The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Ketc Oregov Statesman, Salem,' Oregon, Wednesday Morning. Decern her 5, 1 928
Local Nevs Briefs
c 1
Speeder Fined R. El Nett.
24 55 Walker street, was fined $5
In municipal court Tuesday on a
charge of speeding.
lloue Entered Several of the
fraternity and sorority houses at
Willamette university were enter. J
ed during the Thanksgiving vara,
tion, and various articles of value
were reported stolen.
Librarian Speaker Maud E.
Ccvington, librarian at the Salem
city library, will speak at today's
luncheon of the Rotary club on the
subject, "A Public Library as an
Asset to a City."
Visit Campbell Among the
college students who spend the
holiday week-end in Salem were
Miss Helen Campbell. Miss Mar
Jorie Reynolds of LaGrande and
Miss Katherine Smith of Los An
geles, all members of Kappa Al
pha Theta at O. S. C. Miss Camp
bell is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. P. Campbell, whose guests
the girls were here.
Hill Pays Fine Orville Hill. ar.
rested Monday night on a charge
of breaking glass on a public
thoroughfare, paid a $25 fine in
municipal, court Tuesday. Orville
didn't have the money at first, but
his father was communicated with
and $26 arrived by mail later in
the day. The extra dollar presum
ably was the boy's fare home. He
is 16 years old.
Clark From Albany-Ir. 3nd
Mrs. J. T. Clark of Albany cr
Tuesday guests at the New Salem.
Garage Planned J. Kapphann
took out a permit Tuesday to build
a garage at 348 Belmont street at
a cost of S200.
Portland Man Here L. S. Hop
field. Portland insurance man. is
a business visitor to Salem. He is
making his headquarters at the
Road Recommended A county
road connecting the Salem-Silver-ton
road with the Pacific highway
was recommended in a report of
road viewers submitted to the
county court Tuesday. The new
route will pass between property
Loan -on Salary Furniture
'Automobiles 2nd mortgages
and contracts. Oregon Industrial
Loan Co., 411 Masonic Bldg.
Sale of Fancy Work at
Salvatiofl Army hall, 241 State
street Wed., ThurC Friday
Saturday cooked food saleT
bon't Jie Misled-
f i Woodrjr has only one store
and auction market. It's located
on N. Summer street. Established
1916. Phone 511, The Old Re
liable. Pottery in C1ic-ihei!
By many people and rightfully
so. See the selection in ouf gift
room. Pomeroy & Keene.
Dr. J. Shelley Saurman after an
extended trip east will be. in his
office on Wed. Dec. 5th, 1928.
HiS Auction Wed. Mte
" P. m. Radio. Phonoexanha
Furniture. Rugs, linoleum, blank
lets. etc.. at F. X. Woodrv's niv
owned by Mrs. Bligh Tiffany andlAuction Market on Summer street
C. W. Beechler. j
Loans on Salary
Kfttate Appraised Inventory! Furniture, Automobile, 2nd
and appraisement were filed in mortgages and contracts. Oregon
probate here Tuesday in tne mat-1 industrial Loan Co., 411 Masonic
Student Wins Gas The Rev.
fer of the estate of the late Cyrus
Butler. The estate is appraised
at $4,210 by Frank Blerford. Mar
tin Whitesell and H. G. Wiggins,
Embezzlement Charged E. C.
Smith was brought into justice
court here Tuesday charged with
embezzlement of $344.10. He en
tered a plea of" not guilty and hia
trial was Bet for today at 10 a. m.
Smith is accused of having collect
ed the $344.10 as a representa
tive of a washing machine firm
and then failed to make an ac-
Patriek Dahlin, pastor of the Mill counting to the company. He is be
ing held In the county Jail in ae
fault of $1000 bail.
Ftreet Methodist church and stud
ent at Kimball School of Theology,
has five gallons of free gasoline in
hi tar as the result of a recent
"shower of stars" advertising
campaign by a gasoline manufac
turer. Cards bearing gold and sil
ver stars were dropped from an
airplane, and the finder of a card
with a gold star was etAitled to
fivp gallons of gasoline. Following
I);ihlin's good fortune, other Kim
ball students .began making a
thorough search of the grounds.
.Meeting Hut isfiM-tory President
Doney of Willamette university
repoted that the Monday meeting
of the general committee for the
university's endowment drive was
very satisfactory. Although no fi
nal plans were made at the meet
ing: in Portland this week, the way
was opened for action of a spe
cial committee which will meet in
Portland on December 27. At that
time many of the details of the
campaign will be considered and
actual plans for the campaign
Many Students Out R. A. Mr.
Cully, registrar at Willamette uni
versity, reported that more stu
dents were absent from clasess
Monday than any other day of this
school year. Since the beginning of
the Thanksgiving vacation, a large
number of students has succumb
ed to the influenza. Some students
have not returned from their
borne as a result of sickness, and
some who returned have been un
able to attend classes. A dozen
caseB were reported from Lausan
ne Hall, the women's dormitory,
Men's Council to Meet The
men s council of the First Meth
odist church will meet in the
church parlors tonight, wjth Pres
ident Dean Roy R. Hewitt in
charge. Dr. David B. Hill will
show three reels of moving pic
tures, "Eight Thousand Miles
with Lindbergh."' "Climbing Mt.
Hood"' and "Funnies."' New mem
bers will be Introduced and re
freshments will be served. G. A.
Alden, Al Siewert and J. R. Trin
dle will have charge of the pro
gram. May Set for Friday- A clever
etunt advertising the Snikpoh play
"The Truth" to be given at the
high school auditorium this Fri
day night, was juven at the high
she high school activity period
Tuesday morning. The stunt de
picted a theatre audience in any
local show house, and the reac
tion of members of the audience
to 'The Truth." The entire Snik
poh society took part in the stunt,
the members in the play being
dressed In costume for the event.
Julia Creech conceived and direct
ed the stunt.
Teachers Vote "Xo" Salem
high school teachers, at their
weekly meeting, voted 32 to 12
against recommending the use of
the high school gymnasium for
(student dance?, reports Principal
J. C. Nelson. While It is hroba
ble the vote would have been
much different if the question had
simply been one of whether or not
the teachers thought the pupils
should be allowed to hold school
dances, the problem bore a differ
ent aspect when it was asserted
the faculty would be held respon
sible for approving student
Basaar to be Friday The Lad
les' Aid of the First Methodist
church will hold its annual basaar
and chicken dinner at the church
Friday. The tale will open at 10
o'clock and the dinner will be
served at 0:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. C.
Young, president, and Mrs. I. L.
McAdama, vice-president, will
have general charge. The seven
Circle chairmen, Mn. F. T. B. Hill.
Mrs. I. L. McAdams, Mrs. H. M.
BouthwlQk, MrM. Gallaher, Mrs!
Ida Shade. Mrs. J. J. Donaldson
and Mrs. F. A. Legge will super
vise the booths of fruits, candies,
foods and Christmas articles.
Names Legislative Committee
R. W. Tavenner, president of the
Salem Teachers' association, Tues
day announced the membership of
the legislative committee of the
association, with Miss Phebe Mc
Adams of Leslie Junior high chair
man. The other two members are
Miss Lina Heist, senior high
school, and Mrs. Maybelle Barch,
Richmond. The legislative com
mittee keeps the teachers in t-ouch
with what the state legislature is
doing in the teachers' profession
and strives to through its weight
with other, organizations to the
passage of needed school laws.
Kills Loses Suits Default de
crees were entered Tuesday
agahist Newton W. Ellis In. two
uits brought against him. One,
brought by the Gabriel Powder
and SuddIv cor.inany. authorizes a
udgment of $4500. The othj was
brought by Elizabeth F. Jiprcus
and involves $1084.78. Certain
real property will be sold to cover
the indebtedness.
Old Resident Passes Mrs
Sarah Tharp, 7 5. a resident of
Salem for 25 years, passed awaj
here Tuesday. The last five year
of her life were spent in Hubbard
She moved there from Salem in
19 23 but returned a few months
ago and took up her residence at
2165 South Cottage street. Funer
al services are to be held Thurs
day at 1 p. m. with burial in Lee
Mission cemetery.
Here From Portland Dr. and
Mrs. H. C. Fixott of Portland ar
rived in Salem for a short visit
Tuesday. Dr. Fixott addressed the
joint meeting of the Polk-Yamhill
Marion doctors and dentists which
was held last night at the tlray
Balle. Dr. Fixott is a dentist and
has made a special study of radio
graphy of the teeth, jaws and
head. While here they are at the
Eastern Star Elects Chadwick
chapter of the Eastern Star elect
ed officers Tuesday night as fol
lows: Mrs. W. C. Kantner, worthy
matron; William Nieraeyer, wor
thy patron; Mrs. Charles Pratt,
associate matron; Mrs. Albert
Smith, conductress; Mrs. Estella
Henry, associate conductress; Mrs.
Ida M. Babcock, reelected secre
tary for the 38th year; Mrs. Cathl
erlne Bernardl. treasurer. The new
officers will be Installed at the
meeting on 'the first Tuesday in
It was the Commercial league
that started the midseason spree
of record breaking amone local
bowlers last week, and they car
ried on the good work by smash
ing two more Tuesday night. The
Capital City Bedding Cubs got
credit for both of these new
marks. 926 for team eame and
24 72 for team series, both of
them performances of which even
the City league could be proud.
bcores were:
Valley Motor
1 ftillipa 134 180
Snder 17 123
1'oi'Iin 131 140
Choice Venison Donate
Needy residents of Marion county
will be given cuts of venison
steak. It was announced Tuesday
by the county court after a buck
that had been accidentally killed
on the. highway, was donated for
that purpose by two young men
The animal lumped out of the
brush directly in front of the ma
chine, which struck it and killed
it. thev stated. It being illegal to
nneaess venisOll at this time of
year, they promptly took it to the
game warden's office, where they
were referred to the county court.
The young men's names were not
Want Used Furniture Phone 511
Holly and Wreaths For Sale
Phone 212 O. W. Bean.
Say it With Filbert
On Christmas. Ask any bank.
Dollar Dinner
Every night 6:?0 to t at the
Marion hotel.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing Glese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Lee "Shouldei-bilt Balloons-
Are the best. "Herb" Hansen.
1105 N. Com. Phone 230.
Kay it With FilbertF
On Christmas. Ask any Dan
Y. W. C. A. Rummage Sale
At the Bligh Bldg. 13 6 8. High.
Friday and Saturday.
Old Time Dance-
Crystal Gardens every Wed. and
Sat. night.
4 Ft. Heavy Dry Slab-Wood
Cut 16" lgts., $5.60 per load,
prompt delivery. Spaulding Log
ging Co. Phone 1830.
New and Used Furniture
Always on hand at F. N. Wood
ry's Auction Market, on N. Sum
mer st. Private sales daily. Auc
tion every Wed. nite 7 p. m., affd
every Sat. 1:30 p. m.
Pictures For Christmas
Etchings, feathered bird pic
tures, tinted photographs of Ore
gon scenes, reproductions of fa
mous paintings. Presnall's, 455
Court Street.
Christmas Card Problems
.Easily solved Just phone Sot
and ask our salesman to call with
samples. Commercial Printing
Ftept, Statesman- Publishing. Co-,
II S. Commercial.
I.eMey ; 1 .1 122
:"o!well 14 123
Total 726 638
Wood's Anto Co.
K:.c-lra .. 127 1.26
f.i'wis . 171 137
..vnrh 141 185
Vod H9 129
lwd 114 146
Totals 672 723
Barr Plumbeii
li. Nitlimun .... 1 46 l.r4
'en 139 117
Ukoli 123 135
11. Barr .. 172 176
J. X. Nathman ... 116 209
Totals 698 821
O. O. Bedding Cuba
I.auo 167 178
Paulin 162 149
Mnller 129 151
Priem 1S4 138
Kayer 16) 148
Totals 782 764
Kollinborn 172 121
AUeit 139 132
Srameter 142 139
Wright 171 131
Johnson 122 146
. ..XaUla 746 669
. General Oil
Brws 121 172
Woodruff 144 123
McKinnev 13 148
Hendricks 121 135
Jackson 145 131
Totals 667 709
119 403
152 454
110: 89(J
133- 8
178 45J
701 2065
4 5(1
743 2262
5 Or
926 2472
T37 2152
SILVERTON. Ore., Dec. 4
(Special) A number of cases of
grippe have been reported at Sil
verton. Among those who are 111
are Mrs. A. Aarhus, Mrs. ' Roy
Davenport, Mrs. J. A. Bennett,
Mrs. Vlda Bennett, Mrs. Clara
Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Paulson, and M. G. Cooley.
Several Los Angeles promoters
are planning the construction of a
$300,000 sanitarium in Lithia
park at Ashland, which, when
completed, will be one of the fin
est in Oregon.
Sarah Kinsell McClelland, 72.
died Tuesday evening at the resi
dence, 205 North 21st street, at
the' "age of 72 years. Two sons.
James and Charley of Salem, and
one daughter, Mrs. Katherine Ge
munder of Newport, survive. Fu
neral announcements later from
Rigdon & Son.
William Hall. 77
Hill on December 3. Survived by
the following children: John Hall,
of Gold Hill. Mrs. Emll Pearson
of Turner, Mrs. Robert LaRue, of
Milton, Mrs. Lola Palmer of Cor
vallls. and Miss Ruth Hall of Mar
ion. Also by 13 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
Wednesday at 1:30 at the Friends
church at Marlon, with Ricdon
mortuary In charge. Interment
in the Marion cemetery.
Nut and Hort. Mem Will Meet J
i -
aAt Vancouver December 6, 7, 8
Nut growers and horticulturists In general of Western Oregon
and Washington wiH be able to attend a combined meeting of the
Western 5?ut (Grower's association and the Western Washfngto'n Hort
icultural association as these two organizations have arranged a joint
'Convention at Vancouver, Wash., December 6-8.
Most cf the program of the three-day session will be devoted to
the nut industry with the final day given over to general topics. Cost
bf planting and growing a filbert grove, bleaching walnut, and mar-'
Jteting nuts are some of the leading subjects to be discussed by ex
perienced growers of the Willamette valley who have made careful
studies and kept accurate records. The program follows:
December 6, 9:30 a.m.
Address of Welcome, John P. Kiggins, Mayor of Vancouver.
Pejponse, Robert Forbis, Dilley, Ore.
Commercial Nut Varieties. Farl Pearcy, Turner. Ore.
SoiU ard Locations. C. E. Schuster, O. S. A C.
History of Northwest Nut Growing, H. A Hennrnian, Portland.
Afternoon ;
Shaping Walnut and Filbert Trees. W. S Brown. O. SAC
Orchard Management and Care, M. P. Adam, Sa!eni.
Pecan in the Northwest. Knicht Pearcy, Salem.
Tillarc MctJ.ods, R. Lehr. I cs Arsgeles.
Parquet in Community Buildinc at 6:30.
December 7, 9:00 a m.
P.i:s:ncc nicotine Western Nr.t Growers Asorta'ion.
Wa'rr.t Hlici t Control, t. Ames Silverton. Ore
Co t cf Ciro v. i-u: a Filbert Grove. J. A. Thornhurvh. Forest Grove
Dcvt lop-i cnt- in the Nut Industry, f. O. Holt. Kn !ie.
Dryinp and Handling Nuts, . R. Osborne, Amity.
n't ... ! irg Walnuts. John Trnn!:. IHinder. Ore.
Marl,ct:ng Nnts Y. H. Pcntley, Dundee. Ore.
('.citing Repeat Orders fcr Fiibcrts, . M. Gray. Mi1vr,t;V'r. Ore. ;
December 8, S:S0 a.m.
Opening Address, R 1". Rcid, President, Seattle
Aphis Control, G N. Wordcp. Port Orchard. Wa!.
Karwir Control. I". S. Coyne, Control Bureau. Static.
Cuiti;ition of Ka-j'berries, Harry I), l.och'in, I'uyailup, Wash.
Pi:-'rrs- smoti. Report of srcre'.r.r treasurer. Committee re-
,,( --,..
eie mm
4. ( Special 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. A
Geer entertained about 60 guests
at their home Saturday evening.
honoring Miss Lorraine Fletcher
who formerly taught in the Center
View district but Is now teaching
at The Dalles. Special out of town
guests were Miss Stone of The
Dalles and Miss Sims of Portland,
both cousins of the honor guest.
Miss Myrtle Moore of Portland
and Miss Louise Medler of Silver-
ton, the later two being week end
guests of Mrs. Geer. Dancing and
cards were the entertainment of
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frsmk Egan and
children Ardis, Ralph and Mildred
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Jones of Victor Point.
Victor Rue spent Thanksgiving
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. K.
O. Rue. Victor is attending busi
ness college in Portland.
Mrs. Maude Haberly and
daughter Mildred spent last week
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Halber
nick were here from McMinnvjlle
last week to visit Mr. Halbernlck's
Mildred Egan. Rob and Ted
Riehes and Roger Comstock at
tended the dancing party given
Wednesday evening in Silverton
bv the T. N. T. Club.
Mr anri Mrs. L. P. Haberly
were Thanksgiving guests at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Solie
of Silverton.
Mr and Mrs. Edson Comstock
had as Thanksgiving guests Mr
and Mrs. F. E. Sylvester
(Continued from Page 1.)
late today bound for the jail there
to await hearing tomorrow on a
murder indictment reutrned by a
Los Angeles county grand jury.
At 3 o'clock the youth, who had
led officers on a fruitless 27 hour
search for bodies of asserted vic
tims In the desert Victorville, Cal
ifornia, pleaded not guilty to four
murders, names in three Riverside
grand Jury indictments, before Su
perior Judge O. K. Morton in
court here.
In Los Angeles the proprietor of
the Wineville chicken ranch, upon
which three of the slayings are as
serted to have taken place, already
had pleaded not guilty to the
charge of mortlertng "John Doe,
Mexican," whose headless body
was found lear Puente, Salif., sev
eral months ago.
Northcott Shouts
Denial to Charge
Northcott stood before Judge
Morton while indictments for the
murder of Walter Collins, "John
Doe, Mexican," and Lewie and
Nelson Wlnslow, were read, fol
lowing the reading closely on a
copy given him.
Northcott then almost shouted
"not guilty" to each count as they
were enumerated. He then began
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for the Coun
ty of Marion, as executrix of the
last will and testament and estate
of George W. Walton, deceased,
and that she has duly qualified as
such executrix; all persons having
claims against the estate of said
decedent are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified,
to me. at the office of Ronald C.
Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon
Building, Salem, Marion County.
Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
27th day of November, 1928.
Executrix of the last will and
died at Gold testament and estate of George W.
v alton, deceased.
Attorney for Executrix,
Salem, Oregon.
N 27 Dec. 4-11-18-25.
At a local hospital, December
4. Sarah Tharp died at the age of
75 years. She Is survived bv one
daughter, Mrs. A. V. Lamox, two
grandchildren, George Lomax of
West Salem and Zella Lomax of
Portland. Funeral services will be
held from the Terwllllger funeral
home Thursday at 1 p. m.. with
committee in Lee Mission ceme
- Vault Entombment
jBt $495
FINE TOaiO reading Ubm. Wa -aura
your glaiaaa gaiast braakafa.
Examination too.
Thempaon-GI Btacb Optleal Co.
11 V. OomnVl IV
John J. Rottle
418 Stat St
Expert Shoe Fitter
daughters. Shirley and Miriam and
Mrs. S. J. Comstock of Silverton.
Friday evening they entertained
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Coffey. Mrs.
S. J. Comstock. Mrs. S. K. Oster
gaard of Silverton. and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Coffey of Spokane
Saturday and Sunday Mr. P. A.
Comstock of Sutherlin was their
Frank Albaugh. who has beenj
ill Is much improved. '
William Higgens of Condon is
spending a couple of weeks at the
Ted Finley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Allen of
Silverton and Mrs. Allen's moth
er. Mrs. Anderson of Salem, were
Sunday visitors at the Frank
Bowers home.
Mrs. E. C. Dye and small daugh
ter, Juanita of Portland spent the
past week at the home of Mrs.
Dye's sister Mrs. P. W. Newswan
ger. Ted Finley left Monday morn
ing for Jefferson to finish a job
of electrical wiring.
Past Matrons
Li w. ej. o. me
Recent Guests
Nicaraguan Lad
Attacked, Killed
No Clue Is Found
BLUEFILEDS. Nicaragua. Dec.
4- AP) The police tonight
were without a clue to the per
petrator or motive in the murder
of Bayard Waters. 19-year old son
of Sir Thomas W. Waters. Thev
could not discover that he had anv
enemies and all of his family, who
are old residents here, are most
popular. .
Sir Thomas, while coming orig
inally from Texas and having fre
quently acted as American consul
here, was knighted by the King of
Denmark last year and is now the
Danish consul in Bluefields.
DALLAS, Ore.. Dec. 4. (Spe
cial) The Past Matrons club of
the Eastern Star lodge was enter
tained by Mrs. W. L. Soehren at
her home at 704 Main street Fri
day afternoon,
Those present were, Mrs. W. L.
Pemberton. Mrs. C. E. Stoats, Mrs.
G. L. Hawkins, O. E. Hayter. Mrs.
Mark Hayter. Mrs. E. A. Hamil
ton. Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Mrs. E.
W. Fuller. Mrs. W. R. Ellis. Mrs.
George Kurre. Mrs. W. L. Soehren
and Mrs. Flora Lowe of Portland.
A delightful luncheon was served
by the hostess.
SJ aVJ PJTl I (14
We have a 1926 model Chryn
ler leather coarh well equipped.
Has run but wry little ami
looks like a new car for $42A.
"The Uoue That Sfrvlco Jtaial
his statement. "I am given evi
dence that John Doe was murder
ed in Riverside county. I have
been cross examined and ques
tioned and subjected to inhuman
treatment ."
The rest of his statement was
lost in emotional choking.
The judge sharply interrupted
the mumbling and announced that
the trial date was set for January
Gordon Stewart Northcott was
returned to hia cell in the Los An
geles county jail tonight, after hie
had led officers on an unavailing
search for lonely graves in the
desert near Victorville, Calif., and
his arraignment on three murder
indictments in Riverside, Calif.
Tomorrow the accused murder
er of four boys will be arraigned
for plea on the charge of killing
"John Doe, Mexican," In court
1 ffi)
Notice is hereby given that the:
undersigned has filed in the)
County Court of the State of Ore.j
ihP Countv of Marion.i
his duly verified Final Account,
as Executor of the last will and
testament and estate of W. H.
Robinson, deceased, and that said
Court has fixed Wednesday, the
26th day of December. 1928, at
the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of
said day, as the time, and th
County Court Room in the County
Court Houe at Salem, in Marion
County, Oregon, as the place for
hearing said final ac.nunt and all
objections thereto.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this
20th day of November, 1928.
Executor of the last will and tes
tament and estate of W. H.
Robinson, deceased.
Attorney for Executor,
Salem, Oregon.
per gallon
Radiators Drained and Refilled
The Station With a Clock Open All Nite
The Capital Drug Store
Announces it's
Fourth Annual
We Board Dogs
at our farm
On Pacific Highway 4 mile
N. of Salem
Telephone 2349M
Dr. Edith V. Witzcl
Osteopathic Physician and Sur.
geon. specializes in diseases of
women and children .
Office 428 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 778 Res. 1251-J
. . -. v Clearance Prices on
V Electric Fixtures
Market Electric Store
Commercial and Marion. ' 1 Tcl 512
December 6-7-8
This nine inch jointed doll given
Free with each purchase of $ I .
Three years ago we instituted doll
days in Salem choosing the first
days of December as the most ap"
propriate time, for this will mean
additional doll gifts for the chil
dren who would otherwise go with
out. There is no extra charge any pur
chase to the amount of one dollar
will give you a doll FREE. Thurs
day, Friday or Saturday.
We want every child
in this vicinity to
have a doll
One that any child can love
In giving these dolls we do so to
show our appreciation for the busi
ness which th epeople of Salem and
vicinity have given us during the
past year. May the kiddies all
have a Merry Christmas.
Owl Agency
405 State Street
IS IS. 8 1
f -Kt . A Iff
i w - V' J if:
I fW Z r ' ' K. Til
V v, 'w.'vi'ri fir
f -V - I . f ill
I . .',-S . V Yti AT
1 -JL' J (iff
' ( i "rr3 lit
: r : j , . 7 if
A rj I Yh:J V
- '- " f. I 'j-l imZ.
Anna i rnocoarrapn imu Biaaas lornee mgn j a
J. H. Wfflett
Corner Liberty
"Only the best"
Tekphone-119". T