The New "OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November It, 1928 f 1 t 1 ik S t Strong Minority Party Nee -essary for Good Govern ment.He Says (Continued from Page 1.) ; agement or misconduct of the gov ernment. A political party is or ganized to help the country and not merely to achieve victory. It -' survives not on the basis of the reward it secures for Its followers but on the strength and the sound ness of the principles for which it stands. A political party can only Justify its existence Insofar as it operates for the purpose of pro moting the welfare, the wellbelng and the best Interest of the people. "The principles for which the democratic party stands are as great in defeat as they would have been in Tictory, and it is our duty to carry on and rindlcate the pnn clples for which we fought. The democratic party today is the great liberal party of the nation. It leads the progressive thought in all the countries. It holds out the only hope of return of the- funda mental principles on which this country was built and as a result of which It has grown and thrired. Appcvl Made For Svpport From Youth v T6 the young men and women of the country, the democratic party with its fine traditions, and Its breadth of Tlslon, offers the bnlv Inspiration. The democratic party would not be In a position four years from now to solicit the confidence and the support of the American people, if during that j constructive program and relied entirely upon the fail a re of the I opposition party. That cannot-be done by the minority party per mitting itself tt become a party of destrnction and opposition ' for political purposes only. We have seen too much of that in this country and in many of its civil divisions. It has been particularly noticeabl e in the state of New York where great forward-looking constructive measures were de layed for years by partisan oppo sition seeking to withhold from the .democratic party credit for tJ!- accomplishments." At the Tjheaters 'Rose Marie,9 New Musical Gem, Due Soon at Elisnore "Rose Marie," the gem of mus ical comedies, that has been anx iously awaited, will eome to the Elslnore theatre November 28. "Rose Marie" has so prospered that it is easy to explain that aud iences like the play because it is one of the best shows of the type that has been put on the stage" in recent years. People flock to It because It Is good, wholesome en tertainment. In planning "Rose Marie," Ar thur Hammerstein broke away from the routine of musical com edies and prepared a piece that was different. All the action takes place In Canada, and for the first time the Dominion is seen trans lated into the language and set tines of operetta. The score supplied by Rudolf Friml and Herbert Stothart for this musical play has all the charm that one associates with these two noted composers of music. The songs that linger in the memory are "Rose Marie" and the lovely "Indian Love Call." y There Js a comic song about kiss ing that the business helps along, and the "Totem Tom-Tom" num ber for the chorus gives oppor tunity for some original and bi sarre dancing effects. Virginia Fox is the prima don na, and Paul Donah, who will be seen in the role of Jim Kenyon, has an excellent tenor. Other Im - portant members of the cast are Mira Ntrska, Charles Meakins. Peggy Pates, Houston Richards, Ross Gibson, Sano Marco, Daisy Gibson, Gas Buell and 90 others, Including a symphony orchestra. Manhattan Drama Shows at Oregon The Manhattan Players fill their 8alem engagement this week-end at the Oregon theatre while the Elslnore houses the pop. nlar war-time aviation romance "Lilac Time." The Manhattan play In "News papers and Slippers," wherein an old-fashioned couple are contrast ed with a man and his wife that consider themselves ' the latest thing out. Somewhere in between these two extremes Is a happy me dium that those who sea the .play will appreciate la the last act. -": . "Newspapers and Slippers" will -. be presented Thursday night, Fri day night, and on Saturday, tat both matinee and night perform ancee, in the Oregon, theatre. Oregon Features Moore on Screen Dorothy . Revier, who Is fea tured with" Matt Moore and Roy D'Arcy la Columbia's "Beware of Blondes" which Is coming 4cr the Oregon theatre today, danced "her way Into the limelight with. the . OIga Moskova troupe of dancers. Her father, Thorns Valerga, had achieved an enviable reputation as a musician; "while an aunt. Ida Valerga was well 'known aa an : operatic atar. Dorothy made her screen debut under the . direction of Harry Revier. At tint she was . cast in ingenue roles; ; but soon became known as a ramplre. Her yearning to portray other' roles went unheeded J nntil he was placed under contract by Colom-i bl Pictures. Since then she has ." I if IS VJ 4 i l f'.rv.W: -' :& J a WASHINGTON ADAMS' JEFFERSON, died at 7; ; died at 90 died at 92 2 yean fter 25 years after 17 years site presidency presidency " ? presidency rrom3 UMiiijjM' mi ay 1 1 . i pi.i.iniwwiyne r'TJJ'SZjl FILLMORE PIERCE BUCHANAN LINCOLN JOHNSON GRANT; died at 74 died at 65 died at 77 died at 58 died at 8 died at 68 21 years after' 12 years aften 7 years, after duriac 6 years after 8 years after presidency presidency presidency presidency preaideacy presidency, TAYLOR died at 65 during . presidency 3 iwy:ww!J V. ' v L & HARRISONJ McKINLEY died at 68 died at S8 (8 years after during presidency ' , 'presidency READ THIS FIRST: ; Several disturbing elements had already entered the life of Byrd Ham ilton, who hud just married the arro gant, lrreattble lrry Browning. Thy were sDendlna: the nlaTht at the Black- atone at Cincinnati, where Larry friends, who had ooroe to attend tltelr wedding, were giving a party in their honor. When the party had reached a high pitch in the crowaea rooms, Uyrd found that this fast-movtni; crowd had notnterest for her. When h!w discovered India CamnbelL a form er sweetheart of Larry's, and Larry Bitting dangerously on a window sui before an open window, they misin terpreted her anxiety ac jealousy. : The next afternoon the crowd con ifregated In their suite for a "plck un" Dartv. and Larry, the gay center of it, paid all the bill. That nifht thpy left ror their honeymoon at wiuw Sulphur 'Springs with their friends at the deDot to see them off. Byrd mis sed Larry as the traia palled out, but he had been saying good-bye to India. Byrd was disturbed and over whelmed by the costly magnificence of the Ureeobriar and, in contrast to the exDenalvely gowned women around her. Jier clothes looked tawdry and shabby. (NOW UO ON WITH THIS S1VHI) CHAPTER IX s HE studied the people about her. There were grayhaired men in the fightiest-looking ; ,. 7 won popularity In "The Tigress," "The Warning," and her current role in "Beware of Blondes." In the last she leads Matt Moore and Roy D'Arcy a merry chase and keeps the audience guessing. (Continued from Page 1.) the romance in aviation cams with the pioneers that ventured so spectacularly into the un known. But now that aeronau tics are getting beyond the pi oneer stage, that phase of a great industry, necessary for a while, is being lost." J. HUGH WARD, bookkeep er at the county clerk's office, said: "From all I can gather about aviation it is Just as prac tical and devoid of romance as any other industry. The fact that we still think of it in terms of romance means merely that it is still too new to be com monplace. There is romance in anything if you look at it that way, but usually we don't look at it . that way except when we are unfamiliar with it." BRAZIER SMALL, Salem justice of the peace, and naval aviator during the World War, said: "There are two times when you get a thrill out of fly ing. The first occurs when you go up for the first time. The second comes when, all by yoar self, with nobody to operate the plane except you and God, you first climb Into the pilot's seat and take off." Continued from Page 1.) lative committee. Dan C. McClel- laa, of Tnmalo, will lead the dis- ensaioa. "The 8ettlers"Ylewpoint,M while Colonel E. R. Place of Port land, will give an address on "Fi nancing Reclamation." . BanqneC Thmrsday Night at Gray Belle . The annual banquet will be held Thursday night at f:S0 o'clock at the Gray Belle. Friday's sessions will open with aa address by W. W. McLaughlin, associate chief . of the : United States division of agricultural en gineering,' on "The Cost of Grow ing Irrigated. Crops.'!.. Settlement p Problems of the Vale and Owy hee irrigation projects will be die. cussed by George o. Kreutxer, di rector or reclamation economics; ' Dalnt UaaintA. T ' 111 a iimuuwii vi aeuu will give an address on "The General Tax of Reclamation Project Lands.' , v The reports of committees will be submitted at Friday "after noon's session. This will be fol lowed by election of of fleers. 4 ' Virtually all of Friday's ses sions will be devoted by a discus sion on the settlement and use of, projected lands, A bv- . lip j JLd-trisd I 1 ran rairan ' OPENS HERE TODAY U Price of Presidej? "-:- t.-:v "MADISON ' died at 85 19 years after) . preaidenej ' ' N?WaTv((aeC)jei ROOSEVELT died at 60 9 years aftet) presidency TAFT atm living outfits. Most of them wore loud golf clothes, and - she suspected that they didn't play golf at all. Plaided knickers, with lavender shirts, ties, handkerchiefs to match, and golf socks that made their thin legs look like gayly striped stick candy. Their wives looked like bath room accessories in one-piece af fairs made out of heavy-napped bath toweling and crocheted bed spreads. AH the extravagance of people whose only ambition and Inter est in life is to look better dressed than their neighbors. "Doesn't it seem silly for peo ple to take clothes, and sporta and vacations so seriously?" ask ed Byrd, smiling a little sarcastic aly. x "Not at all," said Larry, "if a fellow's clever and knows how to work It, he ought to be able to spend most of his life having a good time." "Well, I wouldn't call it a good time," said Byrd, with conviction. It was Larry's belief that work was a sort of punishment, and only the stupid drew the sentence. They were sitting at one of the many tables spread over the wide veranda of the "Casino," which housed a restaurant, reading rooms and the golf lockers. Lar ry was looking over the menu. When the waiter appeared, he or dered glasses, ice and white rock, and drawing a flask from his pocket, he said: "Well, let's drink to the next milestone in the old honeymoon," and filled two glasses. Byrd wished that . Larry wouldn't hare to make an occa sion out of everything, even Ja simple thing like a meal, and think he had to drink to it. She touched her glass several times in an effort to be a "good sport." But suddenly, as she glanced at the menu, she was glad for the Scotch, for it fortified her against shock. As she looked down the long list of luncheon dishes, the prices seemed to leap off the page and dance- arrogantly before her eyes. "Why, Larry," she . exefcimed, breathlessly, "did you ever see such prices?" Under frowning browjst, Larry was looking this way ! ad that, to see If she was being overheard. , "Cold consomme, sixty cents," continued Byrd. innocently, una ware of the pain she was causing Larry. "Cold chicken with no- tato salad, one dollar and sev enty-five cents. Why, Just a plain ham sandwich Is a dollar. How are jjAever going to get enough to eat?" Her voice was incredulous. She was distinctly alarmed. "Please lower your voice, dear. It may seem strange to these peo ple to have you upset over what are ordinary hotel prices," hrf said. In a voice in which disap proval tinkled like tiny icicles. "Well, to me they sound exorbi tant," insisted Byrd. "And ridic ulous, too. Do you think we can afford to stay here?" Her voice showed genuine worry. "There must be other places." "Listen. Byrd. Please don't let the waiters know what you think." Larry eyed her piercing ly, with : his black eyes. . MWe wouldn't have eome here If we hadn't been able to afford it. Ia fact, the only people who do come here are those who are supposed to be able to pay the prices." I "But, Larry, dearest, there's so many things we'll be needing when we go to housekeeping " expostulated Byrd. ; Tou-'re - not rery compliment- ; k A cleaiising, rxavlrritatln antiseptic and deodorant for .vaginal douches. It soothes and heals. Large four ounce bottle sells for GO cents at your drugstore. 1 7JF .sr. "V- MONROE died at 7 years alter presidency 1 1. Q. ADAMS 1 died at 81 years after I " presidency: I aa ary to me," said Larry, "hinting that I can't afford a week's hon eymoon and a home, too." His tone was ( ,qait ironical. Byrd's eyes fluttered down to her lap to hide the tears that had started. "Big chump!" she scolded her self. "Larry's a successful busi nes man. ; What do you know about his affairs anyway?" Byrd was very sweet to him the rest of the meal, eating what ever Larry ordered, and closing her eyes tightly when the bill was presented. e "Now we're going back to those shops and buy you some clothes," Baid.Larry, with a determined air. "And if you yap about the prices, I'll send you back to that hick town that gave you all these hay seed ideas!" They entered the "Snobbiest Toggery," a shop owned by one Mme. Majla Mogabgab, importer from Paris. A young hipless wo man, with a Pekinese under her arm, eyed Byrd somewhat Insol ently, as she took her in from the crown of her little felt, hat to the toe of her sensible shoe. After that look, thought Byrd, I'll let Larry buy the whole shop for me. With : a practiced eye, Larry chose three sport outfits tor her, with shoes, stockings and hats to match, or not to match, as the madam advised. A swagger stick was the last note. ' Then, at an other shop, they bought her a bathing suit in wo shades of orange, which seemed to catch, the exact tones of her coppery hair. A cap and cape of black taffeta, trimmed with orange. And the darlingest little plaid sandals.' Larry left their suite number and instructions that the articles were to be charged to their hotel account. "Solomon's wives clothes!" said Byrd, laughing. "I could dress for the rest of my life on what you paid for those things." Larry was pleased with her ap preciation. "If you do, I'll divorce you on the spot! Anyway, if I ever see one of! those laundress models you bought yesterday, I might commit a crime," answered Lar ry. "I'll tell you what you do. Send them to Pat, with our love and apoligles. Byrd looked dubious. "Why they cost a hundred dol lars," she said, miserably. "Can we really afford to give them. . ." "Oh. Lord."" groaned Larry. "There you go again. Cut that 'afford out of yrfnc solar plexus." Theye were haying dinner in the great formal dining room of the hotels with windows like great double doors that reached from the celling to the floor. Byrd wore her second best evening gown, and felt that she looked particularly well In it. It was made of green silver cloth, and she looked like a slender silver body, suple sad straight as a young tree, as she walked down the aisle, Tonight Ohly-4W0d. CuHain 8:15 ' One Night Only Phone or ELS PRICES Lower floor (center) : Mezzanine floor l.l A Lower floor, first seven and last fire rows J-i 2 v.' JACKSON "VAN BUREN W. HARRISON died at 78 died at 78;.;, died at 68 8 years after 21 years after j ; during presidency - presidency ; ; 'presidency 7i tr5:?A trrzrnn 4 i HAYES' died at 70 ! 12 years after presidency GARFIELD died' at 48 during presidency IK? tl 1 si 1 .. WILSON died at 67 3 years after; presidency a E She smiled contentedly; as she looked at Larry across the white tablecloth, across the shining sil ver. But he was looking at her gown, and slowly shook his head She was paralyzed with the thought that tomorrow Larry in tended to buy her some evening gowns. She quickly looked down at the menu, resolving to assume that bored expression that she saw on the faces of the people around her who wouldn't admit, for any thing in the world, that a meal (Turn to Page 5, Please.) General Markets POETLAKD ORAIK POKTLAND, Ore- Nor. 13. (AP) Cash grain: Whest Big Bend bluestem, hsrd white 1.46; soft white $1.15; wiater white $115; hard winter $1.09 tt: northern spring S1.0SH; west ern red $1.09. Oats No. 2. 38 lb. white, $35. Barley No. 2, 45 IV. . f.t $34.50. Corn No. 2 Eastern Tallow, shipment. $42.00. Milirnn standard, $27. HAT PORTLAND. Ore, Nor. 18.- (AP). Hay Bnyinp prices: Eastern Oregon timothy. $20.5021.00; ralley: $17.00 17.50; alfalfa. J1S.0O& 18.50 ciorer, $14.0015.00; oat hay, $15.00 1 5.50 ; straw, $7.50 ton. Selling prices, $2 ton mora. . DAISY PORTLAND. Ore.. Nor. lS.-i-(AP). Dairy Exchange, set prices r Batter: Extra 49 Uc: standard 49c; prima firsts 474e; firsts 4Sfcc. Eggs: Extra 48c; firsts, 45c; medium "extras' SSc; medium firsts 84c; uader sixed 28e. raoxrocB ' PORTLAND. Ore.. Nor. 10. (AP). Poultry Stesdy. Ahre heas (orer 4H tbs.). 25e. Medium bens (3H to 4Z lbs.) 20c; springs and Leg'aorns. 24e, Potatoes Steady. Per 100' ponndt. Takima Gems. $1.35 $1.50; local, psrtly grsded, $1.00 1.20; No. 23, 75 90c; Deschutes Gems, $1.35 (0 $l.ov. UVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore, Nor. lS.j (AP) Cattle and Calres: Steady to strong Steers (1100-1130 Lbs.) good! $12.00 $12.50; (950-1100 Lbs.) rood $11.50 $12.25; (800 and up) medium! $10.50C $11.50; common $9.00 (fl 110.50. Hellers ; (850 Lbs. town) good $.50WlU u ; common $7.50$9.5O. Cows, good $8.50 $9.00; common medium $d.50Q$ $8.50: low cutter $4.00$ff.S0. Bulls: (reariings excluded. Good beefs $7.25 3$7.75; cutter to medium. $6.50$7.25. Cslres (500 Lb. ' down), medium to choice $8.50 $ 10.50; cull to etrarmon $6.00$8.50. Veslers, milk-fed, rood lb choice $12.00$13.OO; medium $10.50 $12.0; cull t common $7.50W $10.50. Hogs receipts 2&50 15 to 25e high er, keary weight (850-350 lbs.) ; me dium to choice $7.25 tj $9.00; medium weight (200-250 lbs.),'mediumf ta choice $8.00 $9.25; light weight 1 (160-200 lbs.) medium te choice $9.25(3 $930; light lights (130-UtO Ibe.) medium to choice $8.25$9.25. ! Packing sows, roagh and smooth $6.50$70. Slaugh ter pigs (90-130 lbs), i medium to choice, $8.00 $8.75. Feeder! and stocker pigs (70-138 lbs.), medium t choice $7.50 $8.50. ! . . (Soft or only hogs and roasting pigs' excluded in above quotations). , A awwr w MWitPHH lares, rnstei. OfTr-Q i i La a. ayi ' Man, gyp i an rtsmmltaalaad 4tasaOV wOl y tAcwi rin n nn3 aaaamaaagjl I VT '9133? I !: -'i Call For Your Reservations Early $2.00V $2.00 Balcony, Balcony, next eight rows Z $1.50 Balcony, last seven rows TYLER . died at 7l' POLK fdled at 5SJ ! 16 years after during t s presidency presidency1. ?4 Jt 1 'ARTHUR died at 86 I year after, presidency (CLEVELAND died at 71 11 years after ' presidency, ' T v:i9 . '-: o -v. v.-. : HARDING died at 88 during Presidency iCOOLIDGB Steep and Lambs Steady: Lasabs (84 Iba. down) good to choice $11.00 $12.00; (92 lba. down), medium S10.00 $11.00; (all waiirhts), cull to common 18.50 S10.BO. Yearling wethar (ISO lbs. dowa. medium to choice SS.OOGs 910.00. Ewe (120 lbs. down), medium to choice .50M0.50; (120 150 lbs) medium t oho ice $3.50$S.00; (all weights), call to common $2.00(S$3.50. CHICAGO QKAHf CHICAGO. Nor. 12. (AP) Argentine reports of probably crop damage by rust did a good deal to heist the wheat mar ket today. Besides, for the first time ia weeks, the United States wheat risi ble sapoly showed a decrease. Final quotations of wheat were firm. e to c a bushel net higher, with corn S-8Vi e up and oats it HS 3-8 to 5 Sc adranca. Salem Markets rrsih rroits (Wholesale qaotstlons) Apples, f. and f. . Jonathans - Delicious 1.75 Spitsenberc ; .1.25 3.50 1.25 Winter Bsoanas, Wo. Northern Spy Bananas, lb. 1.25 1.25 .08 H 6.00 Cranberries, Western, box . lstee - Dromedary, 38, 10-es pkgs 6.73 C re pee Cal. seedless, lug 1.25 Cal. Tokays, lug 1.50 Cal. White Ms lags, lug ..1.10 Cal. Ladyfingers, Inf.: 2.50 Today Thursday - Friday -Saturday ' Rin-Tin-Tin In the Vitaphone Talking Success "The Land of the Silver Fox" Rinty at His Best with an All Star Cast also Movietone News and Vitaphone Acts Nov. 14th Sponsored By Sdem Lions CEtd Kiwczus Clubs mmj0j - t V first two rows 60c mm iii .06 J.7 , S.7 S.2S .10 4.7(aS.50 J.M9l.0t 1.00 02 01 Crepofrait. ArU, cm HiukleWriM. WaM Ih. Cmmb m7. . vP- LtBHi, Cai. Limes, rartomt. S dot Watermelon. Klondike lee cream melon, lb Oringa, Valencia 150 end larser .. ...... 176. 116 . .7.50 7S 9.50 252 to 824 sar. local lb PooKcmaate, lb. .OS .01 .04 Wuiacea, ib. Vegetable (Wholeaalo anotttioa) Artiebok. da. .1.40 .20 - .OS - .90 ..8.2 05 Bean. Calif:., lb. I umpkrns, lb.' . Celery. 1 Ibish; do.. Crste Calif., stylo Spinach, local, lb. 4uash Bsnsaa ttolde Delicious - .02 H .02 H .04 .02 03 1.60 .02 H .02 Dsaiah, lb., Habbard. lb. Marbleuead Cucumbers, hot hoate, dos. Carrots, local, tack, lb Cabbage, local, lb. i.35; Cauli., local, crate 1.25 Eggptaat, Calif., lb .12 Bunched regetaoles. per das. bunches Carrots 40 (3 .80 Beets 40 4) "0 Taralps .90 Oainas 40 .80 Kadisbea . .60 Brunei Sprouts, Calif., .18 Potatoes Takima. Gems, No. 1 Locsl. Burbsnks Yk. Gems No. 2 Sweet potstoes Csrlic, lb Peppers, Calif., green, Kei. lb. ...1.50 ...1.23 1.10 ., .04 . .20 . .15 . .10 .8.00 -1.10 lb. Tomatoes. Calif., lug Local, box Oairui Ne. l's No. 2 s ..4.00 ..a.00 .04 1.50 .4.00 Bomlt wjeklins;. lb. No. Lettuce, local Lettuce, Oalif ... Peso (Retail Quotations) , W i.i. Dairy feed, toa 4S.00 Cm it 1 o k iw. a Bciatcli. toa 50.00 Cora, whole, toa t oe Cracked sad ground Mill run. tea Bran, toa aaasa With milk Standards Mediums Vegetables (Burins? nrlee) rvtatoes. cwt. New beets, das. bunches Spinach, box Turnips, cwt. Csbbace. ewt. Pumpkin, ewt. Squash, cwt. . Hubbard souaeh. cwt. Tomatoes, box Celery, dos. Cauliflower, ereta Onions, lb. .. Parsnips, lb. New carrots, das. bunche-.- Lettuce, crate. Radishes, dos. bunches Spinach, box . HOLLYWOOD THE THE nTJI ft lffJ r Wm. Ptcruae Huiliin' E 1 - H , s. at r . 3 W Days - E! rfn-fflPW7Tr Shower fmd Storm Coats II v A Two Purpose! Coat Rain Repellent I in the few . wet weather and snug I IP' warm in snow and I 1 ! P ' 1 mannish Weave III ft exceptionally tailored. I .. w mm. ' I ..M - AND I 1 f , ' , Quality Merchandise Popfilar prices ' t , - . - ' -..v ' . v. --Uv '--'j-i , ' T 1 ' ' , , t-t-U i Trans (Baring prices) Qaiaeos. lb. Apples, lac sad filleC Poultry (Be ring Price) Hens, baary j , Media a 4 Lights 1 14Q Leghorn broilers, nader 2 lbs .03 0 .11 .19 .It 15 .22 as .07 Springers, large 4 Broilers 1 24a Kooiiers, 01a Batterist (Wholesale) Butterfst Prints . .51 .51 .53 Csrtoa - wrala (Boylng price) Wheat. Western Red, bo .97', 03 55 4S 00 Soft. Whit Oats, gray. Int. White, a. -. Bartey. toa 34 Wool aad liosatr (Butim prices) Fill clip and lambs j Mohair and Kids 51 35 61 .09 H .1-4 07 Si 1 4 .09 .13 .08 U .10 .08 04 JUresteck Steers j 0 8 Cows, good . , .,. . 08 Veal, good .... j..; lls Bulls, good . , ,, ,-.064(41 esl, dreesed, top - Hogs, sop Hogs, dressed, top Ileary Sows Spring iambs ..08 H -.06 -.09 .-OS Q .02 a w ethers Ewes, top gBcn TODAY ONLY There's a thrill In every scene, a flirtatious twinkle In every eye and a bevy of blonde beau ties that will take you off your feet tmatt moore roy d'arcy Dorothy revier 7 I 'e ot the st0Fy of tS. ove 01 eray Starts Friday iiii a mas m ay mm II I ST I aVaF' . 33.00 J.S Jl II wit vr 60.00 laJtl I I trJf 55.00 Vf juY4i I IT zr:o i ll Ik .75 1 I r I IVM KVtA LL 1.25 A, ,V Wf.l ZJLfl bnnasusff 11A 11 7 IVaTsf iKCllT 1 I rrn 1 1 7 ILiyP ! i m