The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    The New Oregon Statesman, Salem: Oregon, Saturday Morning. January 19,1929
4 -
"- t:.f
-ri: fftra Irtcritiirkne
The institutions department of
-J the "Woman's club announce that
j r- : two programs will be presented
by divisions of this department.
: ' one program on Tuesday night
: "M ' and one on Wednesday night of
til ' next week.
will be presented by students of
Mrs. R. L. White's school of the
dance at the state school for the
.deaf. Music for this occasion will
i, :;i-pfr furnished by Mrs. White. Mm.
,G. L. Forge is chairman of this
L: f l"Tlion.
' The second program will be
Js" riven nn WnlncsiliT T(niitf -at
. .-.-v- -
the state school for the blind. The
students of Miss Carrol Dibble,
will give dramatic readings. Miss
Ruth How. ! instructor at the
school for the blind will give sev
eral vocal selections. This division
is under the supervision of Dr.
r Vanne Brown Tlbblts, chairman,
y ' " Of interest to members , of the
v : Woman's, club will be brief re
porta which will be given at the
j coming business meetings of the
f :. club. These reports will be in the
nature. of summaries. of the past
i. year's work done by each dlvl-
sion of the institutions department
p I and will be presented by the
chairman of each division. Those
from whom reports will probably
be presented are Mrs. Ray Far
. iner, chairman of the tuberculosis
hospital- division. Mrs. G. L. Forge
chairman of the deaf school divi
i , frion, Mrs. David Bsnnett Hill,
' chairman "of the boys training
- school division. Mrs. Fred Erixon
' chairman of the girl's training
school division and Mrs. J. A. Ber
nard!, chairman of the feeble
minded school division. Dr. Tlb-
bltts has already made her report
concerning - the school for the
it - blind at the last meeting of the
ft club.'
i! , . . - O
Luncheon Sponsored
For Students
The committees on world fel
lowship of the Willamette univers.
ity Christian associations spon
sored a lunch Wednesday evening
for the foreign students on the
campus. Over 30 students were
present for the. meal and for tbe
fc V discussion which followed.
r' Honor guests were Miss Emily
m 1h111ln frnm Snnlina Mlaa Illnv
1 aaoava jyay- V a aw w aa eaa, aa v p vaa70 aY a a BJ
Tsal and the Messrs Roderick
Chang end Franklin Chen of
China, Chai Whan' Lee of Korea,
and Patrick Dahlin of Sweden.
Mrs. F. G. Franklin and Mrs. S.
B. Laughlin were also guests.
The chief topic 6f discussion
was Ihe difficulty experienced by
foreign students who come to
America to study. .
. Mrs. Edwin P. Armstrong en
tertained at an attractive bridge
party for her club group in her
home on East Bush street Thurs
day afternoon. .
' Additional guests for the after
noon included Mrs. Paul Schmidt
of 'Seattle. Mrs. Carl Schneider.
Mrs.' Leo Dunn. Mrs. Reed Row.
land, and Mrs. John Stimpson.
. The prize for high score was
awarded to Mrs. Ra!ph Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Thorn en
tertained at a formal dinner dance
during the week. Carnations and
tapers in yellow centered the per
fectly appointed dinner table
where covers were laid f or twelve.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gregg (Hel
en Satchwell) of Belltountain are
l)eing felicitated on the birth of
a daughter, who has been named
Doris Jean, on January 19.
I Biet
By Lulu Huivt Peters MIX
flutfior Dfc and HeaUh'md Dietor ChildrerN"
"I have a little son aged eight
tears, who, the doctor says, has a,
Sad appendix that should come
ut, . However, he never com
plains of a pain there and seems
fZ Terr lively and full of pep. When
1 1 the doctor pressed on his right
4 '3 side, he Jumped Uttle and there
la fore .the doctor said his appendix
was affected. He is taking a med
i ielne before meals which the doc-
i ter. prescribed for him. " I dont
V want to have him operated on If
I can possibly help it. - Do you
think it advisable to take him to
another doctor, or have aa X-ray
taken? k
; "My husband" is under the Ira
presslonthat a person can never
live. -longer than 15 years at tbe
V 'most after the appendix is taken
r:T7 onf. Will, yon please advise me
1 if there is any truth In this, which
I he says he' read In a reliable mag-
jjy sulne. t . MRS. E.
..-"'"--. r.e
5 1 that Isn't urgent, a patient is Jus-
tifled tn j asking for a consulta-
f ; - Uon with -another surgeon. -In
-': -tps your case, I would ask for a con-
SUltatloa - with a children's spe-
- - flalist.,
.'. That a person cannot live long
j ijjr-ar. than 15 years after the appen-
y -ojx is taicen out, was not reaa in
a reliable magazine, as -your hu-
1 ., band thinkav Mrs. F. : It sounds
: i Hv.Iik a eultlstr r faddists'; maga
. I v sine.' 1 Itv is utter nonsense; no
;j itruth. In It at all. 1 . - ,
& '"t"?
.i- Mrs. B. has lost 46 pounds, but
she fs..stlll too fat in the hips and
thlghs.T What to doT , V j
This uneaual distribution of' fat
4 bothers a' great many. - The only
'r jthiag :lo do, .besides general re
"j. daction,v- is to' take special exer-r
Jrj eises , and massage . for; those arts
rxcepi we Dreasia). uooa exec
i clBes ior' the hips are Toillag -and
klcklagr and brlak walklnsr wllb
j lerig rstrtdes. You; have to; keep.
- them", up - for a long time before
yea begia to sea- results.' told
yea' f awoman friend of m1ie
hewaa verfat ealy around' ihe
OLIVE M. Doak.
Saturday .V '
Knight Memorial church
women will hold a .cooked
food sale at Glese-Powers.
Elk's club dance, in club
ballroom. "
State executive committee
meeting of the B. and P. W,
club at the Marion hotel at
3 o'clock.
A. A. TJ. W. ! luncheon at
the Gray Belle.
Salem Girl Reserve com
mittee ' meets for luncheon
and business meeting at the
Y. W. C. A. at 1 o'clock.
Luncheon - Cards
Is Dumb-Dora
Mrs. Neva Jackson and Miss
Ena Wooster were joint hostesses
for the Dumb Dora club Thursday
afternoon at the home , of Mrs.
Jackson on Falrvlew avenue. -i
One o'clock luncheon marked
the beginning of the afternoon.
Following this three tables of
"500" completed an enjoyable so
cial time.
, Guests present were Mrs. Har
ry Young, Miss Ellen Skoog. Miss
Harriet Wolf, Miss Alta Simmons.
Miss Mildred Durgan, Miss Gwen
doline Jennings, Miss Jessie Starr,
Mrs. Robert Rubeck, Mrs. Frank
Mooney, and Mrs. Lillian Elliott.
First prize for the afternoon
card score was given to Miss Har
riet Wolf, and second to Miss
Gwendolyne Jennings.
The club will meet again In two
weeks with Mrs. Ed. Kitchen.
Mrs. J. Miller
Hostess To Club
The Golden West club of the
W. B. A. met for a social evening
with Mrs. Jennie Miller at her
home on south 19th street Friday
evening. At the close of the eve
ning the hostess served dainty re
freshments to the guests. j
included in the group were the
Misses Alice Mee, Leota Carson,
Cleone Casement, Alberta Mills.
Bessie Bellinger, Winnie Mills,
Racbael Eppers. Constance Smart,
Ines Smith. Agnes Conenburg.
Lorraine Hoeb, Lena Cox, Reba
Smith, Flora Keeney, Myrtle John.
son, Florence Casement, and tbe
club supervisor and hostess, Mrs.
The officers for tbe club are
Alice Mee, president: Lorraine
Smart, secretary-treasurer; Win-
Hoeb, vice-president; Constance
nle Mills, song leader; and Cleone
Casement, press correspondent.
Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Malloy en
tertained in honor of their house
house guest4 Mrs. B. D. Bruce of
Hutchinson. Kansas, at a bridge
party In their home Wednesday
evening of this week.
Five tables of bridge during the
evening were followed by a late
supper at which Mrs. Grover Hill
man and Mrs. James Smith assist
ed the ffbstess. Carnations in pas
tel shades were arranged attract
ively about the rooms.
Prizes for high scores were
awarded to Mrs. Hillman.and Du
ane Gibson, Mrs. Bruce receiving
the guest prise.
The regular meeting of the
Business and Professional Wom
an's club of Salem will be held at
6:30 o'clock at the Gray Belle
Tuesday evening. Miss Beatrice
Walto nwill speak on some phase
of the work of the state parole
board, of which she is a member.
The university quartette will sing.
Miss Olive M. Dahl is in. charge of
the program.
Miss Dora. llcCUin of Eugene
Is the house guest this week of
Miss Helen Ney.
She took the kicking exer-
-klcking back and forth and
sideways -twice a .day, in relays
of 100; and in three months she
had kicked off three Inches. She
found that the exercise improved
her health. She did not need to
died. - -
Rolling Is a splendid exercise.
You can do this without becoming
dizzy ' if you . don't keep rolling
over and over. . Simply He on
your back and roll over until you
are on your back again;, then go
back. In this way you automat
ically compress and massage 'your
hips and abdomen. . Our exercises
for the trunk muscles will be ef
fective. The trunk muscles 'are
the mosf neglected muscles in the
body, and they should be exercised
vigorously every day because they
are so vital.' .J''
- Swimming-is very good. .
Write In for. our article .-on the
Atonic Abdominal Wall and if yeu
are in need of Instruction on re
ducing, ask for our pamphlet on
the subject. - r .
. ' - .- :- '
- .M. -If you. have catarrh with
an inflammation of the nasal sin
uses a the passage leading from
the nose) undoubtedly that' may
be parf of. tbe cause of some of
your halitosis, And tha - Uttle
pieces of whitish matter that you
caa-press out of your tonsils most
assuredly add more than a little.
These little masses i ara decom
posed material "made up of t tbe
epithelial cells cast. off from,' the
tonsils,' .rood' debris ana .germs.
You have what is known as cryp
tic tonsils.:. -You should be taking
treatments from a nose and throat
specialist for both your troubles.
i ? r?:i ii-1 a .- a ..V-vr---T.---; ,
K4Uor Jt0t : Br. lairs eaaso.'
. ctlasmoac, oor aivo porawoat avdvicawf.
-.Tour- CTuootlOBS. IX of general lntar .
'est, will-wa ajiaworow lw-ta-eolr-.
.tuHBan tara. Roquoota tor articles ;
muot-. to aatorasanisa ay a luiiy-
- sm I two la let cots xor een artioie. ,
' to ovr ooat of prhntlna aa4 handi
ilnS. For the psuao1 veduo-
in aatd ajaisrlwaT. IS oaeias In cwi..
Wilis fuily swtf adiraaaaa. ataaaped .
ojswaloro. swsjss, bo wooioowd. A--
Ur. yoaors, ns tan ar iaw -
Society Editors-.
Artisan Program
Delights Many j
Every third Thursday of the
month the Artisans hold open
house for members and guests.
Thursday night of this week was
no exception to this rule as was
proved by the many people who
gathered at the Fraternal Temple
to enjoy the program and social
evening which had bees planned
for them. I
Three numbers presented by
students of Prof. R. W. Hans Seitz
opened the program. Miss Nell
Morgan whose singing has delight
ed many Salem audiences sang a
vocal solo; Miss Marie Patton, the
youngest cellolst in Salem musical
circles.. gave a beautiful cello solo
and Mr. Victor Wolf, promising
young soloist, sang. Prof. Seitz
accompanied each one. f -
Following this opening group
was a dance by Miss Velma Luthy.
a very comic song by C, W. Reed
in costume, a vocal selection by
Miss Joan Evana and a violin solo
by Mr. Wallace Beckett. Joy Tur
ner Moses' accompanied each of
these numbers.
C. C. Aller of the Pacific Tele
phone, and Telegraph j- t ompany
gave a short interesting talk on
the proper and. easy use of tele
phones, and Judge O. P. Cosbow,
an Artisan of long standing and
chief justice of the supreme court.
spoke on the "Value of Fraternal
Dancing till a late hour follow
ed the program.
The next regular meeting of the
lodge will be a closed meeting held
Thursday night at. which time
there will be a surprise program.
Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood of Rose
burg will be the house guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Thorn for the
duration of the legislative session,
for which Mr. Lockwood is the
representative from Douglas coun
ty. Mrs. Lockwood is a sister of
Mrs. Thom. ; -
Parrish Hall Party
Decided Success
Games, cards, and stunts filled
Wednesday evening full of highly
appreciated events for the mem
bers and guests of tbe Businesf
and Professional Woman's clut
who met for a social party at ttu
Parrish' hall. ' ;
Prizes were awarded for th
various, events. Those i successful
in these competitive events were
Mrs. Florence Irwin, Miss Laurr
Hale, Miss Hazel Irons, Miss Im
Koon, Miss Pearl McVey, and
Mrs. S. H. Isherwood.
Refreshments concluded a ver;
jolly evening.
The hospitality committee which
planned this program are Mrs. Su
san Varty, chairman. Mrs. Mars
Cresnell, Mabel Needham, Nin
TerwlUIger, Mrs. Hector Adams.
Nell Morgan. Ethel Roberts, Elva
Fisher. Dona Alien, Nora Balrd.
and Ruth MeAdams.
Miss Nell Morgan sang two spe
cial vocal numbers which greatl
delighted her audience.
Peter's Adventures
ALL. was quiet in, the valley
now. Each turkey had tuck
ed 'his head under his wing
and was-dreaming of the things
that he liked best.
Peter heard Gobbler mutter In
his sleep something that sounded
very much like "Seed corn, yellow
corn, sweet corn, nice fresh corn,
and plenty of It."
The. boy giggled softly lest he
disturb his friend. Turkey, like
all the rest of the birds be had
known, thought that his own
"tummy" was the most, important
thing In the world. He couldn't
forget it, even in Dreamland.
Peter, cuddled comfortably
among Gobbler's 'soft feathers,
watched the Man in Moon .riding
slowly along the Road of Stars.
"Lazy . Mr. Moon," murmured
the boy, drowlsily. "No wonder
you keep smiling, with nothing to
do hut sail through the clouds!
But don't you get lonely, with no
one to talk to?
"Where Is the Moon Lady to
night, and what has happened to
the other half of your golden car?
Only a few evenings ago it was
big and round, and now it looks
for all the world like half n
. , "Why, Mr. Moon, do you al
ways ride at night? Everybody it
fast asleep now, or wlI be soon,
and you would see lots more in
the. daytime.
'.'"Do you love the darkness be
cause it makes you. so bright that
every one just has to loot at you,
to make
tables even more appetizing
The taste of nearly all good foods is
. V improved with sngar, . ,
... :;sn- sci tib. . j- who (viuhku.isvkivwiuhi, as
. least, of sugar should be added to one tcaa of toaatoes to develop 1
the tastr and make them palatable'Tand dslicions. The flavor" of ;
canned peas is improved byj adding one-half td one teaspoonf ul
of sugar to'each caa, and for string beans add one-fourth to one-
half - ttaspoonful per can. The general rnls: is that ail canned f
vegetable! should b aweetentd to taste so that they wjll bsr
; tnorf jnjorable. ' ; $ l,c t w-'."
t 'i A f nationally ; recrgnlted i medical--authority says, , ;"r y.
"canned toraatoes aitsr. three -years were as rich invttanvns as
rsw; tomatoes
soUl ras strawberries in yitasoln content.-: He .names numerors
' ether canned I riutsand vegetables' hd air - were' " locnd rich.
I ip vitamins.-"'- r '"""'"'" - f -;-; i .- . y
" Welcoene" the castned. fods;'to your 'table. - To do so -i to
'welcome health'toywur hisw lt sUorty ef varied, aoori?iin;-.y j
feeds sweetened fof tsete aiid.iwst .A'btt- f 'sweet makej ta
" 'Tssil eoiletfcTIir Sugar In Jtule. . I
Special Meeting
For B. P. W.
- Club
, A specially J called
committee meeting of the Business
and Professional Woman's club
will go into executive session at
3 o'clock at the Marion hotel. Miss
Mozelle Hair, state president, will
District meetings are held reg
ularly over the state but at such
times there is not time to accom
pllsh all business brought up for
consideration and in order - to
meet - this situation this special
meeting has been called In Salem
On Sunday morning Dr. Mary
B. Purvine, vice president of the
tate organization . will give a
treakfast at her home honoring
he state board officers and the
chairmen of the committees -which
have - been in attendance at the
Saturday committee meeting. Miss
Josephine Shade, local chapter
iresldent will assist Dr. Purvine.
Following the breakfast any un
finished business left from the
pecial committee meeting will be
Business Club
Elects 1 929 Officers -
The regular monthly meeting
if the Kafoury Klerks' Klub was
ield at the club rooms of Kafoury
Brothers store Tuesday evening.
At dinner, for which covers for
?S were laid, talks were made, by
Mr. N. C. Kafoury and others.
Following dinner an election of
f fleers for 1929 was held. Of
ficers elected were, - president
Miss Alice Vandevort; vice presl-
lent; Miss- Gertrude Williams;
ecretary-treasurer, Miss Frances
3ande. A Standing committee was
xppointed by tae president. They
ire: refreshments. Elma Llbbv:
ntertalnment, Betty Heibert:
publicity, C. W, Cook.
Mrs. Etta Hodge entertained
he Past Noble Grands at a "kid
patty in her new home on Che-
meketa street Wednesday evening.
Alter an entertaining program
he hostess served refreshments.
assisted by Mrs. Amy Mills and
Mrs. Alma Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, par
ents of Dr. Earl Scott' of Oregon
City, were entertained in the Earl
Scott home in Oregon City last
eek-end. On Saturday Mr.
Scott and, his son .motored to
Scotts Mills where Dr. Scott was
nstalled as Noble Grand of the
Odd Fellows chapter there.
Representative and Mrs. Allan
Bynon and children, Ailsa and
Buddy are at the E. Hofer home
luring the legislative session. Mrs.
Bynon is the daughter of Col. and
VI rs. E. Hofer.
Representative and Mrs. Joseph
?cott have taken an apartment at
he Embassador for the legislative
session. Mrs. Scott has been it
arith flu since her arrival in Salem
but is now recovering nicely.
or are you afraid that if you trav
eled in the light one of these fine
days you might bump into the Sun
and be knocked out of the skies?
But you couldn't yon know, for
you and Sun are both going the
same way and Sun bowls along so
fast thati you could never catch
up to him.
"How I wish I could get up
there to talk to you. Moon! There
are lots and lots of things I want
to ask. You must be very, very,
wise, Mr. Man In the Moon!'
Lower and lower dropped the
boy's head, his drowsy voice trail
ed off into silence. Tbe Sandman
only needed to throw a few more
grains into his eyes and Peter
would have been sound asleep.
Suddenly, while he was staring
at it through half-closed eyelide,
the .light of the Moon went out.
The boy straightened his nodding
head with a jerk and wide open
flew his eyes.
Mr. Man in the .Moon was
laughing at him and the golden
car glided smoothly on Jusf as
brightly shining as before. There
wasn't a cloud in the sky. What
had happened?
The boy was puzzled. He hadn't
been asleep, so certainly he hadn't
been' dreaming, and yet he was
just as sure that -for a moment
Lsomethlag had hidden the . Moon
from his sight as he was that, he
was sitting oa Gobbler's back. It
was queer! Could there -be any
thing wrong?
Next: "Peter Sees a Ghost."
cannea veee
SCIENCE how knows that the great majority :
of the canned- fruits-artd vegetables on the i
market today are rich in vitamins. V
This Is great news to all who wish to bs well
fed and healthy. In ordtf that "your family t
may relish these healthful foods," be sure that
they are served io the most appetising way.,
possible. For example, add one level teaspoon- $
ful of sugar to one can of corn when heating it
canned Vstawberries 'were also found - to-
'Th Church ia Enclewood." 17th
od.Xebratka street, tu W. Biddte, pas
tor. Bible school 10 - a. m. Lesson,
"Christ, the Savior." Morning- wor
ship 11 a. m. Object sermon, "The Tour
Gospels." Rct. and Mrs. U. W. Bi4dk
will sing. ''Kins; of Love My Shepherd
Is," by Jeroaae. Junior C. C,
p. as. Senior C 6:30 p. m. Topic,
S,Bf tha Good in Mea Everywhere."
rwjo oa:iey is lae leaner. r.trmn wur
aip 4T.-30 p. jn. Sermon, " Wht Man
ner of Persons Ought Te to be!" Come
thon with as and we will do thee good.
Meet Sunday at 11 CO Broadway from
2:30 to 4:30 p. m., for Bible study.
Center aa Liberty. Snnday school
t:45. . E. Neer, Sopt. Morning wor
snip 11 Om, According to Jesus.
Evening service 7:30. "That Something,
is it Sossess! Moving pictures mclud
ing the latter part f "That Something."
and heautifnl reel ef Indian picture!
describing religions customs among the
piaekfeet Indian of Montana. Chareli
E. Hard, minister.
Midnight Supper
After Fri-ni-da Dance
Ml and Mrs. Oscar D. Olson
and Dr. and Mrs. C .W. Emmons
entertained at a midnight sapper
at the Spa Friday night following
the Fri-ni-da club costume dance
at the Castlllian hall. - ' '
Included in the group were Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Wolgamott, Mr.
and Mrs. W. It. Newmyer. Mr. and
Mrs-Earl Burch. Mr. and Mrs.
James Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mre.
Kenneth Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Smith, and Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Gregg.
Complimenting Mrs. Robert
McMurray of Portland, Mrs. Frank
Sears entertained a email group
of friends at bridge and tea Fri
day afternoon.
I Household Hints
j arv msi msmv momton
Potato Soup with Toasted
Bread Sticks
Baked Fillets of Bass
Hollandal8e Sauce
French Fried Potatoes
Cabbage Salad
Sliced Oranges and- Bananas
Nuts Coffee
Opportunity Is offered in this
menu to use up the stale bread
by cutting it into strips and toast
ing it to accompany the soup.
This soup makes a good start for
a meal where leftovers are to be
Totlaj-'s Receipts
Potato Soup Boll and mash
three small potatoes. Scald a
luart of milk with two slices of
anion, add to the potatoes, and
Urain back into the double boiler.
Bind with three tablespoons but
ter and three tablespoons flour.
Season with one and one-half tea
spoons celery salt, one-eighth tea
spoon pepper nd a few grains of
cayenne. Now add a teaspoon of
fresh chopped parsley. Serve at
Watch the Gas
Here are some reasons why tfTe
domestic gas bill is ometimeci
larger than it need be, says the
New York State Committee on
Public Utility Information:
Because tbe giant burner on
the range Is used when a smaller
one would do.
Because two burners are lighted
together and one kept burning for
some time before tbe food is
ready to be cooked on it.
Because tbe food is taken off
the stove and tbe burner is left
Because the gas oven Is used
fo heat the kitchen and dry damp
Because a worn-out range Is
used, with burners out of adjust
ment. Because food and water are
permitted to boll furiously, al
though they would cook as fast
with the burner turned down.
Because burners are not . kept
Because cooking utensils larger
than are needed are used.
Because open vessels are used.
consuming five times as much gas
as closed vessels of the same size.
Because the gas flame is not
protected from side-drafts.
Because a gallon of water is
heated when only a pint Is needed.
mkmszJBi 1 Sittity School Rally
i ZJ
.-;:-. :'-e
v r
V V ,
' 1 v X
Corner Marion and Liberty street. RoV
ert L. Iayne, pastor. Fred fcroer. Sunday
school Supt. and director of masie. Louise
Fincley, organist, Sunday school S:45
with five departments. Morning preach
ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon topic:
"Having the Sympathy of iesun," also
sermonette for children. Three Baptist
young people's meeting 0:30 p. m. Eve
ning preaching, service, 7:30 o'clock.
Sermoa topic "flow We Know the Bible
ia Troe," Special .gospel music by the
choir. Prayer meeting Thursday eve
ning at 7:80.
Crner ISth and Ferry streets, block
outh. and block east Supreme Court
Bldg. Sunday afternoon, S o'clock. Eva
M. Jennison speaks on "Ditcb-ttggen
uid-Dabbiers." Mrs. Jennisoa was for
nerly a missionary in . the South Sea
islands. - Special vocal musie ia to be
-endered. - Snnday school prereeing at
1:43 p. m. Roy C. Ferguson. Supt. Eve
ning gospel service, 7:30. Sermon theme,
"Broken Rock or Powder. Whieht'-' by
the pastor. The singing, the masie and
Uia- meisage will be a help to yon. A
welcome -for yon to each of these ser
vices. Earle V. JennUen. pastor. Eva
it. - Jennison. assistant. - New address.
1196 Marion street, phone 2050-M.
I ,
"Life" will be the subject of the lev
on-sermon in First Church of Christ,
Scientist, which is branch of The
Mother Church, The First Church of
Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Ser
vices sre held Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock.
Sunday school convenes at 11:45 far the
older classes and at 11 o'clock for tbe
younger classes. The Beating room is
maintained at 408 Masonie Temple where
the Bible and all authorised Christian
Science Itireatura may be read, borrowed
or purchased. All are invited to attend
the services and to use the Keading
Cottage and. Chemeketa ttreeta. The
Rev. Martin Ferrer, minister. Church
school at 10 a. in. Graded instruction.
Devotionsl service at It a. m. Subject
of the sermon. The Dance of Life.
Mrs. Martin Ferrer, contralto soloist of
tho church, will offer as a solo, "How
Beautiful are the Mountains." by Scott.
Offertory solo for violin. "MeWy in F,"
Kubenstein, Miss Eleanor Wagstaff, con
tralto solo, with violin oblieato. "Beside
the Still Waters,' Mrs. Ferrey and Miss
warttaff. Mrs. W. A. Denton at tbe
organ. ,
Corner of Chemeketa and N. 17th. Pas
tor: G. E. Erskine. Res. 26S X. 17th. St.
Phone. 1068 W. Services. 11 a. m. and
30 p. m. Sermon tonics: "Tbe Com in r
Again of Jesus Christ." and "Making
Excuses. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Sunt..
O. R. Strausbangh. Christian Endeavor
6:30. Mid-week prayer service Thursday
evening at 7:3Q.
420 State street. Meetinc Tuesdav.
Thursday, Saturday at 7:45.
:30. 7:45. Saturday evenine will be
Hrother l-me last meeting with ns. On
his return as a missionary to China.
Come out and worship with us. All
welcome. J. M. Smith, castor. 680 S.
12th street.
16th and A street. H. V. Gross, pas
tor. English service 9:45. German. 11
Sundsy school: English st 9:O0. Eible
vtudy 6:30 p. u.
West Salem. Corner Girth avenue, and
Third street. Meredith A. Groves, pas
tor. Kes. 975 EUgewater St. Phone
1341 it. Services: Sunday school 10
a. m. Morning worship 11 a. tn. Junior
lesgue 11 a. ni. Intermediate league
n:ou p. m. eDior Lesgue 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30. Sermon topics:
Morning. "The Vhitene. Harvest." Mrs.
Groves class of girls will sing. Evening.
"The Shsdow of Influence." Mrs. Guy
Xewgent and Harold Cook will each sing
a solo. The pastor will preach at both
North Winter and Jefferson streets.
Pat,tor, Harry E. Gardner. Res. 660 Jef
ferson. Phone 2234 W. Services: 11 a
m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "Time
Thrift." Evening, "Waa Jesas Easvt"
Music: "Is It Nothinr tw-Youf" bv the
choir and ,"When You -Know Him ' bv
the mixed quartet in tbe morninr and
'He is Able and Willing" by tbe choir
n the evening. Mrs. Sheldon Racket!
directing. Sunday school S:45. Supt.. H.
B. Csrpenter. Young people. Wesley Jr..
High, High School league sessions st
6:30. Auult Forum also at 6:30. gat
urday Miss Ho Iritis Brown of Portland
will meet the officers and teachers of
tbe church school for the round table
work. At 3 o'clock the primary work
ers and at 6:30 tbe intermediate, senior
High and center streets. IX J. Howe
pastor. Res. 756 N. Cottage St. Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton E. Jackson, assistants?
Res. 967 X. 5th. Bible achool 9:45
a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. 8olo.
"It Is Enough." from Eliiah, bv Victor
Wolfe. Sermon. "The ftlnrv ' f k.
Church," pastor. Christian Endeavor,
6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:80 o'clock.
Anthem, "Guide Me. O Thou Great Je
hovsh," (Clsrk) soprano solo. Roth
Howe. Sermon. "Except Ye Repent."
pastor. Regular Wednenday evening
prayer meeting, 7:80 o'clock.
Corner of Hszel and Ai-iJam. . ... .
Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Albert Copley will
d i i. XI '"ornm na the Rev.
Ralph H. 8. Wnlverton in the evening
Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Xorth Cottage and 1). streets. G W
Rutseh, minister; G. Srhunke. axtistant
minister. Suncay achool 0:45 a. m Sam
chtrman. Supt. Service 11 a. m. Topic:
uT" ?.r,? Ptures and Refreshing
tf"- The second sermon on Twentv
third Psalm. Tho Women'a Ui....
k-, ' .a
toeiotv maata ia tha ehnreh at 2:80 p. as.
Evenina- sarviea at 7:80. Topic; "The
Little rosea." All aarvicea ceatdueted ; In
tiexman. , . . I
Thirteenth and Center streets. P. J.
Sehnert, pastor, 774 N. Winter street
Phone 6SO M. Martin Sehreiber. Snday
school Hunt Kundsv school session at
.4-J0 a. as. Morning' worship at 11 o'clock.
Epworui league meets at 7 cioca.
State and loth streets, tha Rev. A. L
Heine, pastor. German services at" 9 :45
a. m. and English service at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 8:40 a. m. Martha
Batterman, Supt., Religious school 8at-
Lnrday at 9 a. m. Lather league social
gathering at the home of August moi
durft. v
15th and Mill street. Patrik N. Dahlin.
pastor. Morninfc service 11 o'clock. Jer-mon-
topic: "My Opportunity.", Church
school 9:45 a. zn. Misa Esther Erickson,
Supt. Epworth league, 6:30. The leader
a Miss Esther Erickson. The -topic is
"The Industrial System at it Affects
Personality. Evening worship at 7:30,
he pastor in charge.
The Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor. "Meet
ing Jesus at the Community Canter,"
which subject will be disenased by the
.tastor in his sermon at 11 a. an. Insta
at on service of the newly elected mem
bers on the church council. Church Bible
school at 9:45, graded ctnsea for a
ages. The evening services at 7:30
"The March to Nebo and tbe Conquest of
Canaan in pictures through the Hible.
Luther lescues at 0:3O. Dorth Roga
leader of senior group and Edward Ut
iird leader vf in termed I ste group.
Corner of Chemeketa and Winter
streets. The Rev. Norman K. Tully 1). 1).
pastor. Church school 8 30 a. m. lie
E. Barrett. Supt. Morning worship 1
o'clock. Sern:on. "Present Day Rever
ence," Dr. Tally. C. K. societies have
their meetings at 6:30 p. m. This Sunday
we are exchanging leaders with the Young
feopie ot Knight Memorial church and
the Intermediates of Jason Lee. Evening
worth ip 7:30 p. m. sermon. The-Big
fsrade. Music by the junior choir.
Church street at Chemeketa. The Rev
H. Duncan Chambers, rector. Second
Sunday alter Epiphany. There wHI be
the usual services at the vsual -hours,
7:90 a. m. in tbe chanel and 11 a. m
n the church. Tho church school meets
at V:45.
Corner Hfgbland and Church. Pastor,
Edgar P. Srmt. Res. 2345 Maple avenue
Phone 2939W. Services 11 n. m. and
7:30 p. m. Eible school 10 a. m. Supt.
J. M. Gardner: Earl M. Beckett. Asst.
witn classes for all ages. Junior C. E.
5:30. Senior C. K., 6:80. Bible clas
ted by pastor. All are welcome to out
Corner State and Cuhreh. Paasnr V r
layior. Kes. 636 State. Phone, 974. Di
rector religious education,. Margaret K
Sutherland, ohona S72. Service It mt
and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "How
the Pew and put tbe Poll in the Pulpit"
or "Laymen in Action." Evening topic.
"James. Surnamed Bannerges.-" Specie!
music: Prof .-Roberts at tha or ran "Pre
lude in C." by Gaul, and "Melody" bi
Calkin. 8olo. Wendell Robia nil 4 ricaa
Shine," Scott. Church school. 9:4.'
. ra.. Classes for all ages. Epwortl
vague, university cnapter, a missionary
rea at :au. Uevot-onel topic, "Around
ine worm m tbe Methodist Hymnal.'
Mrst cnurcb chapter, topic, "Personalit?
no inoustry.- Exchange leadership
Junior high chapter. "Comparative Keli
tfiens. Junior church, "Missions ai
Home," Miss Lucile Hixon.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W
G. Lienkaemper- pastor. Sundav schoo
st 9:45. P. E. Kruse. Supt. English ser
vices at 10:30. Subject: "The Eternal
Basis of All Worship." German service
at 11:15. Ordination and installation of
lewly elected officers.
655 ferry street. Snndsy ehool begin
st 9:45: Walter W. Well. Rt a
cere stndy of the Word in everr class
Morning preaching service at 11 o'clock
ine installation service, which was post
poned from last Kunrfav will k. .
ed by the pastor during tbe opening ser
..-. -u ,or joia, by Benke wit
he sung by Miss Elvert Vinton s..i.
J"i f,hf. mfr: "A Willing Hear
sna Mind. Lnlers otherwise at to flaTI 11 ft a
Calvary Baptist Church
. (Grand Opera House, Cor. Court & High Streets)
Preaching 10:50 a. m. andljO p. m.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m. B. Y. P. U.'s :S0 p. m.
CANTATA BF.IHAZZAR will be repesleSyqiVt on Tnes-r
day eyenlns; of this week, at 7:30 p. m. -The eberHS -tholr will
be assisted by a number of Salem's Wpet 'jtopular soloists.
There will be no admission charge, A free will offering will
be taken Members of all churches are especially Invited to
hear the Cantata. '
W. EARL. COCHRAN, Ptrstdr.
" , aw-a--J
Church of the Nazarene
One Block South
' -
i : X ! QCCASIONi ft-:tl Jy .
Your Last Chance jto HMISii
T -i1 : : -1
A Seal For You If Yon
V-KiiNyiTEDICUM! r?z
on Sunday mora ing. tha evening servir
will be dismissed, again to joia with tha
Church of tha Naiarene ia tha closing der
viees of their revival,, which was held
over another week. - Young people's devo- ,
tional service ia tha Tabernacle at
o'clock Sunday evening. A heart f wel
come i given to . all who attend then
meeting. 3. O. Minton, pastor. rBea.
1840 N. Cottage SC . Phono, l7S-f.
Corner South Commercial and ' Wash
ington streets. Snnday services IS a.- m.
Sunday school, Mrs. Marguerite P. El
liott, superintendent. Morning worship
11 o'clock. Sermon: "Tho Eieellooey of
the Knowledge of Christ Jesus." Chris
tian Endeavor meeting. 6:80 p. aa. Topic:
"Seeing tho Good in Men Everywhere."
John 1:45-51. Evening worship. 7:Sr
Char lee O. Hawertfc, aaafdn. 1635 . S.
Liberty. ' .-
Court and 17th. F. Shoemaker, pas
tor. In tho, ajxenee ef the new minister.
M. J. RaaeosMF wU,tareaeh. Mem trig
subject, "Xho Simplicity of Salvariofr."
At 7:90 as aa Yaot.teod Lino. - kioio
school at4e.Ma.oar. 0. E. ot 6:SO
p. m. ;
(Methodist Episcopal)
Located oa South Commercial at M v-
ers. H. .Darlow Johnson, pastor. 848 ET.
Myers street. Phone 76. Morniir.-
worship st 11 a .m. Anthem, "Praise Yd
the Jxrd" (Ziesberg), sermon by tho
pastor on "Oar Potential Retoureec" '
Happy Evening Hoar 7:30 wit&. sosg awe
vice, special musie and sermon on "To
i Maa I'p a Tree." Sunday achool at
4:45 with opening exercise in each de
partment. Junior church league inv Lee
lie Hall at 11 o'clock, a worship and",
activities aea-iod for the-juniors. Juntor
errnon story -t fcy 4Jrmal Trick. Inter
nediate league (junior high) in social
room at 6:30. Margaret Leavenworth.
Sypt., senior league topic for tho 6:3 -hour
is "The Industrial System as' it
Effects Peraonality." - Asborv leagoo
trigh school) meets in Leslie hail and will
Se led bv Richard Baker. Leslie leenjoe
rn Live Wire room, Glen Huston, leader.
343 4 Court street. Psstor, O. f.
lobnson. Res.. 481 Union. Assistant pas
tor. Mrs. C. S. Johnson. Serviees S and
7.-30 p. m. Sunday achool 2 o. an. Week-
1ay services Tuesday, Thursday and Hat-
raay evenings.
Nineteenth and Ferrv streets. H. - C.
Jeover, minister. Sunday school at )"
a. m. c. C. rlsrnt. Supt. Morning wor
ship at 11. Male quartet, "Quit T.r.i
ike Men (Wilson. Sermon. "The
King with the Green Eyes." Christian
Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. At 7:80 the-pa-
or win speak- upon "Christ as Our Re
igion." The choir will sing "The Earth
s tbe Lord's" (Fear is).
Will bold services ot Frsternal Teas
le this Sunday eveninsr at 7:80 o'eloek.
The. Rer. I.uella M. LaValley will de-
iver an address on the ''Low of Swe
ets. " Messages, public eordiallv in
Corner Court and High streets. fOld
Jrand Theatre). W. Earl Cochran, pae
or. Bible school at 9:45. W. T. Je.
upt. Clssaoa .tog, .all agea with able
ftarhera Icaosag ja . the Bible stnd.
'reaching Mrwsnaa.atdO :50 a. nr. and
7:30 p. m. 8ohiet,.rf morninr aermon
What SaMI:2ot'.'--Evenine. "Wkai
Vnt I'Vaal'-wiah-nocisI music and the
-rlinsncvt4ooHieoxj the evening. B
t'. P. U. A(0r,Boajra-M-ker!s leading the
n termed iates and Hayes Beall aP the
la son Lee church leafing the seniors. The
'ston and Calvarv Baptist yoang
eople are exchang ng leaders for this'
eeting and Miss Zelda Harlan will bad
it Jason, accompanied by Miss Edith
tay Jenks and KeeTe Betts.
S. P. Lay ton. pastor. The illness-of
he pastor will not, interfere with the ser-
ices -this Sunday. - The Eible school will
hi held aa usual. L. L. Thornton. Supt..
lasses for all ages. Christian Endeavor
t 6:80 as usual. Midweek service Thurs
ay evening. A large attendance is de
red. Preaching both morning and eve-
ing by DrC. C Poling at 11 a. to. and
:30,p. m. A welcome to all.
Corner of Market and N. Winter streei.
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Herbert Han-
en. Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and
m. .Subject of morning sermon.' "Jeuh-
ha and Jesus a Comparison." Y. P.
eeting; at 6:30 p. m, with Emory Goede.
aador. Song service at 7:0. Regn't"
rayer n eeting Thursday 'evening. All
mi ted to these services. W. N. Coffee.
of Center on 19th
9:45 A. M.
Choir .WiU SIng-7
V.V .- .t '.- f
7:30 P. Mi
-x - -J;
. ,.'-.'. -,i -.. ,. i-, .ifl'T... .... . 1. ' . - j . r . -. .. i . r , , '