The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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The Were Oregon Statesman; Salem; Oregon, Tuesday Morning, December t5,19t8
Ifew York Newspaper Has
Sport Experts Pick Best
Boxers in Ring for 1928
. !:!S;
"tiTEW YORK, Dec. 24. (AP) The worthiest champions
Ji of them all in the boxing world are Tommy Loughran
and Sammy Mandell, in the lijfht of the final ranking of
leaders of the various weight divisions for 1928 which is pub
lished by the New York Sun.
v.. Loughran not only heads his own light heavyweight king
dom by a good margin in the Sun's concensus, compiled each
year from the votes of 60 newspaper boxing writers in var
ious cities, but his name also tops the-leaders in the other
dosses in the points which re- : : '
fpect the favor of the critics.
!The boxing adonis from
Philadelphia tallied a total of
tie points out of a possible COO,
ten points being awarded for each
first place rating. Next in line is
StniDijr M tndell, lightweight
champion, with 591, while Mickey
"Walker, middleweight king. Is
tbtrd with 586. Next in order
came Tod Morgan, Junior light
weight; Ixzy Schwartz, flyweight:
Jimmy McLarnln, junior welter
weight; Jackie Fields, welter
weight; Jack Sharkey, heavy
weight; Fidel La Barba. bantam
weight; and Benny Bass, feather
weight. In the list of ten, three cham
pions were overthrown by the eon
census, Andre Houtls, . feather
weight titleholder, running sec
crki to Bass; Much Callahan being
superceded by McLarnln among;
the. junior welterweights; and the
infective Joe Dundee being crowd
cdoff the top of the welterweight
division by Javfie Fields of 'Los
Sharkey rolled up the highest
point total among the heavy
weights although Jade Dempsey
had the most votes for first and
second places.
showing comparable to that
cf. Loughran is repressiveness
was made by Mandell, cat-like
champion of the 135-pounders, as
hej had a longer lead over .the No.
2 tman In his division than anv
other leaders enjoyed, Joe Click
being second but far behind.
Loughran bad the next biggest
Bjargin with Leo Lomski rated as
second best In the light heajry
'Glass" Arm But What a Wallop!
AUMSVILLE. Ore.. Dec. 24.
(Special) The Aumsville high
school girls' basketball team de
feated the Friends .church team
23 to 22 here Friday night. The
Friends church boys' quintet won
from the Aumsville high team 13
to 11. The score was tied at the
end of the third quarter.
Mrs. II. W. McNeal went to
Portland to spend the holidays
with her daughter and family, Mr.
and airs. Gillespie.
Mf, Lucas la here to spend the
holidays with his family. He is
employed at Grand Rondo this
The Aumsville Women's club
has postponed Its Christmas party
on account of so many members
being sick. M -
The Misses Gene Stodmrd. Jes
sie Richard. Voice. Lewis, Vivian
Colvin are at home from Mon
mouth where they are attending
Wayne D. Ransom is at home
for the holidays from Portland
where he is going to school.
The Aumsville grade school
Friday afternoon.
Ted Fox. . local fighter whose
: feeut wjtn Sailor Willie Gordon
, was cancelled last Week because
of Fei i Illness with influenza, is
i. recovering rapidly and will be
fl -trK to r8UD,e training tomorrow.
VI. w reported Monday by his
vi . i manager, John Orr.
i Match maker .Harry Pjsnt Is
i : - P'ong to present, another Jiwht
I card January 10. and Fo may ap
I pear on that program, either re
:' atched with Gordon or against
;1 - some other sneedv fiii
A Salem bowling team com
posed of deat players defeated
Portland deaf bowlers by a nearly
300 pin margin Sunday at Port
land, members of the local team
reported on their return. .An
other match between the Salem
teams will be played here next
Scores were: ,
,..4S 162 ill S2I
ISA ISO 180 478
177 13 150 456
.13 177 1SS B10
1 178 102 52S
r-y ?rrr
; S 1 1 1 1 f AAMOiCfO WITH V
W.rd ...
ll.ynfh .
finndri ...
Tsjrlor .......
794 '
118 "
. 14S-.
34 2 24B1
11S 106 S49
147 151 4U
150 8 427
173 ,48 8:
188 .189. 826
Both California and Georgia
Tech. Remain Aloof in Pre
paring for Tilt
PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. 24.
(AP) Football workouts of Cali
fornia and Gorgla Tech. in pre
paration for the New Tear's day
football clash at the Rose Bowl,
will be Ihrouded in secrecy here
after. 1 Newspaper men got tbelr first
and last glimpse of Georgia Tech's
ramblin wreck in action today,
when Coach Bill Alexander held
open house, and the scribes got a
long look at the Yellow Jackets.
The Tech mentor declared after
the workout that practice from
today will be conducted in secrecy.
' Coach "Nibs" Price of Califor
nia, likewise issued the ultima
turn. The Bear mentor barred
the gates of tournament park and
denied entrance even to former
California stndents at the after
noon workout.
Newspaper men will be barred
from both the - California and
Georgia Tech workouts. The Bears
will continue their two workouts
a day program at Tournament
park, Price said. The Golden
Tornado of Georgia Tech is slated
to work once daily at Patterson
field. Eagle Rock, Calif.
The Georgia Tech squad looked
impressive in Its workout at the
Rose Bowl today,- although the
session was brief and confined to
practice Intended to remove the
kinks accnmulated In the long
train journey from the south. Af
ter several minutes of calisthen
ics, the Yellow Jackets went
through punting and passing prac
tice, with Mizel and Randolph
featuring. A spell of dummy
scrimmage followed.
CHEMAWA, Ore., Dec. 24.-
( Special) When the Chemawa
Indian school trots off the floor
Thursday evening after Its game
with Oregon City high, something
more or less authentic can tivsaid
of the potential power of the Red
skins this season.
The Indians will go. Into this
game with hardly two weeks of
actual practice; training having
been Interrupted frequently by Ill
ness of the coach and players.
Coach Downie has been confined
to Ms bed with Influenza durlna
the past week and at no lime sines
practice started haa the whole
team been out to practice fet ens
time. If 1
Georfee Meachem has been out
for a week now. He is a husky
guard with one year's experience,
is a great help now that he is in
suit again. Jim Spencer, another
experienced player. Is back - in
school and strengthens Chemaa'i
outlook considerably.
omebody's Mother
Markuson Goes
To California
America m league
. ; - , By JACK SORD8"
F8 m bars! bit to swallow when the batting ehamptoMhlp of a
major leagae has beea taken away from yon. Bat that's practi
cally what has happened to Heinle Manual), heavy hitter of the
St. Iioals Browns. --
' Upon completion of the American ltaa;ue season Maaash was gen
erally recogalzed aa the America a league's leadiagr hitter, with Leon
"Gooee" Goslia, of the Washington Senators, second. Bat. when the
Americaa league's official statistic were made" known recently, the
figures were reversed and Goslia was enthroned as the 1028 batting
champion. - He won the race on his last time; at bat in the final game
of the season with a doable that, brought hie average to .879, one
point above Manosh.
It was the closest finish la the American leagae since Ty Cobb,
of the Detroit Tigers, with an average of .885, nosed ot Nap Lajoie,
of the Cleveland "Naps," by one point in their memorable race in
. Goetln's performance was remarkable for the fact that he was
handicapped daring the whole season with a lame arm. - At times he
could throw the ball no farther than SO feet. He had to hit at a ter
rific clip to 'offset this weakness in his defense, and he did. n
Kernan Markuson. who
athletic director at the Salem Y.
. C. 'A., for several months this
year, has accented. a similar nmi.
ition with the Trojan Athletic club
ai aan Francisco, It was an
nounced Monday. Markuson. who
is a graduate of o s r? .
been supervising
to the physical education depart-
eui l m uorvallis institution
since leaving the Y. Mere.
if I 5
y f
It is asking too much of somebody's
Mother to assume the baking burden
i long with her many other tasks. Our
modern plant is at your and her disposal.
We all love) good doughnuts. For her to male
them would be drudgery. Yet with-our new Auto
matic Doughnut-Machine it is a comparatively
simple task. This machine automatically performs
the entire doughnut job and delivers the finished
crispy morsels into a basket untouched by human
. Light, flaky Downyflake Doughnuts are so de
licious they melt in your mouth. Order a dozen
today. They will prove a delight to everyone.
At mil leading food shops
aWaW I 1
' - ' 1 - ' " " a av
f -1- all A 7sW " can QAn
A' urn , . -
-1 , ' . -
' V:
' 1
(SBnei?i?sr (SnCy : BaEsnoDg (5s,
For Sale By All Grocers
. m ii in iiiiiiiiiiwiu mmm
It's the Mate to Reo Flying Cloud the Mcister!
mm?Mmm-m-xm t-ttt- .m m 14' -fc r tJ am.
General Clearance of Samples and odd pieces Your chance to find Real Bargains . .
To make room for new spring merchandise we are offering you the greatest values in
The history of the Imperial Furniture Co.
Only small payment down; balance easy terms.
Charming 4-piece Walnut
Bedroom Suite
On Sale
Suite consists of Vanity,
Benchr Chest of Drawers and
full 'size Bed in the newest
style and design.
8-piece Genuine Welnut
Dining Room 'State, ,-
Sale of Davenports and
Chairs .
Reg. l7JVO Mohair Davea. aUflSQ.OO
Res. 92774(0 Mohair Davenport
and chair, sell at 230.00
. Res. 975.00 Vekmr Daren, at. . - 50.00
Res. 9S3.0O Velear Daren, at.. 65.00
i Rm aio XA rWwrll hl . ' no rtfi
Res.) 9204(0 OoesweirChalr, at . 24.75
and a good many others.
Make your selecttoa before It's too late
Beautifully finished and jbf
the latest style and design.
Suite consists of 60-inch Buf
fet, 54x424nch Table, 6 side
chairs to match.
j - -
See Our
uFranniflilmiES C.
Tsmnranrss .
AD odd
pieces of Furniture
. must goat once! ,
Mrs. AL Kraase and her new Flying Cloud Mate, which" Mr." Krause purchased , lyia the Reo Salee
and Service, local 'dealers. Mr. David Smith, manager of the Reo Sales A Service, who made the sale
l the man in this picture. This is the Qret car of this new model sold-ta Salem..; ,
- - - - f ....... r .
"D ACK of the beauty of line and color that makes heads
turn as a new 1 929 Reo Flying Cloud, The Mate, sails
down the boulevards, stand the builders whose genuis ,
produced, whose integrity guarantees its Worth .-. . From
original idea to. final inspection, all Reo automobiles bene- ,
fit from the, keenest braihs that the industry affords. .V .
Design is in the hands of men unhampered by restricti6n,x
. whose whole work it is to plan something better, some- v,
thing different," yet up to the standards which earned Reo
the "distinction of building America "a longest lasting auto
mobiles. Manufacturing is under the .watchful eyeof men . v
wno worKvwitn tools or tneimest, precision, wno must
Build to closer specifications than'r ordinary practice, uses:
. . Because back of Flying Cloud beauty stand such '
builders,' you can go sailing today in a car whose perform
ance explains its name, the 1-929 Reo Flying Cloud, The
- Mate. Be sure to try one out.
Now you can have a Reo Flying Cloud :
at a lower price than ever before. :;
1 "i '.: V
or iiijR aireci, ,
Between Center ancTCheinekeU - - Telenhon- i .v.
;, r 467 Court
TeX 1142,