The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1928, Page 8, Image 8

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The New Oxsgow Statesman; aitrg. Oregon SfiWgy Homing, November Iff. i9tS
- , -
A. L. Heine
i Sermon on Revelations Text
1, Says Ordinary Doctrine
5 ; Not Scriptural
; K The Rer. A. L. Heine, pastor of
i the Cnrlst Lutheran churen. State
and 18th streets, will use Rerel-
atlons 20:1-10 as the basis for
'- nls sermon this morning, a synop-
sis of which follows:.
C The Scriptures In general are
' hot dark, as some would hare us
;"thlnk. but only portions of them.
On the other hand the Scriptures
are a bright 'and shining light
which God has set Into this world
bo full of darkness. . ,t '
Those are not few who know
' nothing in spiritual things, but
Nwho imagine themselves very en-
lightened and very wise. Such
--men frequently formulate their
own opinions and doctrines, and
then they wrest the words of the
Scriptures to suit. them to their
a own preconceived Ideas. They are
i sure to miss the way of truth by
i their own conceit. To guard
against being carried away by our
own fancy is of paramount impor
tance when we treat of prophe
cies referring to the history . of
1 the church, the coming of Christ
r n and the end of the world.
I Often Distort Text
! What are we to understand by
the thousand years of Christ's rul
ing with his saints?
There are, two rules or inter-
pretation which we must be care
ful to observe m, explaining mis
chapter of Revelations. The first
Is: "We must neverjput anything.
finto Hie text wnioniis necsj
talned therein. For instance, la
sUtutlog , the Holy Supper the
Lord said: "Take. eat. this Is my
p body." Now if I explain these
i words so 'as to make them say:
IThls Is an emblem of my body,
then 1 am putting something into
these words which Is pot there.
and I am so corrupting the Lord's
f words and altering His testament.
I f The other rule 1 this: Dark
I passages, or passages which ap
f pear dark to us must be explained
4 by clear passages and not vice
. versa. This also applies to entire
books of the Scriptures, For In
stance: It is evident that Paul's
epistles are clear on the doctrine
of the Justification of a sinner be
fore God. but what James wrote
ion justification is not so clear
I Therefore I must not explain
Paul by James, but must explain
$. James by Paul.
i' Kingdom Is Spiritual
' The Scriptures distinctly teach
that the kingdom of Christ is a
spiritual, invisible, and not an
earthly and visible kingdom "My
kingdom Is not of this world,"
eaith (he Lord. The kingdom of
Christ Is of a spiritual nature
with spiritual treasures and spir-
ttual Joys. And because its joys
are spiritual and not earthly it
must be a kingdom of the cross
f while It remains on this earth. Bo
il; Ing a kingdom of grace and the
. 5 cross Christ's kingdom can nev
; ': er become a kingdom of earthly
- .and visible glory, or earthly and
Si v in j
vuuiij eujujrmcuis.
It is not doubtful that this
-. ..::: y. I
Paator of the ChrUt Lutheran
church. State and 18th street, who
la nearing the end of Ms second
year of service In Salem.
the time .when "The end of all
things is at hand." It la incum
bent on us to watch and pray that
we may escape the snares of the
evil one, and our names be
found in the book of life which
Is Jesus Christ.
Chapter of Revelations does teach
a millennium, Christ ruling a
f1 thousand years with His saints.
ut tne enier questions concerned
tare these.: whether this millen
nium is past or future, and wheth-
j er it-is kingdom of earthly glory
and enjoyments, or of a purely
spiritual nature.
t One Doctrine Involved
! The doctrine of the Iflllenar-
lans runs about In this wise; Th
r boast and the false prophet would
come visibly on earth; the sleep-
. ing sainu would arise, ana with
- these Christ would rule In a vls-
4ble kingdom over all the earth.
t . . m m
,wbhb anuu woaia d nouna tor
fa thousand years. Then, Satan be
ting loosed, Gog and Magog would
I come, and then the end.
i . That the ordinary xnlllenarlan
fldent from the tact that it mil
itates against doctrines clearly
Uausht in the Scriptures. Such a
doctrine would change the very
I nature of Christ's kingdom on
l earth, which can never be. be-
- w
i cause It must always remain a
j 'kingdom of salvation for sinners.
This is therefore what the text
says: "Christ ruled with His own
a thousand years, but the rest
were dead and. remained dead and
became not alive. Therefore this
I first resurrection is not a resur
rection . of the bod V. hut nf tho
I soul from being dead Jn trespasses
and sins, and this ls'Vremonstrated
from the fact that by It men are
made "priests of Godv and of
S Christ." Now priests of Christ ws
I do not become by the resurrae-
tion of the soul through repen
1 tance .and - faith. . The thousand
Jyeara here spoken of can not
h 1 mean a visible kingdom, of earth.
at 17 gtory.'. " ' "
H I : Application of Text
i ' The application may be stated
H ithua: This key la the power over
i t hell and death earned bv Jean
i I Christ. .The chain binding Satan
g Is the- word of. the Gospel which
4 l "the power of God unto salva
s I tlon to every one that belleveth."
V This chain remained unbroken for
f a thousand years and over, dur-
; lng wfalch time the divine auth-
,f-i oiity of the Bible was not quae-
v tloned within Christendom. In-
M tlan nations are products of mod
' era times. Rationalists, skeptics
, I and infidels are now stepping up-
i ,; on the. broad of the earth, and
I are assailing the church not with
.; . the sword, but with the more dan
i geroua weapons of falsa, philos-
opny, mockery and ridicule. The
f many legions of unbelievers may
Te tn Gog and Magog.
I ; " Certain- Is the day of Judgment
in coming, and the one thing
I needful for us to do is to embrace
1 Jesus Christ as the Savior of our
i soul: but in Jesus Christ wa must
vot seek earthly advantages; we
;--tnukt' be willing to follow him un
CZt the cross. Because ws live In
- The week's calendar, for
Mill street .Methodist church, of
which Patrlk Dahlln Is pastor,
contains the following events:
Monday night the usual At
Home tor the young people will
be held at the. church parlors.
Tuesday night the Intermediate
group will meet for recreation and
good fellowship in the church par
lor. Last week the attendance
was more than 20 and the eve
ning was full of fun and merri
ment. The hours are from 7 to 9
Wednesday evening the usual
mid-week ' meeting of the study
class will not be held owing to
the fact that a Father and Son
banquet will be held at the
church. An effort will be made
to get every father and son rep
resented in the church at that
event. The banquet is being spon
sored by the Ladies' Aid and the
church school. Professor William
H. Mertzog of the faculty of the
Kimball School of Theology will
be the main spea'ker. Norman
Sorenson will lead in the singing
and Henry Warber will accom
pany on the piano.
. The newly organized Study club
for mothers' will meet next week
at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
in the church. All mothers are
Invited to attend to enjoy the fel
lowship and the study of the prob
lems that relate to the instruction
snd control, of the children in the
homes and in the church.
Saturday the "story hour" will
be held for the -younger children
at the church from 2 to 4 o'clock.
jne iioneer club with Mr. nh.
lin In charge will meet at th
church at 1:15 o'clock. The bors
will then go to the Y. M. C. A.
where they will encace in rm
and swimming. The regular meet
ing win be held in the evening at
7 o'clock. A full attending. 1.
A, musical program will be giv
en tonight by the mixed quartet of
the First Congregational church,
beginning at 7: SO o'clock and pre
ceding the showing, of .the moving
picture. "The Temple Hill in con.
junction with the sermon.
The picture shows scenes from
the mountain on . which Abraham
prepared to offer up Isaac as a
sacrifice and Mount Morlah .where
Solomon built the most famous
temple in history. Traces of the
city Solomon built are shown with
his stone quarries, water system
and other reminders of his ancient
Following is the complete pro
gram which will be presented by
the choir, the members of which
are: Mrs. Harry Harms, soprano:
Miss Zella Ruble, contralto; H. B.
Glalsyer. tenor; A. H. GUle, bass;
and Miss Roberta Morton, organ
ist: . J
1. Organ Voluntary Maestoso
A. D. 1C2A (MacDonell).
2. The King of Love My Shep
herd la (Shelley). The choir.
3. Solo Consider' the Lilies.
(Blschoff). Mr. GUle.
4. Seek ye the Lord, (Roberts)
The choir, with tenor solo by
Mr. Glalsyer.
5. Solo Light, (Scott). Mrs
. Offertory Reverie (Calendar).
7. Solo Open the Gates of the
Temple (Knapp). Mr. GUisy
8. "The Heaven Are Telling.'
9. . Postlude Polonaise, Mill
talre, (Chopin).
f Iti
he 1J
rch to Have
inner Meetin
The monthly church njght.aup
per of the Knight Memorial Con
gregational church will be held
Wednesday, November 21, begin
nlng at 6:45 o'clock. Members of
the church will bring their friends
as guests. A program of music, In
cluding the young men s quarter,
soIo'dV Ronald Craven, has been
arranged and the. women of the
church will present a farce. "The
Janitor's New Broom" as the en
tertainment features of the event,
Prayer meeting will h hid t
7:30 o'clock Wednesday night at
the First United Brethern church
on Mission street, between 13 and
university. The Rev. A. S. Hen
derson Is pastor. The Woman's
Missionary association will meet
at 110 O'clock Tuesday after
noon. It Is also announced.
W. Rarl !nrhnin naoU,
1 wwh.wu, raaiv, vi lu
Calvary 'Baptist church. will
preach upoiv "The Bible as a Mes
sage at the morning worship to
day and the chorus ctao'r will ping
an anthem. "My Task" will be the
pastor's subject for the night ser
mon .and there will be special
music .The B. Y. P. U. will meet
at 4:30 o'clock tonight as usual.
Evangelistic and Bible study
Tvlces will be held Wednesday
Thursday and Saturday nights at
7:45 o'clock at the Flmmanuel
Full Gospel Mission. 420 Sta'e
street, upstairs over the Man's
shoo, reports the pastor, Ralph D.
Wednesday night meetings of
First Church of Christ. Scientist
of Salem, which is located at the
corner of Liberty and Chemeketa
streets are held at 8 o'clock and
include testimonies of healing, ex
perlences and remarks on Chris
tian Science. All are cordially In
vited to attend these meetings.
The chorus choir of the Calvary
Baptist church is practicing for
the cantata Belshazzar to be giv
en Sunday ight, November 25.
The pastor, W. Earl Cochran, is
directing the production which
promises to be one of the year's
musical treats.
The Ladies' Aid of the First
Methodist church is making
plans for a bazaar and chicken
pie dinner to be held at the church
parlors Friday, December 7. The
various circles will meet Wedne'f
day of this week to formula t f
plans for the booths, each circle
to conduct its own booth at the
Leslie Young
.Folk Arrange
Extra Service
The young people of the Leslie
Memorial church will observe
three nights of Comradeship ser
vices this week, beginning with a
pot-luck dinner at o'clock Mon
day night. Thedinner will be fol
lowed by a social hour and an ad
dress to be' given by, the Rev. Nor
man Kendally Tully. pastor of the
First Presbyterian church.
The second meeting will be held
Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock
when Miss Margaret Leavenworth
will lead the discussion. The Rev
T. H. Temple, district superinten
dent or Methodist churches, will
give the principal address at the
Friday night meeting.
Other activity at the church
during the week will include the
mid-week service at 1 the church
Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock.
this to be in harmony with the
Comradeship ; program of the
younger people. Choir practice
wil lbe held Thursday at 8:30 o'
clock, this to be In harmony with
the Comradeship program of the
younger people. Choir practice
wilt be held Thursday at 8:30 o'
clock, under the direction of J.
William Belcher.
Younff people's prayer meeting
will be held Tuesday, night at 7:80
o'clock at the'Immanuel Baptist
church, corner Hazel and Acad
emy. The adults' prayer session
will be held i Thnradav alrhr ho.
Binning at 7:30 o'clock.
Leagues Plan
"Comradeship .Week" will be
observed at the Jason Lee Metho
dist church this week, with the
members of the several- leagues
in charge of daily services. The
church is at the corner of Jeffer
son and Winter streets and the
Rev. Harry E. Gardner Is pastor.
Other announcements from the
church include: Choir - and devo
tional meeting. Thursday night
beginning at 7 o'clock; the mis
sion class at 7:30 o'clock with
Professor Hammond leading the
Bible study on the book of John.
and Synoptic gospels taught by
Professor Clark; a teachers' train
ing, class convenes at 8:30 o'clock!
under direction of Professor Keet-
Wln-Mv-Chum" week will be.
observed by the Epworth leagues
of the First Methodist church,
with meetings to be held every
night this week, beginning at
7:30 o'clock. The theme for the
week is "Disciples of Christ."
Ronald C. Glover, local attorney,
and Dr. John D. McCormack of
Willamette university, will, ad.
dress the leaguers Tuesday j and
Thursday nights, respectively,! ana
for the other hour meetings; stu
dent leaders will have charge of
the discussion. I
Other activities of the week
planued by the different gronns
of the First M. E. church are an
nounced as follows::
The - Board of Stewards ; will
meet Monday night in the church
annex to complete plans for their
work, and hear the reports of the
The Methodist Men's council
will meet in the church .parlors
Tuesday. Dinner will be served
by the women of the Southeast
Circle which will be open to all
who care to be served. The! men
of the -council will sit together
ind hold their meeting later in
the church parlors. ; j
The topic for the Bible Study
tar the mid-week i, nraver ', and
praise service Thursday night will! teacher, will be entertained MonH
be "Prevailing Prayer." The study day night at the home -of Mr. and
will be led by Dr. j F. C. Taylor, Mrs. W. T. stoiez. mere are near
the pastor. ly young people in ine ciass.
Ford Memorial
Gives Schedule
A Boy 8 co at Troop meeting will
be held at T o'clock Tuesday night
at the Ford. Memorial Community
church in West Salem. Harold
Cook will be In charge. The regu
lar prayer meeting hour of the
church wfll be observed Thursday
night at 7:30 o'clock. Wednesday
afternoon the Ladies' Aid will give
a Silver tea at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Gosser In West Salem.
Of U. B. Church
Calvary Baptist
Groups to Meet
''- T I I
The Women's Missionary Soct-
otv nf tfc a Palvarr Bantiat church
will meet at the home of Mrs. w.
T. Stolts . Tuesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Randall .will
be the leader, telling of her ex
periences In China, and Mrs. W.
F. Foster, will lead the devotional.
The young people's Bible class.
of which Miss Nina McNary is
The - Young People's Fortnight
ly club of the First Congregation
al church will meet Tuesday night
at 7:30 o'clock. The Woman's
Union will meet Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. F. B.
Neer, 785. North Church, street to
sew for the Christmas bazaar the
group is planning.
The Ladles Aid of the Castle
Chapel, United Brethern church,
will meet Wednesday morning at
7:30 o'clockk. the pastor. L. W.
Biddle. reports. The women are
planning to present the church
with a new bulletin board.
Prayer service will be held as
usual at 7:30 o'clock Thursday
night and at 8:30 o'clock that
night the Sunday school council
will meet.
The regular "church night"
meeting of the First Christian
church will occur Wednesday
night, beginning with a covered
dish luncheon at 6:3 o'clock. Choir
rehearsal is scheduled for Thurs
day night at 7:30 o'clock.
(Graad Opera House Corner Court dt High Sta.)
S. S. s:45 sum. Claasee for all agea. Orchestra.
Evening; message: "MY TASK." Mrs. Davis will sing.
. Popular Gospel Sons; Service led by chorus choir
A. M.: "THE BIBLE AS A MESSAGE. Yow will be dismissed
before 12: IO o'clock. .This service begins at 10:50 a.m.
W. Earl Cochran, Pastor
The congregation and 'friends of
the Salem ehurch of God will meet
for prayer service Tuesday night
at 7:30 o'clock at the home of
Brother and Sister Carnines. The
regular mid week prayer meeting
will be held at the church chapel.
1346 North Church street. L.
Christenson Is the pastor.
Miss Thea Sampson will be In
charge of the Friday night Young
People's prayer meeting at the
Salem Church of Nazarene. The
regular adults' prayer service will
be held Wednesday night at 7:30
Prayer service andv Bible study
of the South Salem Friends'
church will be held Thursday
night at 7:30 o'clock, announces
the pastor. Charles C. Haworth.
that "Live
The Young Business' People's
class of the First Presbyterian
church held a party at the church
parlors Tuesday night as the first
activity of the new class year. Ov
er 18 members were preeeat. W.
A. Delsell is the teacher. Miss
Norma Detrick Is president and
Miss Elaine Stelngrube, secretary.
Church Women to
Sew For Students'
: Miss Earl Wood. 1048 North
Winter street, will entertain the
South Circle of the First Chris
tian church Wednesday for an all
day meeting, with a covered dish
luncheon at noon. Serving will
he done tor the girls' college' at
Eugene and the : boys' school at
Turner, ,
- Mrs. F. J. -White of Coronado,
California; was the house-guest re
cently of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Don
aldson. 833 ; North Eighteenth
street, on her return trip t Cali
fornia after spending three months
In Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, the
former home of the Donaldsons.
TOO fair, I may not call thee
; Too dear, I buy not see
These eyes with bridal beacons
, shine; "
Yet, Darling, keep for me
Empty and hushed, and safe
.Vf . i; apart
One little comer of thy heart.
Thou wilt be happy, dear! and
vA; bless
1 Thee: happy mayst thou be.
X would not make thy pleasure -
--less; -:
. Yet, Darling; keep for
My life to light, my lot to leaven.
One little corner of thy Heaven.
Good-hy, dear heart! I go to
dwell . ; - ' K
!. A weary wsy from tKee;
Our first kiss is our last farewell;
Yet, Darling; keep forme
Who wander outside in the night.
One little corner of thy light.
Gr7d Ju?y (1S28-1S07X
' Members of Mrs. Roy Gatke's
fcrams league study class will
'meet At the home of Mr. Cliftos
Mudd Tuesday aftsrnooa. - -
: r 1 11
1 '
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