10 lT'S ill VE z UAO THIS FIRST Byra im Larry Brownlac bM Dea rM onry a snort um. it naa Dcn at first slfcbt betwn a man who ited Ufa to move swlfUr and excit- fy and a girl of golden beauty, aim. pty broucbt op In a small town, who expected to settle down and have a iMsae ana children There were many thing that threat ened their happiness light from the cdnnlnc: Larry's partnership with NSMsmipuloas Jack Duncan in a spec. - venture, floatln the stock of ta Builders Supply company, Larry's cMtinual wane from By rd father, whe was president of a bank In Jack sonville; the succession of parties with a sast-mvlnc crowd, consisting of Tiny aaw Fred Oberman. Jack and Margy Etancan, Chet Everson and India Camp- n, a former sweetnean or uarry s ; Laftt'b KrowtnK extravagance ; his re fusal to break off his friendship with India ; lastly their Increasing- number ee quarrels over bills, over liquor, over card games, over all sorts 01 auier- Byrd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamil tesv arrived to spend a week with taem. Mrs. Hamilton, who loved to Maage other people's affairs, was bit ter in her criticism of Byrd's extrav agant manner of living; and Byrd's friends. Byrd couldn't tell her the truth without Involving Larry. Her Barents fall for Larry's clamorous per seaality, and her father gave him an other loan. Before they left. Mr. Hamilton con fided to Byrd his greatest worry, which was Pat. Byrd s young sister, who was "hitting the trail like the rest mi these vouna eolta" It was arranged that Pat spend the summer with Larry aaa Byrd. Pat coming bad more ser ious results than anyone anticipated. (NOW GO ONvTlT THE STORY) CHAPTER XXVI TT was Just a week after Byrd's parents had returned to Jack sonville when Pat arrived. Larry's attitude was enigmati cal, for be bad seemed delighted with the arrangement when they first discussed it with her father aaa mother. Now he had grown greuchler and grouchier each day over the prospect of having one ore person In the little apart saent. He would wait until it was tee) late to write, thought Byrd. with an agony of pain wrenching her heart. How In the world were they go tag to put three people In the breakfast alcove, he wanted to kaow. Pat would have to use the tm-a-door bed that opened Jnto the Irving room, and a sixteen-year-old ought to be in bed at nine o'clock, or ten at the latest. Where was he apposed to spend his evenings? Sitting In the kitchen. Or take bis books and papers into the broom closet? pat was too young to be of any help at a party, and too old to be told to stay at home every sight. What were tfiey going to do with her?Well, he'd, be darned If he'd torn nursemaid .'He hadn't gotten used to being married to a person, not to mention two. He wound up each diatribe by wondering why he'd gotten mar riod. anyway! Patiently ByrdV?ir$red every Ingle queruloustt&tement. "Why, Larry, I hadn't the least 4ea you weren't wiling to have Pat come up for a little while." she burst out. In tearful exasper ation. "You told father you were going to be out of town practical ly all the time now since you and Jack decided to work the small towns around the state first, and It would be company for me." Silver sheets of brimming blue water filmed Byrd's deep-set eyes. "That" another thing again." argued the argumentative Larry. kid her age- is bound to want lot of excitement. She'll be drag ging the entire neighborhood In ail hours of the day and night." "I can manage her," answered Byrd quietly. " umph ! " shrugged Larry, with a belittling shoulder. "You!" You'll have Just about as much in fluence with her, as a fly with a monkey. Well, If she starts going a pace, I'll take a hand." " umph!" thought Byrd to herself, with a scornful mental gesture. The idea of Larry managing any woman was ridiculous. Still, if he felt responsible for Pat, as a mem ber of bis family, who, like her self, was expected to reflect only credit on its male member, Larry's Influence might have a chastening effect even on the irrepressible Pat. "She's probably got the appe- w o a yan." said Larry, grinding. "You needn't worry about the expense," said Byrd, quickly. "aru take care of that." Byrd felt a momentary resent vnat Larry could borrow money with such equanimity from box father and Quibble Ilka thi. ever a little added expense to the gjweery DUX. "Dott't you really want Pat to mboI "i Byrd eyed Larry ehallen- sgly. for her deep love for Lar ry wouldn't swerve her from her "a duty toward her sister rwrtans It wouldn't be to bad. she decided, with sudden Intuition, to permit the tlnjest little breech to take place between her father and Larry, Oh, let herr como Larry de- cs magnanimously, fbut for s-eco-s sk, see that sbe doesn't a wviua us au me VIM. And nw here she wasOr rath er here Cy, wore! ITorjome inex plicable reason, Instead of sending Pat to the apartment In a taxi, as ho said ho would do, Larry was escorting her In person. Byrd could hear their gay voices echo ing down the corridor. She frown ed. What a racket they were mak ing. "Here's the Jazx kid!" Larry said, as Pat rushed by him and threw herself into Byrd 1 arms. "Gee. I'm glad to see you, dar- lln" and she embraced Byrd rap turously, again aue again. How s the old straw hat, anyway?" "Great, Pat, dear, and how are you?" asked Byrd, patting her hair back into place, Pat's embra ces were like a mountain slide. "You don't have to put quite so much muscle into your greetings, "Well, here's your little hay shaker right from the country," Pat stood with her feet, far apart, "fresh as this morning's milk. How do you like It?" Byrd surveyed her helter-skelter tomboy of a sister, while Pat. dis daining a chair, Jumped up and sat on the edge of the somewhat fra gile gatelegged table that served as a dining room set, swinging her legs violently. She wore a little green felt hat bright as a blade of new grass, a yellow sport coat with an Easter egg lining, and underneath one glimpsed a sport dress of brightest rose, in the latest design. "Bought the whole darned out fit in a sport shop on the avenooo in Cincin in fifteen minutes, with time out for lunch. It's my snap piest model." Byrd, slightly bewildered, stood looking at her, one hand moodily drawing her Hps together. "You look like a purple mo ment," she said weakly. From a slight, slat-ribbed, red- haired tomboy that had paled with every boy in the neighborhood, shinnying up trees, operating on grubby worms, swimming in the creek, boj scouting with them. dexterous with a rope or a knife, and inventive as any of them when it came to constructing radios and aeroplanes, Byrd suddenly realized that Pat, still possessed of that electric vitality that started sud den excited gusts of air stirring wherever she went, had lost some thing of her boyish simplicity, and in its place there was a bright, hard blatancy. In a word, she was loud. She still had, however, her one dis arming charm, a directness and lack of self-cbnsclousnesa. "Not a word to throw at a dog," Pat said, winking broadly at Larry. "I gather it's not as swanky as it thought it was." "Ob, you look wonderful," lied Byrd, and then hastily changed the subject. "The office has been trying to locate you, Larry. Better hurry before they call again." Looking as If he'd rather stay. Larry departed. "I'm here to stay," Pat announ ced, after Larry had gone, jerk ing open her suitcase and dump ing its contents on ono of the twin beds. "I brought along all my Junk and I'm ". here she burst into a' high soprano, cutting a caper to its beat, " never go ing home any more! The whole family have gone batty since you left. Henrietta is simply impos sible. Why the day you were mar ried she hauled out all that mil dewed fancy work that you start ed years ago, in your unbalanced moments, and made me start working on my trousseau. Can you see me married? I'd rather be thrown to the crocodiles! Then father got sore about my falling down on the old geometry for the third time." Byrd helped Pat arrange her clothes in the dressing room clos et, four hooks of which had been generously emptied to accommo date a dozen violent-looking dress es, coats and hats, and then they sat down and discussed Pat's fu ture. Bat balked openly on going to a city high school, and they com promised on a business college. The next day she promised she would start at the Cleveland Com mercial school. While Byrd shelled new peas and scraped now potatoes for din ner, Pat moved restlessly about, examining and commenting on ev erything in the apartment in her decisive, outspoken way. "How do you like married life. anyway, Byrd?" she asked cur iously. "It didn't take Larry long to tot mo know now he felt about it," "How was that?" smiled Byrd, impersonally. "Oh. he thinks a man of his temperament isn't cut out for It," yawned Pat "I wouldn't let him get away with that point of view much longer. He got you Into it. not you nun." Byrd chuckled. And say. Toots, how can tou stand this crowded apartment? uosn, i haven't been able to draw a whole breath yet!" Pat gave a groan, much muffled with breath. My exhaust Just cant work I" "Larry thinks we're better off in town ror a while. He thinks he's going to make a little fortune on WE CONSERVE THE ES TATES OF THE 14VING AND THE DEAD Serving as .Trustee under tiring and Life Insurance Trusts, and as Executor and Trustee under Wills, pUl for a confidential interview regarding your estate. - LADD & BUSH TRUST CO. A. N. Bush, Pres., W.S. Walton, V.-Pres L." P. Aldrich, Sec Jos?H. Albert, Trust Officer. Warden Under Fire VN 5 feumors emanating from too U. S. department of Justice Indicate that there is a movement on foot to remove Warden W. Snook from, hit post as warden of Atlanta,' GaV ederal penitentiary, and that a congressional Investigation will be held ahortly after election: !Once before prison matters were 'investigated at Atlanta and tho Warden was exonerated o f any MameVf? some stock he and Jack Duncan are floating. Then we'll buy a place In the country," explained Byrd, flying to the cupboards and back again to the kitchen stove. "Rav. I hroueht alone my box ing gloves," Pat said, pouncing up on her suitcase which naa Deen Dashed under one bed. "Dad let me take lessons Just to work off some of this surplus energy." Drat ilnMnmlv at the grotesque pillows of pig-skin which Pat bad slipped over her hands. Pat's hair was bright,-burning red, and Just washed and- fluffed, it gleamed In the evening light like a living flame. Her skin had the same radiant quality save for the spatter of freckles across her little pug nose and her eyes were bright blue. A shining arrogance and undaunted sense of life gave her a challenging air. She made Byrd think of a prickly porcupine, ready to fling her sharp quills at any one who opposed her. Pat hadn't the slightest idea in the world what she wanted, but she meant to go right after it and no body could stop her. In a childish way, sho was wary, calculating, perceptive to an uncanny degree, but very human and loveable. She looked at Byrd now as if she were thinking that some peo ple were awful fools but catch her being one! "Take those things off before Larry comes," said Byrd, as she finished setting the table, "Larry won't" "There you go, deferring to Lar ry again," laughed Pat. "Why do you care so much what he thinks or what he wants? I'm-Just wait ing to practice on him!" As she mentioned hie name, Larry appeared. "You're earlier than you've been for a month of Sundays!" said Byrd, looking up, surprised. What's going to happen?" "Suffering fish I" retorted Lar ry, "can t a fellow change his schedule once in a while without it being tho subject of a lecture?" v Then Pat stepped in. .; "Cut tho barbed wire!; Come on, let's have a skirmish before dinner," sho cried, gayly,-waving tho gloves at him. "We'll take tarns unless you've got a pair." - Larry did have some. He stood regarding his little sister-in-law with amusement, her figure straight and boyish, her eyes laughing with that sense of mischief that made her lsseslstlble. Her school life had been interrup ted almost daily by some unto ward act that had kept her father In an almost perpetual Interview with the principal and her moth er's lips pulled down with great weights of disapproval. Larry removed his coat ana the scrimmage began. . Byrd ran around, moving back the furni ture and placing the bric-a-brac in safer places. Pat's light, sinu ous body, was the essence of grace, as she ducked, dipped, man euvered, covering her opponent. recovering lost ground, or giving way, as she finally had to, to Lar ry s more skillful arm. "Your round," called Pat, pant- ingly, every little while. Finally, her' breath gone, she leaned against Larry, completely spent and the tears of laughter still brimming in her blue eyes. "You're some fighter!" he ad mitted, laughingly, enjoying the sportsmanlike way she had stuck to the end. "You've had a poor trainer! Jim doesn't, know any thing about fighting! I'll give you the right dope!" "We-ell, I'm I'm pretty good, don't you think?" she stuttered, taking in her breath and wiping the perspiration off her broad, low forehead. She tossed her head like a high-spirited horse. "You're dam good!" laughed Larry. During dinner, Pat and Larry discussed all the points" of the box ing ring, dipping into prise fight ing and its allied industries. Tou know, if it hadn't been for Henrietta dads would have taken mo to the Tunney-Dempsey fight at Chicago. ; she nodded solemn ly. "I cried tor two whole days because moms wouldn't let me go." - Fine lines of worry began to crowd the creamy surface around Byrd's eyes, Sho wished Larry wouldn't encourage Pat's way ward propensities. "Mother was right, Pat," Byrd began slowly. "You're almost sev enteen years old, and it's time you grew up. The things you've been doing in Jacksonville would look crude in a city. People wouldn't understand." "Want me to be a little Lord Fauntleroy?" Pat and Larry looked at each other understand lngly and burst Into laughter. Byrd looked nonplussed. "Listen to me, Pat," began Byrd, earneetly. "You can't jgo on tearing around like a crazy boy all your life. On the other hand, you can have a Cam good time, and be doing' something worth while at the same time. A general improvement In your manners won't be any social barrier." She added this with a smile. "Thus endeth the first lesson," Jeered Pat. She saw that she had hurt Byrd's feelings. She put an arm around her shoulder. "Now, please don't be snooty, Byrd darlin'! But you can't strut that family stuff 1 I've had too many doses of family castor oil, and I'm going to be my own boss for a while. If you start worry- In' about me, you'll suffer from tho rush of blood to th,e cortical centers and have a stroke or something." "Go fry an egg, Byrd!" Larry Joined In, easily. "Let the kid alone. Why, she Just came today, and you go jumping all over her." He turned to Pat. "Byrd thinks she's General Booth, and has to revolutionize tho world. She wants everybody to be cute little an gels!" "You're certainly a great help!" said Byrd to Larry with a long look which had no effect at all. "Come on, let's go to a movie," said- Larry. "We've just got time to wash the dishes and get to the second show. "Pat spent last night on a sleep er 'and she's got to bo at school at eight-fifteen in the morning," ex postulated Byrd. Wow don't be a flat tire." chirped up Pat. "All right, you two go," said Byrd. "I've got some mending to dOi" Pat flew around like an ani mated Easter egg, and in two min utes she and Larry were cake walking down the hall. Pat always hopped and skipped and Jumped to the place she wanted to go. "Don't know how to use her legs like a lady," her mother used to complain. .After they were gone, Byrd realized she would hare tp change her tactics in regard to Pat, for any open criticism would arouse Larry to her defense. And Pat had to be curbed. She certainly did! And she'd be ruined if she wasn't! And it was up to Byrd! Byrd settled down finally to her aewine. after washing the dishes, her deep violet eyes cloud ed with many new problems whicn Pat's coming had suddenly precip itated. There was a light tapping at the door. It was probably one of the neighbors on their floor, but now that she had gotten to know them all, they usually walked right in. Something warned her not to ans wer the door, but she did. (TO BE CONTINUED.) if and Mrs. Alfred Ericlson are . receiving the com raUlations of friends on the birth: of their, first child, a girl, December 1 at their homo on Franklin, avenue. The little lady has been- named Shirley Ann. The regular W. C. t. U. busi ness session will be held this af ternoon beainnlng at X:S0 o'clock In the Unlqn hall on Commercial' and Ferry street. The aevoiiona will be led by Mrs. D. J. Howe. fha Calom TtoTS CtaOTUS Will give a concert in the Jason Leo Methodist church tonight for tho church brotherhood benefit fund. A small admission charge wui do made. Wed. is the day I give 'em away! To the first one making a purchase Wednesday morn ing I will give you FREE a high grade Bloomer, and one FREE with each tenth purchase through the day They are worth $1.50. Shop For XmasNow BLOOMERS, PANTIES, VESTS . STEP-INS, SHORTIES COMBINETTS, Regular $4, now GOWNS 1 PAJAMAS .95c to $1.50 .95c to $1.25 $2.95 $1.95 up $2.95 up Many other dainty things to select in all colors and styles Each Garment Guaranteed The Sunnie Undie Shoppe , 124 S. 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The toast b piping hot dear through. HOLIDAY FEATURE at J12J0. f . Portland Electric Power Co. 4 p: - 237 N. Uberty ' J Phone85 r7 fc Salein, Oregon K d THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE" FOR ELECTRICIT Y' 4 WkvTfmt to Luck Order Downy flake Doughnuts Home baking is a matter of chance. No housewife can hope to attain the same degree of perfection in her, baking as a modern baker. . . We use only the most perfected formulas. The machines assisting m the production of our products are the most modern devices known to the baking world. . Why trust to luck? Should yon want a doxen. really good dough nuts, you have but to walk to the nearest high grade food shop and aakfor Downyflake Doughnuts. Downyflake Doughnuts consist of the purest ingredients. The machine in which they are made, produces the entire doughnut from start to finish delivering them untouched by human hands. A treat for the young as well ss grown upe Order a dozen today. Dou gjpnuts For Sale By All Grocers 111 (j u $52.50 Easy Terms Specially Purchased Specially Priced for Christmas THE ALDEN is a real achievement in furniture design .... ccmforfablc as the easiest "easy chair,1 and yet small enough, to fit gracefully into any living room no matter how limited its space .... The Alden Is a beautiful chair of typical Biltwell construction, which means that it is sturdily built of the finest materials throughout. Covered in pleasing combinations of mo hair with multi-color jacquard or figured tapestry. We urge that you come in and see this clever piece it's unique and Just the piece to add that extra thrill to everybody's Christmas. ' w a Specialty Priced mt No Interest WML O XJydis'AXr?Xt ... - r m l 1-J . : V. "J. f -. i M m 1 7 l : VA . 'ill1 1 i