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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1928)
SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR w Salem; Oregon, Wednesday Morning, November 14, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS SCHOOL 6UDGE.T oov to Make Goodwill Tour of SouthA (POO nOC HIP1ITD t - ; 7f rvn vvv-;-'"1 1 FDH N t A 1 YtAH r;.i -u . Proposed 1929 Expenditure $397,082; Committee Fin ishes Labors , Increase Principally" in Per- sonal Service; Five More Teachers Cost of operating ttaft SaleDn school system for 1929 will be just . , 22,08S.50 more than for the year according to the budget approved last night at the annual budget 'meeting. Total expenditure la $397,082. The budget will be sub mitted to the taxpayers shortly. Members of the citizens' budget committee were David .Eyre, chair man. W. II. Dancy, William Gahlsdorf, A. G. Haag and J. F. Hughes. School Clerk W. HBurg- hardt acted as secretary. The greatest increase in any one item, $13,000, is for personal ser vice, including all instructors, the tecretaries, Janitors and health of flciats. Three new teachers in t!.o high school and one each on the - Junior high and grade payroll, and a slm for the school dentist am responsible for bringing the 13 2 J tntal nil to 1277.874.50 for Der- sonal' service. Material and supplies will cost approximately $24,000, an in- crease of $2,000, $500 of which Is for furniture, $500 for education al supplies, $200 for water and phones, $$00 for fuel, coal and wood and $500 for the library. Increased Insurance Protection Planned Maintenance and repair of school grounds and property re mains the same as last year, at $6,000, but distributed different ly, the chief difference being in but a $300 allotment for Wash ington aa against $2,800 last year when the building was recondi tioned for use. Just $1,700 is al loted for maintenance of the ath letic grounds and Leslie grounds. School property' will, be insured at $500 increase in cost under the new budget, and interest on war rants is estimated at $1000 more than the previous year. Win Return Bonds Faster Than Before . The new budget will carry an increased amount for retiring in debtedness of , $5,585 or a total cf $81,582. This item provides for an .j:tia.t in nnn v... nm auumuuu f li,vuv icucuiyuvu ui the old 1910 bonds, leaving a to--tajof $34,6i0 to be 'paid In suc ceeding years, and interest on this of $1,732; redemption by $10, 000 of the 1924 high school addi tion bonds, the remaining bonds from this series totaling half the original, $50,000; redemption and interest on Parrish bonds and also Leslie and high school alteration bonds. Street assessment for paving i.; estimated at $7,800. Estimated receipts include $315,500 divided as follows: state Echool fund, $9,500; county school fund, $62,000; elementary school funds, $34,000; high school tuition, $37,000; other sources, $4,753. The district tax was estimated by the county assessor at $168, 427, covering the six per cent lim itation, this figure coming in for some comment by the school board and budget group as pos sibly a false basis in event that the results of controversies ' over 'assessing bank and similar capital should , lower the district funds. District tax for redemption and interest on bonds will swell the receipts by $81,582.00. Kf fk-iency Praised By Committee Member At the close of the budget meeting, W. H. Dancy told the board and special committee hi believed the schools were carefully conducted and that the city was getting "a whole lot for its mon- Following the budget meeting, the school board held its reguia session, the most important bus. lness being a report of difficul ties encountered in obtaining t a clear title to the 21st street prop erty which- the board recently voted to sell in small pieces. Fol lowing a report on investigation of L Donald Mars, engineer, the board ordered the clerk to take steps to have Ihe city streets in the addition vacated. Barney-Cameron, high school student body president, appeared before the board to ask that a caretaker be secured for the new high school field and grandstand, the board voting to place the mat ter in the hands of Superintendent George W. Hug and G. W. Smal- ley, head janitor. Protests Fifed Against Utility 1928 Valuations Protests filed by a number of public utility corporations against their 1928 valuations were heard by the state board of canalization here Tuesday. The 1929 tax will be levied on the 1928 'valuations. Utilities filing protests with the state board of equalisation ' here Tuesday Included the Mountain States Power company, California. Oregon Power company, "Knappa Bwenson of Astoria, and the Port land Electric company. v ' w i ' , n, i ,sr fe ' i2 '-.r ' : jJLt, ? , x ' President-elect Herbert Carl Hoover is to spen d the time before tour of Latin-American countries, according to an nonncements from home In Palo Alto, Cal. Top photos elect for the trip by President Coolidge, with inset of Hoover; below, Janlero, Brazil, and right, Central goodwill tour. E F Conference Held With Pros pective Appointee as At torney General By W. B. RAGSDALE Associated Press Staff Writer STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., Nov. 13. (AP) -Herbert Hooter busied himself today with the work of winding ud the many personal affairs and details of his good will trip that must be com pleted before he leaves ms nome here Snndav for San Pedro to be gin the voyage to South America. The President-elect started nis day with a conference with Wil liam J. Donovan, assistant Unit ed States Atorney General, whom he had summoned here from Washington. Then he turned to some of the many personal mat ters pressing upon him and dur ing the course of the day visited San Francisco to do some shop ping. v Donovan Is'tfgarded as the out standing figure of those mention ed for the posrof attorney general in the Hoover cabinet, tie reacn ed here today, after flying from Chicago t6 Kansas City ana thence to Los Angeles, completing bv train from the Southern California city to Palo Alto. Tha RRta.nt attorney general has long been a friend of the pres ident-elect and was one of nis closest advisers during, the long campaigns, both for the nomina tion and election. e h Hoover in the f6rmulation of his plans during the heat ofeHie strug thfc residency and the two think similarly along many lines. Their views coincide upon me u. vio n-ntMration of govern ment and business which the presi dent-elect stressed in several nhM dnrinc the campaign ana kv. a-o strnnc believers in the theory of adjusting matters effect ing business througn conierenccs. PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. IS. api in Marcus. Portlsnd lightweight, Ucored a ten round Hiiinn over " Robbv Fernandez, Los Angeles boxer here - tonight. Marcus had a slight snaae over th iittl Mexican fighter who was outweighed seven pounds. In an other fight scheduled to go ten rounds Ray McQuillan, roruana w.itrwirbt. knocked out Jack Carr, Los Angelesr in the ninth round, v , . , ' Eddie Graham, Salem featner wtrht. took a four round decision over Johnny Topaz, Manila, Sam Warren, Portland light heavy weight, knocked out Steve Ster lirh Alhanv In the second round. and Jack Burbank, Portland, won a four round decision over Johnny La Rose, Portland lightweight, in the other boats on the card:' Weather Better ' Ships Leave Bay . r IIARSHFIELD, Ore, Nor. IS. f API All steamers which had been held within Coos Bay harbor hv hai weather, were able to cross nnt tn ' sea this afternoon as the weather moderated. n s OR VDVflGE SOUTH HE GRINS fOli SCRAP ' . "'if' -- i i- i - r . shows the snper-dreadnanght Maryland assigned to the president- Plaza in Buenos Aires, Argentine, ' What... They think of- The Element of Romance Found in Modern Aviation THE somewhat unusual ques tion propounded to States nian readers who are quo ted iere Is Inspired by friends who are assuming, perhaps, that their own interest . in aviation is universal. In the new con quest of the air these friends have found a glamor and ro mance .that beguiles the fancy. They talk of the air mail ser vice, the importance of air planes to the coming scheme of transportation and of the pure delight of soaring through the skies. How does the "ro mance" of aviation appeal to others? Here is the answer: DR. CARL G. DONEY, pres ident of Willamette university, said: "I am impressed with the appeal which aviation makes to young people of vigor and im agination. The result in large measure contributes to the pro gress of aviation. I think that young people who consider go ing into aviation ought to be encouraged." P. A. EIKER, of the Eiker auto company, said: "The growth of aviation is bound to continue. Perhaps it has lost much of its romantic thrill, but it has become an integral part, of American advancement." T. M. HICKS, 2146 State street, said: "I think aviation is gaining ground am. is one of the big fields in future develop ment, especially in transporta tion and passenger service. From the standpoint of pure ro mance, I would say people are losing , Interest . in -the ocean flights and other once-Sppe ing aspects of the-air travel, it Is more of a business proposi tion now." - ' ' ' AUGUST SCHERMACHER." lieutenant, coast artillery. U. S. A. said: "At West Point all the cadets are anxious to go up. Most of them get more thrill and romance out of the antic ipation. There will naturally be a lot of romance until everyone is accustomed to aviation." JAMES CLARK, visitor, from McMinnvllle and student avia tor, said: "There is all kinds of romance to aviation. There Is romance to all new things. The most romantic thing about a v. iatlon is that you can't get out and walk home, in ease of trouble." e?--.... - V. TrGOLDEN, of the Golden Ambulance t Service, said: "Ro mance in aviation? Off-hand, I'd say that I dont know that there Is. To the aviators X sup pose it's Just hard work like any other labor. No more ro maneeio them thah driving to thevua-4riverv on running a train to a railroad engineer.". : : C. N.: 1NM AN, attorney ln'tlie Breyman building, said r t Av iation has proven Itself a" prac tical and valuable addition to modern -civilisation. Sensation alism has had little to do wltt- the real -worth of aeronautics or with attracting the interest of the general pubHe. Of course, -Tnrn to Pago 2, Please.) - i v: :vjte his inauguration on a goodwill Washington and the Hoover left,' Central avenue In Rio de probable ports f call on the Roosevelt Highway Will Be Extended on South to Lane County Line PORTLAND, Ore., Nov; 13 (AP)- An active and extensive road building program was out lined ; by the state highway com mission here today; the engineer ing department was directed to prepare for advertising a number of projects which will be adver tised for bids at the December 19 meeting, and other projects were put on the, list for January let ting. Highlights of today's meeting were: Engineering department ordered to prepare five- projects for De cember letting. Iteauests made bv delegations for more than two million dollars of road work. Commission exnects to order next month for January letting, large piece or Roosevelt coast lug n way work. Commission will meet with Washington highway committee next week for final arrangements making interstate bridge toll-free. KooHeveit Highway T fcjttend On South Probably one of the most im posing of the projects contem plated will be the construction of a section of the Oregon coast high. way rrom Seal Rock, south of Yaquina bay to s Waldport and thence on to Tachats, all in Lin coln county. This Will nrrv the, highway to Cape Perpetua at the t-ane county line. The commis sion will meet-with government representatives next month to dis cuss this project with the hope mac u will De advertised at the January meeting, -t Central Oregon is tn fare n according to plans sketched today. The commission ordered 16 miles or grading .advertised on the cen tral Oreron hirhvav frnn TTo- per foBjtirretl ranch, and will make a surrey-west of Harper toi ward Burns in the spring. A del egation today asked for the "Im mediate stirrer, location and com pletion." bf tha eentral frnn highway. jThis would cost approx imately 11,000.00. Preliminary survey will be made. Road To Florence , ' - To Be Pushed Through Work on the Sinslaw hirW heretofore known as the Willam ette valley-Florence highway, is to oe pressea on as rapidly as pos sible. The ' forest bureau will h asked to prepare map details and me commission will . endeavor to close an agreement with th Southern Pacific railroad with an little delay as possible. . Maureiania Has Rough Passage Across Atlantic ..CHERBOURG. Franca. Nov la (AP) Bandaged - heads and arms were In evidence today whea the steamship Mauretania arrived in tne vneroourg roads from Ply mouth England, after a stouy crossing of the Atlantic. Twenty passengers and members of the crew ; were more or less slightly injured, ; . . , ' ; Several of the passengers were injured when thrown against waits when huge waves broke over the -decks.;. I ,. ... - . .'K.'.j.wi.L , ..... f RMBITIOUS HIGHWAY PROGRAM LAUNCHED REGLBTIOH'S IN CITYTflDAY Drainage Section to Occupy Center of Stage in Day's Program First Irrigation and Land Settle ment Later Topics; Ban quet on Thursday Leaders in the struggle which has endured through three de cades to reclaim Oregon's ( arid or marshy lands for agricultural use, wOl rather in Salem today! for the 18th. annual meeting of the Ore- ton Reclamation congress. Tne sessions, held at the Salem cham ber of commerce rooms, will con tinue until Friday. Today's sessions will be i devoted to drainage problems. The ad dress of welcome will be fiven by Percy Cupper, ex-state engineer, followed by the annual address by Sam H. Brown, president) of the Oregon Drainage association. He will discuss "Drainage Progress and Needs in Oregon." Reports and announcements by the secretary still follow. The morning session! will close with an address by Albert B. Ridgway, on "Needed Drainage Legislation." W. L. Powers of Oregon agricul tural college will discuss "Wet Willamette Soils and Their Im provement." ! Flood Problems Up For Discussion Today The afternoon session will open with an address by M. R. Lewis, drainage and irrigation specialist. on "Drainage by Means of! Wells.' This will be followed by an ad dress by W. G. Brown, oiu "Tide Gate Design." V Other speakers at the afternoon session will include Harvey Hale, Coos county agent, on "The Co qullle Valley Flood Problem" and Engineer Canfield, who will dis cuss "Run-Off Studies in Relation to Drain Capacities." Reports of committees and elec tlon of officers will conclude the first day's program. Mayor Will Welcome Irrigation Section The irrigation section will meet Thursday with an address! of wel come by Mayor T. A. Livesley. OMn Arnispiger win give the pres ident's annual Address. Reports and announcements by the secre tary and appointment of commit tees will follow. James M. Kyle, past president of the Oregon Reclamation con gress, wjll discuss "Sidelights on Congressional Procedure."! There also will be an address Thursday morning by W. G. Ide, manager of the state chamber of commerce, on "A Program of Settlement for Reclaimed Lands." The state district convention will be held Thursday afternoon, with an address by Governor Pat terson on "Reclamation and the State." Rhea Luper. staite engi neer, will discuss "Work and the Progress of the state reclamation commission." i H. D. Norton of Grants Pass will give the report of the iegis- (Turn to Page 2, Please.) PEnilTENTIABY NEED Henry W. Meyers,, superinten dent, of the Oregon state peniten tiary, recommended in. his annual report, filed Tuesday with the state board of control the selec tion of a' joint committee of the senate and house of the next Ore gon legislature to conduct a study and outline some plan looking to ward the construction of a new penitentiary as soon as possible. . Mr. Meyers requests- the con struction of a new administration building during the next bienni auin at a cost of $5500. j Other requests filed by Ir. Meyers include a new power plant at a cost of $33,000; metal tables for dining room;, $2000, 1 comple tion, of garage . started j several years ago, $6000, improving and repairing roof, i $3500; painting $10,000, oven $2500, and. fire protection $14,500, i - ! Mr. Meyers also has suggested in 'his report the addition of a second story to the garage rvhich would . be arranged to house ap proximately 100; trusties.) Such an Improvement would cost ap proximately $18,000. -1 J. N. Smith, superintendent of the state ' home for; thef feeble minded, has requested j a new school building and hosiptal. An addition to the chapel with basement for manual training has been requested by J.' W. Howard, superintendent of the ctate school for the blind. . , ! ' T3r. W. D. Morley, superinten dent of the eastern Oregon state hospital, said he would not ask for any Improvements during the next blennium because of i the depleted condition of the state's finances. Warnings Posted For Small Craft ASTORIA. . Orel Nov; 18. - (AP) Small craft warnings were xsted here tonight; following a lay of intermittent rains land cold gusts of wind from the north. VOICED BY MEYERS Smith Urges To "Carry On" Despite Overwhelming Defeat Party of Bryan and Solid South Stands for Liberal-, ity, Al Asserts NEW YORK, Nov. 13 (AP) Governor Alfred E. Smith told the country over the radio tonight that the principles of the demo cratic party were as great in de feat as they would have been in victory and that it was the party's duty "to carry on and vindicate" the principles for which it had fought. "Now that the dust and smoke of battle bars clearedaway." Smith said, I am grateful for the privilege extended to me by the democratic national committee of speaking to millions of my fellow citizens and of presenting to them some reflections of the campaign just ended. j ; "The democratic party is the oldest political organization in the United States, so well defined are the doctrines and the principles upon which it is founded that it has survived defeat after defeat. In the 65 years that have passed since the civil war, only two presi dents were elected on the demo cratic ticket. No political organi zation otherwise founded would have, been able during all these years to maintain an appeal to the peoDlebrpnght to the polls on last election day, fourteen and a half millions of voters, subscribers one more to its platform and renewing their pledges to the principles which it has upheld throughout its long history. Bourbons Almost Won Governor Believes "The verdict of the American people last Tuesday was not a crushing defeat of the democratic party that some of the headlines in the public press would have us believe. On the contrary, let us see what the facts are. Take the popular votes: "A change of ten per cent of the total number of votes cast would have changed the popular result. Considering it, from the viewpoint of our electoral college system, a change of less than 500,000 votes spread around the country would have altered the result. We have, therefore, the assurance from the election returns that the demo cratic party is a live, a vigorous and a forceful one. Existence of such a party is necessary under our system of government. The people rule negatively as well as affirmatively, and a vigorous and intelllgnt minority is a necessary check upon the tyranny of the ma jority. Experience has always shown even in our small political subdivisions that when the min ority party is weak and hopeless, grave abuses creep into the struc ture of government and th ad ministration of Its affairs. Two Party Government Is Declared Best When the majority party be lieves that it has everything its own way, it loses its fear of re prisals at the polls for misman- i rurn to Page 2. Please.) CANTANIA, Sicily, Nov. 13. CAP) Scientists and non-Mnrt observers agreed todav that th demon of Mount Etna probably uaa wrougni its worst from the present 12-day eruption of the volcano. They found, moreover, that th loss probably would ag gregate-about 118,500,000. The work of reconstruction has already been planned, chiefly in the way of mapping out new transportation routes around the fresh lava deposits. The Italian engineer corns. which has been busy for ten days found Itself confronted with an. other task this afternoon. The lava reached the road over which pass engers had been ferriLJn auto mobiles to trains on the other side of the main lava stream. This s!rut off that route of communication between Messina and Catania. The engineers started construction, of a new road 150 feet below the de molished one. The route is essen tial for maintenance of the econ omic life of Sicilys four million population. In reaching the total damage figures, nearly $8,500,000 were allowed for devastation of forests, about $3,000,000 for destruction of agricultural lands and more than $2,500,000 for Interruption of traffic and consequent loss of commerce. Destruction of build ings, roads,- bridges, railways and wire lines made up the balance. Springtime Beats Vernal Solstice, Commission Hears PORTLAND, Ore., Nor. 13.T (AP) A delegation 'from the open spaces of , Harney county today met ; with' the .. Oregon -State H 1 g h w a y Commission - and presented : a petition - for immediate survey of a section of highway. . "W8 will , do It after '. the vernal solstice," ob served Commissioner Saw ' yer, , who runs a . news- - paper.' " "r "What's that?" One of ; his ' hearers demanded. "What's . thejnatter with doing it in the spring?" ElKERnfll IS NOW ON HE Bourbons Slayers Leon Toral and Mother. Conception, Convicted For the Death of Mexi can Ruler The climax of Mexico's most sensational murder trial has been reached with the conviction of Ijeon Toral, young artist, and con' fessed slayer of Preskleat-eleet Obregon, together with Mother Superior Maria Concepcion, who was charged with being the "in. tellectual author" of the crime, Above shows Toral and the moth er superior in the courtroom dur ing the trial. The verdict may be appealed. MIERYHSFEII RIOT YET COMPLETE Favorable Outlook Seen; Plants Here Still Busy on Pack of Apples Reports current in West Salem Tuesday that the transfer of the West Salem cannery to Reid Mur- dock and company of Chicago had been ;completed, were denied by George F. Vick, an official of Uic Pacific Fruit Canning and Pack ing company, present owners. Recent correspondence has indi cated that the Chicago firm will take over the plant and make the improvements planned, but final action will not be taken un til J. H. Madden, Seattle represen tative of the company, visits the Chicago office. He is believed oh his way there this week. Three of the canneries of Salem are still running on apples, and at least one of them if not all three will be going on this fruit up to Christmas. The apple pack of the Salem canneries for this year will with out doubt be the largest in the history of the canning industry here. For any one of 'he three it is every few days as large as the whole cannery pack in 1910, which was. 80,000 cases. The Hunt cannery is going on apples, and will be operating on this fruit for at least a month longer. The West Salem cannery is be ing operated by the Northwest cannery people on apples. : The Starr cannery is running two shifts on apples, and this plant has steady going mapped out for six weeks yet up to Christ mas time; maybe longer. The canned apples are taken by me oaiery ana hotel ana res taurant trades all over the United States, and some are exported, go ing mostly to England, where they eater the same, trade. Prices to the trade vary, according to Tart etv. The apples msed In the SalenTr ai canneries come In car lot ship ments, mostly i from the Med ford and North Yakima districts; some from local and other points. ' Apple canning, when completed, will finish the long canning sea son here, beginning away back in May on gooseberries; unless there shall be some small runs on vege tables at the Paulus plant. The apples go in large cans; four times the family site,' or cans to the case. Explosion Fatal . To Two Men WJio Light Cigarettes v .: ' .- - - ' ' " ' '' .' ' f IIARSHFIELD, Ore.;" Nov. lSk (AP)- Michael Sumerlin, 66, of! Bakers Creek; near. Myrtle Pointy and J. J.- Landry.' of Portland, were . killed yesterday when dynamite caps exploded, set ting off a box of explosive. 7 . J T22 MISSING irj SEA DISASTER; WORST FEARED 206 of Ship's 328 Passen gers and Crew Picked up By Rescue Craft Searchlights Seek in Vain For Remaining Survivors On Life Raft By the Associated Press The second night after the 3t passengers and crew abandoned the Lamport and Holt liner Ves- tris in a sinking condition, .found 200 persons aboard rescue craft. some of which were steaming to ward port; 122 were still unac counted for in an official conipiT-y ation made by the owners of the Vestris. A lone life raft from the ill- fated steamer Vestris and bits of wreckage that might support oth. er survivors on the wind tossed seas off the Virginia capes were being sought out by the search lights of rescue waft last night. Dispatches that filtered through the ether from rescue ships said that lifeboats had been found, and in bne of them was the crew from a seventh lifeboat which capsized. The battleship Wyoming, which had picked up some of the survi vors, reported through a wreck ing tug that all the life boats that were launched by the Vestris had been accounted for, and a message from four destroyers that also were continuing the search, an nounced that one life raft still was adrift. SKIPPER DESCRIBES RESCUE Terse Message Radioed by Captain dimming to Shore Station NEW YORK. Nov. 13. (AP) A terse description of the rescue work performed by the S. S. American shipper at the scene of the sinking of the liner Vestris was radioed -tonight by Captain Cummings of the rescue ship. In his message picked up by the radio marine! station of (be Western Union Telegraph com pany at Chatham, Mass., Captain Cummings paid tribute to '.he pluck of a man and woman who were rescued after floating in the rough sea for 18 j hours. The text of the; message was: "Arrived radio position Vestris at 10:30 p. m., started search. Cruised about until 3:40 a. m., when first flare, sighted 4:06 a. m., first boat alongside. Rescued five boat 8, all aboard, at 7:30 steamer through wreckage, found man and woman In water. Launched boat and picked up two pluckiest people i ever met. Eighteen hours in water. Steamed through and through wreckage. seeking further survivors, until noon. Proceeded New York, leav- ng several naval vessels at scene of disaster. (Signed) "Cummings." CUMMINGS IS HIGHLY LAUDED Shipping Board Adopts Resolution Commending Skipper WASHNQTON, Nov. 13. rAP) - The Shipping Board adopted a resolution today expressing appre ciation and pride In the courage and skill displayed by Captain Schuyler F. Cummings, and the officers and crew of the American shipper, in the rescue of 123 per sons from the,-wrecked steamer Vestris off the Virginia capes. The life saving feat of Captain Cummings whose vessel was the first to reach the stricken Vestris, however; was not his first rescue at sea for which he received com mendation. In 1925 he performed a rescue for which he was cited last year in a congressional report by the house committee on com merce. J. Benner Buys 16 Acre Tract East of Salem Joseph Benner. general delivery clerk at the SalemY posiofflce, has just closed a deaKfdr a 10-acre suburban Bocie site adjacent lo the fairgrounds and.' between the Garden - road and Sllverton higa-way.-2c IThe ' purchase was made through' Carey Martin, local at- 'Uorney, actln for Walter Baraga wptriivoa &it vm., vu. a Mr. Benner has oougni tne prdtrtT as an investment and be cause he has faith- in the future expansion of Salem. He believes the time is not far distant when he can put into execution his plan to divide it into city lots. Mr. Benner has other holdings in the city, Including a. 75-foot frontage on South Commercial street which he bought a short time ago. Wottld-Be Slayer Of Toral Suicides . MEXICO CITT, Nov. 13. p) Foiled in an -attempt to kill Jose de Leon Toral in revenge, for the assassination of his uncle. Captain Jesus Obregon tonight re turned to his home here and com mitted suicide. He had been dis armed when he drew a pistol at the door of the cell In which the convicted slayer of General Al varo Obregon, president-elect of Mexico is confined. ' "