The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Bit. PETERS
-The and r Health
articles by Dr. .Iiulu Hant :
;Pters In the Statesman are'
luinely. Interesting read.
Fair and cold; Moderate east
and northeast winds; Max.
temperature fUtnrday 47;
Min. 20; River 1.0 ;RaJ .10
Wind north. .,. "
CL.F1 Am!" From the First Stat-
uuuu sxurc
man. March 28. t1831.
President-Elect Will Leave
Washington and Take
Short Vacation
Public Gathering at Brussels
Addressed r Over Long
Distance Phone
Associated Press Staff Writer
President-elect, Hodver, closed
his temporary headquarters here
today preparatory to his depar
ture Monday for Florida where he
will spend a month before return
Ing for his Inauguration on March
Besides conferring; with several
republican party leader, Mr. Hoo
ver delivered the second speech
lie has made, since his return from
his good will tour to Latin Amer
lea. With the -telephone and the
radio as a medium he addressed
a gathering in the public square
at -Brussels . arranged by his
friends in Belgium in celebration
t Ms election to the presidency.
King Albert' ca?trif! '
lYojile's Appreciation
After Mr. Hoover had conclud
ed his tribute to the sacrifice and
k i it r u trta gf t ha 71 A 1 tr a n natnln
"f .during the occupation of their
co u airy in me worm war, ∈
rfk Albert, speaking in English, ex
R pressed the gratefulness of his
countrymen to the president-elect
for the services he had rendered
them as head of the commission
for the relief of Belgium. '
Mr. Hoover's words were made
audible to his friends, over-seas
by means of . amplifiers and the
address of the, King was brought
back to him over both the radio
and the telephone and was heard
very distinctly by means of a spe
cial setup placed in his headquar
ters - '' : '
In the name of the Belgian peo
ple. King Albert expressed "sym
pathy and gratefulness to the
great American who has. well de
served the title which none other
has yet obtained, friend of Bel-
giuna...- ' -.: HfctisV.
Personal Message) . ;-: : ' -Also
Sent King - ".
With the dying away of the ap
plause which greeted the Belgian
ruler." MK "Hoover mt him a di-
Irect personal message.
During the concluding day of
his two "weeks of conferences In
- the national capital. Mr. Hoover
made a fourth visit to the White
House , and also conferred with
. . . f rr.. a. a a r1.
Both Camps fit Row Send Out
Announcements Favorable
to Themselves
NEVf YORK, Jan. -19. (AP)
Colonel Robert j W. Stewart,
who John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
seeks to oust as chairman of the
board of the Standard Oil com
pany of Indiana, left here today
for Chicago, still confident that
victory will be his when the
stockholders meet to decide the
issue on March 7.
- Before leaving Colonel Stewart
eaid he had "received assurances
ot support while here,"
At the Rockefeller " offices .ft
was stated that the forces opposed
to Colonel Stewart are "entirely
satisfied" with the- progress of
this was of big business titans,
both as to the number of proxies
In hand, and the attitude of John
l. Rockefeller. Sr.
It was estimated 'that Colonel
fetewart's expression of doubt that
the elder Rockefeller would join
hi- foes was looked upon as an at
tempt to force the hands of the
Rockefeller interests and draw the
aged oil magnate Into the fight
It was reiterated that "Mr. Rocke
feller, Sr., is taking absolutely no
part In this controversy." - ? V i
Some observers believe thatAhc
battle still Is an open one and
that "any one may win.,
Agitation to Put City s
. Building CSetorlt I
Coming up
Renewed agitation to get ' Sa
lem's ' building code 1n operation
under the direction of a regularly
appointed building Inspectorwill
be la evidence' at Monday night's
meeting of the city council. It was
ated Saturday. - ;V ..: K
The four ordinances comprising
the code and authorizing the em
ployment of an inspector were
passed by the outgoing council In
December, and . signed " several
days later by Mayor Livesley. ,
It was expected that appoint
ment of the Inspector would take
place at ; the first m eetlng of the
new council, f but It waa , tacitly
a emitted after the mavor 'had so
JUaArecommended In his annual mes
sage.Hls statement 'on this point
was:- 1
That ppeintanent at, a, build-
1 -Teaser
' 9 '
Professor Albert Einstein, Ger
man scientist, whose theory Lot
relativity changed century old
scientific notions, has promised
anomer pram-teasing idea lor a
gasping world. The -new theory.
showing the relation between the
laws of gravitation and electricity,
is to be made public shortly.
Row Breaks Out
In Committee On
Harmony of Ways and Means
Group Broken by Parti
san Altercation
P) The tranquility which has
characterized tariff hearings off
the . house ways and means com
mittee was shattered today by a
partisan dispute over republican
plans to exclude democrats from
the committee room during an-
tual consideration of what chang
es are to be effected in the import
The argument, which remained
unsettled at adjournment of hear,
lngs on the metals schedules, was
touched off after Representative
Baeharach, republican. New Jeri
sey, announced that, the sub-committee
on metals, which he will
head; would attempt to obtain all
the information possible before
proposing any rate changes to the
full committee. '
Representative Garner of Texas,
ranking democrat on the commit
tee, who, with all minority mem
bers, will be excluded from sub
committee sessions, contended
these meetings should consider
tdata obtained only at the open
hearnigs and protested against
tariff "beneficiaries' sitting- in
and "writing the rates."
: "Personal interviews outside
the hearings should prevail," Gar
ner said, adding that all the data
obtained should be made available
to congrses when the bill was re
NEW YORK, Jan. 19. (AP)-
Jazz. accompanied by all the
queer, angular shapes, the metal
lic Klltters and the staccato, ma
chine-made noises of this strident
ace from which it has sprung
crashed through the Olympian
portals of the Metropolitan opera
house tonight. It was tne Amer
lean premiere of the widely dis
cussed "Jonny Splelt Aui."
There was some highly Inspirit
ing dance music, a. bit of "Suw
anee River." much thumping of
drums, and strange duets.
There was a Jtaleidescoplc pro
cession of chauffeurs, vacuum
cleaners, bellhops, hotel elevators.
telephones, newspapers, a racuo
loud speaker, a locomotive, an au
tomobile and the Metropolitan
ballet doing the Charleston In
Winter Garden costumes while
somebody threw ticker tape. i All
the mechanical contrivances 'over
which the twentieth century does
its loudest and lustiest boasting
were there except the bath tub.
Again Friday
insr Inspector under the provisions
of the recently enacted Buuaing
code ordinance be postponed until
such time aa needed amendments
to the code have been made, and
that one of these amendments
provide that the : building Inspec
tor shall be appointed by the" may
or' and with; the; approval of the
"This would ' provide a Tmuch
desired responsibility on the part
of the building inspector to an es
tablished authority, which I deem
imperative to the success of th
building code. Division of thl-i
authority would . destroy - the re
sponsibility to a; large extent."
What the; council's reaction to
the second suggestion has bsen,
none of the members has yet di-
' (Turn to page 22, Please.) :
Legislature Will Reassemble
: Monday Morning; Appro
priations Coming .
Consolidation of Probable
; ; Expenditures May be
; V- Effected
' Reports lof special subcommittees-appointed
to inspect various
state, institutions and. buildings
will be t ready for - the considera
tion of the Joint Ways and Means
committee when that group reas
sembles i here Monday night, fol
lowing resumption of the legisla
tive session.
Legislators will all have re
turned to Salem by Monday morn
ing, although a number will come
back to the capital city today. A
very few remained here over the
brief holiday period after Thurs
day's adjournment. Both houses
will be convened Monday morning
and it Is expected that there will
be little interruption in the work
of the session before its close.
A half dozen subcommittees left
here late Thursday for the differ
ent institutions. One committee
visited the eastern Oregon state
hospital at Pendleton, the state
normal school at La Grande and
the. new state tuberculosis hospi
tal at The Dalles. Another xcom
mittee inspected the southern Ore
gon, normal school at Ashland, the
Old Soldiers home at Roseburg
and Industrial farm near Oakland,
Douglas county. Two or three
committees went to Portland,
where they inspected the medical
school, Portland fire dispensary
and a number 'of theetate aided
charitable institutions.
Local Institutions
Await Inspection
Subcommittees selected to in
spect the various state institutions
near. Salem probably will get into
action - early this wek. It will
not require more than a couple of
days to investigate these institu
tions and prepare the respective
reports. It Is probable that lub-
coramittees also will visit the Ore
gon State college at Corvallls and
the University of Oregon at Eu
gene; next week. The committee
appointed', to Inspect the State
college also will visit the chil
dren's home In Benton county.
(Turn to page 22, Please.)
PARIS, Jan. 19. (AP) Mar
shal Ferdinand Foeh. Generalissi
mo of the allied armies in the
World war, had tonight progress
ed so far in his recovery -from the
kidney trouble-and heart attack
which laid him low six days ago
that he sat up in bed and called
for, -.newspapers. His physicians,
were more cheerful than at any
time this week.
"It has been a good day," Dr.
Heits-Boyer said. "The situation
is still grave but we are begin
ning to become optimistic the
marshal Is gaining slowly but
steadily." .
General Debeny, one- of Foch's
most . brilliant . lieutenants in the
war, exclaimed Chat "the marshal
has won another battle."
'. The devoted wife of the stricken
warrior gave evidence of the bet
tered . situation ' by leaving the
house for the outing she has had
since Monday. She drove in the
Bo is Bolougne for two hours.
The marshal was permitted to
see the visitors' book which has
been open at the Janitor's lodge
and which Is nearly filled with
the names of the most prominent
Frenchmen - and foreigners of
Paris. One entry drew a chuckle
from the marshal. ;
Plan Announced
To Build Bridge
Across Columbia
PORTLAND', Ore., Jan. 19.
(AP) A project which would ex
tend one of the eity's mdst prom
inent thoroughfares across the Co
lumbia river to connect with the
North Bank highway In Washing
ton was announced ; today ; by : a
group of Portland business men.
County commissioners will be giv
en plans Monday. i:
- Extension of Sandy boulevard
and spanning of the river would
provide the first unit of the pro
posed highway from Portland to
the Yakima valley, construction
of which would bring .Portland
hours : closer . to thousands living
north of the Columbia river. -
Youth Killed as
: He Goes On Hunt
is. API Word was received
here late today that Irwin Small.
20 had been killed In the woods
about ten wiles east ef here while
hunting with Claude Shortridge.
Details, were meager because of
the distance from the city, i Small
is the son ot Mrs. Florence Sna.r
of Cottage Grove. ... : ' .
Northcott Wifl
Quiz Himself At
Ovn Death Trial
More Than 40 Other Wit
nesses Will be Caller by
Youth in Defense
RIVERSIDE. CaL. Jan. 19.
(AP J Gordon Stewart Northcott,
alleged slayer of four boys, will
appear In the double, roll of de.
fense attorney and defense wit
ness .when the state concludes Its
evidence In this trial, he announc
ed at his cell here today.
I will take at least three days
to question myself and give my
answers from the witness stand,
probably late next week," he said.
Northcott has subpoenaed more
than forty witnesses to be ques
tioned in his defense. With court
in recess toaay, ne passea hours
in bis cell studying law books. J.
McKlnley Cameron, Canadian at
torney and member of the accused
youth's discharged counsel, spent
more than an hour with him in
conference. Jail attendants said he
was posting the youth upon points
of law involved In the trial.
Criminologist to ,
Give Testimony
The alleged slayer has' been ad
vised that paleontologists and bi
ochemists will be depended upon
to strengthen the state's case,
against him by establishing the
corpus delicti with bits of bone
and hair found on the Wineville
chicken ranch, where the boys are
alleged to have been slain. J.
Clark Sellers, Los Angeles crim
inologist, will continue his testi
mony Monday.
The fanciful tale told by Mrs.
Sarah Louisa Northcott, before
she confessed murder, and was
sentenced to San Quentin prison
for life, of an English Lord being
the father of Gordon Stewart
Northcott, was given slight cre
dence in a communication from
Mrs. R. Humphries of Strathroy,
Ont., to a newspaper here.
Mrs. Humphreys said an Eng
lish Lord did not exist In the life
of Mrs. Northcott, her sister, but
that the man referred to was a
r-ember of her father's family. She
exnressed belief that Mrs. North.
cott is Insane but that "she would
gladly go to prison with a smile
on her face If she thought in so
doing she could save her ion."
Henry S. Johnston Remains in
Office Pending Action by
Upper House
19. CAP) Under fire charges of
impeachment adopted by the Okla
homa house of representatives.
Governor Henry 8. Johnston con
tinued today to administer the ex
ecutive affairs of the state. Sus
pension from office, asked by the
house committee on Investigation
which returned ten Impeachment
articles against the governor yes
terday, awaited the action of the
senate which Is the constituted
court of1 Impeachment. It was ex
pected that the Impeachment
charges would be submitted to the
senate, the governor, elevating the
Lieutenant Governor W. J. Hol
lowav. to his office pending trial.
The supreme court decision, hand
ed down during, the lmpeacnment
proceedings against J. C. Walton,
ousted governor. In 1923, holds
that suspension Is automatic.
Governor Johnson today signed
a bill appropriating $100,090 for
the salaries and expenses of mem
bers of the legislature. His only
recognition of the impeachment
charges was a statement to tne
Associated Press, declaring there
was no merit In them and that
committee appointments and oth
er favors had been used by anti-
administration . leaders to obtain
votes for the articles.
(By the Associated Press)
The house was In recess but
Its ways and means committee
continued with tariff revision
- The senate decided to vote
Monday on the jtomlnatlon of
Roy O. West to be secretary
of interior. .
- President Coolidge signed the
Porter bill to establish farm tor,
federal prisoners addicted to
drug habit.
- Senate commerce committee
continued hearings on bill pro
posing plan for regulation ot
the bituminous coal industry.
' .Prohibition leaders expressed
amatement over Secretary. Mel
Ion's opposition to big Increase
for ' prohibition J enforcement
T President-elect Hoover pnt In.
a busy day;- calling at White
House;: addressing meeting in
Belgium over telephone-radio ; ;
prepared for departure for Flor
Ida. - - - r.
Telegram Hints at Insincer
ity In Part of Secretary
of Treasury
Zeal and Eagerness to Sup
port 18th Amendment
Declared Lacking
(AP) Three prominent dry
leaders In a telegram addressed
to Secretary Mellon today re
quested -"a prompt reconsidera
tion' by the treasury department
head of his refusal to endorse an
additional appropriation of $25,-
000,000 for the enforcement of
The dry "leaders declared in
their communication, read in the
senate by Sheppard, democrat.
Texas, the author ot the 18th
amendment, that unless Mr. Mel
lon rescinds his disapproval of the
Increase, questions will inevitably
arise whether ' the treasury de
partment "sincerely desires effi
cient enforcement" and whether
it is able to develop an adequate
Churchmen Sign
Brief Communication
Tho telegram was signed by
Bishop James Cannon, chairman.
and Eugene L. Crawford, secre
tary of the board of temperance
and social service of the Metho
dist Episcopal church. South, and
Bishop Thomas Nicholson, presi
dent of the Anti-Saloon league.
"It will be difficult for the av
erage citizen to believe," said the
communication, "that there Is
much seal or eagerness on the
part of the secretary of the treas
ury to secure adequate enforce.
ment if he refusd this opportun
ity to develop and carry out an ad
equate program."
The opportunity referred" to is
an amendment to the pending de
ficiency supply hill by Senator
Harris, democrat, Georgia, to pro
vide an additional $25,000,000 for
proniDiuon enforcement.. . ;
Mellon Cautions
About Appropriations
Secretary Mellon, writing to the
senate after the Harris proposal
was approved by the senate ap
propriations committee, declared
it would not be advisable to make
the money available until a sur
vey were conducted to determine
the most advisable way to spend
After the dry leader's telegram
was made public Senator Harris
declared himself highly gratified
with this additional support for
his proposal. Especially, he added.
was he gratified to learn
that the president of the
(Turn to page 22, Please.)
Anti-Saloon league had "repudi
ated" r. Scott McBride, superin
tendent of the league, for "joining
forces with Secretary Mellon
against the Increase.
Senator Harris declared (that
McBride at first had Indorsed the
increase but had changed his posi
tion when Secretary Mellon an
nounced his disapproval.
ASTORIA, Ore., Jan. 19.
(AP) Joe Gorman's home In
Grants Pass, Ore.-, has been saved.
A little more than $700 was
realised here tonight in the bene
fit boxing show staged for the
purpose of raising $883.70 with
which to pay m mortgage on the
veteran boxer's home. .
Every bout on the card tonight
finished a draw, but the tight,
ers furnished . the crowd which
Jammed the auditorium with a
barrel toll of fistic thrills.
Even veteran Joe and Danny
Nunes, traded a few stiff punches
in their three round bout. Bob
Mariels and Mickey Rocksoh.
heavyweights', topped the card.
Boys? Wine Bout
On Chilly Night
Has Bad Effect
Drinking wine at Painter's
woods late on a near.xero cold
night had a bad effect on three
Salem' youths, according , to - the
story one of them told after they
had been arrested on, a charge of
stealing a motor rone ironr an au
tomobile belonging to O. N. Tones.
Fones saw the trio take the robe
and followed them to the home of
Bill . Barrett . In North Salem, : he
told the police. The officers found
one of the boys, , Russell Stelver,
wrapper up In the robe and asleep,
but . all' three ; disclaimed ' any
knowledge!' of how It came there.
After all , three had been locked
up. Stelver called one of the offic
ers and related that after the wine
party,, he had remembered nothing
until awakened In Barrett's home.
Stelver's address Is 124 S North
Cottsge street: the: others are
John Diets.- Salem - route t. and
Pat Jurvell, 2570 Hasel avenue.
Beauties Cause Worry
W "' ' n
v I X i'j;
-i -P " lis
v v Sfc : :-:-.-ess. fcjeS' v
When it conies to solving national and international questions
of politics and diplomacy. Will Rogers, cowboy humorist of Clare
more, Okla., never admits himself stumped. But the young women.
above, frankly have him worried,
his job to decide which is the fairest co-ed at the Oklahoma A. and M
college at Stillwater. Above are four of the campus beauties. Upper
right. Bliss Geneva Harrell; . below, from left, Elizabeth Jagger,
Pauline- Britt and Virginia McClelland.
Jury Takes Fifteen Minutes
to Convict Youthful Col
lege Student
ATLANTA, Jan. 19. (AP) A
superior court jury here today
found George R. Harsh, wealthy
former collegian?" guilty of the
murder' ot Willard Smith, a drug
store clerk, and he was sehtenced
to die in the electric chair
March 15.
Attorneys for Harsh announced
that motion for a new trial would
be filed.
Harsh, scion of a wealthy Mil
waukee family, and frequenter of
exclusive clubs here, while attend
ing Oglethorpe university killed
Smith, 24 years old drugstore
manager, during an attempted
robbery October 18. He con
fessed, : but a plea of nof guilty
was entered by attorneys who
contended that he was a "con
stitutional psychopath," incapable
ot distinguishing right from
wrong. The state, holding Harsh's
confession but not using it, con
tended he was normal and deport
ed himself as would any criminal
hen he and Richard Gallogly,
collegiate companion, held up the
Smith drugstore.
The verdict at the end of a
trial of four days, came less than
an hour after Judge E.'B. Thomas
had delivered his charge. No rec
ommendation for mercy was
made, leaving no course except
imposition of the extreme pen
alty. It was reported that the
jury deliberated 15 minutes and
took one ballot.
Whole Town Lost
In Big Earthquake
LIMA, Peru, Jan.; 19. (AP) -
El Sol today says that the central
part of the Andean village ot
Huaeithlas collapsed suddenly and
many buildings disappeared in an
enormous crack In the 'earth. The
Inhabitants fled precipitately and
now are living under tents In the
neighborhood. t It is feared some
lives were lost. The cause of the
disaster Is unexplained. Jt .
Reid's Winning Ad
Draws Attention
The' text of the winning adver
tisements In a : national contest
staged In December by Rug Pro
fits, national, house organ, in
cludes an ad by C W. Retd .of
the C S. Hamilton ' store here.
Reld'a copy took third place.
Copies of the magaalne ' were re
ceived 4 locally last week. R.- J.
Betts - of Denver -won first . place
out of field of 249 competitors.
J g
as his photo above indicates. It is
Exposure to Fresh Air Fatal
to "Rip;" Funeral Ar
rangements Wait
EASTLAND, Tex., Jan. 19
(AP) "Rip" the horned toad
that was reputed to have lived
for 31 years sealed up in the cor
nerstone of the old courthouse
here is dead. Too -much exposure
to fresh air, some say, and Rip
caught his death of cold. i
The body was found late today.
Rip's head was protruding above
the carefully guarded leaves and
sand In which he had been hiber.
nating since his asserted emer
gence last summer from the stone.
witnessed by pastors and other
leading citizens, some of whom
signed affidavits to the genuine
ness of the veteran's removal. The
popular verdict was that lured out
by the sunshine, was chilled '"fa
tally. Details concerning the dispo
sition of the body have not been
The story told when Rip was
brought Into the public view was
that he was put into the corner
stone more than 31 years ago
when the old county building was
erected. The occasion for taking
him out. during ceremonies in
connection with a new courthouse,
was based on the tradition that
a west Texas horned "toad" can
live without food and water In
The citizenry claimed Rip. ac
tually had done so and scientists
over the country argued pro and
con for weeks...
Purchases Made Through
Control Board's Agency
Net Savings of $240,000
That the central purchasing
agency under the 'state board of
control has saved the state of Ore
gon more than 9240,000 in the
last year, is a statement In the bi
ennial report of the board of con
trol, filed with Governor Patter
son 'Saturday. :y'i'ty. :"H:'v:
The : report, srowed : f hat pur
chases for ' the year aggregated
3,112,S15. This does not inelude
purchase ot books tor the Oregon
state library and numerous other
Items ot considerable magnitude
whlah would r boost" the total - to
more than S3.000.000.,
"Experience,. In purchasing is
an Important factor - In thia de
partment, read the report; A
record is kept of each 1 purchase
made ot the price paid and of the
offers by the different . bidders.
Salem Among Few Locali
ties in. Pacific Northwest
Not Having Snow '
White Covering Three Feet
Deep in Portland; No
Relief in Sight
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19.-
(AP) Little relief from the win
try weather which struck the Pa
cific northwest late yesterdsy and
continued today was premised' to-'
night by the government meteor,
ologist. f
"White cold" with mercury to--ft.
bogganing to 20 degrees- above
was predicted for Oregon and the
southern portion of Washington.
Lowering mercury wae welcomed
in place of the raging bliztard
which swept the northwest last
As far south as Grass Vallev
and Yreka. Cal., came reports of
snowplows being employed to keep
roaas ana tracks open.
To the northward Centralis.
Longview, Yakima. Walla Walla
and other Washington cities re
ported from 15 to ,25 degrees
above with from one to five Inches
of snow. Longview reported a
minor "eilver thaw," making high
ways dangerous.
Schedules of Trains
Seriously Delayed
Southern Pacific trains were
held up at Klamath Falls. Ore.,
by nine-foot drifts while In the
Grants Pass region miners hailed
the snowfall because streams have
been unusually low.
Although Salem, Ore., experi
enced the coldest weather of the
winter, no enow fell there. Pendle
ton wheat groweTs welcomed the
blanket of snow before freezing
weather of five above set in.
Highway bulletins issued
throughout the day by. the, Ore
gon Motorists association Indicated
that practically every road in the
state and to the northward were
sheeted with Ice and chains were
necessary. Between The Dalle
and Hood River, Ore., the Colum
bia River highway was considered
extremely dangerous and guards
were posted.
Portlanders waded to. work to
day through three feet ot snow
and trolley cars maintained an ir- .
regular schedule.
By the Associated Press
Winter held sway over a "hirre
part of the"' western states. Tester-
day from the Rocky mountain re
gions to the Pacific coast, with
temperatures ranging from slight.
ly aDove zero to sub zero, and
rains, snow and hail whipping
over northern California and Ore
In Colorado the mercury turn,
bled zero ward last night, with pre
dictions that the thermometers
would register under zero, but
weather forecasters saw a possible
break today In the cold enap.
Similarly In Wyoming the tem
perature was under erozSgW
perature was under zero, but fore,
casts were that today would see
It soar to warmer levels. .
Residents of Montana were1 fold .
that their sufferings from sub zero
temperatures probably would con
tinue today.
Utah saw clear skies and mod
erate temperatures in most ner
tions of the state yesterday after
a twenty-four hour snow fall, but
colder weather was predicted for
today. . - - ;-
Southern Idaho and northern -Utah
were blanketed with , snow
ranging from six inches to two
feet in depth. -
. Weather In the Pacific north
west was below freezing, with no
relief forecast in that section al
though the blizzard which raped
Friday night had abated.
Predictions of even lower tem
peratures were welcomed in place
of the blizzard..
An experienced buyer will be able
to accomplish more, and at the r
same . time secure better results -j
and better satisfaction for the We- i
partment , , ( ,
Savings Especially On
Automotive Equipment ,
"The central purchasing egefct !
affected outstanding: savings tbf ,
the purchase of automotive equip- ;
ment. On - a .total of 25 bids eta i
automobiles Involving purcbaM
ot one to 12 cars on each bid the
total list . price., amounted to -SSS.flO.
The - purchases wMre
made for $74. ISC, or a reduction 4
from th established list price t! j
$14,844. - Even larger redaction )
were received . fn connection with
the purchase ot trucks and equip
ment. A saving of 17 per. ct-nt
- (Turn to page 12, Please.)