7 V:". " " The jCviit Obecow StaMAN. Saleittf Oregon. Sunday Morning. January 20. 1929 !W .' X7T7 v:l; -77 -i,,,. ,)v-747 , T? c; .. . - Dodge Brothers Introduce - New Six nnniimr ((I 7:-3 H-4 - - ' - Nil;, - - 7u iff V- if - v;, - liQa W i -''.-.-ft;.-.:.r , ... .v.. ... ... t - - r 1 (Cont!aad from ps 11) i ttona and the eTr-chaasinC medt of public transportation. - In no previous ' acbleyement of the Chrytler orfanizatlon hare I felt greater pride than In the creation of DeSoto Six. I beliere that you will rind in the new ear graphic erMence of the great strides In automobile engineering and man ufacturing methods which bare tranaoired In the . laat year to greatly Increase the buying power I of the motor car dollar."' I Dodge Brothers Part I The acquisition of the Dodge Icrothers properties was,; of course, the crowning touch. ' The rounding out of the magnificent conception by the Dodge line and the Dodge tracks and basses,- and Fargo trucks and commercial cars rlTe Chrysler Motors a com- plete line of irehlcles coteringjh entire field ;r indlTldual, trans j 'infinite pains-, weretaken, ibaf while, preserrinr. their ; Individual Independence n policy' should: be Inaugurated which would deprive any one unit of the atrenrth of all the rest. Mr. Chrysler lays po special stress on large production except as a source of efficiency and sir ing. Nevertheless, In mere vol ume this great unified group has Economic capacities and sales die tributing machinery which in point of numbers Is already at the tery front rank of the Industry. New style, featured by the Mono k 'piece body construction, and new high standards of Dodge depend ability and performance are repre tented in a distinctive line of eight models just announced by the com pany. At the top is the deluxe, i sedan, and below is the deluxe I coupe with rumble seat. The grace ful lines of the car are shown in tfhe front view at the right, while r the new radiator emblem is shown. F immediately above. ftwpomcTO SHOW here snn-j (Continued from page 11) crmnkcaae yentllaior; quieter gear shICt operation; fuel pump, gaso- - lle ttMer and air deflector; brakes of the new Oakland four- , wheel mechanical type, easy . of adjustment and of extremely long ' lite, ample clearance to avoid - trpuble from swelling or sticking loi mountain travel; spring cov erp; Xoveiy hydraulic shock ab sorbers the two latter at a slight additional price; spring hackles adjustable to take up "wr, and roomier bodies.. - Many , other minor features . have been added to' make the new . Pbntiac ; an outstanding car in v Iti price class, in performance, - c4mfort, . handling and appear aee. , Productlon of the new line be gan at the "plant of the Oakland Motor Car company in Pontiae, Mich., In December and shipments to dealers on the Pacific coast commenced on January 8, Ac cording to coast , officials of the company ears should be - In the hands of dealers throughout the coast territory by February J and deliveries will begin onfull Bched ale, It Is believed, shortly there after. . The generator on Oldsmoblles has a thermostat in control of the charging rate. When the engine is cold the geenrator operates at maximum speed and is automat ically slowed down as the engine becomes hot. This quickly re stores the current used in start ing the motor and minimizes (he danger of overcharging the bat tery on long runs. Worth, Paris dress, designer, is featuring a drooping lace petti coat, half concealed by skirt drap ery. The laee is generally dyed in a shade contrasting with the TEXAS MOTHER RUNS BUS LINE 7 f '.:.-Jv.v:-:.v.v.:-ioiv: I v L : - J - ', TTmmmmimi I m-itirgiy i NWseaaBiiuiiiiLUUJMUs tf .- j - Z - i ,. ' : . . . ' ' :-- ,- r-, : VC- - ... r " rt: With Dilnlop Tires YOU GET , 'T - . .. ... ..... " . EVERYTHING : Motorists of this country visit. ing Europe quickly become ap preciative of - the excellent roads here, according to D. 8. Eddlns. vice president and general sales manager of Oldsmoblle. In Swe den if or instance, out' bf'iO.' 5 miles of highway only six miles are paved 'with concrete and 18 miles with asphalt. SETTING A STYLE FOR SALVADOR 7 r - W JB V i Y- mm- .''..irH- -''.iweV-iLlf .'' .jti1"" asswassaa 5 .U:Vi f V4ll;isi: f 1 c Captain Henry Stephenson of Panama Mall liner "El Salvador," deputised by Vice-President Vide f Sslvador to purchase graduation gift for bis daughter, Miss Enriqueta Vides, selects Bulck Sedan as most appropriate for her position in Salvador society. Miss Vides, the unknowing owner of the -stylish new car, is a passenger on the "El Salvador," which is carrying gift to her home in Santa Anna, where presentation will be ma'de. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. If this story gets to Salvador before the Panama Mail liner "El Sal vador" now en route to New York via the Spanish Americas, a per fectly wonderful surprise for Miss Tnriqueta Vides, daughter of the vice president of Salvador will be spoiled. Just prior to sailing time the other day a shiny new automobile was driven on the Panama Mail dock. Captain Henry Stephenson of the "El Salvador" receipted fox it and casually called to Misf tMdes who was sailing as a pas- i r F 3aduaUoa Present As the last visitor trotted down the gVofpIank at the final warn ing oi Hhet siren, , the car was swung aboard aad lowered gent ly Into the hold. ; Miss Vides watched-tlhe proceedings with In. terest'and commented to Captain Stephenson on the good fortune of tfa. owner. 7 Now comes the surprise. The car belongs to Miss Vides and she doesn't know It. Here's the way of H! : i '" .j" Miss Tides graduated at the end of the Christmas term from a fashionable school at Palo Alto wheri she has been a student for the, last four years... Owing to his business interests and the duties of his office Senor Gustavo Vides, her father, was unable to attend the commencement exercises. He did not forget his daughter 3000 miles away, however. ' ' Captain Selects Buick Captain Stephenson who In his many years In the Panama Mall service has made many fast friendships In the Lands Between and who; Is a particularly warm Trfend ot'VIce President Vides re ceived" a radio two days "before sailing authorising him to buy a car suitable- for a sweet girl graduated and ' telling him to briBg ' girl and. car on the "El Salvador". - Secrecy was enjoined. Captain Stephenson rushed forth and sailed the seas of auto, mobile row in hectic quest of an appropriate ear. He pent .one whole- day and part of another examining the many new models on. display in the various show rooms. Finally he decided on a Model 67 Buick and the transac tion which made Miss Vides the unknowing owner of an automo bile was concluded. The formal presentation to Miss Vides will be made by her father and Captain Stephenson when the senger to pose Tor a few pictures with the machine. Very gracious ly she consented and the camera-illner arrlTa ln.SaiTador man snot several piaies to ine ac companiment of many .exclama tions of delight from Miss Vides t 1 r Not 'only are the artificial flow er trimmings not going out, but over the wonders and comforts of they are constantly gainlqg in the new caT. pouularlty and scope. g V soasTT f M ) t VowiT - m-w m. I ma ftDnfis nncew cbsqii0 wSHD sattthraicBtt x TTTT 1 you leant ftowu in Fmnwnt; Tl, th women folk hart a corntt tha tr&n5pcrtatio business. 2 tin, NeCi ( tlother j Jones, 62. owns th nl? bxt$ line operating between tiers and Fort Worth, and her tare iar 'tiers, above, left to right, Francis, 24 (Mary. 22. and Grace, 20. uct a chauffeurs. Mrs Jones, lower left, bought an old track and converted it tnt bos to takt her daorhters and other children to school, in 1V22. Horn she and her dscten convey passeztn Ten Wertb three times d. rmMi ' a n n n i i Dttnlop tire) are known aroonc the world a the world4 fines Backed bj 40 years' experienc Over 26 Million Dnnlopa now rnxuuag. you tcan The prices are the lowest evei offered , for peak-qaaliry tire Prices are so low that it is now sheer economy to replace old tire with new Dnnlopa. you want Guaranteed against all road has ard for 12 month. Gnarantee in form of ironclad Surety Bond issued by American Surety Com Pny Ask n to ahow you a ss pielsojad. i ' you want :X.-A ' . X::;:.: We will even keep your tire In repair free of charge for year a per Surety Bond. If your tire is injured beyond ' repair we Mil replace it at reduced price.- Come in and" talk over your tire NOW. , : - 1 Ihudop'B nmm Tifrtmd' :-. Tire sm fa ssft ... This ' dot mmaf with (mlm Als Super Ssnrice Statiaa Center ai Church; Tet 23 . ' ... v ...... ; 1 . i . " .1 11 li nil I.MU VI & 7,-v III. : . - 111 -T TT- TrtsJ- " 11 7117. : K l-l I-""- r -,--7 7,V. A NEW CAR is coming. Not a new make of car. But an essentially brand new edition of one of America's best sellers. It is a six. It has bodies by Fisher. It is bringing new luxury, new beauty and hew performance to its price field. That much is fact. But now let's see. Who are the people this great new car will attract? Most typical Americans of today are progressive. Years ago, they hustled the horsehair sofa off to the attic to make way. for newer, more modern furniture. Today they are demanding more' beauty,! more luxury and finer performance than ever in their auto mobiles. Some of them have reached the point of owning two or more cars. Most of them have not. But they're all getting ahead. They all love, fine 1 things. These are the people this new car will attract. The Oakland Motor Car Company has been building the Pontiae Six for this progressive group during the past - 0 three years. And so it knows a lot about them. And with this knowledge, Oak- land has created a new car especially ''j.i : t for themnotjrrierely a refinement of an earlier model, but a brand new car yf"4- " from beginning to end. It brings new;ljjii standards of style to its price field.' ' It provides the luxury and beauty of entirely new bodies by Fisher. It offers them performance they can tell their friends about. It will enable them to make a long step tip the ladder of motor car quality with only a slight increase in investment. You will appreciate the incompa rable value of this car. Watch for the 71 7; : .."! ' 1 5 i-J L L f Sltjv.7 y 4