PAY -GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO PAY YOU in mm r nnicc id iiUDiuLL oniLr 10 FOUND Fl ".There Is not one text tn all the Bible that commands any body to keep Sunday as a sacred day. Neither is there one text in the Bible that says that Christ iTfn v1a avav Iront that day," declared Professor Charles - T. Ererson Sunday night at the armory. 1 "In fact the first day or the week (Sunday) is only men tioned nine times In the whole Tiible. So If anywhere Sunday is spoken of as being a sacred day it would be found In one of these nine places. The first text is found In Genesis I and speaks of Sunday as being the first day of creation. The first day of the week is not again mentioned in the1" old Testament but appears Hie"" second time in Matthew 28:1. In this text Matthew wrote many years after Christ had gone to heaven that the first day of the week came jnt, after the Sab- . bath. So Sabbath and Sunday were two distinct days. "The third text is found in Mark 16:1. 2 and again states that the women waited until the Sabbath had passed and upon Sunday came to -the tomb lo an noint Christ. Mark wrote this text during the Christian dispen sation 25 years after Christ had, FOne to heaven. The fourth text Is found in the same chapter and the ninth verse and says that Jesus appeared to Mary the same day that He was resurrected. "The fifth text is found in Luke 23:54. 24:1. This text rays that Christ riled and was burled on Good Friday, that the . women rested according to the commandment on Sabbath and on Sunday they came to the tomb of Christ. This text wast written in the Christian dispensation 60 years after Christ had gone and . rhows that Luke still recognized that Saturday was the Sabbath according to the commandment. "The sixth text is found in John 20:1 and says that the wo men came to the tomb on that day. The seventh text is rouna In the same chapter and the nine teenth verse. "The eighth text Is found in I Cor. 16:2 and is an Instance :, where Paul instructed one church to go over their books on the mi a J I l ... 1. consider how much of an offer- , log taey coma mane ror me poor . In Jerusalem. "The ninth and last text In the Bible mentioning Sunday is found in Acts 20:7. This is the only text that mentions a relig ions meeting on Sunday. But it la verr evident from the text that there was no sacredness in con nection with the day." Professor Everson will speak Tuesday night on the subject of "The United States in Prophecy." Mrs. J. Thomson Dies; Services r Will Be Monday SILVERTON. Ore.. Nov. 26. I 11U1U9UU, 1 11C WUC Ul HILUUiaB . Thomson, died at her home here Friday evening. Funeral ser vices will be held Monday at 1:30 . vvm 4 V a Vf aat Vi.rv.r1 imt IT v1c nrkno 1 n mm - m kTt . I. 1 t . HftrdlA officlatinff. In ferment E, - t V a" 1 1 a W nmm u ill- niltfl lllll , cemetery. y- Mrs. Thomson came here with her husband and three chlldn 2 J months ago from Long Beach. Cal. Mr. Thomson purchased " the Bnrton drug store on the cor - ner of Oak and First street and has managed this since tnat time. Besides her widower, Mrs. Thomson leaves her three children,- Dorothy. Arthur and Nich olas, all of Silverton. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF L EXECUTRIX l f- Notice is hereby given that the unaersignea nas oeen duly ap pointed by the County Court of the' State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of, George W. Walton, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified. to mo, at the office of Ronald . C. GtoTer,. my attorney, .203-Oregon Building, 8alem , Marion County A : Oregon. within six months from the data of this .notice. i ;. . d ilated at Salem, ' Oregon. 1 this! fth day of November. 1S28. - LOUISA J. BARTON, -i ; "Executrix of -the last will and testament and estate ot George W. Walton, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. ' 'Attorney for Executrix, '., Salem. Oregon. .' N 27 Dec. 4-11-18-25. Gqqfey Movies GOOPBV MOVIES PCESENJT Gold Tuirkey . ... PsAfcT TWO. PAROow me Misres., HOWJ MUCH IS" A k-TUCEY LI KE THAT UJOBTH Ccfflj AassctoUoa, i! 9R SUNDAY J4 Ituri Daily Except Monday by tEije statesman $ubli filing Co 213 So. Commercial St. Member of the ASSOCIATED PRESS The A'tociated Pr- is exclusively tntitled to the uie (or publication of all Henri dispatcher credited to it or not otherwise credited in thia paper and, a!o tj the local new published bere.n. Jkl Uemker BUSINESS OFFICES Pacific Coat Representative! : Arthur V. Stypei. Inc.. Security Bldg.. Portland; Sharon Bldg.. San Francisco; 911 VeMeru Pacific Hldg., Los Ange!ea. TELEPHONE 500 For All Department tntered at the rmi Office in Salem. Oregon, as second da! raittr. 8TJBSCBIPTION EATES Mail Subscription Rates, la Advance Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday 1 Mo. SO ttnli; 3 SIo. SI - . 6 Mo. $2.25. 1 year $4 00. K!--.rtiere "0 centi per mo. or $ 1 cr in aJ yance. By C.ty Carrier 50 cent sa month; to. 50 a year in advance. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Reading notice, per lie 25c 2 line minimum charge) Classified Advertising, per line 10c Classified Advertising, per line 3 times 20c Clar.sifird Advertising, per line 6 time 80c One month, da:ly and Sunday per line -.1 -00 CONTRACT CLASSIFIED '6 months contrict) 5 lines dai'y minimum per month, 4c a line. flOCc reduction for minimum of 10 lines daily) NOTICE OF FIN Ali SETTLE MENT Notice is hereby given that the underpinned has filed In the County Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for, the County of Marion, her duly verified Final Account, as adminietratrix of tl.e estate of J. Frank Dunlap, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the ti:ne, and the County Court room in the County Court House, at Salem, in Mar Ion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 30th day of October. 1928. EFFIE W. DUNLAP. Administratrix of the Estate of J. Frank Dunlap, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix,, Salem, Oregon. O 30 N 6-13-20-27 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the County Court of the State of Ore. gon, for the County of Marlon, his duly verified Final Account, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of W. H. Robinson, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Wednesday, the 26th day of December, 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day of November, 1928. ASA I. EOFF. Executor of the last will and tes tament and estate of W. II. Robinson, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. N20-27;D4-11-18 PROPOSAL FOR SUPPLIES Sealed bids will be received on December 7, 1928 up to 2 p m. at the office of the undersigned! ior rurnismng to the various state institutions supplies consisting of drygoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, drugs, stationery, crockery, plumbing, etc. for the semi-annual period ending June 30, 1929. Specifica tions and schedules will be fur nished upon application to the sec retary at Salem, Oregon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Portland Chamber of Com merce, or from the Oregon Man ufacturers Association; both lo cated in the Oregon building. Portland. Oregon. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check representing 10 per cent of the whole amount bid. payable to Carle Abrams. Sec retary Oregon State Board of Con trol, or where the 10 percent amounts to $500.00 or more, a surety hond to the STATE of ORE- fGON from some company .author iseo; to do. business hi Oregon will be accepted in place of the check. The sam shall bo held as a guar anty of the Jalthful performance of the contracts The board re-! serves the right to reject any on au Dias. CARLE ABRAMS. Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. Capitol Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. N-ZO-24-27 Dec. 1. 'em zewe is- NJOIA) A FUUU F-LE-PGED CTECT1VE ArvJO OONJV FOGG EX. .....J-IE ALUOAVS" GETS" MIS MAW... G UJAW DO .OU THAT TMllUK X VOAS S4P EWOUGH ; TC STOP TVCtCEV LOOKS" Inc. BUSINESS OPP. FOR SALE Grocery store, do ing good business, good location. Price right. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street FOR SALE Real Estate GOOD 9-rooni modern house. close in. partly furnished for quick sale, 5500; $1500 down. 6 ROOM house. 2 fine lots pav ed St.. snap $1700; $250 down. LARGE 7 RM. HOUSE N. Com'l. St., 2 lots, snap. $2600; $250 down. 125-a. ranch. 90 in cult, bldgs.. fruit, stock, tools. $9000. Take residence or ' acreage for part. PERRINE & MARSTEKS 212 Gray Bldg. LOOK 23 acres with buildings, about 3 in cultivation, on good road near school. Owner will sell at a bargain. $2600. Good terms. 4 room house and 2 lots. Will trade for land suitable for pasture. 10 acres with buildings and 'ome choice fruit, north of Salem Will exchange for liouse in Salem. SEE Thomascn with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors .120 State Stre?t Phone 1727 SNAP OWNER leaving Salem offers his fine new Colonial bungalow at educed price. Located only five ilocks from state house, large reek lot, fine for "landscaping. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $5250. Carries a Bonus Loan that can be transfered. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 A REAL HOME Double constructed new 7 room bungalow up to the minute, lo cated best resident district of Sa lem. Close 'in. Price cut for a luick deal to $6800. Would be a ?ood buy at $7500. Suitable terms. ee Bechtel or Sears. 341 State St., Room 4, also a six room for ?5250, and a 5 room for $4500. md a 4 room for $3500. All of hem strictly modern. Also good louses on easy terms $1600 to ?2500. 5 5 ACRE FARM 40 ACRES of rich, sandy loam soil 15 a. pasture, 1 a. oak ?rove. Located on edge of good town. Large stream. Improvements consist of 8 room house, new cow 3arn, 40x60; old horse barn. 2 poultry houses, garage, etc. This is a splendid location for a dairy farm. Price $12,000. $5,000 cash. Will take small acreage or city .es. for part or exchange for gro cery or meat business. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor "Headquarters for Farms" FOR S A LE OR TRADE By owner, lovely Mill Creek home and income. Apply 344 18th N. Phone 1576J. CLOSE-IN, new. every floor oak. four big cheerful rooms and large dining nook, pipe furnace. dandy fireplace, garage, nothing lacking here, no better built house in Salem. Price $4300 $800 cash balance long time, 6 percent. YOU WILL want this one, it's built right. New, nicely located, five sunny rooms, first floor, 2 rms. upstairs not finished, modern in every detail, close to bus, school, church, theatres, and store. Rigid inspection invited. Priced $500 less than cost. $4000. Easy terms. See CARL MASON or F. G. DELANO 290 N. Church Phone 2830 aaaaaBaBfeBfeBatk. U ACRE fruit tract, good five morn house, goad well and spring, outbuildings. 6 mi. S. of Salem. Phone 36F13. By owner. Duplex house. N. Winter. 951 5 room bouse and two good building lots for sale cheap. 12 blocks from Commercial and State Street. $3000 takes all. 280 acres at Yale, Ore. This is a sacrifice. 85 acres .10 miles from Salem for only $4,500. Will trade. What have you? Ladies' lingerie store invoices at $14,000 will sell at $10,000 a bargain. Auto camp at Albany for sale, good terms. 2 residence lots at McCoy and Cornell streets for sale cheap. Must sell. Several choice residjence lots in Ben Lomond. Park, Modern Community Developers . 208 N, Higfar Street '- - 8ee JOHN WERNER In the old days when shoes were $3 a pair more people had to go barefoot than in these days when they average $10 a pair. UJAST'A FUNJWy AWSUJER- PAT JUST CAUUED AMD ASrED I OVEQ AMD TAKE A UOOK AT TH! XlAJOKJOEiR WHAT WE MEAMT- OM UJEUU.TLL. GO OKJ QSJd TO A. C. BOHRNSTEDT SAYS That he has a rare opportunity for some good farmer with some cash and sufficient family, live stock, and farm equipment to run a section farm. Terras almost bet ter than rent will be given to one iwho has ability and a clean rec ord. 14 7 N. Com'l. St., Salem, Oregon. 4 ROOM house on pavd street and bus line. Modern except fire place. Double garage. Priced tc sell quick. Phone owner 1216-R. SACRIFICE SALE BUT direct from owner 5 room cottage, earage. beautiful lot 1-8 of a block trees, desirable loca tion. $2,975. $200 Down. $35 month. Phone 2106W. SNAP New modern four room home located on paved street, oak floors, fireplace, garage. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. Price $2. 950. $100. down, balance month ly. SEE I S TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORSt & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 4 lots in Fairmount Hill dis trict to trade on small modern home; one lot north in best loca tion to trade on good modern home and pay cash difference. 160 acre irrigated farm near Bend to trade for farm near Sa lem. New concrete bldg. in Port land near Lloyd development to trade for small farm or city prop erty at Salem. Have client wanting cheap, small house with more than one lot for chickens. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street SPECIAL $3250. for a new 5 room English type home, modern in ev ery way. $250. down. Bal ance to suit. $4200. for a new 6 room bunga low, modern in every way, $200 down, $35 per mo. interest included. $26 5 0. 5 room home fireplace. garage, wood house, pav ing and some fruit, $100. down. $5000. to loan. Auto & Fire Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. WANTED The best house 5 or 6 rooms in Salem that $2000. to $3000. will buy with $100. down and large monthly payments. FOR SALE 7 room all mod ern home, east front, owner going away, plenty fruit, paving paid. Price $4000.. good terms. Nearly new. $2200. buys a nearly new 4 room house with nook, two Jots 50 by 100 feet, will take a car for equity. good Ford preferred; has gar age and woodshed. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO 202 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. DOWN TO BEDROCK! IMMEDIATE possession or a nice 5 room home, built 3 years. built ins, good plumbing, base ment, furnace, large lot with choice fruit and nut trees, street paved and walks in and paid. Price only $2600, part down, balance like rent. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 $2500 ten acres $2500 located just east ot Salem, on paved highway, all cultivated land half in crop. Most ideal location for a home. You can have health, independence and happiness on a real close in farm, with city priv ileges. This 10 a. farm is ripe for subdivision. Anyone buying now has a good chance to more than double their money soon. Let us show it to you and use your judg ment. Price $2500, with best of terms. To see it SEE BECHTEL OR SEARS 341 State Street Room 4 LEAVING CITY MUST SELL My 5 room home in choice res idential district, large corner lot 50 x 160 feet, both streets paved and walks in and paid. Beautiful shade trees In front yard. Price $4000 with liberal terms. LEO N. CHILDS, CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 HOUSE and 2 lots for sale close in. 5 rooms, large living room, 3 bed rooms, kitchen and hath. Gar age. Priced right. No commission. Mrs. B. P. Skewis, 960 N. 20th St. FOR SALB Lease with crop, close to Salem! Good proposition. See us today SOGOLOFSKY A SON Phone. 9T0 . SPECIAL Sheep and goat farm of .870 acres with buildings, fenced and cross fenced, plenty of springs, some timber. Only 15 miles from Salem and a real BARGAIN at $26 per acre. SEE Thomason with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 ME TO COfE TURKEy ME X G DIMNJER x MUCH FOG. rr? FOR SALE Beautiful little home of 4 rooms located at 745 Norway. $2400.00, $100 cash. Bal. $35.00 per. mo. SEE W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'l. Realtor- Phone-217 FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS ON EASY TERMS $175. buys a good lot located on S. 14th st. $5.00 down. $5 per month. Interest 6. $225. lot 50 x 137 feet located on N. 20th st. north 'of Market, east front, near pavement, $10 down. $10 per month. $300. plus pavement. Good lot 50 x 100 feet located on Madison st. just west of 17th st. $10 down. $10 per month. $550. plus pavement, buys a good lot 50 x 100 feet in S. Sa lem, good view. $25 down, $10 per month. ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 7 room fully modern home close in on paved street. A lar- gain at $3 500.00. Easy terms. 3-4 acre 4 room" bungalow.Ja Fruit, fine well of water, electric light etc. $50 down with balance like rent. Bargain at $3 00.00. WANTED Stocked and equip ped farm for good paying income property in Salem. Act quickly on this for it won't last long. . ; 4 0 acres stocked and equipped for dairy and poultry raising. Price $7500.00 or will take a house in Salem up to $3500.00. 6 room home close in; Base ment, furnace. Large lot. 6 gar ages on paved alley. Sacrifice price $3600.00. 20 acres dairy and poultry farm 7 miles from Salem all new building. Fully stocked and equip ped. $6600.00 Easy terms. USrich and Roberts Realtors 129 N. Com'l. St. Tel. 1354 EXCHANGE Real Estalfc EXCHANGE Two good Iioushs two lots, fruit trees $9000., for a farm about same value. New modern four room 'house, double garage, good location $2. 500. Take a car. Six room modern home in best residence district for a suburban home. Ten acre tract with build ,?.s near Hood River for home in Sa lem or acreage. A good 25 acre farm for a lar ger farm will assume. 4 0 acres of river bottom land, part in hops, balance timber. Take a house part pay. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street EXCHANGES 31 acre ranch, near Salem, ac tual income 1928, $5000. Price $20,000, all clear. Want Portland income of equal value. 14 6 acres, well improved, priced $14,000, no encumbrance. Want smaller acreage in Catholic com munity. SOCOLOFSKY & SON First Nat'l. Bank Building Sale or Trade Nice home on So. "22nd st. $6500 consider trade on farm. acre close In near paved st. Bargain for quick sale. 15 acres no bldgs. All under cult., 10 miles to Salem. $1500 best terms or trade equity. 10 acres at Fruitland, best of soil $2000. GOOD grocery and dry goods etore also gas station GOOD bids, including 5 modern living rooms a real buy at $5000. New grocery doing nice business in Salem. All modern fixtures . frigidaire etc. Can be bought less than $2000 now. Another country store doing very good. $7000 Including bldg. A real dairy farm close to city limits best of bldgs. All mod ern will accept trade ask about this one if interested in a high class place. Money To Loan Laflar and Laflar Ladd & Bush Bank Building WANT INCOME HAVE one of finest dairy ranches In valley part on each side of road hay land on one, build ing and pastures on other. This place has been held and dealt for $25,000. Present owners not able to ahead with it and offer It in exchange for income property either here or Portland'. BOND 122 N. Commercial St, Phone 2974 . GREATEST Trading - organiza tioin oh ,the Pacific Coast;- We have over -3000 properties listed for exchange.- Erery kind of property, very -price, every loca tion. We can match your exchange exactly. If yon would like to trade your property today, come in to day. See GASKILL & EARLE. Realtors 166 S. Liberty Tel. 2242 CAUT UET THIS DiKJSJEtt ilOTECPE!?E tOfTM NIV OETeCTlNJGf SUT SHU, WHY 'CUEVEft POG ASjy CROOK: IN) COMES A CHAP VOITH A TUCK-EY MOWJ MUCH HE PAID FOP2 HiS- TO- M OOUt. 6 SOOCV IF VOU i MissrrJ Joins Mill City, 3 2 x-3 acres. 2 houses, 5 and 6 rms., 2 barns and chicken houses, city and well wat er, electric lights. $6,000. Will trade for larger farm up to same value. C. E. Taylor, Stayton, Ore. SALEM Income property to trade for ranch. C. E. Taylor, Stay ton, Oregon. FOR TRADE 14 'i acres four and a half miles from Salem on the Liberty highway. 20 acres four niiies southeast of Salem to trade for Salem prop erty. J. A. DOWNER 143 N. High Street 20 acres, fine location close in on paved road all in cultivation. rich soil, no buildings to trade for good home in Salem. 10 acres 1-3 milt- city limits cultivated land, good soil, house and barn, gravel road, underpric ed at $2300. Opportunity knocks. 52 Vi acres 2 mile Indepen dence, all cultivated and the be:-t of clover land. House and barn. Priced to compel action if you want a farm $9 5.00 per acre. $2300 to assume and spread ov:r period of 23 years. Could take house or vacant lots in trade We have heavy producing farms and income property in southern Idaho, eastern Oregon and Yakima valley to trade for west of moun tains land or imfHiie. You miss a chance to make fine deals if you do not see us. Something good for what vou have. ELLIS & BROWN 462 State St. LOVELY CREEK HOME 7 fine rooms, built for a home, east front lot, 160 feet back to the creek. Lots of fruit, shade and nut trees. A real buy for $6000. Easy terms. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 LARGER Lots Less Money We have five groups of lots: on South Church, Fairmount Hill. North 17th, Laurel Park and Pleasant Home Additions. A large choice in any of five group. Every one lower in price. Becke & Hendricks. 189 N. H'gh Street. $500 CASH Or trade for Sa '.eni home. My 4 acres close in--gravel road electric water sys tem 2 acres black caps and other fruit. Good 6 room house stable garage, price $4u00. J. L. WAGNER R. 8, Box 258 344 ACRES, near The Dalles. 18 acres in fruit. 200 cultivated, balance In pasture, to trade for acreage near Salem. F. A.- Dough ty. 1250 Nebraska Street. 160 acres timber close to De lake. Ore., to trade for valley farm. Two city homes to trade for clear farm up to $8000, not far out. Want 20 acres good walnut land that can be irrigated with no im provements to trade for city home. Enclosed car to trade on small house. GEISER REAL ESTATE 4 41 Court Street WANTEDREAL ESTATE WE HAVE A BUYER for the best equipped farm that $10000. cash will buy. Valley Land Co., 164 N. Liberty. WANT HOUSE WITH or without furniture in good neighborhood. Have four acres of land close in on main road as part payment. Call Mr. Krog at 922, Salem. WANTED New modern 4 or 5 r. house. Will pay cash. Bx. 90 Statesman. HAVE a buyer for the best C room house on the south side for the price. What have you? ELLIS & BROWN 4 62 State Street ACREAGE FOR SALE 20 acres 5 miles out. 8 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Price $1500. 27 acres. 5 miles out,-12 acres cultivated, running water, fruit, timber, pasture. Price $1760. 2 acres with modern house, paved road, mile out. Price $3800 only $500 down and long time on balance. - . - U. S. REALTY CO. 442 State Street Tel. 2660 TRADE 80 acres rood Idnhn land clear- Pb 1MM ntr 1 WV Beckl'ey, If 6 N. 21 st. ' - ' aia-aa. -"airaOii iirXj-nnniT- FOR . BALE Good ' 56 -acre rarm," 45 -acres la -crop,- balance pasture.. room dwelling, barn, si lo, garage and chicken house. Price $7500.00, $1500 cash, bal ance reasonable terms at 6 in terest. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 UOOQRV x'M "TOO THIS" TOUJMAM- HEfiLE XUL ASK MIM - t HEY WAVE- VOU UUPTTTHNi tXjQ SCEMACO FOfc OOPEY MOVIES'? A PglZg RDQ EACH ONE ACC&pT&O... MAIL TO (SOOPEy MOVIES CftyTHtS PAPeC...,' ff--z. r. JLB f aar. - i r- -Si- f J SMALL ACREAGE ON EASY TERMS $ 650. $50 down, $10 per month, 1 acre well located. In bearing fruit. $ 700. One-half acre with city water and electricity, near city limits. $10 down, $10 per month. $1000. One acre, sightly view, lo cated near bus line. $25 down, $10 per month. $1000. Five acres of good land lo cated east of Salem, on gravel road, near pave ment. $50 down, $10 per month. $2000. Five acres on the Garden road about 1 mile from the city limits, $50 down. $10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors S. Liberty St. Phone 515 134 SHEEP RANCH Nine hun dred acres located near Salem, price $25 per acre for quick sale. THIS MUST BE CASH. SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. Realtors J 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 HOWELL PRAIRIE ACREAGE $100 per a. $500 down. E. B. FLETCHER Gervals 1194 acres. 104 in cultivation, balance pasture. 8 mi. house. 4 6 by 60 barn. Woven wire fence. Family orchard, 9 acres straw berries, 10 acrfs English wal nuts. $12,000. $5500 cash. As sume $6500 5 mortgage. C. E. TAYLOR Stayton. Oregon REAL BUY 20 ACRES 7 2 miles east on Salem-Silver-ton highway. 20 acres highly im proved, best of soil. Reduced from $7500 to $5250. No trades. Pri vate owner Mathis, Phone 10F4. 5 Acres good soil. Close in on pavement. Electricity, fruit, p room ' plastered house, chicken house, barn, garage. Will sacri fice for cash or give good terms. Phone 1216-R. "wANTSOMETm WE have an especially good all purpose farm, one that is paying, not overloaded with buildings, but sufficient. 2-3 of a section, every acre of which is good $12,000 worth of drain tile on place. It is a pleasure to show this place and give you an idea of the income. Taking out the drain tile you can buy it for trifle less than $100 per acre and I defy you to beat it in price for land as good. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 297 i ARE YOU ENERGETIC? We have two "give aways" in large stock or sheep ranches. Not out of the world nor way back in backwoods but close to town and railroad 220 acres 14 miles to rail and 200 acres 2i miles to rail good road. We have per sonally inspected both places and believe there is enough wood for stumpage alone to pay for places. You can't find an opportunity to beat it in state of Oregon. We have two or three prospects on these properties now, so if you want to get in on it, get your name in the hat so it can be drawn. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 2974 15 ACRE trace near Salem. 5 rm. new modern house in Salem; trade for farm up to 50 acres. 89 acres about,,! 5 miles from Salem; good Improvements; trade for house in Salem. 2 acres; sltely location; good 5 rm. house; $3600. This is with in easy walking distance of Salem 21 acres In fruit, near Salem $6000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4 84 Court Street FOR RENT 2 ROOM apt. and clean sleep ing rooms. 391 N. Cottage. FOR RENT House? HOUSES FOR RENT 6 room modern house Er- ixon street $25.00 6 room South 13th : 20.00 5 room Chemeketa Street .. 20.00 5 room Norway street 18.00 6 rooms North 17th street 16.00 5 rooms South -Church 25.00 5 rooms D street 25.00 4 rooms McCoy 20.00 6 rooms Division ... 40.00 COPPOCK OR DUMBECK ' 110 North Commercial Street MODERN, unfurnished four room bangalow close In. $25 Phbne 974. . FOR KENT Not ; for . Sale 6 room house. basement, furnace, newly fin ished: t30ri9f Marlon Street. Pnoae .lVffC-J. HOUSES furnished and unfur nished for. rent from .110.00 month and, up phone 13 6 5 J. 7 Room house newly papered and painted. Modern. $30. 4 bed rooms. Call 1612W or 1399 "D" street. o kwai rurnisned bouse. Phone 162J. EAT THANKSGIVING TURKEY WITH US Big, Fat. Juicy Turkey free w ith every Used Car Sold Before . Thanksgiving Day 1928 Nash Standard 6, Coupe, fine shape 1926 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Dodge Sedan 1928 Standard Six Nash Coupe 1926 Nash Special Coupe 1926 Chrysler Roadster 1928 Nash Special Six Coach 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1926 Bufckjgtandard Sedan I Studebaker Sedan ' : Peerless Sedan - Nash Touring J Oakland Touring J Brlaco Touring Elgin Touring . Star Touring Ford Touring Big Turkey with avery one of them. Excellent equipment.' Exceptional Prices ' ' F. W; PETTYJOHN CO. . 165 North, Commercial Street Telephone 12(0 . . f "After We Sell W Berva" ' FOR RENT 2 fi.ruished an1 some unfurnished houses. Mil vin Johnson. PLone 637. 5 ROOM furnished house. Good location. All modern improve ments. 1880 Court. 6 ROOM 2 00 7-J. -House close in. Ph. FOR RENT SEVERAL small houses and or.e or two large .ones make your wants known we will do our best. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 2974 FOR RENT Apartments SMALL 59 0 Union furnished apartment, NEWLY FINISHED 4. 3 and 2 room apt. furnished, reasonable. Close in, The Mapl Apts., 715 N. Com'l. TwITll O O M Ar- w i t h p a n try. Water and lights furnished. $12.75 a month. 1396 N. 4th. , STRICTLY MODERN 6 room apartment. Close in. 665 N Liber ty. Phone 13 51. A ambassador Apts. 2 room furnished $37.50 & $40. Children Welcome 550 N. Summer 1972 '"T'oir'RENTTT electricity, furnished or unfiir ished. $18. Inquire at Oregon Cleaners. 190 S. Com'l. FOR RENT. Houses and apart- ments F. L. Phone 794. Wooir. 341 State. FURNISHED and unfurnished 3 room apartments. Virginia Apartments. .879 N. Liberty. STEAM IIK ATED 3 room apt! Tel. l.i62M. 15S0 Center. FURNISHED A PA HTM ENTS. Steam heat. 24 5 S. Cottage, phone 1003 J. 2 ROOM and chenTtteTlso lareo room and kitchenette fur nished. Close to high school. Con venient and comfortable. Call ami satisfy yourself, 555 Marion st. FOR RENT Rooms 2 ROOM Furnished apt. Fur nace heat close iu, reasonable Phone 1766-R. 2 ROOM Partly furnished $8. 1815 Fairgrounds Rd. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM. BOARD, single meal. Sunday dinners. Alexandri . 1030 Chemeketa. Phone " 3S. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Pure bred Chester White boars, and Gilts. Took pre miums at 1928 State fair. Priced reasonably. A. A. NAFZIGER Salem; Ore. R 7 Box 15. Phone 105F12. 4 SPAN of heavy work hornf s and harness 6 to 8 years old. weight 1200 to 1600 lbs. Blocky built, well broke and gentle to work. Price very reasonable. Don Sherlock, Rear 233 S. Church. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Rt. 9, box 166. 1 four corners out Sil verton road, north. CATTLE wXNTET)Wa1?er Corbet, phone 2541. CATTLE FOR SALE 1 Jersey heavy Springer 1 Jersey due in February 1-20 mo. heifer due soon All good ones, come and sr- 1H miles east from Swegle schorl on north side of Garden road. Set sign on gate. SEVERAL good high grade Jer sey cows, fresh and springers. Priced from $60.00 Up. Some terms. 1 miles east of Swegl school. North of road. Rt. 7, Box 198. See sign on gate. FOR SALE USED CARS We have Coralled Some Good Used Fords, Look 'Em Over 1927 -Roadsters $225 to $245 1926 Tudor Sedan 2S5. 1924 Touring an extra good one : 100. 1923 Touring fair shape .. 70. 1926 Coupe, was $275, now 20. 1923 Coupe, extras 100. 1923 Truck, cab. stake body 6 speed 200. OTHER MAKES Chev. Tourings not" to old $100 to 126. Chev. Coach 186. Late uick, 5 pass. Tur. new curtains, nen. .Aires.. and. new paint . 385. MANY. OTHERS Come, See them VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty St. FOR SALE OR TRADE W1 1926 Chevrolet Sedan. Good paint upholstering and tires. Mechanicallv nerfeet rail at sen S. 12th or phone 1592R, after 6 p m 1 w j 1