The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 25, 1928, Page 12, Image 12

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    3 ' - ' Slio Afore 0;s)N Stlltesilaj.
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Champoeg ..: Cooperation
- Measure Will be Intro
duced in Legislature
A measure of vital Importance
t the people of Oregon, spon-
. anuad-by-the Champoeg Memorial
0 elation, will be introduced at
tie. coming' session of the legisla-
wt to secure an appropriation by
, the state to match an equal
amount already appropriated by
th federal government through
tfca v instrumentality of "' Senator
HcNary, for the purpose of erect-
oar memorial building at Cham
oaeg.,. .... -ri--:- ----.-A- 1
This appropriation was made
. with the distinct understanding
Hat the state of Oregon would
provide an equal amount to cover
thw cost of said building in case
. -the legislature does not make the
appropriation, the federal appro
priation will not be available.
Historic Day Recalled
The building, when completed.
wul be a fitting memorial to the
tardy and courageous pioneers
who emphatically declared at the
memorable meeting held at Cham
poeg May 2, 1843. that the Ore
gon country should and ought to
be a part of the United States.
In addition to the honorary
atembers, the board of control
composed of GoTernor Patterson.
Secretary Hoss and Treasurer
Kay. who are exofficio members
of the Champoeg Memorial asso
elation, representatives hare been
selected from the Oregon Histor
ical society, the Oregon Pioneer
association and the Woman's aux
iliary, the native Sons and
Daughters of the Oregon Pioneers
and the Champoeg Memorial as.
elation to aid in securing the
aaoroDiiatlon from the state.
. Ample acreage and suitable
- graaads hare already been pro-
cared for the building and park..
'Twelve Make Purchase
In 1916. Joseph K. Buchtel.
Ashael Bush. John Minto, P. II
ITArey. M. C. George. Frederick
V. Hoi man. Richard Williams. E
B. Williams. G. A. Harding and
W. H. Pope advanced the pur
chase price for twelve acres which
ware added to the site heretofore
aeaulred br the state. Of this
amber the survivors are M. C
George. E. B. Williams and P. H
ITArcy. During the present year
ae to the generosity of Governor
YitrRon. T. B. Kav and A. N.
feash, additional ground was pur
chased, so that Champoeg park
new composes 41.73 acres.
Following is the complete list
f the committees: United States
Seaators McNary and Steiwer. and
Representatives Hawley. Korrell
aad Butler, honorary committee.
From the Oregon Historical so
ciety: Charles H. Carey. B. D.
Beekman, F. G. Young. Leslie M.
Scott. George H. Himes. Lewis A.
McArthur, Robert L. Bean. Cor
nelia Marvin, Ivan Humason, Mrs.
Stegmund Frank. D. S. Stearns,
John Gill. Mrs. I. L. Patterson,
It. C. Oeorve, P. H. D'Arcy. T. C.
Elliott, E. B. McNaughton and
Rabert W. Sawyer.
From the Oregon Pioneer as
sociation: . J. O. Stearns. L. H.
Baker, George H. Hlmes. Thomas
A. MeBrlde. Mary Barlow-Wilklna,
C. II. Canfleld, John W. Baker, J
D. Chitwood and Charles B.
From the Woman's auxiliary:
Mrs. D. P. Thompson. Mrs. John
W. Minto and Henrietta Failing.
From the native Sons and
Daughters: S. W. Matthieu, Lil
lian M. Hackleman. Rufus Hol
laana, Daisy Scott-Bullock and J.
V. Smith.
From theChampoeg Memorial
association :E. B. Williams, A. N.
Bash and J. B. Horner.
' 3jy Dinah SStarta VSXxxlocM .
OD tast ye. marry gentleman 1 lat
nothing yew, dismay.
For Jesus Christ, oar .Saviour, was bora
on Christmas day.
; Tae dawn row red Ver Bethlehem, the
stars shone through the gray, d
When Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was bora
oa Christmss day;
God rest ye. Utile children; let nothing
you affright;
For Jesus Christ, your Saviour, was bora
- this happy night;
Along the hUls of Galilee the white flocks
sleepinc Uj,.'-7-:'. "-:-v - -When
Christ, the Child of -Naxareth, was
' born oa Christmas day. '
God rest ye, all good Christians; upon this
blessed morn
The Lord of all good Christians was of a
woman horn:
Now all your sorrows He doth heal, your
sins He takes away;
For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born
on Christmas day. '
Legitimate Plays Offered Local Theatre Goers Now
, Few by Comparison - '
Theatre goers in Salem . who
have been cheered br the recent
developments In the realm of
stage drama here, namely the es
tablishment in Salem of a regular
legitimate stock company, may be
under the impression, that k is
something new.
' But the older residents know
better. Of course, anyone who has
lived in Salem, only 22 years Isn't
much of a pioneer, as compared to
those who have rounded out half
a century in this pleasant city;
but even, the 22-year residents.
and those who came within' a few
years after that, can recall a time
when the old Grand Opera house
was seldom "dark" and - its
"props" didn't Include a silver
Before Film Invasion
Motion pictures had been in
rented then, but the popular
"nlckelodlan" was only beginning
to penetrate to this part of the
country to sound the first note of
the spoken drama's death knell.
In 1907 the Grand Opera house
opened its season August 21; the
opening of the theatrical season
was a big event in .those . days.
The opening attraction was Ezra
Kendall, heralded as the founder
of the "Great American Gag," in
Swell Elegant Jones."
Other attractions which follow
ed were Cyril Scott in "The Prince
Chan; the still pdpular Georgia
Mlnbtrels; "Mrs. Teple's Tele
gram;" the Allen 8tock company
starring Miss Verna Felton, who
was leading lady for the Baker
stock company In Portland -a num
ber of years later.
Joke Styles Differ
That was In the days when
Jokes like this were real jokes:
"Ever been on the stage?' ask.
dlhe Mrner croeerr hl 8nre"
answered the cabbage. "I was once
cast for the villain and made a
great hit,- !
"In Old Kentucky" and -"Check
ers." favorites of a still earlier
day, made their umpty-umpth
tours to the coast and played the
opera nouse cere. Ana me aud
iences did hot despise to turn out
for a melodrama like "For Moth.
r's Sake " but they also liked
comic operas; "The Prince or Pii-
sen" was an early arrival. But on.
the dresses those chorus gins
wore they'd be conservative for
a grandmother today.
Tiny uison, a 00
As the season advanced, road
attractions came thick and fast;
"Uncle Josh Perkins," "The Col
lege Widow," " The Yankee ite-
gent." "The Denver Express,'
The Royal Chef," ''Tne uow
Puncher- Nat Wills UA-Lacky
Dog - S. Kent Miller la Raf flea,
the Amateur. Cracksman.? i "Hu
man Hearts.".; Mary ' Cahill-'fn
carrying Mary.--WHh- her- fam
ous long-skirted chorus;- and one
ot those famous . Scandinavian
comedies. "Tilly Olson.?
Well remembered pUys Include
"The Lion and the" Mouse," "The
Holy City-JThe Man on the
Box," and veteran theatre goers
may recall that, in those days
"Strongheart" was a play and not
a dog. Other relationship of the
drama of that day. to the present
day, cinema may be glimpsed, in
the showing .here, of . "Why. Girls
Leare Home,-- and "Qin or tne
Streeta-f-r" ; ,
'd Salem did -hare - ne'ctaema
palace" ln'.lt07; It Was "called
?Tne i Vaudetfe,? which , featured
moTing pictures and. lluftrated
songs, a typical part of the early
screen show 'program.. ; . ' .i '
vtt. mrnr"Vtn actor's wife)
What-1 la your husband like in
private life?
Wife .(Indignantly) He's nerer
had one. .
The Pathfinder.
Chimney Blaze
Caiises Damage
i SILVERTON, Ore., Dec- 24
(Special)r A chimney fire in the
Lester Geer home on East Hill
did considerable damage Thursday
night? Casings. on two, doors were
hnrnMt-rinned fruit stored in tba
upstairs was destroyed., and other
damages done oeiore me ure oe
partment was able to put out the
blase. '
aaaBaBBBBBBBKBBBSKsBsBBsBsH sBMaaaaaTaBaaksssWswsaasaaaaaaBaBss. 'aaaaaaaw v ssBBaaMssaasssiaaaawa
Note Given by Abbey Is
Crux of $10,800 Suit on
File in Circuit Court
Americans spend 15 5.000,000
each December for Christmas
cards. Which should worry no
body, aaless it is the mall carrier.
One of the most unusual situa
tions In the annals of the circuit
court of this county will be pre
sented when the case Martin Fer-
rey vs. St. Benedict's Abbey comes
up for trial during its January
term. The plaintiff is pastor of
the Salem Unitarian church, situ
ated just across Cottage street
from the Catholic church. He is
also active as an attorney in this
The defendant Is a religious
corporation situated at Mt. Angel
and one of the oldest Catholic In
stitutions in the west. Both sides
have gone to Portland for fheir le
gal counsel, the abbey employing
Judge J. P. Caranaugh and Ferrey
obtaining the services of Day,
Hampson and Nelson.
Ferrey . is demanding $10,800
from the abbey.
Litigation has been pending for
approximately a year, and a brief
outline of the facts leading up to
the action is as follows:
Large Amount Loaned
Gearhardt Rosenbaum died
some two years ago, leaving as
his. heirs at law Gearhardt Rosen
baum, a nephew who had been
named for him, and Henry Klein,
another relative. Both are resi
dents of Spokane. After the death
of Rosenbaum it developed that
he had loaned, from time to time,
some $13,550. to St. Benedict's
abbey. Notes were duly made out
by abbey officials, and were to
bear interest at the rate of six per
cent. Approximately $2,750 had
been repaid before Rosenbaum
died. On all these facts both sides
are agreed, except for a few min
or differences in amounts.
Martin Burchholz of ML Angel
was duly appointed administrator
of the estate, and on June 21,
1927, rendered his final account.
Following this account the heirs
raised the objection that no-roen-tion
was made ot the notes Rosen
baum had held against the abbey.
The upshot ot the whole thing
was that Martin Ferrey was ap-
.... lm ,-
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1 - 4
The Season's Greetings
We take this opportunity to thank you
for your friendliness and consideration
and to wish you
A Very Merry Christmas
'. ; Bring You "
Jiihii J; Rdttie
, ; ; 415 Stale SLSaltn, Ortsca
".. . . .s s' 5..-.-'.':-:;'
. . . ) 1
pointed administrator de bonis
non of the estate. During the
course of his dealings with the
abbey authorities he was told that
Rosenbaum had 1?lven the notes
to them shortly before his death,
with the understanding that they
were to be cancelled. The man,
a member of the church, had de
sired to .make a gift to the abbey,
they said, and had done so. The
two heirs, also members of the
church, deny this, and the indi
cations are that here will be one
of the main points on which the
ease will hinge when it comes to
trial. The notes are not in the
possession of Ferrey or of the
heirs he represents, they admit.
Along with other legal maneu
vers a subpoena waa served by the
plaintiffs on the bookkeeper of
the abbey, demanding that he
bring his books to court and give
an accounUng at the time of trial.
Skjold Will you Join me In a
bowl of soup? .
Bjorn Do you think there'd be
room for both of us?
The Pathfinder.
Scientists say that ten million
years will bring little change in
the human race and that Ameri
cans then will look just as they
ao now. Maybe so, but we would
suggest that the scientists stndv
how the women looked thirty to
sixty years ago.
z7lnd all the Be?b onzartFL shall Tncr
on Gfiridmas Day in Ihetygrrdng
THE good will of the Christmas
season reminds us of your good
will throughout the year for which
we give our heartfelt thanks. May .
happiness, prosperity and great
success attend you.
In Salem Since 1849
wr -
81 ...
Best wishes
for a very merry
Belcrest Memorial Park
Salem, Oregon
jss a
m v T7m;'"S
Caroling to You a - -
. Today we stop from business cares and
join in the whole world's glad message of
"Merry Christmas"
We appreciate your friendship to us ex-
''0 j&
: pressed during the year so soon to cease.
We hope that new days will bring you in
creasing prosperity and happiness.
suniy JPal
CHRISTMAS affords us. the) pleasant opportunity to
X.ffP"88 you our sincere appreciation of the friendly .
relations we have had with you, during the past year.
We hope you will enjoy a r
Merry Christmas :
that the NEW YEAR win bring you Happiness
nd Prosperity , . .
laidd Electeic Pdlf If Go.
227 N. Ubtrty
uluTlMi i,4 . u t.J 1.7 i.i u