Oregon Statesman. Saleny Oregon? Thursday Morning; November 15, 1928 . , '.The reto READ THIS FIRST: Several disturbing element had al ready entered the Tift of Byrd Ham ilton, who had Just married the ar rogant. Irresistible. Larry Brownins. They were spending the night at the Blackatone, at Cincinnati, where Lar ry's friends, who had come to atten-1 the weddlnar. were slvlnc a party In their honor. When the party had reached a high pitch In the crowded rooms, Byra louna inat mis xasi-inov. Inr rrawd had no Interest for her. When she discovered India CampoelL a former sweetheart of Larry's, and Iarry sitting dangerously on a window rill before an flen window, they mis interpreted her anxiety as jeaiouy. Hvrri wan relieved to be rid of Lir. ry's gay friends, but her peace of mind was short lived. She was disturbed and overwhelmed at the costly magnif icence of the Greenbrlar hotel at White Sulphur Springs, where they ar rived for their honeymoon. Byrd struggled to conceal her surprise and shock over the prices 01 rooms, meM, and especially Larry's extravagance in choosing an entire outfit for lier, particularly when Larry ridiculed her economics as being old-fashioned. Larry was slightly bored with Mr. Progress Polk, a friend of Ser fath .er's and president of the First Na tional Bank of Cleveland. v (NOW OO ON WITH TilS STORY) CHAPTER X MR, POLK'S eyes followed Larry as he left them. He seemed to be straining af ter some fleeting memory that proved as illusive as retracing a path in a vanished dream. They sat down and talked. Byrd told him about her two sum mers In her father's bank, and how she loved It. "Well, my dear," said Mr. Polk, as he was leaving, "come and see us after you're settled." Then he added, making a great Joke out of It: "If you ever want a job give us the first chance. With your banking experience we'll make you our twenty-first vice president!" Byrd laughed and they shook hands. "Would you care if I played a little bridge tonight, dear?" asked Larry. "These men need a fourth, and I agreed to help oat as a favor. I'll be up around eleven. Slire you don't cars?" "Posilutely, Mr. Sheahan. I'll sit around here a while, and then, I'll go and get undressed and read in bed," said 'Byrd. Byrd woke up as Larry opened the door. She had fallen asleep reading. "Why, chucky, it's after eleven, "isn't It?" Byrd asked, sleepily. "Pretty nearly three," Larry answered with a yawn. "Goshal mighty, I sure got dragged into something, believe me! Darn fool that I am!" Byrd was wide awake now and looked frightened. "Oh, Larry, you frighten me when you talk like that. Quick, tell me what's happened! Were you sandbagged or something?" , Larry came over and rubbed his cheek against the smooth, satiny skin of her bare shoulder. "I'm Just a boob," said Larry. "No, they didn't take it at the end of a pistol, r wish they had and I could have reported it to the liolice." "What are you talking' about?" demanded Byrd. Well, curiosity shop, it was like this." Larry seemed to have some difficulty with his memory, and Byrd knew suddenly that he had been drinking. "We started playing bridge, and I cleaned up good and plenty. Then they sug gested that we go over and watch them play roulette at the White House. Quite a showplace:" "But, Larry, you wouldn't ramble, would you?" said Byrd, with little wrinkles etched dark ly between her brows. "Never, with my own money, sweet, but this was their money, and they gave me permission. In fact, they urged me to spend their money;," answered Larry, piously. "How much did you lose?" asked Byrd, fearfully, turning her face to the wall. "Just their money and not a cent xt my own," replied Larry, firmly. "And believe me. that's my last trip to the little Joint!" "You've learned your lesson haven't you, duckie dear?" said Byrd, tenderly. , "I'll tell the world, sweetums!" As Larry stood by his dresser pulling off his collar and tie, he took out his bill book, surreptiti ously, and with some rapid figur ing he estimated that he had lost about five hundred dollars. He stood tapping his pencil against the dresser. "Larry said Byrd. sitting straight up in bed, "I wish you'd wife that check dad gave us np to Mr. Polk's bank. It'll please him." "Good suggestion!" said Larry, cheerfully. "You can sign the check right now. We may forget it in the morning. And Byrd endorsed the check. But it was not sent to Mr. Polk's .bank. e f- Several weeks later, Larry and Byrd were settled in their fur nished -apartment, consisting of - three rooms and bath, in the Cor ondo Manor. The Coronado was a new, fash ionable apartment hotel that ov erlooked Wade park, a beautiful location Just twenty minutes from the . down town section. "Had to pay a month's rent, two hundred and fifty little iron men. Just to hold It for us," said Larry at the. breakfast table one morning. - ' That seems an awful big rent lot just three reams, doesn't It?" : Inquired Byrd. In a way, Byrd had gotten used to the high cost of living. At any rate, she man aged not to gasp out loud at the mention of the cost of thing. But he still gasped inwardly. "In the city, you have to pay for the. privilege of being com fortable, said Larry. "Gee, won't all yonr friends in Jackson ville envy yon for not having any housework to doT" - The kitchenette and breakfast alcove were too small, for cooking and serving dinners, so Larry de cided they'd eat their evening " meal in the "apartment - dining room. - ' . r Byrd'g eyes drifted out of the wide window opposite -for a sec ond, and a . misty, witsful - light shown through them. Then she resolutely turned to the making cf toast. e "Everything's so convenient too. Why, It doesn't - take a minute, hardly, to get - our breakfast.'' Byrd gave ail the credit to the appliances with which the kitchen iWa equipped, She had never told Larry that she was a born housekeeper like her-m other, that ahe Just loved to clean out pantry shelves and re arrange all the dishes, take out all the pots and pans every few weeks and boll them In sal soda solution and polish the aluminum things with steel wool. Even the first breakfast aha had cooked for Larry bad gone like clockwork. In the center of the yellow lin en tablecloth was a bowl of yel low shell flowers which she had found at the ten-cent store. The coffee was perked to the right strength, the eggs coddled with little strips of bacon, golden brown, and she toasted and but tered the toast at the table. It had been no effort at all. "Last night I tipped the eleva tor boys, and all the rest of 'em all around so all you got to do Is to ring if you want a single thing. We ought to get some service for the rest of the month." It had given Byrd a comfort able feeling to have Larry start out for the office bright and early. It meant he was "on the job." Each day he had been out of the apartment at eight-thirty, and she was free to go into the base ment to sort out the dishes, glas ses and linens that she could use in the tiny apartment. All her wedding presents bad been sent up from Jacksonville. Later, Larry put what they couldn't use Into storage. It had given her a pang to have to give them up, for she had so wanted to start housekeeping in a little home of their own. Carry had made a wry lace when Byrd had spoken of a "little house" in the suburbs. He had insisted that they wait until they could afford to buy something more to their taste. Byrd washed up the breakfast dishes quickly. She was amused to think that here all you had to do was to let the hot water run over them. No running back and forth to the tea kettle on the stove, as they still did at home. Her mother had said that gas was very expensive, and practiced the same economy she had had to practice years ago. Mr. Hamilton had always teased her about it, too. He had told her that the president of the gas company said that their gas bill did not even pay them a little interest on their investment It was much wiser to live as the man in the family wanted to live, Byrd decided. Just the other night Larry had declared that to increase your in come, you must live beyond it People who lived within their in comes became satisfied with them. Byrd stood looking out of the breakfast room window. .Their apartment was on the twelfth floor. She looked out over the tiny lake there below in the park that glowed like a jewel in the sun. She gazed out over the sunlit landscape, over the tops of apartments rising in rows and rows in the distance, like cardboard designs cut out with an enormous scissors, on over to the horizon of Lake Erie. If she had a long, telescoping arm, she might even dip her fingers into it. Everything looked vididly green in the May light. When the walls seemed to close down upon her, Bbe could open this window like a door and Just step out! Now that the apartment was in order, she decided to run down towh and look through the stores. Just as she was putting on her hat the telephone rang. To Be Continued) Star Backfield Trojan Unable . To Don Uniform LOS ANGELES. Nov. 14. - (A I') Don Williams, quarter- backing thunderbolt of the Uni versity of Southern California footbal team, ill in the honnital with influenza, took a turn for tne worse today, makinz it almost certain that he will be unable to play in the crucial battle against me wasnington state Cougars her Saturday. The condition of the Trnlan star back was so serious that not even his fellow players were al- iowea to see him. 2 Japanese Tots Saved From Fire By Their Father PORTLAND. Ore.. Nor. 14 4AP) Two little Jananese chil dren were saved from burning to aeatn today when fire destroyed their home. The father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. K. Nakamnra. were working in a field noarh when they saw emoke coming from the windows. Goofey Movies 1-71 VYA 14 aJJL. vr cU. i THOUGHT FOR A MIWUTE.THaT X HAD W I I ' i 1 V I WA soopcv Movie? WM, 1 'Qsm Jurr V "suv. j PS (fT Fj "J Twixu? tp Marry. br "I .x : 1 .. -,- -v Jessica Hart Trogan, above, and William Hart Fatness, both 27, of Camden, N. J., who believed themselves twins until .recently, are so fond of each other theV have decided to marry. William was adopted at an early age by Jessica's parents and they died without telling the children they were not related, t The two made the discovery when an old friend of the- Harts apprised them of the fact BULLETIN STATES With the rat population of the United States estimated at 120, OCO.'OO or one rat per person, the United States Public Health ser vice has just issued a bulletin on the rat menace. The bulletin was released Tuesday from the Mar lon county child health demon stration center. Depredations of rats annually cost the people of the United States approximately 1200,000, 000 for food consumed and a like amount more for losses sustained through the wanton destructive- ness of the animal, reads the bul-' letin. If the extraordinarily prolific breeding of rats was not constant ly controlled by disease, natural enemies and the cannibalistic tendencies of the animal Itself. the world might be over-run and man himself forced to fight a los ing battle, the paper states. Man must become familiar with the habits of living and breeding of the rat and study methods of combat. Direct measures of attack have but limited results In hands of the public. Trapping with snap or cage traps, poison baits, the ag gression of dogs. cats, ferrets and weasels, fumigation with poison ous gases are all used, but with ihe exception of trapping, are not recommenaea to the inexperienced householder. Suppressive meas ures universally (prosecuted will be the only means of effective de struction, the public health office asserts. The most effective sup pressive measure Is to separate tne rat from its customary food supply In every place where food Is handled. Plenty to Eat Stowed Aboard Hoover's Ship 8 AN TRANISCO. Nov 14. (AP) If President-Elect Her bert Hoover gets hungry on hie voyage to South America aboard the battleship Maryland. 1L will not toe the fault of the office i charge of provisionlnr the shin were are a few of the supplies mat were taken aboard today Z0.O00 pounds of beef. 4000 pounds of mutton, 2800 pounds of turkey, 4000 pounds of chicken, 1500 pounds of "hot dors." soon dozen eggs: 1600 nounda of ba con, 4000 pounds of ham. 65,000 pounds of vegetables and 20,000 pounds of fresh fruit. -v. .:.v. ..x w i i i ra-i RAT MENACE REAL ? Bv Nthr Israel Daily Kseept Kosday by , .!-;. title &taumn $ntttftinz Co 115' So. Cemmen-cial St. Member ef tse j ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Frees is exelastvsly entitled te the mse fer paelieattoa. et all sews dispstckee ered it ad te It er not etserwtse credited ia this paper aad ales te Ue leeal.aevs published kereia. - ! i business orricxs Pacific Ooest Representatives : Arthur W. Strpes, Iae., Security Bldf.. PerUsad; Shsrea BldV Ben Prsaelsce: ; Oil Westera Pseifie Bldf.. Ls Asfelee. TELEPHONE 500 Tot All Pepsrtmenf Entered at the rttt Office ia Salem. Orefnn. as second elats nntter. 81TB BCSIPTIO Jff RATES Daily and Sunday, fey ssail, per year fS.OO Daily aad Sunday, by carrier, xnontfeiy ! .50 CLASSITXED ADVXaTHUfO Realist netieea. per line . SSe (Z line minimal eharfe) Classified Advertising, per has 10c Classified Advertising, per line S times . , 10c Classified AdrertieiaK,: per Use times n 0e One meath, daily sad Sunday per line i S1.00 CONTRACT OXASSOTZD ( months een tract) i lines daity minima per meath, de a line.: (10 reduction fer minimum ef 10 ; lines daily) BUSINESS OPP. POOL HALL, card room, light lunch, Frlgidaire cooling system. Best pool hall business, only two in town. A money maker, only 12500 $1500 will ihandle. C. E. Taylor, Stayton, Ore. DON'T FORGET We hare an ideal Service Sta tion site which $1200 cash will pry us loose from. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 2174 AUTO CAMP having 7 cabins and grocery store and restaurant all in one. Rental of tame is good return. Must s.e to appreciate. See JOHN WERNER 208 N. High St. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a road district meeting will be held at a room in the McKinley School Building, In Road District No. 59 in Marlon County, Oregon on Mon day, the 26th, day of November, 1928 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of levying; an additional tax for road purposes in said dis trict. J. C. SIEGMUND, County Judge. Nov. 1-8-1 & Aimee Will Not Cut Visit Short She Announces BRISTOL, England, Nov. 14. (AP) Aimee Semple McPherson, who is conducting an evangeslistic campaign, today said that she had no intention of cutting it short because of the publicity growing out of the new investigation in Los Angeles concerning her disappear ance. It had been suggested in some quarters that she cancel her fare well meetings tomorrow and Thursday night In Albert Hall, London, but she declared that she had no intention of taking this advice and promised England a "novel experience" in her first Illustrated lecture Wednesday. Mrs. McPherson has negaged pass age for New York, sailing on Fri day. Rate Reduction Is Granted to Power Company The public service commission Tuesday granted the application of Mountain States Power com pany to waive statutory notice in giving reductions of 10 per cent in commercial lighting rates. The reductions will affect con sumers at Barvlew, Bay City, Brighton, Cloverdale, Garibaldi, Hebo, Nehalem. Netarts, Manran ita, Oceanslde, Pacific City, Rock away, Tillamook and Wheeler. The Paisley Electric company has riled a new residence light ing rate giving a reduction of ap proximately 20 per -cent. The Paisley Electric company serves Paisley and adjacent rural terri tory, j FIREMAN COWER I ' . HUBBARD, Ore., Nov. 13 (Special) George Crimps, Chief of the Hubbard fire department attended a meeting. of the firemen at Molalla Monday evening. The state fire warden met with the firemen. CL ASSIFIED i.i 1 THINK THIS OVER 85 acres. 40 cultivated balance Timhar and nastare. Fair build lngs. 20 acres fine garden land on place. Right on Pacific Jtiign way. Fine place for camp ground Trad for Salem. 4 O. L. FOSTER, ! 47 State St. FOR SALE Real Estate m run infir " t irBK fruit tract, good five room house, good well and spring. Anthnildinas. IbLS. of Salem. Phone SSF1S. SACRIFICE Owner sick, offers his home at hi rod ii r ion E rooms,: atuc basement, garage. Fine lot, fruit it nut trees. Price 6uw. SEE this at once. , Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors n hn,,ci lrvratnl at 597 S t iUUU uwms. I e rrnr nt and (trife if IU UV. aw- w $1400.00; small cash payment. Balance to suiu See W. O- KRUEGER j Realtor ! 147 N. Com'l. Phone 217 BEAUTIFUL HOME 4 Over looking Salem. : Fruit acreage. Chicken ranch. Easy payments. Owner Phone 149 t-J. WHY PAY RENT Bnv this nice little home of 4 rooms and an annex of 2 rooms. All nlastered and brick flues. Its outside the city. Taxes are not much. Close to has and store, cost 11700.00 and will take a vacant lot up to around $800.00 as down payment. H. O. WIGGING or H. E. BROWN 109 South Commercial St. LARGER Lots Less Money We have five groups of lots: on South Church, Fairmount Hill, North 17th, Laurel Park and Pleasant Home Additions. A large choice In any of five groups. Every one lower In price. Becke & Hendricks.' 189 N. High Street. A HOME OF YOUR OWN We will build you a nice little home for $1&00 $100 down, bal ance easy. West Salem in grow ing rapidly. Buy while lot prices are low and profit on the-advance. O. K. DeWITT j ISIS Edgewater Phone 1643 By owner. Duplex house.. 951 N. Winter. $1950 New English type home 4 rooms, fireplace, garage, oak floor, wired fof electric store. $200 down. . $2300 An attractive bungalow, 3 rooms, and nook, fireplace, pav ing, shrubbery, close to bus line. $250 down. $2650. A nice I room home. modern, except basement, wood house, garage. $100 down. $30 per month. Interest Included $3400. An English type hom in North Salem, 4 rooms and nook. Modern: in every way. $300 iown. $4100. 6 room English type home. Modern In every way. Pav ing paid. $300 down. $3000 to loan. Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON 320 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 637 ' - " - " " !- i-i-i-.-iriri,3w-Mv-n.rLnj-iruxwj TWENTY Acre farm 7 miles east of Salem on Silverton road. Improved; priced very reason able. Phone 10F4. Mathis. pri vate owner. 440 acre ranch near Roseburg half in cult., bldgs., water, lot of timber, near school. Snap, $22, 000 for Salem property or acreage. Highly improved 40 a. home near Salem for sheep ranch. City property or acreage. 5 room all modern bungalow. N. Salem, $3500 terms or take acreage. j 100 a. dairy ranch UAt bldgs Cows, horses, machinery and feed. $11,500, terms or take residence property. j ! 6 room house, 2 lots,! paved street. $1700 easy terms. PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Bldg. ! PACIFIC HIGHWAY 4 ACRES Home and hnninsa site, 2 miles from Salem city lim its, l a. fruit and grapes. Fine soil, all In cultivation. A bareain at $2950. $1000 cash will handle. 15 acres 3 miles from Sa lem. 10 acres under plow, 4 a. pasture and timber, family or chard; 4H a. strawberries!, 1 a. raspberries, creek, spring, seven room house with electricitv. bath. water system, good barn, poultry house, garage. Price $7900. Some terms. Will take modern home in Salem for part. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Ground Floor LOTS Let us help you get your lot for spring building. 50x100 feet. near Parriah School for only $850. 52x100 feet with sarajre. water and lights. $1400. 1 50x100 feet, corner lot in S. Salem. Trees. $1200. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S20 State Street Phone 1727 TO TRADE 6 room plastered house, basement, large lot 66 by 122 feet $1900. mortgage, straight loan. Will trade equity for a medium priced lot or an acre or two near Salem. $400. buy a good east front lot with pavement paid up and side walks in and terms, two lots for $800. one a corner lot. 5 room all modern new home In good location at $3800, and best of terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO 202 U. S. Nat.. Bank Bldg. CLASSY HOME For a. particular couple, fruit and shrubbery, ; lot 48x130, 6 room. Strfctly modern with table for your radio. Some young cou ple will be well pleased with this $4200. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 2974 HAVE FINE 7 room house with garage large view iot, snruDs, flower and fruit owner s bus! less in Portland. Would trade for property in or near Portland. 51. A. on Highway, over half fine bottom land. A real bargain at $4100. 27 A. only 6 miles out, worth $2504), can be had for $1750. See ELLIS or BROWN Room 6. 462 State St. 5 ROOMS and den, furnace. garage, paved street. Well located fruit and shrubbery, in excellent condition. $4200. Will take, lots up to $2000 onpurchase. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor 176 South High Street BEST BUYS In City and Country Homes. A real $6000 home, new 6 room. A beauty for $5250 terms. ANOTHER ONE Brand new 6 room double con structed if sold next 10 days $4250 with only $250 down, bal ance Just like rent: COZY 4 ROOM BUNGALOW Completely furnished and is renting at $30 per month, owner is forced to sell at sacrifice price $2550. Some terms. 64 ACRE FARM SNAP Rich black loam soil, half cult. bal. easily cleared, running water fair buildings, located only 4 miles from U. S. Bank. Price $7500. Payment down balance to suit Purchaser. Owner away must sell at sacrifice. Immediate possession. See LOUIS BECHTEL OR J. D. SEARS 341 State St. Room 4 25 acres choice place. Fully modern house. Electric lights. Own water system, everything you could ask in a first class home. Price $11,000.00. Will trade for Salem property. $3000.00 buys a seven room house in East Salem or will trade for a more valuable home. A beautiful new fully modern seven room home. You will like this home when you see it. Price $7500.00. Good terms. $1400 buys a 3 room house with garage or will trade for a small acreage. 28 acres, well improved. Some beaver dam land. 6 miles from Salem. 3 acres strawberries, H acre raspberries, 4 acre logan berries.. A bargain at $8000.00. 40 acres dairy and poultry farm fine location on paved road electricity available. Stock ed and equipped.; Will take house in Salem for patt payment. Price $7500.00. Ulrich and Roberts REALTORS 129 N. Com'l St. Tel. 1354 WE HAVE FOUND IT A good comfortable 6 -room modern home with East front, ga rage, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, and a floored attic where you can spread out a little more if neces sary. Owner says let it go for $4300. BOND 122 N. Commercial St. Phone 2974 rnAruwn.- S pIeCIA L " " ' ' 3 nice lots on Highland Ave paving paid on two. A SNAP fr $1500 for all. 13 acres with new house, has good water system, 7 acres in walnuts and filberts. A good buy for $4500. Terms. Old house and double garage, on paved street. W.ill trade as part payment on new- house. We have a new 5 room house in Woodburn that Is bringing good rent to trade for unimproved land suitable for walnuts and filberts. SEE Mr. Thomason with LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 FOR SALE OR RENT New modern 4 room home with oak floors, fireplace, 'wired for electric stove, garage, paved street. Price $2950. Easy ternrs, or will rent for $25. m TT nninr.u.,nnn - unADt-nnujisi uu., ... ... Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 516 AD VKKTISING- RPEMAL BUY Good 4 rootn bungalow with lnre-A combination living and ain Ins- rnnm with oak floor, fireplace wired for electric s'ove. electric water heater, built in kitchen, ga rage and woodshed, corner lot on navPri .treet. Price S2650. $100 down, balance $30 per month to Include int. THIS BAKUAiw WILL NOT LAST, SEE US AT ONCE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 515 WEST SALEM 5 room. new. sink, toilet, house Is celled and papered on lot 50x 126. A very comlortable little home and a bargain at $1250; $500 down. Who gete It? BOND 122 N. Commercial St., Phone 2974 FOR SALE OR TRADE Rt owner, lovely Mill Creek home and income. Apply 344 18th N. Phone 1576 J. WILL SACRIFICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 2 lots in built up district. Has sewers and curbing in. Must raise money. g See JOHN WERMEK 208 High St. for SALE, a sood six room house, large lot, fruit trees, close In. nrice S4000. A good lot witn three room bungalow, close in, $2500. F. L. Wood. Room 8, Bayne Bldg. eamasrfesssyseejsaajaaejSaaaesas" HOUSES FOR SALE $100 down, $30 per month, In cluding interest will buy new and 6 room houses with bath, and H acre of good soil. City water, electrics lights. $100 down. $25 per month, in cluding Interest. 5 room nouse, basement, paved street. Close to school. $250 ddwn, $40 per month, in cluding interest. Almost new 4 room house and nook. Strictly modern. .Paved street. Close to school. We have some good bargains on our lot. See us. we can save you money. MONEY TO LOAN INSURANCE RICH. L. REIMANN, Realtor 219 N. High St, Phone 865 A SNAP in a- corner lot, E. & N. fronts on paved sL , $2200. Terms. Business lot close in, N. front, $2350. Small homes with prices rang ing from $1600 to $3000 that can be bought for small payments down. Money to loan. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 484 Court Street WANTED Real Estate 160 ACRES in northern Idaho, all in cultivation, good Improve ments. Owner must move into Sa lem vicinity. He will trade this fine ranch for property in or near Salem. Hie place is a sacrifice at $6000. Let's see what you have to offer. H. C. SHIELDS 381 State St. Phone 1784 A. C. BOHRNSTEDT SAYS a. That he has a client who wants a little livable old house on a lit tle lot on Mill Stream at a little price. What have you? 147 N. Com'l. St., Salem. Ore. ii'"s"Vi-V"af"hrrmsi EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE acre in city, new 6 rm hse. want filling station, or what have you? Owner 2025 Market street. STAYTON RESIDENCE to trade for Salem residence. C. E. Taylor, Stayton. Ore. (4iEATEST TradiuK oVaniT tion on the Pacific Coasl. We have over 3000 properties listed for ex. cnange. fcvery kjud oi property, every price, every location. W can match your exchange exact ly, it you would like to n. ycur property today, come In toda; . Seo GASKILV' & 1 -LE. Realtors 166 S. Liberty Tel. 2243 FOR TRADE FOR SALEM PROPERTY 400 A., 160 river bottom; 45 plow land, TO pasture, bal. good umoer; plenty water. 6 acres well. Improved inside city limits of Corvallis. ' Modern house except basement, 2 wood sheds, fruit cellar, barn, garage. and poultry house. For property close to Salem. This la a good camp ground site. Bring thisad. J. A., DOWNER 143 N. High St. ACREAGE 21 acres of timber nearby con- talnlnr 2000 cnrAa nt wnswi vr . - tuuoi eell immediately. Bee JOHN WERNER 208 Hiah St ! EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM .'of ! ale or exchange: 180 acre dairy i farm well located on Pacific high way. This place is up to date in every way and includes about ll't,-. 000 worth of stock and equipment. Price for all $37,000; encuml trance $17,000. Owner will sell or exchange for wheat ranch in the Palouse country. See W. H. GRABENHORST & Oo. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6 IS. " SNAP INOUNTR Y HOM E '" Very attractive six room mod ern home with one acre located close in on Pacific Highway north. Price $7350. for QUICK SALE. This home must be seen to be ap preciated. Now vacant built about one year ago. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., Realtors. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 51$ HOWELL pIrAIRIE acreaVe! $1000; $500 down. C B. Fletcher, Gervais. 35aTfAR M near Sale m ", 6 a trts cherries & berries, bldgs., spring water piped to house, enouth timber to pay for plate. $6000 terms. 80 A. stock & sheep iI1(a bldgs.. water, $4000 for acreage. 34 A. farm, 28 In cult., bio".. fruit, timber. $4000, take resi dence. For Rent 3 good bungalow- $ suburban homes, 3 farms. Wanted To rent good farm . f S00 to 1000 A. by respond) le party. PERRINE & MARSTERS, 212 Gray Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ACREAGE DON'T PASS THIS I P 20 acres, all clear, finest t.f soil, good buildings. 2 good walls, family orchard, at school, in paved highway. Reduced from $8500 to $5500. SOCOLOFSKY & SON. 1st Nat l. Bank Bldg. $50. , DOWN $10. pe'moiiih buy a. good five acres of land well located on Garden road about one mile from city limits. Price $20o. SEE THIS TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 62 ACRES, 40 under plow, ran Clear all and plow. Good for grain. berries, or anything. No building. $3700-$1500 will handle. C. H. Taylor, Stayton, Ore. FOR RENT Houses MODERN 4 room furnUhed house. Piano, Garage 155 8 19th. aruwuw FOR RENT " " " One 4 room house, large niece of land, garage, chicken houpe, lights and water, paved street. 15.00 per month. Lights ami water paid. One $ room house, double ca- rage. An acre of land, outside the city. Close to bus and school. Has lights. $10.00 per month. : I want to sell some more of those beautiful acre tracts out by the Salem Heights school. $650 with $76 down; $10 per month. H. G. WIGGINS with H. FL BROWN 109 South Commercial St. FOR RENT 3 room house, ta- rage. lights. Prk. $10. a month. Also a 4 loom with nook fur nijhed house at $25. a month, garage. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. Phone 470 FOR RENT 6 Room modern furnished bungalow overlooking Salem. Small chicken ranch $25. Phone 1693-J. MODERN 6 room house3 blocks north State house. 1156 Marion St. Phone 1556-J. FOR RENT Houses furnished and unfurnished. MELVIN JOHNSON Phone 637 FOR RENT 2 f u rn hhed m d some unfurnished houses. Mtl vin Johnson. Phone 637. FOR RENT Apartments HEATED APTS., 1335 State St. i WILL' SHARE Mysteamheat'ed 5 room furnished flat with two ladies or man and wife or will rent reasonable. Phone 1362M. STRICTLY MODERN 6 room apartment. Close In. 665 N Liber ty. Phone 1351. Ambassador Apts. 2 room furnished $37.50 & $40, I Children Welcome 650 N. Summer 1973 FOR RENT 3 room apt.; grs. electricity, furnished or unfin ished, $18. Inquire at Oregon Cleaners, 190 S. Com'l. i FOR RENT. Houses and aDart- ments. F. L. Wood, 341 Stats. rnone 794. 1 FOB ; RENT Five room "and " a six room furnished house. $30 and $35. F. L. Wood. Phone 794. j FURNISHED and unfurnished $ room apartments. Virginia Apartments 879 N. Liberty. FOR RENT Rooms i 8 ROOMS close in, 697 Market, Phone-2999J. ! 2 WELL HEATED sleeping "pooms, garage. 909 Chemekcta. Phone 1116-W. BOARD AND ROOM - ROOM. BOAKD, singH meals, Sunday dinners. Alexandria 1U30 Chemeketa. Phone ? 39. UVE STOCK and POULTRY I HORSES, bought, sold and ex Changed. Clearwater Barns, 231 6. Church. ; j MAMMOTH BRONZE Tur keys from Idaho. Order for, Thanksgiving now. Tel. 129F3. COW FOR SALi: Good heavy milker. V freshen lth. H. W. Bowden. Box 113. Koute 8. ! '""""C U1JL XruLlLTLllOl' - j SHEEP FOTl SALE 100 head three year old,: also several bun dred head of ewes coming twd year old. Price $15.00. S. Pbllip VI j, Sonu ScloOregon.r z i i