The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    0 '
j. -
Problem Chiefly One of How
to Mix and Apply T
Mortar to Bricks -
By Ij. B. VEST
ET walls are the least of my
worries and, believe . me
rd hear about . them II
any of my bouses bad tbem.. The
people wbo bay my houses would
soon ring me up, day or night, If
water eominn' through. If you
build 'em right, they won't leak.
" MJuatier wnai Kind 01 brier you
1 ills was Auu; sniwtr. io 1117
tlon what is the cause of
damp walls )n a brick house. My
next question was well, - you're
eo cocky about it, how do you
build them so they are "right?
And what be told me Is worth
passing along, although there Is
no secret about It and a little
common sense thinking would
andproduce the same answer.
let's put down a few essentials
and recall a few important things
that we all ought to know and
keep fa mind but we all don't.
I am repeating Andy, as nearly
as I can recall his words.
Water Does Not Penetrate
Now get It straight, the water
don't come through the brick. It-
can't, but it don't hare to. If
other places are easier to get
through, and often they are. Just
consider the mortar Joints for, at
moment, although they are not
only offenders.
Pure " cement mortar is all
right, but if you mix a little hy
draed lime or lime putty with
it, it makes it smoother and the
jrkman don't have so much
trniiMa In filling V U.t. .
rVhe isn't so apt to get tired and
..ig-m eome 01 me worn. fni
about 10-15 per cent Ume with
your 1-3 cement mortar, or go to
a straight 1-1-6 cement-lime mor
tar and you'll gain in workability
what you may lose In mortar
strength which is plenty strong
in any case. But don't expect
a "skinny" mortar to do the Job.
One part cement and seven or
eight parts sand Isn't mortar, any
more than a litle cement and a
lot of rock and sand is concrete.
You can't make a good warm
overcoat out of shoddy cloth.
'I'm not talking about that kind
of mortar. "
How To Apply Mortar
Now, haying some good work
able mortar, put It into the wall
around the bricks, not Just a lit
tle on the front edge. Lay the
brick in a full bed of smoothed
(not grooTed) mortar and butter
the end Joints enough to fill'
each outside vertical joint at
least half way back from the face
all the way back is much bet-
tf-And don't fit closers in so
got that you can't get any mor
tar in the rertlcal Joins. Chip
them down to a size a little smal-
than the space they .go in and
get some mortar around them.
1 ve found closers the causer of
trouble more than once. .And
usually because they were fitted
so tight that the Job was finished
by striking the outside of the
Joint so It would look like some
mortar . was in there.
And, speaking of striking
joints, It's always safer to strike
all Joints If you want to be sure.
It doesn't take much time, nor
cost much, and a weather struck
joint makes It hard for the water
to even start its Journey through
the wall.
If you fill the Joints of the out
er wythe of eren a 4-lnch waH,
water can't get through, though
frost may. If the outer Joints
of an t-lneh or thicker wall are
full of good mortar, you can go
home and forget It as , far as
water getting through goes.
(Building Econmoy,)
Howard Zimmerman, son of A
R. Zimmerman who lives north
of Salem, was elected circuit Judge
in Clatsop county Tuesday, de
feating Judge Eakin who has held
the off lea for 20 years. Mr. Zim
merman ran on the democratic
ticket, making his victory all tLo
more remarkable In the midst of
the republican landslide. The
elder Zimmerman Is a faithful re
publican and considers his son the
political "black sheep" of the fam
ily, even though proud of his suc
cess. ' ,. : : .
The circuit Judge-elect received
his elementary and high school ei
ucatlon in Salem, graduating from
Salem high. He then attended
University of Oregon for four
years, receiving a bachelor of arts
t degree, and earned his law de
gree at stanrora university, h
.as been practicing law at Astoria
for 12 years. '
State Dry Force f'
Busy Last Month
State prohibition , - operatives
participated In 93 arrests for vto-
Z-riations of the "dry" laws during
Nfthe month of October, according
y a report -prepared here. Thurs
day h - yQteorge Alexander, Estate
prohibition director; Fines . lm
posed In the several cases aggre
gated SS7S0 with Jail sentence
totalling 1315 days. - The off lcera
'destroyed 5444 gallons of . mash
and 81 gallons of finished liquor.
. Fifteen itllls were confiscated and
two automobiles were seised.
Durabllity Stando Out AH Ovor Thb Memo
IHsL m ill
Bow - SjSj-' $ If..;
. . - -!S- 1 .
x LM03T every house, whether it be man- makes for extra expense In construction
fA sion or the humblest cottage, has some without adequate return in the way of roomi
M M outstanding characteristic which im- ness. beauty and comfort.- . . "
presses one at first sight. Whether that
impression is .pleasing or otherwise often
has .an important .
monetary value
as not infre
quently it gov
erns to no small
degree the sale
ability of the
house. It is a fea
ture to give care-
ful consideration' r
in the selection of fl"
your house plan.
About this
home lingers an
air of substan
tiality that is in
stantly impres
sive, une senses
with a glance that it Is well built, that its
durability is assured and that for many
years to come there will he little or no
demand for repairs. And fn design it dis
plays good lines, a minimum of all that
Th Common Brick Mmifrturr'
a brU- conktructioa ho! upon rcquosC
That a good understanding
better qualifies a person for a
klace in society was pointed out
by H. F. Durham, principal of the
Parrish Junior high school, who
spoke at the luncheon meeting
of the Lions club in -the school
building Friday. The advance
tn educational methods and
equipment was pointed out by Mr.
Durham In the course of his talk
in connection with National Ed
ucation week. The trend toward
growth in ethical character was
cited by the speaker.
The average salary for teachers
40 years ago was $20 a month as
compared with $1295 for the
whle school year as paid now.
Besides receiving more for their
services, it waa pointed out that
the teachers are working under
much better conditions in the
modern schools. While few of the
teachers in the 1880's bad more
than a high school education
many now have several years of
college training In addition to the
normal school course.
School attendance has increased
17 per cent la the last 40 years
from 62 per cent to 79 per cent
oft the children of Junior high age.
The length of the teaching term
has increased 38 days until It is
now 168 days a year. The av
erage attendance has more 'than
doubled to reach 109 days at the
present time. ,
The luncheon was served under
the direction of Mrs. Creech, di
rector of the domestic science de
partment by: i girls taking the
. . s a a a.
course, in connection wun me
tasty luncheon, Delbert Jenson
gave a violin solo and Helen Ben
ner a vocal solo. Mrs. 8wan
played the accompaniments. -.
Doctor at 83 Found People
Preferred His Prescription
The basis of treating. Mckness
has not changed since Dr. Cald
well left Medical College lnlS7.
nor since be placed on the market
the laxative description he had
nsed m his nraetice. known ton
druggists and the public since
1892, as Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup
Then, the treatment of consti
pation, biliousness, headaches,
mental depression, , indigestion,
sour stomach and other lndlspo
sKlons that result from constipa
tion was entlrefy by means of
simple vegetable laxatives, herbs
and roots. These are still, the
basis of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Peo-
sln. which Is a combination of
senna - and other mild - laxative
herbs, with pepsin.
Dr. Caldwell did not approve of
drastic physics and purges. He
did not believe . they were good
for human beings to put into their
system." It grown people want to
use them no one an deny them
the privilege, but they shojild nev
er be given to children.
. The simpler the remedy tor con
stipation, the safer tor the child
and for ' you,, and the better , tor
the general health of all. And as
you can get results in a mild and
safe way by. using Dr. Caldwell's
Syrun Pepsin, why take chances
with strong drugs? All drug
stores have the generous bottles.
.Many , Is " the family today that
makes it a rule always, to have a
bottle of this perfect preparation
In the house. Keep it handy and
observe these i three simple rules
of health: keep the head cool, the
,i . . nr i , i
porch in the rear. Altogether it is ideal.
Association. Clerdand. Ohio, cm furalsfc
Girls Start To
Compile School
Census Figures
Twelve members of Miss Eliza
beth Hogg's advanced commercial
classes have started to arrange the
school registration and census
cards In alphabetical order that
each may be compared against tbj
other. In this way many children
who have moved to town and
started to school after the census
roll Is completedjln their neigh
bor hood are noted e the- final
census. Following t'als work, the
girls will type the complete cen
sus list. The number on the cen
sus must be ready for the county
school superintendent December 1.
According to present indica
tions, the Salem school popula,
tlon. Including all children from
4 to 20 years old, will not show
much Increase over last year.
Girls working on the census are:
Dorothy McCracken, Doris Enos,
Helen McEIroy, Gladys O'Neil,
Lula Wlederkehr, Lydla Rehfuss,
Virginia' Rehfuss, Virginia Ahalt,
Sylvia Honkala, Juanlta Walling,
Irene WIndso, Sibyl White and
Harriet Adams.
Floods Lacking;
Drains -Success
. Despite the heavy fall of rain
in the last two days, the ueual
flooding of basements In Salem
has not occurred, reports Hugh
"Rogers, dty engineer. The rea
so n Is thattthe recently construct
ed sfbrm drains are doing what
bey were intended o do. No com
plaints have come either from
North Salem or Southeast Salem,
where floods have been an annual
occurrence in the past.
'AT AC as
feet warm, and the bowels open.
We would be glad to have you
prove at our expense how mucn
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can
mean to you see special offer In
coupon: ;' . .s';'.'i':; ; ,
I Mail to "SYRUP PEPSIN," . I J
JlonucelJoUijBois. -
J Please send ibottls of Dr. Caldwell's I
'P. O. ' I " .-''TrS' " '
The New Oregon Statesman, 8al2in,- Oregon; Sunday Morning, November 11, 1SS8
And the floor plan speaks ior itseii, tell
ing a pleasing story - of good arrangement,
of large, com
fortable and well
lighted rooms, of
ample closets and
no waste of val
nable space
Both floors are
laid out with
every considera
tion' for; conven
ience. It is a plan
that seems to
meet every re
quirement and
omit nothing.
On the first
floor living arid
dining rooms art
both large-and well lighted. The second
floor, 'reached by a center stairway .from
the living room, provides three extra large
sleeping rooms and bath, with a sleeping
oomplsU wl for tUa
J. E. Sommer of the aeronautics
division of the federal department
ofcommeree was in Salem during
the week Inspecting possible sites
for the airport for which the city
of Salem has voted 360,000 in
Roberts, Inc.
Residence Loons .
Straight or Monthly
205 1 Oregon Bldg.
DeLuxe - Sedan .
Sport Cabriolet
Four-Passenger Coupe
Sport Sedan
DeLaxe Sedan
Sport Roadster
Sedan - .
Coupe .
Telephone 423
Yamhill's Vote.
w First Reportet
Tamhill was the tint county
In Oregon to filer Its rote in Tues
day's general election with the
secretary of state. Returns from
Tamhill county were received here
Thursday.' The work of 'canvas
sing the rote of Tuesday's elec
tion will get under way today la
the .state department. Officials
said It would require a month to
complete the work.
Campbell To Be
Band Director
6ILVERTON, Ore., Not. 10-
(Special) Hal L. Campbell of
Portland has ben elected dlrec-
Hiiautl Sayings and Loan Association
8alem Institution Organised in 1910 1
Place your savings with us
Let us finance your home on weekly
- or, monthly payments
142 Southj Liberty Street !
7W? BU!LB2 T Of'. 7W&
Practy Cal says:
lThe advertisement that rings the bell is the one
that sounds true. If it isn't believed it seems to
wear a shamed face.'!
and All Building Materials
Gabriel Powder feSupply Co
Office, Yard
10 North Capitol
Onr entire stock of new current Dodge ! Brothers Stand
ard and Victory Six Passenger Cars will be sold at once
to make room for forthcoming changes in models early
next year. -
AD of these cars are the very latest types big, roomy
cars, with beautiful colors and rich upholstery. Each
the most astonishing performing ar in its class.
Outstanding values at their former prices and now at
these new prices the most extraordinary' bargains in
Standard Six
New Price
Victory Six
New Price
-1 .945
All Priced. F. O. B. Detroit
. " a - .- ;n .: I !'."
Convenient terms even at these low
tor of the Four L band of 811
verton. Mr. Campbell baa had
year of experience as band and
orchestra leader. At preeent he
Is conducting a high, school or
chestra class. BUrerton's first
opportunity to hear the SUverton
band under Ur. Campbell's lead
ership will be on Armistice day.
Interstate Bus
Service To Open
On November 18
Operation of daily : north bound
and south, bound through inter
state motor eoacheenrice between
San Francisco and Portland, to be
commenced November IS by the
Southern Pacific Motor Transport
company, waa announced .Thure-
day by TB. Wilson, .rice preei-
and Warehowse
Telephone 2248
250 .
, 25
, ! '
474 S. Commercial, Salem
i i
dent and general manager of the
company. i
The run between the two cities
will be made in 29 hours and 40
Motor coaches nsed In this
service," Wilson said, "will be
modern and commodious. As the
operation will be interstate, only
passengers from Oregon to Cali
f ornla points or from California
to points In Oregon will be car
Saves You Money
No oced to remove your old roof
ky Red- Cedar Shingles right over
th old tooL
A thoroughly practical method has
been worked out mvc removing
old roof, avoids Utter, faaproves p
'pearancs of house, adds amaaogly
to warmth and ootafort.
Well be glad to supply detaflAilhw
tnted folder, estimate also the
shingle. ' We provide a cosipleU
ihingliag and re-hfngHny service.
X)ont re-roof until you investigate.
Csll or thorn for Fuller PcrticuUn
J. ,W. Copeland Yards
Yards in West Salem. Albany, Lents, Hnbbard, Yamhill,
You'd be surprised
how little BRICK costs"
J yj FTER we'd reached the point
where we were discussing the
kind of house we would build, my wife said: 'Of
course I'd rather have brick who wouldn't if you
think we can afford it.' I laughed, for I'd been doing
settle investigating and discovered we couldn't afford
NOT to build with brick."
That's getting to be a common experience. People
who haven't known much about brick construction are
amazed at its economy when the lifetime cost is con
sidered. And with this economy they get the advantages of
beauty, permanence, protection and distinction which
brick walls give to any home.
j t
Have you noticed the increasing proportion of brick
homes you see in driving about this city?. It shows
a trend that is significant.
If you are planning to build
a new home or buy one, it
w31 pay you to consider the
advantages of brick.
Write for This Book
Today It's Free
913 Arctic Bldg.
jor Qtmfs
Or in Salem, Telepone 917
The Salem Brick & Tile Co.
Information, about brick
- - - " -
will be
Or we" wiH recom
mend ja brick con
tractor who can give
yori any additional,
information about
your, proposed con
struction, -v I
Mill Accident
Injury Slight
MILL, CITY, Ore., Not. 10 i
( Special ) Leonard Cappllnger
had a narow escape Wednesday
when the Ross carrier (he was
driving skidded on .slippery
planks and went oft the mill
dock. He escaped with no more
serious injury than a wrenched
Adds to Comfort
practical and
proven method
I -
ELliott 3643
construction, costs, plans
-I-'-" t -
... ..
J i