The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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J. S. Landers Heads Mon
mouth Chapter of Nation
Wide Organization
MONMOUTH, Ore., Nor. 21.
Initial organization of local
Chapter of tne state and natonal
council for pretention of war
waa held at the tommunity house
here Wednesday nlghtv ThET.
X,. It Dally, ralnlater of the Bap
tist church, presided and after ail
had Joined in singing America.
Rev. L. W. Wlllard, Evangelical
pastor, led In prayer. Inspira
tional and thought provoking ad
dresses were given by, the follow
ing persons: President J. S. Lan
ders; Rev. L. W. Wlllard. A. C.
SUnbrough; Delmer R. Dewey.
Rev. Victor P. Morris, and J. F.
Officers elected .were: presi
dent.' J. S. Landers; vice-president.
Rev. L. L. Dally; secretary
treasurer, J. P. Santee. The
president was authorized to ap
point a . constitution committee,
the next m eating to be at the call
of the president when the com
mittee is ready to report.
Mexico. Nov. 23. (AP) Oncf
again grim faced possemen are
acouring this desert, named by the
Spaniards of centuries ago "The
Journey of Death" Jornado Del
Maerto and once again their
quarry is a band" of horse thieves,
seeking escape by this route to the
safety of the border and Old Mexi
co. For the past 24 hours posses
headed by Sheriff Lon Danley.
have searched through this reRion
for a band of Mexicans and Am
ericans, which sacked ranch hous
es of guns, ammunition, clothing
anl provisions during a several
day orgy of banditry.
Far from any towns. withouT
communication except by messen
ger. The depredations of the band
did not become known until yes
terday when the posse started its
Ail crossings of the Rio Grande
are guarded by possemen and the
entire white sands district is being
combed for the robbers.
There is no water in the desert
Jornado Del Muerto. It was this
that led the ancient Dons to name
It so And it is this that the posse
Is depending upon eventually to
force its quarry from hiding. Un
less the band of Lucero has found
water which the Spaniards and In
dians could not. thirst. It is be
4ieved. will finally send them out
of the desert. Into the net of the
(AP a resolution proposing
that the proceeds from the sale of
four million dollars worth of sup
plies to France during the World
war should be used in building
and repairing rural roads was
adopted Thursday by the national
"This material that was sold to
France would have been used in
Uhis country for constructing
'roads if we had kept it." said A.
8. liOSS OI eame. "
'during the resolution, "and it is
only right that the proceeds go to
; the construction of smaller roads
Uhat do not come under the fed
eral highway system."
- Senator McNary of Oregon, in
addressing the. morning business
. 'session, declared that he . was in
favor of attempting to get farm
; relief legislation enacted in the
: regular short session of congress,
lid added that if its passage was
found impossible, a special session
should be called to deal with the
: problem.
"If this thing is delayed until
i spring any legislation that con
V rreajt naases will not so into ef
fect until 1930 and that is to
late." he said. "Of course, if, tor
political reasons, congress doea
Hnt eet around to it this term.
then it must be dealt with at an
extra session called for the pur
Declaring that he was for any
measure that would bring relief
to agriculture Senator Mcisar
said he would continue support o:
the equalization fee until it wa.
proved that it could not be passed
Then, he said, he believed consid
eration of the grange's export" de
- penture plan would be advisable
Residences Are
: Bombarded With
Heavy Boulders
Three residences in the Fair
' mount Hill vicinity have been
, bombarded with rocks thrown up
- In the process of blasting for the
basement of a residence which is
' being built for O. F. Johnson. The
most serious of these incidents or.
curred Thursday afternoon wh-
a boulder, weighing about (0
pounds crashed through in iu.
of the James Humphrey residence
and landed on a bed Just as Mrs.
Humphrey was preparing to lie
. down tor an afternoon nap. . The
i rock flattened the bed to the floor.
and if it had not struck the bed.
would 'have gone through to the
1 lower floor of the house, it is said.
, Mrs., Humphrey was suffering
r Friday from the shock of her nar-
rpw" escape. ; ; -
i Several days before a small
' 'rock had been hurled through the
window at the Humphrey home.
Jlocks, have also penetrated the
and 1655 Saginaw.
In "Rose
.V ' S,: i; :
;v ' ' -
A? ' V
- 5 '
Paul Donah and Daisy Glbso n. two of the principal players In
Arthur Hammersteis's musical co medjr success, "Rose Marie,"
which will occupy the Elslnore theatre stage on Wednesday night,
November 28.
Scores of Oregon Alumni
Who Live in Salem Have
Interest in Homecoming
EUGENE. Ore.. Nov. 23. Amid
'he din and excitement of a big
football rally and a coast confer
ence grid battle, the annual Uni
versity of Oregon homecoming
will be run off with a combina
tion of new and traditional fea
ures this week end. Arrange
ments are rapidly being complet
ed for the entertainment of visit
Ine alumni, with a large com
mittee of undergraduates coop-
rnting with Jeannette Calkins,
alumni secretary, in shaping
The purpose of all this enthu
siasm will be to hop up the Ore
gon football team for the' Mon
tana game on Saturday after
noon, which Oregon supporters
are hoping will result in running
up the largest score against Mon
tana this season.
On Friday night the homecom
ing signs, erected by the living
organisations of the campus, will
be viewed by a judging commit
tee and the sliver trophy for the
best sign will be awarded Satur
day. The homecoming luncheon will
be held Saturday noon. Unique
decorations will greet homecom
ing grads as they reach the
Alumni of University of Oregon
living in Salem are: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen. Echo R.
Balderree, Miss Josephine Baum
gartner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E.
Bean. Karl Q. Becke, Mrs. Ruth
Hoffer Biehn, Mrs. Gertrude
Holding Bonesteele, Miss Ruth
Marie Brauti. Robert G. Brady.
KHey C. Branstetter, Marie
Bibineau Briggs, Herbert Brooks,
George G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Brownell. Maxlne Buren.
Margaret J. Burroughs. Mrs. Mat-
tie Farley Carr. Allan Grant Car
son, Mrs. Merle Hamilton Car
son. Mrs. Myrtle Albright Car
son. Wallace P. Carson, Florence
Cartwright. Gladys Cartwright,
Dr. C. E. Cashatt, Ethan A. Col
lier. Elmer Dean Cook. Dolph L.
Harrv Craln. Harry Wilmot
Cronise, Miss Cora Currin, Her
bert Junk Darby, Merrltt Davis,
Mrs. Beryl Bond DeGuire. Cath
erine E. Deranleau, Ella M. De-
voe, Genevieve Morgan, Freder
ick Christian DeckebauKh. Dr.
and Mrs. Vernon Andrews Doug
las. Dr. Carl W. Emmons. Mrs.
Ella Anderson England.
Many Alumni Here
. Asel C. Eoff, Mrs. Ida Ruth
Scofield Fargo. Robert M. Fitx
maurlce. Mr. and Mrs. Bert T.
Ford. Mrs. Bernice Craie Fry.
Dr. Julius H. Garnjobst. Mr. John
B. Biesy. Edward N. Gllllngham.
Winifred Graham, John 'James
Griffith, Lewis , D. Griffith.
Mrs. Charles B. Harahle,
aloh S. Hamilton. Mrs, Lora
Taylor Hawkins. Charles Carey
Hayter, Paul R. Hendricks, Rob
ert Hendricks. Mrs. Vivian Hop
on Hendricks. Jay Butler Hewitt,
Harold S. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Hol
la Huntington. Conifred Hurd,
Mrs. Mary Ingham Hurley, Mrs.
Gladys Conklin John, Ercel W.
Rosalia Keber. Walter John
Kirk, Kenneth Claire Legge. C.
K. Logan, Haxel Dean Long, Mrs.
Leah Greenbaum Lyons, James
McClelland. Jr.. Ethel M. McGil
christ. Merle Isabel McKelvey,
Mrs. Jerome Rydman McKenzle.
Miles H. McKey. John H. McNary.
Mr. Garlen Simpson. Fred K.
Mangls. C. F, Martin. Linden R.
Martin. William M. Meier. Mich
ael J. Melchoir. Jessie Miles. Ler
eta Miller, William B. Mott. A. S
Mulligan, Mrs. Min- Jin nwi
Oeff. D. S. Parr. Theodore. R.
ramus. Myrtei .Pelker. Georgia
Gladys Pettit, Dorothy Phillips.
Mrs. Maude Ham mitt PtmhiM
Dr. Glean E. Prime. "Norman B.
urbriclt. Ralph L. Putnam. Mra.
vmnle Miller Rahn. Merrill D.
-cicnmona.? if ra.. Cecil .nira..
Florence Walker Rtckli. Philip
H. Rlngle, Donald C. Roberts.
Margaret A. Rodsers. Helen
Rose. . A. J. Roussean. Mrs. Tr.
etta Showers Rossnan. " Eugene
Reed Rowland; May B.' Ruther
ford, Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis Scott.
Maurice N. Selig. G. W. Shaffner,
Tr. Cecil L. Shotwell, L. ZL Simp
son. Kdmond Fritz Slade. Mi.
Constance Cartwright Small, Dr.
. .f.-"5vr,'r-::
:, - V : . i
and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith. Seph
us W. Starr, Walter Socolofsky.
Dr. - Burpee L. Steeves, Rufus
Jame3 Summer. Elton H. Thomp
son. Mary A. Tow, Mrs. Effie Cole
Tschanz, Jesse Theordore Walk
er, Dr. Kenneth Waters, Mrs.
Doris Churchill Weller, Thomas
Larkin Williams. George Dowing
White, James B. Young, Mrs.
Katherlne Wilson Woodworth,
Louise A. Williamson. Charles K.
Wilson. Ford E. Wilson. Mrs.
Thelina Riley Woodrow, Roy E,
Barker. Dr. R. T. Boals, Mrs.
Alice Bretherton Brown, Julia
L. Davis. B. Floyd Ellis. Carl D.
Gabrielson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
J. Gibbs. Charles A. Howard,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hug. Oliver
B. Huston, William H. -Johnson,
Florence Mildred Jones. Bernlta
F. Lamson. Edith E. Libby, Dr.
W. B. Morse, Mr. and- Mrs. Carl
Nelson. Faith Alice Priday, Leah
Matilda Ross. J. O. Russell, Wil
liam Earl Shafer, Harold J. Soco
lofsky, Mrs. Sophie Catlln Spears,
Laban Aaron Steeves, M. D.. Dr.
Fred H. Thompson. Herman C.
Tschanz. Walter C- Wlnslow. Mrs.
Grace Snook Wolgamott. and
Eugenia Zieber.
(Methodist Episcopal!
a ..u pmni.i.i.l Anil Myers streets.
S. Darlow Johnson, psstor, 849 E. Myers,
. ... . . I V. . .
phone Hit. me woman nmuo
sionsry society will observe their annual
Thank Offering service at the 11 o'clock
boar. The pastor will give an address
on "Making America Christian." The
choir will sing, "Give Thsnks Unto God"
(Baines). At the 7:30 Happy Evening
Hour the pastor will speak on "The
Thank You Habit," and "Seek Ye the
Lord' (Wilson) will be sung by a wom
en's trio. Sunday school, A. C. Bohrn
sSedt, Supt., meets at 9:45. Be there
on time and bring soother with yon. In-
1 u ii . Uic Utrrt I.eav-
inuiruiA.c . . a " ' , r
nworth. Supt.. -ill meet In the social
hall at 6:30. Ashbury league (High
. i i . A T . . 1 i . Iaum will unite in
ncnuui .iiu cjii. "...
Leslie Hsll for the closing Comradeship
service. lne topic ine iever r.nmu,
Adventure" will be presented by the
tattor. A eodial invitation is extended
to all young folks.
Corner of Market snd N. Winter
streets. W. N. Coffee, psstor. Suaday
M-iool. 9:45 a. m.; Herbert Hansen, Supt.
Preaching at 11 a. m.. and 7:30 p. m.
Young people's meeting at 0:30, with
Emory Goods as leader.
"The Church In Ehglewood," 17th
and Nebraska. L. W. Biddle. psstor.
phone 2622 J. Bible school 10 a. m.:
lessoa, "Tha Prayer of Paul." Mera
ing worship 11 a. m.; sermon, "Tha Duty,
Baaefits and Objects of Thanksgiving."
Thee will ba roceptioef of sneeabers. Snag
voar annual of feme for Philomath col
lege.. Junior C. E-. 2:80 P- m.;. Misa
Bertha V ancles ve is taa superinteaasnt.
Senior C. E.. 6:80 p. m. ; topie, "Remem
ber Godl" There will ba eleetiaa af
officers. Evening worship. 7:80 p. au;
WK HAViA VAAWAWAy A A WW A .f w. w wa
Meets AanCay at 11S0 Broadway, from
2 :0 to 6 p. as. for Bible stady. Funeral
services ia (Salem aad vicinity conducted?
without charge.
134S Okareb street. Sunday achool.
10 a. m. ; Lyla Knos, Supt. Preachiag.
11 a. m aad 7:0 p. m. Toang Paa
pla's meeting. S:S0 p. m. 8naday. Prayer
meeting Tuesday. 7:80 p. am- at Sister
Baamgartaer'a an Highlaad avenue. Mid
week prayer meeting, 7:80 Wedaeeday
aigkt at chapel. L. Chriatenson, paater.
(Afmiatad wit Assemblies af God)
Corner 18th and Ferry, block saath
sad a block east af Sap ran Court hldg.
Suadsy School, 1:45 p. m. Roy C.
Fergasoa, Sup't.
, Aftarnaaa Service, t a1 clock. Preach
iag aad sang.
Opea-lr eerviea. Liberty at Stata St..
p. au - ..
Eveaiag meat lag. 7:45. Gospel ia aong
New Orecok Statesman. Salptr,. Oregon, Saturday Morninft. November tl; 19$
Father of Bride-to-be Indi
cates Displeasure at Talk
Going Rounds
( API Maurice Costello. one time
film star, and father of Dolores
whom John Barrrmore Intends to
wed. tonight said that the "talk"
going the rounds of Hollywood in
timating that Barrymore has not
received a divorce from his sec
ond wife "certainly doesn't out
any one in a very good iignt."
Hollywood was mildly surprised
when the famous stage and screen
actor filed intentions to wed Miss
Costello: amused at the report
that he was not yet divorced from
Blanche Oelrich, and thrown into
great excitement when a "mys
tery" women telephoned a warn
ing that Barrvmore's martail sta
tus should be Investigated before
a license was Issued to the mar
riage license bureau here today.
"I think he ought to clear up
the situation." Miss Costello's
father declared, frankly troubled
Meanwhile Barrymore himself
had given every Indication that he
would make no further comment
on any phase of the intimated
.The statement Issued by Barry
more at that time was in the form
roontred by California law. and
must be filed three days In ad
voniH rf thA issuance of a mar-
rl license. It laconically set
forth that John Barrymore intend
ed to marry Dolores Costello, and
that his second wife Mrs. Leonara
Thomas, better known under the
nen name of Michael Strange, had
secured a divorce from him.
Fine Costumes
Feature Comedy
"Rose Marie," which will be the
attraction at the Elslnore one
night only, Wednesday 28fh is
the goregously costumed, fascin
ating and Irresistible musical
melodrama which almost over
night became internationally fa
mous as the biggest musical hit
ever produced In America. Rose
Marie sparkles with .comedy and
is replete with dramatic situations.
The dances glow with life; the In
dian dance that accompanies the
"Totem Tom-Tom" song being In
geniously contrived and brilliant
with color. The other dances are
equally beautiful. The cast in
cludes Virginia Fox. Paul Donah,
Charles Meakins. Mlra Nlrska.
Peggy Pates. Houston Richards,
Daisy Gibson. Sano Marco, Ross
Gibson, and Gus Buell.
Jury Disagrees The Jury in
the case of Versteeg vs. Ramage
failed to bring In a verdict Fri
day night, although It went out at
noon. Possibility was seen that
no verdict might be reached and
a new trial ordered. The cause
of action is based on the death of
Versteeg's son. which he claims
was caused by the negligence of
the defendant In driving his
truck. The sum of $7500 was
snd sermon. Saturday night. Young Peo
ple in charge.
Come and receive God's blessing in
your life.
Earle V. Jeoniaon, pastor, Eva M.
Jennison, Ass't. Phone 2B11-J.
"Soul and body" will be the subject
of the lesson-sermon in First Church of
Christ. Scientist, which is a branch of
The Mother church. The First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Serv
ices are held Sunday morning at 11 o'
clock and in tl)r evening at 8. Sunday
School convenes st 9:45 for the older
classes and at 11 for the younger classes.
The Reading Koom is maintained at 406
Masonic Temple where the Bible and all
authorized Christian Science literature
may be read, borrowed or purchased.
All ere cordislly invited to attend the
services and to use the Reading Room.
19th snd Ferry Streets. H. C. Stover,
minister. Sundsy school at 10- a .m. C. C.
Harris, superintendent. A Thanksgiving
service at 11- o '-clock. Sermon "In
Everything Give Thsnks" Duet "Fsther
We Thank Thea" (Jewitt). by Mrs. An
na Stanley and Myrs Gleasoa. Christian
Endeavor at 6:45 p. m.
Thanksgiving Concert at 7:80 Donald
J. Allison organist.
Today Last Day
A Two Gun Romance
Of the Great Ont
Doors - - -
The Story we Never
uatAjruxx. xarrxsT
Omar IIimI lid Aeadanv. Saaaavl
tehoot, at 10 a. m. ProcMac arriea'
L. Hall wiliprMch ia taa moraiar.
15th and MiU trat. Patrik K. Dahlia.
paator. Maraiar Wsraaip 11 a' clack. Ser-
w ivun ' . u uv . . hi. .
Charck school 9:45 a. m. Miaa Urthar
Krickion. Sopt. AtteaCaaca kaa ba
(radaally iacmiiaf the past few month
anO lit doabtea . ilacs U aaanraer
atoaths. Epworta Laafna C:80 p. m. Mist
Esthar Ericksaa will ba tka laadar. Topic
"Tha Karer-andiaf Aaventara. 7:30 p.
m. A gospel tram fram WUlanetta nni
wrsity in chirje. Taa taaa ia campaaed
of Konsaa Soreaioa, Hayaa BeaU, and
Ed. Kaaada. This will ba tha first ap
aaarsnca at the team la Salem aad a pro-
miwt lim ia aatiripuad.
Coort and 17th. Norris J. Reaaoaer.
minister. 114 S. 19th. Bfble school at
aaaal time, followed by morniaa; wor
ship; aertMa sabjct, ' 'The Miutoa of
tha Court street Cnarckt Baowias Ort-
itade." U. . maetiars at B:30 p. m -
eveainc worship at 7:30; sabject.
Which Dathr" A nott eoroisl
tstioa to all.
Thanksvirinr Sanday will be obsery-
ed by special music and theme at the
moraine worship hour at Jason Lee
Memorial Methodist church Sunday
aorntnr. This will infrinca oa the
ThanksgiTinff Day service but will be
observed for thosa whS cannot attend
divine services then. Tha joint meeting of
the Epworth Leagues in charge of the
evening praise service will conclude the
Comradeship Week services of tne
week. This meeting, will be held in the
auditorium following tha regular League
programs. The text for this service will
ba. As yon hare done it unto- the lease
of these, my bretaern yoa have done it
unto me." "Ton and I and Got" will
be the theme of the severs! talks by the
young people
Grand theatre building, corner Court
and High streets. Bible school at 9:45
with classes for all. Earl Gregg, Supt.
Morning worship at 10:50, sermon,
"fihoiea Tnkevs. With or Without
Thanksgiving!." Senior anil Intermediate
B. V. F. U. at 6:30. The Thanksgiving
program of the Seniors will be .lead by
Miss Edith Starrett, ana a fine program
is planned for the Intermediates. All
rouiif people invited to these services.
At 7:30 In the evening the sacred can
tstts "Belshsnsr" by the Calvary
chorus choir, will be a musical trest for
all. About 40 will take part in the
chorus, and some of the leading soloists
in the city will sing the leading parts.
W. Earl Cochran, pastor and choir direc
tor. .Everyone cordially invited.
One block south of Center on 19th. L.
D. Smith, pstor, residence 1249 S. Com'I.
Phone 2940. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Frank Lit wilier, Supt. "The Sunday
School With a Heart" clastea for all
ages. A live school with ' a large rhil
dmren's choir. AiorWHf? worship at 11.
Sermon subject, , 'Elijah's God and
Cod's El jah ". V. il. I.itwiller will sing
a solo. The young people meet at 6:30
for a short service. Miss Thea Sampson,
president; Clyde Hoffer, lesder. We un
ite with the Christian Alilsnce people
for a revival meeting beginning this Sun
day night, t'nion evangelistic service at
tlie Alliance Tabernacle 655 Ferry st., at
7:30 p. m. There wil lbe a large choir
from the two churches, with special
music and singing. Mrs. C. M. Litwiller.
and Miss Thea Sampson, will sing a duet.
Sermon subject "The Lord's time to
Cor. S. Comitferrial and Washington
St. Snnday Services: 10:00 a. m Sun
day school, Mrs. Marguerite P. Elliott,
superintendent. 11 morning worshin. Ser
mon. "The Supreme Cause for Thank
fulness." 6:30 C. E. Prayer meeting.
7:30 A Fanny J. Crosby evening, with
Crosby songs by congregation. Songs by
the primary department. Fsnny J. Cros
by's Life. "I will Sing the "Wondrous
Story," accordion solo. Robert Brown.
"Saved by Grace." the Misses Ahalv.
Calabra, Wright, Riser. "How Can "l
Keep from Singing," Jack Trachsel. "To
The Work." junior choir. "Deliverance
Will Come." Solo, Ross Miles. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to attend
these services. Charles C. Haworth. pas
or. 16.-.5 8. Liberty.
Calvary Baptist Church
(Grand Opera House, cop. Court A High)
Bible School 0:45. Class for all ae; trained teachers.
B. Y. P. U. :80 p.m. Moralnjr worship 10:50; eTenlng; 7:30.
GIVING." P. M. Sacred cantata "BEL6HAZZAR" by Calvary choir of
40 Toices, assisted by some of Salem's best soloists.
Come, dance to the
joy of life to the
mad, merry tune
of restless youth
youth that demands
love, and joy ex
citement. ON THE
Elotifiatf ao Players
Present one of the Best Mystery Comedies
ever produced
284 K. Cammoruai straat. it ting at
IliTar tha metg.
Sixteenth and A streets. H. W. Grass,
pastor. English service at 9:45. Ger
man at It. Sunday school ia English
at 9; Bible study, 6:30 p. m. A special
coaaregatioiisl aaeetiag directly after
English service for all members.
North Cottars and D streets. O. W.
itutsch, miaister. U. Schunke, assistant
minister. Sanday school. 9:4 a. m.;
Daa Schirmaa. Hunt. Services. 11 a. m.:
I topic, "Tha Valaa af a Soel." aad 7:30
; topic. "Godliness is Profitable
nte All Thing. "
Capitol aad Msrioa streets. W. G.
Liaakaeorper, pastor. Sunday school at
:a a. m - r red . Krasa. Hops.
Hah services at 10:30; aabject. "The
Parable at the Dagnet. German sarv
ices at 11:15; subject. "The Redeemiag
Love of Christ." You are cordially in
vited to these services.
Corner of Marion and Liberty. Robert
L. Payne, minister. Fred Boer, Sunday
achool superintendent aad director of
music; Louise Finley, orgsnist. Sanday
srhool, 9:45, with five departments.
Morning preaching service 11 o'clock;
topic, ADC tie Brought Him To Jesus.
Also sermonette for children. Three
young people's meetings, 6:30; evening
preaching service. 7:3; topic. "Our
Greatest Appointment." Special gospel
music at both services by the choir. The
ordinance of baptism will be administer
ed at the evening service. Old Isshioned
prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30.
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Mar
tin F. Ferrey, minister. Church School
at 10 a. m; graded instruction. Thanks
giving service at 11 a. m. : subject.
Thanksgiving fort Those Who Love.
Mrs. Msrtin FerreyVwilt sing "A Song of
Thanksgiving," by Allitson; Mrs. W. A.
Dentoa at tha organ.
34314 Court St.. C. S. Johnson, psstor.
residence 481 Union, Services 3 aad 7:30
D. ra. Sunday-school 2 p. no.
420 State St.. upstairs over the "Man a
Shop." Ralph D. 'Bullock, Pastor. Res.
480 8. Cottage St., Phone 938-M, Services
2:30 and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school 2:30
p. m.
- . T mrA Cmntr A P
Layton, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45
s. m. L. L. Thornton Supt. If you come
once you will wsnt to come again.
... ,. . .. i i i i-w
viorsnip as ji o ciocs. duujsci, vus
Speed Fiend Thst Runs by All Stop
Christian Endesvor at 6:30. Topic
"Remember God." This meeting is to be
in charge of the pastor.
V. OU . . . .wv . . o J : - , O ' '
That Are Not What They Seem." "You
saw . I. . , .n,. ..n li. . . .AAll Milt nf thp
church as in it. But Co you!" Give the
church a trial.
Ate Quniliir srhnnl at
V.ltr U' Wells. SuDt. An inter
esting study of God's Word in every
(lass. Alornmg service at 11 o ciook.
This is!'to be a Harvest Festival service
when we receive gifts of csnned fru:t
aijd provisions of all kinds for a Thanks
giving onering to Simpson nioie insi. ni
Seattle. A poem entitled "Our Harvest
Home Prayer." written for the occasion
by Mrs. Jennie M. Stone, will be read
during the service by Miss Elverta Min
ton. Morning subject "The Sign In the
Mulberry Trees." The evening service,
will be the first meeting of a joint re
vival between The Christian Alliance and
. l 1. Af Th. Vu.iTpnp Thp evenins
message will be brought by the i' v. L..
D Smith of the Mzatcne cnurcn. a nun
will be sung by Mrs. C. M. Litwiller and
t Th.. Simnun. Good singing and
orchestra music. These evangelistic ser
vice will continue eacn evening in
.n:.... T Kii.n o i-l o t 7R0. a slons a
the Lord leads. Come and bring your
friends and get a blessing. J. G. Minton.
oastor. Res. 1340 N. Cottage St. Phone
ii i i.i 1 1 ima
Corner H.ghlaaa a-. v"-
fi'rrrmmnr People's Worker!!
cbsrg. ef the " rvS.riv Meatinr.
laagoa oi a., A.r school. 10
Spacial vocsl "dTvPeV
pie's meetings: Jaaior C. E-. 5.30 P- -.
Senior x...
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH (Episcopal)
. eh. TtmW
Chnrch street at ijneme..-. a "j
H Duacaa Chambars, rector. Snaday
. r ir" a j rnmmanlv railed
7:30 a. m. ia aae c"P"- . . ' "
at 9:45 a. m. ia wo pamu V Z.
inc prayer with aormaa and .
11 oretock. Do not forget taa offonag
i, i . m.u vKniMin. fand commia-
iiii iu m
State and 18th streets. Tha RT- A-
r . . a. .V. H-J( m na Mr
ij. xieina. psHvr. Ah mib - -man
service tha pastor will speak on the
sad a the 11 a. m. English eerviea an
tne suDjees, Tvie sseoiy
Throne af God aad the Lamb." Sunday
. I a. .n ir..k. D.llMi..
enow K& w : . m., ma mm
8nut. Lutha lesgoe devotioaal meeting
I i :v p. B. . IONr, AW A
Dill I , V V. . " "
ion. Saturday school at 9 a. m.
Center ant Liberty streets. 9:45
Sunday srhool. Msrk MeCallister. Supt.
11:00 "The Temple Invisible." a
Thanksgiving sermon. 7:3U "Help
Somebody," illustrated by the moving
picture, "The Country Doctor." At the
morning service the quartet will sing:
"U Lord My Trust is in Thy Mercy.
Mr. Ulaisye will sing ss a solo: "Open
Mr. Glaisyer will sing as a solo: "Open
ning Mrs. D. J. Howe will sing a so
prano solo. Charles E. Ward, minister.
Methodist Episcopal
West Salem. Corner Girth Avenue and
Third street. M. A. Groves, pastor, 75
cugewaier street, plane 1341 K. Serv
ices. Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes for
all ages; D. O. Sebera, Supt. Junior
League and morning sevica 11 a. m. In
termediate and Senior lesgues at 6:30 p.
m. Evening service 7:30. Subjects:
The Kev. Everett Gardner will spaak in
the morning. P. M.. "The Divine For
giveass," by the psstor. Special music
st both services.
Will hold services st "Fraternal Tem
ple," this Sanday evening at 7:30. The
Rev. I.uella M. La Valley will be the
speaker and message bearer. The pub
lic is oordislly invited.
Church street Wiwmh rhn.k.i. .n.t
Center streets. The Rev. P. W. Eriksen.
Dastor. Tha mornin. pi.. . f tni;-
topic, "Preparedness Against That Cer-i
min fmj, mis Deing tne last Sunday
in the church vur At T 5n k. .
day srhool will give a spelen jidly work
ed out program by tha various depart
ments and the Sundsy evening chorus
and choir, the children will tske part in
thia program. The Church Bible school
at 9:30; J. E. Finden. Supt; R. C. Arp
, marge or toe AUlUt Bible rlas
work Mrs. P. W. Eriksen. instructing
the oMng People's Bible class which is
the largest in the Sundav school.
SUNDAY, 7:45 P. M.
"The Most Famous Night Meeting
of the Bible and the Millions That
Have Lost Their Way Because of
the Great Mistake Made.'9
Your Interest Keeps Increasing: With
Every Passing: Moment Until the Great
Final Conclusion Leaves You Wondering
in Astonishment
Your Neighbors Are Attending Why Not You?
Hundreds Attending!
Prof. Everson speaks every night 7:45
p. m. except Monday and Saturday
JOHN E. FORD, Soloist
vomer vnrMrArii ani. H. 17,4,
JS. Erskiae, pastor, 2o8 X. 17th . r
phone 1008-VV. ervices: 1 1 s. ni ,
7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: M.
"Caascs for Thanksgiving. sn,i v.,
siding? elder of Salem district "
at 7:30, and conduct thr ,
service. Sundsy school: 10 a. :
Straasbaagh. Supt. Christian ,
8:80; loader. O. R. Strausbaagl:
Thirteenth srd Center strict.
Sehnert. pastor. Saadsy school n ..,.
10 a. m. Morning worship at 1 l
Sabjoct. "What It Means to ...."
at 7:45; aabject. "The Gospel ut 1;.,
Signs. ipvoni ieagae mrm si :
m. Tha chnrch thst extends to
cordial welcome.
nasT presbttekiah
Corner of Winter and t1ieii.-li.i-i
streets . Tha Bev. Merman K ,v
pastor. Chnrch school 9:30 a. m Ii t
Uarrett, Snpt. Morning worship ut 1:
o'clock. Sermon by the psstur.
member the Lord Thy God" Demi 1,
Anthem. "The Path of the Jnsf - 1 .f
bvre. Offertory solo. 'The lrd 1. i
Urkt" AlUtsea. Miss E. Hnth Hun
Organ aumbera, "Jnbllate De" -Si !er
Man-ne noeaame uonnoo, i.r,...
Chriatiaa Endeavor societies You nt
Tvople. Senior, and Intrrmdiato m.,
at S:30 p. m. Kvening warship Mu
o'clock. Sermoo. "Ood's Outlook." The
Jnnior Choir will sing. Organ numbers.
"Kvensoag Matin. Impromptu '
Srhabert, and "The Crusaders " Vlk
High and Center streets, i). J.: Howe.
pastor, 765 X. Cottage; Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton K. Jackson, assistant;, rt7 N
oth. Bible school 9:45 a. m. ; O. 1. Hull.
Supt. This is a lire growing school. We
are always glai to have, new enrollments
and welcome viaitors. Special mission
ary talk by Miss Goldie Weils st Bible
srhool hour. Morning worship Mif sion
sry address by Misa Uoldie Wells of
Africa. Music How Beantiiul I pon
the Mountains" Miles, Choir. "Speed
Away" Men's chorus directed !by lr.
H. C. Epley. Evening worship Thanks
riving service. Music Give Tl hanks
t'nto Cod" Lacey, by choir. Sermon
The Great Giver" pastor.
Corner State and Church. P. O. Tay
lor, pastor, 63ft State, phone 974. Mar
garet K. Sutherland, director religious
education, phone 872. Services: 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "Jacob's
Vision, the pastor. former Pastors
M. C. Wire. John Persons, snd A. N.
Avison will be present to take part in
the service. Bishop William Taylor's
Stone Pillow will be exhibited and the
tory told. P. M.. "The Conversion of
Cornelius, the Roman Captain" by the
pastor. Fellowship and Get-Arquainted
service 111 church parlors after service.
Special mimic: a. m., solo, "Praise and
(iive Thanks," Adair,- suug by aacis
McGilvra. "Let Every Tongue Adore,"
Bach.: p. m.. Musical preludo by orches
tra and congregational ' song service.
Church stliooi: 9:43 a. m. Classes for
all nges. II. K. Shank. Supt. Kpworth
leagues- .loint meeting of l'niverity and
First Church Chapters: topic. "Andrew
and lie brought him to Jesus;" leader.
Krank Van lrkp. Junior High chnpter
n annex. Other services: Jun.or church
Thanksgiving service 111 annex at 1 1 a.
Noted Bible Lecturer
I, :