The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 04, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tfo TTVk OteRf stAirssnar, Sga, Orggsg. -rto25y Horary, TftctuSzr?,
Local News Briefs;
Mr. Denhem Here E. Dan
ham, farmer residing out from
Woodburn, was a business visitor
to this city Monday.
Astoriaas Visit Mr., and Mrs.
Robert Ford arrived Monday from
Astoria-to visit at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Hunter Fined 'William Dough
ty was fined $25 in justice court
here Monday for hunting on pri
rate property without permission.
CorvallLs Man Flnded E. F.
Rowland of Corrallls was fined
$10 justice court here Friday for
driving with more than three In
the front seat of his car.
Dr. Banrmaa Enronte -Dr. J,
Shelly Saurman will return tp Sa-;
lem Wednesday from an extensile
trip through eastern centers, ac
cording to word recalled here
Oak Ridge Folk Here Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Jones of Oak Ridge
were Monday visitors to Salem.
Mr. Jones is a member of the
board of directors in the school
Barrys Vlait Here Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Barry of the Rock
Point school district were Monday
callers at the office of the county
school superintendent.
Planning Skating Party The
Jxmior chamber of commerce of
the senior high school will hold a
skating party at the Dreamland
rink Saturday, December 15.
Miss Muriel Wilson is faculty ad
visor to the group.
Juvenile Officer Visits Miss
Agnes M. Pitchford, juvenile of-?
ficer of Douslas county, whd
wears a "Deputy Sheriff," was in
Salem Monday visiting Miss Nona
AVhite, juvenile officer of Marion
count v." Miss Pitchford's head
quarters are in Roseburg.
lieex Estate ApprnlsoU Inven
tory and appraisement filed in
-probate here Monday in the "mat
ter of the estate of the late John
Keer. estimates the estate at $5.
62.56. Appraisers are E. J.
Charlesworth. R. E. Skaife and
Martin Lorence.
Returns From Xewbrg Ger
trude J. M. Page, local, realtor,
returned Sunday from .&e,1fbrg,
where she had been for fnbtihan
a week. She went there to spend
a week-end with friends, and con
tracted a severe cold which made
it necessary for her to prolong
her stay. ... .
Open Meeting Members of the
Knights and Ladies of the Maca
bees are requested each to bring
a guest to the open meeting to be
held in McCornack hall Wednes
day night, beginning at 8 o'clock.
A social evening will be held, with
out-of-town visitors expected.
Dr. Warner To Portlands Dr.
Estella Ford Warner, director of
the Marion county -child health
demonstration, was a Monday vis
itor to oPrtland, where she ad
dressed th Men's club of the
First Congregational cbttreh , of
that city at a . luncheon meeting.
Mrs. Johnson In Portland
Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson is expect
ed to return this week from St.
Helens, where with Mr. Johnson
she has been since Thanksgiving.
Mr. Johnson returned Sunday to
occupy his pulpit at the Leslie
Memorial church. t tJr
Banquet Postponed Thin fath
er and son banquet whicWas to
have been held tonight ikthe
Leslie Memorial church has Seen
postponed, it was announced .last
night. The banquet will be held
later, although the exact date is
not known.
Playlet Given A clever play
let, "Photographing the Family,"
.was presented by members of the
Highland Girl Reserves at the
Highland school Monday after
noon. Those in the cast were
Hallie Chamberlain, Ruth Saw
yer, Evelyn Nelson, Eleanor Cur
tis. Alia Graber, Arline Moffat t
and Jane1 Keith. A number of
new members were initiated.
Teachers Have "Fla A num
ber of teachers In the " Salem
schools are suffering attacks of
the influenza, with thtr following
absences reported to the office of
the city superintendent Monday :
Mary Eyre, -history teacher In the
high school; G. W. Harra, chem
istry, high school; and Miss Anna
Miles of the Leslie junior high.
Substitutes are: ' Mrs. Winifred
Walker, Mrs. Applewhite, Mrs.
J. W. Nash.
Dr. Evans Arrives Dr. Lester
lv Evans, director of hospital ser
vice for the Commonwealth Fund,
New York City, with Mrs. Evans
and their daughter Charlotte, at.
rived in Salem early Monday to
spend 10 days at the child health
demonstration. This is his first
visit to the west. Dr. Evans was
formerly pediatrician for the
health demonstration at Fargo, N.
' ' -
Winners Ready Soon Elimina
tion contests are being held in
the Salem schools to determine
the winner of the safety first
speaking contest as a part of the
safety first program sponsored In
Soeeder Is Fined J. F. Dlmlck
was fined $15 hi Justice court Fri
day for speeding.
Glass Broken C. Klttleson was
fined $25 in circuit court here Fri
day for having broken a. glass bot
tie on the highway. ; ? .
, Cause At Independence Presi
dent J. M. Canse of Kimball
School of Theology preached
Sunday morning at the Metho
dist church la Independence.
Fined Account Filed Final ac
count has been filed in probate in
the matter of the estate of the late
H. W. Timm. Date of final hear
ing has been set for January 2.
Envoy at Willamette Envoy
Walter Jeffrey of the Salvation
Army presented several vocal and
instrumental numbers . at the
Willamette university chapel
Monday. He was introduced by
Captain Williams of the local
Teacher Absent Mrs. Lillian
Van Loan, director of the part
time continuation school in Sa
lem is confined to her home at
McMinnville with the influenza.
Miss Lilah Hollo way of the Par
riah junior high school will take
charge of the part trine students
until Mrs. Van Loan returns.
Market Road Asked Another
market road for Marion was asked
Friday when, a petition was filed
with the county court asking es
tablishment of two and a half
miles o market road on the St.
Louis-Champoeg route.
Plan Christinas Program The
church school board of the First
Methodist church met Monday
night to complete plans for the
Christmas celebration, which will
include the Christmas World Ser
vice offering from the Sunday
school classes of the First Metho
ami cnurch, and a program on
Sunday evening, December 23
Inspect YiLnplione H. F.
Barnicoat. eng'oeer for Electrical
Uesearch Prodact3 Inc., spent two
days fcoing' over the Vitaphone
equipment at Bligh's Capitol the
atre. Mr. Barnicoat reports that
al of the Vitaphone theatres in
the northwest are enjoying a won
derful business with the new talk
ing pictures.
District Conference The Sa
lem district conference of Metho
dist churches will be held in the
First Methodist church December
14 with Bishop Titus Lowe of
Portland delivering the sermon in
the evening. Laymen of the
Methodist churches are being in
vited to attend the session with
their pastors.
Flag Bearer Passes William
Casteline, 77, flag bearer for the
local branch of the Salvation
Army for many years, passed
away nere r riaay. Aitnougn re
ports some two years ago had 4
that he had been left a large sum
of money by an eastern .relative.
the money apparently had not been
forthcoming. up until the time of
Casteline's death. --w-
Dr. Doner In - Portland for.
Carl G. Doney president ofWil-
lamette university, spent Monday
in Portland meeting with the com
mittee in charge of the drive for
completing the university's en
dowment campaign. The meet
ing had been postponed in order
that Bishop Titus Lowe, who has
been in the east, might meet
with the committee.
Post off ice Sends Warning
Nearly 5,000 small dodgers ask
ing Salem residents to get their
Christmas mail into the postofflce
before December 15 have been
placed in mail boxes in Salem, Ar
thur E. Gibbard, assistant post.
master, said Monday. This cov
ers the town pretty well. The
mail wagons-will soon be bearing
the seasonal posters.
Council To Meet The teach
ers' council of the Salem Teach
ers' association will meet today at
4:15 o clock in the senior high
school building. Delegates to the
Oregon State Teachers associa
tion will be elected. A report will
be made -upon observance of
Thrift week in the local schools.
Miss Signe Paulson, Miss Dorothy
Taylor and Miss Eras Sadler are
members of the thrift committee
Men's Meeting The Hen's
Council of the First Methodist
church will meet Wednesday
night at 7:30 o'clock in the
church parlors. Following a bus
iness sesion three moving picture
reels will be shown by Dr. David
Bennett Hill, including "Eight
Thousand Miles With Lindberg."
The Climb Around MU Hood
Loop ; and : to the Summit and
four hundred feet or exceptional
funnies." Refreshments will be
served - at - the close of the meet'
Ing.,-,-";; ,. -
Two Cars Collide An auto driv
en by J. R. Payne, salesman of
this city, was in an accident on
the Pacific highway shortly before
6 p. m. Friday, the other car be
ing a truck owned by J. W. Cun
ningham of Portland. Payne's car,
a two-door sedan, was badly dam
aged but not overturned and
Payne and Miss Ellen Currln, who
was also in the auto, were-eut- by
flying glass. Mrs. Payne, who
was riding, on the opposite side
i the machine from the side which
the truck struck, escaped without
the schools by the Salem Advertls-Cftnjury. The accident occurred
Inx club. The school winners in
the speaking contests, one from
each school, will be guest? of the
Ad club at a banquet, to be held
soon. Other contests in the safety
project are also being completed
or judged now. Including the post
er and poem competition. . -
Doctors. Dentists To Meet A
joint meeting of the ' Polk-Yam-hill
dental society' and the Polk-
Yamhill-Marloa medieal . society
will be held at the , Gray Belle
here tonight, beginning at 4 7:30
o'clock. : Dr. H. C. Flxott of. Pert-
land, whose speciality is radi
ography of the teeth. : jaws and
bead, will present material of in
terest to both groups. Dr. E: H.
Hobson ot . this city will . give a
short talk upon the laws for pre
scription and use of narcotics. . -
just north of the Lake Lablsh sec
tion. :
PHONE727 v,
Oregon Oectrip ly.fs
Willamette Valtey Line f
WVSZ TO&IO VMtftaf ItuM. W te
lr your ftaa giM4 . kmkm.
Rmaaiuti to. . i- -
Tboxnpeoa-Orliitacb Optical Cow
lie m. c i'i st.
Clyde " Johnson m CAvdm R
Johnson Of ' tha CI. W lahnmii
Clothing company, is seriously 111,
His daughter has been called h Amu
from O. S. C. to be with him. 1
..Miller, Estate 589.27 Inven
tory and- appraisement filed in
probate here I Monday t estimates
the estate at $539.27. Appraisers
are Otto H. Hunt, William Olden
burg and George Thompson.
Market Road Asked Another
petition for a market road was fil
ed with the Marion county court
here Monday. The petition, signed
by George A. Etzel and others, has
to do with seven miles of the pre
sent Fern Ridge county road.
Pool Hall Planned W. N
Wells has applied to the city of
ficials for a permit to operate a
pool hall at 2020 Capitol street.
in the Hollywood district. The
petition has been turned over to
the police committee of the city
council for -Investigation.
'Boys' tliorns The Salem Boys'
chorus will give a concert with "a
group of special numbers. In the
Jason Lee church tonight at J
o'clock. The program is being
given for the benefit o the church
brotherhood benefit fund, and a
small admission charge will be
Suit Money Asked A motion
demanding $100 attorneys fees
and $35 court costs was filed in
circuit court here Monday by Mar
ie Payne Lynch in her suit against
Victor Francis Lynch. She filed
suit Saturday to have a marriage
decree annulled, claiming that
she was forced into it bv his
fraudulent representations.
Title in Issue- Suit to quiet
title to certain real property and
to have it sold and the money di
vided among the plaintiffs, was
filed In circuit court here Monday.
Plaintiffs are Alfred C. Murray
and a- long list of others. Defen
dants are Edward Trippett and
secona retition Flel Not con
tent with filing one petition, back
ers 01 the proposed market road
from St. Louis station west to the
intersection of the Salem-Cham-
poeg road filed a second petition
with the county court Monday
me second petition contains a
long list of names that did not ap
pear on the first paper.
Liqnor Owners Fined John
Schnee, 45, and Isadore Schnee,
84, his father, were fined in jus
tice court Monday when they ad
mitted possession of a quantity of
wine. The older man was fined
$50 and his son $200. The young
er man took most of the blame on
himself. Both are residents of
Mount Angel.
Larceny Case Dismissed The
case against Dale Fineerhooth.
charged with larceny of a trailor,
was ordered dismissed by Justice
of the Peace Small Monday when
evidence was introduced to show
that the defendant the trailor un
der a conditional, sales contract.
Costs were assessed against Ed
ward Buncb, private prosecutor.
Mrs. Perkins Recovers Mrs.
Etta Perkins, 345 South Capitol
street, who has been a patient at
the Deaconess hospital" fore some
time,, has sufficiently improved
that she was .able to leave the
hospital Monday . for the Metho
dist old" people's home on Center
street- ., I '
Undergoes Operation Frank
Shackman. 622 North High street.
underwent an. operation for ap
pendicitis at the Deaconess hospi
tal Monday night. 5,
Injures "Leg D. W. Peterson,
254 North Front street and an
employ of the Starr Canning
company, injured his leg while at
work Monday morning. He was
taken to the Deaconess . hospital
for treatment.
Falls to Stop J. Gunther was
arrested Sunday; by city police on
charges of failing to stop at - a
through street intersection. .- -
Mr. Compton Here R. F.
Compton of Portland arrived
Monday for a two-day business
vjslt here. He is a guest at the
New Salem. ,,
Rankins Here Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh B. Rankin of Medford reg-
ilstred Monday at the Marion.
Plana Thrm Dwllisir V T.
Odom took oat permits Monday
to build three houses; one at 2065
Breyman street costing $4000, one
it ZU4& Brerman costinr X2500.
and one at 510 North 20th street
costing $4 ffOO. 1
Speeding Charged Clarence V.
Woolery, Salem route 7; Melvin
Millott, 1140 South Commercial
street, and A. W. WInslow, Salem
route 7, were fined $5 each In
police court Monday on charges of
speeding. All were arrested Sunday.
Large Beet Grown A larre
beet grown by Otto II. Hunt of
Keizer bottom is on disolav at the
Anderson and Rupert real estate
race. The beet Is nearly two feet
long, excluding the top, and Is ap
proximately 15 inches around at
the largest part.
Here on Business J. P. Bouf-
ford, representative of the Barde
steel company of Portland, is a
business visitor in Salem and is
stopping at the New Salem while
Baker Man Here L. Ci. Bowns
of Baker Is a Salem business vis
itor. He is a former proprietor of
the Gei8er Grand hotel in the eas
tern Oregon city.
Recklessness Charged G 1 e n
Mathis, Salem route 9, and Clair
Kellar, route 8, were arrested
Sunday on charges of reckless
driving. Kellar was also charged
with driving before he had reach
ed the legal age for operating a
motor vehicle.
Lights Improper Floyd Gos
hong, Albany route 2, and R. S.
Flint, 1393 North Commercial
street, were arrested Saturday
night on charges of operating mo
tor vehicles without proper lights.
Blanket Stolen Ralph Mason,
1135 North 18th-street, has re
ported to the police that a blanket
was stolen from his car while it
was parked Saturday night.
Wltkaat frmtla ( taw at Mat.
in cikM. Bid.
Sure Way to
Stop Coughing
This Prescription Relieves
s Almost Instantly
Coughing Is usually due to caus
es which patent medicines and
cough syrups do not reach. How
ever, Thoxine, a famous doctor's
prescription relieves . coughing
with : the yery first : swallow. It
works on an entirely different the
ory, has a double action, relieves
the irritation and goes direct to
the internal cause.; '
Unlike most cough medicines,
Thoxine contains no chloroform.
dope, or other harmful drugs. Safe
for the whole family. Also excel
lent for sore throat. Quick relief
guaranteed or your money back.
35c, COc, and $1.00. Sold by
Perry's Drug- Store. adv.
Head Noises, Ear Aches
fr B
Rrtaf - mad kUala
oaada. diacaarf. aaiaa,
Utv aad tar
ara, ail aar aram troabl.
T wilt turfrlitd
haw ewSckly Avriaa wlU
b1b yaa. Xa may ba a
chraaia laac-tlaaa aaf
farar.yaa may tri4
maay tabic wttkaut ra
llai; ant aa aat dva na
kapa aafara roa kaaw
what Aaiiaa -Kar Bal
aam caa da far you. - Dr.
Bdward Kalar. at. XX,
aald. -Aarlaa kelaai
a aai ir
vr varyaaaaa. nci aayiaa aapaaatya iraat-
ad aajor ta atortaaa raliaf tha
aaara taaa 1 athara kaya faaad la
Aarlaa. A faw draaa la aaca, car aad ra-,
Hat eamaa laataatlr. Mr. R- P.. Uxwll
A watr-kamwa SharlaT. aaya Jaa
atarta alaf ay attaad aatila mmd aaa
ylad ta atata that 1 cm mum bear nr
tick. Tatar waa taa Arat tlaa laia
a' I haaV taa caarek kailaUc'
Xa mattar kow atubbara ar arbat . nap
j tranbta la, yaa muit try Aarlaa.- Na rtak.
! a akaaca. aa aavfel Aarlaa aaaat 4a tka
! wark ar eat ya aatk!av . . .
avyEmm ciokxt-s2ack cuaramtzz
; ccszzs wrra cvkxy faemakx
For Sale, Iterouuncnded ami Guar,
anteed by the Perry Drag S cr?
. and oilier leading drags 'sta. ."
Concert Grand Opera Hoase
Thursday eve, Dec C. 8:15. Adm.
$1.00, 75c, and 50c;. Tickets on
sale at Will's Musle store. I.
Picture For 3u-iatniaa
. Etchings, feathered bird pic
tures, tinted photographs of Ore
gon scenes, reproductions of fa
mous paintings. Presnall's. 4155
Court Street. r
Christmas Card Problems
Easily solved Just phone COO
and ask our salesman to call with
samples. Commercial Printing
Dept. Statesman Publishing Co..
tit JS. Commercial.
"Emu JetUck r
Footwear, easy, comfortable,
smart, stylish and at a price you
can afford to pay. See the new
ones at Miller's.
Slake Your Feet Glad
, WitlrEnna Jettlck footwear.
New model plus our regulation
styles now on display at Miller's.
Hnu Jettlck Footwear '
Always $5.95 pair. Try these
and know the joy of real foot
comfort. Miller's.
Aprons For Christmas
Upstairs 265 S. Commercial.
Loanson Salary Furniture
Automobiles 2nd mortgages
and contracts. Oregon Industrial
Loan Co., 411 Masonic Bldg.
Ruy Xwv t j , j
The Silverton mill will shut
down soon. Get your partly sea
soned 16" old fir mill block wood
now, off the car. It is good fur-
Guaranteed Shed Drv W
Coal prompt delivery, Tel. 13.
Say It With Filberts
On Christmas. Ask any bank.
Prices on Toys Lower at
Hamiltons', 340 Court street.
Dollar Dinner
Every nlft-hl 6:30 to I at the
Marlon hotel.
For Rent v .
Four room house. Partly fur
nished, 337 N. Cottage street.
Furniture Upholsterer
And repairing Giese-Powers
Furniture Co.
Say it With Filberts
On Christmas. Ask any bank
flO.OO For Buits or Overcoats
Two for $30.00. Brin friend.
and leave measure. Sample suit
on display. 442 State Street.
HacDowell Club Chorus
We have a 1026 model Chrys
ler leather coach well equipped.
Has run bat very little and
looks like new car for $425.
The House That Servica rlalif
nace or heater wood. Phone 1642
Fred E. Wells. .
Dr, J. Shelley Saurman after an
extended trip east will be in his
office on Wed. Dec 6th, 1928.
Xewly Finished Unfurntehe!
3 room apt., Virginia apts. 879
N. Liberty.
Makes Trip North W. L. Phil
lips of the Valley Motor company,
Is visiting in Woodland, Wash.,
this week-end.
Fostoria Glassware In Many
Patterns, a single piece or a
set will make a wonderful gift.
Pomeroy & Keene gift room.
3 Salem Homes of Furniture
Goes at auction Wed. nite 7
p. m, at F. N. Woodry's only auc
tion market and furniture store
located at 1610 N. Summer.
John J. Rottle
415 State St.
Expert Shoe Fitter
- SHARP ; ,
Funeral services will be held at
the Rigdon parlors at 10:30 o'
clock this morning for John H.
Sharp. 5 7," who died Nov. 29, at
Roseburg. Interment In the Odd
Fellows cemetery. Two brothers,
Frank W. of Roseburg and Emory
of Salem, and one sister, Mrs.
Florence Taylor of San Francisco,
Georpe P. Griffith died at o'
clock Sunday night at the family,
home at the age "of nearly "49
years. He had been confined to the -
home for two years. Funeral ser-"
vices will be held Tuesday at 2 ,
o'clock at the Rigdon parlors, with
Dr. Carl G. Doney giving an ad
dress and the Elks lodge in .
charge. The American Legion will '
hare charge of entombment at the'
ML Crest Abbey mausoleum.
25 Per Gallon
Radiators Drained and Refilled
The Station With a Clock
Open All Nile
Vanlt Entombment
We Board Ddgs
at our farm
On Pacific Highway K mile
N. of Salem
Telephone 2349M
A valuable Remedy in the
Treatment of
Ulcerated or Inflamed ;
Price 50 Cents'
Manufactured and Sold by;
185 X. Com'l. St. Phone 197
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem.
Penslar Agency
906 First National Bank Bldg-.
Salem, Oregon
Clearance Prices on
Electric Fixtures
Market Electric Store
Commercial and Marion.
Tel. 512
33V2 Discount
a?asa w 4 r aFajapaaaBjaBaaaa)ajsaBBaajB
i '-!? iivn awn "
On AU Picture Frames
Beautiful Frames -fitted, in-i
eluding -glass, as low as . .
f I -
i yJI3a3
. ' r1- ' '"
I 429 Oregon Bldg.: VI . - :l Phone 951
Only $179 complete -
1929 High-boy console
f Atwater Kent Model 40
yensen Dynamic
Exclusive with Sherman, Clay & Co.
Only the huge buying power of more than forty Sher
man, Clay & Co. stores has made this great radio value
possible. Imagine Atwater Kent Radio, Model 40
the Jensen Dynamic Speaker a de luxe, wamut-finished
high-boy console, including seven A. C. tubes, $179!
Atwater Kent, Model 40,
marks a decided radio ad
vance: greater sensitivity; finer
reproduction of the higher
register; new power pack of
the most approved type; in
creased volume.
Combined with the yensen
Dynamic Speaker, this set
affords remarkable traeness,
clarity, and brilliance of re
production . The Jensen Audio
Transformer is the connecting
link between this far-famed
Dynamic Speaker and At
water Kent's most popular
radio. This set is A.C. operated
simply plug into the nearest
electric-Hght socket; no bat
teries. Convenient terms.
Get your radio now!
Eveready Hour
Cliquot Club.Eskimos
Palmolive Hour
Wrigley '
Philco Hour v
Lucky Strike ;
Tuesday 6 :00 to 7 :00 p.m. KGW
Tuesday ' 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. KGW
Wednesday , 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m. KGW
Thursday 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. .KGW
Friday; , 6:00 to 6:30 pirn. KGW
Saturday 6 :00 to 7 :00 p.m. KGW:
Saturday 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. KGW
130 S, High St. , -s r . - . .
, - . ,f. '?" - -V and 40 other Coast Cities, Including"
GX West Broadway ' 1325 Commerce Ave.: '
- Eugene, Oregon V ; : : . Longview, Wash.' , ,
Sixth and Morrison Sts Portland, Ore.
Phone 2234
Terminal Stage Bldj.
Corvallis Oregca