The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Homing, January XQ, 1029
! --
CuigS wOliLD
Popular Bible Study Group of
First Christian! Church
Second Year of Work
... Everyman's Bible class, .men's
sreup la the First Christian Sub-
day school 'conducted -oi the for
um plan, is Just beginning Its see.
I pnd year of work and In the new
year plans to Increase the. benevo
lent wOrk-lt 1s doing In conjuac-
- Ton vita the. church and. to con
, , tlaue with great emphasis, the
: jdan -of bringing promient apeak
ors of the atate before the class.
This latter plan i has met with
special success th past year.
among the well-known speakers
' who ha y addressed the groun be.
lag Governor Patterson. Judge
George Roseman and Judge O. P.
Kay Is Prldft
Officers of the class for the new
. year were In charge of the meet
- tag last Sunday for the.frrst time.
Thevare: Tom Kay. president; C
r. Doane. rice-president; Arthur
Flint; secretary; and Thomas
- .Clark, treasurer. Retiring officers
: are: Arthur Welch, president; J.
E. Douglas, Tice-president; Wll
' Ua McMorria, secretary; and B.
' W.- Walcher, treasurer.
At its peak last year the class
membership reached 115.' while
for a period of 10 weeks , last
spring - the attendance, averaged
' 7S. An effort will bm4e to
build the membership even higher
o-1hl year, with doubling it the ob
' Jectlve.
"The class Is nou-denomlnatlonal
and In Its weekly session aims to
study the Bible from that stand
point. The Rev. D. J. Howe, pastor
or the First Christian church. Is
- teacher of the class and has been
for many years a teacher of large
: men's classes in the varioue charg
es he has filled. - f
.The class meets in the church
auditorium every Sunday -morning
at :4S o'clock. . ' "
-The sacred cantata "Belshaz
'sar" will be repeated at the-Cal
vary Baptist church in the old
Grand theatre building .Tuesday
night, beginning at 7: 0 o'clock.
The Rev. W. Earl Cochran' pas
tor of the church, Is dlrectlngthe
vrhe concert Ls being repeated
at the request of a large number
of persons who were not able to
hear the concert when it was
given nearly two months ago be
cause of Insufficient seating ca
pacity. The cantata is (the story, In
'song, of the events during the
brief reign of King Belshaxzar of
Babylon, and depicts the lite pr
the Jews from the time they had
peen. taken in captivity seven
years until their rreturn to their
own land at the command of
'Cyrus. "
V The presentation ls open to all
Without admission, though a sil
gver offering will be taken to help
defray expenses. Vlsitlng,.leglsla
tor and their wives are being ex
tended a special invitation to at
tend. 1
Friends' Prayer
Meet Thursday
Regular weekly prayer serviced
-for the friends and congregation
. of the South Salem Friends
.church Will be held Thursday
night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock
The study of the book, "Mission
In a Changing World." will be
continued under the direction of
the pastor, the Rev. Charles C.
:r Haworth.
Fortnightly Club
To Meet Tuesday
The Fortnightly club . of the
' First Congregational church will
'meet Tuesday night at 7:30
o'clock at the church. Wednesday
- afteraooa the Woman's Union
wilt hold basiaees meeting and
Wednesday night beginning at :-3-
e'elock, the papular weekly
suOper will be . held ands eh urch
mgfrl observed . with an educa
rlestsd program.
in nr nrrru irii
'Evangelists List'
Evening Services
The week's events at the Evan-
gristle Full Qospel tabernacle re
. aaooanced as follows by the pas.
tor. the Rev. Earl V. Jesmisoa;
Teeeday nbxht, the hour for fel-
Iowa hip rn pralee and prayer;
Tharsday night, scripture etudy
trem Romans 1 and i led by the
. paster; . Saturday night, a live and
' oeJIftlag meeting with the youag
v, people In charfe.
" For thetirst time in the history
of the Salem Christian Toung Peo.
pie's -Union, member Leacaea and
Badeavers Vill exchange leaders
ithls Saaday evening, la an exaerl
meat to' foster batter acquaintance
aad cooperation between the
u . . . V;-'
Churches that will take part in
the exchange lncladed First Meth
odist, First Presbyterian, First
-. : Baptlat, Calvary Baptist. Ford Mo.
mortal Community, Christian. Lea
He Methodist, CalvaryBaptlst, Ja
: son Lee Memorial. South Salem
...Friends, First Evangelical and
Knight Memorial. In several of
these churches, more " thaa onea
young people' group is partlcipat:
;lng in the event AH meetings' will
besln at C:t0 o'cloct.
:f If the- plan proves successful It
, twill probably be need at stated In
... tervals. - ., -
' The Mlxpah . adult elass of the
CKn Lee leaorfal church bold
' 1j ' monthly party la the chlreh
parlors Friday - evenlnx of this
wJ.;-- . ' -
Firat'Charch Alterations Willi
Give 3,500 Feet Addition
al Floor Space
The First Baptist church will
shortly 'complete the enlargement
of Its Sunday school plant. "When
alterations are finished, the Sun
day school will have available
3500 feet of additional floor space
which with other, import ements
now being made will give the
church one of the largest church
plants in the city.
The additional room has been
made necessary due to the large
growth - a he eh urch; v school ' : has
made the past year, a growth com
parable to. none In the history ox
the school. In looking to the fu
ture, plans are. being . developed
on a larger scale than heretofore,
report the officials. -
Announcement is. made that a
10 or 16 "weeks' revival campaign
is being planned by the church for
the early summer months. The
campaign .will be unique Tor the
church. ' laaamaeh -a. It wiH - be
conducted from a large tent, lo
cated at different times. in various
sectloaa of the city. ' The church
feels that. In this way the gospel
message . may be take to . many
people who do not attend services
anywhere. The Rev. Robert I.
Payne is "paetor of the church.
mil Church
Yoyvg People
Plan Social
- - .. .r. :
A social' hour for.the young
people of the Mill street Methodist
church vis planned for Monday
evening at- 7; 30 o'clock and will
be held in the church parlors. The
intermediate, -groups wtil meet
from 7 to o'clock Tuesday eve-
nng. -
Other W kH f 61 1 lie Week f
tne cnurcn incttcfci info regui
mid week prayer meeting Wednes
day night at 8 o'clock, which will
be in -charge of Miss Svea Oker
berg; the Pioneer club will meet
at the church Saturday, at 1:00
o'clock and will be accompanied
by the Rev. Patrik Oahlin to the
i i . m. kj. a. ior recreation. -rne
Friendly Indians will meet Sat
urday afternoon also, at the home
of the leader, Norman Sorenson,
corner Ferry and 14th streets
The story hour for Jhe younger
eniiaren is cneauiea ia-u neia
in the church from 1 to 4 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. f ,
Jason Lee Class-
Aids Hoopsters
The Standard Bearers of the
Jason Lee Memorial church held
a basket social Wednesday night
as a benefit 'for the boys of the
rhurch basketball team. Games
and a program featured the eve
ning. The program included a
xylophone solo by Barbara Bar
ham; saxophone solo, Harvey
Pruitt; duet. Dorothy Smith and
Carolyn Hodshire, with Dorothy
Sawyer accompanying; reading by
Evelyn Cummings.
The brotherhood of the church
recently made a generous contri
bution to the basketball team, and
with both funds the players are
assured of new uniforms.
Church to Install
Oiiicers Today
Installation service for the new
ly elected members of the church
council of the American Lutheran
church will be held this morning.
New members of the council In
elude R. C. Arpke, Carl Bahlburg,
Joseph E. Finden, John Drylanjd,
A. F. Homyer, A. F. Harden.
Henry Relnwald, J. A. Sholsetu
and George Quesseth. H. R. Sholx
is finance secretary and Max Geh-
lar the new 8unday school super
..The Luther League of the
church will hold its nfonthly so
cial In the social room Friday
evening, January 25.
Castle Council
Will Meet Soon
Prayer services for the Castle
United Brethren church. 17th and
Nebraska street, are held each
Thursday night, at 7:30 e'cloek.
The pastor, the Rev. L. W. Biddle.
will lead a study of the second
chapter of St John this week.
The Sunday school council of
the church will meet Thursday
night at the church at 3:30.
Salemites Attend
Corvallis M e e t
The Rev. and Mrs, Fred C. Tay
lor and Mr. and Mrs. E. Slssoa
motored to Corvallis Friday eve
ning to attend the annual Robin
Hood program by the O. 8. C. etu
dents la Wesley ball in the First
Methodist church. A heavy soft
fsoow was falling in Corvallis when
they left there after the, program.
Regular mid-week prayer ser
vices will be held at the First
Germ axt Baptist, church Wednes
day night, beginning at t o'clock.
the Rev. G. W. Rutkch is th'a-
tor. . .
Regular, weekly prayer meeting
will be held at the Christian aad
Missionary Alliance, 4il Ferry
street, Tuesday evening, aad bible
study and prayer services will be
held Friday night announces the
pastor, the Rv. J. O. Mlnton
Tho of fleers aad teachers of the
church school of,. tho Jason 1
Memorial church will be Inducted
into their respective position for
the, new'. year at the worship hour
this moralar. ' . O
Tho' weekly riuer meet&kg' or
the fnree Methodlat church will be
held Thursday nlghtw Tbe Rey-
W. N. Coffee. Is pastor,.
Young Peoplefe
: Union, Pla nning -
The Ralm : Christian Tonne
People's Union will hold the first
evening meeting which It baa
sponsored In the Calvary Baptist
church next Saturday night, be
ginning at 7:30 o'clock. In addi-4
tioa to the business meeting a so
cial hoar will be held, f he latter
to take the form of a basket so
cial. Edith SUrrett, vice-president
of the union. Is In charge of
the affair. Entertainment will be
furnished by the young .people 6?
the Calvary Baptist church.
' Young people pf all Salem
churches are Invited to attend the
social, proceeds of which will be
used .as a 'union .benefit, v Jlayee
Beall 1 president of, the anton
Edith Starrett, vice-president;
Irma Babcock, secretary; Enoch
Dumas, treasurer; "Marcta Feast
man,, program chairman; - Edith
May '. Jenks, " lookout committee
chairman; and C. E. Ward, pas
tor ef , the. First Congregational
church, councillor, " .. . " 'v-
Ford Memorial
Plans gather,
' ; Son Banquet
The annual Father and Son
banquet sponsored ' by the Ford
Memorial Community church of
West . Salem will be held la the
community hall there rViday
night. January 25. The
will be a potluck affair, with the
young men of the Epworth
League acting as hosts and will
be open to all fathers and sons of
the Community.
, The program for the event In
cludes: Welcome, by the pastor.
the Rev. M. A. Groves; music by
the Rev. E. G. Ranton of Inde
pendence; "A Father to the
Sens," J. A. Gosser; response
Lyle -Thomas: "A Father and the
Boy Scouts," Dr. D. A. Williams;
ort of mea'a meeti-tr. iW. L.
of the First M. E. church: Mem
bers of the West Salem Boy Scout
troop will also furnish some num
Senator Norblad
Will Address
Men's Council
Senator A. W. Norblad of Clat
.sop county and president of tbe
state senate, will address the
Methodist Men's council at Its reg
ular meeting in the First Meth
odist church Wednesday night.
Other rqjd-wfeek events for the
various groups of First church are
announced as follow: Wednesday
afternoon the General Aid society
will meet in the church prlors:
mid wek preyer and praise ser
vice will be directed by the pas
tor, the lev. Fred C. Taylor,
Thursday night; Friday afternoon
the Yomarco Ladies' group will
meet, at the home of Mrs. R.-V.
Hollenberg, 292 North 20th street.
Leslie Memorial
Services Listed
The official board meeting of
the Leslie Memorial church will
be held Wtednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock in the church social
Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock,
prayer and study meeting for the
older folk will be held In the
church auditorium, with Mrs.
Henderson leading. . The youn
people will meet In Leslie hall
that night for a discussion of
"What of Our Friendships."
Leslie league Is planning a
party, to be held Friday night in
the. social rooms of the church.
Highland Group
Meets Thursday
Highland Friends church, cor
ner Highland and Church streets,
will hold the regular prayer meet
ing Thursday night at 7:30
o'clock, with the study of the book
of James to be continued by tbe
pastor, the Jev. Edgar P. .Sims.
Doctor Found Women
and Children Sick
More Often than Men
As a family doctor at
cello, Illinois, the whole human
body, net any . small part of It.
was Dr. Caldwell's practice. More
thaa half his "calls' were on
women, chlldrea and. babies. Tfiey
are the ones most often sick. 'But
their Illnesses were nsually of a
mlaor nature colds, fevers, head
aches, . -blliousaess and all ot
them required first a thorough
evacuation. They were constipat
ed. . .
Ia the coarse of Dr. Caldwell's
47 years' practice (he was grad
aated from Rush Medical College
back la 1175), he toand a good)
deal of saeeese in such cases with,
a - presenptioa or nia own con
taining simple laxative herbs with
pepsin. Ia. 112 he 'decided to
use this formula la the manufac
ture of a medicine to be known as
Dr.-. CaldweTTs Syrup Pepsin, and
la that year his prescription was
first- placed on the market. ? :;-
The prsparatlon, immediately
had as great a success In the drug
stores as It previously had j la Dr.
Caldwell's private practice.! Now,
the third generation ls using" It.
Mothers are giving it to their
children who were given it by their
mothers. -: Every second v of Ihe
working day someone, somewhere
Is going Into a drug store to buy
It. Millions ot bottles of DrV Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin are being nseda
a year. .
Its great success Is based on
merit, on repeated baying; on one
-satisfied . - user telling " another.
There are thousand ot -homes in
this country, that are never. wTlh-
Pioneer Wimsteh Sent From
Pennsylvania as Oregon
. . . Missionary iii 1 1 870 ;
The first Oregon . ministry "of
the . Rev;- Josiah Bowersoxj who
died in Portland January 11 at
the age of SI years, three months
aad IS days, was In this city, and
he was Instrumental in bringing
abut.the construction of the first
Evangelical church edifice in
. Mr. Bower sox was first licensed
to preach in 18 tl and two years
later, was ordained by Bishop
Long, of the Evangelical church.
He served churches in. the Cen
tral Pennsylvania conference un
til 1870, -when tbe board of mis
sions appointed him missionary to
Oregon. He-, made the trip i to
Oreson ; . an d .: Salem , coming by
way of Cape Horn m 1370.
- Made Cofeveiic.-HeMd
r; For the aix years following his
arrival in Oregon he served with
great- success, at the end of which
period, the. Pacific conference was
organized and Mr. Bowersox elect
ed superintendent of ' the" confer
ence, a position which be filled
for 16 -years. -eight as superinten
tend of the Pacific conference and
eight years after the Oregon con
ference was organized in 1884.
Daring the time-he served as
aaperintendent he laid the foun
dation for the Washington con
ference in eastern Washington,;
and following his superintendent
he served various fields with great
efficiency and full time service at
each point. ' Oregon churches
which he served included Salem,
Albany, Corvallis, Dayton, Port
land and Warren. '
four Chlldroit Survive
Children who survive Mr. Bow
ersox are Albert Bowersox of Al
bany. Dr. . Frank Bowersox - of
Monmouth, . Frank Bowersox of
Willamette Blvd. church in Port
land Monday morning when the
Revs. Lovell, C P. Gates and H.
H. Farnham spoke. At 2 o'clock
another service was held inJSalem
Evangelical church, where the
Revs. W. C. Kantner and C. C.
Poling, both pioneer associates of
Mr. Bowersox In service, officiat
ed. His body was laid to rest in
the family plot in. Odd Fellows
cemetery, - beside the .faother of
his children who preeeded him
some 34 years ago.
Calvary Group
To Pull Candy
- ' -V .
The Barracca-Philatheas class
of the Calvary Baptist church will
bold an old-fashioned candy pull
in the church social room Monday
night commencing at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Nina McXary is teacher of
the class.
The regular church "night ob
servance Is scheduled for Wed
nesday evening, beginning with a
pot luck supper ' at-. 6:15 o'clock,
and followed by the "Airplane
View of the Old Testament" at
4 5 o'clock and the prayer and
fellowship meeting at 7:30 o'clock.
The church night- event Is open
to the public.
Ford Church
Plans Revival
Plans for a revival to be con
ducted ,in the Ford Memorial
church of West Salem were dis
cussed at the -official board meet
ing of the church Monday night
The services wilt begin February
10, with the Rev. Joel R. Benton
to occupy the pulpit and the Rev
E. G. Ranton of Independence to
have charge of music for the cam
Church nIgh will be observed
at the Jason Lee church Thursday
night beginning at 7:30 o'clock,
with devotional service followed
by the mission class, two bible
classes and Choir practice.
Prayer services for the Cheme
keta street Evangelical chureh
will be held Thursday night at 7:-
30 o clock.
mat - y - .
at age ea
OM'. mk WU.tlC UV'LlV vuoe Oi-
up Pepsin, and we hare gotten
many hundreds of letters from
grateful people telling as that It
helped them when everything else
failed. - .
. While women, children and eld
erly people are especially . bene
fited by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep-
son, ii is promptly . effective onf-
the -most robust constitution and
ia the most obstinate cases. It U
mild and gentle In Its action an
does not cause griping and strain
Containing neither opiates no
narcotics. It Is safe for the ttnies
baby, .Children. like it and tak '
It willingly. Every drag store sells
Dr.. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
s x, n " :'r-
vrv- Ilk
Delegates from tho Monmoath
Normal school., the University Of
Oregon and Oregon State college
attended the' Northwest Lutheran
students conference held in Spo
kane. Wash., at Spokane college,
early. in the week.;' Miss Gladys
IUge of the Oregon 'state normal
school was elected secretary of the
conference.' which was - also -a
tended by delegate from . Wash
ington and Idaho colleges and uni
versities. .
The northwest conference plane
to affiliate Itself with the Luth
eran Student association of. Amer
ica, which Js divided Into six te-.
Lgtenal conferences. These'- have
been" ins tr amen Lal in. eatabtishing
schools for foreign stadenta and
during the last -year the .program
included contrl buttons for the
marateaanee of a school -at Leain-
kgrad. Rassia. " .-
The Lutheran chureh : is "doing
baaapua work at more -than 200
states universities end'; colleges
throughout the eomatry. At . tax
University, of Wisconsin a 3110,
000 stadeat eharoh waa built In
1S2S. and 3300,000 struct ures
have been put up-at the -North
western university, Chicago; t
Cornell and 4he University of Mtn-f
nesota. . Regional- groaps have
established student churches near
several other campuses ,
Tne Lutheran student move
ment, in America is sponsored .by
all the Lutheran bodies except the
Missouri synod. . ; -rv
A. J.Elliot
At M. E. Today
A. J. Elliot, known throughout
the nation among the. college and
university students as "Dad" El
liot, a national Y. M. C. A. evan
gelist and. student worker will
preach In the First Methodist
church Sunday morning. This will
e a. joint meeting with the Wil-
ifmfejtt University stu;d4$t bo
la 'tine series of addressee iMh E
Hot is giving here. The students
will occupy reserved seats in the
main section of the auditorium.
Scientists Meet
Is Wednesday
Wednesday evening meetings of
First. Church of Christ, Scientist,
which is located at the corner of
Liberty and Chemeketa streets,
are held at 8 o'clock and include
testimonies of healing, experien
ces and remarks on Christian Sci
ence. AH are Invited to -attend
these meetings.
u m Tfb I., -t i ; ' - r
II slhi? W f.i.ikhi, I II It A XI II II I M ill A I I I
r"" mm mm . n n u n s
I ' 't n V rv II I I I V J M
This is an ideal time to select furniture for your home. Buy now at our low sale
prices and save the difference. All furniture on sale is good quality merchandise.
for the
Dining Room
'A beautiful group of din
ing suites, both large"
and small will be found,
here, besides many lit
tle odd pieces.
Suites of blended walnut, decorated ivory for every
type of home will be found in this store not to say;
anything of the many odd pieces for the bedroom.
Aatrritiniripp A viairflftfl (rOld
? BERKELEY, Cat. Jan. If
(AP) -wulttm H. Wright, em
inent' astronomer and member of
tbe Lick observatory staff, has
been awarded the Janssea gold
medal of the Paris academy of
sciences. President W. W. Camp
bell of the University of Calif or
nia, announced here today. The
observatory belongs to the uni
versity. '.':.-
The award to Prof. Wright was
made for his studies of the atmos
phere of Mars aad other planets
in the solar system. Last year he
won the Draper medal of the.'Na
tlooal - academy of sciences for
similar work-in addition to wln-
ning.the Draper medal last, year
tsr waa utvtten ur aetiver ine .ua
wln lecture of the Royal Astron
omical society In London whieb he
did. . . i .. ' '
Professor -Wright's
been' based on tbe. use of . color
photography of the planets. . In
this -way he 'demonstrated; the
presence of an atmosphere on
Mars. He used tbe infra-red rays
in his photography which results
in: a clearer picture. The astron
omer, also made motion -picture
of tbe revolutions of Jupiter in
collaboration with Dr. C. E.v K.
Mees of the Eastman Kodak com
pany. He did this by taking phe
tographs at short intervals over a
period of several nights 'and piec
ing them ? together, showing a
complete .revoluslon of the planet
- Soma of the corrections ol
New York Physician Per
Simple and Easy Method of ,
- ; v Reducing Weight
Dr. R. Newman, a licensed prac
ticing physician, of 286 Fifth Ave
nue, New York, announces that
tie has perfected a treatment
which has quickly rid fat people'
of excess weight What is more
remarkable ls the. Doctor's state-
b?nt . that he has successfully
I leafed thousands of patients for
fat reduction without unnecessary
change of diet or burdensome;exv
erclse. He also says that fattpeo
ple who ..' suffer from ehjpale
rheumatism, gout. asthma . and
high blood pressure obtain great
relief from tbe reduction of their
superfluous ' flesh." The DoctdV;
has offered to send wittfout
charge to anyone who wiU.writej
him, a'free trial treatment to
prove his claims, as well as''hf
"Pay-when-reduced" plan. If yoa!
want to rid yourself of superfluous
fat, write him today, addressing
Dr. R. Newman, 286 Fifth" ' Ave
tide. New York City. Dept. R.
shops to our
m i n - ri i m
itiaKes rat reopiei
BBisw,,5slb - V
- r X.' m
Martian Data' made possible by
Prof. Wright's photographic work
arer correction" of the equatorial
diameter of Mars. from 4200 mllesiitafeavter wilt be operated 'bv ti,H
to 4133; correction of the polar
diameter to 4037. showing that
Mars like the earth, ls flat at the
soles; corroboration of the fee
that Mars has an atmosphere more'
than 52 miles In depth; corrobor
ation of the theory that the. dark
xreaa on the planet are caused by
vegetation acd. not by water and'
support of the theory that the
polar caps of Mara are formed by
4' '
like - Facbere, Like Sena
the reportorial staff'of the Com-merclaJ-Newe
there are twos fath
ers and their two eon; -A' second
work hastson ofone of tbe-.e!derfDea Is
pressman os the paper. i
the Miniature of
Selling regularly
The REXALL Store
115 So. Commercial St -f Salem, Oregon
"Birchfield" Upholstered Furniture
Know what's inside your upholstered furniture be
fore buying. Our salesman will be Iglad to explain
how "Birchfields" are constructed in our own work
high standard of quality
' 1 v, , : ." - f " '-
i 1
S."P. Busses Roll
, &Ufses of iiho Southern Paolfia
Motor Transport companv or....
tStaaes and Coast Autn Kna
Luriuvr tumjuajr, traveled a din
tance of 5,34,9)0 miles in lv
according to a report prepared hy
It-H.Corey, member of the
B A.
puoiic serTice commission
T Btpi oient showed
w j uu?s9s. operated
mllie fda'lly, ;with special Sunday
c5dul,es aggregating 123 mi..
bdbusses pf the. Southern p,i
Ificjcojnpany traveled 2.573 Ti
tles in 1923. -while the Orec m
Stages operated 2,160,435 niili.
The Coast Auto lines oyerati
S5,750 miles.
Regular Wednesday evening
prayer meeting at the First Chris
tian ebrch begins at 7:30 o'clock.
gi $5.00 the ounce
actually; 63c worth
- ( J
(Ceaitraet Asm exeepted)
.-4 Jof V ; , - j
f -