Salem High School I Chorus To Give Concert fi'k Christmas concert that will be wholly non-denominational 7 both In retard to nartlMnant " and getting will be the annnal j iprograri given dv tne innate de- j parunent or tne Salem high school In the. Grand theater, Sun day afternoon, December 16, atj tnree o clock. More than one hundred young people will participate in this concert, In separate -groups and in ensemble., The beautiful tra ditional carols Will ' be sung by a; large chorus; this feature alone will De worth coming to hear. Special numbers on the pro- xs vs - , . 3-. ;i PART I ; . Star Spangled Banner Greeting fWooler . . . .Chorus II Eternal Spring (Engelroan) iJ , Orchestra North Wind (Chambers) ' ,. Orchestra XI .TroTatore (Verdi) . .Orchestra Welcome Pretty Primrose fPln- !; uti) Chorus II Creole Lore Song (Smith) ..... K Chorus II Meditation" from "Thais' t. (Mausenet) Vera Wilson, Water-lilies (Luders) I 5 Sophomore Quartet Morning Invitation (Veazle) Chorus 1 1 Morning ("Peer Gynt'V Grelg) i- Chorus I Anvil Chorus (Verdi) . .Chorus I' TMound Builders." an Indian . cantata by Paul Bliss. - PART II The First Noel Orchestra Legends (Tschaikowsky) . , ChoTus II Strinjr Accomoanlment Far In the East . Combined Chorus Holton O'er Lands Afar Carols and Hymns . Combined Choruses i ,-.,--Joy to the World , Angels from the Realms of .:i i JGlory. ' i fjl -V Hark the Herald Angels i1 We Three Kins Angela We Hare Heard On 4 8Hent Night .'- Accompanists r nnrU nn Barbara Rarham. and Elizabeth! Lewis. Afternoon Bridge Is Attractive Affair t. - ? Two of the most attractive , bridge parties that have been giv en for some time took place at Use home of Mrs. Karl Becke on North Summer street Wednesday na Tnureaay afternoon of thJs week when Mrs. Becke and Mrs. Hixson were joint hostesses to a large group of Salem matrons. ii Wednesday afternoon the hos- icstes were assisted by Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry and Mrs. Paul Hen dricks. High score for the after noon went to Mrs. Hollta Hunting- and second to Mrs. Clifford Farmer. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Frederick Deckebach and JUrs. E. T. Pierce assisted. High core at the close of playing for the afternoon went to Mrs. E. P. Thom and second to Mrs. Jerald Rackstrand. Li .vl zL SliOOtt STOCK mUPOTAHD of Men's Clothing - Shoes -Blankets - Furnishings - Etc, - .. . - I, JL STORE-WIDE IN SCOPE, THIS SELLING EVENT CONSTITUTES THE MOST INVITING MONEY SAVING BUYING OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR! AND A TIMELY EVENT-JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS. "THIS LITTLE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK" WILL BE ALIVE WITH ENTHUSIASTIC BUYERS SHARING THE LIBERAL SAVINGS NOW OFFERED. Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. Chemeketa and Liberty Street UT ME TFACH V0O SAVING itMSC JUST ltVlM$J Immense Value! That's not putting it too strong. Not when you think of cars of standard make being soldi at ffucn low rtguree on terms. 197 Oakland Landau Beaan 083.OO 1917 Buick Deluxe Coupe 1250.00 1ZB H-D with side ear 22.1.UA 1914 Buick Sedan jmm J914 W. Knight 878.00 Many cheaper and at fair prices Fitzgerald-Sherwin Motor Co. Telephone 1133 COLLEGE CORDS $4 .CO and SS.O0 Corduroy PANTS for the college oi high school chap Can't Bust em make which insures proper style and long and satisfac tory wear. Our sale price now, only . . . TOMORROW 9 A. M. DOOR OPENING SPECIALS ALL WOOL BLANKETS, $5.00 VALUE These fine wool blankets are 4 pound weight In the O. D. colors, some slightly imperfect but not noticeable, they are the popular sin gle 4-pound blanket, very large and a regular gitt solving problem, come early for these blankets, Sat urday morning for only ana a regular 3.69 Double Wool Blanket $5.50, 4-pound all-wool gray Blankets. Double. These are very desirable Blankets and a real high grade product. These blankets will go JQ QQ In a hurry for, the pair, only , yO.uO SHIRTS FOR MEN Men's dress SHIRTS Valnes to 933.00 In collars attached or neck band styles. Neat new patterns of broadcloth, mad ras and imported perealea. Give him a new Shirt, for Christmas our price now, only. BARGAINS LIKE THESE Will pack this Store to the Limit $3.98 Men's All-wool Slip-orer SWEATERS. Values to 97.HO. Black and bine col ors, heavy yarn; perfect fitting. Quality goods through and through Men's Fine Dress HATS. Values to 35.50. Here is where you drive home an other big bargain. Just i7. $2.50 Mens 100 all-wool UNION SUITS. Values to 97.60. Most every weight to choose from. All are standard quail. ty goods, suit 82.50 valne Men's AVhite Duck PANTS A COATS. A very fine grade duck, for service station unU form fcl QQ Bale price, each $170 a au su v $3.98 85c value Men's All-wool HIGH TOP SOX. Red or green band tops. Needle Knit. A very desirable quality. CO Sale price ... 03C 33.50 Men's Work PANTS of fine mole skin in grey and tan colors. The pants that always look neat and clean Men's 32JJ0 light weight WORK SHOES of fine ouaUtv toutth mnl a fetd. Iieather soles that Insure long wear and comfort". ... Men's 75c value all-wool SOX. Dandy weight for winter and the colors are bine, grey, tans, mixtures and white. Sale price 2 pr. for 75c or one pair for . a a7 aui is $2.49 Laa innuru $1.69 38c Electric Heaters $2.75 While they last Things Electrical 101 South High Tel. 2112 VIBBERT & TODD STORE CLOSED All day today, FRIDAY, in order that we may sale-tag and mark down and arrange this big stock for quick disposal 15 (Sfl&josflOo' lies This is the first time Hillpot & Son ever issued an advertisement like this! But then, it's the first time in five years that Hillpot & Son ever staged a sale as un usual as this one! We are certainly giving Bargains and how! Just to give you an idea of the stan dard of value giving adopted for this event we mention a mere handful of the thous ands of offerings from this $15,000 stock of Real He-Man's Wearing Apparel. It's just as likely as not we skipped the very best offerings. That's why you must come to realize what it's all about. SALE STTAltfrS Odd Lots DRESS & WORK. VALUES TO $6.50. SHOES Men, here is where good fortune smiles for you again. We have gone through our $5000.00 stock of men's and boys work shoes, dress shoes and oxfords and taken out dozens of pairs worth to $6.50 and priced them for this sale at only, the Jpair - ' i vAiviio aim $2.95 Ho, Folks LOOK! D Dsn SPECIALS 98c With every pair of Loggers and Farm High Top Shoes, one pair Fine 50c wool C e v v 1 mm. ana one can or nuDer s ouc size Shoe Grease. Loggers attention We are headquarters for the Copeland and Ryder Logging Shoes-Hand made and every pair Guaranteed. We have them calked for logging and farm wear- FOR YOUR CHOICE AND HERE THEY ARE Any one of them, or all of them fine seasonable Christ, mas gifts. All useful and quality merchandise. 91.50 all-leather HELMETS Lindy style for aq only HOC Boys' Slip-over SWEATERS. Values to S3.00. Wool and rayon, pretty colors and pat terns. Sixes to 80. nn For only "OC All wool Army O. D. slip-over SWEATERS. 1.50 QQ value for only ... 70C Men's . Uiald Hickory and black satlne SHIRTS. QQ sizes 14 to 19, only OC - Men's h'vy. denim JUMPERS stagg style. Sl.SO valnes for only Boys' ft .SO White KEDS, white with imitation qq crepe soles foC Men's fine wool DRESS CAPS Full leather sweat hands. non breakablo visors, fit patterns for only WORK SHIRTS S 1.60 value. 5 Bros, make, 2 pockets, double OTer shoul der, triple stitched. A regu lar He-Man's shirt aq for only 70C Sites 14 to 10 OVERALLS. All kinds, waist bell bottoms, with hl Bib o'alls, waist o'alls, riv eted seams and painters BLAZERS FOR MEM TO S6.SO VALUES Men's and young men's fine all-wool BLAZERS, to $6.50 values in plaids ami checks of the popu lar styles and color ings. This item is another suitable Christmas Gift. Our sale price only 98c 98c piatrrers wmte o'alls. aq All go for only, pr. "oC John J. Rottle '415 Stat sc; Expert Shoe Fitter WALK-OVER ' AND CAMTTLEVBR FOOTWEAB . ; 6-In. Brown Loggers without nr calks, straight heel. Our price 30.JJD 8-In. brown Loggers without tfQ nf calks, straight heeL Our price O.iD HINTS FOR XMAS filFTS ' mm si mb a 7 wian, sir i neei jtr price $11.50 supporters. Arm Bands. Silk Aeck Tie Belts. Wool "V0 l2 in- black Loggers without Cl O PA Kt" ;Z ctBM 8t heel Our price VLO.DXJ 12-in. blk. Loggers, straight d1 A rA heel with calks. Our price l.DU 12-in. black Loggers, spring r A A heel with calks. Our price M D U U rLL WOOL SHIRTS TO f 6.50 VALUES The Biggest Bar of the year, re here in these fine all-wool shirts. In plain navy bine, plaids, checks, etc. all are standard quality and tako your choice for only 3 SUCKERS f KEEP OFF THE RAIN S30JO children's first quality SUckers, to 10 years do Mi ..r 52.49 JML23 Tenth's first quality. Slick. rs to is yrs. size am nn $2.98 S5.08 i men', extra quality ' Slicker, in yellow and green eo- a g m lorn. Our sale price 4.5 iiStWi $17.50 'uMORE bargains - Mens 91.25 Pendleton tana NAP-A-TAN Brand High top shoes. All are cut special to fit snug at ankle. Se lect calf leather; 14 to 16-in. top. Prices from $70 to $10.25. 4. mm SHEEP LINED COATS 110 Values sheep lined coats Beaverized collars. Coat is belted. Leather reinforced pockets. 80-inch long. Slash tyle pockets. a aw Sale Price pUi7) HEAVY PURE GUM RUBBERS Si .SO Men's Rubbers for only ... ... gl9 Leather Coat Jackets, SI 8.50 new Reverrable horse hide Jacket, 2 coats in one. Wool or leather. Also leath er coats, horse hide finish. $12.50 value, your" choice of either for A AT only Men's House Slippers S1.73 Men's Felt House Slippers ........... 81-39 MEN'S DRESS PANTS All new stock in the popular styles and colors, fine qual ity woolen materials, liaf new, save. group No. i nr Valnes to ; $5.50. . GROUP Jfo. 2 Ai an Valnes to $8.50.. H.JJ Fancy DRESS SOCKS Men's all new fancy Dress box. vaiaee to 70c m Open Evening' Until Chplctmac j " ' mr Price v. ii ii m wm imu.iuUjls'ViU tTHE LITTLE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK" 505 STATE STREET SALEM, OREGON -.Across Street North of Ladd & Bosh Bank - ' wooi, xancy top, high top Sox 1 II for SOc. Men's Black, Tan JTJ U II and Rockford sox 5e pr. f Jl (Limit) Men's $8.50 fit Mole skin Blaaera . -"T S l.r4l In grey and tan -'T i Ii j only $3.0S. JSX l Ohlrr O Tnir4e - 4 Ml - . w ' ....s. -j!,Zft ; . ...... : - , -J--t I ' '- - VWrt., . ..-..- mZmmmm"mmm' ' 4 -1 r I: "V ! .... v: