The New Oregon Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, December SO, 19X8 ft NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST TO CHURCH CIRCLES OF SALEM K ft BIBLE CANTATA T First Christian Chorus Choir Will Present "The Christ Child" The large chorus choir of the First Christian church will pre sent the cantata. "The Christ Child." at the church tonight at 9:30 o'clock. Proceeding the pro gram of music will be a candle lighting service. Text of "The Christ Child" was written by Rene Bronner and the music by R. W. Petrle. The parts are as follows: Text Given Chorus "The Light of Prom ise" Soprano and contralto duet- "C'ome Savior Come," 'Miss Mor gan and Mrs. Jackson. Duet and chorus "The Hope of the World," Ralph Patterson. Victor Wolfe and chorus. Trio "A Child Shall Lead Them." Mrs. Styles. Helen Milton burger and Ralph Patterson. Prominent Singers Included Baritone solo "The Wise Men Came" Victor Wolfe. Chorus "Peace on Earth." Baritone solo "The World is Thrilled with Joy." Karl Wenger. Soprano solo, rjf7rano and con tralto duet and sextet Salva-- tioo." Nell Morgan, Rosalind Hull Mr. Hervster, Mrs. Jackson, Ralph Patterson and Victor Wolfe. Tenor solo and quartet "Chris Is Our Righteousness," Karl Wenger, Mrs. Wenger, Mrs Miltonberger and Stephen Wolfe Soprano solo "The Wonderful Naiarene," Ruth Howe. Finale "The Prince of Earth and Heaven." choir. Choir amen "Prince of Eearch and Heaven Whose loving hand will guide the- world aright. Amen, Amen, Antea!" The cantata is directed by Mrs Angela Jackson with Miss Minnie Miller at the organ. TUB PEOPLE . TO HOLD WATCH The First church chapter of the Epworth League of the First Methodist church will sponsor a Watch Night party Monday night In the church parlors, beginning at 9 o'clock. A program of games, music, refreshments and devcv. ttonal services has been srranged. knd while the affair has .been planned especially for the young pMnle of the church. It is open to anrone who cares to attend. Other meetings neheduled this week by groups of the church are announced as follows: The Woman's Home Missionary society will hold Its regular monthly meeting Wednesday aft ernoon In the church parlors at 2 Z& o'clock. Mrs. O. IT. Alden. iho president, will preside at the meeting and conduct the buaines sasalon. Mrs. C. A. Clark wUI hav charge of the devotions, and th chapter from the study book "What Next In Home Missions" wUl be presented by Mrs. Paul Al,'A. h mid-week service of "prayer and praise held Thursday evening will he led by the pistor, the Rev. T. C. Taylor.' "Studies In the Par ables of Jesus" bv Ilalford H. I.nccock will form the-basis of the Bible study presented each week OQtll Easter. "The Lost Sheep ad the Lost Coin" will be the parables studied this welk. Leslie League Has Homecoming The Epworth league bf the fertile Methodist church will be hiwt Sunday evening at a home coming meeting for former mem brs. A social hour at 5:30 will precede th worship hour at 6:30 o'clock. Klle Tucker is leader and will develop the theme of "Btck to the Home Church." Ii Is hoped that many former h- ?uers. home for the holidays and those resident in Salem will take this opportunity to meet old friends at this first homecomliig meeting, the league officials announce. M TNT There Are No "Eighty" Golfers With Bad Eyes If you art on of those whose eyes are focraed for distance you can't really see the bail Hho you keep your eyes on it. While you try you're putting the greatest drain on your nervous energy known to medicine. A better golf score, a better day's work, a pleasant evening are to no small part a matter of getting rid of eye strain. Pomeroy & Keene Jewelers and Optometrists Sakm. Oregon Ford Memorial Church to Hold Watch Service A special watch nirht oroeram under auspices of the Ford Mem: orial community church of West Salem will be given in the com munity hall there Monday night Members of the community are in vited to attend and bring their friends to the fellowshln father ing. The program will begin at 8 o ciock with an hour spent in games, followed by the program proper, then a potluck luncheon, more games and the watch night service at 11:15 o'clock. Other announcements from the Ford Memorial church include the Boy Scouts meeting Tuesday night at 7 o'clock and the personal evangelism and prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. LEADERS. TOPICS of meets en New Year's topics will feature this evening's meetings of the va rious societies of the Salem Chris tian Toung People's union. Pro grams in the various churches are announced as follows: Leslie M. E. Asbury and Les lie chapters will have a home coming meeting from 5:30 to 7:30 the first hour to be apent in a social gathering in honor of the old members and the last In dis cussion of the topic. "Back to the Home Church," under the leader ship of Elsie Tucker. ; First Baptist Nellie Sdyder. leader; subject. "Patriotism." Knight Memorial Congrega tional topic. "Learning Some Experience." First Christian - Wyn Dyer, leader; topic. "Learning Some Experience." Jason Lee Memorial Home coming meeting: Lois Benjamin leading Young People's chapter and Ferne Freeman the Lee teague. both upon the topic, "Back to the Home Church." First M. E. Joint meeting col lege and high school chapters un der leadership of Eugenia Savage; subject. "Back lo the Home Church." Calvary Baptist College and high school chapter. Alma 'Ken ton, leader, topic, "Learning Some Experience"; intermediate chap ter, Clara Jane Harms, leader, topic. "Joy in Service." Evangelical Lawrence Maves, newly elected Endeavor president, will lead the discussion on "Learn ing Some'Experience." Ford Memorial Sarah Bridge man, leader; "Back to the Home Church," topic. First Presbyterian "Learning Some Experience," topic. Luther League To Hold Watch Monday Night Toung People's night will be ob served at the American Lutheran efrurch Monday night In keeping with the New Year's eve tradition of the local group. The Lutheran League will have charge of the affair, which will be in the nature of an. open house to all the young people of the church and their friends. A suitable program 13 be ing arranged and refreshments will be served. The first annual meeting of the church congregation will be held Sunday afternoon, January 6. at 3 o'clock., the pastor. thes Rev. P. W. Eriksen, announces. All members'of the church are urged to plan to attend the yearly meet ing. . x Baptists Plan Watch Party . y An old fashioned watch party will bd held at the First Baptist church Monday night. New Year's ve. to which everyone iS invited. ' Thu raviilur U'pok I r nr:iver KArvit'P will he held Thursday niht. be ginning at 7:30 o'clock. The study of the book of Rev elations will be contnlued at the mid-week praise and prayer ser vice of the First Presbyterian efrurch Thursday ni?ht, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. yflUNE PEOPLE lETCtfllE Bishop Zahniser to Give Fi nal Address at Free Meth odist Convention The fifth annual convention of the Young People's Missionary so ciety of the Oregon Conference of the Free Methodist church, which has been in session here since Friday night, will come to a close this evening. Meetings are being held at the Salem Free Methodist church, corner North Winter and Market streets. The Rev. W. N. Coffee of the local church will have charge of the morning service today; Leslie F. Smith will direct the afternoon service; and tonight's meeting will be in charge of Lloyd L. Bart lett, conference first vice-president. The complete program for the final sessions follows: Program Outlined Sunday morning 9:45 Sun day school, Herbert Hansen, su perintendent Salem Sunday school In charge;. 10:30 Song and praise service conducted by Don ald L. MacPhee; 11:00 special song. First Church Y. P. M. S.; address. "The Manner. Scope and Power by which the Gospel is Perpetuated," Bishop" A. Zahniser. Sunday afternoon 2:30 De votionals: announcements; special sone: 3:30. address. "The Mis sionary Passion," the Rev. W. B. Olmstead. Sunday evening 6:30 Devo tionals; praise and song service: 7:30 Congregational song; an nouncements; report of commit tee on complimentary resolutions; special song, Salem quartet; 8:08 p. m., address, "The Necessity of Organized Cooperation in Carry ing the Gospel to the Heathen."' Bishop Zahniser. Officers of the conference are Leslie F. Smith, president; Lloyd L. Bartlett. first vice-president; Laura Boys, second vice-president; Alice Carter, corresponding secretary; Emory Goode. record ing secretary; Lester Miller, trea surer; Edith Howell, mission study secretary; Martha Cooley, home missionary secretary; Low ry McKeown. literature agent and librarian; Nina C. Smith, editor of the Messenger; Mrs. Grace Ed wards, superintendent. Aid Society Gives Church Bulletin Board The official board of the Castle United Brethern church will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, re ports the pastor, the Rev. L. W. Biddle. Mid-week prayer service will be held Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. The Ladies' Aid society of the church presented the bible school with an electrically lighted, white bulletin board, unveiling and ded ication of which were held last Sunday. The board, which mea sures 42 by 70 and is equipped with 770 two and three-inch let. ters and numerals, will be placed on the church lawn. Jason Lee Plans Watch Services The congregation of tto Jason Lee Methodist church is planning to hold a Watch Night service Monday. Included In the program for the evening is a radio hour, social hour, refreshments, frater nal greetings from' pastors of sis ter churches, a devotional meeting and program of local talent. Plenty of fun and cheer Is promised. The Chemeketa street Evangel ical church will hold the regular weekly prayer services Thrusday night at 7:30 o'clock. 'Dreams don't come true rlf "BUILD THE tBsy' HOME OP yVeJU your dreams) make 'em come true. Your ship isn't apt to come in wKen the tide's going out. Cne action of yours is worth a thousand promises from the other fel low.' LUMBER and All Building Materials Gabriel Powder&Supply Co. Offlee. Yard and Warehouse 10 North Capitol Tcpbesw 324S Engineers Welcome Flood As Chance to Test Plans oiDrainage System Here Last week's snow and rain storms were welcomed by at least twp Salem persons. These were Cupper and Simpson, who com prise the local firm that has drawn plans for Salem's drainage system. The plans had been approved by the council, but Cupper and Simp son nevertheless, wanted to study the situation under flood condi tions. "We've been waiting for a sit uation Jike this for two years," declared Percy A. Cupper. After a final check is made on the plans they will be turned over to Hugh Rogers,4 city engineer. This will be within the next ten days, he indicated. Rogers is- expected to start construction of the drain age system within a short time after he receives the plans. Three Main Channels In outlining how the drainage system will operate. Cupper stated that the general idea Is to catch flood water at the city limits, and by means of ditches and dikes turn it into three main channels. These three channels will be North Mill Creek, the Shelton street ditch, and Pringie Creek. The Oxford street ditch, which ntfht be re garded as a fourth maid channel, flows into Pringie creek a short distance inside the city limits. The first attempt to solve the drainage problem for Salem was made several years ago. An effort was made to organize a drainage district and control the flood wa ters near their source, but it was found that the district would not function, Large Area Affected During flood season a Ehallow sheet of water flows across a large area of the city from the south east. When the drainage system Sylvester Eve Service Planned Sylvester Eve services will be held at the Christ Lutheran church 8tate and 18th streets, Monday night at 8 o'clock, and New Year's services will b e held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The annua1 meeting of the congregation wiL' be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, the pastor, the Rev. A. L. Heine, also announces. Nazarene Group Opens Revivals Revival services will be conduct ed each night this week, beginning tonight, at the church of the Naz arene, with Evangelist and Mrs E. F. Wilde in charge. Evangelis' and Mrs. Wilde will also have charge of the music for the ser vices. The church is located on lith street, one block south of Center. ARMORY "fi Subject tonight w;ii l. i th i ci.i i iu uie umicu oiaics etna Japan Meet in Armed Con flict? What Does the Bible Prophecy Indicate? , all by. themselves you says Practy Cal, is completed it is expected to turn all the water between the Turner road and the Shelton street ditch into the Shelton street ditch. The ditch has Its origin near the city limits and flows In a westerly di rection as far as the municipal auto park, where it Joins Pringie creek. Dikes will also be erected along the city limits northeast from the Shelton street ditch, which will turn the water back into the ditch from that direction. The entire system, which will cost some $17,500, will handle flood waters amounting to 4000 cubic feet per second. Irrigation Planned South of the Turner road the water will be-'guided directly Into Pringie creek and also into the Oxford street ditch, which flows into Pringie creek from the north and east. The same general me thod of dikes and ditches will be utilized. Farther north the flood water will be turned into North Mill creek. It Is estimated that North Mill creek will handle 1500 cubic feet of water per second, the Shelton street ditch will take care of an equal volume, and Pring! creek will carry off 1000 cubic feet of water per second. In case of a tremendous flood, the ditch running beside the Turner road is capable of handling several hun 1red additional cubic feet per sec ond. As an Interesting development growing out of the drainage agi tation, although not directly con nected with It, Cupper and Simp son are planning to irrigate some 10,000 acres southeast of Salem some time In the future. An nouncement to this effect was made about ten days ago when a filing was made with the state en gineer. Cupper expresses the be lief that it will be possible even tually to work out a drainage sys tem that will prevent the water from spreading. This will elimi nate the necessity of dikes and ditches at the city limits of Salem. The irrigation system would be operated in conjunction with this drainage system. Shadowed! Free yourself from the ever-present Phantom of Wash Monday by letting us take care of your laun dry. So many women say it's an actual pleas ure to look at the" things we've laundered they're so beautifully done. Japanese Hand Laundry and Cleaner 4 &l Ferry Street Telephone TM 4l Mi i FRANK M. LITWILLER Good Natured Frank Is our new President and Mgr. 'v HOMER C. LEISY jfehl this Is our agreeable, owner and manager of the Drapery Department, Ask Homer I Special Meeting At St. John's Special services will be held Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the St. John's Lutheran church, of which H. W. Gross Is pastor. New Year's day services will be held Tuesday at 9:45 and 11 o'clock. Evangelistic Meets Given Announcements from the Evangelistic Fall Gospel taber nacle, of which Earle V. Jennlson Is pastor, lncludethree meetings for the week: Tuesday night, a gospel talk, prayer and praise; Thursday night, Bible study from Romans VI by the pastor; and Saturday night when the young people will be In charge. How Avoid so far as possible the 1 flu germs are most apt to be; public meeting places; warm, Be careful of close contact with others and 2 beware of all coughers and sneezers; breathe through the nose. 4 If you have any reason to suspect even a 5 touch of flu, call your doctor. REORGAN1ZA TION of the Imperial Furniture Co., inc OP SALEM, OREGON 487 Court MriKt Owing to the fact that L. C. Lledstrom, for mer managrer and part owner of the Imperial Furniture Co:, Inc., has passed away, we have reorganized, Frank LitwMer, formerly of the H. L. Stiff Funiture Co, of Balem for seven years, has purchased an Interest In our organization and will take active management of the same. He will also be glad to greet all of his old friends and customers In his new venture. There will be no change In the store's policies. We are always offering you the very latest In style designs In furniture and draperies. We will always maintain that high standard of quality which our store has been noted for, W take this time to thank you all for your past and future patronage, and to wish you ft very Happy New Year, LEE O. SMITH, Sec'y. SCIENTISTS MEET GIVEN Wednesday evening meetings of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Salem, corner of Liberty and Chemeketa streets, are held at 8 o'clock and Include testimonies of healing, experiences and remarks on Christian Science. All are in vited to attend these meetings. The annrfal meeting of the First Christian church will be held next Tuesday, New Year's day. Dinner will be served at 1 o'clock. Arrangements are being made to accomodate a large num. '-T of people reports the pastor e Rev. D. J. Howe. The regular mid-week prayer meeting of the First German Bap tist church. Nerth Cottage and D streets, will be held Wednesday night at S o! Weekly prayer services of the Highland Friends church will be held Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. to Escape F LOJJ Get lots of rest. Eat plenty of citrous fruits. Keep the bowels open. Take every precau 3 tion to keep m good physical condition so your system will have high resistance against germs. Above all, avoid catching cold. Any cold may (be the forerunner of flu. Take Bayer As pirin at the first sign of a cold and you can ward it off. Gargle with Bayer Aspirin at first sign of sore throat as this will remove the infection. Telephone 1 1 42 Mill Streeters To Hold Watch A midnight service will be held at the Mill Street Methodist church New Year's eve, the pas tor, the Rev.' Patrik Dahlln. an nounces. The mid-week prayer service will be held Wednesday night at 8 o'clock as usual. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Residence Loans Straight or Monthly Payments 205 Oregon Bldg. places where crowded cars; stuffy rooms. HULDA V. LEIDSTROM Our Efficient Bookkeeper and Cashier. v '-:-t. LEE O. SMITH Secretary and Advertising Manager, ! .it ?n PI