The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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Tie) Statesman presents
' eonrefaeaaive dally.- review
of kw of state.1 Vw rnd
world through complete A
aorta ted Frees service.
nffiAlol ntlirt to TnUon Cjv
unlay by Special Legis-
lauve uroup
tax Relief Body Wlil Recom
7mend Enactment of Stat
V ite, It States
PORTLAND. Ore.. Deer. 22
(AP) The property tax reUet
commission, authorised by the last
legislature to Investigate the tax
situation In Oregon, and to make
recommendations t o the January
session of the legislature, decided
today that an income tax Is the
solution to the state tax puzzle.
By a majority of flTe votes, the
commission today adopted a res
olution recommending "enactment
by the legislature of an income tax
on Individual Incomes at rates and
property tax offsets which will
produce approximately $1,000,000
te net revenue, to the end that
-taxation on tangible property may
be reduced."
The recommendation was adopt
. ed over strenuous opposition by
representatives of the state grange
and the greater Oregon asso
rt elation.
f Chairman Carktn .
, Does Not Cast Tote
. Those voting to have the legis
lature enact an income tax with
offset were Lawrence H. T. Harris,
H. D. Norton, C. E. Ingalls, E. E
Brodie. Sam Thompson, A. C,
Spencer, J. B. Coleman and J. H
Voting against the resolution
were A. R. Shumway, L. E. Smith
and C. C. Chapman. John H. Car-
kin did not vote.
In the role of concilliator. Car-
kin, chairman of the commission,
sought to bring about harmony
and a unity of opinion In the way
of a compromise. He pointed out
the danger of going to the legisla
ture with the commission divided
into sentiment, an attitude which
might wreck all of the taxation
program which the committee has
been laboring on tor two years.
Grange To Refrain . ,j,
From Proposal This Tear.
The state grange has agreed net
to submit an income tax proposal
to the legislature,' and Shumway,
representing that organisation, In
dicated the grange was willing to
(Turn to Page J, Please.)
The tax levy for the year 1929.
Including the' elementary school
tax of $2,244,644.38 is $7,893.-
247, as against $7,710,104.20 for
the year 1928, according to an
nouncement made by the state
tax commission here Saturday.
The increase of the tax levy for
the year 1929, as compared with
that for the. year 1928. is $183,
142.8t. The total amount of revenue to
be raised for state purposes for
the year 1929 within the six per
cent limitation amendment Is $2,-
427,804.77. The amount to be
raised for state purposes by mill
age taxes outside of the six per
cent limitation amendment is $3,
220,777.87. Virtually all of the
money raised outside of the six
per cent limitation Is required for
the operation of the Institutions
of higher learning. The elemen
tary public school tax of , two
mills, which la fixed by law and
is outside of the six per cent lim
itation amendment, will raise f 2
244.844.2f. f Total requirements for the year
izs, witnm tne six per cent urn-
I. . 1 1 . m
- uiuoa amendment, are ,,-
1712.9$, while the requirements
outside of the six per cent limita-
tlon amendment are $3,220.-
777.87. 'The deficit at the end of
" the year 1928 was estimated at
, $2,518,377.78. Available revenue
' from all sources for 19 2 9,. within
the six "per cent limitation, was
estimated at $4,695,833.73. with
a deficit at the end of the year,
1929 estimated at S2,438,0.92.
Cattle Rustlers
With Trucks
BEND, Ore Dec. 22. -(AP)
Operating with tracks equipped
with miniature - derricks, cattle
1 rustlers aro lnflictipg heavy loss
es on central Oregon stockmen. In
formation obtained here from
widely scattered districts of the
mid-state group of counties, indi
cate the thieves aro particularly
active this winter. 1 '
The 'rustlers, using modern
methods of transportation in pen
etrating to tne center of cattle
rapge lands, aro said to be espe-
ally active In Lake county. . '
On the Chewaucan range, one of
the large cattle raising commun
ities of - the ' northwest, stockmen
have been forced to pat on extra
riders to snard against the rust
lers. These guards are using horses
and automobiles In protecting the
big herds. 1 . ' . -
Gikla Gray, Polish liuniierant
girl, who rose to Broadway
heights a, "queen of shimmy,'
vloroosly den lee h Ja to wed her
manager, c. D. Kreppa, Gtlda Is
suing her husband, Gil Boag. for
dlvorce, and he, in turn, has nam
ed Krepps in his reply. The dan'
err declare she will not marry
soon because she la "devoted to
her art."
Request Less Stringent Rules
Against Subjects Dis
cussed at Trial
PORTLAND. Dec. 22. (AP)
District attorneys of Oregon, in
annual meeting here today adopt
ed a resolution to the effect that.
when the defendant in a criminal
action refuses to testify In trial of
the case in court, the' district I at-'
tprney should be permitted , to
comment upon . that action.
In resolutions the prosecutors
also adopted the plan of the Ore
gon Bar association, asking the
governor to act upon suggestions
from the bar association when it
is necessary to make appointments
to fill vacancies In the supreme
or circuit courts.
The prosecutors also favored
the establishment of an Inter
mediate peaal Institution, and fa
vored more stringent laws in pro
secuting "bad check" cases, ask
tng that Justices of the peace be
riven jurisdiction in such, cases.
Another resolution asSed that
the federal prohibition commis
sioner discontinue the practice of
Issuing permits for the sale of
"wine tonics."
The sheriffs of Oregon con
eluded their annual session today,
Indorsing the resolutions of the
district attorneys, and assuring
the county prosecutors of coopera
tion In law enforcement.
The sheriffs adopted a resolu
tion asking that the salaries of
sheriffs be fixed according to
classification of counties, the min
Imam salary $2,400 an
anally. - '
Proprietor Shot
By Official Who
Seeks Convicts
WIN, Texas, Dec. 2 1. ( AP J
George Helmer,. rooming 'house
proprietor here. wss shot to death
tonight by John Northcutt, a spe
cial Texas ranger, when - North
cutt started - to search Helmet's
place for. four men. who had es
caped the city Jail.
Officer T. O.v Henderson said
Northcutt ihot Helmer when Hel
mer resisted the special ranger's
at tern ot to search the house. The
men fled the jail after having cut
a bole in its roor.
and Derricks
The motorized rustlers operate
at night. .With their trucks they
strike Into the heart of the cattle
country, kill some ct the choice
steers, removed the head and feet,
and using a hoist evidently similar
to that, used on garage wrecking
cars, load the butchered animals
into their trucks and make off.
. Present activity of rustlers is at
tributed to tne high price of beer,
A good animal will bring $100,
making a. night's work profitable
even though only one - steer Is
stolen, r ; ..: ..: , -.. j
In nearly all cases the rustlers
operate on large ranches where
thousands of head of cattle are
scattered over Isolated range
country. ..
It Is suspected that the beef are
hauled long distances to market,
perhaps in some Instances, being
tsken -out of the state. ' ;
' 4 " , V
', ' ? v "
' Szt'ri' '' -
; '? 4 "'- -'
President of Nation Suggests
"Friend of. Humanity'
as His Title
S. GOOd Will Delegate
Asks to -Dispense With
Police Protection
RIO JANEIRO. Dec. 22. (AP)
Showered with additional man
Ifestations of friendship by Bra
zlliann for th United States. Her
bert Hoover todav had the most
strenuous morning, afternoon and
evening of his whole South Amer-
lean tour. He seemed to enjoy
Tnr mini.tA f th Tonnd of offl-
cial and unofficial receptions andJP1 ot the country
greetings. '
The most impressive scenes of
the day were furnished when he
appeared at a special joint session
or congress and at an allied meet-
In of the supreme court in mid -
afternoon. To these events an
elaborate state dinner in the ban-
quet room of the presidential pal-
ace tonight furnished a climax
with another scene of splendor,
Sixtv Mile Drive
tw. aw a-hom
nwan tlmaa Hf TTnnvpr tnnV
a ride of sixty miles In an automo-1
thronah mountains and valleys
h ,iu, . in,hn t
n nnn.w.
U ecuiywi aaa j uvuiv ih
VkellaliaA alnrl llal1 al FAMinttnn ' fftT
V" ea vew e jr-
imiMn rnlnnf it th Amir.
lean embassy.
ii tho .tart of th antomoblle
ride the president-elect made a
magnificent gesture by dismissing
the secret serrice guard with a
declaTVflon tbat he needed no pro-
tecUon from Brasilians. Every-
where that he waa scheduled to
appear, huge crowds waited pa
tiently to see and cheer him and
he answered every salutation with
waves, bows and smiles.
The Hoovers late In the evening
went to the presidential palace
(Turn to Page 2, Please.)
"Prf f s Rf ATn. who
ated under the name of Meyer in
Pnatiin xAtt wftji arrested there I
September 12 and then released
after reetorfng to an elderly worn-
an 12400 which h had obtained
in connection with his clairvoy-
ant activities, it was reported in
Salem Saturday by L. J. Mathews,
Bannock county deputy sheriff
who is in Salem to 'take Stevens, I J. E. Sanderson had notified po
or Meyer, back to Pocatello in I lice that -the man had hoarded the
case he Is not released following I
a habeas corpus hearing here
Over 20 Pocatello residents had!" the prisoner,
filed complaints charging the for-l
tune teller with obtaining money
under false pretenses up to the
time that Mathews started on. the
trip to Salem, he stated. In ad-1
dltlon to the complaint from Wis
consin, another from Pine Grove.
Pa., .involving a licit alleged j
transaction, arrived lust before I
Mathews started.
Th. oiAiranvant AMntM in Po -
catello for about a month, said
Mathews. The amounts mentioned I
in the 20 complaints varied from!
S25 ' to 11200. nearly "aU sums I
said to have been entrusted to j
Stevens for Investment. I
Ktvfna w. arrMtAd in Ral ml
after he had been here only two I
dava. when Insnector Lon Olson I
Af the local nollee dnartmeatl
ldenUfled him as the subject of -al" to be robbery, after It was
MimiUr .out mi t h Ttnnnk I found that Miss Preher. as trea.
county officials.
Father Arrested
For Chastising
Child Too Much
oiMViim - wk a t a v.
uuiaa, iaa., uec. n. rj i
A n,,f.b?ihd T0Wl EPPrlyrhere Saturday In preparation for
preclpiUted by a series of whip- ln Christmas season, to the tol
pings received by two year old Uowlng conples: Paul B. Snook,
in George E. Clawson, father of
"f bliYr?vted'v!?!.d th.S
vuu u -
When ! arrested on a warrant I
charglng him wltn beating and
burning the child; Clawson admit-1
ted he had whipped Dorothy as al
corrective measure but denied hoi
had burned her. The burns on I
her face were received when she I
fell against a stove, "he declared
Welfare officers said the burns!
had evidently been made by a hot
3 Bandits Meet
Death Trying to
Rob Poker Game
NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Sunday!
(AP) Three of fire men who!
Attempted to hold up a card game
la a private home near Prospect
Park, Brooklyn, . were shot to
death today by one of the players.
Another ot the players was killed
when- ho : Jumped from a second
story window.- -.
The fourth man was wounded i
n the arm and captured: the fifth
man escaped.- ---
3 Ml
Ho Favor Saays Us; No
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December B8,19tS
Possibility of Second Epi
demic Foreseen' on Basis
of Past Figures
The possibility of a second and
m rwA savara nra a a 4 1n flnavtea
lowing the present outbreak, was
discussed today -by public health
officials who began considering
plans for studying the situation
at first hand with a view of pre
venting such an occurrence
While their program for this
was not completed, federal au
thorities indicated they would
seek to add, to their knowledge of
th disease through both labora
torT nd studies. These
studies would be carried on by
Po"c neaim oiucers in several
represenUtive areas in various
I "The percentage of cases In the
United States for the. week end-
ling December 15," It was said.
"was as great as It was at the
peak of the epidemic of 1920."
1 At the same time they noted
that the most severe epidemic of
recent years, that of 1918, came
Mil two waves, the first mild and
the second one of severe cases
j While they saw no reason for pub-
I He alarm they said the second
lwTe waj "always to be consld-
I ered.
in? "uol ?naer comwaorauon
?Wnd- ! th ?Pe tnA ,n
formation gained would prove
helpful In combating a second
I WeiV6.
I w-v a ax m . 9
xaia coueciea oy ieaerai ana
IaAealth. futhltle!.f?d b.y
demlc in the United States const!-
em , te
iJ""nd t this and other in-
on me -unjeci.
I William Hoyt McMurray Ar
rested Attempting to Flee
. - Scene of Crime
PARIS. nL, Dec. 11. (AFTA
negro who officers said gave the
oter-lanie name and answered the de
scriptlon of the man sought in
carmi, iu., in connection witn
the lyins ofIiss Anna Preher,
7, a school teacher of Carmi, was
arreniea nere i iouy,
The negro, who gave his name
as William Hoyt McMurray, was
arrested as he stepped from a
northbound train here. Conductor
train at a station near Oarml.
Officers were on their way
here tonight from Carmi to iden-
The negro said he was from
Terre Haute. Ind.. and that
he was his way to St. Louis. He
had SS7 and a pint of alcohol in
his possession when arrested.
CARMI. 111., Dec. 22. (AP)
A negro ex-con vlct was the object
of widespread search tonight In
Ithe slaying of Miss Anna Preher,
I middle aged school teacher, whose
body with Its head .nearly severed.
w round in ner noma yesteraay
The negro. Hoyt "Mack" Mc-
Murray. 28 years old, was a b!l-
boy and porter In a hotel, and the
authorities began a search for
him after it was learned he was
missing and a bloodstained coat
was touna in nis nome.
The motive of the crime was be-
surer of the White county teach
ers Institute, had collected $84,
which was missing when her body
was found. -
Five Couples Arm
For Yuletide Vow
r. .'i..n
K , hm.- a w wtv,
rt, route S. Salem, and" Nora
Manan Lange, 1157 North Com
Imarolal mtt' Thntrta. A TTV
athorn. 25. of ValseU. and Doro-
thy Fay Fisher, 19. of ValseU;
Melvln E. Moen, 21. and Mildred
McDonald. 18, both of Valsets;
Jesse Harold Payton, 21 and
Gertrude Potter, 18,' also of Val
Thekol Lights
Ruins Display at ,
Pen Head's Home
Thieves .sometime Satur
day took a double risk when
they rat out two strings of
colored electric lights on' the:
beautifully illuminated hol
ly tree in the dooryard of
the tome ot Henry. W. Mey
ers, state prison superinten
dent, at ' 249 i N. , Summer
street. The theft ruined the
display, which was inspired
by - tho Salem Ad club's
Christmas outdoor illumina
tion project. "
Mr.'Meyers has offered a
reward of 250 for informa
tion leading to the arrest of
the' thieves. . V '
Fear Shell Awe99- T tiiHi
Feared im nnnnun nnmr
Latest Marvel of Science
Floods Stomach With
Brilliant Light
Eight Photographs Combined
Equal Size of Ordinary
Postage Stamp
OSSINING. N. Y., Dec. 22.
(AP) Demonstration of a "gas
tro-camera" which takes pictures
of the stomach from the Inside
was made before 100 physicians
and surgeons at Sing Sing prison
tonight with a convict at the lab
One of the doctors who ait-
ranred the demonstration said
that the invention was expected
to be of great aid In the study
and treatment of cancer and stom
ach disorders.
The camera Is the invention of
Franz Gerard of Vienna, Austria!
Dr. Lawrence Cremln, a specialist
ot Ossinging, was In charge of the
demonstration. ' Alexander Vol
if10' 40-year-old prisoner from
ttroosijo oerTins reuwuce ui u
era. He was selected because he
recently had beep operated on for
a gastric ulcer and the doctors
wished to see how the wounds
had healed.
Tiny Camera Is
Fixed Within Tube
The apparatus used consists of
a rubber tube about zb incnes
long and about five-eighths of an
inch in diameter. About two In
ches from the end of the hollow
tube, which is shoved down the
tnroat. is a email cynnaer-snapea
camera two Inches long ana about
half an Inch in diameter, equipped
with tiny lens and tiny films. Just
above the camera a short- section
of the tube Is perforated and
through it at this point Inclosed
in quartz glass, runs a fine wire.
This wire, when the camera is
operated, lights up like the wire
in an ordinary electric limp but
more brilliantly
Just above the perforated part
of j the rubber tube, is another
camera of the same type and size
as ithe bottom one. When the
plunger la pressed the wire flares,
a flood . light illuminates the
stomach "and- the picture is
snapped. c The tube Is then with
drawn through the throat,
There are eight films in 'each
camera which, combined, would
not be larger than a postage
stamp.. With the one "shot" 16
Arf. a . ,,
, ,
nin.. Th film. nlmi
manv nM for Inanortlnn I
"""" " . I
ri ... . ,.., I
ed. it was said, that if they ever
.iiv.i wm ... , h
h .tthn Hifit
tv. vo Atm mmiA
i. - J Aitnu ..
,11 . A I
it was believed wtfUld have no ill
effect on the patient.
rmrifin n t kv
innln Pottlti ud Andrew Can -
nellano were convicted bv a Jury
early thls morning of kidnaping
miiv JRanfarl unnl wka aaro
for ransom. Tony Cappellano, An-
drev'i aonv waa aconltted. The
tnrv flTd tha nnnlahment of Pet-
tltl and Cappellano at 25 years
. I
each in tho sUte penitentiary.
The Jury returned Its verdict at
Ifter it w'asTocke up to .CQult
" L r .Z i
much balloting, reports being that
others' were convicted without
Cappellano was found guilty on
CHICAGO. Dec. 22. CAP) I
Under a sinister elond of threat-
ening hlackhand letters the Ra-
nleri kidnaping trtal drew to a
close today with the state de-
manding death for two of the
three defendants. I
Slxteen-vear-old Tonv Cannel -
lano was Ignored virtually in the
closlne araument of Assistant
SUte' Attorney Samuel Hoffman
who turned his entire verbal bat-
tenr ""on Ancelo Petltti. saloon
owner, and Tony's father, Andrew
Cappellano. - . J
Of these two ho laid the blame
for the kidnaping of ten-year-old
Billy Ranlert and his being held
captive on the Cappellano farm
near Bourbonnals, 111., while de- mn r the Salvation Army advls
mands for $60,000 were made on orT board, will be chairman of the
Italian contractor. : Tony's onlyl117 tor members of the corps and
connection with the case, accord-1
ing to the testimony, was In obey
ing his. father's command to . act
as a personal guard for the kid'
naped lad. -; , .
Holiday Leniency
Tahnfi at Priznri8 en -annulled, the i engage-
No Christmas pardons or pa-
roles will be granted to convicts
in the Oregon state penitentiary, I
ii, .wh moicaiea jsaiuraay. uov-i
finor rsiiereon siaiea mat no did i ring after the annulment. The girl
not Intend to follow out the cutald tho police. Unless he produces
Kuan vietaiem m some
states of granting .wholesale len-
jency at.UDnetma time, . -
. ' - - -
I Al and Successor Confer
1 . .
' J. " - I x
Governor-elect Franklin D.
K. nlmtiL tit ivenr Yarlr. ininiml
execartlve budget and other
i hnmn in Km Vnrir Ctv
Do Your Bit
And Salvation Army
WiH Top Fund Quota
nftArJ Wii CIinr Acenrorl nf
Success; Workers Ready
.for Christmas
UST one more
day for giving J
And such a
little way to go
to complete the
Army's good
will Christmas
fund that the
complete sue
cess ot the
drive is vir
tually assured
by Monday
Captain Earl
M. William:;,
corps commander of the Army in
ISalem, reported Saturday night a
I total collected to date of
1 "
, . . . v. A
lflB, ulu l "c suuu,
honest, whole-souled giving in Sa
lem n Mondy thf.1 drlTt wiU
But there will be no casualties be
cause the goal is exceeded. Every
day new demands are appearing
new cases of want and privation
are discovered. There will be
vital need for every penny of the
$1500 and for as much more as
may be available,
Captain Williams and his work
ers are overjoyed at the splendid
response Salem has made to the
Salvation Army's appeal through
the Statesman. With the com
plete success of the Christmas
fund assured these good folk are
setting about final preparations
for a great Christmas In the home
1 - . aa
iwnere unnstmas win oe most
"We hope to get started send-
'u tne- ooxos oy 10 o'ciock
jaonoax, me captain Baia, as
of them go far Into the
"Each box Will COnUln poU
a . v a. : j iil
wet appies, wem cannwi mna.
mtr. iruit, canned tomatoes,
"' r or ""T
cake' ceIery and
'The supplies will not only be
sufficient for a Chrlstmaa dinner
iLy, , i T
his corps of helpers has ben giv-
ing Itself unreservedly to this ex
tra load ot work ror the last
mree weeas ana leeis inai an are
"red ana snouia oe permiuea io
enjoy Christmas in his or her own
nome- mere wii no no meet-
ugs and no work or any kind for
members of the corps on phrist
mas day.
On Thursday evening the corps
Christmas program will bo held
in the hall. E. Cooke Patton will
entertain the children with his
magic and sleight-of-hand as in
Previous years. A girl's chorus of
or 30 voices from the Girl Re-
serves wui lurnisn several vocal
numbers. Dr. B. F. Pound, chair.
meir lamiues.
May Be Retained
OAKLAND, Cal.. Dec 22.
( API Even thonrh 'a. marrl,
v w w waauta.
the Oaklani) nnlfea, rnlat tiut In
orderlne John Sherhnnm is tn
rreturn a rinr whteh he mV r'
the , efsfwhlle brtde. Helen Sher-
bourne. The youth demanded thei
tne ring, valued at $150, In three
dava. Rhrhonr win fae i a
charge of petty theft, police said.
Roosevelt. left, and Governor Alfred
La th-w mnfiw am ka Aw all-
administrative duties at the Roose.
Good Will Fund
Belated Christmas shoppers
in Salem Saturday did not for
get the Salvation Army. Their
contributions, in Army kettles
set a record for any one day of
the Christmas season. Collec
tions for the day brought the
fund within $67.08 of the min
imum goal set, ,
The "score' Saturday night
Previously Reported ,f 1204.68
Street Kettles, Satur ' i
day ....... 83.26
Mrs. E. C Hawkins. . -l.OO
Salem Grange No. 17. JHO
Erleue E. Speck. .... . 10.00
E. R. Mason. S.OO
Employes, OreT Pulp '
& Paper Co 14.88
Employe of P. E. P. .
Co. office . 12.75
L. E. Barrick ff.OO
J. L. Ingrey 8.00
Total to Date f 1432.02
LONDON, Dec. 22. (AP) A
brief dispatch from New Delhi,
India tonight announcing that the
Afghan government had consented
to the evacuation of British and
Indian women by air from Kabul
revived disquietude concerning the
actual situation in the capital of
All previous dispatches had re
presented the staff of the British
legation as safe and not especial
ly anxious, which seemed to agree
with the Afghan official reports
reaching London that the rebels
had been driven from the capital
toward tho north.
While a. dispatch from Phesha
war today said that renewed fight
ing had occurred at Kabul again
it was said that the rebels had
been repelled. The Delhi dispatch
did not say that women and chil
dren actually were to leave the
city tomorrow, but the inference
is that they will do so because, al
though King Amanullah was said
to hive been victorious in the
first encounters, It Is known that
the region between Dakka and
Jalalabad is dominated by the
in coin
Christmas Observancein
Salem Churches Provides
Many El
The. Tuletide and the true
Christmas spirit will be fittingly
observed In Salem churches in a
series of programs, plays and con
certs, most of - which will be riven
today, buseveral of which will be
given -Christmas eve, the Natal
day Itself, or even later in the
; Among the churches which have
planned more elaborate programs
for tho happiness ot members and
friends and at the holiday time
"frlends' Includes -- the whole
world are the First Presbyterian.
church with Its concert: the
Knight . Memorial congregational,
where a Christmas play 'will - be
given In tho evening and a Chrlst
maa cantata i presented In - I he
morning; the ' First Methodist
Episcopal,' which has planned - a
Chrlstmaa 'pageant; the -First
Eranrellcal with a cantata: St.!
Joseph's Catholic with several pro.)
eiku ui Hum:,"' ni, f iiiinuL.. usi
Paul with hourly mats climaxed.
i v in? a tii n , - .
,v Unsettled; P
ahle . rains f - Slowly HsfaiE
temperature. - Max. temper
at are Saturday 30;Iin.SO;
River Foggy North
wind.' . - -- v.
Oregon Prohibition Laws
Praised by F. A. Hazel
tine, Special Agent .
Enforcement on Par With
: That Against Other
Crimes, He"Asserts
PORTLAND, Dec. 22. (AP)
F.' A. Hazeltine, special govern
ment operative in the prohibition
department. Is authority for tho
statement that the prohibition law
Is enforced in Oregon as well a
the laws against gambling and
other crimes.
This was his conclusion, ex
pressed here today, after a tour
of western and central Oregon7
counties. Hazeltine said Oregon
has the best set of prohibition
laws of any tate in the union;
that It ranks with Idaho and Kan
sas for the strength of the pop
ular support given f the law, and
that enforcement here is "out
standingly effective'
Dealers' Fines Run
As High as 82,000
Hazeltine made the trip la to
nectlon with his special work of
looking up convinced violators of
the state prohibition law with a
view to assessing against them re
vere penalties under old revenue
statutes. In some cases, he said,
fines as high as $2,000 are being
assessed for failure to pay dealer's
The character of local enforce
ment officials in the state is good,
Hazeltine said. Only in three in
stances could sheriffs be suspected
of neglect or lack of Interest in
the prohibition law.
"If bootleggers in Oregon aro
making any money," Hazeltine -said,
"the investigation of tbelr
financial standing with a view to.
collecting these revenue penalties
does not show it."
Idaho, Kansas Only
Possible Exceptions
"The people of this state." ho
continued, "are for prohibition en
forcement to a greater degree tbaa
any state I have visited unless it
be Idaho and -Kansas. Oregon lias
the best set of prohibition laws 61
any state in the union. .
"Especially, effective la the law
providing for state prohibition
agents designed to do under-cover
where local officers are too well
known to get evidence. I trust
that the coming legislature will
increase the appropriation ($50.
000) to $75,000 so as to permit of
a greater number of agents, who
in turn will produce more revenue
for enforcement and at the aaina
time relievo the handful of federal
prohibition agents of the neee.
sity of giving any aid to local of
ficers in ordinary bootlegging
cases, and leave them free te do
the work .for which they are In
tended. This work is to handle too
larger cases of conspiracy, a bare
men ts, diversion of industrial
alcohol, smuggling and manofHc-'
Yankee Custom
Of Community
Tree Imitated
BERLIN. Dec. 22. f API
Christmas eve will find the An
lean custom of setting up a. turn
munity tree adopted In many Gor
man cities and towns for the fln-t.
This Is especially' true of Ba
varia. The city of Munich will
pat up a decorated eommuhirv -
tree on Lenbach place in the hoart
of the artists' colony. Other Ba
varian localities embarking on tho
experiment of a community tra
include MIttenwalk. center of .the
German'vlolin industry; Garmlch
Partea and Berchtesgaden, which
Is famous for its winter sports navd
Saine baths.
In many towns lllnmtnat4
trees will be placed at raita-aod
stations to cheer passengers tmm
peued by duty to travel on night
regarded in Germany as the
in tho midnight mass; tho Pint
Baptist church with specs!! meslc
and sermon.
The American Lutheran church
where Christmas carols will fee. -ture
the Sundsy night service, the
Calvary Baptist, with specisl hoJL
day music; First Christian and its
annual program; : the First Con-'
gregatlqna cantata Sunday eveav
ing; Leslie Memorial where a pa
geant of four biblical scenes win
be given; csrol singing at Jason
Lee Memolal church., , '-' '
" Programs f or these churches
as well as for those others that
have prepared entertainments, and .
the day and time at. which tbey
will be given follow:
American Lutheran
Christmas program at the 'Am
erican Lutheran will be - held to
night, beginning at .7:20 o'clock.
Christmas day service wm
be held at 11 o'clock, when the.
Ret. P. W. Erlksen will prosjeh
nnan . i ua ajikui mvodwav.
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