ItlJV 11CIV VIUAiUn t)lAlUUU1 UC11W s' -yvit . ouu j i fillip, iiuit rliyrl t , S S FOR SALE Used Cars r EAT THANKSGIVING TURKEY WITH. US Big, Fat. Juick Turkey free with every Used Car Sold Before Thanksgiving Day : 1926 Buick Standard Sedan 1928 Oakland Landau Coupe 1926 Studebaker Standard Six Coach 1925 Oldsmobile De Luxe Sedan 1926 Nash Special Six Coupe 1926 Dodge Sedan 1926 Chrysler 60 Roadster 1928 Nash Special Six Coach 1925 Hupp 8 Touring Completely Orerhauled Peerless Sedan Studebaker Sedan Essex Coach Nash Touring Oakland Touring Briscoe Touring Star Touring Big Turkey with every one of them. Excellent equipment. Exceptional Prices F. W. PETTIJOHN CO. 365 North Commercial Street "After We Sell Guaranteed Used Cars Buick "6" with extra good tires. top and glass enclosure. J.926 Studebaker Standard two,- door sedan ....$750 1926 Chrysler 4-door sedan .?600 1927 Reo Speed Wagon. 1V4 ton, .Complete $900 1923 Oakland Touring Glass en. closure $150 These cars have been recondition ed and in good shape. Look them pver. Reo Sales and Service Company 239-347 N. High Hudson - Essex Used Car Offerings 1929 Hudson std. sedan. Demon strator run less than4 700) miles lots of extras. New car guarantee. Liberal dis count. Car In trade. J929 Essex sedan demonstrator cannot be told from new. 1928 Essex Coach run less than 12.000 miles. Reconditioned new car guarantee. 1927 Essex Coach a oargaln Al condition. 1927 Oakland 2-door sedan. Or iginal finish, lots of extras. 1922 Studebaker special six tour ing overhauled and new paint. 19 25 Ford Tudor sedan. 1924 Ford Coupe. Trades--Terms STATE MOTORS INC Hudson & Essex Distributors High & Chemeketa Sts. Phone 1000 Good Bunch of Used Fords to Pick From 1927 Roadster, extras $235 1926 Touring with Ruckstetll 235 1924 Coupe, new paint, extras 175 1923 Late Oakland Sport T,-. .-.. 1 UK f. -M iT? Chevrolet Touring, you ' may tempt us with an ot- fer on this. V. D24 Roadster, a real good i Ford 95 1 1926 Essex Coach 295 Ford Truck with good cab and stock body, pneumatic tires 135 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at Liberty St. 'Telephone 1995 LOOK Mr. Used Car Buyer Christmas Is Coming We Will Give You 1929 License FREE With Every Used-Car-Sold Before New Years Day No Raise In Prices READ Manr nt you have visited our used car department and might be in- terested In one of our used cars and yon will be pleased to know that yon can buy that car and get r 1929 license free. Why worry about the License Fee Nuf Sed. CAPITOL MOTORS INC. Biddy Bishop Open till 9 p. m. Every Day 850 No. High St. y-u-yruXinVrV"-'i-ii',JbJ- m m McKays for Used Cars With an O K That Counts 1924 Ford Coupe $180.00 1S28 Chevrolet Coach ... 25.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring. . 100.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach ... 500.00 1926 Chevrolet Coach . . 400.00 1928 Cnevrolef Roadster. 600.00 1926 Ford Coupe 100.60 1927 Chevrolet Touring. . 425.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe . . 495.00 1921 Ford Coupe balloon tires 90.90 nheTrolet Sedan .. 460.00 ' 1927 Ford Fordor Sedan Rnztel Axle 175.00 . nil Pair a Touring glass enclosure 75.00 1919 Dodge Touring .... 75.00 .430 N. Commercial Phone. 1801 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. WANTED Used Cars . CASH Bald for Fords Elker 'Anto. &IONEY TO LOAN ' CITY AND FARM loans at low t rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers rou expert advice and service la all tinea. ; HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc) Telephone 1260 m MONEY to loan on real estate private money, lowest rates. T. Ford. First National Bank. Have $10,0(10 private money to loan. Call 07 or see P. H. Bell, U. S. Bank Building. DO you need money to build or refinance your loam? Payments $10 per month onr thousand in eludes low Interest. We can low er your payments. WESTF-RN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. McKy & Gilfry 190 So. Commercial. Phont 1C8I FEDERAL FARM LOAN 6K. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. WE have private money tor real estate loans. Straight and In. stallment loans on city property. Farm loans at 6 plus commis sion. ! ' ' ANDERSON ft RUPERT Realtors 169 S. High St. FARM Loans Plentv of moo- ey to loe.3 on good farm security. City Loans We are loaning Pru dential Insurance company mon ey on city residence and business property at 6tt per cent, plus s commission. Hawkins & Robots. Inc., 205 Oregon Building. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. xou Keep me car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 121 Salem. Ore. J "cTt y '""and i tract loans Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOSIATION 703-6 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457. Salem. Oregon P. H. BELL. 219 U. S. Bank Illdg. Residence and business loans. Tel. 607 or 2141-W. WANTED Private money for farm loans. We have several ap plications on hand. Hawkins A Roberts. Inc.. 205 Oregon Bldg. SALARY and collateral loans. Repayable la weekly or uonthly Installments. GENERAL FI NANCE CORPORATION, First Nat'l Bank. Tel. 1200. WANTED Loans WANTED Private money to loan on REAL ESTATE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 8. Liberty St. HAVE client wanting $1,500.00 on good farm security. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. ConVl St., Salem, Oregon. $5,000 PRIVATE money to loan on improved city property at 7. F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. Ph. 2830. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Estate. Easy terms, low rates. F. G. Delano, 290 N. Church. Phone 2830. Big Sister TO GO HOT-IE, WILL YUH? A, REST. PVE. Z,OTCO We Serve BUSfNEiS UJ(TW AFEJJ.OWJ. I'M Bsssssm a hi i m m High Pressure Pete HOW WOOLS V60 lUo BOW oh ft mBrr mjktiiho- -mif torrn tnt- STNotnor TSrio(tow UHP& wol. ftdM -m 'SThee utT4 Tk w s BBBB wvN.sjcsnt i si7- . i m w ii n -w msn mm inn r r rw m. - - - vi sw, ' is m - i i r f t v i m . w tmim .-.w. ' hiiiut.v i THE OLD HOME TOWN r. A B m e M VU I MM m IwrWlzSR I lj ' ' Z : - MISCELLANEOUS MASKS, costumes and wigs for rent. 2266 N. 5th. Phone 1947J. Geographic Magazines We bind them for $2.00 a vol ume. Lincoln & Allen, 112 First St., Portland. FOR SALE Misc. CEDAR FENCE POSTS for sale. 18c each. See sample at 1870 Market St. or phone 2538R. ' FOR SALE One large, one small heating stove cheap. Box 847, Statesman. HEADQUARTERS used electric washers, several different makes, all reconditioned 'standard wash ing machines. HALIK ELECTRIC CO. Phone 2 461 N. Front CHRISTMAS Card Problems easily solved Just Phone 600 and ask our salesman to call with samples. Commercial Printing Dept. Statesman Publishing Co. 216 S. Commercial THOMPSON'S or apples. Hand picked wormless. Cheap at or chard. Rt. 8. RULIFSON'S tor apples and grapes. Bx. 59, R. 8. Phone 4F4. FURNITURE! UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Glese-Powars Fur niture Store. WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. APPLES Good Northern Spies 75. Others 60. Bring boxes. 2315 So. Cottage. Phone 253 5-W. GOOD BALDWIN APPLES. 50c box delivered. Speak quick. Phone 8F22. BALED STRAW and pigs. 39F14. VSJk 11 SIVE U5 TAlk 30M UK& To 6d (I m -r. i m m .Bk s - u m m ir i si v Mr m mw - m m m mr -m ..&&w m Jar m i Q j -r- we.- eHrr j oh- i pokt wi mo I WftHlto "15 5j Hom noCH IT oecv ll t' tt0V j MY QOOOKESS THIS FISH GL.OBE IS IS EMPTY NP zrszt ; poor uttus u Poor. . " I CLUB PAY UTTLE WILLIE TROUT ENTERTAINED THE 0L8 5im3 AT "THE TROUT" HOM E" TODAY fltw twmv SINGER PORTABLE Electric cheap for cash, 1795 S. 12th. Salem, Ore. A WHITE ROTARY Sewing Machine, $20.00 late model, 1795 S. 12th. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and Girls' raincoats at wholesale price. Sa lem Tent & Awning Co., 729 N. Liberty. FOR SALE Remington Type writer $10.00, Electric Carpet Sweeper $7.50. Both machines in good condition. Can be seen at 1510 N. Liberty St. after 7 p. m. BALDWIN and Jonathan ap ples, 50c per box. Bring boxes. Rt. 6, Bx 3 4 A. FOR SALEM Scavanger service call 167. WANTED Misc. CARD READING, crystal gax ing. Call 2857 M. Lawn spading, parkway reseed Ing, Maxwell phone 2453. FURNITURE PACKING tor shipments. Ciese-Powers Furni ture Co. WANTED Cles. white cotton rags 6c pound. Statesman Pub lishing Co. We will buy large or small quantities. CASH for used furn., stoves, tools, etc. II. J. Boock, formerly Lib. Ex. Call 841, 349 N. Com'l. CAPITOL BARGAIN and Junk house 105-145 Center. Tel. 398. All kinds of Junk bought and sold; Rags. Sacks, Bottles, Barrels. Hides, Pelts, Wools, Furs, Tallow, Cascara Bark, Grape Root. Pitch, Peppermint Oil, all kinds of Iron and metal everything from a needle to a locomotive. POEMS set to music, ftlaster- Craft Song Publishers, Seattle. TEAM WO UK of all kinds and excavating. Phone Maytield 72F2. 1 T CetF H KNEW 0J BAD I WAsMf "TO SEf MOt-ve A.NO -StE'r-tV OLVCS HEUJOCLDltfT KEEP ME.HERAJOfUR. Jf . 1 B I l TTnJJ u Stanley m m m urrn-E LOST AND FOUND COLLIE DOG 1 male j on Front St., Salem, Wed. evening. Finder please notify W. P. Col lard. FOUND Mesh bag. pay ad, Inquire Statesman. : FOUND Basket with ; haby's article.3. Owner may have same by applying at 395 S. 23rd SU after 5 P. M. and paying for ad. FONDGoid bowed glasses" Pay ad. Inquire Statesman. FOR SALEWooa GOOD DRY wood. Phone 72F3. M. D. Mayfleld. ! WYATT-KENNEY FUEL CO. Good wood. 1530 Center. TeL 1362-M. DRY WOOD, fir ana ck. L. C. Kelly. Phone 2710-M. j GOOD DRY wood tor rou D, A. Larmer. Tel. 1898. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal. Tel. 13. Salem Fuel Co.. 752 Trade. WOOD Second growth fir 4 ft. ..j $6.00 Second growth fir 16 -in. i 7.00 Old growth fir, 16 in. 8.00 Oak, 16 in. 9.00 Oak, 4 ft. 8.00 Delivered In Salem A. TUCKER. Wood Yard 2775 Brooks Ave. TeLi 2024M GOOD WTOOD AT A REASONABLE PRICE Dry second growth fir. Dry old fir slab. Dry Oak and Ashi, 16 in. Mill Block. i PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 154 2 Fred E. Wells 280 S. Church St. GOOD 16 Inch dry oak wood fOT sale. $9.00 delivered. Phone 577. VOON06R VUHAT 06TH rXNO DAD ARE OOibi. I BET TWYt LIKE tO Kr4OV0 uiMEEe: I AM fM GOfN OOf AND "tiEL.1- fHAt FELLCW TVE GOTTA GET" DRY If in. old fir, 4 ft. fir and oak. C U. Harbaugh. 838 High land Are. Phone 1990. WESTERN UNION Ume. Trucks for hauling. Wood to burn. Call 629. - i DRY-18 old fir 4 ft, oak. asn and maple. ' C. W. HARBAUGH 83 S Highland Ave. Phone 1990 GOOD COAL DRT WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 WYATT KENNEY FUEL CO. 1580 Center, Tel.'1362-M. WOOD SAWING WOOD sawing. Call 102S-M. J GENERAL DIRECTORY J AUCTIONEERS . R N. Woodry 12 Yrs. Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1610 N. Summer St. Phone 511 M. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell "Rite-Down-Town" Phone 75 26 Years Experience COL. A. L. STEVENSON, auc tioneer, 28 years' experience In the Willamette valley, for dates or arrangements see F. A. Doer fler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. Phone or write. A. L. Stevenson, Coriollis. Ore. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. BARTON EXIDE Bat teries Starter and generrtor work. 202 South High. U. 5. L. Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. Hfgh St. at Trade. Tel. 13 4 i BEAU1Y PARLOR THE MODUKjN AIAKlINJJiL.UJ For M:n, .Women and Children 206 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 379 BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. KAMbUKJN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. :87 Court. CH1KOFRACT1 ORS DR. STAPRAN, Uieiltlan, Mas ter Electro-therapist. 309-11 Ore gon Bldg. DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiro practor, 256 N. High. Tel. 87, rtea. 2104-J. DKS. SCOr'lELD, Paimer Chi ropractors. X-Hay and H. C. M. New Bank Bldg. DOCTORS L. G. ALTMAN. M. D.. Homeo pathic Physician, phone 14 7, 296 M. Liberty St. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTltm CO. Eleotric contracting and repairs. Electric fixtures and supplies. Electric ranges and washers. Ph. 2. 461 N. Front FLORISTS FLOWERS FOK ALL occasions Olsea'A, Court High St., TeL 801. CUT Flowers, weddine Uouauau funeral wreaths,'ms. C. F. Brelthaupt, llorist. ei2 ouie 6treeU TeL 880. HOTELS Permanent roomers Hotel Sena tor Annex Formerly Terminal Hotel. Attractive rates by week or month. Phones In all rooms. Inquire Hotel Senator, Phone 696. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 607 ANDERSON & RUPERT General Insurance 169 S. Hieb. Tel. 1644 -HOME. I r THEVVe LOCKED . 5 BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 N. High. TeL 161 LAFLAR 4k LAFLAR Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg. TeL 546 RICH L. KEIMANN General Insurance, Loans 219 K. High St. TeL 865 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 315 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 982 KODAK FINISHING FREE ENLARGEMENT with every 50c order Kodak work. Rawlings, Portland, Ore. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 25 263 S. High TRY THE HOME WET WASH laundry. Tel. 171. 1356 B St. CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 165. 1264 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by ihe Capital City Bedding Co.. 3030 North Capitol. Called for and de livered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19. MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New pianos. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. GEO. C. WILL Pianos. Phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repair ing phonographs and sewing ma chines, 432 State street, Salem. MUSIC TEACHErtS INEZ A. HOLBROOK, Teacher of guitar, harp guitar, and man dolin. 2164 Maple Ave. Phor.3 2675-J. MODERN PIANO 1as Frank Sutton, Waterman course. Studio 80 N. Cottage. Phone 2166-4J. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM Salem Agency. The Ace. Tel. 939. OPTICIANS OSTEOPATHS DR. EDITH V. WITZEL. osteo pathic physician and surgeon. Spe cializes in diseases of women and children. Electricity 5 years ex perience. Office 428 Oregon Bldg Phone 778. Res. phone 1251-J. DR. F. DON BAYLOR, Osteo pathic Physician and Surgeon General Surpery and Obstetrics. Offices 304 Oregon Bldg. Office phone 125; Res. 2061. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house decorating, paperhanging. tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Bros.. 166 So. Lib erty. Tel. 650. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY. cards pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 215 S. Commercial Tel. 583. RADIO For every purpose, for ivery purse All stndard sizes of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St., Tel. 488. REST HOMES CONVALESCENT and rest home, facing Lithia Park, Ash land, Ore. Delightful climate and surroundings for invalids and old people. STOVES STOVE and stove repairing Strives for sale, rebuilt and renalr ed. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop bas kets and hooks, iogan noons, sa- lem Fence and stove worxs, z&u Court St. Back of Rusirk's. By Les Forgrave By Swau TAILORS D. II. MOSHER Tailor for msn i and women. 474 CourtpSt. TRANSFERS CAPITAL Citv Transfer Co. ' 226 State St. Tel. 933. Dlstribut--ing, forwarding and storage our. specialty. Get our rates. We Move Store and Ship . Household ennd Our snoil!f D - J is piano and furniture moving. We also make country trios. We han dle the best Coal and Wood Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality and koou service. Larmer Transfer Co. TeL 930 VETERINARIANS r FRED W. LANGE. Veterinarian "i Office 529 S. Commercial, TeL - 1X98. Res. Tel. 1666. VIOLIN HIGH class Violins and Sup '- plies for the particular. Expert- adjustments. Pinckney. 1960Vi ' S. Com'L WATER OREGON-WASH. Water Ser vice Co. Office 304 So. Commer. cial St. Ten per ceni discount on' domestic flat rate paid in advance. iso deduction for absence or aay ' cause unless water is shut off your premises. 1 LODGE ROSTER? CHEMEKETA LODGE NO V I. O. O. F. Meets every Wedne.i- ' day evening at 7:30 o'clock- third" floor of I. O. O. F. Temple, corner of Court and High streets: '''' New First National Bank Building Directory BASEMENT D Iaix Shining Parlor ' Kxpcrts for ladles and Untlemn TURKISH BATHS. MASSAGK Office Telephone 2214 Residence Telephone 2833 SECOND KLOOR Coffey'a Photo Service Tel. 708. Over the Spa FOURTH FLOOR Dr. O'Neill Burdette, Optometrlm Phone C2S 401-402-403-404-40 EIGHTH FLOOR Dr. C. Ward Davie General Dentistry TeL 111. Evening by appointment Room 802 TENTH FLOOR I)r W A Jnh-un rvnlu Telephone 1288 1091 REAL ESTATE 1" DIRECTORY -i ANDERSON & RUPERT. Realtors 169 S. High. Tel. 164i W. A. BOND. 122 N. Com'l St, Phone 2974. BECKE & HENDRICKS 189 N. High Tel. 161 JOSEPH BARBER REALTY CO. 200 Grey Bldg. Phone 790, A..C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial Tel. 67? LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State St. Tel. 172T r F. O. DELANO ; ; , 290 N.. Church Tel. 2839 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 2295 S. Church St. Phone 1365-J HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO.' 370 tt State St. Ph. 24S1-W. GASKILL & EARLE 16 S. Liberty St. Tel. 234 W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. SI I MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Tel. 3T LAFLAR 4b LAFLAR Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg. Tel. 541 LARSEN OR RICE ? 225 Oregon Bldg. Tel. 174 W. A. LISTON 404-5 Masonic Bldg. TeL 13 2 ARTHUR MADSEN 2074 North; Capitol Tel. 2807 W. O. MILLS ' 331 U State St. Tel. 171 W. E. MOSES 451 Court St. Tel. 2 Sit GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court TeL 1882 PERRINB Jk MARSTERS 211-213 Gray Bldg. Tel., 907 RICH L. REIMANN, Realtor v 219 N. High St. Tel. 815 SALEM REALTY CO. -462 State St. Room 7. Tel 1004 SOCOLOF8KY k SON v 104-5 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. Tel 1 71 SQUARE DEAL REALTY ' '" U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. 470 - TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 421 Court St. j TeL $J ULRICH Sc ROBERTS -12 N. Commercial f TeL 1154 . U. a REALTY CO. 442 State St. , TeLf 2$ . rt.r.!F;L, WOOD '1 ft .. 5 S41 SUte SL TeL 784 sl. 1427 105 Oregon Bid.