The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Neto Oregon Statesman, Salemi, Oregon, Thursday Morning, December 0, 19 tS
oriMMe Corres
p on dents Page
i. ''J
pupils peine
RICKEY, Ore., Dec. 19. (Spe
cial) Two brief plays. "The Dis
trict School" and "Santa Has the
Blues", will be given by pupils of
the Rickey school Friday evening,
December SI. The first will bo
given by pupils of Mrs. Kelly's
room, and the second by the pupils
of Miss Fery's room.
This will be the first Christmas
program In the new scboolhouse.
:and it promises to be exception
ally good. A large crowd is ex
pected. The ppjblic Is Invited,
with a special invitation to form
er teachers of this school.
The sewing club will
meetings until after the holidays.
The school children are busy
selling Christmas seals.
Mrs. D. A. Harris spent1 Frl
day in Salem. (
L. Dick man has been-confined
to his home with an attack i of
Jackie Horner has been seriously
111 with influenza but is now able
to be up again.
Miss Mildred Mage of Ashland
and Mrs. Robert Speaker and
daughter Mildred Jean of Salem
Heights were guests at the home
of their uncle, M. M. Magee, Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Frysb'e were
Salem visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binegar
will spend several days in Port
land this week, as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Van Cleave.
Thomas Lauderback's chicken
bouse was robbed some time ago
and another attempt was made re
cently, but the thieves were
frightened away, leaving several
sacks behind them.
A crew of convicts is grubbing
on the Capltnger farm.
Marion Lady, who had lived in
this community for several years,
died In Portland last week from
heart trouble. He is survived by
his widow, three sons and several
step children. He was burled at
Missionary Leader
-' rr-' -
V i ' '' ; -r ' "
1 m
Mrs. W. H. C Goode, of Sid
ney, O.. has been re-elected presi
dent of the Woman's Home Mis
sionary society at the organiza
tion's national convention at
Wichita. Kas '
Play Prepared
For Christmas
Event Saturday
19 -(Special) A group of young
people here are preparing a play,
"Back to Your Knitting." to be
given Saturday night, at . the
church, for the Christmas pro
The characters are: Detective
Sherrod Schramm. Eugene Ewell:
Mrs. Schramm, Mabel Cbartain;
flapper, Clara Schramm, Lola
Delgota; Mrs. Clyde Grey, Mary
Vitcrsft; Annabelle Grey. Opal
Tripp; school teacher, Imogene
Abernathy. Retha Davis; college
man, John Henry ySmith, George
Miller; professor Walter Gray
don. Harold Witcraft; Detective
Wilson, John Young; bell boy,
Wilbur Tripp.
Eugene Ewell and John Young,
who have been staying at the
home o Mr. and Mrs. Wiley
Angel, have moved, near where
they are cutting wood on the Sco
field place.
' The winter term schedule of
University of Oregon extension
classes in Salem will begin Janu
ary 3. and Includes the following
classes which meet In the senior
high school:
- Thursday 4:00, Curriculum
Making, room 217, one hour,
George W. Hug of Salem; 7: IS
the Poetry of Browning, room
21C, one hour. Dr. H. C. Kohler
of Willamette university; 7: IS,
Art Analysis, room 219. one hour.
Professor N. B. Zane of U. of O.;
8:15. poster design., room 219.
one hour. Professor Zane; 8: IS.
Great Literary Books, room 2 IS
one hour; Dr. Kohler.
Friday 7:15, Social Psychol
ogy, room 216, one hour. Dr. C
L. Sherman of Willamette univer.
si ty; 8:15. problems in philos
ophy, room 216, one hour, Dr.
Professor T. II. Gentle, former
ly of the state normal at Mon
mouth; will have a two-hour
class in pedagogy of the social
sciences Monday night at 7.: 15 in
room 217 and at the same time
J. K. Horner's public peaking
class will meet In room 216 and
Dr. H. R. Taylor's child psychol
ogy class will meet in room 214.
C. L. Kelly of the university
school of business administra
tion will Instruct a real estate
class at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday
night in room 215. This will be
two-hour session.
Friends Church
Young People's
r Class Has Meet
LAKE LABISH, Ore., Dec. 19
(Special) George Campbell;
ftnd Frank Matthes, Lake Labish
farmers, express the opinion that
hogs are the proper markeing:
. low priced grain."
Both of these men have some
unusually good hogs and are unr
fiismayed at the present prices for
these animals, being confident of
ft return to normal prices. Frank
Alatthes is this week enlarging
..and improving the shelters for bis
It hag also been noted here that
potatoes from outside the state,
carefully graded and put up in
fnncy sacks, find a brisk sale to
Africa Mission
Couple Conduct
Sunday Service
(Special) Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Neal. missionaries to Africa,
who are home on a year"s fur
lough, came from Portland to
hold an all day meeting at the
church Sunday. Interesting talks
on missionary work in their field
were given by Mr. and Mrs. Neal.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal. with their
children Marion and Winifred.
twins born in Africa, and Fted.
WOODBURN. Ore., Dee. 19
(Special) The Federated Wo
men of the M. E. church met fit
the home of Mrs.. Nancy Carpen
ter on Front street Tuesday af
ternoon. The hostesses were Mrs.
Carpenter, Mrs. A. CT. Neufeld.
Mrs. Mary Brune, Mrs! Herman
Otjen, and Mrs. Alice Guyer.
Mrs. A. E. Austin opened the
meeting. A. song by the group,
and sentence prayers followed.
After several important busi
ness details were decided. Miss
Lucile Hixon. field secretary of
tne Young People's Home Mis
sionary society of Oregon, told
of the work of the society.
The reading of the Christmas
story by Elizabeth Harper, and
songs by several third grade pu
pils, also were part of the pro
About 50 members
ROSEDALE, Ore., Dec. 19.
(Special) The Young People's
class of the Friends, church met at
the Cammack home Saturday
night.' The evening was. spent in
playing games and singing. The
evening was spent in playing
new eongbooks for the church
were used in an old fashioned
Those present included Misses
Lulu and Lena Carter, Eva and
Dorothy Beckley, Esther Heckart
Berchen Cole, Inez and Hazel
Blinston, Lucile Bingenheimer
and Laura Cammack; and Dick
Allen, Wayne Glover, Ernest
Pearson. Milford Cook, Elvin
Trick. Milton Bingenheimer. Carl
Xaenswander. Albert Weathers
Albert, Forrest and Paul Cam
Miss Laura Cammack enter
tained the Junior Sunday school
class at her home Saturday after
noon. Games and a Christmas
treat were the events of the after
noon. The members of the class
present were Alysmay Murray,
Ruth Pemberton. Durward Pear
son, Edward Haldy, Arthur Btng
enhelmer. Soollna Morse, and
Esther Cammack.
Clifford Smith . has been ill
with influenza for several days.
Mrs. Baldwin and Mrs. T. Trick
are recent victims of the influ
enra epidemic. Other members
of their families have recovered.
The Sunday school Christmas
program will be given at the Sun
day school hour at the church
next Sunday. Special evangelis
tic services will be held during
the holiday period. . beginning
next Sunday. Two young men
from Pacific college, Newberg,
will assist. The public Is Invit
ed to attend.
mm o has
To Accept Post
For New Term
DALLAS, Ore.. Dec. 19. (Spe
cial) Ed K. Piesecki is In Port
land attending the convention of
the Oregon State Ganv Protective
association, of which he is presi
In a speech before the associa
tion he declined to accept the
nomination for president for an
other term, giving as his reason
lack of support of the organiza
tion and its work by the people of
me state.
Dec. 19. (Special) The Willard
Community club held its regular
monthly meeting Friday night.
Professor MacGruder of Corvallis
gave his lecture on Russian con
ditions. Officers for the ensuing
year were elected as follows:
Mrs. Helen Paget, president; J
J. Thompson, vice president and
literary director; Mrs. G. H
Thompson, music director; Lois
Riches, recreation director; Harry
Riches, secretary and treasurer:
Mrs. A. A. Geer, refreshment di
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haberly and
twp children, George and' Phyllis
Jean, have been "fin" victims. The
children were quite ill but seem
to be Improving now.
The Dickman and Haevernick
families have also been ill. Little
Everett Dickman and the baby.
Harold, are still very ill as are
also Mr. and Mrs. Haevernick.
wubur fBudl Neuebburg, a
senior at Silverton high, was the
guest Friday and .Saturday of
Roger Comstock.
Ferd Rue is working at the
Bentson grocery In Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed son Comstock
are expecting the Rev. and Mrs.
S. W. Hall of McMinnvllle the
first of the week to come and
spend the holidays with them.
Rudolf Stadili, Jr., Is blasting
stumps In his side yard this week.
William Moores, Jr., is at the
home of his parents, to remain
until after New Year's. He is
taking a course in aviation and.
has already made a solo flight.
Modern Woodmen
Choose Officers
LAKE LABISH. Ore.. Dec. 19.
(Special) Election of officers
for Chemawa camp No. 8412, M.
W. A., was held recently. Martin
Holmes was elected consul, E.
Rogers clerk, James Forren ad-
' visor. George Beckner banker.
Price Cut on
WHiee! Goods
This fine standard
make Velocipede, ball
bearings, spring sad
dle, adjustable handle
bars, rubber pedals.
saptecial. $7.00
Reg. $6.00, fine ball bear
ing Scooters, large tires.
These Scooters are
slightly damaged by
Best quality, ball
bearing Skates.
"The Cycle Man
147 So; Com'l. St.
William McClay watchman, II,
Evans sentry, and Edward Mat.
thes, Charles Beckner and Robert
Diem managers. Harvey Girod
was named as chief forester and
Calvin Mason escort.
At the big community meeting
and dance Saturday night. Decern,
ber 22, the beautiful embroidered
quilt on which the Royal Neigh
bors sewing club members have
been working, will be sold.'
These scarfs are very es
sential when one wears a
rain coat.
There are long georgette
scarfs with hand printed
ends and crepe scarfs
with fancy cut ends.
Other scarfs of different
shapes and materials.
were pres.
the detriment of the home grown i spent Saturday evening visit
article. It has been suggested t iDg at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
mm uregun poiaio growers ouglit
to Invest in a few pretty Backs
and use better salesmanship.
CLOVE RDALE. Ore.. Dec. 19
(Special) The Cloverdale school
children are preparing a program
for'Friday afternoon. There will
be a Christmas tree for the pupils.
Several of the young women or
the community will take part in
the program, which will conslsi
of music, marches, recitations and
The members of the W. C. T.
U. are preparing a Christmas box
for the boys' home at TurnerT
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lambert of
Stayton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs.. M. Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. Hadley and chil
dren visited at the Charles Bear
home Sunday. -
' Mr. and Mrs. Neer motored to
Corvallis Sunday.
Ange! and Saturday night at the
home of Bert Keithley. a boy
hood friend of Mr. Neal.
Leslie Chartain has a broken
wrist, the result of a fall from
the rings In the school play shed.
SILVERTON. Ore.. Dec. 19.
(Suecial) The Alfred Williams
family on North Second street
who have been suffering from the
Influenza, are still reported as
being seriously ill. Eldred and
Genevieve, the children are both
very m.
Silverton Quint
To Play Lincoln
silverton, Ore., Dec. 19.
(Special) The Silverton high
school quintet will open its hoop
season Friday evening when it
will play Lincoln high school of
Portland. This game will be I
played at Silverton.
Polk Officials
Attend County
Officers9 Meet
Luther League
Names Officers
SILVERTON, Ore.. Dec. 19.
t Special) Trinity Junior Luther
league held its semi-annual busi
ness meeting Sunday evening. The
following officers wers elected:
Walter Goplerud, ' president: E1-.
mer Thompson, vice-president;.
Palmer Torvend. secretary. '-Cora
Goplerud Is the outgoing presi-lent.
DALLAS, Ore.. Dec. 18. (Spe
cial) Those leaving Dallas Mon
day to attend the meeting of all
the county officials of the state
now in session in Portland were
County Clerk H. G. Black, County
Commissioners Frank Farmer and
C. C. Gardner. Judge G. L. Haw.
kins and Sheriff Hooker. Sheriff
Hooker returned Monday night'
and will go to Portland again on
Thursday when the meeting will
be given to the sheriffs of the
They Watch Our
Credit Reports
Business and professional men of this county, and of many
other places watch out monthly reports for reliable credit
If you refuse or neglect to pay your bills, all our members
Know it. We list the delinquent accounts of all debtors We
follow them wherever theygo.
Don't ask for credit unleyou pay your bills when due.
Pioneer Service Company, Inc.
State Headquarters, Eugene, Oregon
The Clearing Honw of Credit Information
Methodists Plan
Christmas Tree
Sunday Evening
WOODBURN, Ore.. Dec. 19.
(Special) The Christmas pro
gram of the M. E. church will be I
given Sunday evening at 7:30 1
o'clock. An interesting program
consisting of musical numbers by
the choir and readings by primary
pupils has been arranged.
Christmas tree, with treats for
the children. Is a feature of the
Christmas Gift Suggestion
t?ir? a Year Subscription to the New Oregon Statesman
Please send your paper Daily and Sun
day for one' year to
Name .
Address .
Ordered by , ......
Subscription Rates. in Advance i
One Tear by mail $4.00; outside of Oregon
15.00; By carrier service one Year $5.50.
Lastest anctBest!
Monthly Income if Totally and
Permanently Disabled by Ac
cident or Disease before Ask
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York
No further premium payments.
$100 a month during first 5 years.
$150 a month during next 5 years.
$200 a month thereafter for life. And
then $10,000 at your death to your ben-
eficiary. Total disability lasting 90 days '
regarded, during "further continuance,
as permanent.
$20,000 if death, at any age, is accidental .
. .. . payable in a single sum or as income
for a term of years or for life.
Smaller Contracts Pay in Proportion
Edward C. Goodwin
!- District Manager
r ; v Local Representatives .
. Office over J. C. Penny store
" Salem, Oregon " ; V
' 5 -W:v'- Agents wanted . . .
Table Lamps with vase base
In a variety of decorations,
single lamp fixtures and pleat,
ed shade, complete
Table Lamps with vase base
In four different colors, dou
ble lamp fixture and pleated!!!e....$6.40
Boudoir Lamp, all metal base
with single lamp fixture,
parchment paper shade In
three designs, J J (r
complete for d4UU
One lot of floor Bridge Lamps,
wide assortment of shades
with all metal bases, com- .
ST. $12.50
One lot of Floor Lamps with
parchment paper shades In
hand decorated designs, all
metal base with double light
fixture, complete
for ,
Visit Toyland
Just a few more days to make
selections for those last min
ute purchases for youngsters
that may have been forgotten.
Toyland holds many sugges
tions that win help you.
Cogswell Chairs are so
comfortable, and make
such an acceptable gift for
a man. You will find a nice
assortment here priced
nly $36.50
Oogswea Chairs in Tapes
tries, Jacquard Velours and
combinations of Velour and
Mohair, In two groupings.
$39.50 and $42.50
ll;up Chairs arc so han.
for the living-room or
for the radio set. A new
"ortonent to select from
each . $14.50
2 Piece living Room Suites
nSerhiTlX? Sm SuIte re ,n re demand for the
modern home. A Davenport and Chair to mitch ithr i
Jacouart Velour or Mohair may be ael.ct .TVasorf-
8 altes from
WM mp.
On lot of all metal Smoker
Stands with removable tray,
antique gold tr
finish Now VoC
Mahogany finished Smoker
Set, all hardwood base, nicely
turned, has small cabinet and
Now .... $6.50
All metal Smoker Stand with
very heavy base and black
and white marble table top.
three extra fix- flyry nr
tures, now Dl.ZD
Oenuine Smokadors. will not
let ashes spill on floor, several
finishes to select Qcy A ET
from, at each D0.40
Atwater Kent
A complete line of this fam
ous Radio Is now on display
at this store, with or without
cabinets. They make the rin
st home present one could
wish for," i-trf -
i i -
: 1 - '
5 9 U0 cpURT STREET , . ' ' . ''jp&Zjz