The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    Salem's Social Activities
at the Women are Doing
i i
Patriotic Order To
Have Meeting
IHE Marlon County Veterans
association will hold their
semi-annual all-day meeting
on Thursday at the First Christian
church. High and Center 'street.
JL business session will be held in
the forenoon with the president,
Mrs. Little Smith of Salem, pre
siding. Following thr pot:luck
luncheon rt noon, the afternoon
will be deToted to an Interesting
program being arranged by Mrs.
Bertha Loreland, president of the
galem Woman's Relief Corp, and
to a social hour.
All patriotic orders within the
county are invited to attend.
County officers, in addition to
Mts. Smith, the president, are:
Ylce-presldent. Mrs. Mabel Nendel
of Woodburn: secretary, Mrs.
riamnM Shinn of Salem: trea
surer, Mrs. Elsie Simeral of SU
verton; marshall, John Cornforth
of Salem.
Church Affair at
Jason Lee Friday
The full list of chairman and
assistants at the big "church fair"
which will be sponsored by the
Jason Lee Sunday school in the
church basement Friday, Decem
ber 7, has been announced by
Mr. H. B. Carpenter, general
chairman of the fair. They are
as follows:
Refreshments Mrs. Joe Kllng
er. chairman; Mrs. W. J. Barham.
Mrs. Floyd Bacou, Mra. J. A
Farm produce- H. J. Smith,
chairman; F. P. Phlpps..
Grocery supplies E. A. Boyle
chairman; Paul Carpenter, Lu
men Ney.
Needlework boott. Mrs. W. C.
Lewis. Mrs. C. M. Roberts.
Handkerchiefs MUs
m n :
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Oa
" gl
Theie co-eds are smiling because they don't have to o to school
for six months at least not on land, As students of a floating uni
versity they'll do their studying aboard an ocean liner on the high
seas and in foreign ports. They receive a full year's college credit
for their work. Fifty men and 50 women are enrolled. This photo
Was taken when the ship arrived at Los Angeles from New York.
Chorus Concert
Arousing Interest
While Salem musical circles
are Interested in the concert to be
givne by the Salem MacDowell
club chorus Thursday night at the
Grand theatre, not only because of
Elizabeth' their local connections but be-
Klemple, Mrs. Henry Smltn.
Homemade candy Mrs. B. W.
Vick. chairman; assisted by girls
from the Intermediate depart
ment. Punch and cookies Miss Elea
nor Henderson, Miss Ruth Smith.
Toys end novelties Mrs. CI.
F. Hageman, chairman; Mr3. J. L.
Voth. Mrs. A. L. Dark, Mrs. Marie
Putnam, Miss Beuah,
Miss Helen Ney,
Fish pond Ilia. Gordon
Black, chairman, assisted by rep
resentatives of the Intermediate
Antiques and curios Mrs. W.
V. Chadwick. chairman; Miss
Evelyn Cumming. Mias Eleanor
Photographs and fortunes
Miss Bernlce Rlckman, chair
man; Miss Barbara Barham and
Donald Dour!.
Benefit Sale for
Camp Santaly
cause of the talent which this fine
singing aggregation Is showing
under the baton of Miss Ilnnetta
Magers, one other which Is excit
ing much Interest is the appear
ance of Miss Ruth Lorraine
Board Election an
Annual Tea At
Y. W. C.A.
EMBERS and friends of the
Young Women's Christian
Association are cordially
Invited to attend the an
nual membership tea at the Asso
ciation rooms. 128 N Liberty St.
Monday December 10, 1928, at S
The election of new members
Close of the Florentine Trio as an hjor the beard 0f directors will take
packages tor the' rummage sale
to be sponsored next Friday and
Saturday by the camp committee
of the Salem T, W, C, A. are re
quested to be ready for collection
not later than Tuesday night, ac
cording to Mrs. E, T.. Barnes, gen
eral chairman of the Y.. W. camp
committee, and Mia Elisabeth
Bker. reneral secretary of the
Salem Y. W.
The rummage sale Is being
ing held for, a two-fold purpoaej
as a piece of social service
work, supplying clothing to peo
ple much in need of it at a price
within their means, and, secondly
to collect funds to equip the cab
In at Camp Santaly.
All people having rummage for
the sale are asked to bring the ar
ticles to the Y, W, or the Mrs.
Barnes' home, or to phone either
the Y.-W. or Mrs. Barnes and the
articles wBl be called for, Mrs.
Otto Headrlck Is chairman of the
collection committee,
Mrs. E. T. Barnes will be as
sisted on the marking committee
by Mrs. I. H. McMahan and Mn.
B. E.. Carrier. In addition. Mrs 1
McMahan will be cashier of the
- The selling committee Includes
Mrs. W. D. Clarke. Mrs. N. P.
Hoff. Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs B.
E. Carrier and Mrs. R. C. Aiken.
Prof. Magruder
Selected As Speaker
Professor F. A. Magruder. j
professor of political science at the
Oregon State College at Corvallls,
will speak on "Friendship or Bat
tleships?" at the Salem Woman's
club Saturday afternoon. The club
women will bold their only ses
sion this month at that time, with
a business meeting proceeding
Professor-Mcgruder's talk, which
Id scheduled for S o'clock.
"Mrs. Davjd Wright was in
charge of the committee which
made arrangements for the speak
er after it was found impossible
for the scheduled speaker, Dean
J. R. Jewell of the school of vo
catlonal education at Oregon
State College, to come to Salem
Saturday. '
assisting artist.
Miss Close has recently return
ed from a four months European
trip, during which she appeared In
concert in London and Paris and
s'tudied conducting with Andre
Bloch and new Harp repertory
with Marcel Grandjany. Of her
London concert at Wigmore Hall,
on June 23, the Londoa Times
said: "Mise Close Is a very skill
ful player. She managed her tone
graduations well, her harmonics
were clear, and her facility , of
fingering most dexterous." Other
European critics were equally en
thusiastic about the young Port
land woman, who has created a
splendid reputation for herself In
mn Hi mi circles In the Northwest
as solo harpist with the Portland
Symphony orchestra. Other mem
hra of the Florentine Trio are
Marie Chapman McDonald, violin
ist and Ida Mathews, ceiioisi.
Arthur Johnson will be tenor sol
oist with the chorus.
A number of people from near
hr Willamette valley towns are al
so planning to attend the chorus
concert, from word receivea oy
Mrs. Arthur Rahn. president of
the MacDowell club. Prominent
folk from Albany who will be pre
sent at the concert mur-u-j
Mrs. Kocaey
place the same day. It is the policy
of the association to elect seven
board members each year. The to-j
tal membership of the board is
twenty one.
The nominating committee sub
mits the following:
Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Mrs.
Eric Butler, Mrs. Prince Byrd.
Mrs. B. E. Carrier. Mrs. H. A.
Cornoyer, Mrs. Frank M. Erlck
son. Mrs. H. M. Hawkins. Mrs.
William E. Kirk. Mrs. William Mc-
Gllchrist. Mrs. M. L. Meyers, Mrs.
B. C. Miles. Mrs. Glen C. Nlles.
Mrs. Rex Sanford, Mrs. C. A.
Past Matrons Are
Luncheon Guests
Mrs. W. F. McCall, Mrs. W. H.
Llnfoot and Mrs. Al Stelner were
hostesses Saturday to members of
the Past Matrons association, en
tertaining in the Elks clubhouse
with an attractive one o'clock
White chrysanthemums com
bined with holly and tall red tap
ers In sliver holders formed the
attractive decorations for the long
luncheon tables. Covers were
placed tor Mesdames Ida L. Bab-
night will induce Mrs. nutj i . Emm. Murphy Brown, Lena
Mnn Mrs. Flora Mason. rnn1u
Percys Young, and Ima E. French.
Informal Reception ,
At Roberts Home
Mrs. John JL Robert will enter
tain In her home on Court street
Thursday night following the
MieDowell club chorus unrisimas
concert at the Grand theatre, with
an Informal reception nenenng
the chorus director, Miss juinnei
ta Magers, the chorus accompan
ist. Mlse Ruth Bedford, members
of the chorus, assisting artists,
and a number of Salem musicians.
Miss Magers and Mrs. Arthur
Rahn, president of the Mac
Dowell club, will p&ur, and I
group of the chorus members will
assist Mrs. Roberts about the
The Queen Esther society of the
First Methodist church will meet
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o
clock In the Epworth hall. Miss
Mary Trlndle, the newly-elected
president, will have charge of the
meeting, '
Cherrlngton. Alice Coolldge, Cor
delta Cupper, Marian Darby, Haz
el Gillette. Ida Godfrey. Mona
Huser, Mary Johnson, Josle La
Fore, Alice Myers, Mabel Minto.
Ida L. Nlles, Rose Pratt, Flor
ence Reeves, Estella Smith, Lot
tie Smith, Josephine Vass, Elisa
beth Laws, Misa Minnie Moeller,
Miss Leila Johnson, and the hos
tesses, Mrs. McCall, Mrs. Llnfoot
and Mrs, Stelner,
Following the luncheon, a brief
business session was held, and the
afternoon was spent with cards.
Mr a. A. L, Wallace was the
guest of friends in Portland dur
ing the week-end.
See Onr Coats, Dresses and
Millinery at 1-3 to 1-2 Off
Our Regular Low Prices
. Coat & Dress Shop
460 State
Election of officers. Chad-
wiek chapter, O. E. 8.. Ma-
sonic temple, 8 o'clock.
. Salem chapter, American
ture room, 2: SO o'clock.
Program by mixed chorus,,
Jason Lee Memorial church,
8 o'clock.
Young People's Fortnight
ly club of First Congrega-
tlonal church, church parlors,
7: SO o'clock.
Card party. Woman's Alii-
ance of Unitarian church, Mrs.
J. R. Pollock and Mrs. Royce
Allen, 602 North Winter
.street, 2:00 o'clock.
Salem Writer's section of
Salem Arts League, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert C. Paulus, 1156
North Summer street, 8 o'-
Woman's Christian Tern-
perance Union, Union hall at
Commercial and Ferry streets,
2:30 o'clock.
Presbyterian Ladlee' Aid
bazaar. Presbyterian church
building, afternoon and eve
ning. Ladies' aid of Leslie Meth
odist church, church parlors,
2 o'clock.
Woman's Missionary
society of First Methodist
church, church parlors, 2:30
Woman's Home Missionary
society of First Congrega
tional church, Mrs. Charles
Elgin, 24 6 South Cottage
street. 2:30 o'clock.
Sweet Briar club, Mrs. Ed
Pratt, Wallace Road, :00
Woman's Home Missionary
Society of Jason Lee church,
Mrs. Mason, 1610 North Cot
tage street, 2:30 o'clock."
Queen Esther society of
First Methodist church, Ep
worth hall. 7:30 o'clock
St. Paul's Guild. Mrs.
James Walton. 1177 Center
street, 2:30 o'clock.
St. Vincent de Paul Altar
society, election of officers.
Parish hall. 2:30 o'clock.
Benefit card party sponsor-
ed by St. Vincent de Paul Al
tar society, parish hall, 8 o'clock.
Monthly Dakota club din
ner, Leslie Methodist church,
parlors, 6:39'clock.
MacDowell Club Chorus
concert, with Arthur Johnson
and the Florentine Trio as
sisting. Grand theatre build
ing (Calvary Baptist church),
8:15 o'clock.
Chapter G of the P. E. O.
Sisterhood, Mrs. A. T. Wool
pert, 1197 South High street.
2:30 o'clock.
Piety Hill club, Mrs. E. C.
Cross. 2:30 o'clock.
Willing Workers class of
First Christian church, Mrs.
Will May. 1445 South Capitol
street, 2 o'clock.
Marion County Veterans'
Association, First Christian
Church at High and Center
streets; -business meeting, L0
to 12 o'clock; luncheon. 12
o'clock; program and Social
meeting, 2 o'clock,
Annual; bazaar and chicken
dinner, sponsored by Ladies
Aid society of First Methodist
church, church parlors; ba
zaar opens at 10 o'clock, din
ner from 5:30 o'clock.
Church Fair, sponsored by
Jason Lee Sunday school, Ja
son Lee church basement, all
Salem Woman's club, club
house on North Cottage
street. 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. J. N. Canse will report the
general missionary society meet
ing held recently at Wichita,
Kansas, at a meeting of the Wo
man's Home Missionary society
of the Jason Lee Memorial churok,
Wednesday afternoon at the borne
Bridge Club To Be
By Lulu Hunt Peters MIX
flutfior of Diet and HealkhVrf'Diet or ChildnerV
entertaining members of
her bridge club and a small
group of additional guests, includ-
I ing Mrs. Thomas A. Ltvesley, at
j luncheon and an afternoon of
; cards in her home on Lincoln Hill
Members of Mrs. Hawkins
bridge club are Mrs Dan J. Fry,
Jr.. Mrs. W. Connell Dyer. Mrs.
Frits Slade. Mrs. Ercel Xay, Mrs.
Prince Byrd, Mrs. John H. Car
son, Mrs. Ftsluk spears, Mrs. l. a.
Roberts. Mrs. Keith Powell , of
Woodburn. Mrs. Arthur Rahn and
Mrs. Mac Hofer.
m m
Entertained Monday
L'Heur Gaie Club
Mrs. George L. Forge entertain
ed members of the L'Heur Gale
club with a delightful 1 o'clock
luncheon followed by an afternoon
of bridge. In the Elks club Mon
day. Mrs. Rex Davis was an addi- ia possible to abort them
for boils? Shouldn't a
physical examination be
given before treatment is under
taken? A"
A thorough
physical ex
amination at
least once a
year or often- j
er, if there are
any symptoms
la nn of the
wisest of health
rules, for then
any disease
which is Just
beginning may
be aborted, or
tvw Kutrt fiemisJtJJi its course less
ened. However, the local treat
ment of boils should be begun
the moment they make an ap
nearanre. because sometimes it
1. .--:v
i I
tlonar guest for the affair.
A pretty crystal bowl with tiny
yellow chrysanthemums centered
the long luncheon table where cov
ers were placed for Mrs. Davis.
Mrs. Mrs. R. B. Baldock. Mrs.
I Ross Bidwell. Mrs. B. H. Flack.
JMrs. E. E. Ling. Mrs. A. C. Nel
Json. Mrs. C. V. McKelvey. Mrs.
i Harold Hughes. Mrs. Fred P.
,! Thayer. Mrs. John W. Orr. Mrs.
Jm. M. Moore. Mrs. I. Ml. Dough-
' . n . r n.A T I i 1 1 tvi n n sinri thA
ivu, Mim. ui"'
hostess. Mrs. Forge.
Five tables of bridge ; were in
play during the afternoon, with
Mrs. Grover Hlllman receiving the
high score prize. Mrs. ; Hillman
will also be hostess at the next
meeting of the club.
The technical name for boils is
"furuncle". If there is a crop of
boils the condition is known as
"furunculosis." The "phyEical ex
amination should include a blood
and urine examination for sugar.
Sometimes there will be a pre
diabetic stage in which the blood
suttar Is higher than normal, even
while it does not appear in the
urine. Bolls and other skin erup
tions are very frequent In thos
who have a hii?h blood sugar.
(These persons are usually excess
raters of starches and sugars.)
I'll give you a few methods of
tratinr boils. Others you will
find In our articles on the sub
Ject. (See directions for obtain
ing it.)
Local Treatment
1. When the boll Is first not
iced, painting with equal parts
(by weight! of gum camphor and
carbolic add, once or twice
dav. may be effective In making
It disappear without going on to
suDDuration. Lacking this rem-;
edy. try iodin or mercurochrome
or ichthyol. ,
2. Hot compresses, frequently
applied make them of absorbent
cotton or guaze dipped In hot bor
acic acid solution one table
spoonful of the powder, or crys
tals dissolved In a pint of water.
Do not use poultices' of any kind.
After Treatment
1. After the boil is healed,
bathe the parts morning and
night with the boracic acid solu
tion. It is also wise to rub the
boracic acid solution all over the
PRECAUTION: Do not squeeze
a boil until it is thoroughly
"ripe" and then'' fSently. for
squeezing it injures the tissues
and makes the boil worse. Never
squeeze a Don on me upper up.
on account of the infection's
gaining entrance to the nose lym
phatics and blood vessels and to
the brain.
M. Your questions could be
answered only by a surgeon who
pamphlet on reducing and gala
ing. 10 cents in coin, with fully
self-addre ed. stamped envelope.
must be enclosed. Address Dr.l
Peters in care of this newspaper.
Tomorrow: Protein Needs for.
the Old.
Golden- Wedding
Observed Quietly-
Annual Bazaar at
Knight Memorial
Women of the Knight Memor
ial church are perfecting plans
for their annual bazaar and chick-
onA u Rtm PhilliDS11 P'e supper wmcn wm u- m-iu
'I-.,' fiftieth :in the church Tuesday. The ba-
wedding anniversary in their homezaar will be an all-day affair, and
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, tne supper win oe sen
.v. marril in' Princeton. o clock to 8.30 o clock
t Mm t nrn in 1904 1 Mrs. E. M. McKey, chairman of
h hW lived in Salem since! the bazaar committee, is being as-
isisted by Mrs. B.
that time. L. r,.J .
. uvr,iinn was not Mrs. Charles Eyre,
held, due to Mrs. Phillip's serious
illness during tne past rive
j months. While Mrs. rraimps is
convalescing, she was not suin
clently recovered to permit any
extensive plans being made for the
observance of the golden wedding.
The nine children born to Mr.
and Mrs. Phillips are: Mabel, of
Portland: Bllse of Woodburn;
Dow. of Oregon City;. Elijah, of
Miami. Arizona: Helen, of Port
land: Douglas, of Monterey Park.
E. Edwards.
and Mrs. W
F.. .Neptune. Tne dinner com
mittee included Mrs. J. M. Robert
son, chairman, Mrs. Harry Ros
and Mrs. S. F. Anderson.
Mrs. Miller Is
Hostess Saturday
Mrs. E. A. Miller- was hostess
at a delightfully informal dinner
in her-home on South High street
Saturday night. ' The dining
Calif.; Mr. Ruth P"erV4,j table, with covers placed for Mr.
saiem; aim, jr., ui i. -
JerSey; Dorothy of Portland.
W w
Altar Society to
Sponsor Card Party b
and Mrs. F. D. Bowman, Mrs. m
dian Allen, Miss Doris Allen,
Thomas Allen, and the hostess
was attractively centered with
The Great
Only Original -t
Prof. S. Stevens
Spiritual Medium
TELLS, names, dates, tacts
Past. Present. Future. Every
thing you desire to find oat con
cerning yourself or others. Re
garding ycur business transac
tions, your Love Affairs, Mar
liage, Lost or Stolen Property
Travels, Changes, Law, Health
Buried Treasures. Estates, Wills
Deeds. Mortgages. Affairs of th4
Heart. Who is True or False
Who is your rival. Partners
Who ia true or deceiving you. NJ
matter what is worrying you 01
perplexing you, see him at once
He Sees. Knows and Tells you thtl
End in the Beginning. Don't maktl
any deal before first consulting
the MASTER MIND. He can tel
you everything you want to know
Delves into the future. Turn
back to your past life as If i
were the Pages of a Book. Show:
you where you have made, mis
takes. What you should hav
done. What you are doing now
had charge of vmir brother's rase.! What you should do. How to d
No. the electric treatment tnat
was given to tne leg wouia noi
have caused the bone to crumble.
It is possible tha! tuberculosis
settled in the original injury, as
this does happen, especially in
bones. The ultra-violet ray and
the sunlight treatments are given
for bone tuberculosis with great
M. wants to know how often a
person should rinse his mouth
with antiseptic solutions to be as
sured of one's breath?
Rinsing the mouth to be sure
of ones breath. M I realize yon
mean to be assured there isn't
halitosis is a futile gesture, like
putting on perfume to cover an
odor. The thing to do fa to find
out the cause of the bad breath.
inis may arise irom Pad teetn or
tonsils or catarrh especially
with Infected sinuses indiges
tion, etc.
We have articles on Balanced
Diet, and Colds. Catarrh, etc,
which you may have.
Editor's Note: Dr. reters canT
not diagnose nor give personal
advice. Your questions. If of gen
eral Interest, will be answered in
the column. In turn. Requests for
a ruiiy self-addressed.
envelope and 2 cents In coin for
each article , to cover cost of
printing and handling. For the
it to bring the Greatest success!
What you are going to do. TIN
obstacles you will meet. How tJ
. . a li'
do it ana saieguara yourseu
Have you a Problem you wis:'
Solved, or a secret wish you wouK
like to attain? There is no hear,
so sad and dreary but what Sun
.-nine can enter. No matter wha
your troubles are or what secrei
trouble annoys you, Prof. S. Stev
ens can and will help you straight
en out your deeptest difficulties!
Law Matters, Mining, Real Estatt
Oil, Mines. When to buy or sel'l
It anyone is taking advantage
you. Reunites the separatee
Causes Speedy and Happy Mai
riage with the one you love. Ar
you undecided what to do abob
any matter. Nothing Is hlddej
from this Great Spiritualist M;j
dlum. He will tell you what yo
want to know, be it good or had
a short time.
Hours 10 A. M. till 12 NOON.
Dec. 10, 1928
of Mrs. Mason, 1610 North cot
tage street. Miss Wens will lead
the devotions and Mrs. Scharff
will give the lesson.
Members of the St. Vincent de
Paul Altar society are entertain
ing with a benefit cara pan
Wednesday ?gbt at the parish
hall. The playing will ' begin at
8 o'clock and prizes are being
Mrs. J. L. Bernard!, chairman
of arrangements for the benefit, is
being assisted by Mrs. J. Albright.
Mrs. Lee Abbe, Mrs. Coffey and
Mrs. Clements.
The Willing Workers clofcs of
the First Christian cnurcii win
hold a meeting at the : home of
Mrs. Will May. 1445 Seuth Cap
itol street, -Thursday afternoon be
ginning at 2 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paulus
will entertain the Writers' sec
tion of the Salem Arts League at
their home. 1155 North Summer
street, Tuesday night.
't e :
Dr. and Mrs. R. L, Tower re
turned to their home In Seattle
after visiting several days at the
home of Mrs. Tower'si parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Martin,
'We Cater to Men, Who Buy for WWen"
One will always be safe in jrivinj? a moat
appropriate gift if one selects Hosiery.
Regardless of how many pairs one may
have, one never ha enough and a new pair
of silken' hose will strike a joyous note in
m'lady's Christmas carol.
' A Debt To One Is Known To All!
s This1 is the slogan of the Marion and Polk County
Credit Boards. . It doea not refer to current bills, but V
only q delinquent accounts..
Do you want every business and professional man in ;
this county to know that you owe a bill and have re-.,
fused or neglected to pay it?
We protect "the credit of customers who meet their: r
obligations promptly . " ."
Pioneer Service Co., Inc.
v State Headquarters, Eugene, Oregon
rr "i "n I -
v.- .-;--, 1;,, .. t
;the -modern
pre always
Clytie x
, Graeten
Beige de Or
Santa, who surely knows best,
always taya, "Dolls". Wt heartily
agree, and suggest one of these more
beautiful and durable American-made
dolls from our large assortment In
all the favored styles and sizes infant
doUs, stately girl dolls, and novelty
dolls of all kinds' - -
From $1.00 to $15.00
) . '. V j i
These beautiful silken
hose come in the service
weights or -in the sheer
chiffons. Packed in the
Christmas g i 1 1 boxes,
(as we do our hosiery
without any extra
charge), these dainty,
plain and clocked hose,
with fancy pointed, nar
row ,and ; Gordon V line
- . heels, rnake an exception
- al'gift. Special prices on
"' three pairs.