VALLE YNEWSPE&E m-ENEW OREGON STA TESMAN GREATER I HOLDS MEETING Program and Bazaar Plan ned for December 7; Ac tivities Numerous , WACONDA. Ore.', Nav. 28.- (Special) The Waconda com munity club met at the home "of Mri." George Lemery "on "Wednes- ' day afternoon. ' : .Mrs.: William McGilchrist pre sided at the opening exercises and c6veral members gave readings. It was decided to give a program at 'the , Waconda sen oolhouse on D$ ;eember 7. Mri. A. 'L..' Collihaand -UrsT Ed SctiaeL will Have charge of the basket booth. Many beau- '.iifuL naslcets wIU' be-on sale-. The ? Treasure Seekers "club will also have a booth, offering many ar ticles which they have made. The - afternoon was spent weaving bas kets. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Frank FeJton. Meet December 5 In the group were Mrs. I. A .Loran, Mrs, Ellsworth Hubbard Mrs. F. J. Ingram, Mrs. C. C. Rus- eel, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. Fromm and daughter, Mrs. A. Lamb. Mrs. Richard Patterson, . Mrs. S.. C. Wane, Mrs. Ed Scharf, Mrs, WH liam McGilchrist, Mrs. Julian De- Jardin, Mrs. Francis Nueotn, Mrs. Pearl Patterson and son Charles. Mrs. E. Filer, Allen Nusom and son Donald Nusom, Mrs. Vance, Mrs. Wildick, Mrs. Joe Fitts and baby daughter, Mrs. Vern Walker, Mrs. Ray Barker, and children Lona Mae and Jeanette Barker, Mrs. Frank" Felton "and children Velle and Duane Felton and the hostess, Mrs. George Lemery." The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. McGilchrist on December 5. and Mrs. Julian DeJardin will havt cr.arge of t the opening exercises. Visit at Sheridan U. C. Loran spent a few days last week as guest of his niec Mrs. Ira Wilson and family at Sheridan. Other recent guests ai the ' Wilson home were ' Mr. ant. Mrs. Isadore Loran, Mr. and Mrs Henry Kassmussen of Silverton. Mrs. J. F. Ingram, and Mr Amanda Kamholtz of Goldendale Washington. Mrs. Kamholtz has been a guest of her brothers, U. C. and I. A Loran of Waconda the past week Special Service Held at Brooks IOWA TORNADO DEVASTATES FARMS l ' .. . ... ' .. "... : : A "nfjr rrL j.i.!iiiij""'iwi - i " ZZzfT & : A tornado which struck parts of three counties in Iowa, causing the death of one woman, injury to at least nine persons and heavy property dUnujr Ierelexf this house at Troy Mills, la. Although this vas th only, town In the path of the tornado many farm build ings were wrecked and livestock killed. Corn still in the fields was badly damaged. Wolves' Shack" Is Name Given Confectionery OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore., Nov. 28. (Spe cial) "The Wolves' Shack." Is the name selected for the new 3mlth Arnold confectionery op posite" Ore normal" campus. This name was proposed by Miss Orva McFrederick, a student from east am Oregon who lives at Arnold Arms. As a prize she received $5 worth of merchandise from the store. Excitement ran high all the first part of the week as the name and the winner were unknown un til issuance of the Lamron Tues 3ay noon. VISITS WITH SOX HUBBARD, Ore., Nov. 28. Special) Mrs. - Susan Ott of "'.lubbard, is visiting her son, Mr. I). Ott of Salem. Mrs. Ott is liv ng with her daughter, Mrs. R. C. Painter. Mr. Ott is at present in erested in the Health Ore mines f Tillamook county, although he Family Bulldog Spreads Alarm As House Burns DALLAS. Ore.. Nov. 28. (Special) The family bulldog gave the alarm when the E. O. Patchell residence at 602 Ellis street caught on fire at 6 o'cock this- morning. The faithful animal barked frantically, arousing mem bers of the family and an alarm was turnod in. Damage was limited to about $100, and the dog is given credit for this, as the blaze would have been more serious had the alarm not been turned in so quickly. The fire department, however, respon ded quickly, having both trucks on the Job seven minutes after the alarm was turned In. The fire started from the fire place, due to faulty construction. Fire Chief Kelly said. Ml IB HEAD MAKES TRIP -OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore.; Nov. 28. (Spe cial) Mrs. Inei Miller, who heads the department of rural education at Oregon Normal school, return ed Tuesday from an observation tour of California rural schools conducted by the state rural - su pervisor of California, Miss Helen Heffernan: Other Oregon parsons Included in the tour were: "J. W. Crites of the state department of education of Oregon; Mrs. C. E. Mulkey, su perintendent of Coos county schools, also two city superinten dents and two one-room rural teachers of Coos county; Mrs. Samuel "Hairies, ' superintendent of Curry county schools; Mrs. Su- sanne Holmes Carter, superinten dent of Jackson county schools, and one city superintendent and one rural teacher of Jackson coun ty Convening at Redding. Cal., the party was taken by automobile to San Francisco, visiting demonstra tion one-room rural schools at Old Shasta. Union and Wyandotte; a five-room rural school at Wood bridge; and a nine-room rural school at Escalon. Individual so cialized programs characterized the work observed in these schools. Another place of interest visited was the State Teachers' college at San Francisco, where teachers receive specific training in this type of work. Mrs. Miller states that the trip was highly profitable from every angle, and that the work being done at Fairplay and Oak Point, training centers of Oregon Normal school for rural teachers, is very like that which is in progress in the California rural schools she visited. HERE'S INTERNATIONAL GOLF LINKS It: .r":r'-:- - , P,l ' ' A This coarse of the Portal Golf club He In both the United States and Canada. Members who play on the course are residents of Portal. N. and North Portal, Canada. View shows one of the tees.' 'Most every match on this coarse is an international one. Denison Funeral Will Be Friday Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Denison who died here Monday will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Clough-Huston parlors, Harry E. Gardner, pastor of the Jason Lee Memorial church, officiating. The Sons of Veter ans auxiliary will act as pallbear ers. Interment will be in the Cityview cemetery. GO TO .MEDFORD SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. 28. (SDecial) Mrs. C. J. Rosheim and son. Lawrence, left for Med- Tord Saturday. They will spend a week at Medford and Sutherlin visiting with Mrs. W. Golden (Nettie Rosheim) and Mrs. George Center (Lillian Rosheim). Household Hints BY MRS, AAT MENU HINTS Pork Chops with Sweet Potatoes and Applea Nut Muffins Celery Lemon Crmb Pie Coffee Wouldn't you call this menu a little out of the ordinary? Try it on the family some day. If your fnmilv numbers four, two guests may also be fed with the recipes. if you provide plenty of cnops. , Today's Roclpes Pork Chops With Sweet Pota- twwr and ADDles Arrange pork chops In deep baking dish and pake 30 minutes m uui wtu ISO rierress Fahrenheit). At 4he end of that time arrange around the chop alternate slices of sweet potato and cored apples. CoolCLl5 to 20 minutes more until they are slightly brown and the apples are tender.' Baste once during me time. Muffins One cup graham flour, one cup white flour, four teaspoons baking powder, one egg. four tablespoons brown sugar, thres-fourths teaspoon salt, one cup milk, four tablespoons short ening, one-half cup choppea wal nuts or pecans. Mix dry ingredi ents. Beat egg. add milk and melted shortening. Add to dry ingredients, add chopped nuts. Bake for 25 minutes in a moder ate oven (400 degrees Fahrenheit). pastry. Soak bread crumbs in cold water until soft. Beat eg? yolks and mix with sugar, add melted butter, lemon Juice and rind to 60ft bread crumbs. Stir all together thoroughly sad pile into a pan lined with plain pastry. Bake in a hot oven (4 50, degrees Fahrenheit) for over 10 minutes, then at S50 degrees for SO minutes. Suggestions Those Important Calories VEach of the following fats con tain 100 calories: Bacon, ope full slice; butter, one tablespoon; cod liver oil, one tablespoon; cotton seed oil, one tablespoon; latri, one tablespon; olive .oil,', one' table spoon. 3 JL Selfsame Thh Purloins Autos Of Two Cousins The sting of the wasp is worse than all other bees. The petrified forest in Arizona contains 25,625 acres. Lemon Crumb Pie Three fourths cup soft bread crumbs, one cup cold water, one cup sug ar, two eg yolks, one tablespoon melted buter, juice of one lemon, grated rind of one lemon, plain The automobile of Dr. S. H. Hobson was stolen the othir day. Later It was found abandcr.ed at Eugene, in such circumkancen that the police there were abla to determine that the thief stele an other car and continued pn his way south. That car has not been found. I The second car stolen also be longed to a Dr. Hobsoai. who lives In California. He is a cous in of the local physician, and had been visiting him here just! before the double theft took place.! In 1696, in accordance. with leg islative enactim-nt, the mltiisters of Virginia revived a sailary of sixteen thousand pounds of tobac co per year. ; UNDERGOES OPERATION HUBBARD, Ore., Nov. 28. (Special) Mrs. Laura Hicks of Hubbard underwent a major oper ation in Portland Tuesday. Mrs. ias several other mining projects Hicks is an active member of the nder development. Hubbard Woman's club. Delphians Visit Eugene Chapter MONMOUTH. Ore., Nov .27. (Special) Dallas, Independence, Monmouth and Corvallis chapters of the Delphian Study club, ac cepted an invitation from the Eu gene chapter to meet with them Thursday. A morning program was given at the Woman's club building on the university cam pus, and In the afternoon a play was the principal feature of en tertainment. : BROOKS, Ore., Nov. 28. (Spe' cial) Special Thanksgiving day services were held rn the Brooks Methodist church on Sunday morning, in observance of nation al religious day.- Tae H rooks Christian Endeavor society held its regular Sunday e thing, service In .he . Brooks Methodist church. Miss' Marie 1 Hinlavy led the meeting, i Mist , ,Vfola,Uolyer. w4a' appointed to-lead on "next Sunday evening; " Every one ,is invited to tome to,thse meetings, which are held every Sunday evening: l i Bennetts Given ; Farewell Party SILVERTON, Ore.', Nov 28.. ( Special )-Menibers of the- Cnri; tian church gave the. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Bennett a farewell sur prise at the church social rooms Monday evening. The Rev. Mr. Bennett has resigned as pastor of the church and delivered his fare well sermon Sunday. The Ben netts were presented with a purse. - .MRS. DeLOACH BETTER OREoJrr- NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore.. Nov. 28. (Spe cial) Mrs. Barton De Loach, Who has been receiving treatment at a Corvallis hospital since Novem ber 17, is improved in health and will be able to return home soon. Mr. De Loach heads the depart ment of commerce at the normal school. " ; - w - V-- i - -i- - -V - Reasons mm thsmcoern - oil VTv WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE PLATES MADE HERE 1. They'll Cost You Less Z They'll Fit You Perfectly 3. They'll Feel Comfortable 4. They'll Look Like Natural Teeth 5. They'll Last There are many reasons why people who need plates should have them made at this time in my office. If you have Pyorrhea which has advanced beyond possibility of being success fully treated, or your teeth are too badly broken down to be restored, your re lief lies in having the teeth extracted and plates made. Of course you want the best plates and you want to pay the lowest price, and you want a pleasing natural appearance. Here you will find the perfect combination of these fea tures. ' If your mouth is difficult to fit, and you have had no satisfaction from plates, lei me maxe you a set. JFc m WHEN PLATES OR BRIDGE WORK IS ORDERED Dental Plates $15.00. Fit Guaranteed or Money -C :: i:i Refunded . ; r .': -' : EXAMINATIONS FREE :; : Bridge Wdrk-ik-1. v.:'l':r.i Gold Crowns " -- - $ 5.00 .L ... 1.00 , 5.oa Dental Plates .-itf.Jk..-: 15.00 j PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS 1.00 c I I Dentist -. " . lit ' - ." ' , i'-l I f i 4 3 - --: WMihunwnannr. t rr w KIDDIES Come Pay Our Toj5land A Visit Automobiles Dump Trucks Oil Trucks Engines Steam Shovels Fire Engines Airplanes Kiddie Cars Games Electro Sets Tinker Toys and See the Drums Toy Pianos War Time Tanks Mechanical Trains Doll Furniture Doll Buggies Teddy Bears , Toy Dishes Toy Cooking Utensils Hustler Toys -Toys of Every Description Everything to make The Next Year a Happy One 0 Ml j And sjtjt: 'zr esjxj f - ii v tfiiLeu N