The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    The T7y Ossgon Otatismak. Cxlem. . Oregon, JWdai Deeeniber f J, jf0M
Local News Briefs
Mrs. White ViM Mrs. Nona
White, county Juvenile offleeTf 1
upending Christmas day pUh
frilpds and relatives in. Portland.
Pestauuter Off Duty Postmas
ter John Farrar was unable to be
at his office Monday because of JU-
Deputy Clerk Bark Lila Antrl.
can, deputy county clerk, was at
work again Monday after being
confined to her home with influ
enza for more than a week.
Another Lit wilier A six and
one fourth pound son was born
to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Litwiller
at the Bungalow Maternity home
Sunday night. The young man has
been named Gene Russell.
lunki Visits Walter Lamkin
and Mrs. Lamkin left Salem late
Monday for Oregon City, where
they will spend Christmas day
with his parents. Lamkin is clerk
of Marion county circuit court.
Judgment Entered Default
judgment was entered Monday
r gainst the defendant in the case
Mrs. J. E. English vs. Walter Cor.
bet. The sum of $1723.60 is in
volved. Vtum Here Wednesday Circuit
Judge Kelly will be in Salem Wed
nesday to bear the case Smith vs.
Hyett, which has been transfered
to his division from the equity di
vision. The trial will begin at 10
a. m.
Reckes In Portland Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Becke are in Portland
today to spend Christmas at the
home of Mrs; Beckes parents, the
Rev. and Mrs. Lovell. On their re
turn to Salem they will stop for a
visit with Mr. Becke's parents at
Aurora, : i
Special Churrti Service Spe
cial services for, Christmas are to
be held today aftk First German
Baptist church at North Cottage
and D streets. The morning ser.
vice is set for 11 o'clock while
the service Christmas eight will
begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock.
Appraisement Filed Inventory
sod appraisement was filed in pro.
bate here Monday in the matter of
the estate of the late John T.
Bowen. The estate was estimated
at $8479.67 by Carl Schmidecke,
f'harles LIndquist and George El
ton, appraisers.
Visit Superintendent Office
Joseph Marty and Frank Davis of
the Bridge Creek school district
were visiters Monday at the off.
ice of county school Superinten
dent Fulkerson. They reported
perfect weather in their home dis
trict but ran into fog and rain at
Si 1 vert on.
Visiting from Tacoma K. B.
rainier,-who a number of years
ago was circulation manager of
The Statesman, is in the city to
day with his family to spend the
holiday at the home of his wifaf
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moody.
Mr. Palmer is now on the adver
tising staff of the Tacoma Times.
VWUsg Blatctiford , Home
Christmas day guests of Drf an
Mrs. Benjamin Blatch ford are' Mr
and Mrs. C. J. Gillette of Forest
Grove, and their 10-months' old
von. Mra. Gillette was Lore!
Blatcbford before her marriage.
Mr. Gillette is manager and one
, f the publishers of the Forest
Grove News-Times.
Kafonry Home for HolMar
Ivan Kafoury is home for the holl
dayB from his work at the Uni
versity of Oregon where he was
matriculated this fall as a fresh,
roan. "I'm enjoying school" he re,
ports, but adds that work Js heav
ier and more responsibilities are
felt at university than in high
echool. V
Kays to Portland Mrs. Issaac
Kay and her Bernard Kay, man
agers of Kay's Coat and Dress
Shop, are in Portland today for a
family reunion. All members : of
the family will attend. Syril Kay
coming to Eugene, and Doris Kay
from the University of Washing
ton at Seattle. Mr. Kay resides in
Portland and has charge of the
manufacturing end of the Kay
business. Sydney Kay and" Betty
Kay also live In the Rose City,
the former being an interne In the
Multnomah county hospital.
Sherlock Arrested Dob Sher
lock was arrested Saturday night
on a charge of drunkenness.
MhM Tucker Visits Miss Ora
Tucker, teacher In the schools at
Medford, arrived in Salem Monday
to visit with relatives here.
Speeding Charged John W
Cole," 525 North 20th street, was
arrested Saturday night on a
charge of speeding.
Sludeut, VisitH Russell Lange,
freshman in Pharmacy at Oregon
State college, Is spendicg the holi
days with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
James Lange.
Speeding Charged Arthur
Star key. Brooks route 1, was ar
rested in Salem Sunday night ton
a charge of speeding.
Lights Improper Delbert Pat
terson, 1547 Oak street, was ar
rested Saturday night on a charge
of driving a motor venicie wun
improper lights.
Drunkenness Charged B. Vo-
gel. who said his home was In
Detroit, Mich., was arrested in
Salem Sunday night on a charge
of being drunk and disorderly.
Visit Relatives Mr. and Mrs.
Howard M. You nr. of Turlock
Cal., are visiting over the hojfPf
days with relatives in Salem and
Falls To Stop J. C. Swarts,
Sunday night on a charge of fail
2480 Cherry avenue, was arrested
ing to stop at a through street intersection.
Mars to Address L. D. Mars
will speak on the subject, "San
itation from the Engineer's Stand
point," Wednesday noon at the
Rotary club luncheon. He is a
member of the club.
Y" Closed, oday Recreation,
al branches of the Y. M. C. A. will
be closed all day today. No
Christmas program has been ar
ranged that no attention will be
drawn from the church programs.
Indians Returned Five Indian
boys who were "A. W. O. L" from
the Chemawa Indian school were
picked up In Salem Saturday
night by the police and returned
to the school Sunday. They were
Joseph Atbanum, William Smith,
E. Klpp, F. Green and M. Roberts.
Big Auction Wed. If He
7 . P-. m. Radio. Phonograph.
Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Blan
kets, etc. at F. N. Woodry's Only
Auction Market on Summer street.
Old Time Dancing
Crystal Gardens, Annual Christ
mas party Wednesday night. De
cember 26.
Every night 1:99 to t at the
Marlon hoteL
1929 Calendars Free Homer H.
Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers.
Annual Novelty eft Surprise
Dance Hazel Green, Dec 25th.
Furniture Upholsterer
And : repairing Giese-Powers
Furniture Co. .
Marion Hotel
- Special Christmas dinner 5:30
to 8 p. in. $1.50 per plate.
Oh Boy- -
Pedigreed Boston puppies tor
Christmas. Sired by Nifty Todd.
Petland Kennels just north of
Salem on Pacific highway.
Janitor Wanted. Apply Hotel
Argo, 9:30-11 a. m. or 2-4 p. m.
Big Special Dance
. At Hazel Green Christmas
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brunk,
six miles west in . Polk county.
Duane Earl McElroy, 15 'months
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley G.
McElroy. Survive also by aw sis
ter, Reta Yvonne McElroy. -; and
the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Brunk. Services will be held
Thursday, December 27, at 1:30
and the Rigdon Mortuary chapel
with interment In "Cltyview cemetery.
Paul KJenel. 73, died early
Tuesday morning in the residence
at 2282 Simpson street. Survived
by his wife, Roselpha KJenel, and
the following children, Paul, Ar
thur Violet and Chauncey, all. of
Salem. Funeral services will be
held Wednesday afternoon at the
Rigdon chapel with the Rev. I
D. Smith officiating. Interment
will be in the Jason Lee memorial
Where To
the Gray Belle Is Serving
Turkey dinner today. .
Special Christmas Dinner
Served from 12:00 to 8 p. m.
The Spa.
Turkey Dinner Served
All day at White House.
Marlon Hotel Special
Christmas dinner, 5:30 to 8
p. m., $1.50 per plate.
-Merry Christmas
We are closed all day, Coffey's
Cafe, 155 South Liberty.
Turkey Dinner Served
AH day. 75c, O'Leary's.
Turkey Dinner
-Served at O'Leary's restaurant
all Christmas day.
John J. Rottle
415 State 84.
Expert Shoe Fitter
- AND--
Plan Trip to Vancouver, B. C. I
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gatke
plan to leave Wednesday for Van
couver, B. Cohere they will visit
during the holidays with the form
er's parents. The Gatkes will
make the trip north in their car.
Boys Visit Plant Fifteen boys
from the Y; M. C. A. made an
Inspection tour of the Valley
Packing company plant- Monday
morning. Wednesday morning the
boys- will Tisit tfae: state, peniten
tiary. The group cleave; rhe:
"Y"; building atl 9-1 o'clock.
Hump Is False When Claude
Johnson, well known to the po
lice, was arrested on a charge of
drunkenness Monday night, . he
was a buncnnacK. tie naa a targe,
convincing bulge under his coat;
but the police had . never seen it
before, so they investigated and
drew out a large wad of paper.
Principal Home- John P. Rob
ins, principal of the high school
at Sisters, Oregon, is visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Robins of 642 North Liberty
street. Robins drove over the
McKensie pass and reports that
. , . i i . .
me roau is prcwcny nt-e ui
Sore Throat?
Don't Gargle
.Qui. ker and Better; Relief With
" . Famous Prescription ...
Don't suffer from the pain and
soreness of sore throat gargles
and -salves are too slow tbey. re
lieve only temporarily. But Thox.
ine, a famous physician's prescrip
tion;, is guaranteed to give relief
almost Instantly? '
Thoxlne has a. double action
relieves the soreness and goes di
rect to the internal cause. No, chlo
roform." Iron or v other harmful
drugs safe and pleasant for the
whole family. Also wonderfully
effective for . relieving, coughs.
Quick relief guaranteed or your
money back, 35c, COc and $1.00.
Seld by Perry' Drug Store. adv.
PIKE TOBIO reediag lease. Wa la
are yea glaaaee egalaat breakare.
Kiaalaatiea tee.
Thompson-Giutsch Optical Co
. 1.10 X. Ceam'l St.
Wtthoev eaeraUoa r team f una,
. r DK. r9II-
In 5-lb. boxes, different flavors.
Now Is your chance' to bay. your
... Christmas Candles
Put -them away fer Xmas
.Made within -a week.
Regular Price $3.00" per box.,
'.While tbey last' at
Two lbs. for 60c
Or om Five lb.. Box f 1.45
We reserve the rlgbtv to limit
quantities .
Only at ' ' . ' !
Schaef er's
135 North Commercial St.
Phone 197
: Original Yellow Front
Penalar Agency
John Alexander. 22, died Fri
day at a local hospital. Funeral
announcements later from Clough
Huston company. .
Ray Conners. 51, died at a local
hospital. December 24, Survived
by his father, J. H. Conners of
Portland; one sister,-Mrs. Agnes
Hills of Stanfleld, Ore.; and a
brother; Charles Conners of Yak
ima, ..Wash.. Funeral announce
ments .later from Clough-Huston
parlors. -
. , Mcelroy
: - At the home of bis grand par-
At the residence In Salem
Heights Sunday night, December
23, Mrs. Minnie Kulpas, aged
60. wife of Anton Kulpas, moth
er of John and Robert of Alberta,
Canada: Elizabeth, Lillian, Wal
ter and Paul, all of Salem. Sur
vived also by" her parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Erdman. one brother
and five slaters, Funeral services
Wednesday. December 26 at three
o'clock at Rigdon Mortuary cha-
m1 with interment in the I. O. O.
F. cemetery. Rev. Jennison offi
DALLAS, Ore., Dec. 24. (Spe
cial) bounty Clerk H. G. Black
has been confined to his home
for several days withT cold, but
is much better now.
tsl's :. .
4' . j.
faara. local lb ;
faajcgraaataa, IV.
vaueaa, la.
irtickaka. .
kasaa. -Califs lb. -
Paatpkma. lb. - ,
Calery. U LabUfc. a
CraU. Califs atyla
E cart 1, dai. baackaa 1
Eplnaca. loeal bax
- .
-1.60 .
6el4D Dallctaaa
Paalak. lb..
Habbard. lb.
Camta. iral. sack. lb...
Cacaaibera, bat . doi.
ltbca. laal. lb.
Caaliflawer, loeal crata
Enplaat, Clif is.
. .0H
- .01 Vi
- .0
- .OS
- 03H
Buackad vacctablaa. var s. baach
Carrots 400 .SO
Basts SO
Tnmips -.40O.S0
Oafaan 4" f .SO
Ita4ishrs - .00
Brasaels Sprouts, local , 1.80
California, lb. - .15
Potato .
Takima. Geats. Ko, 1 1.10
Local. Barbsnks
Tab. Oaaia Mo. S
Klansth Falla
Sweat Potato
faarlle. lb
Salem Markets
Fraab rraita
tWbolasal quoUtioaa)
AppWa. t. and t.
Jonathsna . -J
Delieioss -!..
Wiatcr Bananac,
Northern Spy
Baoanas. lb
Cranberries. Vr"
Drome-ary. 86. 10 o pkga..
Balk Hallowal. lb
Cone's Pitted, caaa
6 rape
Emperor, lb
Grapefr-it, Aria., rate
Florida, eaao
Coonb boney. aew rrea
Lrmom, CL
Ora n re. Naval
17' .
150' -
200'r and 310'a
: .18
7.90 Q 8.00
' 4.50
, 4.75
Vault Entombment
Oregon Dectriclj.s
WUlaasetU Valley Um Aa3T
Peppers, Florida, areea, lb.
Temate. CaUf lag S 00
Local botbous 4.25 5.25
Ke. 1'a -..-4.00
No. t'm : S.00
Boiling, local 09
Lettuce. Calif. 8.25
Imperial Valley, crate 5.00
1 Retail auelatloas)
faif BteaL IS lbs.
Dairy feed, ton
scratch, too
Cora, whole. Von
Cracked and (round
Mill xua. ton -
Bran, ten .
r aoakh .
With asJUk
(Baylag Priee)
(Bayiag Priee)
Potato-. il
Vtw beetc do. baBcboa
-piaaea. box
Cabbac. rr
Puupkia, ewt.
aVrnasb. cart. .
Hubbard sqnash, cwt.
leiery. as.
Canlifiowar '' ert
Ooiena, lb.
ParsaiDB. Ib.
Ner camta. dai. eb
Cabbage, cwt.
Radisbea. dee. . Vaaekee
Vca. bos
Fratta ...
Baying pricea)
Apple, face and filled
(Boylag Price)
Tarkeya No. t'm
. .40
Oats, gray, ba.
iWblie. ba.
Barley,., tea
a ..
Wool and Mohair
Fall ell- n !-- . . 18
Mohair aad Kida ... ..
Uvoatach -
Cow, gee .". .wOS.0T
Teal, good - .-..toJI.ll
Steers . , , i ,. ,nf "
Bnii, rood : ...oeo.07
Hog, top . ...
Heav Sowa .0(a.0U
Pprig Lamba - ... 00 Q.10. '
vvner ..... .....uo r .vo
Jh 0 QJUlliJ
A Merry Xmas
to all
IS !
itsh w-c 1 re
That Servtc- BadJI"
156 H B. Commercial
Anyone can cook bat we pat
the taste la oar rooking
- 1.00 '
a I
1 AO I . . 1 34 . m
rSX -priBger largo 1.-20
" l iZ IRooeUra, eld . .07
i'jS 1 Botterfat
1S I (WhoJ-aalal
1.15 J Botterfat ... Jfl
an In.;... .
'" 1 "" .... ...... n . . A
. I ..,. . i . . . a . . . ...
" ' ..,...-. --,.v ... .. .0 . ILWt- IOD . . HU '
.ot Oral 1 ODreaaod MeaU
K.. We.tera Red. ba 1.04 How. top naj
; .,v I ft) 1 1 -nil I.IM - IVMl. lAB 1 ID : -i
, i
Clouqb-HujBffon Co
Hory oSofcm and ff)e
Slafe o Oreqon
W E PAUSE, this week, in
our history of Salem and
our state, to make mention of a
historical event so great that
many million people will cele
brate the occasion with rever
ence and rejoicing.
Christmas, the birthday of
the world's redeemer, has for
nearly two thousand years been
acknowledged the world's great
est and most significant holi-
A Word
)f Greeting1
There is but one thing that
ould possibly occupy this
space today: the old pass
word of Christian fellowship
at this season: 'A Very
Merry Christ mas V
- Sucrauart to
JE)istincHi)eJuneral SerVic&S.
phone yio
I ' DrD AIDIKir' I
x.v - ii xv.r uaxvii'ivi ii -it
tifrbSl I Our Sjecialty I ihg of music and a short ser- I
Service. y$S4'Jvt mon oy jonn t. Jr oro, musical I
ViBBERT & TODD director-
HJLltr H Thlngo Electrical V 1 I
I ( Ef O j J I 101 Booth Hib Tel. 2112 I S. 1 j
M ; Th e , m
a Seaspn S '.Greetings p
j, Cb-striias, lSt8, finds us speedlDg down the ' fr- I
." VlA t course of time teward a goal f, Love of , - jr I
-Service ef Goodwill. l3( J
O C 11 J
And to you, whom we number as friends and lNrk" I
S patrons, we sincerely extend our greetings f k I
J, of the season. , , fl I
mm- -. W
A E-km Iuif Deprtent Btorx J H , I
Have Twoir. Deibiui
S cheerful and gay aslhe new spring
. season . . these stunning dress models
appear in smart profusion in 2 groups that
are remarkable. Georgettes,- chiffons flat
crepes and crepe romane in all the gorgeous
new colors of the new season. - -
$(.65 and $ '
See Our Windows
: Holds ' its aimportant place in chic day
time fashion. .
A forerunner of spring fashions in the
soft shades.
are In favor In daytime frocks. 33
Served frc?a 12 to 3 p.m.
f .-.f;60 cents
Argo Restaurant
. No evening meal served