' " "i ' i " - Th Wm nsnnnw Statpsxi AW Ralpmr Orptron' FriAan i Afornintr. Javnnrv ft. 1999 ' The New Oregon Statesman. Salem. Oreeoiu Friday Mornintr, January 11, 1929 . ocity News and Glub Affai rs i Olive M. Doak, Society Editor z-. Hrs. Kraps Hostess ForO.N.S. Club- - Mrs. - SylTl TCraps and Miss May Ranch entertained the O. N. 8. elab with a Topsy Tarry party at the home of Mrs. Kraps Tnes day ereniar- Foyowint a social hour and refreshments there was a .brief business meeting in which it was aeciaea 10 sponsor a suc lac party on January, 18. Mem bers who wih to attend are to meet at the Sanberg apartment A 4Isculoa of the recent dorml- , tery disaster at the Oregon Nor . mal school was discussed aad the cine went on record as in favor f a new dormitory : building for ;the normal school. : . , -1 ' Members not present will be in terested In planning on the meet ing which la planned to take place at the Spa following the next Mo- kroat Olson play, j I The next regular meeting of the elub wCl be.. with . Mrs. Herma fister. ' 1 - Club members were Inea Rlef snyder. Lanra Eaton. Olire Calef. Mary- J. Wilson. Lola Millard. Elra Egaas. Signe Paulson. Gert rode Anderson, 'Virian F. Carf. Lots A. eed, Naomi Cobb. Vesta , M. Marrs, Oene' Vaughan, Muriel ( yilson, LIta Waters. Elra NU- senl vRuth Hopson. Dorothy M. Taylor.. Esther O. Long. Mabel " Temple ' and the hostesses. May Ranch and Sylria TSL Kraps. Tri-C Class .Meet for Supper Party Toung ' college people, mcm f bers of the Tri-C class, of the First Presbyterian church met Tuesday ' erening for their regular supper party in the club rooms, of the church.. Members present were: Mary Louise Aiken. Norabel Pratt, Margaret .Moorehouse, Dorothy Hutchison, i Doris Godsey. Erelyn High. Ula Cation. Lydia Childs. Isobel " Childs; tSepUen MergJer, Carol Pratt. Charles Kauffman, Don Grant, Henry Millard, Clay Pomeroy and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis. : ' :. , ( -, " Mrs. O. A. Laird from the Gar den Road la a lsltoV this week la ' the home- of her sister, Mrs. Ellis Laird of Portland. " , - Social Calendar Friday Public Installation of offi cers of Daughters of Veter ans; Woman's club house, -N... Cottage street. - ' Woman's - Missionary cir cle, First . i Baptist church meets at 2:30 with Mrs. Clifton Mudd. 1715 N. Capi tol street.- ... -w- Barbara Frietchle Tent No. 2 at JL o'clock la Woman's club honse on North Cottage Three Links club members meet this afternoon la . the 1. O. O. F. hall. All Rebekahs are asked to attend. Saturday . . Guards of the Neighbors of Woodcraft - d rill team cooked food, sale at. S. P. ticket office. , ' Salem Woman's dab meeU for first time this year ... .f . Dinner Gu e s t s AtMenty Home Wild ducks- formed the center of attention . for a.- dinner glren Salem folk by Mr. and Mra. Wayne Henry at their home la Zena Tues day evening. 'i-.X-' The, table was centered - with pink and white, chrysanthemums flanked on either side by tall pink tapers in crystal holders. , After dinner bridge was in play for which Mm B. IB. Flack won high score.' Corers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt, Dr. and Mrs. D.'X. Beechler, Mrl and Mrs. B.B. Flack, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Susan Varty, Harold Philippl, Mrs. Mary B. Crawford, and the hosts Mr. a nd Mrs. Henry. 1 ' - ; ". , Parents and tTeachers Hold Council Saturday The Marion County Council of Parents and Teachers will hold their council meeting in Staytoa Saturday, January 12. The first session will open at 10:50 Satur day morning. s Mrs. W. W. Gabriel, state pres ident of the Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers will giro the main address of the day; ETcryone who Is Interested la child welfare Is welcome to attend the council meeting. - , Woman's Club Hold First Meeting of -Year The Salem, Woman's club will meet in Its club house on North Cottage street for the nrst meet ing of the new year January 12 A board meeting will conrene at 2 o'clock, followed by a business meeting at 2: 30 at which time re ports will : be giren' by the Insti tutions committee concerning the many actiTitles of its department daring the oast year. It will be remembered - that this committee was especially aetlre daring the holiday season. " A second report of Interest will be that: glren by Mrs. E. E. Ling of the public welfare committee, who represented the Womaa's dnb la the Christmas seal sale in Salem and Marion county during the past .holidays. - t . ' Appearing on the program of the afternoon which . will . com mence at 3 o'clock, will bt Dr. Estefla-Ford Warner, director of the Marion county health serrlce, and daughter of Mrs. E. C. Ford one of the executire board mem bers of the club, and Mrs Wen dell Van Loan; who is in charge of - the part " time continuation school work in Salem schools. Dr. Warner will spelak on the subject "How Much Health Can a Com munity Afford?" Mrs. Van Loan will speak briefly concerning the house maids class which is a part of the continuation school. Mrs. Harry Hawkins has been appointed by the club president, Mrs.: A. L. Wallace, as chairman of the American Home depart ment in place of Mrs. F. G. Bow ersox who has just resigned this post. This department: will soon hare plans under way for the Bet ter Homes week," a j spring feature of this committee's work. , . Mrs. Sheldon Sackett will be soloist for this meeting. Her ac companist has not yet: been an nounced. . . " - : ' -' Mrs. Abst Is Hostess To Pinochle Club Birthday Dinner . Makes Happy ;: Event ealtK - By JLulu Hunt Peters MDt flutfior 0ckaT)d HealrhicrorChUdrerN there Is any suspicion of the na- M ( ikrM 1 ) 1 , i 1 't The go-Called Mayo Redscing Diet .WAS told to go on . the --May o" reducing diet .whlch she was told con sists of one hard boiled egg, one medium sized tomato, and the cloiee' of one ' glass ' of skim or buttermilk or orange juice, at each meaL This was to be. taken for three -. days i n succession during the first rr." "f aays a weea (the second month; one k day a week the bird mon,th and further as .often as neces sary to control ' pJtU twrfCKAiiM the pound s. She reduced to some .extent but be wanti to know what is the danger of going below 1,200 cal ories for any period of time. . , . rural water. . (Boiling will also kill any stray germs ) . We get the minerals we need in a bal anced diet. '--J ' The -water can be aerated by shakiag it in a shaker,. or beating u with an egg beater. It does Improve the taste Mditor9 Hot : Dr. Peters cannot glasno . nor Ir peraoM.1. advfe. If" K of fnml iator. t. will b answarod la th coU umiij In turn. Requests for articles m"t bo accompanted by a fully ' lr-addreMod. stamped envelop and S cents In oata for each article. to oarer oost of printing- and band. Mnc For the pamphlet on reduo- , 2J,Sln1n-. 16 eenu In eoltk with fully snlfiaddresswl. stamped, envelope, must be Muiuxi a. urea MJC jrOMrS U . papea, . oar of this Mrs. Max Abst war al hostess of Tuesday evening to her pinochle club at the Abst home on . North 14th street. V I ; -. Three tables of, pinochle were played until the hostess served a dainty; luncheon, late ia the eve-i ning -. : The group Included Mr. and Mrs. Ira iDarby, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Laird. Mr. and Mrs: Pete Meany, Mr.' and Mrs. T. A. Raffety, Mr. and Mrs. Ira . Follis, and Mr. and Mrs.. Abst. ' ' - . . - - e . e e ' ' Kiwanis Members Axcl Dinner Hosts ; ' Mrs.-Dan Fry. Sr., entertained with dinner in honor of Mr. Fry's seventieth : birthday Wednesday evenlne at. their home on South High street. . .-'.". : Covers were laid -for twenty of Mrl Fry's old time men friends. On a long : table there resided In state a beautiful birthday cake. adding to its beauty was a bowl of red carnations : and tall red tapers la graceful holders: The guests were presented with red carnations - for' their buttonholes? Each : guest ; responded - with toast as b was - called upon by the toastmaster, Mr. Dan Fry.. Jr. Out of town guests, were Mr. Orris J. Fry of Portland, a son and Mr. Raymond Walsh of Eu gene, i a son-ln-law.?: - t .'. Mrs. K. H Graber, Mrs. Fry's sister, and Miss Priscilla Fry. as sisted Mrs. Fry in receiving. s - - Mrs. Creigh Long Hostess For , Bridge . Mrs. Cretgh Long attractively entertained her bridge club at her home Wednesday. Three tables of bridge were in play during the af ternoon. Mrs. T. Franklin Tipton! won high score. I After the playing luncheon was served with Mrs. Carroll Long, as sisting the hostess. i Mrs. Wagstaf f and i Mrs. A. J. Buslck were special guests. Club members were Mrs. L. B. Endicott, Mrs. Carroll Long, Mrsi A.? B. See ly, Mrs. C D. Buslck, Mrs. T. Franklin Tipton.Mra James Good win, Mrs. S. F. Sackett, Mrs. A. L. Tumbleson. Mrs. Lester Jones, and Mrs. Creigh Long. . Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mall have had. as the! rguests for the past week Miss Helen Kissner and son Harlan of Puysllap. Washington. . e Miss- Lucille Grav of Eurene Is (the house guest of Mrs. Ira Fol- 11 this week. Members of the Salem Kiwanis club will entertain with dinner at the: Marlon hotel tonight, this, be ing the annual club affair given In honor of the members wives and' special women guests. 1 The: outgoing president, Mr. Charles Wiper, will be toast mas ter for the occasion. Dean R. J. Jewell; dean of the school of vo cattnosl " .i education - In 1 Oregon State college, will be the principal speaker of the evening. Music will be ; furnished by Mills orchestra, " The committee in charge of ar rangements are Mrs. William P. Ellis, Mr. Ralph Cooley: incoming president, Mr. Charles Wiper, out going president and Mr. Oliver Myers. . ,4 s Mr; McGilcKrist Gives Travelogue Tonight The songs of Scotland whose Celtic I strain Is becoming more and .more appreciated of - recent years will be the topic at the reg ular Friday night program at the T. W. C A. tonight. Mr. William McGiichrlst, Sr., recently returned from a six months tour of England and Scotland, will speak of the aew musical movement In the Brit ish : Isles which it has been bis privilege to study first handj . T eMe x M. , av a : , Mr. jucuucnrisc repuns mai few countries reveal their nation' al characteristics : as : clearly ; In their folk songs as do the Scotch whose songs are full of the haunt ing laments, historical tragedies, and national triumphs of the folk material. "."'.-"'''"'.'.'.' - Some of the latest Scotch songs and i their historic backgrounds will form, a part of Mr. McGUch rlst's vocal repertoire along with some bits of Scotch music whlsh he will play on the new concertina secured .while abroad. . Mss. Gordon MiGilchrist will also ting two songs translated from the Galic. "O Can Ya Sew Cushions?" aad "Horo, My Nut Brown Maiden.; " T 1 i" The .program. is open -to the public Another one act play is soon to be nresented by students of the senior high , school under the di rectlon of Miss Beatrice Olin. Stu dents taking part are Victor Wolfe, Julia Creech. Dorothy White. David Eyre, and Homer Smith, Jr. The date for the per formance is set for January 26. e . The Reading club of the Rebec ca's will meet at the I. O. Q. F. hall Friday afternoon. All mem bers are urged to attend this meet ing. Hostesses for the afternoon are Sarah Hulton, Dessie Berrln ger. Carrie- Chaffee, Clara Wills, and Delia Clearwater. Club Parties Are ?l .Given Drama' League' -xiv. Hears Splendid Play: j ISio 17. mm. CyRxCItvcfson Subject loniqht Friday, 7:45 P. M, "If a Per son Were Planning on. JBeinff Baptised bat Put It Off Until He Fell Sick and Died, Would He Be Saved if He Truly Repented?" Two of the most attractive af fairs of - the week were given Thursday - afternoon. Each of t hese were regular club meetings whose - membership make ; up , a prominent share of Salem'a most active social lif ev ; The Thursday club met at the home of Mrs. Ev C. Cross, who was joint . hostess i with Mrs. RusseH CaUftt and Mrs. tE " B. Thlelsen. Mrs. Alice Dodd burnished much pleasure and amusement with for tune telling? during the afternoon. Late in . the ; afternoon refresh ments were served. : Six ' special ! guests were asked for the occasion, Mrs. T. T. GeeT, Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mra Louis Bean. Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Robert son and Mrs. John L. Rand. : Club . members present ' were Mrsi John Albert, Mrs. Henry Beanr Mrs. William Fleming. Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. B. C. Miles. Mrs. William Mo Call, Mrs. George Pearce, Mrs;- R. P. Boise, Mrs. Frank , Snedecor, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. C. K. Spsulding, Mrs. Frahk Spen cer, Mrs. ; A. N. Mpores, Mrs. George M. Brown, and the three hostesses, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Catlin and Mcs. Spears. r At her home on North Capitol street Mrs. William Walton en tertained with an attractive lunch eon and bridge. , . Special guests were Mrs. W. H Lytle, Mrs. Louis Lachmund, and Mrs. Johh H. Carson. Mrs. Lytle won the guest prize. Club members present were Mrs. Henry Meyers. Mrs. George Rodgers, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. David Eyre, Mrs. Harry Haw kins, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mrs. Frits Slade, and; Mrs. O. C. Locke. MrsCDent." Mowry captivated members of the Salem Drama Lea ffii hv )i,r mHADi and aoDrect atlve Interpretation of -The Roy-1 -Mrs. W. H. Bnrghardt. al Family" ' a play by Kaufman, which she . presented Wednesday evening at Nelson. Halt. Mrs. Mowry and Miss Mab!-t Withyeombe . motored to Salem from Portland Wednesday after noon for this special occasion. They were dinner guests of Mr irst let me say that. this diet 'which ' Is attributed to the Mayo Clinic did not originate there at all. ' I know, for I have visited t ithe clinic and I havft Dr, Charles . Mayo't. own denial of this, as well as ; their dietitian's. They have ! lad ao many inquiries about this ' diet that they have had to print , form letters of denial. . , - If the oatlents at the Mayo Clinic need to reduce, they are put on a mixed diet -similar to the one which " we' recommend In the column all the time low enough la calories so that most, of the energy needs are supplied by the patient's own fat. , 'The tomato-egg-mllk diet Is al right for: one day a week. If you . like-it,..-. --::-.. l . : Yonr- cemnlaint. M.." that It seemed easier: to reduce al first ' hi: that tou now have to go on ' a -smaller number of calories to rednca farther, is a common oe Tha first reduction consists ct a- lot of excess water the bodr hoidlnr. as well as the fat. Then, It doeaeeem that the body accua- thms Itsalf to the lowered miaae of food- and works more economi cally so that It may oe necessary a mt dawn a little more, t It Is kettar. however, hot to cut do ttm MMUMmntlon every day, but to five oaeday ia the. week that is very lew -not more thaa S85 ta CM C. r After, that day yott will Mat thm welehi will co down a nid ar ao.- ' .- tA"XA"-.,r;-a If you have a small frame and are abort, you may ; hava to go vndar- LxflO calories In order to red sea : one aad one-half to two nouada ' a -week,-: ' V . - If all of you would remember that even if you go down but one sound a' week. In a year's time this amounts to 62, pounds, or if oaly one-half pounds a week,: to 21 pounds. That certainly Is bet ter, thaa gaining, which you will do if you. don't control your diet! - W have a pamphlet of reduc ing and gaining Instructions which you may have. ; ;-jiri ;i3 distilled water good for hu man consumption,ror a proiraciea period ? Will It be improved by aerating . tt. and If so, how can it be accomplished vlth home Ta ciUtlest ' ' . ; :-. ' ' i . '.Yes. distilled water is perfectly aira. . Ia fact, . It is desirable - if li lirlsg In a locality where MS' Every Department Parricipatinff : 'r ' f Salem's Leading Department Store wm. i'..m.MM Kl. mm mj m i M 1 eais are better . -f- . : : ' .- i TREE SI TEA .... I Pekoe Orange ED3 .':L ! There is no catch to this add, all you have to do ia clip the coupon below, and it pays the biU for a free Xray picture and report of your condition. BrSure of the Cause of Your Trouble Cfciropractic comes through 100 in cases of Stomach Trouble, Liver Trouble, Kidney Trouble, Rheumatism, etc - ''--''"' :: ' REMEMBER Your health depends on locating and the removal of the causes of your trouble. That is why we use the Xray. It helps with the rest of our equipment to locate the exact CAUSE. If we are unable5 to prove these things to you to your own satisfaction you owe us nothing and we part as best of friends. COUPON a 'fr Xray pictnrt sad report t jor cooAMoa will b fiT.o ay lek peroa prMeotinr thia eoapoa at ur Rica darmi lh natlra waak andiac Fnaay Bifct. ' Can t taUpaoaa 1194 far yt appointment HR&' SCOFIELD Those Xray Chiropractors 414 IS 15 First Nat'L Bank Salem, Oreg. It always Pays to Tirade at Irish's OUR resolution! To give you the best merchandise obtain able at the Jowest cash prices;; To treat every customer as we would treat a guest in our own home-and see that they leave .our stores always "Satisfied Customers BREAD SPECIAL Introductory offer on our new Twin Bread . Saturday; Only White or Whole Wheat Twins 3 Twins or 4 1-2 Ibs.Quality Bread K 2 Cans-25c Iowanna Corn Silver Bar Peas VanCamp ; Hominy . -4 - Sflverdale '.. ' Tomatoes : Gold Bar Spinach tVTall Silver Bar :; PinappleSy flats Sliced or Grated t Fire Fly Pears c ; i 1'staU WAX PAPER r 5c Rolls! 3 For IOC Peter Pan Cdffeb ' r Packed by packers of Golden West That's the reason its so goodL- p pkff. ..'ftpC Libby's Red Alaska Salmon Flat 1's.TaIl 19c 25c Dalles-Diamond , Hard Wheat Flour $1.85 49-Ib.sack Hodgen Brewster Feeds HjS Producer Laymbre ' Dairy IUtlon . Clin ax Dairy Corn; whole Corn, cracked $20 $2.63 $1.80 1 $20 M-B1G:CASH:SI0RE YVe Deliver PhcaeC55 - Like the old saying, "You Cannot Make A Silk Parse Out Of A Sows Ear" It's just as true that a store grocery or otherwise, builds its reputation for quality ' and service over a period of years. It can not be done in a day or a month. For 28 years ROTH'S HAS SOLD SU PERIOR GROCERIES at reasonable pric es and thus has earned a rightful leader ship in the Salem grocery field! Typical Offerings at Roth's Salem's Quality Grocery! BACON SQUARES Choice at, lb. i BACON (with a flavor) Half or whole pieces, 'lb. MAPLE SUGAR, Vermont Per pound WALNUTS, new crop 3 pounds for .. FILBERTS, new crop 2 pounds for t. ; DATES, very fancy 2 pounds for . BEETS, small rose bud, in glass jars 3 for ! : , BLACK FIGS, fancy - J I twopound packages for FIGS, imported, 2 pounds for ROCKDELL SYRUP, . delicious maple and cane, can l.J. . ' - 'With this offer is included ft beautiful , ' imported pitcher and plate; PINEAPPLfJ Elsinore sliced brand. Large cans. Three sell ft - - 18c . 25c 50c 79c 45c .: 55c $1.00 35'c 75 c 89c GRAPE FRUIT, 3 good-sized cans , for only ; - i 85c 70c 25c ROOTS SPONGE CAKES JlJJ.l. 25 C Remember: We make special cakes for weddings " .and for parties t A ttasty i tidbit : Norwegian Sardine? $ OC ta oCve oil, 2 in tnr , , : ' igf X.JC LOGANBERRY and APPLE JAM ' Large jar sells for only 7a " -'t-n . . v:---y M'V5 On NortK Oberty SL,J Salem