The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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Charlie Erb QuitsPlace
As Head Football Coach
At Idaho; Rumors Many
TifOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. 22. (AP) Charles Erb, football
jLtJ. coach and athletic director of the University of Idaho,
today sent his resignation to President F. J. Kellv.
In resigning after three years as mentor of the Vandals,
Erb wrote a letter to Dr. Kelly expressing his appreciation
of the "unparalleled loyalty and cooperation of my team, the
students and faculty, and the university administration." Dr.
Kelly, in another letter thanked the coach, who was quarter-
uacn oi me iamornia wonaer ream in iz3, ior Ms serv
ices to the University of Ida
r The resignation becomes
effective September 1,. 1929.
It was estimated here that no
successor to Erb was being ser
iously considered aa ret.
. V Coach Erb'a resignation, ex
pected for some time, is of par
ticular -Interest to Salem, sport
'followers for the reason that two
men formerly , connected with
- sports at Willamette university
have been mentioned prominently
as possible successors.
. ri One la R. L. Mathews, former
ly coach at Willamette, and later
; at the University-f Idaho, coins:
. from here. to St. Louis university.
," He baa recently heen.ln tbe north-west
and. was reported to be con
' cideiing a Coaching position some.
- Where In this "district. . - '
The other is Loren Basler.-star
- center on the Willamette football
.team In 1919 and 1920, who is
, now athletic director at the Boise.
Ida., high school. He learned the
game under , Mathews here and
' was described by the latter aa the
best roTinc center he had .ever
encountered, f .
MOSCOW. Ida-, Dec. 22. (AP)
Alumni; criticism, -combined
with student' dissatisfaction ot
. Coach Charlie Erb's two year
showing in football at the Uni
Tersity of Idaho, was advanced
'here tonight In . unofficial circles,
as an explanation of , his reslgna
" tion. The Vandal coach a few
days ago "denied newspaper items
that he intended resigning.
For more than a year, members
of tbe Alumni association said to
night, departmental difficulties,
augmented by clashes with univer
sity officials, r which- this spring
. prompted the officials to recom
mend that Erb take a vacation
away from tne campus, nave
caused dissatisfaction among the
Erb refused a statement on the
resignation, but announced
he would leave tomorrow for .New
Orleans to attend a meeting of
: athletic coaches. .
Salem, Oregon,' Sunday Morninff, December XSt 19 1 8
, Webfoot Gridders on Way to Land of Eternal Sunshine
Series at Southern Oregon
City Suggested; Salem
High Also Invites
1 w
Bowling Data
' City Lmiii
C. C. Bedding. Co.-...
Flying Cloada ....
Maa'i 8kop
fkM'i Man's Wear
. s
Clib lagua
Klks CsU
lrla ,
AiMciiMa Oil
Waatara Aata
Walriaw .....
f Ooauaarcial Lcifiia
J w.
' Btrr Plwbin .87
. O. C. Baddisg Cake 28
ValWy Maiar . is
Waea'a Aala Cb 15
Ckavrelat la
, 6aaral Petrolaaai , 4
lUta'i roery . ...
Kaw Btatoaataa
Ury Dairy
Stiff faraitara
airaMB4 Dairy .
tf amarj WarC
Baalnaaa Leao
Capvtol Tkaatr 21
HaadBartvra ith IS
Ldd a ad Buab 9
Eastern fapar 4
ifor art exchange of
gamey ween Salem" and . Meu
ford high school bakketbaU teams
were seen late last week . when- a
letter was recelred bf Salem high
athletic officials - from those at
M ea rora nig n -onenng two -games
at Med ford February 7 and 8.
, At present Salem" high has
games scheduled for those dates
but Coach Louis Anderson said
thes-e might be switched to some
other time and a contract entered
into with Med ford. The local high
school authorities have also of
fered Medford a game here Janu
ary 26.
In case the local hijrh school
team goes to. Medford. it will also
play one game with Ashland high.
as was. done lest year.
Medford has nearly all of last
year's .players, who were runners
up in the state tournament, still
in school, so that the outlook will
be slightly unfarorable to Salem
high, which Idt two of. the men
who made the local quintet for.
midable last year, Lxpns and Duf
fy. Salem high was defeated by
Medford bya rery narrow margin
in the state tournament, and the
local team showed Friday night
that'tnt despite the exodus of these
veterans it' will have a strong
combination when a little more
teamwork is developed, so that
Indications are that It is still In
a class with the Southern Oregon
cbooLon the maple court, even if
it didn't fare so well on the grid-
CkdjM Iff
Btaai(OBMry Ward 3
Pknatc . a
Capital Tkaatra . . ..' 1
Bartaiaaa Bratear . 0
The 'Northwest Power company
ot Portland, assignee of J. G. Kel
ley. baa the distinetioa t paying
tea largest filing fee ever received
by the state engineering depart'
This fee of $3?3f.CS waa said
t ,la connection with an application
; of the power company to'appro-'
j rfate water from the north' fork
-J of the Santiam river and from
i Whitewater creek for 'power- dec
I velopment. The cost of the con-
templated development waa estl
'aated. at t.920,00. ' - ?
Moat of the construction will be.
In - Lisa county, though one pro
Joet Is on the line between Linn
and Marlon counties.
Official said the? had sot been
awtseavot what was behind the
filing, farther than It would sup
plement the present power oper
ations in the- Willamette valley.
Portland Club is
Given 2 Players
W CAP) Connie Mack, manager, of
- tbe Athletics, announced tonight
r that Ike .Powers, young" rlght
r banded pitcher and Charles Batea,
; rookie catcher-outfielder. - has
been released to the Portland Pa
rifle coaat leagne club. Both have
been with the Athletics
eral seasons.
bat saw
for sev-
little eerv.
Whitman Whips
tar Hoppers
. PULLMAN, Wash.; Dec. 2 2.
(AP) Whitman college I. cored
Ita j second consecutive ; -victory
over .Washington. State. rollege
bere 'tonight by sv 3 to" 19 score.
Washington' State opened' strpng
and' was leading t half tlma. 18
o IV -r but 'three:; csnsaUonal
; inrows
forfleldj goals, Croi
dale,1; Missionary : auard ' "sra vW them
a lead that Was not overcome! The
gars ft-toSast-Bight..- Creda ?FestivalMaaa
(Continued from Page 7.)
A Peasant woman. Mayre Fletch
er; A Blind man, Everett Bennett;
Two Shepherds, Wilburn Swafford
and Warren McMlnnlmee; A Jew.
ish Woman, Roxanna Zielie;
Joseph, Norman Wlnslow; Mary.
Romona Walker; Women of Beth.
lebem. Esther Cook. Dorothy
Kloepping, Mayre Fletcher; Three
Wise Men. Everett Bennett, Wil
burn Swafford and Warren Mc
Minnimee; .Soldiers of Herod.
Arthur Holienberg and Frederick
B latch ford; Herod the, Ron
ald Hewitt; Herod's Servant. Kel
ly Moore; Tbe Scribe. Norman
Wlnslow; Two Angels Mary L.
Morley and Elisabeth Cheshire.
Scene I. Outside Bethlehem on
nlghrot Nativity Bartimaeus. a
soldier, on guard outside ' the
gate of Bethlehem tells his com
rade Glaucns of his glimpse of a
woman," of such a mother might
the hoped-for king be- born.'l Gla
cus remains sceptical even when
shepherds bring confirmation of
the- birth ot the- king. Glacus'goes
to report to King Herod.. "
Scene II. Outside - Bethlehem
twelve days later Bartimaeus se
cretly guards Mary and tbe- Babe
and directs theMagi to them.
They are warned by the' Jewish
woman to return another way.
Bartimaeus protects the Bab and
bis mother from tbe soldiers of
Herod, is wounded by them, bound
and. taken as a. traitor before Her
o by his comrade Glaucns.
Scene lir; TbHall ef Herod's
Palace: Herod calls f of the Scribe
ia.rd-rhejprepbeeler and - mani
fests great'aoger at (be announce
ment ef tbo birth mt tbe King.
Bartimaena la brdugbt before him
who cotnman4s hts;eyeS to be sear-
ad whh hdt Mrona.'-My eyes are
dark,'?' said Bartimaeus, "Yet I
sea.' He relate to- the king his
vision and departs.
Scene IV.' In the Garden of
Joseph ot Arlmatbaea. After the
crucifixion, blind v Bartimaeus
gropes his way to the tomb in the
garden where tbe crucified King
is buried. "Glacus is one - ot 'the
Roman guards on duty at - the
tomb when the women -appear
with the spices. The earthquake
breaks the Imperial seal and the
atone rolls away. Two angels ap
pear announcing the riaen Lord
and skeptical Glaucns confesses
bis faith. Blind Bartimaeus says.
It is the Klnxeome to receive my
gift. OTxrd. today. I follow thee."
Knighted by the angela be passes
forth to follow the King.
Costumes, Miss Margaret K.
Sutherland, Stage decorations
and properties! Blanche' Reece'
Electrician. Kelly Moore. , "
I I - I ..., S :;
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f . a s-' jl - i J?v?y
Kl y( )'JV A
lis r;f, Kjr-l-s b ;A .
: f-Hr t ' 11 i
Missouri Player Outclasses
Walter Hagen and Re
mainder of Pack
AVALON. Anta Catallna Island,
Calif.. Dec. 22. (AP) Horton
Smith Slender professional rrom
Joplin. Mo., biasing a brilliant
rnlflnr oath around this Island
difficult nine, hole cdurseewnng
around the 54 hole "milestone
of the $2600 Santa Catalina island
open today'witb a two atroke lead
over Walter Hagen and other fa
mous figures of golfdonu
'Getting the "feel of - the. ex
tremely shori boles. Smith went
around the little layout in par
smashing figures , today, and
turned in a card for the 54 holes
that read 63-58-l 182.
He will enter the tmal 18 hole
drive tomorrow morning with a
two stroke lead over "the Haig."
who completed the 54 hole stretch
in 62-62-60-184. Hagen had s
Four stroke advantage over the
rest of the pack. Henry Culci, of
Bridgeport. Conn., holding third
position with 62-62-64-188.
Walter Holmer, Northwest
ern Fullback, Bolsters up
Visiting Team
f Hawaii
above with
and Gtorge
vwv-wvw w a. uikbwh luvkuau ana m aa uss. aisiaissBaw ras aiavn aaa m . u i v . v. v .
Captarn Konrsd Hubbe.ette. mm HZ if.;"" iv":,".n","1H' w".rV? F they eiask with the
ie bait. esDlainia to tb. Wmhft .v. 1VL.1T' , .u. . l0. center of tha
'.. "viel alt, e.plaiai.g to tb. Webfoet player, the aeeesaity of k.epi.g im
r A"Jt. Cflbert taekl. Geerg. Stadelmaa, esat.r; H.rrv Wood, endi
'rge ChriatcascB. tackle. "
training on tbe way over. Grouped around tbe captain,
Johnny Kitxmiller, the "Flying Dutchman." halfback;
The Rev. Thomas .. V. " Keenan
will celebrate high mass at. St.
Vincent de Paul chnrchHlghiand
and Myrtle avenue, at midnight
Christmas Preceding: the
mass tha choir, under the direc
tion of ; J.. L. Prange, will alng a
program of , Christmas '-carols.
The program, follows: . , u.-'Xi':
Introlt i Plain - Chantl .f-sA
Kyrle , and Gloria.- Festival
Mass" J. Grnber. y-'jrr
f Gradual. Plain Xhant,!: - V-i
f pffertoryVeLactentttr Coell?3,
Sanctus. Benedictns. Agnus Dei.
"Festival Mass." J. Gruber.
Communion Motet, Adeste
Fideles, R. Novello.
Christmas day tbe order of
masses will be every hour begin
ning at 6:30, 7:30. 8:30. 9:30 and
10:30 o'clock. The 8:30 o'clock
mass will be sung by tbe children
choir under the direction: of the
sisters of the Holy Name. The last
Mass st 10:30 will, be celebrated
by tbe Rev. O. R. Hentges C. S. C.
of Columbia University of Port,
land-. Confessions in German will
be heard Monday afternoon and
evening. Everybody -welcome - to
attend all services. .
A cantata. - "The" Prince
Peace" by B. L.-Ashford will
presented by a deb4e quartet at
the First. Congregational church
tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Members
of the quartet are: Mrs. Harry
Harms and Mrs. B. D. J. Bow, so
prano Mrs. Mark McCallister and
Nancys HTklelaen; alto; Herbert
Glasier and Lyman McDonald, ten
or; Albert GUI and H. W, Bross.
baas; Moss Plammer, organist.
. children of the.Cbriat Luth.
eran church school will. .give., a
Christmas program Monday; night
at 7:30 o'clock and Tuesday.morn
ing services will be observed In
Gennan at 9:45 o'clock, and in
English at 11 o'clock. 2Th Luther
League, and church cblr will pre.
sent a pageant. -"The Holy NaUv
Ity." Wednesday night at 7: o.
Musical numbers fwtll Jea'tura
the speclaL, program at .tha- Cal
vary Baptist church tonight.- at
7:30, o'cloe k.; Thar will ba as.foL
- Selections from tbe 'cantatta
"Kings of Kings".
"O, Jerusalem - That Bringeet
Good Tidings," Chorus.
'Hallelujah, Amen.",' Chorus.
"O, Little Town of Bethlehem,"
Ladles chorus.
"Behold the Days Come," Bass
solo.-W. Karl Cochran. -
-Tenor solo, selected by 'Joe
Weis. ;. . .
Baritone solo, "Birthday of a
King." Meidlinger.
"Hark. Hark. My Soul," Lynea.
Piano solos, "I Need Thee Ev
ery Hour," and "Pass Me Not O
Gentle Savior," by Butler. Paul
William Sttko. -
St, Pauls Episcopal church Is
planning to bold mass Christmas
eve, beginning at 11:45 that
JghO . .
A program of songs, recitations-,
exercises and-pageants has been
arranged for the Reformed church.
The church choir will assist. This
will be given" tonight at 7:30 o'
clock. The Bible school of the- High
land Friends church will bold its
annual program .Monday night,
beginning at 7: SO o'clock. -
- Sunday-afternoon at 1:45 o'
clock la the time' -act for tbe
Christmas program of the Evange
listic Foil Gospel tabernacle. The
Sunday school will have charge. -
A missionary' presentation,
"Christ In Other Lands,"-will . be
the feature of tba holiday gather
ing tonight at tha Christian, and
Missionary Alliance. The. program
has been arranged by. the Sunday
school groups.- - -j- .v .-, ,
' Tha-Coart Street-. Church . bf
Christ baa prepared te present ita
Tvtetide program at the regular
church hour tonight.
Tbe children of the Church of
God will present their entertain
ment tonight at 7:39 o'clock.
St. John's Lutheran church will
have a series of events, culminat
ing In twin services Christmas
day, with English services st 9:45
o'clock in tbe morning, followed
those in German at II o'clock.
A children's Chrlstmas'eve ser
vice will be given at 7 o'clock
Monday night.
Two services wtTTbe held Christ
mas day at the First German bap
tist church, a sermon, and music
mt" 11 o'clock and. the Sunday
school program that night at 7:30
o'clock. '
A musical program. Of Christmas
solos, choruses, duets and quar
tets will feature the service .ai the
Ford Memorial community, church
tonight, with A. Meade directing
the choir and Miss Benner at the
piano. Tha Sunday school pro
gram was-beld Saturday night.
Christmas exercises will be herd
at tha Free Methodist church . to
night, under the direction of Her
bert Hansen, superintendent. .
- The Junior department of the
Firsts United Brethern church gave
its entertainment Saturday night
Mrs. J. M. Willey's
Passing Reoited
Mrs'. James M. Willey. formerly
a resident of Salem, died in Wash
ington Saturday, according to a
-elegram received here. Her hus
band waa at one time employed
as rate expert for the Oregon pub
lic service commission. For the
past 10 years Mr. Willey has been
connected with the Interstate com
merce commission. Mrs. Willey is
survived by her widower and three
children. Funeral- services will be
held . in Washington.
During her residence in Oregon
Mrs. Willey Was prominent ta so
da! affairs. She was a member of
various woens 'organizations.' '
Hartman Brothers. Jewelers.
who have entered a team in the
Toadies,' Recreation bowling lea-
true wnicn sianeu way rnuu.
night on the Winter Garden al
leys, have put up a handsome sn
ver cup as a permanent, iropn-
for champions in this league-JThe
ranitol theatre, which also has a
team in this league, lias put up a
bowling ball as a' prise for high
average. '
The bowling program this week
will include two special singles
matches; one on Wednesday eve
ning at 7 o'clock between Wayne
Kantola and Harold McKinney
and the other Friday evening at
the same hour between the winner
of the Wednesday match and Har
ry Steinbock.
. Kantola is still holding high
average in the City league, with
Sam Steinbock close behind.
The City and Commercial lea
gues will not play their regular
league matches this week. The
Club. . Business Men's, Bankers
and Ladies' Recreation leagues
will play as usual.
S. P. Trains Plan
Christmas Trees
. For the pleasure of travelers on
trains Christmas Eve and to keep
the spirit of Christmas for grown
ups as well as children, the South
ern Pacific will follow its usual
practice of placing Christmas trees'
In observation cars on Its through
trains. The trees will be in place
for Christmas Eve 'and will re
main all day Christmas While no
regular program Is provided it fre
quently happens that passengers
on these trains get together and
present impromptu programs that
add a great deal of pleasure : to
Christmas eve on board tbe train.
(Af rLpngV-hard practice grinds
were ehalKeff nn todav Tor the
taJUtfJfi4 "aUstern players who
will .C6jnpet, for honors here De
cember 29 in the annual East-
West charity football game.
Their personnels complete, both
equads. raced through workouts
that included signal drill, kick
ing, a scrimmage as the part ef
tbe eastern delegation and all the
other necessary details coaches
can think of.
One of the best bets of the.
East. .Walter Holmer, reached
Staafpjfyhere his team; mates
are sojourning until gave time.
The big Northwestern university .
fullback is one-of .the threats of
Head Coach Andy Kerr is bank
ing on. - Holmer probably " will
share the burden of attack with
Howard Harpster, Carnegie Tech
That Coaches Kerr and Dick
Hanley are banking on an serial
attack to settle tbe Issue is evi
dent. In every workout, much
time Is devoted to long tospe
from Harspter to Haycraft. Minne
sota end, and the other backfield
The westerners, two daya be
hind their rivals in the matter of
practice, functioned more like a
football team today. Coach Orin
E. Hollingberry has found him
self hard put for a safety man and
signal caller." When the complete
squad of 22 men were lined up,
It was found that none was ex
perienced in these vital depart
ments, as it is, Tlollinberry is
breaking in Bob Si ins. Stanford
halfback for the safety position,
while Dan Allen, former Yale star.
At Last a Perfect Razor
Vibro Shave
Fully Guaranteed
The Electric Raxor is
Electricity has NOW Solved
the problem of the daily
shave! No more pulling of
the beard, no more scraped
faces; tbe toughest, most
wiry beard Is tamed with
. Vibro Shave
Aa Ideal Gift that Can Be
Used SOS Days a Year
ONLY $5.00
Extra Blades 10 for fl.OO
- For Sale' at Capitol Dra
aad all live dealers. If they
caaaot .apply yow, Jast sead
S5.0O to i. W. Dawklae,
Distributor, Portland, Ore.,
care of Imperial Hotel ad
one will be mailed poetase
Idaho Firm Gains
Highway, Cpniract
The , stated .highway, cam mission
Saturday awarded to. the, W. H.
Pickett company- of.,BoJe, Idaho
for the, grading of tha Harper-Bar-
relle ranch seeti on of tha Central
Oregon highway, The. highway In
volved ' is, approximately 15 miles
ia length. , The bld was- fl 0-2,128.-
Clouqh-Husrton CoH
X. Grwr
THE plan in the Democratic
platform of , 1884 which we
have . been' discussing 'the last
two weeks was considered pret
ty 8tronjj in certain .sections of
the country as, indeed, it was.
As one would ' have expected,
New England - and the sections
whose cities and shipping, would
be most at the mercy of tbe ene
my; were not so very enthusias
tic" for an aggressive foreign
policy ; as those- more sheltered
states in the. .center, west and
south' of th Union
As an Institution learns to
serve, through years of prac
tical experience, ita services
are naturally more valuable
to those who command them.
We feel this to be one of the
reasons for our present stand
ing in our profession.
JQistmciiVegimeral Strvic.9
LADY recently remarked to one of
our Trust Officers that in our ad
vertised reasons for naming a trust com
pany as Executor of a will, we failed to
set out the best reason of all that it
would prevent family dissension and
discord and insure unity against - tne,
break that so often occurs when the af
fairs of one's estate must be settled.
- -s f-t-t-
.... v ..
f i
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