The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1928, Page 7, Image 7

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    Itifl Hew Oregon Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning; December tSf19t8
of Especial '-Interest
to Church Circles of Salem District
''f w n
cState Conventton of Free
rMethodist Groups to Open
Here Friday
The Oregon Young people's so
cieties will hold tbelr annual mis
sionary conrention at the Market
street Free Methodist church,
North Winter and Market streets,
this week, beginning at 7:30
o'clock Friday night, December
28. and concluding Sunday night.
LesFleiF. Smith, conference pre-
Ident. -will Br in charge. Toun
'people 'from all parts of the state
wilt be in attendance; s well as
-visitors from Washington and
g California.
1 Among the principal speakers
' will "be Bishop A. D. Zahniser, for
merly general conference evange
list. and the Rer. W. B. Qlm-
steatf. general missionary secre
tary of the Free Methodist ehnrch
Mr. Olmstead has had wide ex
periencje hi the ehnrch field both
home and abroad and his address
es' win be interesting as well as
"Emery Goode, president of the
Salem Free Methodist 'Young Peo
ple's society, will open the con
ferenee with an address of wel
eoate to the visitors. Bishop Zah
nleer will give 'the final address
Bnftday night. The bishop will
Tremain in Salem two weeks to
conduct special revival services
TURNER. Ore.. Dec. 21. (Spe
cials The Christian church will
give Its Christmas program Sun-
y evening, and the Methodist
t ehnrch will give Its program Mon-
day evening. The public Is invited
) to attend both events.
? Mrs. Mallnda Chambers, who
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. E. Haggey, near Los Ange
y lea; has returned to the home of
hr grand children the Porters,
and Is' glad to be in Oregon again.
J 1 The Turner public school gave a
J good Christmas program Friday,
i eptfnsored mainly by the grades:
( School will be closed until Janu-
ary t.
f Turner now has a second hand
f store, opened by E. E. Stewart,
formerly of J3tayton, where he
conducted the same business in
connection with a feed store.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stroud and
daughter of Yoncalla, visited at
the 'borne of Mr. Stroud's sister.
Mrs. Bear, Wednesday and Thurs
day. " The Rev. John Trachsel of Kim
ball School of Theology occupied
the Methodist church pulpit last
Sunday in the absence of the pas
tor. Mrs. Spalildlng and children left
early Friday morning tor their
homcat Goldendale, Wash.
14r. tad Mrs. R. E. Stewart and
'. Mrs. Bear spent Tuesday with
frtfJnds near Crawfordsville.
"MfX- Hill has been ill with In
fluents. Mrs. J. W. Burge, formerly of
Tinier, visited recently at the
borne of J. F. Thomasohv
Miss Thelma Delzell will not re
turn from California for the holi
days as she had planned.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards and
Mrs: L. J. Rowley attended a
, White Shrine ceremonial In Salem
Wednesday evening meetings of
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
of Salem which is located at the
corner of Liberty and Cbemeketa
streets, are held at 8 o'clock and
include testimonies of healing, ex
perience and remarks on Christian
Science. All are Invited to attend
tfceee meetings.
Christmas Observance In
Salem Churches Provides
(Continned from Page l.vVfJ
special music will be given. To
night's program Is: ' . '
Christmas Carols. . ,
Processional -"It Came Upon
the Midnight Clear." - I
Audience "Joy to the World."
"Unto God Be Glory." Sunday
School and Chorus.
. Responsive Beading Matt. 2 :
1-14. . . , . , .
Prayer. ' ' r
"Christ Is Born," Sunday
School and Chorus.
"The Bells of Christmas-Tide"
Lillian Myers.
"Who -Are These?" Sunday
School and Chorus.
"Luther's Cradle Hymn' Pri
mary Department.
Exercise "Together" Kinder
garten Class.
"The Christ Child" Gladys
Quesseth. Violet Ott, Doris Strand4
Margaret Clare. Maxlne Setler.
"Only a Babe in the Manger"
Sunday School and, Chorus.
Exercise Stars for the Christ
mas Crown" Gene Huntley, Ken
neth Peters, Robert Erlkaen. Wil
fred Peters and Lester Meyers.
"Seeking the Savlous," Aage
" 'Twaa Long Ago" Sunday
School and Chorus.
Exercise "Tell Me Why"
Dale Newman. Lloyd Reinwald,
Wilbur Finden, Russel Peters, Da
vid Struts.
' "The Angels' Song" Sunday
School and Chorus.
Exercise "The Christmas Mes.
sage" Faye Sherman. Mareeil
Stetler. Grace Johnson.
"O Prince, of Peace" Sunday
School and Chorus.
Address "The Story" The
Rev. P. W. Eriksen, pastor.
"Hail the Lord of Glory" Sun
day School and Chorus.
Recessional "Come Hither. Ye
The program for the First
Christian church will to be given
tonight at 7:30 o'clock. It Is ar
ranged in three parts: Prologue
"The Christ Child's Birth," Inter
lude, "The Christ Child's Quest."
part two "The End of the
Quest"; part three, "Where the
Christmas Spirit Shines."
"The Gift," a pageant, will be
given at the Leslie Memorial
church tonight, at 7:30 o'clock,
with the older members of the
church taking part in the biblical
production. An outline of the
pageant follows:
A girl, busy and perplexed, in
the midst of Christmas prepara
tion discontentedly wonders what
it is all about. An Impatient ques
tion finds an unexpected answer
by the coming of the Spirit of
Christmas who pictures her new
meanings of an old story, as a re
sult of which the girl finds an
The characters are Marlon
Shaw, the girl and Spirit of
Christmas, Mrs. Andrew Hunter.
Mrs. Mason Bishop and Leslie
H. Springer are soloists and Mrs.
S. Darlow Johnson, accompanist,
Mrs. J. B. Ulrlch. Mrs. Mason
Bishop. Mrs. H. R. White, Miss
Helen Ingrey and E. D. Roseman
compose the committee.
"Bethlehem Echoes" will be
presented by the choir of the
First Evangelical church at 7:30
o'clock. Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps,
church pianist, will accompany the
chorus. The text of the Cantata is
as follows:
Opening chorus, "Lift Up Thy
Soprano, and alto duet, "Beth
lehem." Tenor solo, "The Manger at
Soprano and alto duet, "Mary,
Sweet Mary."
Soprano solo, "Song of Mary."
Trio, chorus and bass solo "Is
Born the King."
Jfemorial Parks are a modern solution for
an old necessity. They create a civic asset
in place of a tolerated liability.
714-716 First National Bank Building
. ' . : " .
Salem,' Oregon
Soprano and' tenor in 'unison.
"The Guiding of the Star.
Chorus and bass solo, "Tell Us
Where Jesus Is Born."
Chorus with alto and tenor
duet, "Abiding on Judean Hills."
Members of the choir are:
- Soprano Mrs. Helen HUflker,
Mrs. Violet Lamkin, Mrs. H. M,
Mead. Mrs. P. F. Thomas. Kath
leen Phelps, Pauline Rickll, Lillian
Garnjobst. Helen Rex and Olive'
Shurtz; alto, Elva Ault, Francis
Baler, Savllla Phelps. Gladys HU
flker and Anna Miles, tenor. L.
C. Maves, Fred Remington and
N. ,8. Sohmalle; bass. Stanley
Maves, Reubln Hilflker. H. M.
Mead. Walter 8. Lamkin and
William McCauley.
Soloists are, soprano, Kathleen
Phelps; tenor, L. C. Mavea; bass,
Stanley Maves. (
A Christmas concert will be giv
en tonight. at 7:30 o'clock at the
First Presbyterian.
Organ Prelude, "Christmas In
Sicily," Pletro Yon.
In this number is introduced
the effect of the Sicilian bagpipes.
Hymn 174.
"The Star of the East."
1. Prelude. .
2. "Arise. Shine." Mr.
J. 8.
and Chorus.
4. "The Angels' Song,
Dorothy Brant, C. W. Reld.
5. "Sing O Heavens", Chorus.
Scripture, Luke 2:1-20.
. "Beautiful Star." Mrs. Hen
ry Millie.
7. "Awake. -Put on Thy
Strength." Mr. Deacon and
Offertory "The Holy Night,"
8 "Bethlehem," Ladies' Choir
and Chorus.
9. "Lead Thou Me On," Mr.
Frank Ritchie.
10. "There Shall be Night no
More" Mrs. Allen and Chorus.
11. "Rejoice Greatly," Chorus.
Organ Postlude "Festival
March," Mutter.
Christmas church at the First
Baptist church tonight, beginning
at 7:30 o'clock, is as follows:
Prelude, Selected, Organ Solo
Hymn, "Joy to the World."
Prayer, Rev. R. L. Payne.
Hymn, "Silent Night, Holy
Night," Choir.
Vocal Duet, Selected, Majorle
and Kathleen Broer.
" Anthem, "There Were Shep
herds Abiding" Choir.
Baritone Solo, "Star of the
East." Kenneth AJbbatt.
Anthem, "The Wondrous Story"
Choir. 1 -
Trumpet Solo, Selected, H. W.
Short Sermon, Rev. R. L. Payne
Men's Chorus, "O'Hallowed
Night." x
Anthem. ''Holy Night," Choir.
"The Christmas Star," by Sara
Hawks Sterling, a Holiday Play
in three acts, will be presented in
the Knight Memorial church
Christmas eve at 7:45 p. m. by
members of the church school.
The first act takes place in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bond, el
derly rich people, bored by the
approach of the Christmas season.
The second act; the workroom of
Santa Claus; The third act; the
home of the Bonds.
Characters are: Mr. Bond, a
rich merchant, Donald J. Allison;
Mrs. Bond, a modern wife, Caroyl
Braden; Thomas, an English but
let, Donald Barnard; Fifl, a
French maid, Harriett Adams;
Jimmy, a street boy, Ralph Eyre;
Santa Claus, Mr. H. L. Braden;
Children of Santa Claus, Mistle
toe, Nina Taylor, Christmas Tree,
Universal, Holidays
are .a good time to
thing about univer
sal obligations.
2205 " "
MONMOUTH. Ore., Dec 22.
(Special) The Polk county Holi
ness association convened at" the
local Evangelical ehnrch Wednes
day for the regular monthly ses
sion. A basket luncheon was en-
Joyed at noon: and the -entire
program was of a varied and de
votional nature. The Rev. Ro
salia Douglas, of Falls City, pres
ident of the association, presided:
and the Rev. E. O. Ranton of the
Independence Evangelical church,
had charge of the music.
At the morning session, the
Rev. A. E. Fogg of Rickreall
spoke Inipirlngly on "Prophecy
Concerning the Jews." The Rev.
L. H. Willard and Rev. Mr. Ran
ton sang "That Beaatlful Land,"
"Mr. and Mrs. McCormick. Sal
vation Army representatives from
Salem were present, and Mrs. Mc
Cormick talked. In the after
noon. The Rev, W. N. Coffee, of
the Balem -Free Methodist church
was the speaker, , his .message be
ing based on : the symbolic and
real meaning of the cross in our
lives. A duet, "When I Surrey
the Wondrous Cross," was sung
by Rev. Mr. Ranton and Rev. Mr.
Willard. The Rev. L. C. Kerby.
a former Monmouth pastor, now
minister of the . Evangelical
ehnrch of Dallas, was the evening
speaker, his subject being "The
Burning Heart.' Hiss Ruth
Barnes was the evening soloist,
Church Plans
Watch Night
The. Calvary Baptist ehnrch eon
gregation is planning to hold a
watch night service at the church
New Year's eve, beginning at t:00
o'clock and continuing until mid
night. An interesting program Is
being arranged.
The -regular mid-week fellow
ship meeting will not be held this
week, announces the pastor, the
Rev. W. Earl Cochran.
Evelyn Haag, Fruit Cake, Leota
Harland, Mince Pie, Charlotte
Eyre, Doll, Shirley Parker; Hol
ly, Betty Taylor; Christmas Spir
its, Loce, Lorain Haag; Joy, Vel
ma May; Peace, Fern Harris;
The Christmas Star, -Miss Mary
The pastor of St. Joseph's Cath
olic church has slsued an invita
tion to everyone. Catholic and
non-Catholic, to the midnight
mass on Christmas eve and the
four masses on Christmas day at
7:00. 8:00. 8:30 and 9:00 o'clock.
At midnight the choir will sing the
following program:
Processional, "Silent Night!
Holy Night!" Male quartet.
Mass In Honor of St. Benedict,
Full choir.
Offertory, "Adests Fldells." Full
choir. Communion , (Solo) O Holy
Night," Miss, Rudy, Recessional.
"Praise Ye the Father." Mixed
choir.. Miss Mary Lebold at the
At 9 o'leock the Sacred Heart
Academy pupils will sing:
"Angels We Have Heard on
Hlgh.'i "Glory to God In the High
est," "Silent Night," "Adeste," "Glory to God." Bene
diction, Full chorus, Gregorian.
Organ Solo.Silent Night,"
Thompson, Miss Margaret Mary
Nathman at the organ.
A Christmas pageant, "The
Soldier of Bethlehem," by Russell
Boelw, will be given at the First
M. E. church, Sunday night.
Mrs. Leonard Nelson, director;
Ronald C. Glover, reader; Mrs.
Leonard Nelson, Director; Ronald
C. Glover, Reader, Mrs. Otto Hag
erdorn, Mrs. O. W. Day, Arnold
Taylor and R. D. Barton; Organ
ist, Miss Grace Henderson.
Characters In Cast. Bartlmeaus,
a soldier, Charles Wilson; Glau
cus, a soldier, William DePew;
(Turn to Page 8, Please.)
Affair Planned
By. Men's Class
The Business Men's Bible class
of the First. Methodist church will
hold a, get-acquainted meeting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. L.
Blackerby, 1130 8. Liberty, Fri
day night: The wives of the mem
bers of the class are to be special
guests for the evening.' Each
member' Is asked to bring some
curiosity which will be of Interest
and add 'to the evening's enter
tainment. A. M. Lausch is pres
ident of this class. .
Leslie Service
Of Week Given
Announcements of . week-d a y
events from the , Leslie Memorial
church include: mid-week prayer
and study service in the church
auditorium and young- people's
discussion group In Leslie hall
Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock.
Choir practice. J. William Belch
er of Portland directing, will be
held Thursday evening at 1:30.
Dr. C.X. Poling
To Preach Today
Dr. C. C. Poling will preach at
the First Evangelical ehnrch this
morning, in the absence of the pas
tor, the Rev. A. P. Layton, who
Is In Eugene today. At this eve
ning's service, the ehnrch choir
will sine a Christmas cantata
which was composed by the Rev.
Charles Poling, son of Dr. C. C.
Yqmarco Class
To Meet Friday
The women of the Yomarco bible
class of the First Methodist Epis
copal church will meet Friday af
ternoon at the homo of Mrs. Wal
ter Pennington, 1398 Center
street. Mrs, F. A. Rledesel will act
as assistant hostess.
Prayer service and bible study
for the South Salem Friends
church will be held Thursday
night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock
. Mid-week service of the Cbe
meketa street Evangelical church
are held Thursday night, begin
ning at 7:30 o'clock.
Card Headquarters
and you'll find Books, Sta
tionery, Fountain Pens,
Desk Sets, Leather Goods,
Diaries and Other Gifts.
Night Stand
this :
suite" -
Prompt delivery in
time for the Christ
mas Guest, may be
secured on these
College chapter of the Endeavor
societies of the First Presbyterian
church will -hold Us annual candle
lighting service at their meetrng
tonight. Mrs. Paul Ellis will -have
charge of this ceremony. In addi
tion, Dorothy Hutchinson will lead
the group in a study of "Further
Consideration of Peace Problems."
Other members of the Salem
Toung People's Christian union
have announced their meetings for
tonight as follows:
Jason Lee church Jason Lee
college1 chapter, "Celebrating th
Birthday of Jesus." Lloyd Hockett.
leader; Jason Lee high school
chapter, Eleanor Henderson, lead
er upon the same topic. Special
Christmas services are also plan-!
First Christian church Topic:
Worshiping God In Word and
Song. Leader Rose Dickinson;
special Christmas music.
Knight Memorial Congregation
al the old Christmas story win
be told in script ere and song. Vera
MeCune, leader.
First Baptist Topic: "Mir
acles." Mrs. J. M. Cross, leader.
Leslie M. E. "Celebrating
Birthday of Jesus." Ronald Hul
bert, leader. Special Christmas
First M. E. No meetings.
Calvary Baptist Senior group.
a Christmas topic Selda Harlan,
leader; Intermediate meeting, also
Christmas topic, Lolabelle Pick
ens, leader.
Prayer services for the Cbeme
keta street Evangelical congrega
tion will be held Thursday night
at 7:30 o'clock.
Regular week-da services are
held each Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday nights at the Glad Tid
ings mission, of which 2. S. John
son is the pastor.
Last Minute Suggestions!
Rook 75c
Pit 75c
Flinch 75c
Rummy 75c
Touring 75c
Lindy 50c
Three Guardsmen
Authors 35c
Lotto 35c
Pollyanna $1.25
Parcheesi $1.50
163 N. Coml. St.
Room Furnityre
for the Holiday Guest Room
hi- ill '
f y . w " L -""TJr
Three-Piece Bed Room Group '
Here is a grouping of bed room pieces suitable for'an extra guest
room, or for a present for the young lady of the house. Nicely
grained walnut veneer panels on exposed surfaces, finished in
blended walnut with a shadow design of self color. The three
pieces are a Full Size Bed, Chiffonier and choice of Vanity or
Dresser. ...
A small payment will deliver this suite for Christmas, pay the
next year on our easy payment plan.
to match
Chair with
T7 sT
Jason Lee Choir
To Sing Carols
The choir of the Jason Lee Mem
orial church will conduct carol
singing vat the home of the sick
and shut-ins In their district
EuenmiGDonlbei?" .
Only a Few More Days .to Take Advan
v tage of My Unusual Offer
UIJTIL JAN. 1, 1929
When Plates and Bridges are Ordered
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Dental Plates
Dr. C. A. Eldriedge, Dentist
Leather Goods
Brief Cases
Card Cases
Bill folders .
Address Books
Loose Leaf Books
Fountain Pens
Mechanical Pencils
Desk Sets
Court St.
Christmas eve, following which
social. hour will be held at the par
sonage. Refreshment! will - be
The weeklv devotional service
will be held Thursday night at 7
o'clock, followed by the bible and
mission study classes and cnoir
$5.00 and up
1.00 and up
5.00 and up
15.00 and up
Books end
New Fiction
Travel Books
Gift Books
Loads of Books in
, the Popular 75c
Telephone . 64
with upholstered
; ' - - . " - -, V- "'-
Be sore to visit Toy- ,
land and , other de
partments " of this -
'. store for those last
, minute things,, j ; . ;