The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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The New Oregon Statesman, -Salem, : Oregon, Tuesday Morning, November 13, 1928
' S",
Bat One i New Democrat-is
jAmong 4 "Senators and
- 9 Congressman
(AP) Four new face will ap
pear in the senate when it re
convenes next month for the short
and - last term of the present con
greas. The new senators, all re-
publicana.were chosen at this elec
tfoir Uf; fill unexpired terms of de
ceased v members and one. vacancy
cassedtby resignation. ." ,
,k An additional nine new mem
bers, 'eight of whom are repubii
cans, will be sworn when the new
ly elected congress comes into or
f ice after next March 4. These
members In most instances defeat
ed incumbents but one will fill a
seat voluntarily relinquished.
. The new members who will take
office immediately are John Thom
as, of Idaho, succeeding the late
Frank R. Gooding: representative
Theodore Burton, of Ohio, suc
ceeding the late Frank B. Willis;
Octavtno A. Larrazolo, of New
Mexico,-succeeding the late Andr-
teos A. Jones; and Otis K. Glenn,
of Illinois, who takes the seat
vacated by Frank L. Smith.
8 Have Long Terras
" Thomas. Burton and Glenn will
serve until 1932 when the regular
terms of their predecessors would
bare expired. Larrasolo will serve
nlv until March 4. the conclu
sion of the term of the late Sen
for Jones.
New republican senators who
will renlace democrats and who
will be among the nine taking of
flee when the new congress recon
venes are: John G. Townsend, jr..
who defeated Senator Bayard of
Deleware; Phillips Lee Golds
homnrh who defeated Senator
Brace, of Maryland. Hamilton F
K-Aam hn defeated Senator Ed
wards." 6f New Jersey: Felix Her
bert who defeated Senator Gerry
of. Rhode Island: and Henry D
natflffid who defeated Senator
Meelv of West Virginia.
"Frederick C. Walcott. republi
can, won the senatorshlp from
Connecticut, succeeding Senator
oonrr P. McLean, who was not a
caatHtiate for re-election.
(Continued from Page 1.)
the streets Sunday evening to
observe how much you folks de
pend upon the illumination of
display windows and street signs
on your lighting in the business
district. I think your down-town
district would be much more at
tractive if it were well lighted."
O. E. PRICE, local shoe store
proprietor, said: "There Is a
type of street light which give-
a ' lot more light for the same
price, than the type now in use
hare. In my work on a commit
tee which has been investigat
ing the proposal to install this
improved system in Salem, I
have been convinced from the
experiences of other cities that
tt is vastly superior. I under
stand that to obtain lta installa
tion, an amendment to the city
charter would be necessary."
G. M. CAUSEY, local telephono
expert, said: "Salem's street
lighting system may not be per
fect, but it certainly is a lot bet
ter than it was a year or two
ago. . Almost anywhere you go
In the city at night, you can't
get very far from a street light
of. some kind. I can remember
when this wasn't the case."
CARL- POPE, local attorney,
said: "I think it would be a
worth while improvement to In
stall higher powered lights and
better posts in the business sec
tion. If streets are bright at
night they look busy and pros
perous. The Pacific Highway
passes right through Salem, and
there are a great many visitors
who see the city at night. It is
no more than good business to
give them a favorable impres
sion of our community."
C. T. MOFFITT, 1910 South,
Church street, said : "The street
lights are fine out In this part
of town. There seems to be suf
ficient light down town. Of
course, there could be a flood
of light making it as bright as
day. but I think that would be
over-doing it. : The extra ex
pense to the city would not be
MRS. F. E. KENNEDY. 1140
Center street, said: "There Is
not near enough light on Salem
streets. I have never been in as
''lark a town of this sise. More
lights are needed on the corners
-nd in the middle of the block.
The whole town needs more
lights . ,
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Coleen Moore, who Is starred ta
the film version, of Jane Cowl's
noted play, "Lilac Time," coming
to the Elslnore theatre Friday. -
u I IILuuLU III imuJaneiJowl sureat
(Continued from Page 1.)
club, with lta float representing
cemetery with many rows of cross
es marking the graves of Boldiers,
was the winner.
Winners Announced
During Exercises
Judges were Justice Harry PI.
Belt of the supreme court, C. F.
Oiese and Fred A. Williams. The
prize in each section was a hand
some loving cup offered by Capi
tal Post No. 9 of the American
Legion. Announcement of the win
ners was made by Col. Carle
Abrams, chairman of the day, at
the exercises held following the
parade. i
The parade was headed by the
grand marshall and his staff, fol
lowed by the colors; an automo
bile carrying state officials aud
another with City officials; the
189th Infantry band, three march
ing units of National Guards; the
G. A. R.. Ladies of the GA. R.
ind'War Mothers la automobiles;
.he Sons of Veterans and Auxll
ary. Daughters of Veterans, the
Cherrian band. Spanish war vet
erans and Auxiliary, Veterans of
Foreign Wars and Auxiliary, the
American Legion drum corps, the
'egion members and auxiliary, the
Cherrians. Fraternal marching un
its and then the floats.
Floats had been entered by the
Y. M. C. A., the Modern Woodmen
md Royal Neighbors, the N. O. W
Salem high school, and a number
of Industrial firms including the
Shell. Associated, Richfield and
Standard oil companies, and the
Salem Brick & Tile company.
Last Saturday we heard Yale
and Southern California tumble
at the same time.
Salem "Pnrib 'Ostae
(eta 4a -IttOttlEMft S2
fn -a Wo vor
In Parte
TV -n
President-Elect Hoover Will
Board Ship at San Pedro
Next Monday ;
(Continued from Page 1.)
Valparaiso, Chile. where Hoover's
party will disembark for the land
journey across the southern conti
nent to Santiago.
This iournev over the Trans
Undine railroad will take the pres.
ident-elect Into altitude above
10,000 feet as he passe over the
Andes along the border between
Chile and Argentina . ; -
Many applications have been re
ceived from Spanish linquists who
are anxious to serve as interpret
er on the journey. Although Mr,
Hoover does not! speak Spanish,
Ambassador Fletcher Is an adept
In the Language, f
During the first lap bf his more
than forty days' Journey,-Mr. Hoo
ver will have ample time aboard
ship to prepare the speeches which
he will deliver In the various cap
itals of the western Latin-Amerl
can republics and, also to attend
to a vast volume; or work con
nected with, domestic affairs.
which must be transacted before
he concludes hist good-will mis
sion upon bis arrival In Florida
in January. i
His headquarters on the Mary.
Land, designed for the accommo
dation of a fleet admiral, will be
completely equipped for the trans
action of this work. In his suite
will be four rooms, a bedroom, a
large dining room, a larce living
room, and a small sitting room.
Ambassador Fletcher and the oth
er members of bis; Immediate par
ty win have private staterooms In
a nearby section of the ship.'
The president-elect spent most
flhg at many of the details Which
necessarily mustbe cleared away
before he leaves for the voyage.
A steady rain, the second of the
f sason, kept him indoors the great
er part of the day.
I r .
Play At Elsinore
The .Elslnore Theatre has book.
ed one of the biggest 'productions
or the year for an extended run
commencing Friday.
The picture is "Lilac Time." a
special production i in which Col
leen Moore Is starred, with Gary
Cooper opposite, which comes to
Salem with an established record
as one of the most charminr love
stories ever recorded on the
Adapted from the celebrated
stage play by Jane Cowl and Jane
Murfln, "Lilac Time' 'Is the story
of a little French girl who grows
from childhood to young woman
hood nnder the shadow of the
world war. i
All of the drama, the pathos of
a girl caught In the maelstrom ef
the great conflict; Is said to be
depicted by Miss Moore, who as
Jeannlne, reaches dramatic
heights that far outshine any role
of her career. Gary Cooper, a com
parative newcomer to the films,
handles the chief supporting role,
while the direction of George Flts
maurice. It is claimed, establishes
him as a supreme genius.
Comical Charlie as a down-and-outcr
who goes from bad to
worse and from worse to poli
tics. You're in for a
great treat when
yon see
1 I
i tisinore iHnsiLi33)A
Yorld'g Champion UnlcjcIUt
Prirru Donsa "
. Kutern Radio Artists
Byron! K. Toulger of the Circuit
Repertory company of the Moroni
Oson Players, opening at" the Elsl
nore Wednesday- in Rachel Cro-
ther'a brilliant American comedy,
Expressing WflHe."
The First Circuit Repertory
company of the Moroni Olsen play
ers. Is ready to Invade Salem on
Wednesday, appearing at the El
slnore theatre nnder ibe auspices
of the. Salem Lions and . Klwanis
clubs. : ; ," .J
The growth' ef this playing or
ganisation from the time of Its
founding Ogden, Utah, In the fall
of 19 23 ; has been phenomenal "in
more ways than one.
Not only has It made Itself a
place of' national recognition on
Its merits as a playing company,
but It has made Itself a recognized
institution In the cultural devel-
lopment of the territory in which
lt taflaence .h"
It has pioneered and made
practical in the western states the
Idea of ; circuit repertory presen
tation, which is the only effective
means by which plays of recog
nlzed merit and. distinction may be
presented by actors of recognized
ability to the public In districts
lacking first rate theatrical enter
tainment.! Moroni Olsen, Janet Young and
Byron K. Foulger when they
launched their Circuit Repertory
Cbmpany (underlined with the
name "Moroni Olsen Players"
with Mr. Olsen as director, to pre
vent plagiarism, of the name or
trading on the Idea by subsequent
organisations that might spring
up) recognized the wants in we
existing means of providing the
atrical entertainment and endea
vored to devise a plan that would
meet these wants.
Cat and Rat Pale
ORANGE, Mass. (AP) A cat
owned by. a woman here ws dis
covered, she says, romping in
friendly fashion with a rat In her
cellar. Time has shown them to be
regular pals, she asserts, but as
a monser the cat Is a "dud."
-I ' ' -
I !
Fof Armistice Day Hlrom a
H View of Paul's Leadership
"Paul was i the greatest organ
liar, conqueror and teacher, next
to the Divine teacher, that the
world has ever known," Congress
man W. C. Hawley told a large
audience at the First Methodist
church Sunday evening. The ser
vice was a layman's meeting under
the auspices of the First Church
Men's council, i at which Roy
Hewitt, dean of Willamette uni
versity law school presided.
. 'Paul established Christianity
throughout the Roman Empire
He was a man of great; wisdom
and r spiritual j insight and moral
courage. As Congressman .Gil
lette said when he introduced
King Albert lot Belgium to the
congress: 'He was the manliest of
kings and the kingliest of men.'
When a moral question interfered
with business, the business had to
be changed, j !
"Paul stood before the great
men of his day and impressed
upon them the might of his mind
and the power iof his character.
By the power of love rather than
force he succeeded in establishing
the Christian religion without the
shedding of a drop of blood save
that of his own.; j
"On this Armistice day when
(Continued from Page 1.)
sold as low as $86.25 a share this
yer. i i
Oils and coppers changed hands
in tremendous volume and blocks
of 10,000 to 25,000 shares, which
ordnlarlly evoke cheers from
brokers on the floor.j passed
scarcely unnoticed. Anaconda,
American Smelting, Cherro de
Pasco, Inspiration. Kennecott and
sxlaml coppers and Sinclair, Mexi
can Seaboard. Skellev and Mar-
land oils all topped their previous
1928 peaks.
The violence of the advance and
the market's annarent disregard
for the mounting volume of brok
ers' loans and; the decreasing! low
yield of the leading securities lead
to heavy profit taking on the
part of conservative traders. As a
result, such recent favorites as
American Express. Chicago A
Northwestern; Dupont, j General
Electric, General Motors. Murray
corporation, and Stanley Co.. of
America lost $1.75 to $3.75 a
share. Montgomery-Ward, which
ran up in sensational fashion last
week, dropped SI 4 'a share and
Otis Elevator $6.
New Furniture for Thanksgiving! What could be finer? And it need not cost
you a large sum for we are selling high quality furniture at the most moderate
prices. Just a small payment down and the balance in small weekly or monthly
payments and will take your old furniture in as part payment.
This jut a dining -suite that anyone would be proud
arm chair. An extraordinary value at this price.
EdcUtein Bavarian
! Factory A Grade
A large assortment of pattern and every set fa
fully guaranteed
Use . i "
i - 4-'i "'"''"-' ' ''' A 'i r".
Your ;
we are recounting the cost of the
last great war and contemplating
the time of world peace. It Is well
to remember that we may talk
about peace to the end of time
but so long as there is In the
heart of man a blood lust there
will be an attempt at war. Amer
ica is now taking the lead to a
better day. The gospel of Paul,
which was the gospel of Christ,
was the " gospel of peace. .He
wrote to-the dissenting church of
Corinth, 'Behold I show unto you
a more excellent way.' That was
the way of lore, not bate, peace
not strife. Justice, friendship and
brotherhood for all."
MONMOUTH. Ore.. Nov. 12.
(Special) The Oregon Normal
school Wolves defeated the Chem
awa Indian school eleven here this
afternoon before a large Armis
tice day crowd, 25 to 0.
Despite the one sided score, it
was a hard fought game, with
the normal eleven scoring' only
once in each quarter and then on
decided breaks in Its favor. Camp
bell, Ayers and Senn carried the
ball over for touchdowns.
Epic of the
Early West!
$17.75 to $150
FUrtlns New "Racket"
""CHICAGO (AP) -And now the
"racketeer flirt;. A pretty girl
waits at a street corner until a
motorists picks her up. The next
day he Is warned to send a $10
or $20 bill, or his wife will be
Tomorrow Night, IVed. Nov. 1 4
9 m$&
. OP
Mni (Mm R
Lower Floor (center) and Mezzaznine L
Lower Floor (1st seven and last fire rows) ...
Balcony, 1st two rows , L.
Balcony, next eight rows '
Balcony, last seven rows
Sponsored by Salem
Is a necessity for most people. Com
paratively few families can be left fi
nancially eomfortable without it. Most
people carry too little, considering that
the income it will produce is about one .
dollar per thousand per week.
You may double or triple your estate
by additional life insurance.
A. N. Bush, Pres. -Wm.
S. Wanton, V.-Pres.
Suite $So
to own; consists of table, buf:
ployee of a railroad here, refund
to retire, explaining that he t3 ; i0
young to quit work." He has be(M,
given a position as colonization
agent for a subsidiary of his , (,ni
pany. j
. 1.50
. 1.00
. .75
. .50
Lions and Kiwanis clubs.
IT ?ar3222Tv
Ik P. Aldrlch. Sec'y.
Jos. H. Albert, Trust Officer
fet, 5 chairs, and one
We Charge
L 1
) W W W ! fc W J dTim ml JJ
4 '-.j:
1 ; f - f .
' " ! i : 1