The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1928, Page 6, Image 6

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The Netv Oregon Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning. November Ht 1928
Gives Nation His Thanks
Intricate Apparatus Demon
strated; Photophone In
volves Old Ideas
ATLANTA, Ga.. (AP) An in
tricate apparatus which transmits
sound over a beam of light has
bee demonstrated here. The
process is "narrow-casting."
The equipment, developed by
John Bellamy Taylor, consulting
engineer of the General Electric
company, is a photophon3, built on
old principles, but utilizing the
perfected photoelectric cell, elec
tric pickup and newly developer
amplifiers and sound Reproducers.
Electrical energy is sent over
the light beam to transposing and
reproducing elements, mounted on
a tripod some dlstanca away.
Energy is led to a mirror, one
.thousandth of a square inch In
urea, suspended, in a marn'etic
field by wires. The mirror, quiv-
' ering la tune with the, electric
current, focuses the light by a
lens into a narrow beam, which.
Pulsating at the frequency determ
ined by music on a phonograph
record, i? projected through tpaee
to the light collecting mirror or
lens of the receiver.
The mirror, or lens, cond?nses
the light on the photoelectric cell,
which responds to every variation
In light intensity, and translates
the light into elecric energy. This.
. after ampllcafication,' passes to a
loud speaker, where the final
. sound transformation occurs.
The process differs from radio
broadcosting in degree only. In
the case of light, frequencies of
several hundred triflion per second
Rive wavelengths of the order of
a fifty-thousandth of an inch,
while broadcast waves ar,e from
600 to 1,500 feet in length. The
light waves will pass only in a
straight line and through only
soch solids as are transparent.
whll3 broadcast waves will bend
around obstructions and pass
through walls.
Mr. Taylor Is able to control the
round produced at will by passing
his hand or any non-transparent
Kolid n the path of the light
beam. The lighting of a match
produces a sound not unlike the
rumble of thunder, while the vary
ing light from a small dynamo
driven flashlight sounds like 8
.Mr. Taylor has been able to
pas a light beam d uring daytime
across a street, and at night the
beam may be projected three or
four miles.
Presklent-lect Herbert Clark 'Hoover, snapped before the
microphone . In fhe library of Ids horaat .Palo Alto, Cal." He la the
first rhief eirecntive tu broadcast his thanks to his followers after
Listen In
Western Stations Are Not
Restricted by Change
I iv Net Service I
Engineers Hold Changes
Demanded by Television
Night Policeman
To Resume Work
SILVERTON. Ore., Nov. 14
(facial) Webb Haskins. night
policeman at Silverton, who has
been 111 with bronchial pneumon
ia fof the past two weeks, is able
to be about again and expects to
be back at his Job his wt-ek. J.
Cil'son is acting as night police
man during Mrs. Haskins' illness.
Mr. Haskins was reelect -d con
stable of this district at the re
cent election.
NEW YORK. (AP) Eelief
that radio receiver manufacturers
must heed the advent of television,
'since it necessitates changes in
conventioal audio amplifier de
sign. " has been expressed by E.
E. Hiler, radio engineer.
He said that t lie commercial
success of tel?vlsion was conting
ent upon satisfactory results with
receivers to which was added the
image reproducing equipment.
Cood reproduction of an image,
however, he added, was depend
ent upon the amplifying charac
teristics of the receiver.
"Detail or shading in a televi
sion image," he continued, "is
governed by th? amount of fre
quency distortion present in the
-ystem. Such distortion is of in
finitely greater importance when
receiving television signals than
with voice, since it means loss af
detail and shading.
"One television experimenter
has ben convinced that the audio
implifier used in television must
possess a flat operating character
istic, since the transmitters em
ploy audio amplifiers of this na
ture. As such, receiver manufac
turers must design their audio
equipment to conform with these
Portable Set is
Trial to Police
Seeking Air Tax
P.UDAPEST (AP) Portable
! radio sets with no visible aerials
'are giving postoffice inspectors a
inew task.
j To check up on persons who
lliave not paid the annual radio
jtax, inspe?tors compare the posi
tions of aerials with the list of
licenses. This has proven most
effective, except in the cases of
evaders, who have portable sets
with small aerials.
Because of the amount of sus
pected evasion, authorities are
considering a plan by which re
tailers selling portable sets would
supply the postoffice with the
names and addresses of purchasers.
regional stations are not atiected
by the order of the federal radio
commission restricting the simul
taneous broadcasting of Identical
chain programs, time division has
resulted in the curtailment of the
network service of some stations.
The extent to which limitation
of time on ho air has restricted
individual stations is yet to be de
termined. It will depend on the
number of hours of operation and
the attitude of the network sys
ems towards broadcasters whose
time is curtailed. Many broadcast
ers, however, who hare been as
signed, to regional channels with
out time division, regard their sit
uation as preferable to some of
the clear channel stations hit by
the chain restriction or the time
shatring order.
With one exception, eastern re
gional stations associated with the
National broadcasting system wiU3
be able to nroaacast cnam pro
grams without any restriction.
WFI. Philadelphia, will share
time with WLIT, Philadelphia.
Regional stations in the east
which can broadcast NBC pro
grams without time division hand
icap are WGR. Buffalo; WEEI,
Boston; WJAR, Providence;
WTAG, Worcester; WCSH. Port
land: WRC, Washington, and
WCAE, Pittsburgh.
, . In the far west also, all region
al NRC stations will operate full
time. They are KGW. Portland;
KOMO, Seattle; and KHQ, Spokane.
TsonsoAT atoximo
t:9-S:t KXL 24fi). Courtesy! and
household prvrrams. ' -
Ct4K-7:4fi KJX I54)r Orchestra and
health exenrbwa.
7:15-7:10 KGW (48. Health exer
cises 7 :4 KEX. Nws items. i
I :0-9 :00 KOW. NBC. "Happy" hour
8:00-10:00-KWJJ. il&i). Concert.
9:00-S:5 KXU Portland Earlv
:O-lt:00 KEX. "Better Homes'
;00-10:30 KTBR (23t). Woijnen s
program. i
:t0-12:00 KWBS (200). House if- s
3:40-12 :00 KOIN (319). Hous.4 ifs
program and town ..topics, i
9:45-12:00 KXU. Home ecenAnut-s
10 :O0-U :t0 KWJJ. Birthday hoiur. 7
10:00-11 :00 KrtlO (219. Rrj-.-.,?: T
program. j 8
10:00-1 2 :0 KEX. rvvotional i -r.
vloo. shoijiing guide and bewi-ltt-ms.
10 :l0-12 .00 KOW. Household hIps,
NBC program and music.
U .00-12 :00 KrKC. Talks and rrtiisir.
U :00-12 :o0KV.rj. tvnrt '
12:00-l:tM KKKC. tftudio .oncttrt.
12:00-12:30 KOIN Knrm ir.,irir:im
12:0.0-1:00 KEX. Utile S nifJlioJiy
' orchestra.
12.00-1:00 KGW. Luncheon conceit.
12 :00-6 :00 KXL. Afternoon presenta
tionit I
12 :00-t:00 -KWJJ. Music. f
1:00-1:15 KOIX. Farm service. 1
1 :0o.l ;2Q KEX. Song recital. ,
1 :00-5 -0 irpw 1 .i.r..i.'r.n MnA-t
t :30-2 :30 KEXJ, f oacert ensenibie.
2 :00-S rOO KKXT Ltfile Svmphony.
- :S0-5 ;00 KTHR. Music' -
3 :00-Vni1 Vt'Ii' i......vL.i...
tic iootoau game from Mltno.iiaM
3:00-3:30 KFEC, Pipe organ -concert.
! -3:00-4-00
3:30-4:00 KB:X. recital. ! "
:w Kr KC v&rmu frogram.
0-4 :30 KFEC Elementary Span
ish lesson.
00-4 :3 KEX. Concert ensemble.
10-6 :6 KFEC. Seml-classlcal mu
sic. 30-S:e0 KEX. Santa Caua
;0-S:30 KOW. Ynob lesson.
:00-6: KFEC. Popular mustc,
:15-t:00 KOIX. Tnsyr-Turvy times.
:30- :00 KOffr Children's pre
Movie talk
Organ con-
Dinner con-
York stin .
Seml-cla ssi-
00-6 :30 KGW
and music.
:00-7 :00 KOIX
:0o-T :00 KTBR 231)
:00-T :00 KhKC (219).
mnslc nrtd (6:45) Xevr
:0"-T :00 KWBS 2'0).
cal mueifc.
:30-T :00-KGW. r.ncert
:00 KKEC. Utility, i
.00-7 ;30 KGW. "Tin Pan
:00-8 :00 KWBS. TopuJar music.
00-S :00 KXL. Courtesy program
Concert trio.
String orchoFtra.
"Oregon History.
:00-8 :00 KOIX
:30-8 :30 KOW.
;00-S;3( KOIX
:0rt-8 :30 KOW.
:00-S:30 KXL. Orchestra.
:00-9 :00 KEX. ABC feature.
;00-10:01 KWBS. tftudii progran
;30-9 :0 KOIX. Studio program
:30-9 :00 KXL. Studio features.
:00-10:00 KEX. Ki Ion orchestra.
9 -00-9 :30 KOW "Romance" (NBO.)
9 :30-10 :0 KOIN. Studio program.
9 3-10:00 KrtW. Studio music.
10:00-11:09 KWBS. Request hour.
10:00-11:00 KXL Orchestra.
10:00-11:30 KOIN. Iance orchestra.
10 00-12:00 KGW. NBC dxince mu
sic. 10:00-11:00 KEX. Ianee fro'i.v
weather and police retxtrts.
11 :0U-1 :t'l KXL Entertainments.
SBC- -9-9. "Happy" hnur : 10:30-11.
""Women's magazh.e .'" 7-7:30. Tin
Pan Allev :" 7:3n-8. Gayeties : 8
'Kuor Gladiators;" 9, Travelog; 10
12. TriHUdtrsns dance orchestra.
KGO Oakland 30i. 6, concert; 6 ;3-
Reinlmtndt trio: 7. ngrlcultural : 7 -3(.
. I'at isiarf nu'.ntrt ; :30, Xli1':
9:30. cnntrt: 1", 1'"N.
KNX Los AngcLs :6) fi. riaygi
ers' cl'.ih ; St :.10. string quartet : 7.
7:30. feature: S. Airedales: 8
feature: :30. feature; 10-12. dan.'
orchestra: 12-1, Cotton club.
KYA San Franciseo (2-t-.. 6, newn ;
6:1.".. Crier: 7. 8. semi-classical ; 8 -3".
frolic; 9. 10-12. dance orchestra.
KJR Seattle 30:t). 6. .-nsemble : 7.
salon ore! estra S. Hawaiian Sif.i-shint-
hour; 9. AltC salon orchestra:
10-12. Vic Meyer's dance orchesti a.
KPO San Kranclseei 441'). 6, music;
7-7:30. XBC; 8-8:30. XBC; 9:30-l.
dance band; 11, XBC.
KFI Los Angeles (468). 6, music bo :
7-7:36. NBC; 8-8:30. XBC; 8 ::-
1, dance ttand ; jj0. . t'.'
KFI Los Angeles ( ' "nu-'f
7. H.t tot 7 :S0 jBC . .
piioneue; 9 :S0. Tarletyj ! 11.
KFRC an Francisco illlJiil,
orchestra; 7, orchestra; jr?. , 1
ano-. , 10-12. dance orches-a.
KHQ Spokane (668). . servl. uwr:
6 -3r Jinner coneert : 7. IXuirl.Hoy
8, 8:30, NBC; 9:30, program.
KFWB Hollywood (310 6. MU4"'" '
7. quartet; 8, music; 9, orel11":
10. dance orc-hestra; 11, timely '
KFOA Seattle 236. .
hour: 7.30. S. news; :15.r'3o
club; 8:30, Skipier s log; 8:4''' '
movie notes. -j
KOMO Seattle (326). 6-8. orch :
8; .:30. NBC: 9:30, fnJ!?,,'
lt:30. news and music; ll--"
duets and solos.
HUBBARD, Ore., Nov. 13
(Special) Mr .and Mrs. WiUJiir-i
Dick gave a dinner in hocor of
W. Allen of Portland. vho spent
Armistice day with them. Mr.
Diet clerks in a grocery store in
Sellwood and Mrs. Dick has
charge of the second grade in
the Hubbard public schools.
SILVERTON. Ore., Nov. 13
(Spl) Homecoming services will
be held next Sunday at the First
Christian church, with the Rev.
Albyn Esson, former pastor, In
the pulpit. Special music has
been arranged.
Elmer vi as so fast that he could
catch his own forward passes.
High Street at Trade
Is your reception
Then the trouble lies in
either your
If the trouble lies in the for
mer see some one else. If
the latter is functioning im
properly, see Us.
Radio Headquarters
175 S. High Tel. 1161
We Fix Tliem
" """f ft f 1
Mod 72 j J
SEE m ' hear m
101 B. High Tel. alia
The Market. Tel. 512 I
Yes and in
your own home
TTTTIL defiver the Phflc
W to your own home on free
trial. Let the whole family
experience the thrill of Philco
performance vart distance
range, tplit-hair selectivity and
tremendous volume. Try it oat
in the very spot you intend to
use it. Compare results with
your neighbor's radio. Then
judge for yourself. No obliga
tion no charge for the trial.
Easy Payments
After the free trial, if you
decide to buy, you don't have
to pay cash. Only a small
amount down and the balance
in easy monthly payments you'll
never even miss.
Trade In ,
Your OldRacKo
Yea, we wiE make you
liberal trade-in allowance for
your old, out-of-date radio set.
Now you can own the best and
latest in radio without taking
a dead loss on your preaent set.
EaflH ILIk EEebr
Corns in, hear and sea the new Philco. No obi if ation.
' ' 1 : 1 w :
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This is a special Clubbing Rate and is Continuous
from month to month by Carrier service to subscri
bers in Salem District. This complete 24 hour news
paper service for little more than the regular price
of either paper. Under the new system the carrier
will deliver and collect for both newspapers. To se
cure both newspapers at this rate notify your car-
ricr or phone either office.
i he Wew Oresron statesman
215 So. Commercial Phone 500
r-rTj "IT .1 1 HP 1
I He rortiand l eiegram
Salem Office 127 No. Kigli Phone S39
Wm. Delzll, Agent
t 4
rrs'i TiiiriTTTfin
" Nil j.,-.-
T ' -- f . J - ' s - f