6" Salem, Oregtm Saturday December 29, 1028 Eael C. Bsownlee Shzldon F. Sackett Publishers Editorial - .- . - ae si ' "' '' 11 . ' -l He who freely magnifies what hath been nobly done, and fears, not to declare as freely what might be done bet ter, gives ye the best covenant of his fidelity. John Milton. Thie mHERE are three reasons X ipal ownership of her water system and an- extension of the supply lines to a mountain with many collateral ones. First, advertising value. one would be obliged to make quality of our water. Second, more adequate supply and better fire protection. The city can look to the future. It can build larger mains ; extend mainsif aster to remote districts in process of growth. Third, it can getimoney at" a lower rate of interest, and thus show a profition its investment above what is possible with a private concern. It can do away with the cost of pumping, besides getting an m come from its hydroelectric from the mountains. Then there is the matter of going value, or franchise value. Salem is a growing city. Will be a growing city for many generations. The franchise or going value will in the course of years more than justify the municipal ownership. This will accrue to future generations of residents here, in stead of going to the stockholders of a private concern. It increases with every baby born ; with every new resident. It is a legitimate value; but it should belong to the whole peo ple who make up the increase, and not to a few people, the private owners, located here or at distant points. Any reader can think of a thousand good collateral rea sons in favor of city ownership of a utility that we must have; that we cannot get awhg without. Girding 'for Battle fflHfi 300,000 farmers of the United States who grow sugar X beets, and the growers of the south who produce sugar cane, will be represented in Washington January 21 and 22, asking for a higher protective other countries . And they will be backed by engaged in the sugar industry And further by men speaking for other hundreds of thousands of farmers who would grow sugar beets if they could have factories offering them contracts that would in aure good profits for their work and the use of their land All depending upon a market not at the mercy of dump ing of products from the countries where sugar cane and sugar beets are grown by labor living far below American standards. On the other hand, the the Cuban factories and lands and the refineries along the Atlantic seaboard will be represented, along with all the foreign trade interests. It will be a battle royal, and great issues are at stake. It is the biggest thing in the whole list affecting a better al location of products of the land, in order to permanently settle the matter of major farm surpluses, about which we heard so much in the recent campaign. It will be hard on Cuba and the Wall street sugar trust, and on Java ; but the American farmers must win, for they ' stand for what is best for the great, majority of the people of the United States. WeVou!dNot SAYS an exchange : "Canada has slipped one over on the United States and the world at large by inaugurating pen ny postage as a Christmas present to its people. Uncle Sam is losing a good many thousand dollars on his mail service as it is and probably doesn't feel opulent enough to follow the example of his northern neighbor. On the other hand if he would stop paying postage for senators an.4 congressmen on their campaign literature he would save enough to make up the deficit." The above is 'cute as a cynicism. But there is very little of truth in it. The cost to the postal funds of the United States on ''campaign literature" of senators and representa tives is negligible ; a mere bagatelle. The big cost is the salary list ; and the growth is in the 'increase of salaries. Perhaps they are all justified. Many of them are, without doubt. 1 A Probably a million persons in the United States have the influenza, but the sickness of the king receives more news space. That may be the correct news emphasis. A king is more dramatic when fighting for death than you or I in a race to repel the 'Iflu" bug. No prince has raced to our bedside and no waiting world seeks knowledge of our Wyoming or going. Yet life for the ordinary person is prob ably as interesting as for the king and surely less exacting. They have the compulsory Ists in Massachusetts, and in District of Columbia Congressman Treadwell of that state ays it is being given consideration in 44 states. It is a safe ty provision that is coming up, Five new inmates came Thursday: five new "fish" It will run far above 700 by the end of July. But there will be employment for every one of them. And in the industries profitable employment. - That's a nice thing to think about. Forty-five flax pull incr machines at work in the harvest, in July and August. can see no such sight in any thousands , of these machines Willamette valley before many Mrs. Lita Grey Chaplin ieland at the age of 15 and divorced him in short order, says she is again considering marriage, -this time to Roy D'Arcy, screen villain. t An old, wise Much that has been said er was stuff and nonsense. His will turn out to be the cost liest peace time administration the country has had up to now. Practically all will be he cbuld have stood for more Exchange. Warner of Stanford first now formation B has been added to the repertoire. When formation C appears the boys (7s. - Kellygrams THE aaleemanager of a paper box company waa telling me about the hard lack all sweb. companies have suffered became of mod ern fashions in worn em's clothes. - A fchort-skirted dress caa be folded up aad placed la a box only aboat half ae large ae those formerly aeeded. Since It takes Just as saacb selling effort to- market email boxes aa large one, bmt at cor reepondingly lower price, the mannfactarer fc compelled to obtain anr business of some kind or else suffer reduced profit. Aad the trouble doeaat atop with the boxes for the skirt them selves. Skirts that do not qalte reach dowm to the kaee are. natural foe with stockings with ootto tope, i Whom t wonu'i knees and uvea part of her thigh are- exposed to tho fall view of oao aad all, she wishes to have thorn incased mm attractively a possible aad her stockings most bo silk all tho way up. Maybe you never thought boat It before, bat aOk soi stags will go Into a much, thinner box than if they had cotton tons. Oao tad from tho depth of a box cos It look so much loss vahsaMa that tho ma : the same price for it. Yet tile J- whv Salem should have munic source three main reasons, That is of great moment. No excuses to a new-comer for the with a pipe line with gravity power as the water comes down rate on sugar produced in representatives of other men Reasons Wall street sugar trust, owning liability insurance for motor advocating such a plan for the decidedly. to the state prison before noon "dressed in." That made 693 Salem district during the next Possibly more than 45. You other country. There will be working each harvest in the years. who wedded the jester of mov- woman is Lital She s now 21. about Coolidge as an economiz said truthfully for him 19 tnat extravagance if he had tried. made formation A famous and will surely know their A, B, BY FRED G. KELLY almost ae costly to Who's Who and Timely Views Growth of CItH AeroiroaUcs Des cribed M Phenotaenal Br WIT .T JAM P. lUcCRACKSK. ft. lAasi slant Secretary of Cemmerc for . Aeronautics. (William Patterson MaeCracken. Jr. was born at Chicago. 1IL. Sept. 17, Mil. H ia a graduate of the Unlvsr- mty of Chicago, whara ha studied law, Admitted to the bar In 111. ba began practicing In Chicago. Ha was assist ant attorney general of Illinois In ltJ and assistant state's attorney of Cook county the following year. In 1928 ha was named assistant secretary of com merce xor aeronautics. Ho served in the United States air service la 117 and lilt. He Is a Republican.) rfOMMERCIAL aeronautics has entered Into the business world and, without subsidy, it baa become an Integral part of American business and transpor tation. - In air trans port a e r r i c e alone there baa been an unpre cedented route 1 n c r e a ae. By comparison with a sched uled route mile- i(i of 8,396, which was the total one year ago, the trans port companies now operate) routes covering VtPJaACGRACKIM 11.111 miles over which their planes fly a dally mileage of 27.817. Eighty-eight cities are now directly served by these routes with a total trading area population of 80,000,000. On ml Bits for Breakfast Br R. J. This is onr winter . S Mr. Tenderfoot, and if we are going to get any more of it. we will likely have it in the next two or three weeks, and It will prob ably be short. V Here is a tip to the Bitta man, by a Salem grocer. He ordered seven sacks of walnuts and fil berts from a grower, for his store. He paid the current prices, and the check was $175. V There are few products we grow that rnn into money so - fast for the pound or the bulk. And there is very little shrinkage. Jike that of prunes put through the dryers. And there, is sure profit for the grower of nuts at present prices; especially for the grower who has mature walnut or filbert trees. S Multiply the present number of trees by 10 and look Into the fu ture 10, 15 or 20 years, and you can visualize a vast annual sum coming to our growers. The fil bert tree increases its crop fast after tt is five to eight years old, and the walnut tree very fast af ter ten or twelve years. A Salem district walnut orchard 10 years old made a gain this year over last of more than 50 per cent in ton nage. Salem is the natural walnut and filbert center of the United States, and It Is going to become famous and rich as such. This will extend to black walnut trees In the forests and to chestnuts, and perhaps some other varieties. s The Bits man has this letter: "The editor of the Statesman hit the nail on the head In his edi torial under the caption, 'Moun tain Water,' in this morning's is sue when he said: 'The city should own its water-system. It should go to the mountains for the sup ply. It should provide for selling power all the way down.' Until that is done we will be plagued Old Oregon's Yesterdays Town Talk from The 8tatee. Our Fathers Read Dec 9., 1008 While In Portland today. Gov ernor Chamberlain will confer with Major Langfitt, government engineer chief, apon what action is necessary to obtain the right of way for the Tho Dalles-Celllo can al on the Columbia river. The Increase in Salem property for 1903 as shown by the tax rolls computed by County Clerk J. W. Roland Is 1100.000. Total valua tion la now $2,039.(59. Dr. E. B. Hoover was appoint ed" hospital physician at the Old Soldiers' home in Roseburg. succeeding Dr. George E. Houck of Roseburg, resigned. t The Willamette; river steamer Pomona of the Oregon City Trans portation company sank 'in the lower rlrer yesterday afternoon, between Newberg and Oregon City. The steamer was command ed by Captain A. J. Spong, consid ered one of the most capable pil ots on the rlrer. High Pressure Pete several of the routes passenger service was inaugurated during the year and preparations are now being made to Include It on var ious others. An important step was taken la the) agreement between air trans port Interests and railroad exec utives to inaugurate several air- rail passenger lines, at least one of which will enable a passenger to cross the continent la two days and two nights, flying by day and using the railroad to cover the less farorable stretches by night. Equipment used by the lines Is steadily being Improved and In several caees there are already in use multi-engined planes with heated and lighted cabins, easy chairs, and many devices to bring the traveler comfort as well as to assure him safety. These planes operate over es tablished civil airways equipped with various aids to navigation such as beacon lights suitably spaced and marked and lighted intermediate fields at proper In tervals. The government now maintains air routes equipped for day and night flying, aggregating about 6,000 miles. Weather fore casts and warnings transmitted along such airways by a fast com munication system enable pilot to know unfavorable conditions In advance and to avoid them. Radio equipment la being Installed to aid pilots In maintaining their courses under conditions of poor' risi bility and to expedite the trans mission of weather and other information. Hendricks' with this 'vegetable soup.' W, M. uarner." s The Statesman has no quarrel with the owners of the Salem wa ter system. They are evidently do ing everything in their power to rid the water supply of the algal or vegetable substance with which it is contaminated. And they no doubt made a good Investment when they bought the Salem water system. And they are entitl ed to eTery honorable and decent consideration in the range of Justice and business fairness. . If the city shall conclude to own Its Water system, the present system ought to be bought, and the owners should be paid what it is worth; both the physical value and the going concern or franchise value. And the courts would grant them this, according to fixed rules backed up by a long line of de cisions. S But the Bits man believes, for many reasons, Salem should own Its water system. He has been in the fight for this since 1910 and before. Had the matter been con. eluded in 1910, when the. people voted In favor of it, Sale'm would now be In much better condition. There would have been a saving of several hundred thousand dollars for one thing. a - But that is neither here nor there. This is 1928; another year will be ushered in next Tuesday. Every day this Is neglected, the going concern value will increase, and the cost to the city will be that much higher, when a deci sion Is finally made -for city own ership. The future Salem will not be satisfied with anything short of municipal ownership and a moun tain supply. Why do we hesitate and thus pass onto our successors this higher cost, growing higher every day? No citizen will feel the cost of the system. It will pay tor Itself, and finally retire the bonds and then be in position for low er water rates. And lower rates might not be long deferred, with good management. Marlon county is not a welcher. It lives up to Its obligations, written or otherwise. The full five year term of the county health demonstration will be finished, ac cording to the original understand ing. It is a good thing; but the un derstanding should have been ear. rled out without respect to that point. A contract must be a con tract, In this county, as it should be everywhere. Tie One-Minute Pulpit I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation. he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments. and as a bride adorneth herself with jewels. Isaiah, Ixi. 10. ; ; ' eV t ' ,..-o V""r The Way of the World By GROTS PAXTEBSOV Disnatches recently carried the trivial news that a college debate tam had been defeated in a debate oa the Question: "Resolved that we deplore the Influence of modern advertising upon tne pun- 11c welfare." There Is no debate possible on that subiect for It has but one side. Only a man too dumb to be kept out of an asyium wouia donbt the beneficial effect of ad vertising upon the public welfare. Sensible advertising, has taugnt men how to lire In comfort. It has raised them from contentment with dirt and shabblness to a rea sonable demand for comfort and cleanliness. Advertising has cre ated desires, the satisfaction of which has led to enlture and a new spirit. BABIES AND BABIES Archeologlats digging for evi dence of the ways of early man, find a cave baby's rattle. The toy is excavated near Kish, in Meso potamia. Shaped like a hedgehog it contains a hard mud ball. No matter how far down the ages man has been coming the cave baby whs not unlike the baby of civilization. Mental tests would doubtless reveal little difference. A baby's rattle has been in de mand since the beginning of the human race. THE TIRELESS JAPS Yokohama, in Japan, has been more than 70 per cent re-created since the earthquake five years ago". The Japs do not appear much in the news except at the corona tion of an emperor, an infrequent war or an earthquake. But they are a working people, tireless, am bitious, apparently unafraid. What is destroyed they rebuild. They have the knack of taking care of themselves. They go ahead. They move up and on. Let us watch the Japs, not in fear, but in proper and helpful curios ity. NICE AND SIMPLE Don AlfonsS. cousin of the SDanish king, who has been visit ing us, sails for home. The two Americans who impressed him most are Henry Ford and Colonel Lindbergh. He said: "Your Henry Ford is tne em bodiment of simplicity. Colonel Lindbergh is nice and simple. You ought to take off your hat to him." That is a significant remark. coming from royalty. Don Al fonso by birth and training is an aristocrat. Interesting to see that he recognizes the value and the power of simplicity. "Nice and simple," he says" "You ought to take off your hat to him-." That's worth thinking ab6ut. Dinner Stories INDIGNATION, PLEASE! "Stoo! For the love of Mike stop!" shrieked the film produc er, and obediently the cameras ceased clicking. The producer walked over to the leading man-. "Your exnresslon is hopeless. he scowled. "Try to look as if you really were indignant." "I've done the best I can," re torted the actor, sullenly. "No body could do any better." "Verv well, your salary is re duced plenty from today on," snapped the other. Then: "Now, that Is the idea. Hold It Take, please!" ! . And the cameras clicked again. EXACTLY Rastns I tells you. Sambo. I done found out de deffence be tween men and de women at las'. Sambo What what Is it. Rastns Wall, a man '11 gib two dollars for a one dollar thing dat he wants, and a woman'll gib one dollar for a two dollar thing wnat she don' want! MISS PANGBORN VISITS HUBBARD, Ore., Dec. 28. (Special) Miss Margaret Pang born, who has made an extended visit with her parents in Hubbard, returned to California Friday. Margaret- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pangborn of Peggie's Tea room. ' Tho Grab Bart December 29, 1923 . Who am IT What is my profes sion? In what Ibeen play dtd I score a success T Of what Is Sinapore the capital? What Roman slave extracted a thorn from the paw of a Hon? What French explorer founded Quebec? "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and It shall be done unto you." Where is this passage found in the Bible? JIMMY JAMS WHEH ALU MV CHRlTMA9, "Toy was eo&TEo i went OVER To O&WAUfc HOUSE OUT HE H AD AV.Ce ADV owmu rti ot ninotLr -VEP- Today in the Past On this day, in 1845, Texas was admitted to the Union. Today's Horoscope Persons born on this day are free thinkers and they have no fear. Underhandedness is not a part of their makeup. , .- A Dally Thought "Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle."-r-Michael Angelo. Horoscope for Doc. 29 Persons born on .this day are capable of much serious study. They delve beneath the surface of things and often make great scien tists. Answers to Foregoing Questions 1. Alia Nazlmova; actress; "A Doll's House." 2. Straits Settlement. 3. Androcles. 4. Samuel de Champlain. 5. St John, xv, 7. Cellini is Caught In Own Gun Trap PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 28. (AP) Louis Cellini, whose home has been receiving considerable attention from burglars of late. mounted a double barreled shot gun over a picture frame, and at tached a long cord from it to the door of his room. If a burglar opened 4he door he would be the target from both barrels. Cellini forgot the trap today when he opened the door. He was taken to a hospital In a critical condi tion. DILLON VISITOR HUBBARD. , Ore.. Dee. 28. (Special) W. S. Dillon, former principal of the Hubbard grade school, but now principal of the grade school in Molalla. was ex changing greetings with friends In Hubfiard Thursday. wis 'A ( i wt r-a. n m v. Ob servabons New Liberty street business houses and the project for mak ing It one of the short cuts to the fair grounds and Hollywood shows the rapid growth of the capital city It la not a too swift gness to think of Liberty as lined with shops and markets as far north aa Mill creek and a business district with a theatre and a bank on the north side of the creek and out to the water front. Market street in San Francisco has the Twin reaas looking west but Liberty and the business streets of Salem all show lews of Mt. Hood and half a dozen snow peaks from 12,000 to 14,000 feet high. The Twin Peaks at the head of Market street, San Francisco, are only about 2000 feet high, while Mt. Jefferson, di rectly east of State street Is oyer 12,000 feet elevation. Best we can say, we ar poor advertisers. The Community builders have been holding noonday meetings with free lunches and a booster lectures, that make California expansionists look white around the gills, to locate scores of new home builders in the Ben Lomond district. New buildings are going up and work on the new Freder ick Lamport 160,000 home starts early in 1929. To haye a realtor show how Oregon has California faded off the map in forty ways, and Salem the Queen Bee and busy spot of all towns in the northwest is a credit to the real estate profession. Watch buildings spring up on south Liberty street where the new viaduct, to match the new bridge on South Commercial street. Is going in. That street will be open in a few months and will be an occasion for a celebration to rattle the bones of conservatism harking back to a time when Salem was noted for having the widest and muddiest street in the webfoot state. The Chamber of Commerce ad vises keeping an eye on West Salem, the beautiful residence addition across the river. Salem real estate and every business house in Salem will be benefitted by the rapid development of West Salem. There is. a wise conserva tion of the water front and pre servation of the forest beauty of the camp grounds and tourist coi-; tages between the West Side high way and the mile of -river bank extending south. In time there will be the choicest residences fronting on the river bank on both sides of the Willamette. The owners of the property on the east bank of the river couia not ao a wiser thing, than to preserve the bank from further caving down and washing away, preserve the natural trees and shrubbery ana build a driveway on the river front and encourage residence building fronting the river. These would command a sunset view of the Polk county hills of great beauty that could never be hidden The state highway commission or some progressive public body is Fciems that Live "SONNET (Oa kts having arrived to the ago of twenty-three) HOW soon hath Time, the sub tle thief of youth, Stolen on his wing; mj three and-twentleth year! My hasting days fly on with full career. But my late spring: no bad or blossom shewth. Perhaps my semblance mirM de ceive .the troth That I to manhood am arrived ao near; And laward ripeness doth much less appear. That some mora timely-happy spirit enduth. Tet, be it less or more, or soon r alow. It shall be still In stricter! measure wen Te that same lot, however mean or high. Toward which Tim leads me, and tho will of Heaven: All U, If I have grace to tuo it so. As ever la my great Task-maa. trseye. John MOton (lt0S-lfT - By CoL E. Hofer topping and preserving the growth of forest that extends tor several mile between the river and the highway from Albany to Corvallis. The highway commission is not overlooking Its best bet in pre serving trees and shrubbery and scenic beauty of tine groves along the state highway, and not leav ing It all for (he tourist camps to do. Salem is today experiencing the delightful sensation of having many new business buildings "be ing erected and three new busi ness districts coming into exis tence before the very eyes of any one who will take the trouble to walk over the territory described in the foregoing fact summary. Other parts of the city are ex periencing group construction that will soon blossom into busine9H districts. No part of Salem is ov er stimulated, but all growth and development Is along natural and normal lines. That is why all prop erty Investments are safe Invest ments.. If they are not already in an area of expanding values, it is only a question of time when they will be. Members of the toning property into business zones. Could there be a better Indira, tlon, or a more inviting existing condition, in what is already a community maintaining rapid growth and spreading on both sides of the river? Listen In SATTJXDAT KWX8 200 Maters. 1600 KHocrclei 9 :00-1 J :00 . Housewife1 hour. 6 :00-7 :00 p. m. scmi-ciassicai pro gram. 10:00-11:00 Kequpst Hour. KTEC 819 Meters. 1370 Kilocycles 10:00-11:00 Request program. 11:80-12:00 m. Request program. 12:50-1:00 News Items ana weather reoort. 1 :00-1 :00 Sml-clalcal. 2:00-1:00 Novelty program. :00-:lS Js'ew Vork stock quota tions. 6:15-7:00 Novelty projrrftm. 7 :00-7 :08 Weather report 8 :00-5 :00 Hawaiian quartet. 9:00-10:00 KFEC novelty, dance or- ehestra. 10:00-10:15 Amos 'nd Andy. KTBB S31 Aleters, 1300 Kilocycles KTBR 231 M-ters. 1300 Kilwv.-s 8:00-7:00 Staff trio and road report. 8:00-9:00 "The Gypsys. 9 :00-10 :00 Request program. 10:00-11 :00 Jack Medland. KOIK 319 Meter. 390 Kilocycles 11 :45-12 :00--Loule Webber, dietitian. 12:00-12:30 p. m. Farm program. 3 :00-4 :0V News and muMc. 5:15-8:00 Topsy Turvy-Tlmes. 6 :00-7 :00 Organ concert. 7 :00-8 :00 Orchestra. 11:00-12:00 Merrymaker's frolic. KOW 184 Meters, 620 Kilocycles 8:00-9:00 a. m.. NBC "Happy Tim." :30-10:00 Home information service. 10:00-11:30 Town Crier. 12:00-1:00 p. m. Laincheon concert. 1 :00-2 :00 "Farmer'a Hour." 2:15-4:30 p. m. Eait-YVest football game description from Los Angele. 6 :00-6 :00 Orchestra concert from New York over N BC. 6 :00-7 :00 Diversified popular pro gram from New York. 7 :00-8 :00 Dance muelc (transconti nental. ) 8 :00-9 :00 Program from KOMO. 9:00-10:00 "Golden Legends." 10:00-12:00 'The Big Show," NBC. NBC 2 :l5-4 :S0. East-VJest football description: 6-1. National orchestra: -7, The Vagabond King :" 7-8 dance orchestra; 8-9. "The Carnival;" 9 10. "Golden Legends;" 10-12. 'The Big Show." KORE Eugens (211). 8:30 a. m. housewife's program; 10, music: 12, concert: 1, music; 6:30, music; 6:45, news : 7, sponsored. KSL Salt Lake City (265) 8. NBC : 7. dance orchestra ; 8. novelty ; 9, am ateur night; 9:80. dance music; 11. Coyote club. KNX-Los Angeles (285). 8. play- ?oers' club ; 8:30, organ : 7, mystery ; :30, feature; S. feature: 9. "Mr. and Mrs."; 10-13 orchestra; 1?. dance hour: 1. Midnight Express KMO Seattle (S:).Xr8, NBC; 8 with K.UW ; j orchestra ; o, orchestra: 11, .news; 11:15-12:30, dance or chestra. KHJ Los Angeles (333). 6. doings: 6 :4, news ; 7-9. chain program ; 3. symphony ; 10-12, dance music. 1-. frolic. KGO Oakland (I7). NBC; 8. snorts, 8:1. NBC ; t-11. NBC. Lions Get Bid For Midwinter District Meet Members of the Salem -ions club were invited to attend a mid winter meeting of Lions in the northwest -district, to be held at Longvlew sometime In February, by Harry Swart, district governor, when he attended the Friday luncheon here. The exact date has not been set. Mr. Swart announced that Lloyd T. Reynolds ot the Salem den had been appointed chair man ot a commute to "sell Ore gon" at the Lions International convention and at other national meetings next year. The Friday luncheon was' billed , as a "father and son af fair, but a number of the "sons" present were daughters. Justice Harry. Belt of the supreme court delivered an interesting address relative to the occasion, Charles Knowland told some lather and son stories and Edward Fisher. University of Oregon student, sang appropriate songs. A kindly Providence has so ar ranged it that the hunting and 'nousecleanlng seasons coincide. BySwau -aa- hard to aelL