The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 29, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    the New 0&Ey Statesman; Salem. O t 3. ItiS
Local News Briefs
Visiting Parent Her Miss
Alice L. Falk, who Is teaching
school at Boardman,. eastern Ore
gon, is spending the holidays .with
her parents here.
In Marshfield Gale Saner, lo
cal manager of the BrownsTilie
Woolen Mills' department of Mil
ler's store is spending a few days
in Marshfield on business.
Mr. Crater in Portland Mrs.
Grace Crater, buyer for the wom
en's ready-to-wear department at
Miller's store, spent Thursday In
Portland on firm business.
lit tn Salem Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Claus and family of Silver
ton spent Christmas day visiting
at tbe home of Mrs. Annie Stew
art in saiem.
Influenza Reuort Made Twen-
ty-one cases of influenza were re
ported to the county health officer
trom Salem Thursday and Friday.
Five cases were reported for the
rest of the county In the two days.
At SUverton Mr. and Mrs. H
B. Claui and family of Odas, Mrs.
Ivie Evon and family of Duluth,
Minn., and Mrs. Annie Stewart of
Salem were recent visitors at the
F. W. Claus home In Silverton.
X. C. Kafoury 111 N. C. Ka
foury Is again confined to his
home on account of illness, the
nature of which is not definitely
known.' He recently suffered an
attack of the influensa.
Falls to Stop E. T. Burrell,
Salem route 7. was arrested
Thursday night by a local traffic
officer on a charge of falling to
stop at a through street Inter
section. Nnttinga Stopping Here Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Nutting, accom
panied by Juanlta Jentry, are in
the city from. Medford.
Mn. Fulkeraon Returns Mrs
Mary l. Fulkerson, county school
niinerlntendent. will be back In
her office this morning after
annndlnr several davs In Portland
wnere sne attenaea ine annum
meeting of the Oregon state teach
era' association.
Sneedinc Chanced Cecil Ro-
senberry, 23 66 Myrtle avenue,
was arrested Friday by a Salem
traffic officer on a charge of
speeding. Olen L. Hise and E. C.
Petree of Eugene were arrested
on similar charges Thursday
Dr. Doney Is 8paker--Dr. Carl
Gregg Doney. president of Wlllanf
ette university, will be the chief
speaker at the monthly meeting
of the Marlon County Bar associa
tion to be held at noon today at
the Marlon hotel.
Mrs. Limbeck Injured Mrs. A.
Limbeck, 590 South 22nd street,
suffered lnlnrlea to her back
when she slipped and fell at her
home Friday morning, sne ieu
several weeks ago and broke her
arm, and had not fully recovered
from this injury.
. MtUees Return From North
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and
children. Gladys. Frank and Ar
thur, returned Thursday from
Sumner, Wash., where they spent
the early part of the week with
relatives. Thev reside In the Ai-
der brook addition.
Bond Payment Made The
state treasurer Friday sent to the
faiuum a ai a- uuh - -
City a check for $505,315. cov
erlng principal and interest du
on world war veterans state ail
bonds Issued by the state of Ore
pon. Of the amount represented ir
the check $500,000 was principal
and $5315 interest.
One Fatality John E. Heine.
Oregon City logger, was the only
person killed In Industrial acci
dents in Oregon during the week
ending December 27, according to
a -an'ort issued here Friday by the
Btate industrial accident commit
slon. There were 512 accidents re
ported to the commission durlnc
the week.
Here From Echo Mr. and Mrs
Guy W. Lang of Echo were recent
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mm A r. Rnhrnstedt. Mrs. Lane
was Miss Lily Pollard, who taught
for two years in the Lincoln grade
school here. Mr. Lang was
prarinatAA from Willamette uni
versity with the class of '26.' From
here they went to Portland for a
visit with his parents.
Licensee - Paid The Southern
Tacific cmpany today sent to the
itate motor vehicle department a
check for $13,281. covering li
cense fees for the operation of its
stages In Oregon. The company
also Is required to pay a seat tax
to the automotive division of the
public service commission. The
Shell Oil company sent In a check
of $13,232 covering license fees
for the operation of its trucks and
Returning From San Diego
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Callaghan are
returning next week from -San
Dieeo where the Christmas sea
son was spent with Mr. and Mrs.4
. A. Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. cai
laghan's parents. Mr. Callaghan
and K. J. Peters, associated with
the former In the Belcrcst Memor
ial Park development, drove south
shortly before Christmas. Mrs.
Callaghan went to San Diego for
a visit with her parents when they
Uft Salem to spend the winter In
the south.
Attend Master tn Portland
brigadier General George A.
White of the Oregon National
Guard and other members' of the
ptaff at the headquarters here were
in Portland Thursday night to at
tend the quarterly muster of the
Portland units. More than 1,000
guardsmen were present, Col. Eugene-
Moshberger, of oodburn,
commanding. A demonstration of
different military subjects was giv
en by sararal of the unit.; General
White awarded If "certificates of
proficiency in rifle marksmanship
and 47 faithful medals, one
of which was for 20 years" service,
one for 15 years, and nine.for 10
years - duty, A Urge crowd" "wit
nessed the muster and demonstra
tion, which was followed by js,
dance for tb aUjt4 uon,
Valsetx Resident Here H. F.
McHale of Valsetx registered at
the New Salem Friday.
Ruth Sweet died in this city
December 28. "Rigdon and Son will
forward the body to Portland for
Kola Xeis Visits Kola Neis,
formerly with the Northwest Fruit
Products in Salem but now of
Portland where he is retired, is a
visitor In the city. While here he
Is stopping at the Marion.
Divorce Allowed Decree of di
vorce was handed down fn circuit
court here Friday In the suit
brought against Harry L. Williams
by Margaret Williams.
Independence Folk Here Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Dugan of Indepen
dence are spending a few days in
Salem, making their headquarters
at the Marion. Mr. Dugan Is a
prominent chicken hatcher and
Litwillera Have Son The In
fant son born Sunday to Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Litwlller has been
named Gene Russell. Mr. Litwlller
is a mortician with Rigdon &
Son. Mother and son are at the
Bungalow maternity home.
Hotel Man Visits Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Wlllson of Medford, where
he is assistant manager of the
Hotel Jackson, are spending a
few days vacation in Salem, mak
ing their stay at the Senator. Tbe
Senator and Jackson hotels belong
to the stage terminal chain.
Manager to Arrive Frank M.
Madden of Seattle, northwest
manager for the- Reld Murdoch
canning company, will arrive In
Salem today on business pertain
ing to establishment of the new
cannery here, it was announced
Cantata at First Christian
The large chorus choir of the
First Christian church will pre
sent the cantata, "The Christ
Child" at the Sunday night wor
ship hour. Mrs. Angela Jackson
has directed the production for
which Miss Minnie Miller Is or
ganist. Appearance Asked A motion
was filed with the Marion county
clerk here Friday demanding the
appearance of Frank Hllke In
Court as a Judgment debtor. The
motion was withdrawn shortly af
ter It had been filed, however, and
Is expected to be riled with, the
Polk county clerk at Dallas today.
Marriage Annulled Decree was
handed down in circuit court Fri
day setting aside the marriage en
tered into between Marie Payne
Lynch and Victor Francis Lynch.
She had sued to have it annulled
nn thm rrnnnd that she was forc
ed into It through misrepresenta
tion and duress on his part.
Salt to Quiet Title Suit was
filed in circuit court here Friday
by Myrtle B. Arneson against
ni)nh Schwarts and 12 other
Schwarta'a and a number of "oth
ers to bring the total up to 27.
The purpose of the suit Is to quiet
title to a piece or real property m
Marion county. .
A. Tl Paore Dies Here Arthur
Burley Page. 71. died at the home
t 246 North 17th street, late
Friday. He had resided in Salem
since 1914.' Besides his wlte,
Hattie Page, he la survived by two
sons, Claude D., and Arthur L...
both of Jefferson: and five daugh
ters. Mrs. Clara Eshleman of Can
yonville. Ruby Page of Salem.
Mrs. Iris Arnold of Monmouth.
Mrs. Myrtle Coats of Eugene and
Mrs. Gladys White of Portland.
Pedestrian Injured James L.
Holtz, 566 North Commercial
street, was struck by a light
truck about 7:15 o'clock Friday
night at the corner of Center and
Commercial streets as he was
walking across the street. He was
taken to the Salem hospital, where
it was reported he had suffered
minor Injuries to his chest, so far
as was known last night. The
name of the driver of the truck,
which contained a traveling ac
counting business, was not learn
ed. Mandates Received T h r e e
mandates from supreme court
were filed with the Marlon coun
ty clerk Friday. Two of them re.
verse the lower court In suits
brought by the Southern Pacific
company against the Oregon
Growers Cooperative association.
Under the supreme court rulings
the railway company will recover
$1656.76 on one suit and $5.
448.32 on the other. The lower
court held againBt the Guardian
Building and Loan assocaltion In
its injunction suit against Mark
D. McCallister, and was upheld by
the supreme court In that ruling.
Divorce Demanded Although
he has been married to Jeanette
Wood since February 28, 1897,
A. D. Wood filed suit for divorce
against her In clreuit court here
Friday. He lays that she contin
ually found fault with him and
criticized him and wrongly accus
ed him of various acts. Once she
attacked him with a knife, he
says, adding that another time she
bit him severely in the cheek and
on another occasion bit bis fingers
so that they bled profusely. The
t hT been se oar a ted since
September 11. 1926, he indicates.
Road Petitions Filed Three
mors road petitions were - filed
with tbe Marlon county court here
Friday. One asks a market road
from tha northeast corner of the
George Slagel place past the Oak
Grove school, bouse to Market
Romd 43, near the W. E. Tate
place, a total distance of two and
half miles? Another r netltlon
seeks establishment of a market
road from the pavement at the St.
Lou, ! store oast the Dan Kava-
naugh place to the Salem-St. Paul
road at the John Fahey place, a
distance of two ana a hail xniies.
The third petition asks for a mar
ket road along tbe "million dollar
highway" from Bingham corner
past the Labish Center school
house to the ton ef the hill at the
Dunn home on Hares ranch. This I
road wouU be" three miles longV j
The Capital Baslnetse Colled
Has many calls every year for
young men stenographers that It
cannot fill.
Dollar Dinner
Every ulght
Marion hotel.
: to 8 at the
1029 Calendars Free Homer H.
Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing Glese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Notice, Basements
Waterproofed on the inside
Tom Norton, 586-W.
Old Time Dance
Crystal Garden Every Wed. and
Sat. night.
Lost. Large Black Cat
With white spots on neck,
breast and stomach. Seen on
Chemeketa and Summer streets.
Phone Homer H. 8mlth, 1023. Re
ward. ..-
Notice Our Soda Water
Is made of Dure strlnr water.
The Gray Belle.
Old Time Dance
Sat, nlte. M. W. A. Hall, Chem
awa. Matthe's Orch.
The Man Who Geta By
la (he one who does not wait
for an excuse to present his wife
with a gift. Visit our G if try and
take home some inexpensive little
thing just "for no reason at all."
Pomeroy ft Keene.
Whether You Seek Success
In business, in the professions
or elsewhere; whether you make
your start with or without a col.
lege education, a business train
ing will shorten the path for you
just as surely aa It has for thou
sands of others. Begin a course at
the Capital Business College next
Wednesday, January 2.
Big Masquerade at Mehama
Monday night. New Years eve.
$20 in cash prizes awarded to the
3 best costumes in atteadaace and
a very good time planned for ev
eryone. Don't miss!
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends ' and especially the Elks
and Woodmen of the World for
their kindness and sympathy dur
ing the Illness and death of our
husband and father , Geo. W.
Thompson. Mrs. Florence Thomp
son and family.
Guaranteed Shed Dry W
Coal Prompt del. Tel 13
Clougb-Huston chapel, the Rev.
Fred C. Taylor officiating. Inter
ment la the I. O. O. F, cemetery.
Bejdes .Mr.. Barton, she Is .sur
vived by three sisters: Mrs." G. D.
Washburn- and Mrs. John. Faulk
ner, of. Florida, and Mrs. Herbert
Haselwood of Ottawa, Canada, and
one brother. Fred S. McClelland
of Massachusetts.
Mrs. Mary Irwin, 75, died Fri
day morning at the Mission hos
pital where she made her borne.
Survived by two sons. Moss and
red irwln, of Salem; three daugh
ters. Mrs. Paul Valerius of Rl
Ungham, - Wash., Mrs. William
Walck, of Vancouver, Wash., and
Mrs. C. W. Bogart of Lebanon,
uregon; by three brothers. W. W.
Hill and Frank Davis of Ralem
and Lee Davis of Springfield; also
oy xi grandchildren and two
great grandchildren, funeral an
nouncements later from Rigdon
and Son.
Forrest H. Reeser died at lrw.i
hospital December 28 at the age
or oz years. He was formerly of
Beaverton. but lately of Ashland,
where his widow now resides. n.
mains will be shipped by Clough-
nusion company to Ashland for
services and interment
Ingersoll .
Daniel Ingersoll, so, died Wed
nesday at a local hospital. Grave
side services and interment at the
Odd Fellows cemetery here at
1:30 o'clock today.- Clough Hus
ton company In charge.
On Dec. 27, at the family home,
663 N. 16th street. Lou fa inr
at the age of 82 years. The de
ceased Is survived by his widow
Sophia and by two daughters, Mrs.
rrea Bicknaese, of Welcome,
Minn., and Mrs. Anna Laue of
Salem. Oregon. Likewise by 8
grandchildren and nine great
grandchildren. The remains are
In care of the Salem Mortuary and
announcement of the funeral will
appear at a later date.
Arthur Bur)ey Fae fl.. died at
the residence, 246 North lTt.h
street, December 28. He is survlv.
ed by his wife, Hattie Page, two
sons, Claude D. and Arthur L.
Page of Jefferson; and five
daughters: Mrs. Clara Eshle man
of Canyonvllle. Mrs. Gladys While i
or Portland. Mrs. Iris Arnold of
Monmouth. Mrs. Myrtle Coats of
Eugene and Miss Ruby Page of
Salem, and nine grandchildren.
Funeral announcements later from
Rigdon and Son.
BROOK8, Ore., Dec 28. (Spe
cial) The Brooks Methodist Sun
day school gave an interesting
Christmas tree was also a feature.
The following Christmas num
bers were given before an appre
ciative audience.
! Song. "Joy To the World." by
the congregation; scripture read
ing by the Rev. D. George Cole;
prayer by the Rev. HI R. Scheuer
man; song, "O Little Town Of
Bethlehem." by the congregation;
talk by Mr. O. O. Epley; "A Wel
come,' by little John Colyer; rec
itation, Lloyd Tonkin.
Song, "Christmas Breeze," by
the choir; recitation by little Opal
8heuerman; recitation, Gladys Ep
ley; song "Star of the East," by
the choir; recitation, "Whispers
and Secrets Everywhere," by John
Colyer; reading "Suppose," by Syl
vester A. Harris: recitation. "A
Letter to Santa," by Addle Colyer.
Song, "Away rn a Manger." by
the congregation; reading. "A
Week After Christmas." Miss Vi
ola Colyer; reading, Mrs. John
Tonkin; songalogue "Times have
Changed," by Mrs. Albert Snooks,
Miss Marie Dunlavy and Miss Vi
ola Colyer, with piano accompani
ment by Miss Dunlavy.
The last number on the program
was picture slides, entitled "What
Shall I Do?" by the Rev. D. George
Cole, pastor of the Brooks Meth
odist church, after which the
congregation sang "All Hall the
Power of Jesus Name." The Sun
day school and the Ladies aid so
ciety made donations enabling
Santa Claus to give candy and or
anges to all present.
the Clough-Huston chapel here
Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock,
the Rev. Fred C. Taylor officiat
ing. Interment will be in the I. O.
O. F. cemetery here,
Mrs. .Barton was the wife of
Ffit S. Barton, now of Portland
but formerly of this city where he
conducted an electrical store until
a few years ago. Other survivors
Include one brother, Fred J. Mc
Clelland of Massachusetts, and
three sisters: Mrs. G. D. Wash
burn and Mrs. John Faulkner,
both of Florida and Mrs. Herbert
Hazelwood of Ottawa, Canada.
County Rally of
C. E. is Planned
New Year's Day
Barton Funeral
To Be In Salem
Monday Morning
Funeral services for Mrs. r.lara
Virginia Barton, 49, who died In
Lewiston. Idaho, last Friday af
ter a Bhort illness, will be held at
Marlon county Chrlstion En-
deavorers and their friends will
have a chance to start the New
Year right, for on Tuesday eve
ning, January 1, the county union
Is sponsoring a New Year's rally
at the First Presbyterian church,
corner of Winter and Chemeketa
The entire state executive com
mittee, including Viola Ogden.
James Henderson and Paul Brown,
is expected to be present. Regis
tration for the 1929 state conven
tion, which will be held In Salem,
April 18 to 21, will be launched
at the rally. All county Endeav
orers and their friends have been
urged to attend.
The Pathfinder.
Bobby Mamma, was your name
Pullman before you were mar
ried? Mamma No, honeybunch; why
do you ask?
Bobby Oh, 1 Just wondered
what that name stood for on so
many of our towels.
Clara Virginia Barton. 49", wife
of Frank 8. Barton, 'formerly of
Salem but now of Portland, died
December 21 in Lewiston, Idaho.
v-'Tral services will be held here
Monday, at 10:30 a. m.' at th?
Oregon Dectrlc fty.jfs
Willamette Valley Um jf
sav s
F1F TflHIfl m.;..T.... vt .
ajKieMSVa. VT m-
ui your f!isc caiat bretktvr
Thompson-Glutech Optical Co.
110 W. Oomra'l at.
Vault Entombment
.Huston v
v "V
- ,
WjUaat aprUoa at lata at Um.
Sit Ori"u. Bia.
Our Specialty
. Things Electrical
101 South High Tel. 2112
Gum Drops
For Saturday
Reg. price on these 30c lb.
For Saturday Only
15c per lb. straight
,Drug Store
N. 135 Com'l. St. Phone 107
The Original Yellow Front
Drug Store
Penslar Agency
Winter Term, Jan. 3-March 19, 1929
T. H. Gentle, Extension Instructor in Education, University of
. Oregon.
J. K Horner, Assistant Professor of English, University of
O. W. Hug. City Superintendent of Schools, Salem.
C. L. Kelly, PhT B., C. P. A., Professor of Accounting. Univers
ity of Oregon.'
H. C. Kohler, Ph. D., Professor of English, Willamette Uni
versity. O. L. Sherman. Ph. D., Professor of Philosophy, Willamette
H. R. Taylor, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Psychology, Uni
versity of Oregon.
N. B. Zane, Assistant Professor of Design, University of Oregon
Classes meet In Salem Hlgb School, unless otherwise ar
ranged. Tbe term fee Is $7.00, except for tbe special course
In REAL ESTATE for which tbe fee is $10.00 and that In
CHILD PSYCHOLOGY which Is $8.00 if 26 enroll, and rela
tively more for a smaller number. A minimum enrollment ot
twenty-five is necessary to guarantee the Real Estate course.
Other courses require a minimum enrollment of twenty.
4:00 Curriculum Making. Room 217, one bour. Mr. Hug..
f:15 The Poetry of Browning. Room 210, one hour. Dr.
-Kohler. .
7:16 Art Analysis. Room 219. one hour. Mr. Zane.
2:16 Poster Design. Room 219, one hour. Mr. Zane.
$:16 Great Literary Books. Room 211, one hour. Dr. Kohler.
7:16 Social Psychology. Room 216, one hour. Dr. Sherman.
8:16 Problems In Philosophy. Room 216, one hour. Dr. Sher-
man.w . MONDAY
7:16 Pedagogy of. the Social Sciences. Room 217, two hours.
- . Mr. Gentle. -7:15
Public 8peakiqg. Room 216, two hours. Mr. Horner.
7:16 Child Psychology. Room 214, two hours. Dr. Taylor.
7:15 Real Estate. Room 215, two hours. Mr. Kelly.
Enroll at first meeting of any claaa. ,
For farther information address the University off Oregon,
; . Extension Division, Eugene, or telephone 440, Salem. -
John J. Rottle
4JS State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
We have a, .1020 Oldemobile
DeLuxe coach, fully equipped,
has an all metal trunk, good
rubber, leather upholstering,
runs and looks like a new car
and in A-l condition lnevery
way for S405.0O.
Mrs. Mary Irwin
Salem Resident
r 30 Years, Dies
it- :
Mrs. Mary Irwin, 75. a resident
of Salem for the past 30 years,
died Friday morning at her home
at the Mission hospital. She suf
fered a slight paralytic stroke sev
eral weeks age. Funeral arrange
ments have not yet been made.
Mrs. Irwln was the mother of
Moss and Ted Irwln of Salem, and
of Mrs. Paul Valerius of Belling
ham. Wash.. Mrs. William Walck
of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. C.
W. Bogart of Lebanon. Three
brothers. W. W. Hill and Frank
Davis of Salem and Leo David of
Springfield, eleven grandchildren
and two great grandchildren, also -survive.
Remains are In charge'
of Rigdon and Son. ...
Dr. Aiken Smith
Will Be Pastor "
DALLAS, Oe., Dec. 28'.- (Spe
cial) The Presbyterian church
which has been without a regular
pastor for several months, has
called Dr. Aiken Smith who was
pastor of one of the Portland
Presbyterian churches for a num
ber of years, but has recently been
doing evangelistic work.
Dr. Smith will be in Dallas to
begin his work next Sunday.
That Service sVbIU"
Youni? Woodpflfle
amid CoaflMmi
and if you need fuel in the next
seven days place your order at once
!PIHDKnS a 055 - Sfcrcy
This will giye us a chance to give you
prompt service with the best grades of
dry wood and coal.
For service call Salem's Heat Merchants
Millman Fuel Co
906 First National Bank Bldg
Salem, Oregon
Values In Furniture!--
We have a large selection of these chairs in
Gorgeous Cretonne upholstery. Very luxurious
and will bring delight to the heart of any
discriminating housewife. tl O C A
Specially priced slGaOU and up
8-piece Walnut
Dining Room Suite
Exceptionally good value. If you are looking for
a bargain this is just the suite to )Ck flft
to please you. Specially priced plaCeUll
We are over stocked with Andirons and other Fireplace Fixtures. In order
to disposes of this excess stock before taking inventory we are offering this
entire line at Greatly reduced Prices.
Many Sets Reduced 25
Davenport Tables
These tables are extremely handy. No home
t should be without at least one of these handy
pieces of furniture. Specially priced
$0.25 $0.95
Don't forget Pre-Inventory Clearance at Market Furniture Store.
". ! -' : . .:'..-'; - ::;. . ,..(-,.- ......';.. tr ... r
7. .. !