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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1928)
A The New Oregon Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning, December SO, 1928 Affairs in the Social World and News of Varied Club Activities Phone 500 OUVK DOAK Society Editor FraternalGroup RenewsActivity At New Year Lodge affairs have played an Important part In the events of a weak flllei to brimming with aciivitive. The bustle and cheer of Christinas time is still about and asserting ittelf in the renewed ac tivist,; tefld plans for the new y?r's program. The L-eneflt dance sponsored by the ttiem Rainbow assembly of which vk given in the Cas tlKlaa hall Friday night was quite a successful affair with al most a hundred couples In atten dance. Bright Christmas decorations made the hall very atractive and ray. Mrs. Lena Cherrington. Mrs. Ira Darky, and Mrs. David Wright entertained the Past Matrons of Chadwtck chapter. Order of the Easl9.-n Star In the home of Mrs. Jatncs Godfrey on North Winter street Friday afternoon at the annual club Christmas narty. An exchange of Christmas gifts followed the business meeting. Additional guests for the after noon were Mrs. Lucille Sweeney -and Mrs. Rex Davis. The mem bers of the club group are Mrs Emma Brown. Mrs. Alice Colidge Mrs. Lena Cherrington, Mrs. Ida Babcock. Mrs. Rose Babcock. Mrs Cordelia Cupper. Mrs. Marion Derby, Mrs. Jessie Darby, Mrs Hazel Olllette, Mrs. Ida B. God frey, Mrs. Monnle Hauser, Mrs Mary Johnson. Miss Leila Johnson Mrs. Alice Meyers. Mrs. Faye Wright. Mrs. Roesle Llnfoot. Mrs. Josle LaFore. Mrs. Marie McCall. Mrs. Mabel Mlto, Mrs. Ida L. Nile. Miss Minnie Moeller, Mrs. Addle M. Petteys, Mrs. Rose Pratt. Mrs. Florence Reeves, Mrs. Eliza beth Shafer, Mrs. Estella Smith. Mrs. Lottie Smith. Mrs. Eleanor Stetner. Mrs. Josephine Vans, and Mrs. Elizabeth Laws. Installation of the officers of the Chadwick chapter No. 3 7 of the B. 8. for the ensuing yesr 1929 will be held Tuesday Jan nary 1. immediately following a short business meeting at the Masonic Temple. Miss Gnssle Niles will serve a tha Installing officer . Mrs. Wini fre.t Herrick as msrshal, and Ids L. Nlles as chaplain at the ceremony. The new officers are: Mrs. An na Kantner, worthy matron: Wil liam Neymeyer. worthy patron; Mrs. Pearl Pratt, associate ma tron; Mrs. Ida M. Babcock. secre tary; Mrs. Katharine Bernardl. treasurer; Mrs. Nettie Smith, con duc'oress; Mrs. Estella Henry as sociate conductoress; Mrs. Mary Johnson, chaplain, Mrs. Louisa Flack, associate marshal!; Mrs. Belle N. Brown, organist. Miss Elizabeth l evy. Adah; Mrs. Geor gia Cook, limb; Mrs. Susan Var ty. Esther; Ms. Vera Berrlck. Martha; Mrs. Minnie Protzman, Electra; Mrs. U'.ra Morse, warder; N. P. Rasmussen, sentinel. During the evening a group of; musical numbers will be given by a quartet composed of Mrs. Mar tin Kerrey. Mrs. Julia Harris. Mrs. Lyman McDonald. and Mrs. August Carl. Mrs. Lyman Mc Donald will be the accompanist at the piano and Irs. Joy Turner Moses, with her violin. Mrs. L. G. Curtis will give a reading. vCountry Club to CelebrateNew Year's Eve N KV YKARS is about to de-!'ni ..a ocsin with ; a a. ' . . .. , ., new starts ana tor oia rcsoiuuons! made new again. On the last day of the old year final flings ar taktMi instead d of giving to every- , one else as one does on Christ-1;'" ir"" "aison. anu man the contrast is complete byjM,s t'?"u-p Jone.s. gjving to oneself fun and a good! Miss Lord. is bt-- welcomed time What the new year may i home after an abierirc of almost hold is of little consequence I what the old vear held is of litt le more, but what N't w Year s Kve j holds is or yst importance. It j must be hilarious and full of i genuine fun. it must be a tiny j Epare of time in which to forget responsibilities. One of the best parties planned to celebrate the advent of 1 9 2: Is the one which the Ulihee coun- Simmons" school in Boston, is a try club plans for Monday , eve- j member of the Kappa Alpha The ning at the club house. ta sorority. The club house. wl made! over into a verv woodsv forest of t small evergreen trees and red and! gren trimmings. For the, big burst of carnival spirit at the mystic hour of 12 Innumerable balloons, confetti and plenty of I whistles and other nol?e express- j era will usher, in the Ney Yearfor the 60 or 70 guests which are ex- pected to be present. Music for i dancing will be furnished by Bra-'mer. lean's orchestra. Those in charge of the enter- Daughters of Veterans organ tainnient and arrangements areiized a carroling party during th Mr. James Young, chairman, Mr Frank Durbin. Jr.. Mr. Fred Thielson and Mr. Carl Gabrlelson, Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Mrs. Pr D. .Qolsenberry and Miss Grace Holt. ,8ereral dinner parties have been planned to preface the dance among; which are Mrs. Ercel Kay. .Mrs. Bert Ford and Mrs. T. A. Roberts. " Hetiday guests at the R. G. Balderree home were Miss Beulah. Occidental. California, and Miss Ethel, 8an Francisco, California, both daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Balderree, Mr. and Mra. G. Wheel er, and three children (Mrs. Wheeler vu formerly Ruth Bal derree), Edgar Balderree of Hlllsboro, Irving Balderree, wife and baby Joan from Toledo, Ore ton, and cone Elmer, and Willis t Salem. - r; I '$mi t,i si .'I I "nL a --v r-. S 4v s Miss Zeiber Announces Engagement at Tea For Miss Lord COMPLIMENTING Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Mabel Rob- j ertson entertained at one tne season at her home on Center street Saturday afternoon. The affair was also distinguished by the betrothal announce ment of Miss Charlotte Zeiber, William Earl Shafer, son of Mr. Guests for the affair were gene and Salem. Receiving at the door was fellow, while the dainty Misses and Mary Lee Fry stood near by with the betrothal an nouncements. Receiving in the drawing room were Miss Mabel Robertson, beautiful in a gown of orchid; Miss Eu genia Zeiber, exquisite -in shell pink satin. dUtinctlve in golden brown velvet. Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. Clif ford" Brown. Mrs. W. H. Burg- hardt. Mrs. Leslie Howell, of! Portland, Miss Greta Looney, of Jefferson, Mrn. Mildred Robertson, of Brooks, and Mrs. Charles H. Robertson. Holiday decorations of bolty and cedar wreaths; ntitletoer sil ver laurel, and a candelabra with rrd tapers were attractive about the rooms. . Presiding at the tea table with perfect appointments on the rare cloth of lace were Mrs. Alice II. Dodd. Mrs. Prince L. CampbeH of Kugene. Mrs. John H. Lautennan, Mrs. Henry Meyers, and Mrs. L. II. McMahan. Assisting with the serv- wa" a bevy of society's most attractive young maids and ma. L'rons which included Miss Ade- .li.le Mari ( hurch nf Kn;pnn - , . n v I ' M" J'.T" u", ,' "l ;'"'"c' pMiss Rovena Kyre. ! . 1 . . I- t .1 1 1 li all of the last four years spent in;ed the prize for high score ravehing in various parts of the w orld and in (study at Lowthorne. Both of tho young people whose engagement was anuouueed at the tea are prominent in-affairs not only in :alem hut of the state 5fiss ZeiSer. who graduated from the University of Oregon with the class of 1928 and attended dthe Mr. Shafer was especially prom; Inent in athletics at the University of Oregon from which he grad- uated with the class of 1924. Hf is also a graduate of the Harvard law school in the class of 1928, and a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, ALthough the exact date of the wedding has not been announced. it will be an event of this sum- holidays and sang carols before the homes of all the veterans of Marion county. Those w(ho belong to the post in Salem but live out of the county were lent packages. Each veteran received a Christmas cake, n all 86 calls were made dur ing the afternoon. Each of those called upon were able to receive and highly enjoy the attentions given them by the Daughters with the exception of Comrade Rollew who was III. The oldest of those called upon was 91, the youngest 83. A Christmas dinner celebrated the day at the" heme of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston on Liberty street. Guests for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Emery and young daughter Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hersch, and Mr. Luke John-on. - 4 x of the most charming; teas of niece of Miss Sally Bush, to and Mrs. F. E. Shafer. 140 folk from Portland. Eu petite Miss Dorothea Good- Mildred Brooks, Sybil Spears, A Note of Concern For Salem Friends Mrs. George Draper, of Oregon City, and mother of Mrs. William Burghart, quietly passed away at the Oregon- City hospital Christ mas Day. Last services were con ducted for her by Father Hilde brand at the St. John's church in Oregon City. Many friends and' admiring ac quaintances will remember Mrs. Draper who at the ate of 87 in the twentieth century remained a delightful southern gentlewo man of the old school in both her dress and her manners. Some of these friends date their acquaint ance back to the early days of Oregon history. 1879, at which time she and her profeesojr hus band. George Draper, came to Oregon. Complimenting Miss Margaret Wilson. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson en tertained a group of the younger set at a bridge tea in her apart ment at the Royal Court Friday afternoon. Guests for the afternoon were the Misses Margaret Wilson, Cath erine and Dorothy Corey. "Alida Olsen. Ruth Fick. Isobel George Dorolhy White. Rutheda Hoffnell Kleanor Wright, and Virginiin Holt. Miss Elfnnor Wright was award ....yv'T:-..-:4 If i-x XJ Howard Corset Shop 165 N. LIBERTY Home for Holidays . , t '- " y - 4-:w ' ifr Ss I ? xvy 5 T??4 w XV r af If- I io . p&rxf Aimong the many -college folk who are enjoying the holidays at home are on the left Miss Helen Campbell. left certier, Miss Ruby Drager, right center Miss" Dorothy Bell, all attending Oregon State College, and on the right Miss Mary Cupper, attending the University off Oregon. San Souci Club Enjoy Social Evening The San Souci club met wit! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Propp a1 their home on North 18th streei Friday evening. Christmas decora tions; and a Christmas tree carrier" out the holiday note of this party Cards formed the amusement for the evening. Mr. Ficke and Mrs. Andresen winning first prize an Mr. Dencer and Mrs. Siegmund second prize. Refreshments were served ai the close of playing. Guests for the evening were Mr and Mrs. Ernest Byer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Martin. Mr. and Mrs. William Moses. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ficke, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Dencer. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andresen. Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Case, and Mr. and Mrs. Flod Siegmund. The Jason Lee Foreign Mis sionary society will meet for their regular Meeting at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. D. O. Lear will read the lesson from Friends of Africa" ahd Mrs. P. J. Voth will lead the devotions. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. A. L. Dark. Mrs. C. M. Roberts and Mrs. A. F. Waller. The War Mothers meeting has been postponed until Wednesday January 2. The meeting will be held in the Y. M. C. A. at 2:30 o'clock. This is the first meeting of the year and will be devoted to a number of important details of business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield wer hosts, at a bridge party in thefr apartment at the Royal Court Sat urday evening. Late in the evening after four tables were played Mrs. Canfield served a dainty supper. The guest group included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott Page. Mr. and Mrs. W I. Needham. Mr. and Mrs. J C Perry, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willett, and Mrs. Har ley.O. White. Janusury SALE Final Clearance On' I lot Wrap Arounds, $1.95 values, special 98c Mot Corsets and Corselettes, values to $7.50. Special $2.95 House Dresses. Special $1.69 1 Jot Hats, special $1.00 I lot Hats, special $1.49 1 lot Hats, special $2.49 I lot Hosiery, regular $2.25 and $1 .50. Special ...... ... $1.00 Rayon Slips, regular $1.95 values, $1.49 Special reductions on gowns, pajamas, stepins, and dance sets. Y'oung Guest is Honored at Dinner Carl D. Gabrlelsln entertained at his home on Friday evening with a. ten cover dinner complimenting his nephew Charles Kay Bishop, who will soon resume his studies at Culver Military Academy. Mr. Gabrielsin was assisted by hid mother. Mrs. C. D. Gabrielsin. The .ooms were decorated with numer j u s miniature tinsel decked Christmas trees. A small tree cen tring the dining table held fav jrs for the guests. Later in the evening the entire party attended the Rainbow dance. Those present were: Dorothy Moore. Virginia Holt, Katherine Corey, Ruth Fick, Eleanor Wright and Stanley Price, Edwin Cross. Tommy Llvesley, Robert Bishop, uavm Eyre, and Charles Kay Bishop. & - Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lvtle entertained on thristmas dav with a Christmas tree and dinner at their home on Riverside Drive, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lvtle. Miss Ella Lytle and Annette Lytle of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lytle of New berg. Mr. Jess Fikan of Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Thomas, Dorothy and Elbert Thomas of Salem, Miss Helen Jean Lytle andthe hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lytle. Holiday Events That Are of Interest Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilson of North Cottage street had as their quests Miss Carolyn Wilson who is on the high school faculty in Hood River, and Mr. and Airs. Emerson Black also of Hood Riv er. Mrs. Black was formerly Miss ('. ladys Wilson. Miss Mary Kightllnger is spend ing her holidays with friends in Portland. Clearaoce 9 f vfv x'rf--x ,'fv-s j. ,tf " ' Watch Night service To Be Observed Sponsored by the three senior classes of the Presbyterian Sun day school an attractive and alto gether novel program has been arranged for New Year's eve. The party will be in the charch rooms. Festivities begin with a covered dish supper at 6:30 o'clock, for which the ladies will select their partners and start off the fun of stunts and, galty. The evening program will In clude games, debates, end music. Refreshments will be served at a late hour. The last 45 minutes be fore the new year will be devo tional. This will be lead bv Dr. Tully. Members of the church and their friends are invited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Riedisel entertained with a family dinner on ChriatmaB day at their borne on North Cottage street. Thirty guests were present at the dinner and eight more ar rived later in the day. Mrs. Elsa Ebsen. who la spend ing the holidays as the house guest of the Rev. and Mrs. Martin Fer- ,rey. has been entertained at a number of affairs in her honor during her stay here. On Christ mas Mrs. Ebsen was entertained at the Christmas dinner given in the heme of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney. Miss Maude Coving- on entertained at an rtrartiv ea in honor of Mrs. Ebsen Thurs- uj aimuouu, ana on f riday she was the dinner guest of Professor and Mrs. J. O. Hall at their horn on 13th street. Mrs. Ebsen will return to the Corvallis campus, where she is preceptress at Kidder hall, on New Year's dav. Gratitude Is characteristic of only the hjgher civilizad men. Hence, we propose a New lears resolution for shoppers: Salem Inasmuch as Salem is a glar ing example of merchant-charity; inasmuch as not one of us can deny that he has received untold benefit from the numer ous merchant-supported activ ities of the city; inasmuch as we appreciate the contribution of local business men to such worthy enterprises as the drum corp trip; the ad-club out-door-decoration campaign; the Sal vation Army drive; Red Cross relief work: the maintcna notary, iviwanis, Lion3 Other civic organizations school and Willamette and i.i.Cn. publi. cations; -church support; all aaiem publicity ventures: Inasmuch as we desire give as well as to take .WE. THE SHOPPERS to OF SALEM, RESOLVE DURLfO 1929 TO CEASE OUT-OF-TOWN. BUYING AND TO GIVE THE BUSINESS MEN OF SALEM OUR WHOLE-HEART. ED SUPPORT. Did it ever occur to yon that: The reason that yon can not buy your Paris creations in Salem Is that you have nerer oaiem is mat you Have never. created a demand for them by asking Salem .hon. fr i.,.7 asking Salem shops for sian tnings? Salem merchants would gire more special prices if the pub lie responded more readily to the sales which are sponsored? x U'omcii'i UMtal Calcnitip Monday The Royal Neighbors of America will entertain the Modern Woodmen of America and the families of the two groups at 8:00 o'clock in the Fraternal temple:' Tuesrtar No meeting of the W. C. T. U. Regular meeting will be January 15. Wednesday Jason Lee W. F. M. S., 2:30 o'clock, church parlors Women's. Missionary so- ciety of First Congregational church Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. L. O. Smith, 1780 North Cottage. War Mothers meet at 2:30 o'clock at Y. M. C. A. Mr. and Mrs. Rex San ford have had as their guests for th"e holi days Mrs.San ford's mother, Mrs. F. B. Carlisle, her sister, Mrs. F. D. Smith, and her nephew, Car lisle Smith, f Hood River and Mrs. M. H. LaMond of Portland. Miss Maxine Donaldson left Fri day evening for Portland wher- she will be the guest of Miss Leona Sail, untir after the new year. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Griffith entertained at a large family din ner on L'nristmas day. Bright Christmas decorations made the rooms attractive. The guest group included Mr and Mrs. J. E. Flanders of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Cattanach nf CaAyon City, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert f ord. Miss Eleanor Wright enter- tained a group of her friends at an attractive dancing party Satur day evening in the Wright home on Stewart street. You cannot Improve .your own or anyone else's financial condition bjTtrying to save the few cents difference between local andi out-of-town prices? prices arop as the urne of business increases. Exactly how much tn vol- know about your own city? you Did you know that Mack's coat and dress shop is the noly s'oro in Oregou. outside of Portland, which sells Marion Prince frocks? And that the beautiful Marion Prince her' self, the vivacious Seattle de signer. Is ceming to Salem be cause of her personal acquain- . " "it rl IU ,ye a 8l'e revue of her creations xometima i. own Feb- ruary? Furthermore, did you know that Mrs. MaeV U des- cendant of a family of French ""'snris ana was Dora in France? ' How does the local Miller store compare In size with oth er department stores In Ore gon? Did you guess that the Salem -Miller store Is the second largest store ootside of Port land, employs 75 people on the sales staff, all home families wuo contribute tneir share the ep-buildlng of our own city. Did tou know ht r ereInr at .fx n m V. .n.dajr l U p- m- tn dose of Miller's vear-nri .i..... sale In which rood staple mer chandise Is offered at one third less than regular price? Even such staple articles as blankets are being offered at a redwe- Young Married Folk Enjoy Social Evening Four tables of rook made an in teresting evening for the guest or Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMlllin .- their suburban home Friday eve ning. Shaded lights In holiday c! ors and holiday decorations ma I the rooms attractive. Refreshments were served at . late hour to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph II Kletzlng. Mr. and Mrs. Han. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Volght, Mr and Mrs. Waldo Marsters, Mr. an l Mrs. Floyd Lee. Mr. and Mrs. 1 - bart Shade, and Mr. and Mrs. K. r mett Welling. The Leslie "Can Do" clrfss h-i I the last meeting of the vear the home of Mr. and Mrs. Green wood on South Liberty Fridav evening. Business meeting wn held in which new officers were elected. Mrs. B. Otjen, vice pre.-t ident, Mrs. John Bertelson. sec retary, Mrs. Davis, and treasurer. Mrs. B. F. Pound. Refreshments and a nleasant so cial evening followed the election of officers. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Davis ..f 665 Breys avenue have as tin i' holiday guests. Mr. and Mrs. J. I, Richardson and their daughie. Miss Erma. Mr. and Mrs. Rlcliant- aou ar Mrs. Davis' parents. www Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bio,! were hosts at a family dinner ai their home on State alreet Christ mas day. Those enjoying the occ:i sion were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. !! son, Donald Allison, Mr. and Mr Everett H. Craven and hi a I I 'daughter Helen. Mrs. D. II. Cra ven, Ronald Craven. Mr. E. i: Cramer, Miss Velma May and t -hosts Dr. and Mrs. Brown. figure. Timely articles Includ ing winter dresses of wool and woolen coats, also all rain coats, are priced one-third less. All gift package3 in toiletries go at a reduction of one-thrid. The Miller store Is even think ing in terms of one-thirds and hundreds 'of smaller articles are likewise reduced for this event. Where can one secure gen uine carvings? These bits of peasant art. popular in the East as favors and bridge prizes, are at the Nelson Jewelry store, in the Oregon building, prised from $1.00 up. This store has some of the best dollar spi cials which we have found. Where is the new Kafoury huildlne; to be located? Be tween the P. E. P. building and the Cross Market on North Liberty; It Is a structure 42 feet wide and 80 feet deep, con taining two stories and a full basement, built of concrete and costing between $20,000 and $25,000. The building Is erect ed by Steusloff Brothers and will be occupied bw Kafoury'a on February 1. In the mean time, Kafoury's are having a' big removal sale worthy of the attention or any thrifty shop per. : - What is Salem'a only exclu sive negligbe shop? The Sunnie undle Shoppe. la the Bligh building at 121 & High. It . would be well to cultivate the acquaintance of the shop and note the unique. lighting effects, and the charming assortment of 2 v wi one-mira me reralar uuuei mmgs.