The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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The -Nem ,.QrejQn'':igtgf egmaii V alley- News-
DALLAS. Ore.; Jan.-18. (Spe
cial) The annual banquet of the
Dallas fir department was held
Wednesday : night In the dining
parlors of the Methodist church.
The banquet heretofore has been
provided by the department, but
this one was financed by the busi
ness and professional men ot the
town and the preparation and
erring was done by the women
of the, church. ;
There were 45 persona present.
Beside the firemen, there were
present members ot the state fire
niarsnai oince ana the. chief of
the Corvallis fire department; .the
mayor and members of the city
council, members of the county
court ana representatives ot the
re?s. . . ;
District Attorney W. W. Har
combe acted as toaatmaster. The
flrK talk waa an address of wel-l
come by Raymond' Syron, presi
dent ot the fire department.
Leif S. Finseth. was Introduced
by Mr. Harcombe aa the ""boy
mayor" of Dallas. Mr. Finseth
responded with the assurance that
the council would do all In power
to assist the department In its
work. ,
unaries i ayior oi saiem, a
niemDer oi me state lire mar
shal's staff, then gave a talk. Mr.
Taylor waa the one who lnvestl-
gated the fire at . Monmouth In
which three girls lost their Urea.
He gave the firemen some valu
able suggestions that will help
much in their work.
John -R. Allgord, D,r. Peterson
a,n(l J. J. Wick, all members of
the city council, gave brier talks.
The next speaker, waa E. J.
age. mmjer (Special) Officers of the
States Power company. He wakPolk county Beekeepers associa-
iouowcu ny i man-
ukci ui ma uii.a nnier com
pany. W. P. Miller also spoke,
Earl Richardson, editor ot the
Mte mizer-Observer, made a short
.-talk and was followed by George
L. Hawkins, county Judge.
Tom Graham, chief of the Cor
faills'tire department, gave a very
interesting talk after which Cap
tain Stokes of the state fire mar
shal's office gave a short talk.
Preparations were made tor a
much largerattendance, but ow
ing Ao the influenza and other
sickness many 'were unable to at
Immanuel Choir
Will Be Vested;
Buys Piano Too
SILVERTON, Ore.. Jan. 18.
(Special) The choir of the Im
manuel Lutheran church was en
tertained at the C. E. Jorgenson
home on Wednesday night for
their regular monthly businessj
meeting and social hour. Thirty
members of the choir and about
SO guesti were present, j
It was decided by the choir to
buy a piano for the church audi
torium, to be used in conjunction
with t Vw nlm nrtan and in the
AhnATicA of the omniat. I
? The members also voted to pur
i chase vestments, and a commit
11 tee was appointed to select the
Following tne business session,
music and games were enjoyed,
after which refreshments were
Mrs. G. Haskins
Dies; Funeral
Will Be Today
SILVERTON, Ore., Jan., 18.
(Special) Mrs. Grace Haskins,
aged 41, wife of Fred iHaskins.
passed away at their home in Sil
verton late Wednesday night. The
family has been in Silverton since
last September, coming here from
Besides her husband, six chil
dren survive: Vernita, Harold,
Merle, Frank, Mildred and Nor
ma. The funeral will be held on Sat
urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the Methodist church. Interment
will be In the Bethany cemetery.
' 5
"-I , '
ffofov (term
"Lydia E. PinkhamVVegcv
table Compound puts new life
into me ana makes my work in
the store and in the house
ffeefbre my baby came and am
always singing its praises to my
friendsv I recommend it for
girls and women f all ages. It
makes me feel like life is worth
living, my nerves are better
and 1 have gained pep and fed
well and strong.' Ma A. R.
Smirf 808 S. Lansing Street,
St. Johns, Michigan.
1 L tm
mm is wm
tiWmB (B!)!ll!Pl!!llii
Teachers Group
Holds Meeting ;
Program Given
SILVERTON. Ore., Jan. 18.
opeciai Tha Silverton Teach-i
era association held i its regular
monthly, meeting and social hour
on Tuesday night. Preceding the
business session, a short program
waa given, which included a vocal
solo, by Frances Nelson, "a piano
olo by- Jean Russell and a cornet
"J niawin nngiestac
Superintendent .Robert
outlined a number of bills which.
nave been brought before the leg
islature. ..
Among those mentioned, was
the bill Introduced to repeal the
bill concerning elementary school
Mr. Goetz explained r that the
object of this bill was to equalize
the burden ot school costs in the
various' districts throughout the
state. In case this bill Is re
pealed, school districts not hav
ing property of large assessed
valuation, will be called upon to
Increase the school tax on pri
vately owned property. Silverton
schools as weir as .most of the
districts in Marlon' county will,
therefore, be compelled to in
crease the present school lax. to
meet the requirements of this new
Following the business meeting,
refreshments were served.
Independence, ore., Jan
lioa were elected at a meeting
held this week at the home of Joe
Rogers, near Independence, near
Independence, as follows:
j Dave Bowman of Ballston, pres
ident succeeding F. I. Ferguson 9l
Eola, who has served two years;
Tom Bowman of Dallas, vice pres
ident; Mrs. M. R. Black of Inde
pendence, reelected secretary.
The amount of dues was re
duced from 1 to 50 cents, with
an additional 25 cents for mem
bership in the state association.
This was done under the new pro
vision in the state association's
constitution permitting the organ
ization of county branch organ
izations of the state body, by vote
of eight or more members of th'j
county group. It was also voted
to recognize all bee club mem
bers as voting' members in the as
sociation, without paying dues.
The beekeepers of this county
are planning a trip to Corvallis in
June. Prof. H. A. Scullen of O. S.
C. will cooperate in inviting all
beekeepers in the state whether
members of the association or not,
to join the caravan and meet at
Corvallis for a picnic dinner and
an afternoon inspecting the de
partments at the college, especial
ly the bee department.
Hacketts Hosts
To Friends at
Party Recently
LINCOLN, Ore.. Jan. 18. (Spe
cial) Mr. and Mrs. R. Joe Hack
ett were hosts recently to a group
of friends at their Lincoln home.
The evening was enjoyably spent
In playing five hundred, three ta
bles being in play. Miss Racheal
Buckles won high score prize. The
hostess served refreshments as
sisted by Mrs. J. D. Walling, Mrs.
Anna Nelger, and her daughters,
Margaret and Lucille.
Included in the guest group
were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Buckles
and daughter Racheal, Mrs. D. R.
Ruble, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walling
and granddaughter Dorothy Mott,
MrsTAnna Neiger, Mrs. D. Hen
dricks, Miss Jeanne Smith. Miss
Blanche Hackett, H. J. McKinney,
Lucille Hackett. Mary Hackett,
Alex Smith and Kasper Neiger.
Spanish Motii
Is Carried Out
At Club Affair
MONMOUTH, Ore., Jan. 18.
(Special) Mrs. J. B. Lorence and
Mrs. O. C. Christensen were hos
tetees Wednesday -afternoon for
the Social Hour club at the home
mm rhristensen. A largo crowd
of members and gueBts enjoyed j
thn nleasant affair wnicn was rep-
resentative of a Spanish afternoon.
The rooms were gayiy aecoraiea
with colored balloons and other
bright and characteristic ornature.
Miss Dyer," an Oregon Normal
girl student, gave two Spanish
.A. with Miss Alice Curl at
the piano. A trJo of piano, cello j
and accftrdlan reaturing ansae
Long, Sletcher and Blackerby,
pleased with several Spanish num
bers. Miss Marguerite Rarlck, an
other student, was heard In two
interpretive readings. -
Hot famales and coffee provided
a realistic conclusion of the after.
Hayesville Club
Holds Meeting
At Fiiis Home
HAYESVILLE, Ore.; Jan. 1-
(Special ) The Hayesville Wom
an's club met at the homo of Mrs.
William Fitta Thursday afternoon.
Twenty-three members attended.
Interesting suggestions on cake
making were discussed. The mem
bers ; also enjoyed ! a demonstra
tion of the making of Imitation
flowers from beads, by Mrs. Jean
Kaiser.' - ' - -
After a luncheon, the club ad
journed to meet again January SI
The New
BROOKS, Ore., Jan. 18. (Spe
cial) The Climbers' club, which
consists of the upper grade pupils
of the Brooks public school and Is
under the supervision of : Princi
pal Wayne Harding and Interme
diate teacher. Miss Letta Wallace,
haselected officers for the next
tirweeks as follows: President.
wrence Susie ; ' vice president.
Millard Henny; secretary. Billle
Cofflndaffer: monitors for clean
ing the school yard,Frank Tsch-
ida and Charles Hess. j
Flag monitors this week are.
Charles Snowley and Oren Glen
8turgis; health monitor, ilvorine
Sturgia; ' desk monitor.! Curtis
Cofflndaffer. These monitors for
cleaning the school yard, putting
up the flag, for health and clean
ing desks are appointed - each
week. jv.
One new pupil waa enrolled in
Principal Wayne Harding's room
this week: Harold Goodwen, a
seventh grade pupil. i .
There are two new pupils this
week In the Intermediate room
which is taught by Miss Letta
Wallace. They are Paul Woolery
in the third grade, and Irish
Isham in the fifth grade, i
Monitors in the primary room,
which is taught by Miss- Doris
Wood are Delphine Loomis, and
Stanley Nelson. j
Pupils who have their names on
the honor roll in Principal Wayne
Harding's room, not being absent
or tardy for -the past month and
having received grades above 80.
are as follows: Kraid Ashbaugh
Vray.Asbbaugh. Bessie Aspinwall,
Tommy Ogura, Earl Ramp. Mar
tha O'Nell. Albert Harris, Gladys
Otto, Elliot Fuller. Robert Sulli
van, j v
The honor roll for the interme
diate room, the third, fourth and
fifth grades, under the sunervls
ion of Miss Letta Wallace, include
Gladys Epley, Leo Ramp, Clara
Umenoto. Milly Tschida. Lewis
Fuller. Frank Tschida. Irvine Sul
livan, and Dorothy Nelson.
iu primary room wnicn i is
taught by Miss Doris Wood has
the following names on the honor
roll: Everett Mendenhall, Milton
Scheuerman, Flynor Fuller. Ern
est Ogden, Willey Sullivan. Violet
Snowley, Patty Wilson, Stanley
Nelson and Chester Nelson.
Girl is Injured
As Dress Burns
I GERVAIS, Ore., Jan. 18 (Spe
cial) wnue she was standing
near a stove at her home one eve.
nlng recently, the dress of Marian;
the small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ted- Nibler, accidentally
caught on fire. She Immediately
ran out of doors where her bro
thers were and they succeeded in
putting out the flames. 'Her left
side was severely burned, a spot
the size of a dinner plate being
left. She does not. know exactly
how her dress caught on fire. She
is reported recovering rapidly
from the burn.
Typing Students
Receive Awards
GERVAIS. Ore.. Jan. If.
(Special) Students at the Ger
vais high school who took the
Remington and Underwood speed
tests In the typing class On Tues
day and Wednesday and received
awards were: On the Remington,
Ross Moore, Agness Leith, the sil
ver pin; on the Underwood, Rose
Leith and Agness Leith the bronze
pin. Every pupil in the typing
class is working hard for these
awards which are given each
SILVERTON. Ore., Jan. 18.
(Special) The Misses Sibyl
Wella. Louise Medler, Clara Lar
son, Gladys Whitlock and Cather
ine Gaylord ot Silyerton attended
the banquet of the Chemeketan
Hiking club in Salem Tuesday eve
ning. V V
4 departures dally at this'
big saving. World's greatest
:. motor coach system assures
safety,, comfort,, lowest
fares. All cars pleasantly
, heated. :. . .-:
-",'!: Other Low Rates
VREKA $975
CHICAGO 903.45 . r
Dp Sanatar HoWl
Oosit and Hlg St.
PakM S
0D0 FELLOWS flf.'D
SCOTTS MILLS. Ore., Jan. 18.
(Special) Ivy Rebekah lodge
No. 101 held installation of offic
ers Tuesday evening in the I. O.
O. F. hall.
The following were Installed to
fill the chairs for the coming
term of six months: Noble grind,
Christina Lime; vice-grand, La
Verne Rich; recording secretary.
Edith Hogg; financial secretary,
Cora Rich; treasurer. Zella Smith;
right and left supporters to noble
grand. Lena Skirvln and Mayme
Monarch Piano 'Golden Oak Finish.' Like new. Special
Price with
A. B. Chase 'Used' Mahogany Finish. Would cost you
new $750.00. 4 With Stool,' Special. Good Condition . .
Ernest A; Tonk Walnut. Special with Stool . . . . .
Rosewood Piano, 'Good Condition.' With Stool ... .
Hardman 'Beautiful Maple finish.' Would cost $800 new
This Piano isjust like new. Special with Stool . . .
Fischer 'Walnut Finish.' Condition Good. With Bench j
Packard. 'Walnut Finish.' Like New, with Stool . ; .
1 a
'Winton Player Piano.' Fine Walnut Finish. With Bench and
12 rolls Music . ..... . . . . . . . . ..j $273.00
Showinger Player 'Beautiful piano in good condition.' Price with
Bench and
Oregon. Saturday Morning, January 19, 1929
LSeaman; right and left supporters
to vice grand, Addle Smith and
Rosa Holt; warden and conductor
Pauline Swartont and Edna Barth;
chaplain, Vina Loslnger; inside
and outside guardians, Minnie
Broshong and Elsie Jeffers; musi
cian, Mayme Wooster. After the
installation a luncheon was serv
ed to the fining room.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Smith attend,
ed the funeral of Mrs. Smith's
grandmother. Mrs. Reiling, held in
Woodburn Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wing of Alberta.
Canada, are visiting their niece,
Mrs. J. O. Dixon and family.
"Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scharcher
had aa their guests Tuesday eve.
nlng for dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
We do not "Ship in Used Pianos" because we "Trade In" from many fine homes,
"Pianos" which have not been used to any extent, have had wonderful care and are
naturally in fine condition. "We list here only a few of the "Real Bargains" to be
had while this Special Sale lasts.
Bench ......
12 Rolls .. .
and Correspondents
Reuben De Jardln, It being Mr.
and Mrs. Jardln 's wedding annl.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd
were in Salem Saturday on bus
J. O. Dixon, W. F. Green and
J. S. Korb .were In Salem , Wed
nesday on road business.
G. W. Myers was In Silverton
Wednesday on business.
Butte Lodge No. 12$. I. O. O.
F.. held installation of officers
Saturday night. The following of
ficers were Installed for the com
ing term of six months: Noble
grand. O. L. Scott; vice grand.
Merle Scott; recording secretary.
. ... . .
B. M. Hubbard; financial secre
tary, Clarence Thomas; treasurer,
Albert Rich; chaplain, Monroe
Groshong; warden, Chas. Slaugh
ter; conductor. J. N. Amundson;
inside and outside guardians, Fred
Hnbbard and John Gamache;
right and left supporters to noble
grand, Frank Lamb and Leslie
Holt; right and left supporters to
vice grand, H. S. Dixon and Rolla
Groshong; right scene supporter;
W. F. Hogg. After the Installa
tion an oyster soup was served. '
y . '
Frank Lamb and Ray Teller
were in Salem Monday on business.
Miss Doris Hogg of Salem spent
the week end with her parents
. . . ...
Gaie Douzaine"
Club Convenes
MONMOUTH, Ore., Jan. 18.
(Special) Mrs. Mlna Cornelius
entertained La Gale Douzaine
bridge club Tuesday afternoon.
Three tables were in play, honors
going to Mrs. A. F. Courter and
Mrs. B. F. Butler. Others present
were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Butler,
Mr. J. B. V. Butler, Mrs. R. E.
Derby, Mrs. Delmer R. Dewey.
Mrs. Homer Dodds, Mrs. Alice
Pember. Mrs. D. R. Rlddell, Mrs.
Leighton Smith. Mrs. A. E. Teth
erow and the hostess. A luncheon
waa served.
. $313 00
si tha bom ot Mrs. Baidorf, -