate.
Y.W.CA. Sponsors
Water Pageant
The Y. W. C. A- will sponsor
a water pageant "How Swimming
Grew Up" In the Y. W. C. A.
building Wednesday. evening. The
doors will be opened to spectators
at 7: 3D and will close as soon as
the gallery is filled.
The characters participating In
the pageant will be as follows:
Mr. World .Betty Abrams
Mrs. World . .Hasel Collier
Sister World .... Barbara Cotller
Brother. World . .Ruth Annunsen
Father Neptune . . . :Lenore Dyer
Davy Jones . . . .Tdith Morehouse
Mr. A. Sinkeasy . .Marine Murphy
Swimming Instructor ........
Dorl3 McAllister
Mr. Stone Hatchet . Louisa Cramer
Mrs. Stone Hatchet. .Mary Butler
Sammy Stone Hatchet . .
Jean Annunsen
Susie Stone Hatchet. Janet -CollieT
seyrians. .. .Doris Drager, Mary
Henderson ;
Greek Maidens. .Marian Rcrss, An
- oka-CaatesS
Bontoiilii!Bl Duncan, Bernice
Godse.-: '
William "TruIgeon. .Eileen. Moore
Richard GivUr . . . . Helen JUlph
Dignified Swimmer . . . . . s V'J j
. . . . Elizabeth Hdlctfmb
merlcan Crawl . . Bexnlce Godsey
Australian 'Crawl ... Helen Ralph
European Back Stroke ......
v ... Gwendolyn Hertzog
merican Back Stroke
Marciel Rear is
Divers-. .Ethel Milburn. 'Aneks
Coates. Louise Cramer, . Jean
Annunsen, Gwendolyn Hertzog,
Hasel Duncan. . '
Life Savers. .Louise Cramer, Ano
ka Coates, Hazel Duncan, Helen
Ralph. Elizabeth Holcomb, El
eanor Wagstaff, Eileen. Moore.
Mrs. Elizabeth Rowley is di
recting the pageant. .
YW. C. A. Plans '
Interesting Banquet
The Y. W. C. A. banquet whicb
s to be given at the Y. M. C. A.
famiary 2 8, promises to be one oi
.he most interesting events In or
ganization circles this spring. The
ticket sale Indicates much enthus
iasm on the part of the public.
Special music, short talks by
various members of the board, of
ficers, and business people of the
;ity will be main features. Th-;
talks from three to five minutea
will bs on some phase of Y. W;
J. A. work and will be made wlti:
the express purpose of informing
the guests of the real and con
rtrwcttve work being done by thf
organization. Mehama camp rs on,
of the fine- pieces of work carriei
on and it will be explained In de
tail. Vi IS'j - .f -f ?-rt
The banquet Is planned In or
der to Interest those attending- In
the work of the Y. W. C. A. To be
come a member or tne organiza
tion one need only signify a de
sire to be of service dnrlng. the
year-no money Is Teqntred.
The Girl Reserves -will. present
Its beautiful ceremonial and - a
quartette from this group will of
Lfer some special music-
. Reservstiona should be made!
not later than Saturday.: These
may be made s.t the Y. W. C.
by telephone or la person. -
v s e... e - e - ,Ut:
The' Leslie- Girt Reserve group
will sponsor a benefit deogimul
sale Saturday.'. January 29, for the
grasp Camp Fund. Orders' may he
(placed by telephoning. 157S before
thca ,ro: iaut-delivery oarthat
daU.3: -if:,; f . .
Tlie : Otakuye camp , fire - girlr
sntertalned tbclr guardian." Mrs.
Stoat st an attractive affair one
evening this week at the home oi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles " Daval.
Games and radio music were en
Joyed and supper served later.
Girls In theigroup were Viols and
Deris DuvaL Maxine and Marjori
Schomaker. Gretchen- Gamer, VI r
finis Myers,"; Haxer Mason, , Jear
jladek, Evangeline Toth and
Maxine Stout- - - .
and daughter ESeaT
Social Calendar
Salem Woman's club open
meeting Thrift program at "
:30 in the club house.
Willamette Shrine meets at
8 o'clock In the Masonic tcm-
American Legion Auxiliary
Initiation and program at 8
o'clock in McCornack hall.
: Tuesday
Royal Neighbors sewing
club all day meeting, pot-luck
dinner at. noon, and election
of officers, with Mrs. Minnie
Nelson. 935 Electric ave.
Mrs. G. W. Prescotfs drama
class at public library at 2:00
Woman's Auxiliary to Amer-
incan Legion benefit bridge at
8 o'clock in Legion hall over
MUleT's store.
- -Eastern Star social after-.
noon at Masonic temple.
-7Ladies; Aid society.. First
rPresbytetiatt church parlors,
-2:30. memorial service.
x ; r Thursday
v Town-and Gown club meets
4 at Lausanne Hall.
- - ' Friday
Ttpnoflt Hririee. order of
'-Ainaranth. Mrs. William Ellis,
.S75 Courr street.
V vllanna Rost Court. No. 6,
.Order of the Amaranth, eve-
nlng benefit bridge with Mrs.
Last day of ticket sale for
Y. W. C. A. membership ban-
ouet, January 28.
Phone 2578 to place order
for G. R. doughnut sale.
Robert Burns anniversary
banquet at C:30 o'clock at
Elk's club.
Woman's club, 3:00. club-
.house, N. Cottage. Rep. Lee,
O. R. doughnut sale.
Ninth Anniversary
Rev. F. C. Taylor o fthe First
Methodist church addressed the
W. C. T. U. meeting Tuesday af
ternoon. This meeting marked a
celebration of the ninth annivers
ary of national prohibition.
Rev. Taylor gave some pertin
ent facts and many statistics
showing the gopd that prohibition
has done in the nation so far. He
stressed the fact of need for more
particular parents, the need for
some remedy for excess of smok
ing snd drinking among young
people, and need for more string
ent enforcement of law.
Mrs. C. G. Doney had charge
of the devotions for this meeting.
Following the devotional meeting
v program and short talks were
gives. - Mrs. Edith Clement gave
a readlpg. Miss ? Claudia Buntin
ing two solos, snd Miss Barbara
Markham gave a saxophone solo
accompanied by Elizabeth Boylan
at the piano! Three high school
students, under, the direction of
Miss Lens Bells Tartar, assisted
with the -program.
'The hostesses- for the occasion
were Mrs. Rachel Reader. Mrs;
John Robins, snd Mrs. - Tmily
. -. V
Word has been received of re
ecxtt dlsthretlons aiven Jean Par
meatier who was a graduate of Sa
lem high school witbrthe class of
2S rand. prominent' In music- cir
cles while making his home here.
Mr. - Parmestler hes been .given
baritone leads with the Interns
tional Grand Opera .company. In
Los Angeles, where he has been
tudying the last two years. Ac
cording to the programs, veeeived
vtr. PsTmsntier sang the role on
buvio la pagiiaeei ana or Montex-
ine in Rigoletto prtssnted in tht
Philharmonle auditorium.
Mr. Parraentier wilt be partic
ularly remembered : In ; Salem for
his having represented Salem high
tchool la the state toarnem3nt at
Forest Grove aiut for haviag sung
he part or the Captain In the high
school presentation of Pinafore In
Mrs. Hal floss and
State January 7th.
"Interesting Chinese
Women" Discussion
TNTERESTTNG Chinese Women" was the topic chosen
X by Leland Chapin in his talk to the American Associa
tion of University women at its regular 12:30 o'clock lunch
eon at th eGray Belle, Saturday. Hoshie Watanahe, attired
in Chinese costume, sang a number of Chinese songs. Miss
Olive Dahl, of Willamette university, presided.
Mr. Chapin gave a delightful sketch of the rebirth of the
Chinese woman, who for the first time is gaining her chance
to live, choose her husband, and enjoy an education. For a
number of years he was an instructor at the co-educational
Lingdan university, China, where he experienced the diffi
culties of assuring the Chinese girls raised in the older tra
dition that they tad as-much right as their brothers to the
Treed am of self-expression.
Mr. Chapin presented two
illustrations which represent
the change now : going on in
China. - A Chinese novel,
based on truth, tells of a
young girl, who, walking in a
garden. i3 obliged to implore of
her father the unusual expediency
of baring her arm to the elbow
to retrieve a fan dropped in the
pond. .A criminal, hiding from
justice in the garden, sees the un
becoming act. Is overcome with
shame, is obliged by his con
science to confess, and to protect
Lhe young woman's honor, is re
quired to marry her immediately,
though their social status is so
diverse. The other Illustration is
an amusing custom In the Pekin
University employed by some wo
men in the dormitory there. If
a young man is unfavored by the
young lady upon whom he calls
she begs to tell him that she is
busy, and presents him with some
peanuts to shell during her ab
sence. ,
Mr. Chapin credits the late Em
press Dowager, about whom there
have been written some very In
teresting biographies, . with doing
the most to free the Chinese wo
man. From concubine of the Em
peror she became Empress.1 later
assuming almost absolute control
of the government, a place- she
held, though still a woman of the
old tradition, .for over 50 years.
Other notable Chinese women in
cluded Sumay Ching, for ,14 years j
in the diplomatic service xn Amer
lea and France, Mrs; Sun Tat Sen
wife of . General Sun Tat . Sen,
after : her husband's death leader
of the Chinese women, and i who
was confined In a Russian prison
for many months, v " V
Not an absolute renunciation of
the : old, but a tempering of its
fineness" and grcce of manner, po
liteness In meeting, and godliness
of character, with some of the
Salem Woman's Club
Plans Open Meeting;
v ii i
- An unusual thlnf la to bo done
by the study claasee of the Salem
Woman's Club Monday afternoon
at 2 !0 : o'clock when theywIU
noli open -bouse for both men and
wotooa . laterosted ia t tb &tbrlft
program which ia being pre seated
at that time in honor -of Thrift
WeekDr. Fv G.' Franklin and Dr.
Martin Ferry .will speak on phaees
of thrift. Harold Aiken, of the !
First National bang - will be- ths
third speaker to dwell particular-!
ly upon Mrme: practical phase, of
tnryt week as the. week la vtewad
by the banking world. Mrs. W. 4
Minkeiwits will cine . two . aolos.
the first "My Tieart, at Thy Sweet.
Voice f from Sampson and Delias.
and the second Fallen Leaves' by
r3darlck Karht Loean ; Ul
Leaa Meddler will accompany ter.
This, to the. first time ia tiw
hbrtory rot thetady- clesses tha
an open meeting has been Leiu.
The ; public are cordially Invilet
to be present. , -
her two chil
iranxness ana unaerstanaing oi
Western civilization Is favored by
Mr. Chapin for China.
In the business .meeting plans
were made for the play "Candida"
which is being-sponsored by the
University Woman's club. The
proceeds from this play wilr go to
make up the quota of the Salem
branch for the fellowship fund
which is being gathered by the In
ternational association of Univer
sity Women. This fund, is to be
for the use of members ofany na
tion who show outstanding ability
and who tfesire more education.
The total sum to-be raised Is
11,000,000 and it is hoped to be
accomplished by 1932. The North
west district has a SSO,00d quota
to raise.
Art 2fi)U
"Ik", 1 7
Children Cry
Bahybms iltUe Hpseu at times.
All your care cannot- prevent them.
But you can be prepare. Then
you can do what any experienced
saree worn Id do what moat pky
sietans would telf yon, to do
give a few drops of plain Caatorla.
No sooner done, than - Baby . ts
soothed; rellaC. la Just a matter of
momenta. Yet you bare eased your
ehlld- wlthot-ee of - a - single
donbtfal drvgu Caatorla ia fg
e table, It te safe to Use as often
as .an . infant 'has any little pain
yon -cannot pat away. And It's al
ways eeady for the crusler pangs
at colic, or constipation, or dktr
rbeaj fftectlva, too, foe older chLL
dre. Tweniy.flve mllUoa bottles
trore boneht Lset year. . K '
Idren, David, and Jean. M
r a
.-..r:-...- v a
r. Hoss
Smart Dinner Is
Mr. and Mrs Lewis Griffith cn
tertaincd at a dinner party ir
their bom a on Court street Satur
day evening for the young mar
ried set.
Coming arrangements of pusy
willows and daffodils centered the
small tables at which covers were
laid for 24.
Guests bidden to the affair In
eluded Dr. and Mrs. Dolph Craie.
Mr. and Mrs. BYank Durbin. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Assl Eoff, Mr. ant
'Mrs. Brevman Boise. Mr. sm'
Mrs. p. D. Quisenberiy. Mn ' and
Mrs. Bert Ford. Dr. and Mrs. Jer
aid Backstrand, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Deckebach, Mr. .and
Mrs. Gus Hixson. Mr. and Mrs
Karl Becke, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
gar Pterce. .
'mm -
h The Junior tiaiM of St. Pan I'm
church will piTc its aupual bene
fit dance February 6. ..Ticket?
will be on sale by January 2 8 '
- a 4 m lsw ntm v
: phiMHMdlat ia Atteadamco
became Secretary of
Portland Military
CircJeGive -Ball
In Portland Saturday night the
Oregon members of the 41st divi
sion will entertain at one of the
most formal occasions of the year
in military circles. This affair will
be a military ball in attendance
of which high ranking- officers
from northwest Oregon. Washing
ton, Idaho and Montana, will be
ire?ent. Governor and Mrs. I. L.
Patterson and General and Mrs.
Georee White will head the receiv
ing line. .
Preceeding the- ball Governor
ind Mrs. Patterson and General
and Mrs. White will be dinner
guests of the 41st division offic
ers at a dinner given at the Mult
nomah hotel. Following the ball
i Bupper has been planned at the
borne of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Alrln
Baker at which Gov. and Mrs.
Patterson and General and Mrs.
'White will be guests.
The patent leather pump this
season appears with -many
new and novel embellish
ments. Insets, appliques, bar;-,
dings of reptilian or gun
metal. . Cut-outs, intricatftlv
arranged straps, buckles or Luttorikv;
The style illustrated is trimmed Lwith "
black lizard and fastened withHthe -clever
new lock buckles. a
B. & P. W. Board
In Executive
members of th
state board, and chair
man of state committees
the Oregon Business and IV
fessional Woman's club ir
in executive session at tl
Marion hotel Saturday ai'tet -noon.-
Miss Mozelle Harr presku d
over the meeting which t- oi.
up various questions of h;,
portance and which iaad
for future club work.
Among in os i important ii
decided was that the siai.
ference would be helfl In
in May 24, 25. 26. Tl - r, v, :
be speakers from outside u."
the ' state in addition to s;
speakers. It is expectt j th.:-
a national officer of tho or
ganization will be present in !u
dress the conference. In achiiti .
to the state conference plan.- ;!,
place a&d time for district iu.
ihgs were arranged. The fir.
district meeting will be h. Id i
February in southern Oregon, ti
next one will be in eastern ur
gon and from then on plans at
still indefinite but several distrn
meetings will be Aeld during th
- A'second topic of Interest w
the discussion of the revision
national by-laws. These propos
changes were taken up and act ;
upon by the Oregon board as t .
itstand regarding the cbai.ges.
Miss Cecelia Beyler, .rhuirmu .
of the membership conimit'.e -. re
ported -the organization of a ne.
club at Pendletoa, Oregon.
The appointment of Miss Maud
Coy Robinson member of Modfor.l
club, as chairman of the Eilucn
tional committee was authorize 1
by the council. Mrs. Beler tak. .
the place of Mrs. Edith Falbe
Roseburg who resigned.
Those in attendance at t li i
meeting were Mrs. Harriet Under
wood, president of the Eugeiu;
club; Miss Atlce Hutchinson, pres
ident of the Portland club; Mm
Josephine Shade, president of th
Salem club; Miss Emma Summer
field, state treasurer, of Albany;
Mrs. E. J. Llnke, correspondin :
secretary; Miss Ona Kenner, pre
ldent of the Oregon City club, ami
chairman of the state financ
committee; Miss Grace Pulliar.:.
Portland, state publicity chat:
man, and Dr. Marq D. Purvim .
first vice president of the stai t
The business session was con
tinued over to Sunday morning ui
which time Dr. Mary Purvine en
tertained the. guests with a d
lightful breakfast party at he
heme assisted by Miss Josephiii
SBiade Following the 4reakfas. .
final .business was disposed; of at
the Purvine home.
, . J e
A memorial service will be liei I
by the Ladies Aid society of th s
First Presbyterian church Wednesday-
afternoon in the church
parlors for Mrs. E. C. Small. Mrs
H. A. Smart is chairman of t!u
hostess committee.
IfcCallaai HealetV
CXOO the TmSt;