- : ,- -. . ; ' , . . The New Oregon Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning. December t6. im -.- 1 L - BSmm-pmmmmmawmmmaamBSmeUBnSanUuaaU ... - , , - ft ' ' - , . . . , . - . . ' III ' ....... , II Local News Briefs Dwelling Manned A. J. Flint has received a permit , to build a : residence it 111Q - Nebraska ave- nue, estimated to coat $1200. . Falls to Stop Kenneth Coffee was arrested Monday night hy city , traffic officers on a charge of fall' u -'"lag to stop ts a through street. ' ( Lights Improper Q. L. Slmp I! son ws arrested Monday night on a charge of driving an automobik improperly equipped with lights. Spelling Charged . II. S. Gif . ford of Portland warn' arrested by local police Monday, night on a charge of speeding. To Flay Hlajton Stiyton high hoopster will entertain' the Prea bytertaa. Com radea team In the Stay ton gym tonight. . Gym Ojrn Practice and matcU ba&ketball games may be sched- nlel for this, week at the .Y. M. C. A. by calling Bob' Board man, physical director. ; i Open Swim Today A free fof all swim for girls has been ar- ranged for this afternoon at th T. M. C. A. Girls to take part In the New Year tank pageant will practice at 1 o'clock. New Ureases Ready- Licenses . for hnnters and fishermen for 1J9 are ready at the Marlon county clerk's office and Include one kind of license necer issued previously In this state, It was "'m stated Monday by County Clerk Boyer. The new type of license la a combination for hunters and fishermen who are not residents of the state. "We have had nine different kinds of game licenses In the past, and we have one more this year," Boyer said. "In 12? - a total of $12,062 was paid in by sportsmen in this county lu the form of license fees. The Indica tions are that for 192S th total will run slightly ahead of that figure." FIND IT HERE Old Time Dancing Crystal Gardens, Annual Christ mas party Wednesday night. De cember 26. ftollar Dinner Every night :30 to I at the Marion hotel. 1029 Calendar Free Homer II. Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. Annual Novelty & SurprUe Da ace Hazel Green, Dec. 25th. Janitor Wanted, Apply Hotel Argo,-9:30-ll a. m. or 2-4 p. m Furniture Upholsterer And repairing Glese-Powera Furniture Co. OBITUARY f BAXDY George W. Bandy. 7. died De cember 25 at the residence. 1940 Front street. Survived by his wife. Jeanetta Bandy and six children. Mabel of Yakima, Wash.: Hiram P. and Mrs. Edgar Hayaes of Toppenlsh. Wash.: Mrs. Roy Dutro of Berkeley. Cel.; Richard and Mrs. Drew Mlckals of Salem: three slstere and two brothers la the east. Funeral an nouncements later from Clough Huaton. RORB At a local hospital". Jeaaie Rebb, 79, on December 23. An nouncements later from Clough Husion. XKLSOX Died at a local hospital. De cember 25, Mrs. W. E. Nelson. Survived by her husband. Funeral anouncements later by the Rlgdon Mortuary. McKXROY At the home of his grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brunk. six mllea west In Polk county. Du- ane Earl McElroy. 15 months old! son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G. McElroy. Survived also by a sis ter. Reta Yvonne MeElroy. and the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brunk. Service will be held Thursday, December 27. at 1:30 MT. CREST ABBEY .t MAUSOLEUM Vault Entombment IXOYD T. RIGDOX. Magr. - vltnenl Scrvtct v Subject . , J3oiuqht "It Law cf God front a Law yer's St!poiat br Prof. J. (X L&zason, attorney, Porthrd. Erects Slum Building V. W. Beardsley took out a permit Mon day to erect, a jbOP building at 144$ Broadway which will cost Nq Gym Today Women's gym oaaluiu -classes at tbe Y. M, .C. A today hava heen.. cancelled. The regular sechedule will be resumea on the next class day All Wed- neadav nlaht classes have also been called off. : Boia Teama To Meet The Presbyterian Comrades of the First Presbyterian church of Port land will meet the PreabyterUn Comrades of Salem on the Y. M. C. A. basketball floor Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ytaiters From Feadletoei Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rice of Pendle. ton are spending Christmas at the Hotel. Marion. Mr. Rice Is the Bulck .dealer m the esatera Ore gon city. Mrs. Rice Is a sister of Mrs. J. l. Lilt of Salem. v Lights Improper Glen Eouth wick. 8alra route 2, was arrested Sunday night by Salem traffic of ficers,' charged with driving an antomobtle which was improperly equipped .with lights. ? -.. . . -v Goea To Portland C. E. Wil son, manager of the Salem cham ber of commerce, went to Port land Tuesday to take Christmas dinner with his sisters at the home of one of them. Mrs. Carrie B. Adams. - , Program at Hospital A Cbriat mas program for employees and patients was held at the. Deacon, ess hospital Monday night. The Rev. J. O. Smith, returned mis. slonary from China made a brief talk, and a choir composed of hos pital employees sans Christmas carols. A Sunday school program for families of hospital employees will be held tonight. at tbe Rlgdon Mortuary chapel with Interment in City view ceme tery. - Paul Klenel. 73. died early Tuesday morning In the residence at 2282 Simpson street. Survived by his wife. Roselpha Klenel, and the -following children. Paul. Ar thur. Violet and Chauncey. all of Salem. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Rlgdon chapel with the Rev. L. D. Smith officiating. Interment will be In the Jason Lee memorial cemetery. Two Bandits Get Total of $1200 FENTON. Iowa. Dec. 2$. (AP) Two men. who robbed the Fenton State bank Monday obtain ed about $1,200. bank officials said after making a cheek. The robbers forced employes and cus tomers to lie on the floor while they collected all the currency In sight and then escaped la ah automobile. anti-jgtock THE NEW WINTER. RED CROWN GASOUNE STANOAaO OttCOsANY OFCALIfOftNM 1? a ujwWa!t ' Mini griui iEH VALLEY GRILL CAFE 154 H S. Commercial Aaymse eaa teak kst we pwt , the taste ta oar eooktag ;;..WE 1 CHAtlGENO INTEREST EHFOIICEflDT F Detailed Plans for Making - 1 8th Amendment Effec- tive Made Public (Continued from Page 1.) erles which denature their own al cohol; abolition, by legislation, of the independent denaturing plant which Major Mills said "has no economic place In (legitimate) business: adopt legislation, if the courts will not sustain such procedure requiring manufactur ers who use industrial alcohol to show such disposition as will al low the-government to trace the alcohol to a legitimate dealer If his '-piatt rere ' earned out. Major Mills said, the amount of alcohol Illegally diverted would become so small and Us cost so high that the public could not af ford to buy it. Therefore, this Is the quick est and most economical way of suppressing the bootleggers and speakeasy," he said. Pioneers Mourn Death of Woman V ho Lived Here SPOKANE. Dec. 25. (AP) Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Scott, who lived 77 -of her 80 years in the west, were held here Monday. She died last Wednesday She was the daughter of Henry Perkins, prominent in the Wil lamette valley in tbe SO's. Mrs. Scott, then Sarah Perkins, waa three years old when her par ents came over the Oregon Trail with the great Immigration of 1851. Her family settled at Al bany, Ore., her father was elected to the Oregon territorial legisla ture, and later was elected to the Washington legislature. Mrs. Scott lived in the Oregon country until womanhood, when she and her father and mother moved to Pomeroy, Wash. She remembered the Kara Meeker fam ily when It arrived In Oregon. Members of the Deschutes County Growers' association de livered $2(2 turkeys, weighing 75,315 pounds, for the Christmas trade, receiving In payment the sum of $21,442.53. 1 1 MOTOR REPAIRING OurSpeciaJtj VIBBERT & TODD ThJags laeccrtcal 191 South High Tei. 9119 ACTIOi3 TV u L ft' Giese - g3 Giese-Powers FURNITURE CO. WB B II I I I -r-r-Tii : TT II Society Day Eventful In Dinners- I There are Just two groups of families at Christmas time, those who entertain at dinner and those who axe entertained, , Members of family groups gathered from far and near to be with one another for the Yuletide bringing - the Christmas spirit with all Its Joy- ousness and cheer with -them. ; Christmas to those or us dis illusioned mortals-who no longer fbelleve that one with the di mensions of Mr. S. Claus could possibly, descend by way of a mod ern chimney, Christmas la the one date of a "calendar of activities that brooks no thought of not newing the home ties by noe being home tor the day. Brightly lighted Christmas trees, holly wreaths, piles of packages la their gay holiday wrappings, great log fires, and the festive 4 board with traditional wealth of good things, mark the day apart. , Among the- - many hosts for Christmas dinner .were the Frank Spencers who entertained Dr. and Mrs. C H. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Laughlin and their daughter Roby were the guests of Judge and Mrs. Harry H. Belt for dinner. . Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott Buren and Miss Maxine Buren were here to be with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max O. Buren. Dr. and Mrs. Jerald Baekntrand spent the day in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wilson with their two children, Margaret and Junior, motored to Spring field for the day. Paulsens Visit Mr. and Mrs. N. Paulsen of Portland are spend ing the holidays with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Paulsen. FINE TO RIO rMtia Uiin. We ta Rvamiutioa to. Thompsoa-Glutech Optical Co. lie h. otn'i at. Job J. Rottle 415 State St, Expert Shoe Fitter WALK-OVER AND CANTILEVER . FOOTWEAR : HOLLYWOOD Today and ' Thursday In the mightiest air . : spectacle of the age Lilac Time mi Chrjtstmas TODAY and TOMORROW WORLD'S CHAMPION RIDER . IN 4EsatmtJsr oniicl BiallllGttc A Whirlwind Western With a Wallop COMEDY NEWS OREGON Powers News and Glub s OLIVE 1L Doak, Miss .: Marjorie Church Is Christmas Bride "'""J Mlse Marjorie Church became the bride of Merle Bonney at o'clock Christmas evening in the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Church, in their home . on North Winter .: street. The Rev.Leroy Walker officiat ed at the single ring ceremony before a small white gate which was .opened by the. bridesmaids. Miss Beulah Graham and Mlsi Marcla Fuestman, at the approach of the bride on the arm of her father, Mr. A. M. Church, who gave her away. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Ar thur Bonney. Mlma Church worn a gown of re-hrhite eatln la bouffant style. Her veil of embroidered' chiffon, held in place with a jewelled band caught on each side with tiny rosebuds, had been worn oy z brides before her. Her slippers were of sliver. -Bride's roses formed the bridal bouquet. Mrs. Leroy Walker played the Lohengrin Wedding March and accompanied Miss Grace Hender son, who sang, I Love You Truly", and "At Dawning." Mrs. Walker plaped "A Perfect Day" throughout the ceremony. Immediately following the cere mony the young couple were given a reception. Miss Leah Fanning and Miss Catherine Barker pre sided at the punch bowl. Christ mas tapers and polnsettias against a background of Christmas green ery. For her going away outfit Mrs Bonney wore an ensemble of black velvet. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bonney are former students of Willamette University and are well-known In the university circles. Dr. Edith V-Witzelj Osteopathic Physician and Sui eon. Specializes In diseases of women and children Office 42$ Oregon Bldg. Phone 77$ , R?s 1251-J EfloSnn!? TODAY ONLY IT SURE IS 0.K a mo fan of laffa and thrills - and Juat twica a goad as "SaOy". aad Ireste. :use v YOUR CREDIT. S E Society Editor Mrs. White Gives Dance Jrfh Younger Set Mrs. Ralph White was hostess at her annual Christmas dancaJ given Christmas night in her stu dio ballroom. Almost a hundred couples were in attendance, many of whom- Were the college folk who are home for the holidays. - The ballroom was decked in the holiday-attire of fairyland, with festoons and wreaths of greea. trimmed r la red, and colored lights lending their soft glow. Large art baskets of polnsettias were used here and there about the ballroom effectively. The feature of the evening was a Christmas adagio dance by Elizabeth Waters and George Blr rell, which delighted the guests. Patrons and patronesses for the danee were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Creech. Miss Marie Steutsman and Mis Margaret Beel served at the punch bowL Miss Elisabeth Waters was chairman of the committee for the dance. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. 44 S. winter. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT LOCAL OR MABTsnUf RAILROAD TRIPS ' PHONE 727 Oregon Bectric fty. Willamette Valley Lfcea laSST. " 1 ' w 1 jr StarU Thursday fj EH.SDBJIi5IE Manhattan Players Present a Stirring Comedy Drama of the Air -''TUBE BEOKEfcJ Starring; Charles E. Royal 6Eneos On the Screen Starring , . William Haines ill ( la ! . . . j - I ,1 Affairs Colleen Turns Bathing Beauty For First Time Unlike most" feminine stars In Hollywood's constellation. Colleen Moore has -never appeared on .the screen In a bathing suit until her newest picture. "Oh Kay! " which la now at the Elslnore theatre. Although - Colleen's" career in cluded, a year as a Christy Com edy girl, she happened to be giv en roles requiring other costumes. Many stars first won prominence as bathing beauties among them Gloria Swansbn, Bebe - Daniels, Marie Prevost and Phyllis Haver, wmm I Jiff . 8AT8 ; We'-lrave a 1P26 OhlsmobU DeLnxe- coach, fully quipped, has an all metal tmnk, good rubber, leather upholstering;, rana and looks like m sew car and in A't condition la every way for f 495.00. Baggage9 V.. TTTT fl i mm SfcaEts SaJbtair dsr December 29th At 9 ajn but It remained for Colleen to re verse the usual progress of a screen career and become a bath ing . beantly after she achieved stardom. In "Oh Kayl', Miss Moore seen ln a swagger . striped swim ming? a suit her ?, only costume when she boards a ship for Amer ica. Lawrence Gray plays oppo site' Miss Moore In this produc tion, with Alan Hale, Ford Ster ling, Julanne Johnston and Claud Glllingwater : In other prominent roles. - -Vi.i-;r yi SfauiijBils; fsjaja :EilGOutii?e . t Fanchon & Marco's REVUE "Saxophohia" and CLARA In 'Three Week Ends" mi: 6S C(t7?vj A?rSMl CO TOTH- $1.00 SOUVENIRS SWT n -J' 5 - ... v 1 ... I' ' x .-V , i . i