The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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UTh New Oregon STATMAiCmbfei ssjmst
. '" '.' .. . : .. . 1 .. " - .. w ..... .-af:..t
Local' News Briefsui
T "" ' ' "; . " -. " J""' i-'
Speeder - Fined Anthony J.
Wolfe. S2S Madison ' street; : was
fined $6 In poTTce court Saturday
on a charge of speeding. v .
FalU to Stop W. A. Roth. Sa
lem route 7, paid a IS fine in mu
nleipal court Saturday for disre
garding a stop sign. ; -
Dalla Uaa fined K. B. Ger
linger of Dallas .was fined- SS In
municipal ,. court Saturday jon a
charge ox failing-, to atop ,at a
through street intersection."
Inebriate Fined lie Morgatf.
116 North Winter,, street. , was
fined, f 1 fn municipal, court Sat
urday on a charge of drunkenness
en which he was arrested FxMay
Bight. .' ' ... : '
Light ' lmpoper A. Jack
sob. Salem route 4. and Cart F,
Doerfler, 4S8 North Liberty street.
were arrested by city traffic of
ficers-Saturday night on charges
of operating motor vehicles with
out proper lights. -
frHofen Car Found The Chev
relet touring car belonging to C. F,
Seofleld of Turner, stolen from
Salem Friday night, was found
ananaonea in roruana Saturday
according to word received by the
Salem police. - .. -
library to Close The Salem
public library will close Monda
night. Christmas eve, at C:Otr
o'clock. t according to announce
ment made by Miss Maud. Coving
ton. head ;Hbrarian.- .The. llbrarj
will be dosed all day . Tuesday.
Christmas day.
To Hold Court of Honor The
West Salem Boy Scout troop will
bold a court of honor at -their
meeting Wednesday night. " Th
regular meeting night is Tuesday
but because of Christmas, the
meeting will be held Wettbesfiay.
Badges will be given to boy ho
have passed their tenderfoot tests.
Wins Treasure Wilbur Trag-
lio won. the. treasure hunt of . the
junior hiffh members of the Y M
A. Saturday. - The bane ended
fn Painter's .woods, where the
boys had lunch and! played soccor
and baseball. They built a large
bonfire and bod talks after lunch.
The prise, a copy of "On . the
Sweetwater Trail," was presented
bj the Atlas BoeH store.
WHson Visits Charles O. WH-
eon,. mayor of Springfield, was
Salem visitor late In .the week,
stopping to visit his son. Ken- Wil.
son. manaager of the Bulck agen
ey here. -
-In Frisco Charles -Vkk of the
Vlek brothers Oakland-Pontlac
agency here. .lsIn San Franeisco
for- tbehol)dajrs;, -rs. .Vick and
" their -daughter Harriet vaccompan
led bin' " vJ V -J ? t ' ' i - -
. . . . y '.i-A ;jvc
. Wilsons to yjsit-dtto J. Wll
son and Ken Wilson of . the Bulck
agency In Salem,: will spend
Christmas visiting "relatives in
Springfield: Their families will
accompany them. .
Attend Dealer Meet George
find Alfred Vick, Oakland-Pontiac
dealers, were In Portland late In
the week to attend a meeting of
all dealers of those. lines in this
Cadillac "Rep" .HereWilliam
fi. Ulery. representative for the
Cadillac line In western Oregon, is
spending the holidays in Salem
Vick to Albany Ben Vick,
shop foreman at the Vick Broth
th' plant, will be In Albany, for
t'-hristmas.' -
Van Dayn to - Visit Mr. and
.Mrs. Charles Q. Van Duyn will
visit in Portland Christmas. Mr
Van Duyn is a member of the
Mates Motors staff.
Morfitt, to Visit Neil Morfitt,
Bulck representative, will be in
Salem for the first. week in Jan
nary. . , , ;
- . ""
Hendricks Better Paul Hen
dricks Is improving from an at
tack of Influenza which has con
fined him to bis bed for the past
week. . .
New on Staff M. B. Ftnseth
has joined' the sales staff , of the
Ftates. Motors, Hudson-Esfex; deal
. cm Mr Fin6tfi- was formerlv In
the afiTomoblle business in Steele,
Nerth,JDakota. The green, of the
Willamette valley : in. winter ap-
peals- to Mr.' jnnsetn. as a contrast
J -ito- IheoTdwn and white Dakotan
1V- THkfre -Vlalt Ssore George and
re,o--ainerfc pari -. owners ana
genecaJw-managers of 1 the Miller
chainofatores spent Saturday at
the "ffore here. Christmas busi
ness . has been, uniformly ."good
tbroagJianjLtbejr valley stores as
well as the newly acquired store
at Olympla, Wash.- Tbia store was
entabjfoed. In 18 and Is prob
ab)y ll)e. - beat known mercantile
establishment la Thurston county.
Mrs. H...B. Ilsmme ramcved here
during the. past : wee rua .
borne -near' i Seattle. They ' wfll
make, their home at. ISCft Waller
street and their son, J. H. Ilemme.
will reside with . tbem. He is a
salesman for Th' Trumm Motor
Co., which .has Its - saleeroom on
i enier avree.
Franebfoee Granted " The
MountainStates Power company
was granted, two franchises1 Sat
urday by the Marion county eourt
to set : np power lines In Marlon
county, s; One line, nine-tenths of
a Mils in .length, is to extend
along the south side of TVnkeney
bill to, the resldenc eor J. Harris,
The other, in road district 48, will
extend for a considerable distance
through the Stelwer frmlt farms.
Here From Canada -Mrs. Fran
ices Morgan and' daughter. Made-
ner have" arrived . In -Salem from
their home in Saskatchewan, Can
ada and are guestsattlbe home
of Mrs. Morgan's mother, Mrs. N.
Salomon, 1388 State streetr Mrs.
Morgan will be better remembered
as Frances Salomon,' who removed
to Canada following her marriage
about eight yeas ago.'. The. visit
ors will be-here nntll the first of
i TJUd evicted Default and-de-
eree was handed down m circuit
court here Saturday In the sull.Jo
quiet title brought against Leona
May Favre and others by the Ladd
and Bush bank. , " '
Title SeUled Default and de
cree In favpr of the' plaintiff was
entered in circuit court Saturday
in the suit brought by Marion K.
Fotrest and Ethel Forrest against
the unknown - heirs . of Henry ,J
Zumwalt and others!
total -number -of .intluenxa cases
reported "fi pr ifie past veek, to" the
county ;healthl ,o fflcef ' reached.. CS
for Salem, and 3 for thejrest uf
the county: institutional cases
are not. Included1 in' these' figures.
Title In Isuo--T. M. Hicks Sat
urday filed suit In circuit court to
quiet title to a piece of real prop
erty that he acquired under a tax
lien. The Title and Trust com
pany and others are named as de
fendants. Accident Brlna Swlt A. F.
Delker began a . damage action in
circuit court here Friday against
August Relmer. He alleges that
the defendant was guilty of neg
ligence In connection with an auto
accident in Clackamas county Sep
tember 28 of this year. The sum
of 450 is demanded.
Returns "to . Home Mrs. S.
Ruggles. route-three, Salem, was
returned to ' her home -Saturday
from the Deaconess, hospital where
he has been for nearly five weeks.
She has had a severe ease of pneu
monia and Is still under the care
of a nurse.
Mr. Rohannon In Portland-
Roy Bohannon. manager - of the
Cityview cemetery, was a Portland
business visitor Saturday.
. ' ' ' " v
- Mr. GUstrap Here E. L. Gil
strap, well-known Eupene man, is
a Salem visitor.
From Klamath Falls Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Murphy of Klamath
Falls are guests at the New Salem.
Valsets Folk Here Mr. and
Mrs. Meivin E. Morn ot ; Valsets
are in Salem for the week-end.-
Girls -Sing For Amy A girln
chorus of 25 or 30 voices from
the Girl Reserves will accompany.
the Salvation .Army, to, the state
girl's industrial school at - three
o'clock. this afternoon to assist in
a, Christmas -program there. The
Army workers will also conduct a
meeting , at 1:30 o'clock at the
state penitentiary. , ,
Polk Native Dies-lEdward B.
Wood, a native of Polk county.
died suddenly. - a-short-distance
from his home. neHb of W1"!.'!
Saturday a the. age of S5 He iad
lited near Waconda the past two
or three" years. He is survived. by
his widow, Delia Wood, two chil
dren, Lela and Frances, and five
brothers and three sisters. Funeral
and burial will be. in Portland. -
Visit Completed Mrs. , George
Oliver left here , Friday for Pom
eroy. ash., to join her husband
rafter spending a month in Salem
with her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
M. C. Findley. Mrs. Oliver was for
merly Miss Genevieve Findley and
is well known here. Both she and
Mr. Oliver are graduates of Wil
lamette university.
To Attend O. S. T. A. Among the
more than 2000 teachers and del
egates who are expected to attend
the Oregon State Teachers- asso
ciation -which meets in -Portland
December 27-2 will be the fol
lowing delegates from the Marlon
county teachers' association: Miss
Margaret J. Cos per. Mrs. LiliTanj
5- van Jxan anct Miss Lyle Mur
ray, all of Salem; L. M. Bennett
of Jefferson, Bethel B. Taylor of
Scotts Mills. Hv E. Toble of Stay-
ton, R. H. Southwick of Aurora,
Mary Riley and Blanche Hubbs of
Sllverton and Vera D. Bain of!
Servlco Cxant Soon The Salem
postoffice haa received .notice that
Civil service commission will hold
open competitive examinations for
park naturalists, receipt of appli
cants close January 25. ' Sery
Ice will be la the Glacier national
Dark.- Montana, and the.' Rainier
national park. Washington; with a
salary of 2000-2500 a year. les
8180 for quarters; fuel Jin4: light
Should there be any. appllcaats
nere. exammauons.VFHi.De.Jield at
the local postoffice. V" vTV
Frank Leslie Sned As jone aft
ermath ot the cTaah of the Salem
Music company, "operated by I.
Lunsford on North High street.
Arthur C. Marsh, trustee" of, the
intersute securities company,
succesor in. interest io metTir-iv-.-
series of actions against Frank
Leslie. A toUI of 1 3 85.8 1. in
cluding attorney's fees. Is - de
manded. The causes of action in-
volve certain -carrying Charges
ed for In connection with Its busi
SO Real Chrfstnsaa Barn ins -
la used - Pianos, H. L. Stiff;
Furniture Co. - "
Children Like
A . good' book. See out " assort,
ment of Christmas Book ' for
children. Atlas Book. Store. ;
- IAUS()UJI- i ;
- Vault Entombment
riSZ'TOSJO -rMSiar kuM Vi fa-
ThemiiM-CUtsch - Optical i Cov
- : - tie "Jr." octwwti p. , '
Hollar Dinner
Krrery nibt
Marlon hotel. ,
1:10 to 1 U U
SO Real CttTlslmao Rargatna ' .
- in used Planoe, . H.- U Stiff
1929 Oalendars Free Homer
Smith Ina. Agency, over Millers.
They AH Say "
- You can buy toys,
Farmer's. cheaper at
Furniture Upholsterer
. And 'repairing Glese-Powers
Furniture Co. ..- -
Family Oirlstniaa
Cards at the Atlas Book. Store.
CO Real Christ nuts Bargains
In used Pianos. H. L. Stiff
Tarkeys, Ducks,
- And CbJcktns at Salem Poul
try .Col Free delleryj,;. Telephone
zse.. zss a. Hign
50 Ren ChrUlmaa Bargai
J used ".Pianos, - H. X
Ftraiture Co. -
Beantlfal Chrhitmaa Boxes---' '
Filled with fresh Graf Belle
candles. Priced from SOe up.'
Distinctive Gifts at tile '
Atlas Book St'ore. Open .even.
Ings. - V- . ,1 -
Sola' Spring -Water - "
Served at -the pray Belle.;,
Cftrtstnuu Gift sngwoatjowft--. -.
-V At .tie At,las Book Store. .
The Gray Belle Win Served -
f ' Turkey 1 dinner Sunday and
Christmas Day. ...
Shop Tonight at
r Atlas - Book Store. .. - i :
feat Tonr Turkey" Cris4ma- -::
. Dinner. At the Home Restaur
ant, Sunday, Dec 2311:30-8 p.
m.. COe.
Mariron Hotel
Special Christmas dinner 6:80
to I p. in. si. 60 per piaie.
. . .
Iongine Watches ' .. -
Wiljl , check f up with Longlne
Time Signals everv nlte, Pomeroy
and Keepe are Salem dealers.
Monday Morning "
Miller's chorus of 50 voices will
give Its last' program of Chtlstmas
carols. Miss Lucille Cunfmfngs
win slag "Star of the East." Doors
open, at 8: 4 6. '
Pedigreed . Boston . puppies . for
Christmas. Sired by nifty podd.
Petland Kennels Just north of
Salem on Pacific highway. J
On Accoant .' ' .
Of so much sickness there will
be no Christmas service of DeMo.
lay Commandary Knights Tem
We Are Giving Away : v
Christmas trees, tomorrow; H.
F. Woodry & Son, Auctioneers, on
North Comm'l. -. .j .' v": ..' .
Flower' For All Oeeoalons v
- Adams nonsts,-ay conn BU r
Now at new S. P. Terminal Bar
ber shop.
Eola Spring: Water
Served at the Gray Belle.
Tire Repairs Pay
Wtien made, by Herb Hansen,
341. N. Coml., Phone 230.
The Gray Belle Will Serve
Turkey' dinner- toddy
Christmas. .V
Strayed . . -. - "
Bob-tailed female shepherd dog
and pup. Black and brown, white
collar. Tom. Holman, Jurner road.
Tel. 171W3.
Janitor Wanted, Apply Hotel - .
;Argo, 9:30-11 a. m.--or 2-4 p. m,
Where To
T Today
The Gray Bell Will Srro
jTurkey .".dinner . Sunday and
Christmas Day.
Turkey Dinner-
Served' all day Sunday - and
Christmas Day at the Spa.
Marion Hotel Special
Christmas dinner.S: 30 to 8 p,
m., 11.50 per plate. . ..,
Special Chicken and Turkey ,-.
Dinner today and -kerne made
salads. State' Cafeteria 1
Special Chit-ken. Dinner
60e at the Argo.
CbJckem Dinner " i '
'At Coffey's Cfafe,-155 a Liber.
ij. Chicken dinner 50c." .
;.. .: WALKER -William
G. Walker: 77. died at
322 North 23rd street, Survived
w iiZiJ :i7LiZrr'
of Portland, Mrs. C. W. Livesay of
Portland, M. B. Walker of Salem
and Arlle Walker of JfcMiailvllle.
He. was a member of-the A. F.
,, v. y...A at f h.
Sunday at 2
o'eloek.. Interment in .Belle Paasl
cemetery Under dfrectlon of W.
x. Higdon .Son.
'"v DATIS'
George WV Davb, .7 5, died, at a
, ; We Board Dogs
. " at our fasm - : r
"Oif Pacific Highway 14 mile
tf.i 1 'l-N: of Saleni':-':r-.rv
ft priuFAmkS
l ' V'V Telephone : 2 3 4SM r
Iiif Chtristsios Tree
V .; ' "only- - U. -:-'"' V,;
3- - 51.00 7 - i
.Thin iaectrlca
.M A "H1" "-' '1.' -1.1-191
Sowth IUgb - v TeL- 2112
t -
; Sixty years' Is a long-time-when
spoken of by. an outsider,' but to
those oyer; whose head 80 years
have passed It really is not so long
after alL. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.,Kes
llng of Fruitland, "who look, out at
you- so very straight from , the
above picture have been married
80 short years and still do not feel
the weight of them. ' ,
: Way back- in 1888 when the
United States.were . fighting be
tween themselves. as to whether
the state .of the JJnited : States
should be supreme, Mr. .and Mrs.
Kesling did "what many a young
couple did during the last great
war, they- very' quietly : married.
This, event'. took place at Vinton,
Iowa; a real frontier, at that time.
Later they-moved to a still great
er frontier Nebraska, where they
local hospital''' Friday
following an accident Thursday
night. Survived by four children,
Raymond E. of Portland, Artie
Dale Davis of Denvef, Glenn
Davis of Denver and Mrs. Myrtle
A meson In , Texas. Funeral an
nouncements later from Rigdon's
mortuary. ,
Joseph McReynolds, 79, died
suddenly about noon December
20, at the home at 113 North
Commercial street. He is . sur
vived by hie widow. -Mrs.. Anna
McReynolds, and three .daughters,
Mrs. Nora Seales of, Salem, Mrs.
Cloy Zlmmer 'of Portland and Mrs.
Ruby .LockhaVt. of . Paseo, .,Wash;
Christian Science" funeral services
at 10 o'clock Monday.-at Rigdon
mortuary. - Interment atrBethel in
Polk county. - . j
Benjamin Reillng 24, died , aj
the home of his srster. Mrs" Fred
er'.cka Frey,4. two nines east .of
Salem on December 18.. Survived
by, Mrs. Frey. .and Mrs. Hannah
Canfield.- of Salem, and by" eight
ether brothersand-sisters as 4fol
lows: .Philip Belling and Mrs.
Emille Joyce ot , Bowden. N. .D.',
George. ReUing of Tolstoi, S. D
Fred Relling and Mrs. Christina
Mueller of Lodl Calif., and Mrs.
mennls L. - Merrenger, Norman
Reillng and Mrs. Sarah Kasner of
Chicago. Funeral services at 1:30
Monday at Rigdon mortuary with
Interment l Cityview cemetery,
the Rev, J.-T. Jacobs officiating.
Mrs. S&rah E. Small, a resident
of Salem .since 1862, died at 4
O'clock Friday afternoon at a lo
cal hospital. She had made her
home for a year with her daugh
ter; Mrs. George J. Pearce, 267
North Winter street.- She Is sur
vived by four children: Mrs.
Pearce of Salem, Mrs. TG. Hop
kins of Albany, Mrs. A. 6. Bras
field of Berkeley, Calif., and
Charles S. Riely of Portland, and
the following grandchildren Helen,
and Dorothy Pearce of Salem,
Clifford and Robert Brasf ield of
Berkeley. Calif., anti one great
grandchild. - Robert Arthur Bras-
field ot ' Berkeley. Funeral ser
vices 10)30 Monday morning from
Presbyterian church, the Rev. N.
K. Tully officiating. The. body
will He In state between 9 and
10 o'clock Monday at the church
and. prior to that at. Rigdon 'a mor
tuary. Interment in I. O. O. F.
cemetery. '
Edward. B. Wood died suddenly
December . 22 near, his home one
mile north of .Waconda, at the age
of 69 .years. He is survived . by
his - widow, ' Delia Wood, . two
dau gh ters," Leta .and 'Frances, five
;p-"'Y 1B State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter.
.- AND.' - .
Jn 64b. boxes, different flavors.
How Is your chance to buy your
i - i ?' Christmas .Candles .
I Put them away for Xmas'
?I X Made" within a vreek :rV.
Regular Price 13.00 per box.
, 2fCWhlle they last at
fTyro lbi. f or 60c ;
one Five , lb. Box f 1.43
We mem the right to limit
(lf fr Only m'-0y t
, -Ditra STORE. "
ii3 North 'Commercials SL
!'irL"'.'.f-r:' "Phone. 191 Z&Zi'.Z.
Original ' YeUo Fronts ,H
-J it 'r Penslar. Agency vi t
John J
lived 'until a few years ago; -when
they moved to Oregon."
' They have four children. George
Resting -of Fruitland with whom
they now live, Mrs. AE.-Moore, of
Corvallle. Mrs. O. K. Oliverson .of
Oakdaler. Nebraska, and' Mrs.' J. C.
Muckey of Alton, Iowa-:. These two
people, who have seen so much of
rapid moving American 'progress
not only bad to adjust, themselves
to their own four- children grow
ing vp into a new generation but
they.; have adjusted . themselves to
two. more generations 11 grand,
children and 18 .; great-grandchlL
dren. ' - . ' ' ,
Twenty-two guests called at the
Kesling home on December UTThe
anniversary of their, wedding, to
offer . their congratulations. They
received many cards and. letters
from absent friends. -
brothers, Cleeon; Gentry and Rob
ert M., ot Portland, Ivan of Mc
Mlnnville and Elmer of Brooks;
and three sisters, Mrs. Ella Mont
gomery of BrookB, Mrs. Irene
Ward of Portland and Mrs. Win
nie Hartman of Salem. Remains
were forwarded from the Rigdon
mortuary to Portland for funeral
services and Interment.
Jane Jackson,. 81, negress, died
December 22 at the residence on
North Fir street. One son. Leslie
L. JackqTSn of Bremerton. Wash..
and. one daughter, Essie Jackson
or' eaiem and five grandchildren
Uurvlve " Services from Clonrb.
Office Phone 111. Res. 2081
Dr. FT Don'Baylor
Osteopathic Physician" and Sur
geon, oener-1 Surgery 'and
'. Obatetrten ; -
Offices S4 Oregon1 Bldg."
Of;.- -'; Make This, Chtistmas m''
Huston chapel' Sunday afternoon
at 2; 30 o'clock, the Rev. C. S.
Johnson' offlciaMng. .
---- ' - .. "'y- -
Renee Koehn. 4t, Salem. Route
l,v'dled-December 21. Survived
by her husband, Frederick A., and
six children, Arthur.. Frederick,
Edith and Koehn, Mrs. William
Schults and Mrs. Byron Kend oil;
also by two brothers, E. W. Muel
ler and H. J.-Mueller, of Portia nd ;
one sister. Mrs. E. A. Summers of
Salem.- Funeral .services at 1:30
lohday ,at SU. John's Lutheran
church - with Clough-Huston com
pany. In, eharge.
John Alexander, 22. died Frl
ttpi at a local .hospital. Funeral
announcements later from ClougbJand sound rights on the: book
Huston company.
iBerrsten62; died; la ;-'ibv7al
nospiiaz - December ; 21: Survived
by. fhla .widow. 'Jenny; and' three
sen,- Harolds of Cruzatee. Ore.";
Lloyd of Canary. Ore., and Clare
of Englewood, Calif.;, also by six
step-children.' Funeral services at
Clough-Huston 'chapel at' 2:30
Sunday afternoon with Rev. L." D.
Smith officiating. - Remains will
be sent .to Canary, ere., for inter
ment.... -. . . - . . -t. . j
john Named
Wcfrthy Master of
Pacific Lodgemen
Pacific lodge A. F. A A. M. No.'
60 elected the following officers
for the new year at its regular
meeting Friday; night: William
Pettyjohn,-W. M-i Leon, Polka, S.
W.; Albert Gragg. J. .W.: Elton
Thompson, treasurer; Paul Miller,
secretary; FredKrlxon. member
ot building committee. Elmer Me-
Kee Is the reerrlng" worshipful
, nr,-;-, "
;; .
"The Hour of God's Jodgnaent,
Is Tt at Hand?"
.t 11 11 n
aG 3Lflfe ITMis
Have tlbeautiful Davenport and Chair deliv
ered for Christmas. The whole family
- r; " . wii enjoy its
LOOSE pfllpw trmsftled
-lend charactrrarsi comfort to this unusually
large and beautiful BiltweU suite The seat is deep
' and inviting ahdthesoft; rcsilknt back is perfect
In height and slope, -Wth its gracefully curving -aerpentine
front and solid mahogany Queen Anne -.
legs tliistidxurious suite is worthy of the finest ,
living room. Let us show it to you today. . - V
Buy Now Pay
master. A social hour . was held
following the business meeting. -
Salem lodge. Nok 4 .and .Pacific
No. 60 will hold jdlnt installation
ceremonies for their officers tor
the ensuing year December 27.
Wetjen's Book is
Sought by floted x
Screen Producer
Albert Richard. Wetjen, Salem
author',', will break . into motion
pictures with his new book "Way
for a Sailor!" if he accepts the.
flattering offer wired,to him Sat
urday from .. the . Metro-Gold wyn
Mafer. studies. wbb" seek' picture
."Wajf for Sailor : '.' Is reported
to be finding a great reader intet
est In the big book-markets., but
tne eagerness vna . wnicn it ' is
sought .by the largest motion pic
ture producing company In the
nation is "said' to be unusual."
Wetjen has referred the offer
of producers to his literary agents
in. New .Tork for such action
they deem best.
Friend Are your poems wide.
iy read - - -
Poet I'll say they are. Over 20
editors read the last one
The Pathfinder.
Dr. Edith V. Witzel
Osteopathic Physician and Sur
feen. Specialises in diseases of
women and children
. Office 428 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 778 . : Res 1261-J
to all Policyholdersof
The Mutual Life Insurance Company
of New York
District Manager, Salem
Over J. C. Penney Stofe ,.
May the New YearTie a
most Happy
.llll - - '. ... ... .
with a
Special Priced OTIf i
Next Year
' J ... '
ft - '
r a i
Subdivision WHl . 1
Provide S-Acre
Units of Walnuts
Planting walnuts on SO acres, of
the Twin Maples fruit and poultry
farm eight miles east of Salem,
aad selling this land. In five acre
units," Is planned by Rich L. Rei
mann, local realtor,-he announced '
Saturday-"- J: 7 -
The planting will be In-charge -of.
Joseph Doerfler, . and J. rFel-'
Iowa, the owner of the land.' will
care for the orchard for six years,
planting a cover crop each year,:
performing this service, ss a part
of 'the purchase . agreement. . -
J6j! ro fl
A late 192S OverlaweVA Coach
that . haa ran hmt very little,
well equipped and ha fine ren
dition. Is well worth 37nV S
il') 11
one for