The New OREGON Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December 25, 1928. If"-! Best Wishes on the Best Day of the Year Greetings Santa C7aus Says: From this store I will go directly to the homea of its many patrons to wish them CHRISTMAS CHEER. Mack's . 395 N. High May the Holidays hold for you all the joys that go with the Christmas season Army & Outing Store 189 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. Next door to Busick's from your Favorite Shop Harry W. Scott The Cycle Man . ' l - nTnn TWTffW V V I.. Aft . .. : 7 c: ! I 0 1 MAY your hearthfire burn brightly and may wour happiness be supreme! Christmas Greetings from EL W. Cooley Grocery 211 N. Commercial 1 r But Seriously! -we wish you a great time on Christmas Day! Nelson; Jeweler 11. Good Will We appreciate the good will and patronage you have ex tended to us and wish you a Joyous Christmas Day ! Home Restaurant wPP -IT -Down throng the ages of the pal To that nrtnofy-Christmas morn. When lowiy shepherd and wise king. &usedj)aving homage to the new-born Back through the ages of thepaft, Comes today another Christmas mom And a busy world, stqps to rest-, Ikying reverence to the Christ child born 1 I 1 II 1 MAY the Prancing Reindeer bring 3lessings a-plenty to your home! Cherry City Cleaners 230 N. Liberty St. 13 ret n if r 1 AT THE YULETIDE We pause to remember your past courte sies and to wish you a "Merry Christmas.' KAY'S 460 State St VVII A MESSAGE from the Good Old Saint "I am authorized by this store to wish you a stockingful of Christ mas joy!" Commercial -Book Store A. A. Gueffroy We're Busy i But we wish to thank you r V for vour rjatronacre. - TO Frank Doolittle Xsi 294 N. Commercial a.: Between Friends Nothing is more gratifying to us than the pleasant associations we have had with customers and friends during the past year. George E.Allen 236. N. Commercial tLrl May the New Year brinsr us a closer contact with ou old friends and make, us t , . inahy new ones! P H. Bell 216 United States Bank Building Zosel's Tire Shop .1 198 S. Commercial St o It o o OO May Christmas Be Merry and the New Year Bright v Valley Motor Co, Center and Liberty v O S2 Just Between Us-- This Is a , Good Time to Wish You a Happy New Year! Parker Tire Co. 264 N. High St. i o i i i i $ I i We are Here to Serve You m f II - " "18 i 1 ' o o