Thc Afotr Oregon Statesman, Salem; Oregon; Friday SnlnDeSmher SI, 1928 -; f Local News Briefs Hpeeder FinedHoward If., Hunt was fined 5 In municipal court Thursday on chare of speeding. Disorder Charged Stanley Bloom was arrested by the Salem pohee Thursday ea a charge of disorderly conduct. Hick Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Kicks et the- McLaughlin school diatrlrt were Salem visitors Thurs day, ealline at the county superln tenuent's office while in town. Former Student Visit Wil nam Tweedle, Herbert Erteksou, and Lowell MundorfT, former stu dents at wniamette nnlTersuy, -visited oa the campus Thursday Violation Chained L. Harland. (2 North 21st street, was charged in municipal court Thursday with driving past other cars m an m terseetton. IJshsn Isagraper Dal ton Me Pheetsrs. 157 Hla street, was arrested Wednesday night by efty trnltla officers on a charge of rfrtrfo am anton-Obfle with im proper lights. AutomobUo Qilfi A Chevro let touting ear belewglng to K. Q. Burre.1. X1M Jefferson street. wair C0la from Cewrt stave WedH aasday night, tha police were no- fitted, tt was Sous near too ltentla-7 Thursday. Hew Pnn ffteisxae) droT te Eugene Tarrrs d&y and on the retaraxis- was accompanied by hi brother. Ed ward, who Is a sophomore alt the thrtrenttr wff Oregon. Harold Bar sett aussa-paulsd Oo aaufls. Here Front Portland g r a. Webster Swale, formerly of Salsaa. was is the city from Portia d Thursday. Baa- will ga te Aber deen. Wash.; soon t Jdlnber fcus baKd, who has employment at a aewapsper office there. Mortgage- jTeeecleeawe Salt to torocio a mortgage waa XQed Sa crrrtrlt court Here Thursday by Era J. Porter against Viola Q. H&ncea and, Fred H. Hansen. FiTe thousand dollars Is Involved la tfce suit. Conphs KniMMH ilnd A BMtrrtage license waa fssaed Tharsday to Harry B- Boland and Baby M. Bciand, both at Portland. They were married once before but be-ea-ice separated. Each gave are as "legal irmen Hare Kcw Girt Mr. as& Mrs. Iras Corner are pax eats of a baby girl, born Thursday sigh! at the Deaconess hospital. It it their second child. Mr. and Mrs. Corner operate the "Co-Op" confectionery store on South Win ter street. Vacation Begins at 11:723 The Christmas racatlon for Willamette university students begins ? offi cially at 11:25 this morning. Some students left tor their homes last night, but the bulk of them win leave this afternoon. Classes will resume on January 7. Go to California Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vlclc and daughter Har riett left Thursday for San Fran cisco to rislt during the holiday v period "with relatives. They will return January 2. Mr. Vlek Is a member of the firm of Vlek Broth er. Oakland automobile dealers here." Two More Teachers Report Two more teachers, making a to tal of 17. reported for the exam inations being given at tha cham ber of commerce rooms this week for applicants for teachers' certi ficates. The examinations con tinue through Saturday. Clinic At Park -Seventy-one first and fifth grade pupils of.the Park school were examined In clinic there Thursday. Br. Ed ward Lee Russell of the child health demonstration was In charge, assisted by Miss Eixabeth Freeman of the nursing staff. Leave. For Los Angela Dr. J. D. Mccormick, Professor and Mrs. C. R. Monk, and Professor and Xlfe. F. D. Learner of Willamette university leave this afternoon for Los Angeles, where thay will spend the Christmas racatlon. Band Entertains Following i brief business meeting of the Wil lamette university- student body Thursday, the university band en tertained tha students with ev eral selections. Special numbers included "Lore's Old Sweet Song piayea tr a brass quartet ana a solo by Harold Thayer. Secretary Is IH Miss Verna WcCune, secretary to Principal IL F. Durham of the Parrlsh junior high school, has a severe cold and was not able to be at her desk Thursday. She will be out today. also.vFloyd Siegmund of the nigh school faculty Is also out with a bad cold. Several teachers at Parrish are still out, including E B. Barker, Louise Garrison and Gladys Humphrey. Commission D e m a n d o d The Salem Realty company Thurs day filed an action In circuit court here against Mabele Simpson, al leging that the company found a buyer for her house and lot but that she changed her mind and refused to sell. Two hundred dol lars Is demanded as commission, and the company also seeks half of 200 which tha prospective purchaser left with the defendant as "earnest money." Whs Bow Settled Tha Moan tain States Power company Thars day agreed to pay $300 to the telephone company which operate! a line from Stayton ta Manama and across tha Santlam river to Lyons. The company baa been un able to render adequate service over its Una for the past five months, and claimed as the reason the fact that the power company bad established a Una that passed directly above the phone Una tor a distance ot several bundred yard along the highway. Tha tela, base company will move tta Una, at. the Bear future. ? vv- .--.V Registrar 111 R- A. McCuny, registrar at Willamette university was unable to be at his office Wednesday because ot illness. Keith Has Inflnenaa Stanley Keith, advertising manager 'at Miller's store, has been ill with influenza since the first of the week. Wright HI Barney Wrlgttt. sates promotion manager for the Valley Motor company, ii HI with influenza. Archery Talk Planned The de tails of the romance and technique of archery will be related for member ot the Junior division of the Salem T. M. C. A. Friday night by L. L. Daily, Instructor of archerr at the Oregon Normal school. A demonstration will also be given. Hammond Ordained Dr. E. S Hammond of Kimball School of Theology received word Wednes day that his son, Percy, was or dained deacon at Boston, aairer- sity on Tuesday. Gifts For Cbarfar The 5A and IB pupfl at Miss Genevieve An derson at Baglewuod school will bring gift to the school today, bat lasts il of exchanging them among themserres. they will send them to some children's home. It ts not the custom to give gifts at t CbrUtmss msDs asked par- to mako op a sack for a group of cbJMrem without a real lame. Bwaraena Facmd Boad Chrfat asan benaneas conditions ere bet tar than year ago as fax a tha Brelar chain X atores la concern ed, said Clans. Braier, Jr- haae Wednesday on a tow of inspec tion at tha valley stove. With Mr. Brelar was Paul Maler, buyer for tha chain la New York city! Both aea called on J. C. Croaslar. Local store manager, while ia Salem. Cones From Mew York A re cant newcomer to Salem ta V. H. Brandt, manager of the- washer and troner departmeat ot MUlera. Until recently. Mr. Brandt waa a resident of Rochester; New York. His wife is an Oregon girl by birth and the fact brought them to the Wtllamette valley. Mr. Braadt has had extensive experience la retail sad wholesale selling of washing machines. While- tn Dayton, Onto, some years ago he headed the washing machine department ot a large store and while la Roches ter he had charge of distribution for a, large territory ia any trib utary to that city. FIND IT HERE Stated. CesnmnnJcnUon Election of officers, Paw elf ie Lodge No. 50 A. F, and " A. M. Masonic Temple, Friday evening December 21 at 7:20 p. m. .Members and. visiting Brethren welcome. Order . of . W. M. 400 Chrtstmaa Your choice, 10c Woodry A Son, located on N. Com'l. St. As Part of Oar Share In Spreading Christmas Cheer we will be open evenings until Christ-' mas. Commercial Book Store. 50 Real Christmas Bargains - In used Pianos. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Children like A good book. See our assort, ment of Christmas Book for children. Atlas Book Store. ftallar Dinner Xvery night 5:30 to t at the Marlon hotel. Shipley's WfO Remain Open .Saturday evening. Dec. 22nd to accommodate those who have to work all week. Service -to all and a Merry Christmas. Big Auction Wed. nlte , 7 p. m. RadIo Phonograph, Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Blan kets, etc at F. N. Woodry's only Auction Market on Summer siteet. All Wool Overcoat f 12.00 - Auto Robes 25.00, Loggers shirts 17.50 and double grey blan kets $3.50. Tbos. Kay Woolen Mill. 12th near Ferry. December Bale Now i Big savings guaranteed Woodry A Son. Located on Ti. Com'l. St. Kafoury Bros. Will Remain Open Saturday nlte until t:20 for the convenience ot those who cannot shop during the day. 50 Real Christmas Bargains in used Pianos. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. " For the Late Shopper and Who work during the day the Commercial Book Store will re main open evenings until Christ mas. In Need of TtreeT See Herb Hansen now located at 341 N. Com'l. Shipley's WDl Remain- Open Saturday evening, Dec 22nd to accommodate those who have to work all week. Service to all and a Merry. Christmas. Lost White Gold Wrist watch. Engraved "Ken neth to Agnes." Phono 1101. Cooked Food aad Candy Sale--. By ladies of First Christian church. 8. P. ticket office. Bat. Dec 22nd. v 1020 Calendar Free Homer H Smith Ins. Agency, over Millers. They AH You can bay toys cheaper Farmer's. x'isJ-. : -V -1, at Fnrnitnre' TJpho-sterer ' And ' repalrtag Glese-Powers Furniture Co. Cards at tha Atlas Book Store. Want Used 400 Cfcrlstxk. Your chak -13.-vWoodry ft St. Phone 16. What Mother Really Wants For Christmas Is an -electric sewing machine. Bring this- ad tor liberal Christmas discount. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. fill Court street. Phone 441. Why Boy Imperfect Blanket? . Cot the best at factory prices, also Overcoats, bath robes, auto robes, B lasers, loggers and flan nel shirts. Tbos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. 50 Real Christmas In used Pianos, H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Old Time Dance Crystal Garden every. Wed and Sat night. Shipley's Win Remain Open Saturday evening. Dec. 22nd to accommodate those Wbo hare to work all week. Service to all and a Merry Chrtstmaa. Turkey Christmas Dinner Home Restaurant. 11:30 t m.. Sun, Dec. 23, 0c. 50 Real Christmas Barge las In used Pianos, H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. The Cbanmerelal Book wm remain open evening sm- tU Christ nvae for toe benefit of then who work daring the day, cut - . This year will bo heirlooms ta year to coma If they are of Pom eroy ft Keene quality. Turkey Dncka, And CbSekcws at SsOwm Fowl- try Co. Freo deltvory. -Totephon 1490. -SIS 8. High. a- Anyone nsaJrla; a pwrehaaw of 32.00 or ore between now and Christmas, at Woodry ft 9m tlaneere on N. Commercial la entitled to a Christmas tree free tram their largo stock at m trees. flPPBDVAL OF CODE Tha four ordinances comprising the proposed Salem building code. passed unanimously by the cotrn- cil Monday night, have not yet been presented to Mayor Llvesley for his approval or veto. Record er Poulsen reports, for the reason that they hare not yet been com piled in proper form. The mayor has indicated that he will delay signing the ordinan ces as long as possible, in order to give objectors an opportunity to state their opinions. The mayor has ten days after the ordinances are presented to htm,' In which either to approve or veto; if ho fails to do eitker they take effect at the end of that time; If he vetoes them, they will g6 back to the council for final action, passage requiring a two thirds rote of the entire counsel. Food Taken By Market Prowlers 1 Burglars, evidently destitute persona In need of food, entered the Woods Brothers meat market at 255S Portland Road sometime before daylight Thursday morn ing, the proprietors of the market informed the police. About 1 2 In cash was taken, some cigars aad candy and an .undetermined amount of meat and other edi bles. Entrance was gained by pry mg off the back door lock with a hammer. Yamhill Citizens Offer Alternate Roa d to Portland A delegation of Yamhill conn ty citizens today requested Gov ernor Patterson to use his in fluence in having the state high way commission designate as a state highway the so-called river road extending from ; Salem to Dayton. It was argued that this road. If adopted as a state highway, would shorten materially the distance between Salem and Portland. The proposed sew state highway would connect with the Weat Side Pacific highway at Dayton. Bladder Weakness If Bladder Weakness. Getting Up Nights, Backache, Burning or Itching Sensation, leg or groin pains make you feel old, tired. pepless. and worn out why not make the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get . Cystex today at any drug store. Put it to a '48 hour test. Money back if you don't soon feel Uka pew, full of pep. sleep well, with pains alleviated. Try Cystex today. Only 60c Perry's Drag Store The RexaU Store 118 S. Commercial V LGCTuKZsS EiRsECCErcfton Subject loniqht 7:45 pja. "Jonah and the Whale: Is It a fish Story? Its Special Ap plication to This Genention.' ITS OBHS Mil aST M M M " .. ?. . . .... . ,. .. ; ... t 110 Ss Salem Held In Strategic Location to Become Great City "Oregon people axe living too close to the picture to tally appro- elate anything therein." R. M Miller of the Contnronlty Develop ment company told tha Salem Realty' board at the luncheon meeting Tharsday noon at the Marion in speakiag upon "Oppor tunities to Realtors in Salem and Vicinity. While some- cities hare been built solely upon climate to begin with as for instance Los Angel es, and others upon a elngle tn dustry, as for Instance Akron, Ohio, and Its rubber Industry. De troit and tta automobile factories. Grand Rapids and tta furniture nd Hollywood.- the movie center I Salem ha a combination or the prime requisite for the building lot a city, Mr. Miner pointed out. This in spite of the fact that many of Its own residents tafl te recognise the activity that .is at hand. Destiny Feinted In support of hi assertion that there la no basic reason why 8a ri . . . . . . . " Mouni uni grow, nuuor; quoted the word ot Rognr Rah-i atatistlclsa, that there Sm. a I strip ef territory fa fbetwneo British Colambta an -the north and the Willamette raOey on the south that to destined to become thav osnier ot one of tha country' densest populatl .atrip ie the Paeifia north wast. wkore. ta speaker aaa. i levari thing known, to man mny be grown or maaatacturod and which teven now la the center of one ot the world greatest rndnstrlaSL lumber, wftb, tta 8.009 mills and 2S5 allBoa tent of Btsmllnx tim ber. Citing as the fire requisites for ta city a strategic locathm, tedaa- try, transportation, payroll and population, all of which dovetail one Into the other, Mr. Miner pointed to Salem's strategic loca tion In the heart of the Willam ette valley, to It rapid progress as a trade center and to tha 454 new families that have located In Salem recently to the bow homes that are being built, and to the canning, flax, paper mills and cold storage Industries. There will be no established date set beyond which owners can operate ears with 1928 licenses. according to Hal E. Hoss, secre tary of state. "This date already la fixed bT aw as January 1." said Mr. Hoss. and. it Is not tn my province to change that date or advance the time when one can operate on old plate. All that this department! can do is to assume that aU per sons wishing 1929 ' plate have purchased them by January 1. I have so instructed the state traf fic officers. "But realizing as we do that all applications are not taken care of the day they are received It Is not the Intention of this depart ment to establish in advance a date when arrests for use of old plates will be made. "Every effort Is beinr made this year to expedite the' issuance Office Phone 125 Res. 2061 Dr. F. Don Baylor Osteopathic Physician and Sur- geon, General Snrgery - and Obstetrics Offices 304 Oregon Bldg. We Board Dogs at our farm -On Pacific Highway K mile N. of Salem PETLAND FARM Telephone 2349M rnrg TOKIO rmSias toaa. Wm tm w yonr rt-nww acalmit brMkmfw. Rsamiutiea too. Thompson-Glatsch Optical Co. lit W, O.M't St. John J. Rottle 415 State St. "v ' Expert Shoe Fitter WALK-OVER AND CANTILEVER FOOTWEAR I0SS HOLDS HOPE FOR AUTO US Vanted Immediately A hixh class caiuteryinan to handle the plant of Reid Murdoch & Co, at West Sakxa. Most hare exec utlre ability and be capable of taldno; full charge; hlr inar employes, aecurhxr f raits and takfag'charfce Of the office. i . ' I A stood opportunity for tlie right man, as he will hare a chance to grow with the business. A man family Jar with the Salem fruit district preferred. Address Frank H. Madden, Marion Hotel Salrta, until Friday. Then 62S Pioneer Bnildln, Seattle. Wash. ' . ot plalea. CTrfhTr9nore tacflH lues, larger fercesar i mora piae. . x -. or distributer a&f are putting on . mgM crewa oxrivery depart ment of the: ffi-Uf vehicle di- OBITCfARY REjTLDfQ " Benjamin Ruling, 24,'"dled at the home of hiAisister, Mrs. Fred ricka Fray, t&f miles east ot Sa lem 'December it. Survived by Mrs. Frey, anMrs. Hannah Can field, ot Salens had by eight oth er brother and sWters ad follows: Philip Railing and Mrs. Smells Joyce of Bbwdon, H. D. Oeorge Reflltg ef Tolstoi, S. D.; Fred Roiling and Mrs. Christina Mael. ler ofoxli, Calif.; and Mrs. Den nis L. 'Marreager, Norman Railing and Mrf. Sarah Keener of Chica go. Funeral announcements later from Rigdon's mortuary. J OOUGHNOUR Mrs. Mary Goughnour, 61, died Wdaeeday afternoon, De cember 19, at the home. 1130 E street. The following ehi-dran aurrive: Walter Oough- nour and Mrs. Earl Chapel, both of Salem; Simon of Bismark. N. D.; Frank of Haselton, N. D.; Mrs.- George L. Swisher, of Klma, Wash.; Mrs. Earl Beck and Miss Gertrude Goughnenr of Portland. Announcement later from Rlgdon and Son. EDGE Samuel Henry Edge, 1, died at lnral Tinanltal nommhar fS BmL 1 WW. WW yd by eight children, Mrs. Car tie Whttev Mrs. George Matten. Harry and Robert Eoff of Salem; Msa. Kenneth Sjisksr ad Mewaort; and Mr. Mnrgnret K4t, Dorothy and William Eoff ot Indepen- dene. Service at ClangUxnton parlors at Ifi Saturday. InteT- meat in City View BXALL na Rents Beall, aged 45, died December 20 In the residence at SS-t Norway street. Survived by her husband, William H. Beall. and tha following children: Wil liam Hayea; Jamas, Harold A., Eogene K, Loretta A., and Flor- ena Zaizaaoth; also by one broth er and one sister. Funeral services at tha Clough-Huaton chapel at 3 a dock Saturday afternoon, the Rev. Harry E. Gardner officiating. Interment Lee Mission cemetery. WILLIAMS Ernest E. Williams, 47, died suddenly at 7:30 o'clock Wed neaday night. Besides his widow. he la survived by three daughters. Carta, Merrten and Ethyl Mae. and two sons. Curtis and Lowell. Fun eral arrangement later from the Rlgdon mortuary. BIT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Vault Entombment LLOYD I., RIODON, Mngr. ahfcar .CLOUGH-n lUSTON 9Henenl Service, i Salem's Most Famous Confection Spa Chocolates Made in our own candy kitchen The SPA THIS COUPON WORTH $2.00 Until Jan. 1 on a $10 .Guaranteed Shelton System Permanent Wave 12th Street Beauty Parlor 421 South 12th St. Telephone 110 Christmas Tree Light Sett . only $1.00 VIBBERT & TODD . Thing Electrical 191 South High Tel. 2112 ROTARY Fills OF 51 FOR CHARITY Operatic vocal activities from Dr. R. B. Lee Bteiner mingled with the Swedish "folk song' of Grover Hillman and with songs and recitations of other members to - make the Wednesday noon meeting of the Salem Rotary club and unusual home talent perform ance. . The object, ae eoacejTed by Walter . Stole, Chairman, and Charles Archerd, "ring" master" tor the day, was an audition eon test as a result of which fine might be levied for th dab's Christmas fund. Th event was so successful that $160 In fines were collected. Of this amount $75 waa delrvered to the Salva tion Army ' Christmas good will fund and th balance was turned ever to the Rotary ' committee which will quietly carry on their own charitable - activities nt "the Christmas season, as has " been done in the past. Much of the lat ter activity will be directed by the boys' work committee of tha club. T. B. Kay, W. S. Walton, Dan Fry Sr., and Dr. H. H. Ollnger wera Judges of the Impromptu contests to which Dr. Stelner, Hill- cvaa C A. Bowardy CoL Carle Abrams, Phil Biker and Dr. H. C. Epley contributed. Moron Hurray I I got $5 from my latest story, "Th Winning of Winsome Winnie." Robot Who from? .Moron The postofflce they lot it. Tho Pathfinder. MfcBJCTNOLBS Mc&eynokds, Tl. ahesit noon 20, at the home at 1136 North Commercial street. He is survived br his widow. Mrs. Anna McRev fnolda, and thro daughters, Mrs. Nora Seales of Salem, Mrs. Cloy Zlmmer of Portland and Mrs Ruby Lockhart of Pasco, Wash. Funeral announcements later from Rlgdon ft Son-. LANGS CHOCOLATES In S Jb. box, different flavor. Now Is your chance to bay your Christmas Candies Put them away for Xmas , Made within a week Regular Price 22.00 per box. While they last at 32c a Lb. Two lbs. for 60c 'Or one Fire lb. Box f 1.45 We reserve the right to limit quantities Only at ' SchaeferV DRUG STORE Hi North Commercial St. Phone 197 Original Yellow Front Penslar Agency Iv3iffl9G Women'c Daniel Green and Dcct Evern In slippers and mules-Reg-ularly priced from $4.00 to $5.00 at other stores. For THREE DAYS ONLY your choice 7 .CO All felts Regularly priced at 98c.' . JSale Price. 49c lister Erow'i Sfee :.Sf re r Assurance Given ' For Salem's Site Advantages offered by Salem as a location for a Pacific coast dir igible base, will get careful con sideration from the navy depart ment "before a site la selected, ac cording to word received in Sa lem from Congressman W.' C. Hawley and others of the Oregon delegation In congress, by th Sa lem chamber of eemmeree. Mr. Hawley promised that he would continue to give the matter his at tention. Is Deer Hunting Official Act? Whether an officer, while deer hunting. Is; acting In his official capacity. Is the question that has been, referred to the state Indus trial accident commission. J. P. Hunter, chief of police at Brownsville, was killed accident ally, while In quest of deer near Grants Pass in September. He was a contributor to the workmen's compensation fund, and his wid ow filed a claim with the accident n WWW i r 3flH A lata 1035 Overland-d Coach that ha run but rery little. errn Sfslppai sssd ha Asm atttioaw as wn worth fZ75. 3m Honso That Srtfej( RniM IMII A Special each day till Christmas 3 more days to shop Friday Special Reg. $2.65 Crepe de Chine Bloomers v FREE To the first 25 purchases today we will lire a $1.50 string; of imported beads. Sunnie Undie Shoppe 124 S. High. Across from Oregon Electric of anadl W5)trneim9G To clean our stock of men's slippers to the last pair before Christmas all our $3.50 and $4.00 slippers go at eommi&sion. Th .claim was re- jected on the ground that lie'waaVJIT Uiot engaged in official work at; 7 the time of the accident Tha case H was reopened recently, and addii tlonal testimony waa taken by tha commission Thursday. W!tnefiM for Mrs. Hunter al leged that her husband wnt tf! Grants Pass on official businessU and that the hunting expedltloif was Incidental to the trip. v 3 0 Of course we have many things for the children such as Cribs , Rocking Chairs High Chairs Taylor Tots Doll Carts Carriages Bathinettes Wagons Kiddie Cars Kiddie Kages Baby Jumpers Cahmbers & Chambers North nich St. I : I i 1 .4 in; "... l.k wii .,.yr ii iaw !f .. I.i lU.U H 1 rt ' l " ir tot r . . . f? ii l1 I it it ttt I . i" ,I1VV rtxl'l - KJil " .iU . on I i i . fill .. i. .i l lt i3e tl.T ! W. knot HOI tim (, l X Phon 111.